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13x02 - Graduation Day

Posted: 08/29/21 17:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on E.R.:

Will you go out with me?

I'm all yours.

I have two and a half months
left to go.

This baby is not
coming until then!

Sharp pain, gush of blood.
We're going to the OR.

Come on, little guy,
give me a cry.

Pulse is less than 60.
Let's bag him.

Intubation tray.
We can keep
waiting for you to clot,

or we can start thinking
about a hysterectomy.

Is Dad gonna hurt us?

Now we got
to stay together.

The three of us.

I'd rather we
were all dead.




I'm losing it. I don't...

I can't even drive.

You're the only person
I could think of to call.

I don't know.

I'm, uh... somewhere...

close to Waukegan.

There's a Phillip's Diner
and, um, a gas station.


Okay, thanks.

Hurry up, okay?

All preemies have
the same five problems--

infection, hypotension,

tachypnea, cyanosis.

Your guy has
four out of five.

White count's up.

He's on dopa
and dobutamine,

and we're needing higher
pressures to ventilate.

How high?

PIPs at 32.

You're pummeling his lungs.
He's going to get BPD.

Abby, Luka, listen to me.

It's hard enough
being a parent in here.

You're going to have to trust me
to do what's best for your son.


Any questions?

No. I've been here before.

Do you want me to wheel you
back to your room?

You shouldn't stay
out of bed that long.

You know, I've given that
watch and wait speech

about a hundred times,
and never realized

what a load of crap it is.

Well, it's just
the reality.


And I can't shut
my brain off.

I keep thinking
why is the dopa

at 17 and not 20,

and did they check
the tube position and...

I can't see his eyes.

I need to know
what color they are.

They're blue.

Uh, Neela asked me...

She wants to come and visit.

I don't want
any visitors.

I don't want
to see anybody.

Abby! Abby!

Abby! Oh, thank God.

Oh, I came as soon as I heard.

You're not running.

They're going to
send me to jail.

For what, k*lling
a scumbag?

He's better off dead.

I was in the car.

I could have driven away.

I went back to k*ll him.

That's the last time you're
ever going to say that.

You hear me?

There's only two people
who know it here...

You and me.

You fill out
a r*pe report.

You tell the cops you
sh*t him in self-defense.

You think that'll work?

That's what happened.

Do you understand?

It's what happened.

Serial crits

and foot pulses
Q 30 minutes.

Hey, any word on Sam?

The police are still
looking for her.

You want the walls
eggshell or white?

Do I look like Martha Stewart
or the Chief of Staff?

I got real work to do.

What's with her?

I guess she has to
pay for the repairs

out of her
Christmas bonus.

Oh, Ray.

Is this your writing?

Yeah, linebacker
from Northwestern,

looks like a rotator cuff.

Come on, man, no MRIs
if you've got

a freakin' metal
plate in your leg.

The techs going
to go over that.

You're lucky I caught this,
or it would have been a mess.

I better enjoy myself
the next few weeks,

because you're going to be
a pain in the ass Attending.


Hey. What time is it?

It's time to go home.

You've been here all night.

I should go
and check on Abby.

No, you should go
and get some rest.

Gallant's parents
will probably want
to see you today.

No, I'm not going over there.

Neela, go home.

Dopa's at 17,

mean's hanging around 25,

two out of six systolic
ejection murmur on exam.

Translate into
English, please?

Hold on, wait, hold, wait.
There's a murmur?

Get the echo, let's take a look.

I don't understand
any of this.

It's okay, I'll
explain it to you later.

Your daughter was a star
student when she was here.

Really. She never
gives herself any credit.

Well, the good ones never do.

Is that the heart?

Oh, my gosh,
look at that.

It's just b*ating away,
isn't it?

I didn't tell
her to come.
It's okay.

Isn't that amazing
Are you sure?

how you can see that?
I'm sure.
She's on her meds.



I know you
can't eat in here,

but maybe you can
take a break in the hall?

How's he doing?
We don't know.

What about you?
I'm okay.
Is this all?

You can see all of
the different ventricles

and things of the
heart right here?

That is just astonishing.

Who's that?
My mother.
Look at it go!

We never had
things like this...


Um, you want
to meet my friend?


Maggie Wyzenski.

Neela Rasgotra.
I've heard a lot about you.

Mostly right to left,
T-R jet's 3.4.

What are T-R jets?

It's blood flowing
the wrong way
through the heart.

Couldn't it just be

the pulmonary pressures
haven't dropped yet?

Probably elevated from the RDS.

Wait a minute. Wait.
Wait, wait, wait.

You're saying there's something
wrong with the baby's heart?

We don't know.

Well, what do you mean?

You-you-you're going to fix it.

Well, we can't just fix it.

He's premature.
He's going to be here for weeks.


All right, then...
we'll just wait.

It's all right.

We'll just wait.

James Clivus, 39, fell 20 feet
scaling Tribune Tower.

Apparently he gets better
reception up there.

