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05x13 - 'Til I Can Make It On My Own

Posted: 08/25/21 18:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

Can you just stop for a minute?

- What's going on?
- I feel like I can't feel myself.

Juliette Barnes'
new album, "Grateful"...

It's a bold attempt at a crossover,

but the result is a treacly mess.

Want me to read your palm?

- I'm pregnant.
- Your friend's cheek swab

will tell the lab whether he is a match.

It doesn't matter. I still love you.

Bucky can be less than
receptive to new ideas.

Well I wanna know what you think
about finding another job for him.

You wanna let him go, is what you want.

Juliette! Juliette!

Miss Barnes, you okay?

Juliette! Juliette!

How long now?- -

First time a few months ago,
and then nothing until last week.

Where were you a few months ago?

I was rehearsing a song I never sang.

I'm going to refer you
to a psychiatrist I know.

No, no, I don't have time
to talk to anybody else.

- Can't you fix this?
- This isn't a neurological problem.

I have a show tomorrow night.

Well, what you're describing,

the... sensory disturbances,
out of body experience,

are the signs of a dissociative state.

What does that mean?

Well, it's one of the brain's
earliest defense systems,

like playing dead.

Some people faint,
some people have what you have.

Some people become catatonic.

Defense against what?


- Oh, again with the crash.
- Well, maybe.

But more often, this comes
from uh, childhood trauma.

Did anything bad happen
when you were little?

Don't ask.

Her father died when she was four.

I don't even remember him.

Can any of this possibly be helping?

What am I going to do
about tomorrow night?

The smartest thing is to avoid stress.

I would cancel.

I know what this is.

When did the album reviews come out?

What are you talking about?

Exactly when this started
to happen again.

So what, this is some sort
of bad review reaction?

My brain can't process failure.

I cringe still when I think about it.

Then maybe you should cancel.

I mean, they can find
someone to fill the spot.

I don't want anybody filling my spot.

So then do it.

Well, that's the thing that's
stressing me out.

What do you want me to say?

I don't know.


I know we're up first.

I'm on my way. Just hold on.

Don't worry about it.

Okay, I have an idea
and you have a festival to open,

so why don't you go. Go, go.

You got that weird look in your eye.

Baby, you are going
to do such a great job,

I know you are, and I will
meet you after my rehearsal.

Okay, first: Interviews.
Here's the deal.

Just say a few words about
tomorrow's performance,

how it feels to work with Juliette,

keep it light, you'll be great. Okay?

Juliette, hey.

I want to do it alone.

- Want to do what alone?
- Tomorrow night.

Well, I hate to tell you this,
but that ship has sailed.

The ship has not sailed,
I say when ships sail,

and I'm saying this ship has not sailed.

Juliette, we are less than 40 hours away

from this performance.

Good, that will be
a perfect amount of time

- for me to rehearse.
- All right, you know what?

Then you're going to have
to tell him yourself.


♪ I've got to be direct ♪

♪ If I'm wrong please correct ♪

♪ You're standing on my neck ♪

That's interesting, what is that?


Hey guys.- -

Hey, oh, sweetie, I was thinking,

maybe the three of us could all go down

to the festival together today,
you know, like a family deal.

What do you think, that be good?

I'm going to meet Louisa at the mall.

And I was supposed to be at
Tracks ten minutes ago,

and then I'm going
to the festival with Clay.

All right.

Uh... hey, how about we...

Dad, we love you, but we're fine.

You're fine?

- Yeah, we're fine.
- All right.

What about you, Daphne?

You doing okay, need a ride or anything?

Yes, and no.

Well, all right then.

You can see it for yourself, Alicia,

this crowd is so ready
for the final two nights

of Music City's Music Week.

We got Dierk's Bentley, Little Big Town,

Chris Stapleton,
The Exes, and of course,

the first live performance
by Juliette Barnes

since that plane crash
earlier this year.

Aside from bringing you a new artist,

I was thinking about big
media integration... Uh, Deacon!

Just the man I want to see,
let me introduce you to Casadee.

- I know Deacon.
- Hey, Cass.

