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01x21 - Appearances

Posted: 08/24/21 15:24
by bunniefuu

You two!

Back of the line.

Come on.

- Let's go.
- Come on, man.




What you doing?

- Just looking.
- Just looking?

Okay, relax, I'm walking.

You screwing with this car?

I'm minding my own business.

You should do the same.


♪ ♪


Oh, it's you.
You scared the hell...


♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Hey, Kristen,

any luck with that
project we discussed?

No, not yet.

I'm working on recovering
Jason's texts and phone calls,

but I haven't heard back
from the phone companies yet.

Okay, if anything interesting
comes up, just let me know.

- I will.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I just got a call from
Organized Crime.

- About what?
- Greg Kennedy.

He's just been shot.



- Bell and Zidan?
- Yeah.

Tom Andrews.

I was Greg's ASAC
over at Organized Crime.

I'm sorry we have
to meet like this.

You know what Greg
was doing out here?

Was he on or off duty?

He told me he was
going to be out here

collecting plates
associated with the Cayenne.

What's the Cayenne?

It's a new nightclub.

Owner is Jimmy Ramirez.

He's a shot-caller for the
local drug trafficking ring.

You think Ramirez is responsible

for Agent Kennedy's m*rder?

Not sure.
Case was fresh,

so no way Ramirez knew
we were up on him yet.

Have any witnesses or
physical evidence?

Nothing yet, but
unfortunately, to avoid being

spotted by the target
and associates,

Greg was parked in
a total dead zone

as far as CCTV was concerned.

Greg was shot three times
in the upper chest

as he was getting into his car.

Pattern burns on his chest.

w*apon was less than
a foot away from him.

That means he was looking
his sh**t in the eye

when he was hit.

- Robbery gone bad, maybe?
- Doubtful.

His watch, wallet, and g*n
were still on him.

This feels premeditated.

I mean, shot pattern is tight.

And like you said,
nothing was stolen.

Can we get the file on
Jimmy Ramirez, even if

it's just the preliminary
investigative notes?

Oh, jeez, she can't be here.

Linda, hey.

What's going on?

That's Linda.
That's Greg's wife.


Linda, please, no,
you shouldn't be here.

- No, no, no, Linda, Linda.
- Let me go in there.

Let me through.
Hey, hey, Linda!

I know, I know.

I know, I know, it's okay.


It's okay.

I just want to see him, Maggie.

Please let me see him.

I know you do,
but we have to let them

process the body first.

Who would do this?

Did Greg get any threats
that you know about?

- No.
- Was he nervous at all

the last time you saw him?

If he was, Maggie,
I would tell you.

W-what about this club
that he was looking at?

This Ramirez guy, you think he
has something to do with it?

Maybe, but,
according to Andrews,

this is the first physical

he's done on the place,
so it's doubtful.

No, no, I know for a fact
that that is not true.

I know he went down a couple
of times late last week

to sit in on the club.

You know how bad he was
at keeping records.


I gotta get back to work.

- You'll keep in touch?
- Yes, of course.

Look, you were so good
to me when I lost Jason.

I'm here for you, okay?

If you need anything at all,
you wanna talk about anything,

I'm a phone call away.

Thank you.
Thank you.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

How do you do it?

Do what?

Stay so calm.

You know Greg.
You're close with his wife.

I mean, at the crime scene,
you just acted

like it was any other case.

Well, it wasn't.

I hide my feelings and...

I just focus on
the matter at hand.

It's not ideal.

But sometimes it's necessary.

The Bureau has lost one
of its finest members.

Agent Greg Kennedy was

a decorated and respected
member of our family

for the past 12 years.

His death is a devastating loss,

to us and all
the citizens he served.

You can be sure
that we will not rest

until those responsible
are brought to justice.

Do you have a suspect yet?

No one in custody at this time.

Was he shot while working a case

or was he off duty at the time?

This is an ongoing

I can't answer that.
Thank you very much.


Yes, sir, I understand.

Oh, I couldn't agree more.

This one's important
to all of us.

Of course, you'll be updated
on a regular basis.

Thank you, sir.

Okay, in case you
didn't figure that out,

that was the director himself.

He wants answers.
JOC has been briefed.

This is our number one priority.

Greg was one hell of an agent.

I never got
a chance to meet him.

About six years ago,
we worked a case together.

He was smart, focused, no fear.

He was one of the best.

I was told that you knew Greg,

and you're good friends
with his wife.

Linda and I went
to Quantico together.