Cell phones are just a cover.

What's with the tinfoil?

Well, it amplifies
frequency bands

allocated to the
U.S. government.

I see.

The Pentagon says
it's for communication

with satellites,
but that's a lie.


Distal deformity
of the right LE.

Hey, Mayday,
heard about yesterday.

Glad to see you're okay.


What's with her?


Her husband was k*lled in Iraq.

Are you kidding me?

You think we'd
joke about that?

We've ceded control
to the search engines!

I got to go!

Calm down!
Hey, hey!
I've got to go!

Hey, you've got to
let us check you out!

Don't think I don't know
what you mean by that!

Hey, there's Sam.

You got this?

Yeah, I got it.

Hey, honey, are you all right?

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my God.

How did you,
how did you get here?

A friend dropped me off.

I need a r*pe exam.

So what do you call
that thing again?

It's a PICC line.

It allows us
to give nutrition

and medicines without
sticking the baby.

It's kinking or something.

Oh, oh, wait, maybe you
should let Dr. Raab do that.

Uh, will you
step back, please?

You're just making
it harder for him.

It's okay,
you're doing fine.

You don't want students
working on your son.

He's a resident,
not a student.

What's that?

PVCs. It's the tip of the
catheter tickling the heart.

I'm sorry,
I'm really sorry,

but you pulled
back the line, right?

Of course he did, Abby.

Pulled back the line.

Uh, all right, 2:37...


What's the deal with the notes?

Well, I'm writing
everything down

so I can look
it up later on.

Last night I was reading
about smoking and prematurity.

Do you think...
I quit two years ago.

Well, I know you did, but,
Abby, you work so hard...

and stress can
definitely be a factor...

Are you blaming this on me?

No, of course
I'm not blaming you.

I'm not blaming anyone.

I just... my grandson
is on a... on a...


Ventilator, and-and-and
I need to understand...

Maggie, she fell.

People were sh**ting
and she fell, okay?


You can ask yourselves why

all day long,
but in the end,

the answer doesn't matter.

Miss Lockhart?


Uh, we're about to start
a lactation seminar

in the pump room.

Uh, if it's not
a good time...

No, sounds great.

I'll go with you.
I'll go with you.

Great. Okay.

Here we go.


Hey, Joe.

(speaking Croatian)

These go between the boob and
the tube, know what I mean?

Mm-hmm, it's pretty

You seem hesitant.

She is.

Breast milk is best for babies.

Oh, she knows that,
she's a doctor.

I think I just need
a little privacy.

Okay, I'll get you a screen.

She seems nice.


Um... you, too.


I need you to...

Oh, Abby, I've been
through all of this before.

I don't think so.

No, have you
had a C-section,

a hysterectomy and
a premature baby?

No, I-I haven't but...

I didn't think so.

Abby, look, I can...

Look, I just...
I'll meet you outside.

I think that you...

I would like
to meet you outside.

All right.

Fine, I'll meet
you outside.

They have a boy or a girl?

A boy.

He's in the NICU.

What about Jerry?

He was sh*t to the chest,
but he's pulling through.

Okay, you'll feel
a little pressure

while I get
the cultures.

Haleh, send off HIV
and hepatitis titers.

No problem.

Sam, can I get you some water?

Um, I'm okay,
thanks, Haleh.

You know, I knew
that he stole TVs

and video equipment,
but I just...

I never thought
he'd be capable

of anything like this.

It's not your fault.

Yeah, it feels
like it.

Well, it's not.

Do you know where
Steve and the others are?

Did they catch them?

They're dead.

All of them?

All of them.

Not a good place to take a nap

out here, buddy--
you could drown.


Track marks

No way we're
getting a line in.

I'll throw in an EJ.
Yeah, right.

Hey, I just spent a month in the
ICU, I could do it in my sleep.

Looks like you got
a bad batch of heroin there,

knocked you on your ass.

I hate when that happens,
don't you?

That's not funny, man.

Say, "Ah."

What the hell is that?



Are we authorized
for that?

What? I can't hear you.

That's not in
our scope, man.

I've got the base
on the line. Ho!

County General on alpha one,
go ahead.

Teenage male, probably overdose.
Just gave Narcan.

Electrocuted juggler,
self-inflicted toe amputation,

kerosene ingestion...
What-what is this?

People will do anything
to stay out of the rain.

We've got three near-drownings
from a flooded homeless shelter

and this board hasn't
changed in over an hour.

Perfusion sucks, no access.
I was thinking an EJ.

No, no, no, Gates,
you cannot put in an EJ.

Why not?

Because it's out of your
scope of practice, that's why.

Okay, okay,
we're ten minutes out.

Yeah, fine,
I'll see you then.

What was that?

Unresponsive overdose
ten minutes out

with one cocky-ass paramedic.

ER said okay on the EJ.

They did?

Hey, they know me there,
they trust me.

Unlike my partner.

Look, if you're lying,

I promise you,
I'll sell you out.

