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02x12 - The Mountain King

Posted: 08/18/21 06:37
by bunniefuu
Sally, those go in your room!

And, Bobby,
put your trucks in the toy box.

I'm not your maid.

What do you think you're doing?


Get over here.

You could burn the house down.

You're hurting me.


I can't believe you were smoking.

I wasn't.

Go upstairs.

You're not going to be
watching television.

You're not going to be
playing with your friends.

I'm taking away Barbie.

- You're mean.
- You bet.

Get in there.

I'm telling Daddy when he gets home.

Go ahead.

He left because
you're stupid and mean.

You want to sleep in there?

Why won't you let him come home?

Is that what you think?

His suitcase is here, and he's not.

Daddy's on a trip.

I told you.

It's for business.

Can we call him on the phone?

It's long distance.

And I know he'd be very upset
about you doing what you just did.

Please don't tell.

Take your school books upstairs.

As soon as Carla gets here,

I'm going riding,
and I want a good report.

Who wants a Popsicle
when it's snowing?

Don't they sell enough
during the summer?

Obviously not.

I love Popsicles.

I can't think in here!

It's a storage closet, not an office.

I called the meeting.

So where are the refreshments?

Why do moms give treats?

There's no good reason.

My mom would come out
to the truck with us.

She'd break the Popsicles in half,

then give it to us
like Jesus at the Last Supper.

Sounds cheap.

No. My mother did it, too.

It was great.

In Vermont, we made our own ice cream.

It was a pain in the ass.

Everyone breaks Popsicles in half.


You can do it all year 'round.

It's a ritual. It's like Communion.

It's kind of Catholic, isn't it?

It's Christian...

as in behavior, not religion.

Let me tell you something.

The Catholic Church
knows how to sell things.

Any calls?

Mr. Peterson had some question
about your expenses regarding...

Why doesn't he just die already?


Christ. It's IBM.


What else?

And you have an appointment
with Spence-Chapin on Thursday.

Who's that?

Spence-Chapin, the adoption agency.

I'm sorry. What?

Mrs. Campbell set it,

and, well, I'm sorry,
I have to say something.

Good luck.

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

I think it's one of the most blessed things

that a person would give
a home to an abandoned child.

Shall I get Mrs. Campbell on the line?

Just get me Bert Peterson.

Well, hello there.

Hello, Bertram.

Is Florence with you?

No. She's taking care of her mother.

Then we were thinking

about going to the Breakers
through New Year's.

She's a good companion, isn't she?

She's moody.

Damn it, Alice. I don't ask much of you...

My stockings cost more
than your carpeting.

Have you looked everything over?

It's a very generous offer.

I always say it's
the smartest thing I ever did,

helping you out.

22.50 per share per year
for the next 10 years?

To think that Mother
thought you were a failure.

She made me who I am.

Do you mind if I have a drink?

Sweet vermouth, please.

You can trust Cleveland.

You said on the telephone
you were undecided.

What's your hesitation?

I promised to take care of Roger.

Let Roger Sterling
have what he always wanted...

to die in the arms of a 20-year-old.

The truth is you don't want to retire.

And I hate to say this, Bertram,

but you are old...

older than me.

I can't even imagine
what that must be like.


Please. You're not well.

This is what I do.

It's a merger.
You can continue to do it.

I'll be as useful
as the Queen of England.

Don't you want to go to Montana?

You ruined that poor architect's life.

Go visit your cattle.

I do love them.

But you can't trust the Brits.

I've left a letter on my bureau.

If I'm not back in two days,
the police will be here.

Why would you bring that up?

Because I don't want you to hurt me.

I just want to know
where my husband is.

It's a simple misunderstanding.

There's a lot of men with my name.

Well, you're the only one
who used my husband's serial number

to get a driver's license.

Car title. Apartment lease.

Do you have a birth certificate?

In a safe deposit box.

Will you stop?

I saw the look on your face.

I don't know what to say.

There's been a mistake.

Can't you be a human being?

I'm his wife.

I don't care what he asked you to do.

