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01x20 - Jed Throws A Wingding

Posted: 08/24/21 13:21
by bunniefuu
♪ Come and listen to my
story about a man named Jed ♪

♪ A poor mountaineer,
barely kept his family fed ♪

♪ And then one day, he
was sh**t' at some food ♪

♪ And up through the ground
come a-bubblin' crude ♪

♪ Oil, that is ♪

♪ Black gold ♪

♪ Texas tea ♪

♪ Well, the first thing you
know, old Jed's a millionaire ♪

♪ The kinfolk said, "Jed,
move away from there" ♪

♪ Said, "Californy is the
place you ought to be" ♪

♪ So they loaded up the truck
and they moved to Beverly ♪

♪ Hills, that is ♪

♪ Swimming pools, movie stars. ♪

The Beverly Hillbillies.


Uncle Jed, Uncle Jed!

Ma, Ma!

Yeah, Jethro, what...

When that boy gets to goin',
he's a one-man stampede.

Hope nobody gets in his way.

Granny, Granny!

Elly May, Elly May!

Granny, Jethro
come through here?

Granny, did Jed
and Jethro come...

Granny, what in the world?

Have you been at your
rheumatiz medicine?

Just what I was afeard of...
Jethro got to going so fast

he run clean into
the cement po...

Somethin' wrong with Granny?

Well, I hate to tell you this,
Jed, but she's stiff as a board.

At this time in the morning?

Why, I never knowed Granny

to take more than
a thimbleful in all...

Why doggies, she
is stiff, isn't she?

Granny, I'm ashamed of you.


This here's the letter
Jethro dropped when he fell

in the cement pond.

He says he'll be right in.

Oh, no he won't.

Jethro, you stay out
in the sun till you're dry.

What's wrong with Granny?


Go outside and chase
Jethro till he gets dry.

If I catch him,
can I rassle him?

No, Elly, just run him.

Okay, Pa.

What happened?

What hit me?

Corn liquor, I reckon.

Well, whoever throwed
it at me left it in the jug.

Granny, can you walk, or...

Yes, I can walk.

Well, then, let's walk over
to the table here and sit down

while Pearl reads
us this letter.

Quit pullin' the
table away from me.

Granny, you and Mrs. Drysdale
been hittin' the juice a little?

Course not.

I never take more than a
thimbleful, and you know it.

Granny, Jed, I can't
read all the writin'

'cause the ink is run.

But this letter's from
Lester Flat and Earl Scruggs,

and they's a-flyin' out here!

Well, doggies!

You hear that, Granny?

Old Lester and Earl's
coming out here to see us.

You mean they're
coming to see Pearl.

Them two always was
crazy in love with her.

Oh, Granny, that
was a long time ago,

before they moved to
Nashville and become famous.

A man never forgets
his first love, Pearl.

And you was the first love
of both Flatt and Scruggs.

Oh, stop it.

I was just a girl, and...
and they was just boys.

Big boys, I grant you.

I never seen two big
boys crazier in love

with one little woman.

They was always
scrappin' over you.

Or singin' to you.

Sometimes they'd do
both... Sing a chorus,

and then scrap a chorus.

You had their heart meltin'
like hog grease on a hot griddle.

Now, now stop it!

You got me a-blushin'!

I don't want to hear
no more about it.

All right, Pearl.

Remember the way they
used to serenade me?

Yeah, Lester with his
guitar and Earl with his banjo.

Both of them singin' love
songs fill their throats was raw.

Pearl, how come you never
said yes to one of them fine boys?

I just couldn't
decide betwixt them.

They both asked me to
elope, but... I couldn't decide

whether to fly with Flatt
or skip with Scruggs.

You better decide now.

I'll bet that's why
they're flyin' out here,

to get your answer.

After all these years?

Oh, Granny, don't be ridiculous.

Man never forgets
his first love, Pearl.

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl,
don't give your love to Earl ♪

♪ I've got a horse and mule
40 acres near a school ♪

♪ And we'll be
happy as two fools. ♪

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl,
come be my lovin' girl ♪

♪ Don't you marry Lester Flatt ♪

♪ He slicks his hair
with possum fat ♪

♪ Change your name
to Mrs. Earl Scruggs. ♪

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl,
you'll get no love from Earl ♪

♪ This here man is such a sap
he won't hold you on his lap ♪

♪ Unless you are an
old five-string banjo. ♪

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl,
he's nutty as a squirrel ♪

♪ If you'll be Mrs.
Scruggs, we will live ♪

♪ On kisses and
hugs happy as two... ♪

Hey, Earl, Earl, I think
we better stop this song,

'cause yonder comes our wives.

Yeah, they're jealous
of Pearl as it is.

Well, they got a reason to be,
'cause I ain't never seen a girl

as pretty as Pearl.

If we hadn't settled
for second best...

