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01x09 - Trapped

Posted: 08/24/21 13:52
by bunniefuu

ABBY: People are resilient.

I think we're designed that way.

It's embedded in our DNA
to forge ahead, soldier on.

It's a whole lot easier to do
with an army at your back.


Got to keep moving, brother.

Can't sleep here. Keep moving.

ABBY: But sometimes it feels
like we're on our own.

♪ It seems like I'm caught up
in your trap again... ♪

It might even feel like the world

is conspiring against us at times.


A test to see just how much we can take.

How do you get out?
How do you break the cycle?

♪ Well, now I'm trapped ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ I'm trapped. ♪



Oh, no!

Wait! No! No!




What's this dude's problem?

Seriously? He doesn't hear us?

We're gonna have to get in front of him.



- What the hell, guys?
- You got a guy trapped inside,

- inside the compactor.
- That's impossible.

He dialed 911 from inside.

No, I mean that's not possible.

We haven't picked any garbage up yet.

Wait, what?

You got the wrong truck, man.
She's empty.

- What's going on?
- It's the wrong truck.

Um, thank you. Carry on.
Y-You're doing a great job.

Dispatch, this is T-118.
We are at Chandler and Allott.

We have the wrong garbage truck.

Do you have a location
for the garbage truck?

ATHENA: This is 727-L-30.

I got eyes on your garbage truck.

Corner of Ventura and Stern.
Search and Rescue on the way.

- That's, like, two blocks away.
- Let's go.

All right.



MAN: Help!

- Turn it off!
- Help!

- Turn off the compactor now!

- Turn off the compactor!
- Help!

- There's someone inside.
- What?!

- The Dumpster. He was asleep.
- How was I supposed to know

he was sleeping in one of the Dumpsters?

- You're not in any trouble.
- Did you run the compactor?

- Yeah.
- What kind of pressure does it operate under?

I don't know. 2,000 PSI? Maybe more?

That would crush a car.

GARBAGEMAN: Damn. Look at her go.

Hello? Is anybody down there?

Can you hear us?

Ooh, this stinks.

People call us heroes?

- BUCK: Oh, Hen, hold up.

It's gonna take forever by hand.

Hey, Chim, can you grab shovels?

Come on, what are you, scared
to get your hands dirty, Buck?

Come on, let's go!

- What's with her?
- I don't know.

But if I were you, I'd
stay out of her way.

CHIMNEY: I'm coming in.

You got that.

GARBAGEMAN: Wait, so, he was, uh,
he was sleeping in a Dumpster,

- but he has a cell phone?
- They give them to the homeless.

It's part of the Lifeline program.

Keeps them connected to family,
if they have any.


I got him. I see a foot!

- I got it.

I got a pulse.

Stay still, sir. Do not move your neck.

Chim, get me a neck brace
and a board in here.

- We got to get him out of here.
- I don't understand.

How'd he survive that kind of pressure?

Probably fell into this pocket here.

He got protected by the chair.

Sir, can you hear me?

Can you hear me?
Does it hurt when you breathe?

It hurts.

- I can't feel my legs.
- Well, don't worry, okay?

We're gonna get you out of there.

You're gonna be all right, okay?

- What's your name?
- Sam.

You're gonna be all right, Sam.


ABBY: So, Carla,

it's your last chance to tell me

if you're not up for working extra hours.

(CHUCKLES) When have you ever
known me not to speak my mind?

(LAUGHS) Very true.

- Well, I appreciate it.
- Mm-hmm.

Buck and I are both working
the graveyard shift,

and then he has a little
breakfast date planned for us.

- Ooh.
- And considering

our last proper date was
scheduled when you and I

- (WHISPERS): were in the E.R. with her.
- Uh-huh.

Well, have fun, all right.
I could use the overtime.

- Okay, good. Good.

Hope this date
is him having you rub baby oil

- on his biceps.

Okay, Mom.

- I got to go to work.
- Stay.

- Mom.
- Stay, please.

- I know. I wish I could.
- Stay. Stay.

- Can you let go of me, Mom?
- Please.

It's okay. I'll see you
in the morning, okay?

Are you okay?

- Come on. Come on.
- Oh, my God.

Do you... do you need some ice?


I'm good. I mean...

(SIGHS) She's getting worse.

Maybe it...

This could be another episode.

(SIGHS) Oh, God.

- What the...?
- It's okay.

