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01x02 - What If… T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?

Posted: 08/18/21 05:52
by bunniefuu



It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility,

where a single choice can branch
out into infinite realities,

creating alternate worlds
from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher.

I am your guide through
these vast new realities.

Follow me and ponder the question...

"What if?"

The galaxy, to your eyes, a
hundred billion points of light.

But where you see light,

I see worlds and the
countless stories that fill them.

But in a Multiverse of
infinite possibility,

is your destiny determined by your nature

or by the nature of your world?


Drop it! Drop it now!

Who are you?

Identify yourself.

STAR-LORD: Who, me? I am
just an ordinary junker.

But there is one name
you may know me by.

Oh, my. Star-Lord!

I'm a huge fan of your work.
What are you doing here?

That was not the
reaction I was expecting.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Stop! Show some respect.

This is the Star-Lord, legendary outlaw.

Steals from the powerful
and gives to the powerless.

Should we be bowing? I feel
like we should be bowing.

I mean, unless we should be kneeling.

- Neither is necessary.
- Please.

- You are a lord.
- It is not an official title.

- Nor is it one I am comfortable with.

Of course you would be
humble. Classic Star-Lord.

I almost wish I didn't
have to take that from you.

Surely something this powerful
is better off in my hands.

It's just that my boss,
Ronan, super, super intense.

But I could be convinced
to make a career change.

Appreciate the interest,
but we're all staffed up.

Oh, totally. Totally get it. But
at least now I get to spar with you.

I guess if that's really what you want.

Oh, it shall be the honor of my life.

- Oh. Uh, should I not use the g*n?
- Go ahead.

- Really?
- Please.

No, it's not a problem.

- I'll get rid of it.
- It's okay.

- You sure?
- Go ahead, use the g*n.

That is so generous of you.

- Ready?
- KORATH: Oh, yes.


You do not disappoint, my
lord. So nimble, so spry.

I'm right here. Hit me.

- Oh. My Lord! I didn't mean to...
- That is what we're here for.

Do it again. But this time, faster.

- Harder.
- Really?

I barely moved. Hit me.


Classic Star-Lord.

Now I almost feel bad.

Well, I have hired worse.

SOLDIER: Freeze, Ravager.
We have you outnumbered.

It would appear, but a
Ravager never flies solo.


I said, "A Ravager never flies solo."

Uh, is that some kind of catchphrase?



You had me worried for a second.

Who's the Sleeping Beauty?

A new recruit. He was after this as well.


Thermal signature's off the charts.

You know, if we wanted
to have some real fun,

we'd make like the old days

and sell this bad boy
to the highest bidder.


If we made like the old days,
you'd only have half of your teeth.

Besides, wouldn't you
rather use it to jump-start

the Krylorians' dying star, save
their system from extinction?

You know as well as I, no
treasure is worth as much

as the good that can be done with it.

YONDU: Ah. That's my boy.

WATCHER: Though our hero's destiny
might lie in the stars above,

the beginning of his journey
was much more down-to-earth.

T'CHALLA: I am tired
of living in a bubble.

There's an entire world out there, Baba.

Yes, one of w*r, v*olence, hatred.

That world has nothing to offer Wakanda.

There must be more. But we must
be brave enough to search for it.

T'CHAKA: I do understand, my son.

Though the blood of a king
runs through your veins,

it is pumped by the
heart of an explorer.

But as someone who has ventured
out into the greater world,

let me assure you,

all you will find there
is destruction and pain.

Those people do not
understand our way of life.

WATCHER: What you call
destiny is just an equation,

- a product of variables.

WATCHER: Right place, right
time, or in some instances,

the wrong place at the wrong time.

As fate would have it,
at that very moment,

a Ravager spacecraft
was arriving on Earth

to abduct the spawn
of the Celestial, Ego.


WATCHER: But in this universe,

Yondu outsourced the
assignment to his subordinates.

You morons grabbed the wrong kid.

Uh-uh. Not so fast, Captain.

Two see holes, two hear
holes, one eat hole.

Everything checks out.

Does this really look
like Peter Quill to y'all?

Sure. I don't know. All
humans look alike to me.

The cosmic readings where he
was took nearly broke our dial.

If there was anything not from that
planet on that planet, it's there.

Well, my home is built on an ancient
Vibranium meteorite, right?

You sure don't seem too
freaked out about all this, kid.

What you doing out there
all by yourself anyway?

- Exploring the world.
- Sounds fun.

But why stop at one world, huh?