Why'd you stop singin', Earl?

Yes, what was that song
you boys were doing just now?

Oh, just an old
tune we used to sing.

Before we met you.

Oh, are you going to use it in
your Los Angeles engagement?

Oh, no, I don't
think we'd better.

Say, Earl, it sure will be nice
to see old Jed Clampett again,

won't it?

It sure will, Lester.

You know who they can't
wait to see again, don't you?

Of course... the fabulous Pearl.

We'll finally get a look
at this raving beauty.

I'm dying to meet
her, aren't you?

E... N...

You make out any
more of the letter, Pearl?

There's another
word coming through.

E, N, G, A, G...


Granny was right.

They's coming for your answer.

You got to get
engaged to one of them.

Oh, I don't believe it!

After all these years?

Pearl, you want
to take my advice?

You marry that
little Earl Scruggs.

Don't you do it, Pearl.

Take Lester Flatt.

I ain't figurin' on
marrying nobody.

Now let's not have no
more of this kind of talk.

Well, Ma, I'm
winded, but I'm dry.

Jethro Scruggs...
Flatt... Bodine!

Oh, go change your clothes.

Elly May!

You out here?

Yeah, Pa, over
here by the water.

Come on, Rusty.

Taught that rascal to swim,
now I just can't keep her

out of the water.

You and your critters.

Next you'll be teachin'
them dogs how to climb trees.

Look up yonder.

Elly, quick as you can,
come on in the house

and give Granny a hand...

She's cookin' for the
big wingding tonight.

We's havin' a wingding?

We sure are.

Earl Scruggs and Lester
Flatt's comin' to town.

I heard of them.

They make records
and everything.

Them two learned
how to sing and play

serenadin' your Aunt Pearl.


Well, tell me about it, Pa.

Well, your Aunt Pearl was
just about your age then.

And she favored you a lot, too.

Real pretty.

Had corn silky
hair just like yours,

and a beautiful figure.

Well, sir, she purt near
drove Lester and Earl

out of their
banjo-pickin' minds.

Tormented them boys
till they finally left the hills

and moved to Nashville.

Well how come Aunt Pearl
didn't marry up with one of them?

Couldn't make up
her mind, I reckon,

but she's going
to have to tonight.

Them boys is comin' out
here insistin' on a engagement.

That's how come we's
havin' a wingding, huh?

Yeah... back home, we'd
have had a barn dance.

Trouble is, these Beverly
Hills places ain't got no barns.

Well, couldn't we borrow
somebody's barn, Pa?

Well, scarce as they are,
and us being strangers,

it'd be too much to ask.

We'll make do, though.

I sent Jethro out with
the truck to find some hay

and some corn shucks,
and one thing and another,

and put them in
the drawing room.

Reckon he can make
it look like a barn?

I told him to do
the best he could.

Hey, Ma, I got a surprise.

Come see how Mixed
the drawing room up

for the wingding tonight.

Well, in a minute, dear.

I've got to decide which
dress I'm gonna wear tonight.

Do you think this one
shows off my figure?

Well, yeah, Ma.

But wear it
anyway... It's pretty.

Come on, Ma.

Uncle Jed told me to fix the
drawing room up like a barn.

See how you like it.

Oh, what in the world?

You ain't seen nothin' yet, Ma.

Come on in!

I'm surprised you
didn't bring in a... a mule!

That rascal get out again?

Jethro, you're makin'
me old before my time.

How could you bring this
livestock into a mansion

like this?

It wasn't easy, Ma,
but I figured it out.

I took the truck up to the
front of the mansion, and...

You get this
livestock out of here,

and you be quick about it.

But why?

Because I say why.

Now, get it out, take it
back where you got it,

and I mean right now.

Well, I'll do my best, Ma,
but first I got to round up

that mule and them other pigs.

I should've married
Lester or Earl.

Maybe this wouldn't
have happened to me.

This is the special operator.

The number you have
dialed does not exist.

You sound like the same
lady I was talkin' to before.

Yes, I'm afraid I am.

Well then, you put me through
to the same butcher shop

I was talkin' to before.

I told that fella to
send me a side of pork

and some pig's feet
for tonight's wingding.

And it better get
here, too, before I...

Never mind, honey, it's here.

And I got to say
for him, it's fresh.

Oh, there you are, you little
rascal... you're going home.

Where you going with that pig?

Ma told me to take him
back where he come from.

You leave that...

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl
you look just like a girl. ♪

That's the truth... you do.

Oh, Jed.

Lester and Earl just
called from the hotel.

They're here already?

Yeah, I told them to come
over about 6:00 for the wingding.

Oh, my goodness.

And I... well I... I
haven't even picked out

a dress for tonight.

Oh Jed, how do
you like this one?

I like them all,
already looked at six.

I just can't decide.

Have you decided which
one you're going to say yes to?

