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01x11 - Identity Crisis

Posted: 08/24/21 15:15
by bunniefuu
after what just happened?

I did my job.

You sentenced a 24-year-old
man to life in prison.

I sentenced a 24-year-old
hitman to life in prison.

He k*lled a rival gangster
and his 10-year-old daughter.

Trust me, I'm okay
with him being in prison

for the rest of his life.

You're such badass.

Want some Chinese food?

Look, I know last night was
tough, but you'll be fine.

I know. I just feel so stupid.

It's not your fault.

Sometimes bad things happen
to good people.

I swear someone's following us.

Sorry, Mom,
I'm just a little off today.

It's okay, sweetie. Come on.

We're almost there.

I know it's a cliché,
but life is short.

You gotta find joy
in every day, every moment.

Hey, thanks for coming down.

My captain wanted me to get you
guys in the loop right away.

It's a federal judge.

Only the fifth time this ever
happened in the United States.

Can you believe it?

Who's the other woman?

Her daughter.

- Any witnesses?
- No.

Well, not yet anyway.
We're still canvassing the area

and looking for video.

Whatever we find,
we'll send your way.

Gucci purse next to the mother,

Rolex watch on
the daughter's wrist.

Yeah, it doesn't look like
the perp stole a damn thing.

Execution of a federal judge
and her daughter

five blocks from the courthouse.

Feels more like Juárez
than Manhattan.

We need to move fast
and make a statement.

You go after a judge
and their family,

we will bury you
by the end of the day.

I couldn't agree more.
We're already looking into.

Judge Chapman's recent rulings,
verdicts, threats.

I'll let you know the second we
have anything actionable.


Look, I just want to be upfront.

I have known Leslie Chapman
for years.

We go way back to when
she was a prosecutor

at the U.S. Attorney's Office.

I'm really sorry to hear that.

She was a great lady.

Strong, honest, and independent.

I want to nail
the son of a b*tch

who did this.

Mike, I'm so sorry.

I can't even imagine
what you're going through.

I can't believe they're gone.

Doesn't seem real.

We're gonna do
everything possible

to find out who did this.

I give you my word.

In the meantime,
I think it's better

if you stay inside, stay here,

and we're gonna
provide security.

What are you talking about?

Well, whoever did this might
be coming for you next.

We don't know that for sure,
of course, but...

it's a distinct possibility.

Well, let 'em come.

I'd be happy to stare down
the coward who did this.

Mike, if you're up for it,

we'd like to ask
a few questions,

because the more we know

the faster we can apprehend
whoever did this.

As you may know, a man,
Carlos Vertiz,

threatened your wife three
months ago in her courtroom.

My wife wasn't, um...

Easily intimidated. She...

so the thought of some idiot

jumping up and down
in the courtroom...

spewing threats...

as crazy as that sounds,

that wasn't the kind of thing
that would bother her.

I can attest to that.

I never saw Leslie flustered
or even nervous.

Do you know if, in the past
few weeks,

she received any unusual
phone calls, emails, texts?

No, not that I know of.

What about your daughter?

Was there anything unusual
happening in her life?


No, she, um...

She quit her job at
Goldman Sachs a few months ago.


Wanted to do something

Something more fulfilling.

Was she in any sort of trouble?

Was somebody bothering her?

No, nothing like that.
She was a g...

She was a good kid.

I mean, she...

she was a great kid.


I don't want this
to be my life right now.

No, I'm not aware
of any direct threats,

but Judge Chapman
was very private.

She never talked to me

about personal
or professional issues.

Did you notice anything unusual

over the past few weeks?

Packages or letters?

No, nothing.

What about her behavior?

Was she acting different
in any way? More stressed?


Did you overhear any arguments?

Any contentious phone calls?

she was definitely distracted.

And she was yelling into
her phone, said something like,

"How long
has this been going on?"

Then she left the office
for an hour or so.

- What time was that?
- Around noon.

Do you know
who she was talking to

or where she went?

No, I'm sorry.

If you can think
of anything else,

please call me.

Hey, Kristen, it's me.
Can you find out

who Judge Chapman was talking
to yesterday around noon?

Run her credit cards
and rideshare accounts too.

Same time, around 1200.

'Scuse me.

I'm Agent Bell.
This is Agent Zidan.

Hi, how can I help you?

Have you ever seen
this woman before?

No, not that I recall anyway.

