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05x16 - Not Ready to Make Nice

Posted: 08/25/21 18:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Nashville"...

I would be thrilled if you'd consider
having me produce your album.

There are some incredible musicians

that we could bring in for it.

You want me to fire my band?
He needs me.

I get that. I don't understand
why you need him.

You can't post that.

- It's just a joke.
- Okay, fine.

Just a bunch of people online

saying really mean things
about your sister.

I want to know what you think
about finding another job for him.

You wanna let him go, is what you want.

I'm pregnant, and you're the father.

You're the best person I've ever known.
Please just say you'll try with me.

You ever think about
just keeping on driving,

and leaving all this behind?

Yeah. I tried to.
You talked me out of it, remember?

I mean, together.

Sedona, Seattle, Portland, I don't know.

Just... just a simple life.

Simple life.

No more tours, no cameras.

Just you and me and number three.

And now from Hollywood to Nashville

where the online
ship communities are buzzing

over these new photos of country stars,

Scarlett O'Connor and Gunnar Scott.

An exclusive photo
obtained by Access Hollywood

reveals what looks to be a baby bump.

For the onagain, offagain couple,

this would be the first child
for either of them.

Their latest single, "All of Me",

is lighting up the charts.

Those are the latest headlines
from Access Hollywood.

Bucky! So good to see you.

This is the most excited
I've been in 10 years.

- I'm so proud of you.
- Thank you so much.

- Lauren, hey!
- Hey!

You know Maddie Jaymes, right?

- Yeah, girl, you are so talented.
- Thank you.

Don't listen to a word this guy says.

Hey, I'm gonna send you her single.

It's pretty unbelievable.

I've already got it on repeat.

You will not believe
the emails I'm getting.

They want you for gigs in L.A.,
Seattle, Brooklyn.

We got to get a tour set up for you.

It just means the world to me

that you're willing to do this.

Maddie, it was the honor of my life
to work with your mom.

And nothing could make me happier

than to be here with you
managing your career.

My dad was sick after what Zach did.

Well, change happens, you know.

- Gotta roll with it.
- Yeah.

Speaking of which,

you are sure that
Juliette's okay with this?

She is already on to new crises.

Woo! That was awesome.

You know what else is awesome?

Having a meeting with the label
in a few hours.

And having no demo to play.

We definitely never agreed on that song.

- And it'll never be played on the radio.
- Listen...

- Are we learning from my mistakes here...
- Of course, we were just...

I thought we agreed on "Who I Love"?

- We did agree, which is why...
- Yes! Yes!

Then why don't you
finish recording that?

Because we finished it an hour ago.

Excuse me. How was I supposed to know?

Maybe try letting someone
finish a sentence?


Hallie, hey, wait! What's going on?

Listen, if this isn't what you want

or if it doesn't feel right,
just say so.

No, it's not that.

Then what is it? What's going on?

It's George. He ended it last night.

- He's gone.
- I'm so sorry.

He said there's no room
for him in my new life.

How perfect, coming from someone
who still lives with his wife.

So many changes and
they're good ones, you know.

But to be alone too,

- it's just a little confusing.
- I get it.

I have actually been there.

And I don't know about
this song, you know.

It just doesn't feel like it's mine.

- You know what I mean?
- Yes...

You're telling me you want
to do a different one?

I can't go against Juliette
after all she's done for me.

Because "Who I Love" is a great song.

You're right. I'm sorry.

- I'm being whiny and ridiculous.
- No, no, not at all.

You're not alone. I'm here for you.

Juliette is here for you,

like you were for her.

So whatever it is you need,
just let us help you with it, okay?

Thank you.

Any time.

You have absolutely
nothing to worry about.

It's not like you made any of them.

My God! Liv, they're horrible!

Daph, you gotta see this. My EP is up.
And the graphics are so cool.

- Wait!
- Stop! I want to show you.


Why is this on here?

- No reason.
- You were looking at this?

- No. Maddie...
- Stop...

Maddie, that's my laptop.