Nope, I thought I'd wait and see
how the years had treated them.

Yeah, I reckon you're
smart to look them over first.

Some folks ages
quicker than others.

That's right.

And don't forget,
them boys is purt near

18 or 19 years older than
when I seen them last.

Well, I'm purt near
ten years older myself.

Now, Jed, don't you go away.

I want you to see the
rest of my dresses.

Now Pearl, I ain't no
judge of women's clothes.

I need a man's opinion.

Listen, Jed...
Mrs. Lester Flatt.

Mrs. Earl Scruggs.

Pearl Flatt.

Pearl Scruggs.

They all sound good, don't they?

Wait for us, driver.

Louise, I think we're
making a mistake.

Lester and Earl will be furious
when they find out about this.

Let them be furious.

I want to get a look at Pearl
before that party tonight.

I want to know how
I'm going to stack up.

But we've just spent three
hours at the beauty parlor...

You look gorgeous!

So do you.

But maybe Pearl
looks super gorgeous.

Louise, be sensible.

Our husbands knew this
woman years and years ago.

Do you realize how
old she must be by now?

I hear they start very
young back in those hills.

Now, we've come this
far, and I'm not leaving

until I've seen Pearl.

This is going to be
very embarrassing.

She's going to think
we're a couple of snoopy,

worried wives.

Aren't we?

Yes, but...

Look, Gladys, if it'll
make you feel any better,

we won't tell her who we are.

We'll say we're a couple
of those house-to-house

cosmetic saleswomen.

But she'll find out who
we are at the party.

Then we'll all have
a good laugh over it.

Now come on.

Oh, howdy there, ladies.

Come in, come in.

Thank you.

What can I do for you?

We're selling cosmetics.

You're sellin' what?

Cosmetics... you know,
beauty cream, face powder,


Oh, thank you ladies,
but I never use it.

We sell it to the
lady of the house.

And we understand a lady
named Pearl lives here?

Well, yeah, yeah, she sure does.



I need your help out in the...


I didn't know you had company.

Are you Pearl?

Please be Pearl.

Well, I ain't.

Who are you?

These ladies sells
beauty cream, Granny.

Oh, you can see
I don't need none.

Oh, Jed, I need you.

Well, Pearl will
be down directly.

She comes down them stairs
every five minutes wearing

a different beautiful gown.

She's tryin' to pick one
for the wingding tonight.

Make yourselves at home.

Thank you.


Do y'all think this dress is
fancy enough for a wingding?


Back to the beauty shop.

Pearl, Pearl!

Didn't Lester and
Earl get here yet?

No, they didn't, and
it's coming up for 7:00.

Well, they better
get here quick,

before Jethro has
all the vittles ate.

Lester and Earl, it
sure is wonderful to...

Where are they?

Didn't come yet, Pearl.

Well, Why'd you call me, Granny?

For you to stop that
overgrown youngun of your'n

from eatin' us
out of a wingding.

He's done gone
through my crawdad dip

and my pawpaw spread.

And right now he's
in there tossin' down

them pickled pig's feet
like they was popcorn.

Jethro, you come on out here.

You better stop him
before he gets into

the ham hocks and
the turnip greens.

Too late.

Them ham hocks sure was good.


Jethro, did you eat all
them ham hocks alone?

No, ma'am.

I done like you always told me.

I ate the greens too.

Hey, everybody, I
taught Skippy and Arnie

a little trick to do
at the wingding.

Elly May, what happened to
that pretty dress you was wearin'?

Oh, Pa, I can't square
dance in that thing.

And they ain't good for
workin' with my critters, neither.

If Lester and Earl
don't get here soon,

our wingding is
going to fall apart.

I tell you, Earl, I just
don't understand it.

Our wives spent all
afternoon in the beauty shop

and then went
back again tonight.

That's what we get
for marryin' city women.

Yeah, I just reckon we'll just
have to leave the party tonight

at 9:00 and go pick them up.

I reckon so.

Hey, I've got an idea.

Let's surprise old Jed with
that song we wrote about him.

You're on.

Come on, Skippy.

Come on, jump.

Come on, jump.

That's the way.

That's a boy.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Jump, Elvis, jump.

Good doggy.

Come on.

That's a good doggy, yeah.

It's them!

They's here.

That's Lester
and Earl, all right.

Not yet, Jed.

Let me get upstairs first.

What for, Pearl?

So I can make a entrance.

♪ Come and listen to my
story about a man named Jed ♪

♪ A poor mountaineer,
barely kept his family fed ♪

♪ And then one day, he
was sh**t' at some food ♪

♪ And up through the ground
come a-bubblin' crude ♪

Oil, that is.

Texas tea.

Well, Lester!

Welcome, Earl!

Come in, come in.

You know Granny and Jethro
and my daughter Elly May.