When we can show you all of them?



- Ravagers!
- ALL: Ravagers!

Star-Lord, if you had
to pick a favorite...

Really, I could not say.

I know, I know, so many
heists, so many planets saved.

Still, you must have one.

How could you choose just one?

Oh! What about the Central
Bank heist of Tarnax IV?

Never hurts to hurt a Skrull, right?


That job paid for Kraglin's teeth.

How about when you armed
the Ankaran resistance?

Oh, man. Barely made it out of that one.

How exactly did you stop
Thanos, the Mad Titan,

from decimating half
of the universe? Oh, no.

I'm a big enough man
to admit when I'm wrong.

T'Challa here showed me
there was more than one way

to reallocate the universe's resources.

Sometimes the best w*apon in your
arsenal is just a good argument.

Aye, aye, Commander.

Although I still assert my
plan was not without its merits.


- Here we go.
- Please.

Pretty sure it's still
just genocide, big guy.

And I'm pretty sure it's efficient.


Your money is no good here.

- Please.
- No, seriously. We only take cash.

Oh, I'm sorry. I, uh... I have cash.

Wait. You are the Star-Lord.

You saved my home world
from a Kree invasion.

- All in a day's work.
- No, it took several days.

Six, in fact. Let us take a picture
to send to my wife and daughter.

I would prefer... (GROANS)


Oh, we should take another one.
You look terrible. I look great.

- I'm sure it's fine.
- No, I insist.

- It is a truly awful picture of you.
- WOMAN: I don't know.

He looks pretty good
from where I'm standing.


Hey, Cha-Cha.


NEBULA: Pretty valuable
loot you got here.

The big guy know you have this?

You mean your father?

He's lucky I call him the big guy.

You know, he gardens now.

You should talk to him.
He really has changed.

The past doesn't.

You still wear your
past around your neck.

You ever think of going back?

Not much to go back to.

When I was young, Yondu attempted
to return me to Wakanda...

but it had been destroyed.

I'm sorry.

Just another senseless w*r.

Baba warned that was all humans
know. Turns out he was right.

You lost your home, and now
you save everyone else's.

That's the name of this tune, huh?

(CHUCKLES) Something like that.

Well, then, do I have a job for you.

They're called the Embers of Genesis.

Nutrient-rich cosmic dust
from an ancient supernova

with the power to
terraform entire ecosystems.

With one ounce, you can heal
a dying planet in minutes.

And with a payload the
size we're talking...

We could feed billions of
people on millions of worlds,

and eradicate hunger across the galaxy.

Don't tell Captain Genocide over
here. You might spoil his fun.

(CHUCKLES) New guy's pretty funny.

- I thought you work alone, daughter.
- Wait, wait, wait.

You mean she's your offspring?

- BOTH: Adopted.
- T'CHALLA: It's a long story.

I've been trying to get
them into counseling.

- So who's the mark?
- Taneleer Tivan, also known as...

KRAGLIN: The Collector?

As in the most ruthless kingpin
in the intergalactic underworld?

- Wait, I thought that was you.
- THANOS: It was.

But when I went straight,

Tivan saw an opening and
filled the power vacuum.

We can all agree the
Collector is dangerous.

FYI, the Collector
does not offer dental.

This is su1c1de, T'Challa. Not
even I can get through his defenses.

You dig? This maniac won't do
you the kindness of k*lling you.

He'll dissect you for a science project,

frame whatever's left and
hang you up on the wall.

So should I mark you down as undecided?

So long as the Collector's
involved, we are not.

You may be the soul of this
ship, but I am still the captain.

We are Ravagers. We do
not back down from a fight.

No, no. We steal from the
rich and give to the poor,

just like that earthling
folk hero of yours, right?

- Robin Leach.
- Robin Hood.

Whatever. That's our racket.

We've been picking
pockets for loose coins.

If we truly want to change the galaxy,

accomplish all we set out to do,

then it's time we robbed the bank.

Oh, jeez. Never have been any
good at saying no to you, kid.

The Collector's got a famous
kink for exotic flora and fauna.

The Embers will be housed with
the rest of his conquests, here.

A museum that doubles as
his base of operations.

A mining colony in a severed head
of an ancient celestial being.

THANOS: He's got the
Black Order doing security.

Take it from me, they're bad news.

How do you plan on sneaking past them?

I don't. I'm gonna knock on
their front door like a lady.

My Lady Nebula. Captain Udonta.

I'm here to fetch you for my master.