Okay? Give it back!

- You made this.
- No!

- My God!
- Maddie, it wasn't like that!

- How could you do this?
- It wasn't that hard, anyway.

I'm so sorry. Please, I can explain.

Explain what, Daphne?
How you ruined my life?

She got millions of people
talking about...

Stay out of this!

- Isn't that exactly what you wanted?
- It was supposed to be like a joke.

I should have known
you were behind this.

No one was behind anything.

You need to chill out.
Everything's gonna be okay, God!

- Get out of my house.
- Maddie, no.

This is my family in my house!

Get out!

I swear to God, Liv, if you don't
get outta my house in five seconds,

I'm calling the cops.

- Maddie, stop...
- One, two...


You bore me anyway!

Liv, wait! Don't go!

I know where I'm not wanted!

'Cause she's just freaking out!
This'll blow over!

Come on, it's not just this.

- What do you mean?
- I don't belong here.

You do tme.

You're sweet. Have a nice life.


I meant it, you know.

You meant what?

That you're my kind of girl.

Thank you for caring.

I would have k*lled
for a song like this.

This is an anthem for every girl

that was ever knocked down
and stood back up.

Who was stronger and tougher
because of it.

This is an amazing moment for Hallie.

You love it, right?

It's a mighty big song...

Yeah, it is, and it's powerful.

I know Hallie's hesitant about it.
But that's just because of fear.

This is absolutely the direction
we need to go.

- The crossover potential of this song...
- All right. Slow down.

- Is huge.
- Slow down just a second.

I hear you, I do.
But, Juliette, I'm just...

I'm a little confused by that sound.

You're confu...
Wwhat does that even mean?

How are you confused?

Actually, I'd be more comfortable
if Hallie was here to discuss this.

Well, Hallie was more
comfortable with having me

handling the business
side of things, so...

All right, then.

I think with this,

we'll lose the authenticity
that makes her special.

She's a roots performer.

Right there, that could have
been sung by just about anybody.

Deacon, you cannot pigeonhole
her into doing one style.

I know that, but I also didn't sign her

to sign the next
pop princess, all right?

I signed her because the artist in her

spoke to the artist in me.
Am I wrong here?

No. I definitely know what you mean.

This is way more commercial than
what Hallie wanted initially.

But I think that Juliette is just saying

that she wants her to
succeed like we all do.

But isn't true success
doing what you love? Doing it well?

Isn't that why Rayna started this label?

And sometimes doing what you love

leads to utter failure
if you're not careful.

Yeah, well, this isn't like what
happened to you, Juliette.

- No. It's worse.
- How's it worse?

Because I was an established artist

who had the luxury of taking a chance.

- Hallie does not!
- Hey, wait a second...

Wait, I'm sorry. Isn't this exactly
what we just did with Maddie?

And forgive me if I'm wrong,
but I think it turned out

pretty damn well, thank you very much.

- Juliette, this is not...
- We are not helping Hallie

if we allow her to hide
in her comfort zone...

I'm not talking about her hiding at all.

Rather than pushing her
to see what she is capable of!

All right, I hear you. We all her you.

Avery, you wanted to produce her

because you heard in her
exactly what I heard.

Are you really telling me that this...

is how we want
to introduce her to the world?

Look, "Who I Love" is a terrific song.

But it's not the right song for her.

- I mean, Hallie has something unique...
- Thanks!

And she deserves to
share it with the world.

If she fails on her own merit, so be it.

That's the album I want for Highway 65.


- Is it true?
- We're so excited for you!

- Thank you.
- When are you due?

I haven't really
figured that out yet.

- You must be excited too.
- Yeah, I am.

You are our favorite couple.
Can I get a picture?

Like in the front of the van.
Like together?

- Sure.
- Yeah. Yeah. Okay.

- That's perfect!
- Thank you!

Hey, sweetheart. What's up?


Daphne and Liv made the GIF.

The GIF...

- You don't mean that...
- Yep, that's exactly what I mean.