A car dropped her off

at this address yesterday
around noon.

Well, maybe she got
dropped off here

but went somewhere else?

What's this about anyway?

We're investigating a homicide.

Double homicide, actually.

What about her?

Lot of people come
in and out of here.

It's dark, the music's loud.

It's kind of hard
to pick out faces, sorry.

We'd like to take a look
at your surveillance footage.

Sorry, we don't have any
internal video cameras here.

Too many celebrities and VIPS.


We're gonna be executing
a search warrant anyway.

Sure thing.

Why would Judge Chapman come
here in the middle of the day?

It's not even open at noon.

Maybe to talk to
one of the employees?

What, you think she's
having an affair

with one of these guys?

It's possible.

There's no evidence
of that, though.

No texts or emails.

Excuse me.

Can I ask you a few questions?

Have you seen either of these
two women before?

- No, sorry.
- You didn't even look.

You ain't paying me, brah.
I got work to do.

Hey, I'm asking you
a question...

Don't touch me!

Are you out of your mind?
Hands on the bar.

Congratulations, badass,
you're under arrest.

- Lawyer.
- Wow, that was fast.

I'm guessing this isn't
your maiden voyage.

Hey, hey, guys, relax. She
probably didn't see the badges.

Hey, sir, step back.

There's no reason to jam her up

over a simple misunderstanding.
I said step back.

My coat.

What's up, Maggie?
It's been a minute.

Yeah, it's been a long minute.

It's great to see you.

Yeah, the circumstances
aren't ideal,

but it's great to see you too.

A little help here.

Gina's one of us.

We're both in the same class
at Quantico,

and we worked undercover too.

Broke up a sex trafficking
ring in Jersey.

Nice to meet you, Gina. Omar.

Sorry about the drink.
I had to maintain my cover.

No worries.

How long have you been under?

- 14 months.
- With the club?


It took me four just
to get the job,

another five to work my way up
to manager.

That's impressive.
They must really like you.

- Yeah.
- What are you investigating?

It's more like who.

The owners?

Jack Rossi and Ray Costa.

Two of the biggest cocaine
traffickers in the northeast.

They move about 100 kilos
a month.

Rossi, the good-looking guy,

he oversees the distribution,
washes the money...

He's the brains.

Costa, the other guy,
he's the muscle.

Has a cousin in
the Sinaloa cartel.

I'd say our m*rder investigation

just got more interesting.
Or more complicated.

What are you talking about?

One of our DOAs
was a federal judge.

And for some reason
that federal judge took time

out of her busy day to go visit
Rossi and Costa yesterday,

five hours before she and her
daughter were gunned down.

I'm guessing that's not
a coincidence.

Now that your bosses
aren't around...

she come in yesterday?

No, but if I hear anything...

Still good to see you.

I know.

Look, when you're finished
with this case,

let's hang out and catch up.

So how do you guys want
to play this arrest?

as*ault and battery with
a dangerous soft drink?

Yeah, you're just lucky it
wasn't one of my fancy shirts.

Say we brought you in,
showed you some pictures,

asked some questions, you know,

gave you a stern scolding,
told you to get the hell out.

See you.

So according to our
undercover agent, Gina Pratt,

Costa has a cousin in
the Sinaloa Cartel.

Who knows, maybe the hit
was a favor to him?

I thought about that too.
So I went through every case.

Judge Chapman presided
over for the past three years,

- including pending cases.
- Yeah.

There was nothing connecting
her to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Right, all right, moving on.

What about the shell casings?

I ran them through NIBIN.
No hits.

Also checked for DNA
and fingerprints.

Negative there also.


Well, we do have this.

Okay, you see right there?

It looks he could be concealing
a w*apon in his jacket.

Can we get a better look
at his face?

I tried, but he stares down
the whole time.

I'll send it to Quantico, see
if they can work some magic,

- but it is doubtful.
- Okay.

Hey, we've been running
the daughter's phone.

Nothing too interesting,
but we did find lots

of cryptic texts sent through
an anonymous messaging app.

What do you mean "cryptic"?

"I'm not sure what to do.
Need time to process.

Don't worry.
I won't tell the police."

And check out this one.

"Sorry, know I'm not
supposed to text.

Just don't feel like talking."

Did she call this person
by name?

- No.
- Did you run the other phone?

Yeah, it's a burner.

A burner? That's odd.