She works in White Collar.

She was at the crime scene?

Yes, but we made sure
that she didn't interfere

with the process.

Will your relationship
with her be an issue?

No, ma'am.

I understand that this is
a case that can't risk

being compromised.

I'll proceed with that in mind.


Let's find Greg's k*ller.

The director himself
wants answers,

and he wants them fast.

To him, just like us,
this is a fallen brother.

But more importantly,
one of ours is mourning

the loss of her husband.

So let's rise to the occasion.
What do we got?

The three rounds recovered
from the victim's chest cavity

were from a .357 revolver.

Ballistics has no match on file.

Okay, what else?

According to
Agents Bell and Zidan,

the latest case Agent Kennedy
was working on

was focused on Jimmy Ramirez.

Jimmy Ramirez?
Tell me about him.

Well, he was arrested three
years ago for distribution

as part of a DEA sting.

He got off on a technicality.

That was in 2017.

And then about a month ago,
Greg got a tip

that Ramirez was back
in business,

so he started looking
into him again.

Okay, what did we get
from the Cayenne Club?

We checked the CCTV cameras
of the immediate area

of the club,
both public and private.

We have footage of Greg
grabbing plates,

being confronted by a bouncer.
Confronted by him?

The bouncer told field agents

he thought Greg was
casing cars to steal,

so they got into
a verbal confrontation,

but then Greg walked away.

Can we account for the
whereabouts of the bouncer

during the time of sh**ting?

Yeah, I have the bouncer
on the CCTV camera

at the front door
of the Cayenne club

at the time of death.

Okay, well, let's
widen the CCTV search

to three to four blocks
from the immediate crime scene.

If Greg was k*lled
by this Ramirez

or one of his g*ons,
let's prove that.

Here he is.

Jimmy Ramirez,
FBI, you have a minute?

I don't.

Oh, let me rephrase that.

We have a few questions, so
you definitely have a minute.

I know my rights.
You have a nice day.

Don't be rude.

Nothing good happens
to rude people.

Listen, you guys
can call my lawyers.

We can set up a time and place

and then we can discuss things.

But until then?
I'm busy.

Whoa, OA.

Are you carrying?

Hey, hey, relax, relax.
So what if I am?

All right, I own
this place right here.

Listen, the law states that I
can carry on private property.

[LAUGHS] No, it doesn't.

It definitely doesn't.
Put your hands on the wall.

Put your hands on the wall!


♪ ♪

.357 caliber.

Put your hands behind your back.

You're under arrest.

You seriously believe
that I'd be

dumb enough to k*ll a fed?

Well, I think we've already
established that you're dumb.

What we wanna know is where you
were at 3:00 a.m. last night.

In my club,
speaking with my manager.

We were going over
the monthly vendor reports.

Can anyone besides
a paid employee

vouch for your whereabouts?

Half the people inside the club.

I was on the main floor,
working my VIPs.

I have video footage
if you'd like to see it.

Have you ever seen him before?

I've never met him.

But you've seen him.

Earlier that night
when I was driving by,

not in front of the club,
but a block away.

He stared at me like he knew me.

I've never met him,
so I found it pretty weird.

Just figured he was a cop.

Hey, so it looks like
his statement about seeing Greg

a block away from
the club matches up

with what I found on a bus cam.

Bus cam?

Yes, initially I was
checking them to see if

any potential suspects
hopped on board,

and when I did, I noticed you
can get a good visual

of the street from
the cameras facing the door.

It's a little grainy,
but around the 2100 mark

I found a possible
match for Greg

based on physicality
and clothing.

That is him, right?

That's not his wife.

♪ ♪

Field agents have
interviewed dozens

of patrons and employees
of the Cayenne Club.

Looks like Ramirez
was telling the truth.

He was in the club when
the sh*ts were fired.

And his g*n doesn't match
the m*rder w*apon, either.

Okay, so we can
rule him out as the sh**t.

So now our
primary focus is the woman

our victim was seen kissing.

She was one of the last
people to see him alive.

We know that Greg was shot
at close range, no robbery,

so it's likely he knew
his assailant.

Crime of passion?

Well, let's keep in mind
that Greg was

a respected member
of this Bureau,

and his reputation
is our reputation,

so what we learn in this JOC
stays in this JOC,

unless I tell you otherwise.

That said,
let's find out who she is.

So along with
his personal credit cards,

he also had this prepaid Visa.

Hmm, so what's
the history on that?