- No, she wouldn't do that.
- Yeah, she did.

- She wouldn't even know how.
- I found this on her computer.

It's just a stupid GIF! I'm so sorry!

I did not know it would
blow up like this!

What were you thinking, Daphne?

I wasn't thinking anything!

You weren't thinking about how
this was gonna hurt your sister?

You weren't thinking about that at all?

Maddie... Maddie, I'm so sorry!

I told her I feel so horrible
about this whole situation.

What do you think we should do about it?

What do you mean? I already apologized.

Do you think that makes up
for me seeing this damn thing

- everywhere I go?
- Hey, all right. Take it easy.

I'm sorry. In this case, I do
not think an apology is enough.

- Are you serious?
- Yes, I'm serious!

The problem is, you're not
serious enough right here.

I think I'm gonna take your cell phone.

One month, no cell phone privileges.

- What?
- That's it?

- Dad, she ruined my life?
- No phone for a month?

That's what it is, all right?
It's... No phone, one month!

I'm sorry, that's what it's gotta be!

- What?
- You can't take my phone for a month!

- Daphne, hey...
- What if there's an emergency?

Sweetie, I got along half my life
without one of these things, all right?

Daphne, I'm sorry.
That's what's got to be.

Trying to do my best
here by both of you.

No phone, one month.

Would you please hand
your sister the syrup?

I'm not hungry.


Yes, I know...

They go live at 2:35, and
I'll be there at 2:00, thanks.

How many interviews is that?

- Three.
- That's fantastic.

Why? They're just gonna ask me
about the stupid police video.

Not even about my EP.

Hey. This is she.

Okay, thanks. Bye.


See? You got something good
going on right now.

You need to grab hold of it.

I will. Don't worry.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I am.

Are you gonna give in?

Would you please have
a little compassion?

She's basically lost everything.

Anyway, your whole world is opening up.

I lost everything too.

I know. We all did.

But this is how you're
gonna pull yourself up.

Let the good things happen.

Just comes in waves, you know.

Yeah, tell me about it.

You really made me look
like an idiot, you know.


You're supposed to have my back,
not s*ab me in it!

I didn't s*ab you in the back!

Deacon put me on the spot.

What was I supposed to do? Lie?


Well, excuse me if I'm not willing

to sell Hallie down
the corporate rabbit hole.

I mean, it's not the kind
of artist she is.

I don't just see an artist.

- I see her as a star!
- I don't know if you even see her at all.

How can you say that to me?

When's the last time
you asked how she's doing?

Or what's going on in her life?
I mean, did you even know

that George broke up
with her last night?

My God.

She needs a friend right now.


- Okay what?
- I get it.

She's going through
a rough time right now.

We shouldn't push her.

I'm serious.

And I understand.

This is about Hallie.
This is what Hallie wants.

This is what Hallie should get.

So you're okay if we
record her own style...

Yes, I am. I really am.




Let me help you with the dishes.

- I've got it. I'm good.
- Okay.

What in the Sam Hill
is a "shipper" anyway?

Well, apparently, an online fan

who knows more about our
relationship than we do.


My goodness, they're everywhere.

There's literally like millions of
people trying to name our baby.

Hey, look at this.

They're writing about us like
we're characters in a book.

Those ones are dressed up as us.

- What? Where?
- There.

That's weird.

You know, maybe you should
cancel the interview tomorrow.

Well, I don't think hiding from it's
gonna make it any better.

You know, they're gonna find out anyway.

Yeah, but now everyone
believes it's mine.

Well, I don't care
what some bored 15yearold

from Nebraska writes about us online.

This is, you know, supposed
to be a fun and exciting time.

- And it's just...
- It can still be exciting.

Scarlett, there's no point in getting
all miserable about it.

It's not good for the baby anyway.

I'm not all miserable
about it, I'm just...

I wasn't ready for it to not
just be our business,

- that's all.
- It's still our business.

It doesn't matter
what any of them think.