How you doing?

Look, I like the changes
you guys have been making,

- so let's set something up.
- Yeah.

- Let's stop it.
- Great.

Cassidy. Cassidy.

Uh, you mind if we take
a walk for a second?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

So I hate to bring this up,

but have you given it anymore thought?

You talking about Bucky?

I'm talking about moving
the company forward.

Bucky's been a part of this business,

part of this family for over 30 years.

- So no, there's no way.
- Can I ask how the company's

done over the last couple years?

- Layla Grant, Markus Keen, Vita Martin.
- That's not all on Bucky, all right?

There's a whole lot
of things that happened.

Whatever it was, it's time Highway 65

stops missing opportunities, okay?

Maddie's single is ready for release

and I don't want to stand by and watch

the same archaic protocols
take her down.

What does that mean, exactly?

Well, for Maddie, I was
thinking a midnight release.

No press, no announcements.

No begging some reporter at Slate

to give us a mention under the fold.

No, no, no, we release it ourselves,

we get all the influencers we know

to talk about this amazing
song they just heard

and in the morning,
everyone comes to us, man.

- Huh.
- Yeah.

What about Bucky, does he agree?

Not only does Bucky not agree,

he doesn't even understand it, Deacon.

And I'm sorry, but I think
this is a move that is essential

if we want Highway 65
and Maddie to succeed.

In a way that I think
Rayna would have wanted.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx


Huh, can't get enough of the sweet life?

Something like that.

What is all this, can I help?

My fan mail.

You're new.

Yeah, I'm Daphne.

I wasn't asking.

- She's cool, Wendy, she's with me.
- I don't like new.

New comes with motives and problems.

I'm just here to see Liv.

Liv's busy.

Where are you guys going?

New is also very nosy.

No! Stop being a bitch.


Can I come?

So I was thinking we can
start with The Rumble?

Yeah, I was going to
talk to you about that.


- What?
- Nothing.

You can't keep avoiding him.

Well, I can until I can't.

What does that even mean?

Double crap.

This idea of a midnight
release is a risk, guys,

and it's just a risk I don't think

we should be taking
with your first single.

But I love the idea
of putting it out there

and letting it speak for itself.

Well, it will, but people
have to know about it,

you know, we don't want it to be
a tree falling in the forest.

It's a great single, I think
it deserves a proper rollout.


I got to go with Bucky,
you know, I mean,

He's right, it is great,
and we want to do it the way that...

- you know, people...
- Hey, sorry I'm late.

- Must have missed the memo.
- Hey.

Maddie, it's great to see you.

- Nice to see you. Awesome.
- How are you doing?

Have you been telling her
about our cool plan for the release?

I am stoked.

Can you two give us a quick sec?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

Hey, Bucky, what do you think of this...

What are you doing?

What I think needs to be done.

- He's staying.
- Because he's family?

Yeah, because we need him.

Deacon, this company
may need many things,

but I assure you,
Bucky isn't one of them.

I fly to the coast on Monday morning,

it would be awesome if
you gave me an answer before...

- Pretty sure I just did.
- Just do me a favor

and think it through
for the next 24 hours

with your head instead of your heart.

That always helps me.

Is everything okay?

I thought rehearsal
didn't start for another hour.

Something came up.

It's the label,
they are in full blown panic.

I... I'm so sorry, this is,
this is terrible... they...

they don't want me promoting the album
at tomorrow night's show.

I don't understand.

They want me to play
some of my old stuff,

stuff they know works.

And they want me to do it alone.

I can't believe this.
We have been working so hard.

I can't believe it either.

And, I promise you,
I will make this up to you.

We have that mini tour
already set in place,

and five shows.

It's just the label has put
so much money into this album,

they feel like if I can come
back with something familiar,

then they can recoup
some of their losses.

They can't do this.

They already have.

I wish...

Are you okay?

I just keep getting
these foggy episodes.

Oh, I'm sorry.

The doctor says it's stress related.

Okay, come on, sit down. Sit down.

Okay, now look.

I want you to take in
deep breaths, slow.

Slow... Breathe deep.