- I should stay. I'm not...
- No. No.

- No, no, no. Get out of here.
- No, I mean, this is...

Go to work. Go to your date.
Go be young while you still are.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Yeah. Okay.

Oh, my God. (SNIFFLES)

I didn't ask you to lunch

just so I can buy you
a hot dog you won't eat.

Talk to me.

Is this about Karen? Did you tell her?

I didn't have to.

She already knew.

And she presented me with papers.

- Oh, a divorce?
- Custody.

My ex is suing us for custody.

On what grounds?

'Cause she's the birth mother.

And that she gave up the baby
under duress.

Does she have a chance?

Well, I read about a case

in Michigan where they took
a five-year-old little boy

away from the only family he ever knew

and gave him to his birth father.

I mean, her chances are slim,
but they're not zero.

And now she's saying that...

that Denny's living
in an unstable home because...

because I stepped out on my wife.

With the same damn woman
who's suing you for custody?

All I know is that I just feel like...

covering myself in all that
garbage we just dug through

and letting the compactor
just squish me into nothing.

You gonna get through this.

And I'm here to help.

I mean, if you need
the number of a good lawyer...

(LAUGHS) Divorce or custody?

Between my wife and my ex,

I don't know who
I'm-a face in court first.

You know, my recommendation for you

will be make divorce the last option.

It's hard work,
especially if you have kids.

You and Michael...
y'all gonna get a divorce?

It's time.

I mean, I'm not sad about...

I am, but I know it's the right thing.


And I feel excited
about the future, you know,

about not feeling so confused
all the time. (CHUCKLES)

You finding anyone new?

(LAUGHS) Dang, girl, already?

What? (LAUGHS) Get out of here with that.

Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

I'm still trapped in my past.

You just got free.
You gonna tell me about this.

The other night, I met a guy at a bar.


Athena Grant let a stranger
pick her up and take her home?

- Oh, I did a background check.
- Yeah, no.

My plan wasn't to go home with him,

but he was just...


- Needed to feel like a woman.
- Mm.

I left there thinking that, you know...

- that's a one-hit wonder.
- But?

- Guess I made an impression.
- Round two's on the books?

- Tomorrow right after my shift.
- Oh!


We're late. Again.

Dr. Franks doesn't care.

Because Dr. Franks gets to
charge us for the whole session,

no matter how much of it we miss.

Maybe it's not worth it, okay?

I don't think Dr. Franks
is really doing any good.

Because you are not trying.

- Trying what?

To grow up. To be an adult.

You're 18, not eight.
You don't have a job.

- You are not in school.
- College wasn't for me. Okay?

You flunked out after one semester...

which, honestly, I did not
even realize was possible...

because you did not try. You never try.

So I haven't figured out yet
what I want to do with my life.

- Okay, does that...
- Who cares what you want?

Do you think that I really want
to spend 80 hours a week

hawking luxury lofts
and million-dollar teardowns?

- No, I really don't.







M-Mom, are you okay?

Mom! Mom, are you okay?!






All the cars are locked down.

Car three was headed up to 14,
and somewhere around eight,

damn thing just started
dropping like a rock.

- How many passengers in the car?
- Dispatch says two:

a mother and her teenage son.
The mother's hurt.

- BOBBY: Where's the car now?
- DAVIS: Halfway below basement level.

That's the other problem.

- Basement is flooded?
- Since this morning.

Third one this month.
Pipes in this place are ancient.

Every time the construction guys
go near them, they burst.

And did you replace
the elevator cables afterwards?

The water corrodes them.

We were gonna do that after we
took care of the flooding issue.

We're gonna have to go in from above.

Buck and I should just
go down with the basket.

I'll get the winch.

I'll lock and tag out
the power of the cars.

- Where's the elevator room?
- This way.

TODD: Mom, the water's getting higher.

- MARJORIE: Mm-hmm.
- Okay, can you move?

- Mm-hmm.
- Come on.


- I'm sorry, okay?
- No, you're doing fine.

No, I mean, we're only here

- because of me.

Dad left... because of me.

- Oh, no.
- You're right, okay? I'm a screwup.

I-I am, and I'm sorry.

- No.
- I'm sorry.

Listen to me. That is not
why your father left.

Your father left...

because he got bored.

Of me and our life

and anything resembling responsibility.

Is that why you're so mad at me?

Because I'm like him?