I'm so sorry. My therapy ran late,

and Cadence wouldn't go down.

Thank you.

Thank you so much for
believing in me and my music.

You already heard?

Yeah. It's amazing.

Avery called me this morning,
and told me everything.

We start recording today.


What's wrong? Is it something I said?

No. Come on,

I just wanted to be
the first to tell you.

We've been through so much together.

I was hoping that I'd get to
tell you the amazing news.

Thank you.

None of this would have been
possible without you.

Baby girl, this is all you.

Don't ever feel like your career
depends on anybody else.

I also heard about George from Avery.

I'm sorry.

You know, if you ever want to talk,
I'm always here to listen.

Life is crazy.

The highs are so high.
The lows are so low.

I think I know
what you're talking about.

Tell me about that stunning
performance on the music video.

Honestly, it's kind of terrifying when...

somebody sees something in you
you didn't even know existed.

It certainly felt like a departure
from the good girl that we knew.

It was a really passionate
display of sexuality.

Thank you. It wasn't very much fun,
I can tell you that.

How so?

It's not worth going into.

I was going through a rough time.

And Damien pulled out all that madness
and passion from me.

In a way, he set me free.

Well, that's Damien for you.

You know him?

You could say that, yeah.

I could trust you.

Of course, you can.


You know, we got totally
off topic, I apologize.

It's okay. You're... you're right.
When did you...

Well, it was about a year
after my divorce.

So five years ago... yeah.

We were doing a profile on Damien
for our young auteurs piece.

And he was just so charming
and intelligent and handsome. And...

Wow, I've actually never talked
to anyone about this before.

- It's all right.
- Um...

We totally had an affair.

Yeah, and I've never
done anything like that

before with someone
I've been interviewing. I mean, ever.

I can understand.


You too?

- My God, you did. You did!
- No.

- No, I mean, the handsome and charming bit.
- You did!

You did too.

No, I wouldn't talk about it
in this setting.

Honey, we've gotten so far off topic.

I'm the one that's sitting here
completely exposed.

No, I didn't have an affair. I don't...

I can't go behind peoples' backs, so no.

Well, good for you.

I mean, you've nothing
to be ashamed about.

Damien wants something,
Damien gets it, right?

And look at you.
I mean, who wouldn't want you?

I get it.

I was pretty messed up over him.

He is...

He is one charming guy.

I'm sorry.

When exactly did you sh**t the video?

I just... I can't remember
which month that was.

- It was a few months ago.
- I think it was in March.

He's the father, isn't he?

Excuse me?

Sorry, it's none of my business.

No, it's not.

What a mess! I'm really sorry.

Well, you're not talking
about some news piece.

You're talking about my child.
You have no right to bring that up.

I completely understand.
Do you want to just

- go back to the video?
- No, I don't.

Actually, I'm not comfortable
talking to you anymore.

- I'm sorry if I upset you.
- You didn't upset me.

- I mean, you're clearly very upset.
- Yeah, well, I think...

I mean, I understand.
I would be really upset too.

- You have a nice day.
- You too.

Here we go.

Daphne? Maddie?

What is it?

Country music's highest flying couple
just hit some major turbulence

when Scarlett O'Connor revealed

that Gunnar Scott is not
the father of her babytobe.

According to MacKenzie Rhodes'
article in "33 1/3" magazine,

fairflower Scarlett had an affair

with handsome English director,
Damien George,

during the making of the duo's
latest music video.

O'Connor has been quoted as saying,

that "Making the video helped
her find her sexuality,"

apparently in more ways than one.

We'll see how their many fans
feel about this.

You told her. How could
you tell her, Scarlett?

I didn't tell her, but it didn't matter.
She figured it out anyway.

How could you do this?

Because I can't lie.

And somehow she knew it.

And further, I regard it
as bestowed upon me,

only in part.

The larger share
belongs to my friends...

There you are!

- Here I am.
- I texted and called.

I thought you were
swinging by the studio.

- Wasn't feeling it.
- What a day!