And I want you to concentrate
on your safe place.

My what?

Home or the beach or you know,

any image that makes you
feel comforted, you know?

It... it totally works,

I do it anytime I'm anxious,
okay, so just breathe.

Okay? Breathe...

Okay, you ready?


Happiest yellow, just like you wanted.

You okay?


- What are we doing here?
- Looking for things to sell.

You wouldn't believe how much
valuable crap people throw away.

But, hey, this is private property.
That's stealing.

You can't steal what's already stolen.

- What do you mean?
- This guy takes in stolen goods

and sells them to the highest bidder,

so it's like we're hurting the bad guys.

Okay, two wrongs
don't really make a right.

So honest and naïve.

- I like New.
- Aren't you coming?

- No, I'm fine here.
- All right, suit yourself.


- Hey!
- Let's go!

- Get back here, you little punk!
- No! Hurry up you guys!

Where'd you go?

Come here! Come here!

Let go, dude!


- Ow! Oh!
- Yo. Hold still.

- Oh, my God.
- Hold... hold still.

- You need to go to a hospital.
- No, no hospitals!

Why not?

Because hospitals ask
questions and want names.

- Wrap it!
- You're not staying still.

Liv, listen to me, you're
going to get an infection.

Daphne, why are you here, anyways?

Just go!

Can't say I'm surprised.

- This wasn't her choice.
- And who told you that?

I told y'all this was a mistake
from the beginning.

She doesn't give a damn about us.

Look, the label doesn't
think that this music...

Oh, come on, Hallie.
It's bad enough she lies,

now she's using you
to deliver the bad news?

The label panicked.

What can she do?

You know, she kept her word
about the album.

The mini tour.

She's going to make it up to us.

One, two!

♪ I keep spinnin' my wheels ♪

♪ But digging my heels in ♪

♪ If hope is so close,
then why do I feel so alone ♪

♪ Knowing what I know ♪

♪ I keep headed for home,
but everyone's gone ♪

♪ My favorite songs
make me feel so alone ♪

♪ But I keep headed for home ♪

♪ I feel so alone ♪

♪ But I keep headed for home ♪

♪ Run with me when hope is high ♪

♪ Run with me when the water is dry ♪

♪ Never let me go ♪

♪ Run with me into the night ♪

♪ Run with me to the morning light ♪

♪ Never let me go ♪

You're still here?

Yeah, I like the furniture.

Sorry for yelling.

It's okay, my sister
yells at me all the time.

It'll be fine.

Okay, why are you here?
Where's your home?

This is home.

No, I mean, where are your parents?

Are you referring to the biological
drug addicts that ditched me

or the foster drunks that never
understood no meant no?


I'm really sorry.

I've survived way worse
than a stupid little cut.

It'll be fine.

Yeah, it will.

Cause you're coming home with me.

Halfway through the second verse...

- Avery Barnes.
- Couldn't hear a thing.

- Dude, Michael.
- Dude.

- You k*lled it.
- Thank you.

It was so good
seeing you out there, man.

- So good to see you.
- Every person in that room

can forget about
the rest of the festival

because they just saw the best
damn act of the entire weekend.

Aw, no way, come on.

Oh yeah, then I won't tell you, that...

I just got you on
the Edward Sharpe tour.

- Are you serious?
- I am.

- What? Yes!
- 20 cities. You leave in ten days.

- Congratulations.
- 10 days?

Yeah, I get it.

Discuss it with the boss
and let me know.

They want an answer soon.


Play the track from the top
of the chorus again, please.

♪ This time it's goodbye trouble ♪

♪ I feel a light
at the end of this tunnel ♪

♪ I get stronger with every step ♪

♪ Come hell... ♪


You ready to get to it?

- Okay.
- I told you not to walk away from me.

I said not in front of Juliette.

I'm sick of you hiding
behind your little girl.

You care more about that baby
than you care about me, don't you?

Hey, hey! Are you okay? Are you okay?

Just get me out of here.

Come here, come here.

I got you, I got you. Come here.

It's okay, I got you. It's okay.

