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02x17 - Careful What You Wish For

Posted: 08/24/21 14:22
by bunniefuu
Lotto fever has
officially swept the Southland.

The Golden State jackpot has
climbed to an all-time high,

sending Angelenos everywhere

scrambling to grab their
last-minute lottery tickets.

With no lucky winner last
week, the jackpot has now...

Make it a winner this time, Ray.

Got a good feeling about this one.

I think we both gonna be winners today.

Y'all heard him, folks.

Y'all might as well save
yourself the trouble,

'cause I got the winning
ticket right here!

You go, baby.

millionaires everywhere line up

to make their offerings to Lady Luck.

My God.

Please, God, just this one wish.

Just this one.

- Watch where you're going.
- Get out the road!

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

A man just jumped out of
a building and landed on my car.

What's your location, ma'am?

On the corner
of fourth and main...

Wait a minute...
my God, he's alive! He's alive!

Barry Johnson, 57.

Seems to have had some kind of
existential crisis after lunch.

Threw all his money off the roof
and then decided to jump after it.

Falls 20 stories and lives.

20 stories? How is that even possible?

We also got a few greedy
bystanders with minor injuries.

Not sure how you want to handle those.

That's up to the cap.

Interim cap.

This is just temporary
until Bobby comes back.

You keep telling yourself that, Buck.


All right, I'll take spinal precaution.

Right, I'm the captain.
Hen, Eddie, you're with him.

Buck, go with John.
Triage the minor injuries.

- And I'll get the Jaws.
- All right, Barry.

I'm gonna give you
something for the pain, okay?

It'll take the edge off,

but you're probably
still gonna feel this.

Can't you just knock me out?

Sorry, I need you to stay with me.

Compound fracture, both legs.

Hasn't lost bowel control.

At least I got that going for me.

These are all positives, Barry.

Means your spine's probably okay.

Ma'am, you said you saw him fall?

- Yeah.
- How did he land?

Feet first.

Couldn't even do this right.

This morphine's nice, though.

You have anyone you need us to call?

My wife left me. My kids hate me.

My only friend is suing me.
Next time, I go head first.

You had all that money, though.

Why'd you throw it out the window?

That money ruined my life.

A year ago, I'd have thought
it solved all my problems.

Just multiplied them.


Wait, what-what happened last year?

I won the lottery.

Careful what you wish for.

Look at him.

Feel like I won the lottery.

Our son seems happy.

I swear, that kid was born happy.

I have no idea where he gets it.

From me.


Mr. Broody?

Well, hopefully he gets your brains.

He can't get by just on my good looks.

Nice. Good one.

He loves having you around.

- Does he?
- We both do.


What are we doing?

What do you mean?

I need to know what you want.

I want this.

Want to have a nice day on the
beach with my son and his mother.

Okay. So... is that what I am to you?

Christopher's mother?

Because, hey,

if that's what it is, it's fine.

I just...

I need to know.


I don't know.

These last months have been good.

Really good. I don't know.

Guess I'm just waiting for a sign.

Something... to know which way to step.

I think I might be pregnant.


- Good morning, Captain.
- Good morning, Sergeant.

- Checking up on me?
- Not at all.

I'm just jealous of
your life of leisure.


You kidding me? I'm about to embark
on a project so grand and so vast

that I won't have a moment
to even think about something

as insignificant as possibly having

- my life's work taken away from me.
- Yes?

Yeah. I am gonna plan us a real wedding.

Obviously, I won't make any decisions

- without you.
- No.

Feel free to pick out
everything except the dress.

All I need on that day
are just you and the kids.

- All the other details? Have at it.
- You know,

if there's an upside to this
suspension, it's that I get a chance

to really concentrate on this.

Make the occasion worthy of the bride.

Well, smooth-talk the
investigating committee

like that, there won't
be a suspension for long.

Be safe out there, Sergeant. I love you.

I love you, too.

- Hey.
- Hey. Am I bothering you?

Y-You would tell me if
I'm bothering you, right?

No, you're not bothering me.

Okay, good. Um... When
are you coming back?

I don't know, Buck.
I-I might not be.

That's unacceptable.

We need to get you unsuspended.
Maybe I can talk to the chief,

you know, testify on your behalf.
That-that would help, right?