I need to know.

I have to get back to work.

Stop lying.

You've been caught.

Don't make me do something
I don't want to do.

He d*ed.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

Are you sure?

He never said he had a wife.

Seven years.

I'm very, very sorry.

What happened?

He was k*lled in combat.

So, who are you?

They thought I was him and he was me.

I didn't think I was hurting anyone.

I can't believe it.

I just had to get out of there.

What are you going to do to me?

He never mentioned me?

I didn't know him long.


What's your name?


I don't know what to say.

I'm making good money, if that's...

I know I owe you more than money.

I have his purple heart

and his dog tags, if you want them.

He wanted to marry my sister.

She looks just like me,
with two good legs.

What is your name?

d*ck Whitman.

Well, d*ck, what do I do with you?

Well, this is a welcome surprise.

I can come back.

No. Come.

See this.

I guess all you needed was an audience.

Are you next?

I don't play.

Teddy, this is my friend d*ck.


It's called "In The Hall
of the Mountain King."

It's scary.

I know.

Take a lollipop. I'll see you next week.

Bye, Mrs. Draper.

You're tan.

Are you here on vacation?



You look good.

Where are your things?

Or are you just here for the day?

I didn't even think about it.

I didn't mean to intrude. I can...

Are you in trouble?


Well, then, what?

Can I take a shower and lie down?

Of course.


You're late.

Spence-Chapin. How did that happen?

I put us on the list.

And, I don't know,
we went right to the top.

Well, I'm not going, and neither are you.

Peter, you're shouting.

Don't do that.

Listen to me very carefully.

We are not adopting a child.

That's final.

Will you calm down, and we can talk...

Hell's bells, Trudy! That is final!

You don't speak to me that way!

You have lost your mind!

I'm glad you're not tired anymore.

I am, but my autopilot's working.

What are you doing?

You're tired. Let me do the driving.

It's okay.




You know what? I am tired.


Is something wrong?

Where'd you pick that up?

Greg, stop that.

You know there is no before.


I'm sorry that I don't know
all the things you want.

But you do.

I'm on call again on Wednesday.

These pants have a 38 inseam.


I would like to meet him.

I kicked him out.

Even though old ladies shouldn't be picky.

It's beautiful here.

You like the porch?

You paid for it.

I think about you.

Just in passing, I'll wonder.

They were making
a commercial on the pier.

And then you called me.
How about that?

You've been in California too long.

How old are your children now?

Sally is 8.

Bobby is 5.

If you don't want to talk
about what happened,

that's fine.

But you can, you know.

I always felt that we met
so that both of our lives could be better.

That's just how it is between us.

I ruined everything.

My family, my wife,

my kids.

I'm sure that's not true.

My brother came to find me.

I told him to go away.

I didn't know you had a brother.

I've told you things I've never told Betty.

Why does it have to be that way?

You love her.

You don't have to tell her everything.

I'm sure there are things
about her you don't know.

Do you want to call?


That would just confuse things.

So, what are you going to do?

I don't know.

I have been watching my life.

It's right there.

I keep scratching at it,
trying to get into it.

I can't.

I'm sorry.

Did you get the same thing
in your stocking last night that I did?

What are you talking about?

Putnam, Powell & Lowe has offered

to put a lot of marmalade on your toast.

Sit, Roger.

There's no rush. We have 72 hours.

Yes. Well,

I don't like being in the position
of having to sell off my life's work

because you have
an increase in overhead.

So Mona's crying
on your shoulder now?

The late Mrs. Cooper introduced you.

Well, let her know it didn't work out.


I know you don't think
I got my hands dirty.

I'm sorry I missed the Great Depression.

Still, I have served this
place for the last 20 years.

It's a merger.

We can still come to work in our building,

in our offices,

only there will be diamonds
on the doorknobs.

So we'll have a meeting of the partners.

And for your information,
Jane makes me very happy.

That's good to know.

As Don illuminated,

advertising is essential for aerospace,

especially in reaching out to the public

to see that congressmen vote

for the spending bills
which bring new jobs.