People like Sam don't
usually run

with the burner-phone crowd.

Guys, got some good news.

The lab found trace DNA
on Sam's body.

- Got a hit too.
- Yes.

It's not a good idea to lie
to the FBI, Jack.

So bad, it's a felony.

What are you talking about?

We found your DNA on Sam's body.

Okay, that actually makes sense.

We had sex the night
before she...

Before she was m*rder*d?

Is that what you were gonna say?


So let me get this straight.

You had sex with Sam Chapman,

but you couldn't identify
her in a photo?

Which we showed to you
the day after

this alleged sexual interaction.

I apologize.
My eyes aren't great.

I should have put my glasses on.

I'm farsighted.

That's not a good answer, Jack.

That's an awful answer
considering she's dead.

And her mother is
a federal judge,

so we are looking at the
death penalty here, my friend.

Where were you yesterday
afternoon around 500 p.m.?

At the club, working.

You can ask my staff.
There were five bartenders,

ten waitresses there,
but that's all I'm gonna say.

If you want to talk some more,
please call my lawyer.

You're free to go.

Talk to Jubal.

I want two agents tailing
him 24/7.

So Costa was telling the truth.

Club only has surveillance
cameras outside.

Nothing inside.

They don't want to record
their own crimes.

Go figure.

Okay, there's Judge Chapman.

- Time stamp 1207.
- Yeah.

Nine minutes later, 1216,
She exits the club.

So the question is,

who did she talk to?
What did they talk about?

And did that conversation
motivate the murders?

You know what? Keep the
recording going for a second.


Yeah, you see this guy?

He was in the car
the whole time.

- He saw the judge exit.
- Yeah.

Why don't you...
Yeah, there you go.

Nice. All right, run it.
We'll go check it out.


Nah, didn't see her.

Didn't hear her say
nothing either.

Why? What's this about?

We're investigating a m*rder.

That's you getting out
of the car, correct?

And that's you turning around
and looking at her?

Yeah, but,

man, look, it's just a habit.

You know, when I see something
that's lean and mean,

I can't help it.
It'sit's like an instinct.

So you're checking her out.
That's what you're saying?

What were you doing
at the club that day?

I work there. I'm the doorman.

Have you seen this woman before?

Yeah, she was there
a few nights ago.

I talked to her.

What do you mean you talked
to her?

She was yelling and crying.

Her shirt was ripped too.
I didn't know what happened.

I asked her
if she needed some help,

if she wanted me
to call the cops, but...

she just ran out.

So Sam was at the club
the night before the m*rder?

Yeah, we ran some video.
She left around 200 a.m.

Doorman said she was crying,
yelling, clothes were torn.

Like she was in a fight?

We're thinking more like
sexually assaulted.


The lab found Rossi's DNA
on Sam's body.

He said they did have sex,

but based on this,

it sounds like it might not
have been consensual.

Well, that would explain why
Judge Chapman was so upset

and went to the club
the next day.

Is Rossi's alibi clean?

It's more than clean.
It's airtight.

He was at the club
the time of the m*rder.

Okay, I have 50 agents on the
street looking for witnesses,

surveillance video,
and forensics,

but right, now our best lead
is Rossi and this nightclub,

so I want the two of you
to focus on that.

- Focus on what?
- The drug case.

You tell your friend Gina
that her case is now our case.


Wait, you want to work
together on this case?

- Rossi's out best lead.
- I get that, but...

m*rder of a federal judge.
Enough said.

Trumps a drug investigation
all day, every day.

I understand that, but I have
been working this myself.

Our SAC already called
your supervisor.

It's done.

Well, you probably should
have led with that.


The plan is to accelerate
the drug investigation,

catch Rossi dirty,
and hopefully flip him

so that he cooperates with
the m*rder case.

Well, your timing's perfect.

Rossi called me an hour ago,

asked me to grab
a cute girlfriend

and head out to Brooklyn
tonight with him and Costa.

Smart. They want a cover.

Make it look like a double date
in case they get pulled over.

Or so they don't
get pulled over.

Local cops are 35% less likely

to pull over a female driver
for a traffic violation.

And it's totally sexist,
I know, but in a good way.

For us anyway.

I'll be in touch with
the details.

And I'm gonna need a cute
friend to go with me.

I got you.

Hey, girl.

- What's up, girl?
- How are you?