You're nothing like him.

You take after me.

- Okay.
- And that's why I push you so hard.

- Listen to me.
- Okay.

Because I know...
you can be so much more.

CHIMNEY: Pressure line's ready, Cap.

All right, let's go.

All right, that's good.

- Honey. Honey. Honey.
- Hey, do you hear that?

Uh-huh. Wait. Right here.

- Hello!
- Hello?

- TODD: Thank goodness.
- BUCK: Be right there, guys.

- Watch yourselves. Rope coming in.
- MARJORIE: Thank you.

- Oh, my... Hi.
- Hey, guys.

My son is, is right behind me, yes?

- Yes.
- Yeah, I'll be right there.

Don't even worry about it, okay?
I'll be right there.

HEN: Okay, Bobby.

All right, we're gonna
bring her up. Go ahead, Chim.


BOBBY: Come right through here.

Just come right through here.

- All right, that's one.
- Thank you.

- You're next. Okay, let's do this.
- All right.

BUCK: Uh, hey, uh, Bobby,
um, need another harness.

- Coming down.
- Oh.

- What the hell happened?

Hey, the-the weight of the water
is pulling us down.

BOBBY: All right, grab the kid,
get the hell out of there.

Yeah, but we both won't fit.

I need another harness.

I don't suppose you do a lot of pull-ups?


That's what I thought. (GROANS) Okay.

Pull it up.

All right, let's freewheel it. Come on.

Okay, ready?

We got you, we got you.

All right... all right.

Buck! Buck!





Hey. Hey.

Is she gonna be all right?

They'll check her out more
at the hospital.

It just seems like a mild concussion.

You'll just have to keep an eye
on her for the next few days.

We could have died like that.

Trapped together,
full of anger and resentment.

I don't want that.

But we didn't.

They got us out. We're free, Mom.


I don't mean today.

I mean 20, 30 years together,

stuck with each other
until I draw my last breath.

You need to move out.

But I don't have a job, Ma. I...

You will find one.

You proved today that you are
not a helpless idiot. (CHUCKLES)




Okay. (GRUNTS)

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

- You keep on that uniform.

- How is this gonna work, then?


It's a hot day in July.

One of those hundred-degree So Cal days.

You spot me on La Brea.

I'm driving 90 in a 45.

You hit the siren, pull me over,

and walk over to my window,
where you lower yourself down.

You make eye contact.

It is so hot
that you unbutton your shirt.

- (LAUGHS) Are you serious?

Have you been smoking something?


seeing a woman as beautiful
as you in a police uniform,

it's... mmm.

I'm a strong man.

I run an entire department.

50 people all answering to me.

I'm in control.

So what could be more sexy to me...

...than a woman strong enough to
take that control away from me?


Mm, well, I've never done
anything like that before.

At least not in the bedroom.

- Mm, mm, mm.


- Sir.
- Ooh.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have
to place you under arrest.

On what charges?

Being so damn fine.

(LAUGHS) Might want
to restrain me, Sergeant.

- I've been a bad, bad boy.
- Ooh.


Don't you want to read me my rights?

Ooh, you have the right to be
as loud as you like.

- Mmm...

- Oh... The hell?!

You just handcuffed
both of us to the bed.

I thought you were into it.

I was. But the key to the cuffs
is in my belt, on the floor!


- Damn.

- Okay, okay, okay, okay.
- Okay.

Maybe you can go over...

Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Just wait a minute.

- No? Okay.
- Oh. No.

- Whoa, whoa. (GROANS)
- No, no. It's... Won't move.

- Hold up, wait.
- Oh! Okay, wait, wait.

- Okay. I have a friend.

He's two houses down.
I'll-I'll just give him a call.

Oh, no. No, no, no. Uh-uh. No, you won't.

Nobody's coming through
that door that I don't know.

So how we supposed to get free?

- Call 911?


- Yeah.
- Take line two.

They're asking for you.

They're asking for me?
Through the system?

Yes. Requested you specifically.

More demanded.

911. This is Abby Clark.
What's your emergency?

ATHENA: Hi. Abby, it's Athena.
You recognize my voice?

Oh. Yeah, Athena.
H-How are you, Sergeant?

Uh, no. Uh, just "Athena."

Okay. Uh, Athena, wh-what's going on?

Are you on duty?

Uh, this is a personal call.

I, um, seem to have gotten
myself in a-a bit of a jam.