Actual advertising, not public relations.

I have your father-in-law on line 1.

Tom. How are you?

Well, Peter, to be honest,

I don't like having
to make this phone call.

Why not?

Well, we've been thinking
about things over here,

and we're going to have to
put Clearasil up for review.

Really? That's a shock, Tom.

Now, why would you do that?

Sales have been spectacular.

All right, calm down.

I said review, not that we're moving.

You'll have 90 days to turn it around.

Turn what around?

You're distracted.

What are we talking about, Tom?

Look, son...

Every good businessman knows

that if his wife's unhappy,
his work suffers.

Yes, they seem very directly related
in this case.

Don't they, Tom?

Trudy's happiness should
be your first priority.

I think you should pull
Clearasil right now.

I don't think you're going
to get what you want.

What about my daughter?

She's my wife. That's between us.

You know what?

I was in love with Trudy when I met her.

And then you stuck your nose in,

put these ideas in her mind,
and made her unhappy.

What do you mean,
you "were" in love with her?

That's not what I meant,
and you know it.

Yes. Perhaps it is best
if we just give notice.

Good-bye, Tom.

I bought you some clothes.

Tomorrow morning.

There's something else.


I met a girl.

Another one?

She's so beautiful and happy.

She's a model.

And she's from a good family,

and she's educated.

What's her name?

Elizabeth. Betty.

I want you to meet her.

Look at you.

You're in the lavender haze.

I just like the way she laughs

and the way she looks at me.


You are very hard to look at.

I want to ask her to marry me.

d*ck, that's wonderful.

Well, I need you to give me a divorce.

Well, of course.

I never thought of that.

You should hire a lawyer out here.

I'll pay for it.

And I want you to know that I'm
going to take care of you forever.

You don't have to do that.

I do.

You don't owe me anything.

This whole life.

If it wasn't for Don,

- if it wasn't...
- Stop that.


there'll be another Mrs. Draper.

I guess so.

You'll have a family.

That'll be good for you.

I want to.

This will probably be
our last Christmas together.


You can be my cousin.


This is a chance at a whole new life.

Thank you, Anna.

So, where's Don?

I'm sure you remember Peggy Olson.

She'll be walking you through this.

And when Don climbs out
from under the weather...

Don has signed off on all of this.

When I was little,

my mother would take a twin pop

and break it in half

and give one to me
and one to my sister.

We were completely equal in her eyes.


Everyone does this with Popsicles,

but they may not
realize what it means.

It has nothing to do
with an ice cream truck

on a hot summer day,

or the flavor,

or the color.

It's a ritual.

You take it, break it,
share it, and love it.

People do do that.

This act of sharing,
it's what a Popsicle is.

It's the same treat from the freezer
as it is from the truck.

I don't care if it's snowing or hailing

or 100 degrees.

You can still take it, break it, share it,

and love it.

I like the way
she's handing out the pops.

The kids are excited, but...

the mom reminds me of something.

No, this is original.

Well, I can tell you this now,

but we wanted something
with the word "love" in it.

When asked, the first thing
people say is,

"I love Popsicles."

Carson residence.

Sarah Beth, it's Betty Draper.

Hello, Betty.

I'm sorry.

I'm at my wit's end.

Sally... I think she may
need private school.

How does Becky like
Rockland Country Day?

Well, it's a drive,
but she seems more independent.

I haven't seen you at the stables.

I saw it in the paper that Tara and Arthur
are getting married next weekend.

Yes, I heard that.

I hope they're very happy together.

Are you there?

Betty, I'm sick about it.

I'm sorry.

That's why they call them crushes.

It was more than that.


I'm telling you,
I haven't been able to sleep.

I keep thinking about him.

I think Raymond knows.

I can't even look at Becky.

What did you do?

Betty, I made a terrible mistake.

You did?

Don't act surprised.

He told me all the things
you said about me.

I was grateful.

Why would you do that?


You wanted him, too. You know you did.

There's a difference
between wanting and having.

You did everything you could
to encourage me.