Hey. Yo, this is Sasha.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Nice to meet you.
- And you.

Where you from, Sasha?

Queens, two blocks from Gina.

You'll like her, Ray.
She's cool.

I wasn't talking to you, Gina.

Man, why do you gotta be
so rude?

She's just making conversation.

I'm sorry, Gina.

why don't you sit up front?


- I got it.
- Thank you.

Such a gentleman.

Got into a silver
late-model SUV.

New York plates, Papa, Kilo,
8, 1, 1, Juliet, 3.

Copy that.
We're at the location.

Is the product in the car?

Gina couldn't confirm.
So it might be a cash pickup.

Delivery will be at a later
time at a different location.

We're just gonna have
to stay loose,

see how this plays out.


That them?

Black Escalade, New York plates,

2, 2, 6, 6, Charlie, Mike.

Where we going?

I thought we were headed
into the city.

We are. Ray and I just gotta
run a quick errand first.

It won't take long.

But we are going out later,

I promised Sasha
a fun night out.

I mean, look at her.
She all dressed up,

looking fine!

You're looking pretty
fine yourself.

Thank you.

Okay, slow down.
Let's do a U-turn right here

and pull up behind
that Escalade.

Target is landed
at the location.

Hold tight.
We'll go on my order.

We're gonna hop out
and talk to our friends.

- We'll be right back.
- Okay.

Hey, hey.

I don't want to sound paranoid
or anything,

but you see that car over there?

Across the street in the alley.

I could've sworn
I saw somebody inside.

It could be cops.

- What the hell is she doing?
- I don't know.

What the hell was that?

Why did Gina blow the deal?

Gina, what the hell?

I saw Costa eyeing your car.
He was getting nervous.

He was about to call
the whole thing off,

so I beat him to the punch

and bought some undercover cred
in the process.

You're saying
that Costa made us?

I'm saying he was about
to make you,

so I got in front of it.

Besides, the coke wasn't
in the car.

It was gonna be
a third-party drop.

It would have been a tough bust.

Is that what you saw?

I was in the front seat.

I didn't see where
he was looking.

You questioning my story?

I'm just trying
to figure out why

someone would blow up a deal

they've been waiting
to close for 14 months.

Not to mention
the way you did it.

That could have gone bad
a thousand ways.

But it didn't.

Okay, let's just move on,
all right?

Nobody got hurt
and nobody got made.

The good news is that your
cover is better than ever now.

So let's run with that.

All right? We'll introduce
a new buyer, make a bust,

and hopefully get Rossi
to flip on the murders.

- That's risky.
- I know.

I thought you were tight
with Rossi.

Well, I am because
I don't push too hard.

Well, maybe it's time
to switch up your strategy.

You've been working this case
a pretty long time.

Who the hell do you think
you're talking to?

Some punk-ass rookie
fresh out of Quantico?

I just want some answers.

Okay, well, here they are.

One, it took me damn near a year

to get this kind of access
to these guys.

It's not like I just walked in

and they started
confiding in me.

Two, before this federal judge
and her daughter got k*lled...

When my drug case turned into
a m*rder case...

The assignment was
to stay under until

I could identify
the cartel connect.

Which is why there's been
no arrest.

Now how's that, big man?

Good enough?

I'll introduce Rossi
to your people,

and then we'll go from there.

And before you make
an accusation,

make sure that you have
the facts to back it up.

Still not buying her story.
We were on the wire.

We didn't hear Costa say a word
about seeing a cop.

Yeah, I don't know. I mean,

there's a chance they could
have whispered something to her

on the way out the door, but...

Guys, she said
that Costa saw something,

not that he said something.

Come on, Maggie.
You really think

he saw our cover car across
the street

and made us out for cops?

It's absolutely possible.

I know where you're going
with this,

but you don't know Gina
the way that I do.

If she said it was
the right move,

it was the right move.

Okay, let's figure out who's
gonna make this buy.

This is the guy I was telling
you about.

- His name's Jay.
- Hey.

- Nice to meet you, Jay.
- Yeah, you too.

He's a good dude.
Lives in Connecticut

and sells to rich white folks
in Fairfield County.

That is true.

Gina said you wanted 5 keys.

Yeah, yeah,
and if things go well,

we can add more weight later.

But that's what
I'm looking for right now.

Mind if I see your ID?

Yeah, sure.