NEBULA: Yondu and I will pose as sellers

looking to unload that orb
you recovered on Morag.

But really, it'll be T'Challa inside.

Our head of security, Proxima Midnight.

Looks like they got an
exhibit running the museum.

Hold it. Security scan.

And that is when you
cause the distraction.



Stop. I thought we were faking it.

Yeah, well, try calling me
Captain Genocide again, new guy.

Captain Genocide... (SCREAMS)

T'CHALLA: The Ravagers will start a riot,

drawing the attention of the Black Order.

We have a situation.

All units report to our position.

T'CHALLA: Now, Yondu and Nebula
are free to distract the Collector,

so that I can search for the Embers.


I have no notes. A perfect plan.

What could possibly go wrong?

I present to you, Taneleer
Tivan, the Collector.

Oh, my dearest Nebula.

Aren't you a sight for sore...

Eye. Forgive me, I couldn't
help myself. (LAUGHS)

Hey, you, creep-show. If
it's all the same to you,

I'd just as soon get on with it.

All business?

And to think I'm old enough to remember

when the Ravagers used to be fun.

What can I say? We went
straight and I got square.

Hey, if you boys are done
gossiping, I brought what you asked.



The collection is much
bigger than I anticipated.

All this suffering, and for what?

My guess, he's compensating
for something big.

Or small, if you catch my drift.

You are quite articulate for a duck.

That, sir, is very close-minded.

You know, I, um... I'm
looking for something.

The Embers of Genesis. Do you
know where I can find them?

Cosmic flora, down the hall.

Take a Louie at the Frost Giants,
a hard Ralph at the Kronans.

You'll see a sign for Elvish
literature. Ignore that, total snooze.

- Screw it.

Give me the tour.

You know what they say,
"When you're out of luck,

"always go duck."

- I'm pretty sure no one says that.
- HOWARD: Oh, they say it.

- T'CHALLA: Really?
- HOWARD: Totally.




The Ravagers?

It's a diversion. Sound the
alarms, lock down the building.


(LAUGHS) The flashy flash.

You always know how to bring the fun.

Hold on, I need to hydrate.

- Dude, we have to go.
- Where are you going? Come back.

Are you crazy? Happy hour just started.

It... It cannot be.

My son, T'Challa, Crown
Prince of Wakanda,

was abducted from Earth
by an alien spacecraft.

If you have any information
regarding his whereabouts,

we ask that you respond
to this homing beacon.

- And T'Challa...
- Baba.

...if you are out there,

you're one bright burning light
in the night sky of billions,

and we will search every last
one of them until we find you

on this plane or the next.


Oh, Cha-Cha, I hope you can understand,

I had a debt with the Collector
and you were the payment.


Oh, T'Challa, now it's time
for one of your great escapes.

You okay, kid?

You lied to me!

I was protecting you.

Are we talking about the mission?
Or is this "family stuff"?

You told me my homeland
had been destroyed.

My family k*lled.

How is that protecting me?

Whoa. Guess it's family stuff.

Sometimes you need to hear
a lie to see the truth.

You're just like me, T'Challa.

I am nothing like you.

You're an explorer, Star-Lord.

And for people like you, like us,
the past ain't nothing but a prison.

You don't belong down there with them.

You belong up here with
us, with your family.

You are not my family.

You never were.

Damn, that hurts.


The Collector is ready for you.

I must apologize for all that
awkwardness back there with Nebula.

I simply abhor drama.

(CHUCKLES) Your outfit
would suggest otherwise.

What is it you want with me, Tivan?

There is a blank wall in the commissary

that I just haven't been able
to find the right piece for.

I am just an ordinary
human, hardly a work of art.

Ah. I must admit now that I
see you in the flesh, you are.


Are you sure you can't fly or sh**t

lasers out of your eyes or something?

Let's go a few rounds
and you can find out.

Pass. I prefer you in the cage.

Where I come from,

history has never looked kindly
on those who lock men in cages.

Maw, make a note.

It appears he does have
a super power after all.

He can bore someone to death
using only his sanctimony.

Let's not waste the wall space.

Dissect him and strip
his remains for parts.


Daughter of mine.

How could you do this to us?

To my best friend,
T'Challa. You are the worst.


But then again, there are
two sides to every story.

Relax, new guy. I'm here to rescue you.

Not like you to change your mind.

Oh, I didn't. This was always the plan.

I told T'Challa that the Collector
was after him right from the jump.

- What is this job?
- More of a ruse.