I need you to call Henrietta

and have her call me back at this number.

Okay. Um, I can do... I don't...

I don't have... Do you have her number?

It's in my phone, which I don't
have access to at the moment.

- It's okay. I can ask Buck for it.
- Oh. Oh, fine.

(STAMMERS) Don't-don't tell him
why you need it.

Okay, I won't. Um...

Are you okay, S... A-Athena?

I'm in no danger of anything,
except being embarrassed.

- Okay.




- 'Thena?
- (GASPS) Hen!

Is that you?

What the... the hell?

Hen, um...


Are you done?

Athena, I thought... I don't
know what the hell I thought.

What... You called 911 for this?

911 is the only damn number
I have memorized.

Everything else is in my phone,
which is over there

with my belt and the key.

The key! You need the key?

You called me over here
to walk across the room

to get you the key

- out of your belt?
- AARON: She wouldn't let me

- call anyone saved in my phone.
- What?

And have one of your frat boy friends

come over here and catch me like this?

- You must be out your mind.
- I was never in a frat.

All right, let me...
let me... let me just

- unlock you, then.
- Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.

Did I ask you to?

Just put it right there
where I can get to it.


Mm-hmm. We good. You can go.


- M'kay. Well, damn!

Get it, girl.

(LAUGHS) Let me...

Well, I mean, let me just
bring this over here,

just in case y'all want
to get kinky with the Taser.

- Bye, Hen.
- (LAUGHS) Wait, let me just...

I just want to get a selfie...

- No, no. You really need to go!

♪ I'm in love with it, intoxicated... ♪


In 0.1 miles, keep right.

♪ ♪


- Hi!
- Hi.

What the heck is this?

- It's our date.

- Come on.
- Oh, my gosh!


- These are for you.
- Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

So beautiful.

- Whoa!
- Uh-huh.

- Are you kidding me?
- No.

- (LAUGHS): Oh, my...
- You ever been up in one?

Uh, no, but I've answered a few calls

from ones that have crashed.

I'm just kidding. It's amazing.

And, uh, there is
champagne and truffles on board.

- You're surprising me.
- Well, you're amazing.

I want to make sure
I make you feel that way.

So, today, we fly.

- Awesome. Awesome.

- Oh, sh**t. Hold on one second. Sorry.

My mom.

- Here, let me take these.
- Oh, yes. Hold on. Thank you.

- Hey, Carla. What's up?
- CARLA: Hey. I-I'm so sorry, sweetheart.

- Okay.
- Car...

All right. She's having another episode.

- PATRICIA: Who are you?
- Carla, Carla, maybe put her

- on the phone with me?
- Here, okay, l-listen, listen.

- Abby?
- Listen, listen.

See? There's Abby on the phone.

Mom? It's Abby. Can you hear me?

PATRICIA: Why are you keeping

- Mom?
- me prisoner?

CARLA: I think she needs
to see your face.

- She needs to know you're here.
- ABBY: All right.

Carla, I'll-I'll just be there
as fast as I can, okay?


- Everything okay?

Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry. I have to go.

Uh, hot air balloon.

I know, I know. It's my mom. Sh...

But it's a hot air balloon, you know?
You can't just... reschedule

- that like a dinner reservation.
- I know.

We had a really bad night,
and she's just...

just in a terrible place right now.

- Okay?
- No, it's fine.

Thank you.

Thanks. I'm sorry.

- Bye.
- Bye.



You want to give me a lift to work?!

Thought you had the morning off.

Weren't you supposed to be
up in a blimp or something?

Hot air balloon.
And, uh, she bailed on me.

Uh, her mom wasn't doing well.

That's a bummer. Happens.

Yeah. I don't know.


Look, I'm-I'm super into her.

You know, she is... she's really smart.

And when she makes fun of me,
it doesn't make me feel bad.

She has her own money.
The sex is... insane.

Oh, here I thought
she just had great hair.

(CHUCKLES): She's the perfect woman.

But this is the second week in a row

that my day off has been screwed up

because she has to go
and deal with her mom.

Well, people who are great
tend to have full lives,

with people who depend on them.

Yeah. And-and I really like
her mom, you know?

I-I do. And I respect the way
that Abby takes care of her.

I'm-I'm starting to think maybe...

...maybe this kind
of relationship isn't for me.

You mean a real one?

I'm... I mean, I'm 26, right?