You were right about Hallie.
She has an amazing instrument.

I mean, her control, her range,
everything, my God!

I know her a lot better
than you realize.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- You wanna know what it means?

It means that sometimes we get
so caught up in someone,

we don't see that someone
is very different

than what we thought.

Am I missing something here?


And I would be
very careful if I were you.

Of what?

Of Hallie Jordan.

Don't look at me like that.

Don't you see that this is all an act?

Little Miss Perfect who somehow
always gets whatever she wants?

Well, like someone else I know.

Excuse me?
I worked like hell to get where I am.

And I didn't use a girl in a wheelchair

- to land a recording contract.
- My God.

Did I just walk into
a Twilight Zone episode?

What the hell are you talking about?

Why do you think she
welcomed me into the church?

Because she's kind?

My God, you are so naive.

Don't you get it?
She saw an opportunity.

And she took it!

Okay, so she made the plane
crash in the field too.

You believe whatever you want.

Juliette, you're the one who
sought her out, remember?

I mean, you practically stalked her.

- I did not!
- Yes, you did.

Online, at the church.
Showed up at her house.

You bought her a new SUV. I mean...

You were one phone call away
from a restraining order.

Wow, she really has you snowed.

Cut it out.

Let me ask you, what happened between

when I left the recording
studio yesterday?

And when we met up at Deacon's office?

What do you mean, what happened?

We had a song.

A great song for her
that we all agreed upon.

- I can't believe we're back to this.
- Then she tells you this little sob story

about how she broke up
with her married boyfriend.

Suddenly, you have this
epiphany about her sound?

- How convenient!
- You know what?

This is offensive.

Honey, she is using you, okay?

And your heart is just
too good to see it.

Watch, watch.

I'm gonna go check on Cadence.

All right, that's enough.

We're gonna talk about this
whether you want to or not.

- There's nothing to talk about.
- I agree.

At least you agree on something.

Daphne? You hurt your
sister very badly, okay?

God. I apologized!

She's hurt me a thousand times,
and never said sorry.

That's such a lie.

Maddie, you went to New York without me.

- That wasn't my choice.
- You could have said something.

I can't believe you're
bringing this up right now!

God, you get everything,
all the attention! All the articles!

What do you want me to do about it?

- Nothing? Just because you're younger?
- All right. Take it down. Just...

No! I want you to stop
being a bitch about it!

- Daphne!
- She is!

- Don't talk like that!
- You only care about yourself!

Liv was so right about you.

- Okay, just don't be...
- You are such a brat!

You are not Mom!

- Mom was nice!
- Hey, Daphne!

Stop it! Both of you!

Is that how your mother raised you guys?

To hurt each other like this?
What is going on here?

- What are you doing?
- She started it, Dad.

You know nothing about me!

- That is so wrong, Daphne!
- Daphne, she does care!

- Why are you always on her side?
- I'm not on her side!

I'm just telling you... Daphne, stop!

- You don't listen to me!
- Hey!

I'm going out for a while.

Are you okay?


Well, remember, Louise's mom
is gonna pick you up at 11, all right?

Yes, I know.

Okay, then.

I love you.

I love you too, girl.

My goodness.

What you sleeping on the couch for?

I sat down here for like
one minute at about 3 a.m.

What are you doing up at 3 a.m.?

Scarlett had an affair with handsome...

Sweetie, I'm sorry.

- It's stupid.
- It is stupid. It's stupid!

Why don't people have lives.

Why are they so concerned
with what Gunnar and I do?

I don't think they do... have lives.

That woman has made me look like
the biggest slut in the universe.

That's ridiculous, okay.

No, no, no... Google me. You'll see.

I don't need to Google you.
I'm looking at you.

I know you.

Hey, the only opinions
that matter in this world

are the people who love you.
You know that.

Yeah... There's enough
going on in private

without it all being public.

Yeah, what's going on?

I had an ultrasound.

It's a little girl.

Don't start.

That's just about the biggest news

that I have ever heard! Come here.