You see, I have this
debt with the Collector

and, well, he's come to collect.

- And what does he want?
- In a word, you, Cha-Cha.

I had no idea about that Wakandan ship.

All I knew was that we had an opening

to settle my debt with the Collector,

and steal the Embers
right out from under him.

(GASPS) So, all of this
has been a triple-cross?

What? Classic Star-Lord.

Hey, it was T'Challa's idea
to keep you in the dark.

'Cause he knew I would never
let him walk into a trap.

Look where we ended up.

All a distraction,

providing me the necessary
cover to obtain this,

the Embers of Genesis.

Hot damn. You guys are good.

- What about T'Challa?
- NEBULA: Not to worry.

He's keeping his escape
plan close to his chest.

No, not like that, Carina.

Even by a sl*ve
standard, you are foolish.



I liked that thing you said
about not locking people in cages.

Thank you. I am forever in your debt.


The prisoners have escaped.

All units to sector seven.


What kind of being leaves a
party without saying goodbye?

Something tells me this
happens to you a lot.




Packs quite a wallop, does it not?

I hacked it off the carcass
of a terribly chatty Kronan.

Of course, if that's not your style,

there's plenty more we
can play with. Observe.

A dagger forged in dark matter taken
from the ruler of the Dark Elves.

Or perhaps you prefer
something a touch more elegant?

Oh. That woman had taste!

A necrosword, courtesy of the
Asgardian Goddess of Death.


- Whoa.




- NEBULA: Run!
- We were running.

Okay, we'll run faster.




- Get to the ship.
- Are you crazy?

- You'll never take them yourself.
- Not crazy...







A pity.

You abandoned your home and family,

and now, your new family
has abandoned you. Karma.

Maybe you haven't heard,
a Ravager never flies solo.



Yondu, sweet! Now it's a party.

Ain't no way in hell I was going
to leave here without my kid.









Eat this.






Let's go. Punch it!

- What about Yondu and T'Challa?
- I'm sure they're doing fine.




- Okay, any ideas?
- Sticky fingers.

Could work.

- Who's the glue?
- You are.

- Because you lied to me.
- Fair point.



YONDU: Is that all you got?


You think this can contain me?

Cute. No matter where you
go or how far you hide,

there is not a corner in
this galaxy beyond my grasp.

Sure, sure. Whatever. Cool story.

I trust you'll know
what to do with this.

Oh, I have some ideas.

Carina, can I have my bracelet now?

No touching, Carina. No!

No, no, no, no. Stay. Stop!

Stop and think. I took care of all
of you. I put a roof over your heads.

Oh. Karma.


YONDU: We're never getting out on foot.

Then we'll take to the skies.

All crew members present and
accounted for by some miracle.

Then I will see you at
the rendezvous point.

Copy that, Cha-Cha.

Looks like we've got a stowaway.

You always did have a
soft spot for runaways.

- Look, T'Challa, I just wanted to say...
- There's no need.

I was the one who told you
I wanted to see the world.

All you did was show me the universe.

Oh, yeah. She really
is a beaut, isn't she?

T'CHALLA: I've always
felt at home up here.

But now, knowing everything, I'm
not quite sure where I belong.

Seen a lot of space
travelers in my day, kid.

And if I've learned
anything from watching you,

on any planet, among any people,

there ain't no place in this
galaxy where you don't belong.

Where you want to be, that's
the question, isn't it?

You're just gonna have to follow
your heart on that one, Mr. Star-Lord.

- Baba.
- (VOICE SHAKING) My son, my son.

I knew you would find
your way home to us.

I'm sorry it took me so long.

Let me introduce you to the
family I made along the way.

Uh, you must be T'Challa's father.

Uh, pleased to meet you, sir.
Your son is a galactic hero.

My friend, that sounds an
awful lot like genocide.

- No, no, no. Because it's random.
- Uh-huh.

And I might add, efficient.


I mean, if you really
wanted to put a label on it,

T'Challa and I are best friends.

Oh, yeah, jump points are the best.

They make your face all scrambly,
but they're a lot of fun.

I am still wondering how exactly
my son came to be in your spaceship.

Funny story, Your Highness.
You see, I took this job...

I was lost, Baba. Yondu found me.

WATCHER: And from one
family reunion to another...


I saw your eyes

And you made me smile

Uh, sorry. We're closed.

What, Peter? Can't spare a
little time for dear old Dad?

WATCHER: Too bad this might
spell the end of the world.

But that's a story for another day.

I was falling in love