You know, I-I want to have fun.

You know? And I'm not saying
that I should go

and start jumping back into bed
with every girl I meet.

I'm-I'm not trying
to be that guy anymore.

But maybe I should find something

that is a little less...


Look, all those things that
you feel when you're with Abby...

the closeness, intimacy and trust...

those things don't come for free.

Any woman of substance
and experience has lived a life,

and she's gonna come with some baggage.

I think your problem is you're hoping

to pull her out of this trap
she's in with her mom.

That's not gonna happen.

What she needs is
for you to step inside with her,

keep her company in there.



CECIL: What took you so long?

It takes as long as it takes, Cecil.

- I'm doing the best I can.
- Are-are you sure

- you weren't followed?
- Yes, I'm sure.

How sure? Winslow. Winslow, how sure?

- I'm very sure!
- That's good. That's-that's very good.

Circled the block three times. I'm sure.

Did you... did you get
the bread, Winslow?

- You know, the kind I like?


- I think my jacket's sn...
- Don't... Wins...

- Be careful. Don't...
- ...snagged on something.

- Winslow!









- Buck, get the saw.
- Yes, Cap.


Dispatch said something about
the house being booby-trapped.

We have to take the door.

(GRUNTS) Here you go, Cap.


Oh, easy, Cap. Easy.

CHIMNEY: What on earth?

HEN: We're never getting past that.

Not unless we have
a bulldozer in the truck.

- 1968.

CHIMNEY: Here, hand it to me.
Hand it to me.

What is that, a tunnel?

BETSY: They're total kooks.

(SCOFFS) Hoarders on steroids.

One I actually never seen.
Never leaves the house.

The other, you know,
every once in a while,

you'll see him skulking
around the neighborhood,

goes out for groceries or newspapers.

And he circles the block three times

before disappearing into the house.

It's like he's, uh, afraid
someone's following him.

(CHUCKLES) Trust me,
no one's following him.

Same thing round back.
Window's our best choice.

I wouldn't be so sure
about that. Heads up!

Damn, this is insane!
Hey, Cap, you got to see this!

- BOBBY: Buck! Buck! You all right?

- You okay?

- Buck!

Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.

I told you. Kooks!

ABBY: Okay, Cecil,
the fire captain is on the line.

- He'd like to speak with you, okay?
- CECIL: Yes.

Yes, o-okay. All right.

Captain Nash, his name is Cecil.
He's older. He seems fragile.

He's probably gonna require
some patience.

- Of course.
- Captain Nash, this is Cecil Farrier.

His brother is the one who's trapped.

Cecil, my name is Bobby.
I'm outside your place,

and I'm gonna help find your brother.

We need to pick a window,

and you need to disarm the traps.

- I can't.
- Why not?

I'm blind.

Okay, well, Cecil, what's
the best way into the house?

Through the back tunnel,

b-but I think that's totally collapsed.

So there's only one way in:
the-the front tunnel.

BOBBY: How far back does this tunnel go?

Maybe... 25 feet.

Stay to the right.

Just about halfway down,
there's-there's a trap.

What happens if I trip it?

Uh, Winslow rigged a-a circular saw blade

to-to fall through one of the cracks.

It would cut you right in two.

You disarm that,
you disarm all the booby traps.

I can talk you through it.

Just please, please hurry.

What do you think, Buck?

I'm game, but... I don't think I'll fit.

I would.

Come out to the coast, we'll get
together, have a few laughs.

BUCK: What's that, Chim?

(SIGHS) You make me sad, Buck.

Very sad.

- Come on.


Okay, Cecil, I'm at the clock. What now?

CECIL: Is-is... is it set for midnight?

Copy. It's set to midnight.

So... move it to 11:11.

(GROANS) Copy.

Turn the clock to ease
the tension on the trip wire.

Remember, that clock can set off
other traps in the house.

You all right?

- HEN: You okay?
- CHIMNEY: I'm good. I'm good.

Setting the clock to 11:11.

- Nice and easy, now.


It's at 11:11!



All clear.


Cecil, can you hear me?

CECIL: Hello?

- Cecil?
- Oh, yeah, yes, yeah.

- Oh, God.
- Hello?


- CECIL: Where-where-where?
- Oh, my God.

Where? Where are you?

- Are you here?
- Coming. I'm coming.

Good. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Now-now you have to help me
find my brother.