Just for the record,

I look much younger
than my actual age,

so don't hate a brother for
having good genes, all right?

How long you known Gina?

About, I guess, five years.

I used to date
a friend of hers. Thanks.

That's right. She told me.

Victoria, right?

No, her name's Kim Grace.

All good, man.

Whatwho's this?

This is our polygraph expert.

He's just gonna ask you
a couple of questions.

No big deal.

Unless, of course,
you want to bail.

No, no, I'm good.

You sure?

'Cause now's the time to leave.

No harm, no foul.

Bring it.

"Bring it"?
Who does he think he is?

Apparently a badass FBI agent

who thinks he can beat
the polygraph.

Yeah, I'm not so sure.

- No problem.
- Well, we can't pull him.

We're gonna blow our cover
and blow Gina's cover.

Okay, we let it play out
for now.

- Is your name Jay Valentine?
- Yes.

Did you ever date a woman
named Kim Grace?


Have you ever worked
for the NYPD, DEA, or FBI?


Still no distress signal.

No, he's all in.

Just hope he knows what
the hell he's doing.


You're free to go.


All right.

We'll be in touch.

It's all about meditation, guys.

Controlling your heartbeat.

Be honest, you didn't think I
could pull it off, did you?

I'm not telling him.

I talked to Jack.
He liked Jubal.

Deal's moving forward.
That's great.

When's it going down?

I'm not sure,
but I'll talk to Jack later.

I'll let you know what he says.

What, what is it?

She called him Jack twice.

In my experience,
when the undercover

starts referring to the target
by his first name,

it's a problem.

Gina's one of the best
undercover agents

I've ever worked with.

Smart, resourceful, tough.

Yeah, no, I know.
We worked together.

I was just wondering
if there's anything else

I should know about her

or the operation.

What do you mean?

Between me and you,
off the record,

I just want to make sure
that she's solid.

Look, Gina's a friend of mine.

I have a lot of respect for her.

I'm concerned.

First, you take over
our drug case,

then you question my ability
to handle my undercover agents?

No, that's not what I mean...

Given the number of cases
and agents I oversee,

it's not easy to meet

on a regular basis, so we get
together once a week

at a diner in Connecticut.

She seems okay?

I've seen no evidence
that would suggest

she's under any unusual duress.

Okay. That's great.

Thank you.

What'd Franklin say?

Gina's the best undercover
he's worked with.

Well, she might be amazing,

but I'm not so sure about
her methods.

What are you talking about?

Well, I've been digging
around through footage

near the club, the crime scene,
Rossi's apartment...

and I found this.

Listen, I want to talk
to her alone.


I've known Gina
a really long time.

I at least owe her that.

Yeah, I get that,
but that's exactly why

you shouldn't talk to her alone.

You're too close to this.

You're right.

All I'm asking for is
a little bit of rope here.

That's all.

Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Look, I know this looks bad,
but it's not even like that.

- Gina.
- It was just one stupid kiss.

Wejustit just happened.

Come on, Gina.
I need more than that.

Rossi and I grew up
the same way.

We were both raised by
a single mother,

and that night,

we were talking about
what it was like

to grow up without
a strong male role model,

and I got emotional. So did he.

And so I took advantage of it.

And I used that moment
to ingratiate myself

to the target.

Just like they tell us
to do in Quantico.

I feel like the lines are
getting blurry here.

Yeah, well,
that's part of the game.

When you're hanging out
in those streets

with a dude who'll put
a b*llet in your head

if they found out who you
really were,

you say what you have to say
and you do what you have to do.

II know. I know that. Um...

I think you should step away.
No, no-

- Gina...
- I'm fine. I swear.

Gina, there's a way
that we can do this

that isn't gonna ruin
your career.

You pull me now,

and my reputation
will go to hell.

You know this as much as I do.

Maggie, please.
Look, no, I just-

I don't want you to get hurt.
- Please.

Okay, I'm asking you as
my friend.

Just let it go.

I'll be fine.

How'd it go?

What does that mean?

She kissed somebody
she shouldn't have kissed.

I still think she's solid
enough to work the case.

She's been under a long time,

This stuff happens.

Yeah, I get that.
I've been there,

but that doesn't mean
that we should just...

what is the alternative then?

Blow up her career? Her life?

You know, let the punks
who k*lled Judge Chapman

and her daughter walk free?

I'll follow your lead,

but the next hiccup,
we should pull her.