You might get
suspended, too. Let's...

We need you back, Bobby.

The place doesn't work without you.

So, we're doing lineups now?

- Stow it, Buckley.
- Buck, it's been two shifts.

But I thought that having Chimney
be in charge would be easier

on all of you. He's your friend.

Yeah, Chimney is my friend.

Interim Captain Han?

- He's a monster.
- Listen up.

Because the word of the day is

"hose maintenance."

Okay, I'm out.

He's just being conscientious.

Conscientious? Or mad with power?

That's not the most
efficient way to do it, guys.

Look, a week ago,
Chimney was one of you.

Now he's responsible for all of you.

It's an adjustment for everybody.

Well, exactly how long
will we be adjusting, Cap?

Because Responsible
Chimney is freaking me out.

Get it nice and tight.

Clean line.

Watching, Buckley?


- It's not good.
- He's not you, Cap.

You shouldn't expect him to be.

You should tell him that.

This is shaking beef
because you shake it.

Whoa. Fire. Fire.

Chim, back up.

Smell that?

What's for dinner?

Okay, relax.
There's plenty for everybody.

Maybe now would be a
good time to reflect

on our hose training. Hey, hey, hey!

The 118 eats dinner as a family,
even if it is crappy pizza.

Sit down, Diaz.

Sorry, Cap. It won't happen again.

I just sat there.

I didn't know what to say.

Well, that's understandable.

You sure I'm not in your hair?

- It's fine.
- See, I don't know, Cap.

Another baby?

I mean, are we ready for that?

Were you ready the first time?

No. I...

I knew I loved her,

but I didn't think I
was ready to get married.

If you two do decide
to have another baby,

you'll figure it out.

We already know you're a great dad.

I guess the question is,
can I be a good husband?

That is a question.

Are you ready to ask it?

I don't know. It's just a stupid dance.

Probably shouldn't even go.

You like this girl.

So ask her out. See what happens.

- What if she laughs at me?
- What if she doesn't?

You don't think I was nervous
when I asked your mother out?

- You have a fire engine.
- I do.

Well... I did.

- They all hate me.
- They don't hate you, Chim.

No, they do.

- This, like, a bad time?
- It's fine.

You know, when the chief
asked me to take over,

I thought it would be fun, you know?

A couple of weeks of
bossing everyone around.

Making Buck wash my car.
What's not to love?

Except apparently everything.

Sometimes it's not easy being the boss.

Can I change my mind?
Stop being their boss,

go back to being their friend?

A good captain finds a way to do both.

I don't think I'm up to it.

You can do this, Chim.
You don't have to worry

about being their
friend. You already are.

You can do this because
you know this team,

you know what they're
capable of and they trust you.

Now you just have to
trust them and yourself.

Don't push them. Lead them.

Now, we get lots of tours

in here, but it's not
every day we get to meet

the reigning South Pasadena
sixth grade bake sale champs.

Who knows the difference
between cocoa and cacao?

Very good.

After the cacao nib is milled,
it goes through the grinder,

which causes it to melt.
That liquid is then...

Mr. Dubraunstein?

Are you sure you're okay being here?

Isn't it like an alcoholic
touring a distillery?

I didn't lose 195 pounds by
being some fragile flower.

- It was sheer willpower.
- I greatly admire that.

Well, that, and I didn't want to hear

the students call me "Mr. Du-fatstein"

behind my back for
another miserable year.

Children can be so cruel.

Especially the gifted ones.

Okay, who's
ready for some samples?

There you go.

Everyone take a sample.

Only one each.

Our chocolate liquor...

teachers, it's N.A...

is kept heated to 110 degrees.

First-time tasters say this is like

nothing they've ever experienced before.

- That is good.
- Yummy, right?

All right, now, if you'll
throw your cups away

and follow me to the packaging room.


9-1-1, what's your emergency?

I'm calling from the Seymour
chocolate factory in El Segundo.

My colleague is
drowning in dark chocolate!

He's a factory worker?

A social studies
teacher! Just please, hurry!

We tried pulling him out,
but he was struggling so much

that he sank even deeper.

Our chocolate is the richest
in the country, but...

unfortunately, that also
makes it the heaviest.