A lot of hotels,

the last one being
the Benedict Hotel

on the night he was m*rder*d.

I was afraid you
were gonna say that.

I thought he and Linda
were tight, you know, in love.

Hey, we're working
with a grainy photo

that isn't even in focus.

The man isn't here
to defend himself.

That being said, an affair is
a common motive for m*rder.

All right, well, the hotel
is right down the street

from the Cayenne.

We should probably
look into the lobby cameras.

Ian's already working on it.

We've seized the footage
and he's combing

through it as we speak.


Any breakthroughs?

Uh, no, not yet, we're
still in the early stages.

Why don't we go
and talk over here?

I'm so sorry.
It's just, my head is reeling.

I'm just searching
for an answer.

I just wanna help
in any way that I can.

You know how this works.

You can't be anywhere
near this investigation.

In the meantime, there's
really nothing you can do.

You know, just wait.

I know that's
a hard thing to ask.

No, I get it.


I shouldn't have
come by like this.

It's okay.

I get it.

I've been there, you know.

Believe me,
I know how you're feeling.

You need results, so you
can find some sort of closure.

I'll get it for you.
I promise.

For now, I really think
you need to go home

and try to get some rest.



♪ ♪

We got a hit on Agent
Kennedy's mystery woman?

Yes and I managed
to I.D. her.

Now, no criminal record,
but a social media facial scan

did come up with a hit:
Bonnie Snow.

She's a 26-year-old bartender

who, according to
her social media profile,

likes yummy food, hard liquor,

and men who
are willing to pay for both.


Get me
a current location on her.

On it.

Hey, can I get
some advice from you?

Yeah, what's up?

Okay, so before
this case pulled me away,

I'd been looking into Jason's
death, like Maggie asked us to.

I've been analyzing
his digital footprint

for the two weeks
prior to his death.

Okay, so what's the issue?

The more I dig,
the less I like what I find.

I mean, I might just
be reading into things...

Kristen, what's up?

Well, Jason deleted
his call history

right before he was k*lled.

I checked with the carrier and
I discovered over a dozen calls

to a woman named Angela Perez.

Most were late at night.


I also found receipts
of a few expensive meals

that they shared together
and confirmed it

with restaurant CCTV video.


I mean, she's the CFO for
a major hotel holdings company.

Jason didn't write articles
about stuff like that.

Hey, here, you can take a look.

♪ ♪

I mean, maybe it's nothing,
but still.

♪ ♪

Maggie asked us to look
into Jason's m*rder.

So unless this woman has
something to do with that,

I, uh...

think we should hold off
on telling her.


Okay, thank you.

I saw what happened
to Greg on the news.

God, can you imagine
how that made me feel?

We're not here to talk
about how you feel.

How long were you two involved?

About two months.
We met here.

Any chance a jealous
boyfriend is responsible?

I don't date single guys,

'cause of stuff like that.

The married ones
are way more chill.

Well, we have you on video
with Greg at 9:00 p.m.

What did you do after that?

I came back here to work.

I wanted to hang out
with Greg a little longer,

but he said he had
something he needed to do.

Well, did he say what
that thing was he needed to do?

Something about
meeting the devil...

Weird, right?


♪ ♪

I'll get Kristen to check
the database for the devil,

but I'm pretty sure that's
a common moniker.

And while you're doing that,
I'll talk to Linda.

Maybe Greg mentioned
that name to her.

You gonna tell her about this?

At this point, I think
that'd just be a distraction.

Right now we just need
to find out who the devil is.

Hey, Linda,
thanks for coming up,

I just have a few questions...

I heard you may have a witness?

Uh, not exactly.

We have a woman on tape
who was near the crime scene

around the same time
that Greg was k*lled.

We thought she might
be a witness,

but she wasn't.

I see.


Trying to write his eulogy.

It's a little harder than
I thought it would be.


Yeah, I remember
writing that for Jason.

The words that we write or say,

they never seem to be enough.

His mom and dad are coming
in from Florida tonight.

I honestly don't even know
if I can face them.

Every time I think I have
this grief under control...

It comes back.


When does it stop?

I don't know.

I just... I try to manage it.


Well, when I figure that
part out, I'll let you know.


Look, I do need to ask
you a question.

Did you ever hear Greg refer
to a suspect or a target

as "the devil"?

The devil...

Devil, yeah, it could be
a reference to Mason Thorne.

Devil is his nickname.

He's in a biker g*ng
called the Mongrels.

The Mongrels?