Just want to get some sleep.

No one says you have to do this.

I say I have to do this.

At this point, I'm nearly forgotten.

Babe, you're out of your mind.

People love you.

They used to love me.

- Hello darling.
- Oh, hi.

Look at you.

Never agree to sh**t a film
in Romania in the summer.

It is hell, literally.
Shall we order a beverage?

Uh, look, I'm not sure

if there's any proper way
to tell you this,

so I'm just going to spit it out.

- I'm pregnant.
- You're what?

And you're the father.

Okay, uh, uh, let's just
slow this down a bit.

That's impossible.

You do understand
the process of conception?

Um, something to drink?

Grey Goose, straight up, double it.

- And for you?
- Water's fine, thank you.

We took precautions.

Which have been known to fail,
in case you haven't heard.

- How do you even know it's mine?
- I don't like what that insinuates,

but a blood test ruled out Gunnar.

Look, I'm not telling you
this to stress you out

or to turn your life upside
down, or anything like that,

I just thought that you
should know I'm doing this.

- You've decided to keep it.
- Yeah.

Thanks for making this
a horrible experience for me.


Don't leave, please. Sit down.

Look, I haven't done this before.

Faced this responsibility.

I am sorry, really.

Neither have I.

Just tell me what you need,

financially or... whatever it is.

Anything to make this easier for you.

Easier for me?

Look, this was just
sort of sprung on me, I mean,

you haven't even looked
at the bloody appetizers,

and guess what, I'm a father.

This was a mistake.

Yo! Yo, this is your house?

Yo, you guys like
billionaires or something?

- No, musicians.
- Damn, billionaire musicians.

Follow me, I have stuff
for you in the bathroom.

Yeah, which wing would that be in?

Thank you!

Thank you, Nashville!

This has been so fantastic,
y'all have been so great.

I can't tell you how much
it means to play here...

How'd it go with Damien?

I... I don't want to
talk about that name.

America's favorite
on again, off again couple,

y'all give it up for The Exes, come on.

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ You never do things just because ♪

♪ And I can watch you leave ♪

♪ Take your coat and your keys ♪

♪ And I wouldn't care where you go ♪

♪ But the hell of it is ♪

♪ I love you even when I don't ♪

♪ I love you even when I don't ♪

♪ I love you even when I don't ♪

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ I love you even when I don't ♪

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ I could do without your friends ♪

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ You got more pride than sense ♪

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ By myself I'd be just fine ♪

♪ The hell of it is ♪

♪ I won't know that in this life ♪

♪ 'Cause I love you even when I don't ♪

♪ I love you even when I don't ♪


- How you're doing?
- Hey, thanks for the text, listen.

I am completely out of the loop
on Maddie's single,

and I'm pretty sure
Zach's trying to avoid me.

He won't return my phone calls,
he won't return my emails.

Yeah, I know why.

What's going on?

He wants you out, Buck.

- Out of what?
- Highway 65, everything.

Okay, um...

Wow. I knew it was bad,
but I didn't think it was that bad.

I'm not going to let it happen.

Deacon, you know how much
I care about you

and the girls, and you know,

- my relationship with Ray...
- Hey, Bucky,

you don't have to
convince me, all right?

We will figure this out.

- Ready?
- No, um...

Sorry, Liv! I... I'm sorry.

You don't plan on becoming
a doctor, were you? Ow!

You'll thank me when I save your arm.

If I survive this t*rture.

You should stay here.

In your musical McMansion?

Yeah, I'm sure your
parents would approve.

No, it's just Deacon,
he'll be fine with it.

What's a Deacon?

My step dad.

Well, where's your real dad?

Oh, he's in jail.


What about your mom?

She died.


Maybe you're my kind of girl after all.

He can't do this.

Bucky was with mom forever.

Since she was a kid.

I know, sweetie, so does he.
He just doesn't care. Hey, honey.

Don't worry, I'll straighten it out.

Oh, honey, I was about
to start dinner if you wait.

Oh, my stomach hurts.

I'm sorry.

Oh come on, if you're
going to eat that much,

just stay down here with us.