Sir? Sir, how you feeling in there?


We had to leave the heat on.
My foreman was afraid if we didn't

that the whole batch
would just harden up.

Then we'd be chiseling him out.

All right, let's get to work!

The pressure on his body is
probably slowing his circulation.

We don't get him out of here soon,

- he may lose consciousness.
- All right, boys,

- let's pull him out.
- Here, can you reach

your hands above the surface?


All right, we're gonna have
to grab under his arms.

- Okay, ready?
- Pull on three.

One, two, three.

I got you, I got you.

- What's happening here?
- Physics. Physics is happening here.

You're creating a low-pressure
pocket when you pull him up,

and then that pocket is
pulling him right back down.

Great. So basically chocolate quicksand.

Okay, everybody just stop for a second.

Hen, take out an O2 t*nk, rip off
the mask, create an air tube.

It'll buy us some time if
he goes completely under.

Time for what?

For me to think.

Get him, get him, get him.

Here. Try to...

try to bite this tube with your
tongue so you don't lose it.

Okay, good. Okay, now what, Captain?

Did our cap just run away?

I think he went that way.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Breathe. Keep
breathing, keep breathing.

- Coming through!
- Keep breathing,

Keep breathing, keep
breathing now. Keep breathing.

The hell?

It's cocoa butter.
Tempers the chocolate,

decreases the viscosity.

What? Stir.


Yeah. Keep-keep... keep
mixing! It's working!

There we go!

Okay, here he comes.

More, more, more!

Keep mixing!

I lied. I have no willpower.

I got lap-band surgery.

Quick thinking, Cap.

That was something.

You weren't so sure that
I could do it, were you?

You called Bobby, didn't you?

I went down to the...

I turned on the...

He's a chef. A good captain
utilizes all his resources.

It's not cheating.

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

I need you to send
someone to 225 Pinecrest Lane.

I think my brother
is going to k*ll himself!

Ma'am, I'm having
trouble understanding you.

You need to slow down.
What's the address again?

225 Pinecrest Lane. It's my brother.

He called me to say goodbye.
You have to hurry.

Please send someone!

Police are already on their
way. You said he called you.

When was that and where are you?

A few minutes ago. I didn't understand

what he was saying at first. Damn it!

Turn already! Move!

I'm not gonna make it in time.
He's all alone, and I don't...

The officers will be there soon.
He won't be alone for long.

So let's focus on getting you home safe.

Take a deep breath.

Calm down.

What's your name?


Hi, Nicole. I'm Maddie.

We're gonna get you
through this together.

What's your brother's name?

Sam. Foster.

Does Sam have any
history of mental illness?

He's bipolar.

- Bipolar 1.
- Does he take medication for that?

He takes... I don't know.
They switched his meds

- a few weeks ago. I can't remember.
- That's okay.

Has Sam attempted su1c1de before?

More than once.

You said that he called you to
say goodbye... what did he say?

That he loved me.

That he was sorry,

but he just couldn't do it anymore.

- He was so tired.
- You guys have been fighting

- like this for a while?
- Since college.

But I thought... I thought
the new meds were working.

He seemed better.

I wouldn't have left him if I...

God. I shouldn't have left him.

I shouldn't have gone out.


this is not your fault.

Don't even think about that right now.

Just focus on helping Sam.

- Right. I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.

I know it's scary.

Has Sam ever been violent?

Not to other people.

Just himself.

And he seemed okay
when you left the house?

Yeah. We had breakfast,

and he said he was having a
good day, and I believed him.

Wanted to believe him.

It's been so long since he felt okay,

and I thought, for an
hour, we could both just...

just breathe.

I'm here. I'm here.
I'm turning on my street.

Y-you're at your house?

I'm pulling up. I see police cars.

Why are there so many?




How's your day?


Are you saying that 'cause you're
only halfway through a shift,

or is something else going on?

You know that thing when you're
in the thick of an emergency

and you're helping someone,
and then help arrives,

- and...
- And they hang up on you.

Yeah, and you-you never
get to know how it ends.

Don't you ever wonder?

All the time.

You can pull the reports, Maddie,
but I don't recommend it.

If you don't read 'em, you can't know,

and as long as you don't
know... you can still hope.

For what?

Everyone lived.