Yeah, Greg said it was more
cartel than motorcycle club.

He worked them for
about six months,

then finally arrested Thorne,
their treasurer, last week.

- Okay.
- You think it could be him?

We'll definitely look into it.

Mongrels are involved in
a lot of criminal activity...

g*ns, prostitution, gambling...

But the last few years, they've
been making most of their money

moving meth.

Was Greg trying
to start a RICO case?

We both were.

I just couldn't get the Bureau
to allocate the resources,

so we had to settle for
arresting the treasurer,

Mason Thorne, AKA Devil.

On what charge?

He was using a cut-out
to buy g*ns in bulk

from g*n show dealers

and put them in the hands
of his fellow bikers.

Thorne's staring down
a 20-year sentence.

So maybe he decided
to get revenge?

Is he being held at the
Metropolitan Detention Center?

No, he's got a high-priced
lawyer on retainer,

Mark Krawley.

Guy got him out on a bond,
pending trial.

I know Krawley.

He's a good lawyer
and expensive.

If this "devil" retained him,
then he's worried.

Question for the room is,
where's Thorne?

Let's get an address fast.

Mason Thorne!

Okay, open it.


♪ ♪

Mason Thorne.

♪ ♪



The bed doesn't look
like it's been slept in.

I'm betting he hasn't been
here for a few days.

This place smells awful.

But he has
a burner phone on him.

Did you get him?

No, but we have
the ESN number from

a burner phone he has on him.

Maggie's sending it
to you guys right now.


Got it.
Sending it a ping now.

Okay, we got something back.

Looks like he's in...

Cancun, Mexico.


Hi, Mark Krawley.
How can I help you?

We need to find and talk
to one of your clients,

Mason Thorne.

We believe he's
hiding in Mexico.

- About what?
- Agent Kennedy's m*rder.

Thorne isn't stupid.
I can't imagine

he'd g*n down a federal agent.

Yeah, you sure about that?

Well, I'm his lawyer.
I have to say things like that.

I know you were a federal
prosecutor at one point,

one of us.
I'm sure you understand

how important,
how emotional this is.

While I wish I could help ya,
I can't.

Maybe not officially.

What about unofficially?

If you really wanna find him,

I would talk to Tommy Chase.

Leader of the Mongrels?

Mm-hmm, if anybody's
gonna know where he is,

it's Tommy.

Thank you.

Good luck.



- Door, door.
- Eyes front.


- Flank left.
- Hold, hold, hold.

On my signal.

- Move.
- Here we go.

♪ ♪

- FBI!
- Federal agents!

Hands where we can see them!

♪ ♪

Put it down.
Back against the wall!

- Hands, you heard him.
- Stay where you are.

Put your hands behind
your head and face the wall.

I got short room antics
in the back!

♪ ♪

We ain't got
any kind of move here.

Just do what they say.
Stand up.

Tommy Chase, put your hands
behind your back.

Say "please."


You play stupid games,
you win stupid prizes, Tommy.

Come on.

♪ ♪

Look at this.

Same caliber.

Cylinder has four spent
shell casings.

Let's get this g*n
to Ballistics.

We ran the ballistics.

The g*n we found in
your clubhouse was used

to m*rder Agent Kennedy.

I don't know
anything about that.

Yeah, but I bet
your buddy Thorne does.

Where is he?
I don't know.

Well, that's bad news...
for you.

An FBI agent is dead.

That's family, Tommy.

That means we're gonna
use all of our manpower

and resources to find
out who k*lled him.

That also means that we're
gonna be surveilling

every suspect...
Not... not just that...

Every friend and relative
of every suspect,


It's really hard to do
business when the FBI

is parked outside
of your clubhouse.

Are you threatening me?

No, we're threatening
your whole damn club.

So don't be stupid.

You're the leader, aren't you?

Leaders have to make
tough choices.


♪ ♪

If Thorne really did do
something crazy like that,

like you said,
well, that's on him.

Not me, not the rest of us.

I think we all agree.

So just tell us where
he's staying in Mexico.

No way.

Guy's afraid to fly.

So where is he then?

I don't know for sure,

but if I had to bet,

at the storage space
we own over in the Bronx.

The address?

Door's unlocked.

Oh, God.

- Ugh.
- What is that?

This place smells
as bad as his apartment.

Hopefully he's out
buying air fresheners.

Good one, Maggie.

Thank you.


Hey, come give me a hand.