No, I was texting with Louisa

and her stomach hurts too,

so I think we may have
contracted something.

- Does that seem odd to you?
- Completely.

Happy birthday my jewel.

I thought this might complete
our happiest yellow home.

I thought I told you
to go get the groceries.

You mean the bourbon?

I'll be right back, baby girl.

Don't go daddy.

Be right back.

It's weird.

I keep going back to a place
I forgot about years ago.

And all I find there's pain.

Look, this is really hard for me.

I want to help,
but I'm still pretty upset

about what happened.

God, I'm sorry.

I should not have asked you
to come over here.

I understand it wasn't your doing,

but I can't help feeling what I feel.

I get it.

I feel like I'm deceiving
people into thinking

I'm back to my old self and I'm not.

I mean, I felt like an imposter
when both my legs worked.

You've become very important to me.

I'll be right back.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I'm coming baby girl.

For you, for tonight.

It's a backstage badge, parking pass,

- everything you need.
- Thanks.

I don't know if I'm going, but...

Oh, well, if you decide to.

You know, thank you for being so amazing

and accepting through all this.

Well, I mean, I guess
the label's decision's best.

The label's decision?

About her going it alone tonight.


Well, you know how that goes.

Oh, I can take her.


You selfish,

narcissistic bitch.

Hallie, please give me
a chance to explain.

I knew it.

I knew it was your call all along.

You know, you're right.

You are deceiving your fans.
You're deceiving everyone.

I can't go back out there
after all this time

and promote something that
nobody gave a crap about.

Oh, well, if that's how you
feel about the album, fine.

But I defended you
in front of people I love,

who put their trust in me.

Do you know what that's like?

I'm sorry, okay,

- I am so incredibly sorry.
- No, no, I got to go.

- Hallie, I really do care about you.
- I got to go.

There's only one person you care about.


- Uh, actually, I was gonna...
- Daria?

One second! Quick hide, go over there.

- Okay.
- Daphne open the door.

Come on, now.

- How can I help you?
- What is this?

Oh my god, are you okay?

It's not mine, all right,

I found it in the trash in my bathroom.
Now, what is it?

I don't know, ask Madie.

What have you been doing here all night?


- What do you do in your room all night?
- Don't start with me.

I'm not, I'm hoping this is
the end of the conversation.


You're right, he's clueless.


Who is this?

I can explain.

Well then you better get to it.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So uh, Emily told me what happened.

Let me guess, you're on her side.

You know I'm always on your side.

Am I narcissistic?

Forget I asked.

You can't think
about that now, Juliette,

I mean, you're in over your head.

We just have to get through this.

You think I should cancel.

I can't make that decision for you.

But I do think you should be
talking to someone.

There is no way I can handle
a stranger right now.

How about apologizing
to the choir at least.

- They wouldn't listen to me.
- How do you know?

Be honest. You made a mistake.

You think so?

Because I have no idea anymore.

I don't know what I'm doing.

One thing I can say though...

thank God I have you.

Thank you for not running away.

There are so many other people
that would have.

What do you think baby girl?

Come on baby, let's go inside.
It's too dark now.

When's daddy coming to help me finish?

Look, something happened to daddy
and he's not coming home, okay?

He's not coming home!

Let's get out of here
and go get something to eat.


Please, there's something I need to say.

And we should listen because?

Because you have never thought
you were going to be paralyzed

for the rest of your life,
and now I'm not.

And I'm still afraid.

Afraid of failing,

afraid of limping out onto that stage

in front of thousands of fans

and making a fool out of myself.

I live with that fear
every second of every day.

And sometimes,

out of that fear I make poor decisions.

It was my choice to pull you
out of tonight's show.

And there will not be a mini tour.

Tonight was it.

It's a tough world.
The album didn't work.

We love it but the fans
and the critics, they didn't.

And I'm sorry. That's on me.

But I still want to see this
through to the end,

no matter what anybody says.

Will you please sing with me tonight?

Why should we be there for you now?

I'm not saying you should be.

I'm just hoping you will.

No, okay, she cannot stay here.