- I know... No, it just hit me.
- It's all good.

She's not just gonna be a baby.

- She's gonna be a child and a teenager.
- Yeah.

- And a woman with dreams.
- Yeah.

What kind of world
is she gonna grow up in?

How am I gonna protect her?

She's gonna need me
to be strong for her.

I need to be the mother
she deserves to have.

And I don't think I am.

Honey, you are, you are!

- But I feel so weak.
- You always feel weak, right?

You could lift a truck off a man.
You'd still feel weak.

You would!

Look at me.

You're gonna be a great mama.

And you are gonna raise
an amazing little girl, you are.

Just never knowing what's right,

that's just part of being
a parent, all right?

You just love her.

The rest will follow.

You always seem to know.

Don't I wish.

Right now, my house looks like
an emotional b*mb dropped on it.

What happened?

My ineptitude as a parent has
been made painfully clear.

I'm sorry, Daphne,

for anything I ever did to you.

I'm sorry for being mean and selfish.

But you hurt me really badly,

and I understand.

Everybody keeps talking about

all the great things happening to me.

And I should be happy.

You know, I should be grateful.

And making the most of this moment.

But I just miss Mom!

Every day, every hour, I just want Mom.

And she's not here!

I don't know what to do about it.

Me too.

I couldn't possibly lose you, Daphne.

I need you too much.

I need you to help me figure things out.

'Cause I am so confused.

I need you too.

I thought you were already gone.

I'm so not gone.

That's incredible.

I mean, you took it
to a whole other level.

No, hey, that was all you.

- No, it was not all me...
- Yes!

Because what you do like
the textures, the sounds...

No. It's your voice, it's your songs.
All I was doing was moving the faders...

You know, I'm just
gonna leave you guys to it

while I go pick up our daughter.

Juliette, what?

It's a song, Avery, a song.

I don't understand what's going on?

You're not fooling anyone
with your little Miss Innocent routine.

Whoa, whoa. Hey, what's wrong with you?

- What's wrong with me?
- Yes!

Um, the smiles, the touching?
I saw it all.

You think I'm an idiot!
I'm not an idiot.

Juliette, it's not like that.

- It's totally not like that.
- I think it is like that.

And if you think that I'm gonna sit here

and watch her build up her career

while she wrecks my life,

you are sadly mistaken.

You know, I don't know where you get off

- talking about me like that.
- By opening my eyes!

- No, Hallie, don't leave like this.
- You know what?

The craziest thing about this
is that this isn't even about me.

You got problems? Lord knows we all do.

But you don't take them out
on the people who love you.

What... why are you
looking at me like that?

I'm literally worried
about you at this moment.

Okay. I'm gonna go, not with her.

And I want you to think really
hard about what just happened.

She lives here?

Until the cops kick them out.

Look who's here.

I didn't think I'd see you again.

I was hoping that
I wouldn't see you again.

Can we talk to you?

Yeah, sure, talk.


We want you to come home with us.

I'm really sorry for yelling at you.

Wow... That's sort of amazing.

Okay. Live, you can't stay here?

What about everybody else?

Well, can we take them too?

How can we do that?

I don't know. You tell me.

Liv, you are my friend.

Let us help you.

Yeah, and they're my friends, Daphne.

You don't want to stay here.

Except I do because
this is where I belong.

No, it's not.

I'm gonna go now.
I need to earn some bucks.

Okay, Liv?

- You have my number.
- Yeah.

See you around. Thanks.


Where are you?

Please come downstairs!

Look, we need to talk about last night.

We can't go on like this, all right?

I need y'all too much.
We all need each other.

Somehow we're gonna have to find
a way where the three of us...


- Can you not...
- Hey, Flynn.

Yeah, here she is.

Yeah, um...

Sorry, can you just hold
on, like, one second?

You said she couldn't use
her phone for a month.

So I said she could use mine.

We made up this morning.

So how was your day?

- What's up?
- Can we eat? I'm starving.

Yeah, is Amelia's party
still going on?