I didn't make you do anything.

My God, you're an awful woman,

you know that?

No one made you sleep with him!

I'm going to tell you this,

and you can tell all your little friends.

This is a delicate piece of machinery.

You don't just shove paper in it.

You don't bang on the buttons.

You don't sit on the glass.

If you want it to work,

you have to treat it with respect.

What do you want?

I need to speak with you.

Honey, I have a 6:30 dinner reservation,

and unless you want to pull
me there in a rickshaw,

I have to get going.

Well, I'm a copywriter.

Why, did I call you something else?

No. I don't know if you're aware,

but I brought in
the Popsicle account today.

On my own.

Hey, Ginger, did you hear about this?

I gotta go. Wait.

I need my own office.

It's hard to do business and be credible
when I'm sharing with a Xerox machine.

Freddie Rumsen's office
has been vacant for some time.

I think I should have it.

It's yours.


You young women are very aggressive.

I didn't mean to be impolite.

No, it's cute.

There are 30 men out there
who didn't have the balls to ask me.

There you are. Mr. Sterling, Miss Olson,

this is my fianc?, Dr. Greg Harris.

So you're the one who got our Joanie?

Yes, I am.

You're a lucky man.

So nice to meet you. Congratulations.

And thank you again, Mr. Sterling.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

I have a dinner reservation,
and I don't think I'm going to make it.

Well, we do as well.

We're going to La C?te Basque.

I thought you hated French food.

There's a new chef.

Good night, Ginger.
Pleasure to meet you, Greg.

Let me get my purse.

Fix me a drink, will you?

I don't know.

Isn't that what these guys do all day?

I've seen the movies.

Pretend like I'm your boss.

Donald Draper.

Okay, one drink.

Dr. Harris, are you trying to examine me?


Not in here.

That Sterling guy knows
an awful lot about you.

I've been working here for nine years.

Greg, don't. It isn't my office.

It's okay.

No, I mean it.

Come on.

Greg, this isn't fun.

This is what you want, right?


It's okay.

Greg, no!

Are you ready to go?

I don't want to miss our reservation.

No, of course not.

They're changing the guard
at Buckingham Palace.

Christopher Robin went down with Alice.

Very good.

You look well, Roger.

Best baby-sitter in the world.


I call to order a meeting of the partners

in the presence of our attorney,
Mr. Whitehouse.

Members attending...

Bertram Cooper, senior partner,

Roger Sterling, senior partner,

and Alice Cooper, secretary-treasurer.

And Donald Draper, absent.

We are meeting to discuss the merger
with Putnam, Powell & Lowe,

the details of which
we've all had time to examine,

including Mr. Whitehouse.

Where's Mr. Draper?

Do you want me to go get
a picture of him so you can stare at it?

His 12% makes him

mathematically insignificant.

Still, I would like to know
what he thinks, wouldn't you?

He's very sawy.


I'm sorry, I don't know
whose eyes to look at.

Where is Draper?

He took a business trip to California.

He's taking some time.

Marital troubles.

Don't write that down.

He stands to make over
half a million dollars.

Let's proceed, shall we?

That a '34 Sedan?


What'd you do to it?

Made some improvements.

It's got a '60 Nailhead,
backed up '39 LaSalle transmission,

and a '40 banjo rear end.

Two Fords and a Buick.

What happened here?

Dropped the spindle 4 inches.

You know anything about hot rods?

No, but I remember these.

I used to sell them. Used.

All motor, no weight.

How fast does it go?

Well, that one does
a quarter in 11 seconds.

This one's going to scare people.

Yeah, the color on that one,

I've never seen anything like it.

I'm Kess. That's my kid Doogie.


The color is courtesy of Boy Wonder
of "Indian-no-place."

Walt. Indianapolis.

You guys need any help?

I'm looking for work.

Working on hot rods?

I don't know. Don't people buy them?

There's a couple of custom shops,
and they do great,

but I came out here to get into it,
and I'm working at a bar.

He's an artist.

He could build a car, look just like you.

I'd love to see you race.