♪ ♪



Mason Thorne was k*lled by
a single shot to the head

with the same g*n
that was used to k*ll Greg.

And according to
the time of death,

Thorne was k*lled less
than an hour after Greg,

so it's likely the same person
k*lled both men.

And since the g*n was found
inside their clubhouse,

that person is most likely
a member of the Mongrels.

It's just a matter of which one.

So let's dig into them.

Hey, the evidence lab found
a small red silk fiber

snagged on
the hammer of the g*n.

Okay, so maybe a piece of
fiber from a shirt.

Could've snagged on the hammer
when it was being

shoved into a waistband.

Have the lab do a comparison
test of the clothing

of the Mongrels we have
in custody.

- Okay.
- Thanks.

Hey, Mexican authorities
finally got back to me.

Located Thorne's burner phone
inside a Cancun post office.

They're forwarding me
the data right away.

Okay, so the k*ller sent
the phone to Cancun,

knowing we'd track the signal,

and think Thorne was on the run.

Smart move.

Let's find out where
it was mailed from.

Maybe we can find a witness,
get a visual on who sent it.

The real question is,

who would want
both of these men dead?

It's such an odd
combination of victims.

It is.

Circle back to the boss,
Tommy Chase.

See what else he knows.

I already told you,

I don't know
anything about this.

The m*rder w*apon was
in your clubhouse.

Doesn't make it mine or ours.

We have rules.
No g*ns in the club.

- Since when?
- Since we started

getting raided by the cops
every other week.

So we decided to keep
the club clean.

No dope, no g*ns.

You violate that rule,
you get bounced...

for life.

So how'd the g*n get there,

I don't know,

and if I really had
something to do with it,

you think I would tell you where

I thought Thorne was hiding?


Mark Krawley
would like a moment.

Good afternoon.

At Mr. Chase's request,
I'm now representing him

and the rest of the Mongrels so,

to put it bluntly, this
interrogation is now over.


That's right.

Hey, I heard the Mongrels are

Is that true?

Um, it's possible but
we're still looking into it.

Well, the m*rder w*apon was
found at the clubhouse, right?

That's right.
That's all we know.

Look, and they just lawyered up,

so we really gotta
get back to work.

But what about
the red fiber on the g*n?

How do you know about that?

Someone in the lab
gave me a heads up.

Okay, we talked about this.
It's not good if you keep

inserting yourself
into this case.

This is my husband.
I need to know what happened.

Okay, I know where
you're coming from,

but we have to play
this by the book.

Any evidence that you touch,
automatically tainted.

All right, the defense
claims bias.

They'll file a motion
to dismiss.

You know this.

I'm sorry.

I'm just...

You're angry.

- Yeah.
- I know.

Just find out who did this.

I'll stay out of your way.

We're doing everything we can.

Greg's affair is still
on the table as a motive,

so we may have to sit Linda down

and talk to her as a suspect.

I know.


Hey, Kristen wants us
in the JOC now.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Okay, so Organized Crime
still had a pole cam

up across the street from
the Mongrel's clubhouse.

We've been going through
the footage

and... wait for it... there.

What are we looking at?

The interior of the
briefcase, the lining,

it's red silk.

So if the g*n was inside,
it's not hard to imagine

a red fiber getting
caught on the hammer.

Show off.

So the lawyer brought
the g*n into the clubhouse.


Trying to frame one
of the Mongrels?

That makes sense to me.

But, if that's the case,
then Krawley's our k*ller.

Well, it's a hell of a theory,

but without more evidence,
a photo of an open briefcase

outside of a clubhouse
means nothing.

If we're gonna accuse
a prominent lawyer of m*rder...

need a lot more than that.

All right, people,

our new focus
is Mark Krawley, Esquire.

Let's dig into his financials,
his cases, his relationships.

Right now, this investigation
is hanging by a thread.

A red silk thread,
to be precise.

So let's connect some dots,
shall we?

Where's the connective tissue?

Why would Krawley want to k*ll
both Thorne and Greg?

What's his motivation?

I've been combing through
Thorne's cell data.

He sent a pretty interesting
text right before he died.

To who?

Don't have a name.

Recipient was using
a burner, too.

What does
this interesting text say?

"Meeting the FBI tonight to
talk about Krawley and Rizzo."

Okay, we know who Krawley is.
Who the hell is Rizzo?

I think he might
be talking about Mike Rizzo.

He's a pretty major meth
dealer outside of Philly.

Hold on, give me a second.

Okay, Michael J. Rizzo.