Well, next hiccup, I'll be
the first one to do that.

Okay, what's our next move?

They're an hour late.

That's on time, even
early for most drug dealers.

Not these guys.

They've been pretty punctual
so far.

A few years back,
I was under at a mosque.

And one night,
I was having dinner

with our main target, Kareem

at this Vietnamese restaurant
in Queens.

And halfway through,
he just starts crying.

Telling me his wife doesn't
love him,

she's having an affair
with his cousin,

and before you know it,

we are pouring our hearts out
to each other.

But it was real.

For that one night, me
and Kareem were best friends.

It didn't matter
that I was a cop

or that he was a criminal.


This job can get really

Any word from Gina?

She sent a text 15 minutes ago.

Said she's running late,
but she's on her way here.

And she lied. What do you mean?

They're on their way to Jersey.


I activated the GPS tracker
in her cell phone

a couple days ago.

Hey, Jubal, the drug deal's off

and Agent Gina Pratt
is on the run.

All right. I'm heading back in.

All units, establish a blockade

at the intersection
of Route 46 and Huyler.

Suspect's vehicle is heading
west in that direction.

That's Gina's car!

We have eyes on
the suspect's vehicle.

Heading eastbound from Route 46.

No cars to cover.

Be advised, blockade is in place

with additional units
standing by.

Is on scene.
Suspect is inbound...

Let's go!

Gina, get out of the car.

Show us your hands. Get 'em up!

Gina, step out of the car.

Show me your hands.

Or what?

"Or what"?

Look around.

This isn't gonna
work out well for you.

Gina, please.

Put your hands up.

I was just taking a drive.
I needed to clear my head.

- No, don't do that.
- Don't do what?

Lie to me again.

What have you done?

I can't betray him.

Betray him?

What about the Bureau?

What about me?

He's a good person, Maggie.

Like, he sells dr*gs. I get it.

But he's a really good person.

And we understand each other.
We respect each other.

We've gotten really close,

and he sees something
in me that no person...

Has ever seen!


I understand how muddled
and confusing it gets

when you're under,
but this relationship with him

is not real.

He's not connecting to you.

He's connecting to the person
who you're pretending to be.

Come on.
You gotta come clean now

while I can still help you.

Please, tell me where they are.

Where are you meeting?

You gotta tell me now.
I give you my word,

if you tell me now,

I will do everything I can
to protect you.

Come on.

You're running out of time,

We're meeting at the.

Essex County Airport...

and then we're going to Mexico.

Jubal, suspects are headed
to Essex County Airport.

We've got four vehicles
in pursuit heading north.

Looks like our suspects
are approximately

two miles from the airport.

From your location, OA,
your best play

is to head west,
then south on Route 613.

Cut 'em off before
they hit the entrance.

Man, yo, cops!

Let's go!

Keep with 'em!

- This way! Come on!
- On the move!

On the move now!

Hey, yo! Go, go!

Get down on your knees!


- Hey.
- Hey.

How'd it go with Mike Chapman?

Well, he's obviously glad
we arrested the k*ller,

but he's struggling
to make sense

of how his daughter fell
in love with a drug dealer.

Yeah, or how a drug dealer
falls in love

with a judge's daughter.

If there's a silver lining,
I suppose

it's how it all went down.

Judge Chapman finding out about
the relationship, the dr*gs,

telling Rossi to stay away
from her daughter.

Mike told me that...

knowing this his wife died
protecting their daughter

gives him something
to hold onto.

At least that's something.


Have you spoken with
the U.S. Attorney's Office

- about Gina?
- Yes.

And you told them everything?

About how she's been
under 14 months

and is suffering from Stockholm?

I told them everything, Maggie.

Good. Thank you.

Have they made a decision?

- Hey.
- Hey.

As expected,

Rossi caved, gave us everything.

Told us that Costa k*lled
Sam and her mother

to protect the cocaine

Even told us where we could
find the w*apon.

Okay, great, so...

can I leave now?

It's not gonna be that simple.

The U.S. Attorney's Office

is gonna file charges
against you.


You said that wouldn't happen.
You gave me your word, Maggie.

I'm sorry.

I did everything...

Everything I could.

I know.

Yeah, it's on
the top of the desk.

You okay?

Not really.

Well, if you want to talk,

I'm actually a pretty good

Since when?

Since now.

Thank you.