- Okay, I will, I will, I will, I will.
- Yeah, help. Yeah.

- I promise you I will.

Uh, just stay here for one second, okay?

I'm just gonna let some light
in here so I can see.

- Just stay right there, okay? Don't move.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Oh, my God.

How long have you been living like this?

Not sure what you mean. Uh...

Winslow and me... we took the house

- after Mom and Dad died.

So, 1967, and...

Well, we had to protect
the house, you know?

We-we wanted to make sure
that nobody stole anything.

It's our house.

house, and we had to protect it,

and I can't do this by myself,

so I need you
to help me find him right now.

I need you to stop what you're doing

- and help me find him right now!
- I will. I will.

I promise you I'm gonna find
your brother for you, okay?

But I need you to stay right here

so I can go get him, all right?

- Okay, yeah.
- Okay.

- Okay. Okay.
- I'll be back.

- I'll be back for you.
- Okay. Find... find him.

Okay. Find him.

♪ ♪

Over here! He's here! Winslow!

You're gonna be all right, sir.
We got you.

Just try to keep still. Grab my bag!

- My brother okay?
- CHIMNEY: Cecil, he's okay.

We're gonna take care
of you now. Please stay still.

- Okay.
- All right.

Ready? One, two, three!

- Flip!
- Ow!

HEN: All right,
I see some blood down here.

Let me check it out, you guys.

All right, just keep...

- Ooh.
- Okay.

All right, hold on. We got
a compound fractured tibia,

penetrated to the skin.

A slight discoloration below the break.
No blood flow?

BOBBY: Okay, check the
dorsalis pedis pulse.

- All right, sir.

- I'm not finding anything.
- He could lose his leg.

All right, we have to realign
it, reestablish blood flow.

Okay, Buck, you and I stabilize.

Hen, Chim, do your thing.

Winslow, sorry. This is gonna hurt.

All right, hold him still. Hen, on three.

- One, two, three!

- All right. All right.
- Keep your leg still!

Hard part's over. Now we got
to get you to the hospital.

- Okay?

- Okay, guys, strap him in.
- No, no, no!

I-I can't leave...
I can't leave my brother!

You're doing great. Stay still.

- Okay, are you guys ready?
- Hey. Yeah.

HEN: We're gonna get you
out of here, sir.

- You're gonna be fine, Winslow.
- All right, guys. Ready?

- One, two, three, up!

- All right.
- HEN: Somebody grab

my gear on the way out!

- Winslow, it's okay. I'm here.
- Easy, easy, easy.

BOBBY: Good job, guys.

- All right, keep going.

No! I can't leave. Please,
I can't leave my brother behind.

I'm here. I'm here, Winslow.

Just... I'm here.
Just let them take care of you.

I won't leave you, Cecil.

CECIL: You don't have to.
You don't have to.

I'm... I'm-I'm coming with you.

♪ Sunny ♪

- You okay, Winslow?
- Yeah.

♪ Yesterday my life
was filled with rain... ♪

Um, you got to help my brother now.

- He's fine. He's fine.

All right, Winslow, come on.

♪ Smiled at me
and really eased the pain... ♪

- Cecil?
- I'm here. I'm here.

♪ Oh, the dark days are gone ♪

♪ And the bright days are here ♪

- ♪ My Sunny one shines so sincere ♪

♪ Oh, Sunny one so true ♪

♪ I love you. ♪

Is this cool?
Like, I figured we try someplace

completely not special,
so-so if you had to cancel it,

- you wouldn't feel bad.
- I'm sorry.

This is great. This is great.

Um, so how's your mom doing?

Same. I mean, worse.

You know, she's having
a hard time walking,

and eating is getting tougher.

But the worst part, you know, is, like,

it's just the memory and the personality.

T th disse... t don't

just eat away at it like cancer does.

It almost just pushes it away.

Yeah, and, um...

it sounds, it sounds... awful.

(CHUCKLES): Sorry.
I know, it sounds awful.

And I'm sure you don't want to hear it,

'cause I don't want to hear it

'cause I don't even want
to be going through it.

- I-I do want to hear it.
- Well...

All right, you're-you're
living it, and I want,

- I want you to talk to me.
- I know, but it's just...

I think there's a reason
I've been doing this...

alone, you know?

It's hard to drag somebody through it.

I don't want... you know.

I don't want that for you.


You're breaking up with me, right?