Lions Drag Strip.

Long Beach.

I'll look into that.

Mr. Sterling?


Miss Cooper?


Bertram Cooper?


So we'll proceed.

Mr. Whitehouse
will prepare a counteroffer.


Meeting adjourned.

Well done.

Look who just got richer.

This is good for you, too.

You have your children to think of.

I just have the one.


Hello, Joan.


Have you heard from him today?


Do you think it's odd?

I don't think about it at all.


Thank you.

Your fianc? is so handsome.

He is.

He's the doctor you hope to see
but only exists in the movies.

Thank you.

He's specializing in thoracic surgery.

It's very difficult.

And he volunteers
at Harlem Hospital Center,

stitching up n*gro children.

Well, he's a keeper.

When's the wedding again?

Look who I found protesting in the lobby.

Our man from the evening news.

Welcome back.

Look at you. What's different?

Nothing. How was Mississippi?

I think we made a difference.

And it was the adventure of a lifetime.

Sheila dropped him three days into it.

There's a Bankers Box in the corner.

What the hell is this?

My new office.


Why don't you just put on
Draper's pants while you're at it?

You have your own office? You?

I'm the head of television,

and I spend the day
staring at an orangutan.

I have some unpacking to do.

Has anyone heard from Don?

Yes. He called.

He wants you to get back to work.

I'd get a new couch if I were you!

Thank you!

Do you know who I talk to about this?

I'll have it taken care of.


I'm getting married at Christmas.

That's wonderful.


Sally, can you come in here?

I'm in the living room.

Hello, Mommy.

I want to talk to you.


I realize I haven't been
completely fair to you.

And if there is something you want,
I'd love to give it to you.

You're getting to be a big girl.

Someday you'll want something,
and I won't be able to give it to you.

Oh, Mommy,

they're beautiful.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Can we go now?

Do you have homework?


but I can do it in the car.

Sally, now that you're a big girl,

I'm going to tell you something.

Your father and I are
having a disagreement,

and he went away.

Where did he go?

I'm not sure.

When is he coming home?

I don't know.

I know it's hard to understand.

But I promise,
everything's going to be okay.


Mommy, you're bleeding.

Go take those in the kitchen
and have a snack.

I'm going to change.

That's an ink blot.

You see what you want to see.

You don't have to pick them.
Just put your palm on the deck.

Did you read it?

I did.

Reminded me of New York.

And it made me worry about you.

What about the cards?

Should I be worried?

It's all here.

You're definitely in a strange place.

But here is the sun.

That can't be good.

It is.

It's the end of the world.

It's the resurrection.

Do you want to know
what this means or not?

No, I don't.

I can smell the ocean.

This is the one.

Who's she?

She's the soul of the world.

She's in a very important spot here.

This is you,
what you are bringing to the reading.

She says you are part of the world.

Air, water.

Every living thing is connected to you.

It's a nice thought.

It is.

What does it mean?

It means the only thing keeping you
from being happy

is the belief that you are alone.

What if that's true?

Then you can change.

People don't change.

I think she stands for wisdom.

As you live, you learn things.

Come in.


Look at you, celebrating.

You getting a secretary?


Well, she's in for it.

You should get some pictures in here

of your family
or some people or something.

I want to put up my campaigns.

Isn't that Freddie's bar?

He left it.

How the hell did you swing this?

I'm sleeping with Don.

It's really working out.

I haven't told anyone

because it's probably
a formality at this point,

but Clearasil's pulled out.

How did that happen?

Sales have been great.

What about your father-in-law?

I guess I'm not doing my job.

I know that's not true.

Don'll dance on my grave,
if he ever comes back.

Did something happen in Los Angeles?


He disappeared.

He didn't even check out.

I almost called the police.

Well, why didn't you?
Maybe something happened.

Well, it didn't surprise me.

I know some things about him.

I'm not interested in gossip, Pete.

All I'm saying is
he may not be coming back.

He's done it before.

Whatever Don does or doesn't do,

I am sure it's with good reason.

Guess I should probably go home.


Good night.