Up here, I've never lost a call.

When I was a nurse,

for every person there was a
beginning, a middle and an end.

And you were there... for all of it.

You didn't just...

hang up and then pass the
responsibility to someone else.

- That's the job.
- Yeah, but if you're not there,

if you don't know how the story ends,

then how do you know if
you're doing it right?

How do you know if
you've made a difference?

You don't.

That's why not everyone can do this.

Though I was pretty sure you could.

I didn't leave nursing.

I left Doug.

And this was a fallback plan, you know?

It was a safe place where
I could just be a voice

and not be seen.

But Doug is...

he's gone now, and...

I'm free.

To what?

What do you want to do?

I wish I knew.


Like clockwork every year.

- Happy anniversary.
- Happy anniversary.

Mwah! Happy 25th.

I know. Right?

I called Roberto, and he's
giving us the table in front.

We're going to Roberto's?

We always go to Roberto's.

I'm sorry, honey.

Were you wishing that
I'd pick someplace else?

Wishes are for suckers.

Come here.

Well, you go get your keys,

- and I'll get the door.
- Okay.


I guess you can still
surprise me after all.

All right. Could I get that ETA?

Mail b*mb. Wife's in rough shape,
but she's still in one piece.

The house hasn't been cleared yet.

b*mb squad's still a
couple of minutes out.

- Copy that. Let's move!
- Here!

She's not breathing!

I tried talking to her,
but she wouldn't answer.

She can't hear you 'cause
her eardrums are blown out.

- All right, let's turn her.
- On it.


Eddie and I can handle this.

Breathing's shallow. We're looking
at a bilateral pneumothorax.

We don't release the
pressure, she could suffocate.

I did my share of these in combat.

Get some fentanyl, slow drip.

Chim, there's post-attack protocol.

- You're the captain.
- I'm also the most

experienced paramedic on-site.

Four-inch catheter, ten-gauge.

All right, Buck and Eddie, there
could be a secondary device.

We need to get everyone off the "X."

Sir, is there anyone else in the house?

No, no. Is she gonna
make it? Please, please, please

- tell me she's gonna make it.
- Why don't you come with us?

- We can check you out.
- No, no, no, she has to know

that-that we weren't
just going out to dinner.

- I had tickets for us to Fiji!
- You can tell her...

You can tell her yourself
later, I promise.

Ma'am, can you hear me?
You're going to feel a pinch,

but it's gonna relieve the pressure.

All right, tape her!


All right, tape her!

- No!
- Sharp!

Got it.

All right, let's move her!

Ready? Three, two, one.

I'm here, sweetheart. I'm right here.

I love you.

We just had lunch

with your... abuela.

- Hola.
- Hola.

And now, we're gonna get some...

Ice cream!

Ice cream?

Well, I do not envy you
putting him to sleep tonight.

When I call you later to complain,

just don't say "I told you so"?

All right, I promise.

I love you.

I love you.

Ooh! When's the wedding?

We're already married. Wait.

We don't have to get
married again, do we?

Talk to Bobby.

Maybe he can get you guys a discount.

Sue. Sorry. I know
that you're on your way out.

Don's picking me up.

Now matter how many watches I
give that man, he's always late.

I am not gonna be able
to take the extra shift on Friday.

I had something scheduled
for the morning, but then

they called, and they needed
it in the afternoon, so...

That's okay. I'll get
someone else to cover.

Have a good night.

It's a job interview.

I-I'm not sure if I'm supposed
to be telling you that.

It just feels weird hiding it.

So you've decided, then?

You're leaving us.

Josh told me about the talk.

I spent... years not having
a voice, and now that I do,

it just feels like what
I'm saying doesn't matter.

I think you underestimate yourself

and your contribution here.

I appreciate that.

But, honestly, here, I'm
just a person who sends help,

and I need to get back to
being the person who gives it.

VoilĂ .

Ooh, Eddie, I love these.

So is this some kind of
Forrest Gump reference?

"Life is like a box of chocolates"?

Actually, life is like
a vat of molten chocolate.

Yeah, sometimes you... you fall into it,

it drags you down, but
it-it's... it's warm, you know?

It-It's... and it's... It's sweet.

This is a very weird metaphor.