Lives outside of
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania,

two priors for
narcotics distribution.

What's Krawley's connection?

Represented him two years ago
on a money laundering charge.

Two years ago?
That's around the same time

the Mongrels
started selling meth.

Okay so Krawley, being
this value-added lawyer,

introduces Rizzo to Thorne,

launching the Mongrels
into the meth game.

That's a win-win for
everyone involved.

Until Greg arrests Thorne
on a g*n charge.

Good-bye, motorcycles,
hello, prison.

So he offers to flip
on Krawley and Rizzo.

Well, it's a great theory,
but we still have to prove

that Krawley did the murders.

Bring in Rizzo.
On what?

[SIGHS] Be creative.

Suspicious Activity Report?

Form TD F 90-22.47,
to be precise.

What the hell are you
talking about?

Your bank filed
a report last month,

stating that it believes
that all of the money

you've been depositing
may be derived

from illegal activities.

What the hell does
that even mean?

It means we are opening up
a case against you.

We're going to be digging
into all of your financials...

Unless you talk to us.

Talk to you about what?

Mark Krawley.

We believe he k*lled
an FBI agent named Greg Kennedy

and a meth-selling biker
named Mason Thorne.

We also think that Krawley
did this to protect you.

Thorne was about
to sell you out.

Krawley wouldn't even
protect his own mother,

let alone some hump like me.

What are you saying?

I'm saying Krawley
k*lled those people

because he wanted to
protect himself.

He knew the feds were gonna
bury him behind all this,

so he k*lled an FBI agent,
then Thorne,

on his own.

He told you this?

Yeah, said he wanted
to get paid too,

for saving my ass.

Son of a bitch asked me
for 200 grand.

Well, did you pay it?

No, I told him to get
the hell out of my office

before I beat him to death
with a baseball bat.

Got it all on video, too.

You have it on video?

For a smart lawyer,
Krawley's a dumb criminal.

You'll testify to this?
Hand over the video footage?

Sure, as long as I get
full immunity.

We need to speak
with Mark Krawley.

He's not here.

Where is he?

Like I told the other agent,
I don't know.

I'm sorry, what other agent?

Her credentials said
Agent Kennedy.

When was this?

About five minutes ago.

Linda must've heard we
had a search warrant

out for Krawley.

Wouldn't take long
for word to spread.

Yeah, but she's not
thinking straight.

There's no telling what
Linda might do

if she finds Krawley before us.


Hey, it's Maggie.

Krawley wasn't in his office
and the receptionist

doesn't know where he is.

Is there a cell number
we can ping?


We don't need one.
I got him up on the pole cam

across from the
Mongrel's clubhouse.

He walked in about
two minutes ago.

You guys hear that?
Head over.

I'll send backup right away.
Go, go, go!




- He's gone.
- She can't be far.






♪ ♪


Hey, Tommy, stop!

Drop your w*apon or I'll sh**t.



♪ ♪

There's nowhere to go.

Drop your w*apon.

Drop it.

Okay, okay.

Don't sh**t.

Put your hands behind
your head and turn around.

Why'd you k*ll him, Tommy?

'Cause he k*lled a Mongrel.

I can't let that stand.

It's like you said,
a leader's gotta lead.

I mean, you scared the hell
out of me.

I really thought that,
when you went there...

I know, I know.

Truth is, I'm glad
Krawley wasn't there.

I honestly don't know what
I would've done if he was.

I hope this helps,
even if just a little bit.

No, it does.

One less painful thing
to think about.

I knew about the bartender,

You did?

I saw some texts.
We argued.

Greg finally admitted
to seeing her.

I like to think that
he still loved me,

that we would've worked
things out.


Either way, it still hurt
when I lost him.


I wanted to bring this up
earlier, I just...

No, you did the
right thing, you did.

I just wanted you
to know that I knew.

That project I asked
you to look into,

is there any new information?


♪ ♪

Just say it.

You can tell me.

It may have something
to do with Jason's m*rder,

and it may not.

Who is she?

Her name is Angela Perez.

It looks like Jason made
some late night phone calls

to her during the last
week of his life.

And, uh, they shared
a few meals,

also late at night,
but it's unclear

if they were personal
or professional.

- Is that it?
- Yeah.

Thank you for telling me.

♪ ♪

See you tomorrow.

- Excuse me.
- How can I help you?

I'm Special Agent Maggie Bell.

I'm here to speak
with Angela Perez.

♪ ♪