I think I just...
I'm letting you off the hook.

See, I feel like
anyone else, most people,

if they were dealing with the stuff

you have to deal with every single day,

they would, they would see it as a cage.

But you don't.

You find a way to break free.

You find a way to be yourself.

You find... life.

And if the price I have to pay

for being close to a woman
like you is, yeah, whatever,

a couple of canceled dates,
then, you know what?

Then that is one heck
of a good deal, and I am in.

I'm not going anywhere.


for the star of the show.



Duck rendang.



- That's a good-looking duck.
- Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

I bet your, uh, ex-husband
wasn't a gourmet chef

in his spare time.

Actually, Michael's a great cook.

Mm. There's great, and then
there's duck rendang great.

- Mm-hmm.



I want to run something by you.

I have a place in Big Sur.

I was thinking that
we can get away for the weekend,

hike, go on the beach.


I can't go away with you.

I'm not even divorced yet.

It's a formality.

No. It's not.

I just got out of a 14-year marriage

to a guy I thought I knew.

I'm figuring out how to be single at 50.

I'm not looking to jump
into another relationship.

I want sex with no strings.

I don't need dinners or weekend getaways.


I got married because
my biological clock was ticking.

I stayed married for the kids.

I'm getting divorced for myself.

I'm not ready for this.

And you...


You are too good
to be somebody's rebound guy.


I assume you're not gonna
stay the night, then?


- that depends...
- Mm-hmm.

...on how good the duck is.


Uh, my lawyer says
we're not supposed to talk.

Did you tell him that the only reason

you're doing all of this is
so that you and I will talk?

He is my son, too.

'Cause I carried him,
I gave birth to him.

And you couldn't sign
those papers to give him away

fast enough, Eva. This isn't about Denny.

It's about you finding a way
to get back with me.

(CHUCKLES): Well, what's wrong with that?

I mean, we could give him
a better family.

Me and you, together.

He has a family.

Now, I know that Diesel is the reason

that you stayed with her all these years.

Her name is Karen.

And I love her.

But she's got you trapped,

living this sad, suburban life
that is not you,

but when I get custody...

You know that's never gonna happen.

So tell me...

what do we have to do
to make you stop this insanity?

What, you need money?

We don't got a lot, but, what,
that's what it's gonna take?

I want you.

You had me, Eva.

You had me.

I loved you.

I would've done anything for you.

That wasn't enough. I wasn't enough.

See, you have this fantasy
of us playing house,

as if I hadn't already
lived through that.

(VOICE BREAKING): I know how it goes.

I know how it goes.

It's me trying over and over
and over to build a life for us,

and you tearing it down
brick by brick by brick

until I'm left alone, heartbroken,

in a hole that I don't even know
how to climb out of.


I survived you, Eva.

And I'm sure as hell not gonna
let you put Denny through this.


Just wait.

Okay, it won't be like that this time.

Oh, I can be different.

Being in that cage... it changed me.

I love you.

(SIGHS): I love you.

You are incapable

of caring about anybody but yourself,

which is why I will never
let you near my son.

Count on that.

Count on it!

ABBY: A wolf will chew off
its own leg just to escape.


Which makes perfect sense.

♪ If I could face them ♪

♪ If I could make amends
with all my shadows... ♪

If you're being held back,

cornered, forced into a situation,

you do whatever you can to change it,

to break free, to survive.

♪ But I feel it burning ♪

♪ Like when the winter wind
stops my breathing... ♪

But sometimes escape isn't our default.

♪ I fear you won't, I fear you don't... ♪

Sometimes we stay the course.

We cope, we navigate.

♪ And it echoes when I breathe,
till all you see... ♪

Because traps don't look
the same to everybody,

especially not from inside one.

♪ Empty vessel, crooked teeth... ♪

Sometimes what the rest of the
world sees as having us pinned

actually ends up pushing us forward,

giving us purpose, control,
someone to talk to.

And once in a while,

the very thing everyone thinks
is holding us back

is also what makes us feel at home.

♪ With all my thoughts... ♪


♪ I feel it biting,
I feel it break my skin ♪


♪ So uninviting ♪

♪ Are you really gonna need me
when I'm gone? ♪


♪ And they call me under ♪


♪ And I'm shaking like a leaf ♪

(CRYING): Mom?!

♪ And they call me underneath ♪

- ♪ To the storm. ♪