When you came back into our lives,

I was so glad.

And afraid.

I knew Christopher
missed you, but I-I...

I don't think I realized just...

how much I did, too.

- Eddie, I think...
- Please, just let me say this.

We were so young the first time.

You know, young and not ready.

But we had this amazing kid.

Being his dad has been the
single greatest joy of my life.

And that little boy has...
tau.. taught me more

about being a man than w*r ever did.

You're a good dad.

You're a great dad.

Well, if I am it's
because... he deserves it.


But he deserves his mommy, too.

He loves his mommy.

So do I.

I want us to be a family again.

I wished for a sign.

And I got one.

I'm not pregnant.


I'm not... pregnant.

I... I was just late.

I freaked out, and then,

I freaked you out, too, and I'm sorry.

That's got to be a relief, right?

It... it doesn't change a thing.

It does for me.


I wrote this letter a few years ago

right after I left,

or, actually, after I...

didn't come back...

to Christopher...

trying to explain why
I couldn't be there.

And I figured that if, for some reason,

I never found my way back,

that he'd want answers.

And he needed to know that...

it wasn't his fault.

That his mother didn't leave
because she didn't love him.

She left because she did.

I never sent it, obviously.

And then, when I found out
today that I wasn't pregnant,

I took that letter out, I read it.

Eddie, I never want to
have to send that letter.

Why would you ever?

Because if I try to do
this again before I'm ready,

there won't be a second chance.

I can't fail him again,

or you, and I won't.

I'm still learning

how to be someone's mother.

And after that, maybe I can
learn how to be someone's wife.

We're still married.

I think we should get a divorce.

- Glad you came.
- Yeah,

I'm always down for coffee,
but what's really going on?

Remember your first call?

shock... seafood allergy.

You remember the first lesson
I taught you on that call?

- Yes, you taught me to listen.
- Okay, terrific.

So, do that now.

Sue and I were on the phone
for a long time last night

trying to find a way to convince you
of the difference you've made.

Look, I really appreciate
that you and Sue were talking...

I never said that Sue and I
were talking to each other.

"We're gonna get
through this together."

- Nicole?
- Yeah.

- Wait. Is-is Sam...?
- He's okay.

The police got there in time,

and I got home in one piece.

Because of you.

Hearing your voice... it...

it kept me focused, gave me hope.

Your voice saved my life.

Even though I didn't hear it.

I was unconscious,

in labor.

The earthquake had just
hit, and I... I was dying.

We both were.

I didn't know what to do.
You said help wasn't coming.

It should have been terrifying, but...

your voice was so calm and reassuring.

And you-you got us help in a
way I never could have expected.

Same here.

Because of you, I made
it home for Christmas.

Just because you said I would.



My emergency was I was
an overworked idiot,

but you made sure they found me.

You saved my life.

Hey, you saved our marriage.

I was on the edge.

Literally on the edge, just
lost, and then I saw my Norman.

And it's because you found
a way to get him to me.

You helped us find our
way back to each other.

You did.

I probably would
have hung up on you.

I'm just being honest.

Maddie has more
patience than I ever did.


I thought that you were...

Took a plea, and since
we skipped the trial,

I never got a chance to see you again

to tell you... I was wrong.

About hanging up on people?

About the dead-end calls,

the people that couldn't be saved.

I always thought there was
nothing I could do for them,

but there was.

I could've listened,

just been there for them at the end

so they didn't have to be alone.

But is that enough?

I mean, I'm there for
them in the beginning,

I'm there for them... in the middle,
but it still doesn't seem like

it's enough to make a difference.

It's not... until it's your emergency.

And then you...

you realize that the
middle is the scariest part,

because you don't just need help.

You need hope.

And that's what your voice is, Maddie.

It's hope.

Thank you.

9-1-1, what's your emergency?

A car just drove through
a crowd of people at a crosswalk!

It looks really bad!

- Where are you?
- Rose Avenue.

All right, make way! LAFD!

All right, John, triage the minor
injuries. Hen, you're with me.

Buck and Eddie, check the driver.

- Ma'am, can you hear me?
- I, um...

I tried to stop, but I
didn't see any of them.

- Are they okay?
- Yeah, we're taking care of others.

Right now, we need
to see if you're okay.