Now, where'd that

song come from y'all
was singin' out there?

Oh, we wrote it, Jed.

We heard about your good
luck clean down in Nashville.

Well, doggies!

Where's Pearl?

Upstairs, waiting.

Come on down, Pearl,
come on down here.

Come on, here's Earl and Lester.

Come on, we're waitin' for you.

♪ Pearl, Pearl, Pearl,
come let us see your curls ♪

♪ Are you still our valentine
do you still look so divine? ♪

♪ Come and let us
see our darling Pearl. ♪

Lester Flatt!

Hi Pearl.

Earl Scruggs, it's so
good to see you both.

So good to see you, Pearl.

Listen everybody, I
hope you'll excuse us

for coming without wives.

You're excused.

We have a good reason.

'Course you do, and
we understand, Earl.

Let's all relax now
and have some

good old stompin' music
and some of Granny's vittles

and get acquainted
all over again.





That's it!

That's it... everybody's
invited into the drawing room

for vittles.

Well, come on, let's go in
there and get something.

I remember how you
boys like a nice rump roast.

Wait'“ you see the beauty
We Whomped up for you.

Pearl, uh, just a minute
now, I want to talk to you.

And I cooked up a
great big mess of grits,

some possum shanks, some
sweet potatoes, some grits,

and some pone.

Elly May Clampett!

Look what your dogs has done!

Oh, I'm awful sorry, Granny.

I'll get them right out.

Get them off.

Come on, Jethro, help me.

Well, I declare, if I ever
did see anything like that

in my whole life.

Come here.

Get out of here.

Sorry about the whole thing.

Get out of there.

Get them out of here.

Oh now, calm down,
Granny, calm down.

We wasn't hungry no way.

I tell you what you
do, you come over here

and sit yourself
down in this chair,

and Earl and me will play
you some soothing music.

Jed, I just can't
decide... I like them both.

Well, you better get to liking
one better than the other one.

There's just too many pretty
women out here in Beverly Hills.

Now you take them two
come to the door this afternoon

sellin' beauty cream.

If Earl and Lester ever
gets a look at them,

you ain't going to keep
them on the string for long.

♪ Now anytime you want to know
Where I'm going down the road ♪

♪ Get my girl on the
line you'll find me there ♪

♪ Most any time ♪

♪ Now old man Flatt
he owned a farm ♪

♪ From the hog lot to the barn ♪

♪ From the barn to the
rail he made his living ♪

♪ By carrying the mail. ♪

Jed, I just made my decision.

Which one, Pearl?

Can't marry neither one of them.

Why not?

Because I'll be bustin' up
one of the most wonderful

musical teams in
this whole country.

How come you say that?

Because the one
that don't get me

will be eat up with jealousy,
and they'll get to fightin'

like they used to.

Pearl, I believe you're right.

Just let me get up
the nerve to tell them,

because this is going to hurt.

♪ Now every time ♪

♪ I get the blues ♪

♪ I walk the soles
right off my shoes ♪

♪ Don't know Why I love her so ♪

♪ Gal of mine lives
down the road. ♪

Boys, that did cheer me up.

I'm going out to the kitchen
and roust you up some vittles,

even if I have to open my
last jar of deviled hawk eggs.

Earl, I've got a good idea for
our Los Angeles engagement.

What's that?

Let's ask Pearl and
all the rest of them

to square dance on the stage.

That's a great idea.

Pearl, we got
something to ask you.

You know we come all the
way out here for an engagement.

Lester, before you go any
further, the answer is no.

- What?
- No to both of you.

But Pearl...

Now, don't beg her, boys.

This hurts Pearl
more than it does, you.

Time heals all wounds.

Speaking of time, Earl,
we're late... come on.

We'll be back just as
soon as we can make it.

Pearl, they couldn't take it.

They run off just like
they done 18 years ago.

They left their guitar
and their banjo.

Don't you think we
ought to wait up for them

to come back for them?

It might take another 18 years.

Let's get to bed.

They ain't coming back, Granny.

If you could've seen them
run out of here when I said no.

Folks, we'd like
you meet our wives...

Mrs. Flatt and Mrs.
Scruggs, Gladys and Louise.



You see, Pearl, I told you if
they ever met them two women

you wouldn't keep
them on the string.

They married them
on the rebound.

Poor Lester and Earl.

They had to settle
for second best.


♪ Well, now it's time
to say good-bye ♪

♪ To Jed and all his kin ♪

♪ And they would
like to thank you folks ♪

♪ For kindly droppin' in ♪

♪ You're all invited back
next week to this locality ♪

♪ To have a heapin'
helpin' of their hospitality ♪

♪ Hillbilly, that is ♪

♪ Set a spell ♪

♪ Take your shoes off ♪

♪ Y'all come back now, y'hear? ♪

This has been a
Filmways presentation.