I don't understand the big deal.

You found this girl
on the street, sweetheart.

Yes, exactly, and that's
why I brought her here.

Baby, I'm sorry,

we can't be harboring homeless
kids here, all right?

There are laws.

That's fine.

I'll go.

Hold on.

Do you mind me asking how old you are?

I'm old enough.

If you want our help, I'd appreciate
a little respect in return.


It's a little young
to be on the streets.

Do you have a better idea?

Where's your parents?

That's a good question.

If you find them, let me know.

So who takes care of you?

I have friends,
we take care of each other.

And now she has me.

You can stay.

Just for the time being
until we figure something out.

Let's get some breakfast.

Thank you for agreeing to see me.

Well, I don't have much time, so...

I was a complete ass yesterday.

I get it.

You agree to uphold any obligation
the law would have you keep.

I appreciate that, so.

I'm an idiot.

I'm in love with you, Scarlett,

and I want to be in this 100%.

Let's do this the right way.

We can make this work.

Don't say that. You know it's not true.

It might be true.

I want it to be true.

You mean no standards.

All right, ladies, I'm headed out.

- Have fun.
- Yeah, Deacon, have fun.

You're going to listen
to Brittany, right?

Even though I'm 13

and not one of my friends
has a baby sitter,

for the 100th time, yes.

All right, I'm just doing my best here.

Brittany, thank you, uh,

you got my number, I won't be long.

All right, thanks, Deacon.

- Billy, hey.
- Hey, Avery.

How you doing, I'm looking forward

- to your girl's big performance tonight.
- So tell me, she said yes?

That's what I need to talk to you about.


I can't do it.

What do you mean?

It's just, it's not the right time.

You know, she needs me here
and I can't leave her.

I'm sorry.

Still no sign of them.

Can you blame them?

Why are all these people here?

Baby, your daddy's gone,

and, and, and he's never coming back.

No, I want my daddy!

Juliette, come back here! Juliette!

Juliette! Juliette!

Hey, man.

Just a minute. Bucky.

Where you going?

I'm out, Deacon.

No, no, no, you stay right here,

- he cannot fire you.
- Deacon, it was my idea.

It's my idea. If this is what he wants,

this is the way it's going to have to be.
There's no way around it.

Yeah, we'll get around it, Bucky,

we'll get around it together,
we can do it.

Deacon, you cannot sacrifice
this company,

your family, the girls, for me.

I won't let you.

I'll be all right.

Just be careful,

because I got the feeling
I'm only the first.

- What did I do?
- You know what you did.

Deacon, I'm just looking out
for this company. Deacon!

Juliette! Juliette!

You came.

We came.

We really need to go, Miss Barnes.

Then you better get the choir on stage.

Miss Barnes, you okay?


Why did you leave?

I didn't, sweetie.

I would never leave you.

- But I can't come home.
- No!

Oh, come here.

Listen, okay?

You will always be my jewel.

And I will always be watching over you.

Whatever wonderful thing you do,

and it will be wonderful,

cause that's just who you are.

Just know, I will be there.

♪ I'm hardheaded I'm stubborn ♪

♪ I'm stuck in my ways ♪

♪ Still learning what it means ♪

♪ To hit my knees and pray ♪

♪ But I'm on my way ♪

♪ More trouble than I'm not ♪

♪ Don't know when to stop ♪

♪ Ain't got it figured out ♪

♪ Right now all I can say ♪

♪ Is I'm on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way ♪

♪ On this slow ride
from hell fire train ♪

♪ You could just wait ♪

♪ I know I can ride
this rail to change ♪

♪ Might not be today ♪

♪ But I'm on my way ♪

♪ Ooooh ooooh ooooh ♪

♪ Ooooh ooooh ooooh ♪

♪ I know you shouldn't but ♪

♪ Maybe you can ♪

♪ Love me, just love me ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm on my way ♪

♪ This slow ride from hell fire train ♪

♪ If you could just wait ♪

♪ I know I can ride
this rail to change ♪

♪ Might not be today ♪

♪ It won't be today ♪

♪ But I'm on my way ♪