Um, m-my neck hurts. God.

Okay, ma'am, we're gonna put
this on you as a precaution

until the doctors at the
hospital can check you out.

Th-There was a lady.
Is-is she all right?

Buck? What's going on?


Eddie. Eddie, wait. Eddie...

- Eddie, let me handle this.
- How bad is it?

- It's bad.
- Spinal injury?

Maybe worse.



Are you here?

I'm here.


This is so embarrassing.

Vitals trending downward.

All right, let's get her on the
backboard! Get her transported, now!

- Got it?
- I got it.

Ready? On
three. One, two, three.

Got it?

I'm riding with her.

She's decompensating.
We got to intubate her.

Eddie, we put that tube in,

there's a good chance
it never comes back out.

Hen, stop. Do not intubate. Not yet.

- Cap...
- I know.

He knows.

Get in there and say
goodbye to your wife.

I don't feel anything.

That can't be good, right?

Leaving again.

I'm so sorry.

I'd love... a little more time.

Just be silent.

I love you so much.

Christopher loves you so much.


love you...


- Hen, go.
- Intubating.

Dear Christopher,

I'm sure you're wondering where I am.

Or maybe not.

You're so young.

Maybe you've already adapted
to a world without me.

I hope for that

and fear it at the same time.

Please know that I love you

and I want all the best
things in life for you.

But I'm starting to think that
I'm not one of those things.

At least, not right now.

I've made a lot of mistakes.

They weigh on me.

Some days, it feels like
they're gonna pull me under.

Some days, I wish they would.

And that scares me.

Not for myself but for you.

You are a beautiful, amazing boy.

I want your life to be happy
and free and full of joy.

And I'm not sure that's
possible with me in it.

It's okay to hate me for leaving.

I will understand if
you never forgive me.

But always know that I love you, baby.

Even if it's from a distance.

I'm not in the mood for a lecture, Hen.

So if you're here to tell
me how I screwed up today,

gonna have to wait till
I finish this six-pack.

I wanted to
see if you were okay.

I guess I have my answer.

I'm fine.

I'm not the one with the dead wife.

Or any wife.

Which is probably good, because...

I was pretty cool with
letting Eddie's just die.

Is that what you think happened?

I think I withheld
medical care for a patient

- and she died.
- Chim,

she was dead when we got there, okay?

Just took a few minutes for her
brain to catch up with her body.

You know, I keep going it
over and over again in my head.

What would Bobby do?

How would Bobby have...

Bobby is not the captain
right now, Chim.

You are.

And you had a tough call.

But you made the right one.

I'm proud of you.

You're proud of me? For this?

For all of it.

Listen, I know I'm... I've-I've
given you some grief.

Well, I have been a
little on the insufferable side.

You've been a nightmare.

But, still, the truth is...

this promotion has left
me a little conflicted.

I mean, as your friend,

I want to see you succeed, but...

You didn't think I could do it.

Hell no.

I knew you could do it.

My fear was,

once you realized you could do it,

life as a paramedic, as my partner...

wouldn't be good enough.

I miss it, you know.

Being in the ambulance with you.

Kicking ass. Saving lives.

I feel like everything's changing.

Not this.

You might not be my partner now,

but you're still my best friend, Chim.

And that's never gonna change.

We don't have to do this today.

I thought it'd be a good
distraction, but, um...

Yeah, it feels wrong.


Looking at wedding venues when
Eddie's planning a funeral.

Seeing him in the hospital,
it just took me right back.


- Let's just go home.
- Yeah. Thanks.

Well, we're probably not

a hotel ballroom kind of couple anyway.

I mean, it's just too...

traditional. Too formal.

What kind of couple are
we? Backyard barbecue or...

package b*mb explodes.
Destination wedding?

In as many days.
Authorities are urging the public

to be on high alert tonight.

- Everything okay?
- The suspicious package

was left on the doorstep of a home

in Westwood sometime in the afternoon.

Package b*mb in Westwood?

That's not the scene that you
were called to the other day.

- No, no, no. A new one.
- A retiree attempted to open it.

That man, whose name is being withheld,

- fights for life at this very hour.
- Two bombs in one week?

That's not a coincidence.

That's a serial bomber
just getting started.