How's my boy?

He's hanging in there.

I've been reading
to him all morning

and I swear to you
he recognizes my voice.

The vent wean
isn't working,

they had to crank
the O2 up to 70.

Take that coat off, Dr. Kovac.

We don't need the nasty

ER bugs in the NICU.

I'm sorry.

Have you two
made a decision

about the fludrozalone
trial yet?



Fludro... flu...
What is it?

It's a new drug

they're studying for use
in persistent hypotension.

Baby Joe is over 1,500 grams.

He's a perfect fit...
Perfect fit...

...for your trial--
we know, we know.

We're still...

We're still making a decision.

Spontaneous intestinal
perfs, bleeding,

neurodevelopmental delays...

Theoretical risk, Abby.

I don't want
to subject our child

to an experimental
protocol when we haven't

exhausted all
of the standard...

Because he still doesn't
have an adequate blood pressure.

Yes, but why just dopamine?

Why not dobutamine
and-and an epi infusion?

Don't micromanage.
Don't you...
I won't.


Okay, why don't I just
leave the consent form,

just in case
you change your mind?

Excuse me.

She's just trying to give him
the best possible chance.

From the second
we walked in here

she's been pushing this trial.

Come on, Abby,
that's ridiculous.

Is it?
Why do you always

have to assume
the worst about people?

It's not about me
being negative.

It's... I-I'm...

You need to pay
attention and wake up.

This is our baby.



Can you believe him?

I think... I think he's right.

You don't really know

the first thing
about it, so...

Abby, maybe this new drug
would turn everything around.

I know it's tough, but I think
we have to consider it.

Now sometimes you just
have to use your instincts
about these things.

Shut up. Shut up!

Please, please, just shut up.

You know, I-I didn't
ask you to come here.

I didn't ask you to be involved.

Maybe you should just leave.


Hey, Dori,

can you find out when the lab
runs pertussis assays?

Every day but
Tuesday and Sunday.

Whew, what did you do,
mug a pimp?

Yeah, your dad says hi.

How are you all
surviving without me?

Just fine,
hard as it is to believe.

I got six hospitals to add
Maxanoxx to their formulary

and now they're sending me
to Vegas for the weekend.

Vegas, sweet.

Hey, put a bet
down for me.

Hey, Pratt, can
you get a consent

for the lid-lac sedation?

Not until you sign the discharge
for Gonorrhea Grandma.


Need any help?

It's just the usual mess,
nothing I can't handle.

Okay, I don't just mean today.

I, uh, I want
my job back.

What happened to Vegas?


Do I look like Vegas?


I hate Vegas.

Where's Weaver?

She's been ignoring my calls.

She's busy with
some admin crap.

19-year-old male

found down in an alley,
probable overdose.

What do we got?

Pulse 84,
systolic 86

after a liter
into the EJ.

EJ? I told you not to do that.

You're dead.

Aw, come on,
it's flowing great.

You ought to thank me.
No, I ought to report you!

Dr. Kovac was running the floor
when Clemente had his meltdown.

Yes, he was.

And he was here the day that
Clemente and his girlfriend

came in with
multiple g*nsh*t wounds?

Um, I believe so, I'd have
to check the schedule.

Yeah, he was.

And he was there the day
that he signed off

on the diabetic whose
family is now bringing

a multi-million dollar
lawsuit against us.

Donald, where you
going with this?

I've drawn up a press release

Dr. Kovac's dismissal.

You're f*ring him?

There was negligent
management here.

Shouldn't we give him a chance
to defend himself?

It is too late for that, Kerry.

I'd like everyone to look this
over before I send it out.

This sounds right.

Mm-hmm, works for me.

Look, I am the one
who hired Dr. Clemente.

But you didn't keep him here.

You even said that you wanted
Dr. Kovac to get rid of him,

but he ignored you.

That's not how it happened.

Oh, Dr. Weaver.

Not now.

Uh, rehire me, please.
I'm efficient, I'm personable,

I'm a walking

I said not now.

I'm not trying to toot
my own horn, okay?

But had Jerry wound up in the
hands of Barnett or Lockhart,

he'd be rapping
with Tupac right now.

Morris, I can't help you.

I know I look good in
this suit, I know I do.

But I am not an ass-
kissing company man.

I'm an ass-kissing ER man
and I want my scrubs back!

I said that
I can't help you!

Dr. Weaver, please,
please, no, no, listen to me.

Oh, my God,
listen to me.

Get off the floor,
you idiot.

You're embarrassing

I don't care!
I'm desperate! Please!

Stop it!

I can't rehire you

because I am no longer
Chief of Staff.

Third of Narcan,
still no response.

This isn't an overdose.

I'm going to need
a little cricoid here.

I got it.

I wasn't talking
to you, Gates.

All right, got it,
I'm in. Bag him.

Run of ten,
systolic's only 78.

100 of lido,
half amp of epi

and 50 of mannitol.

Mannitol? He doesn't
have a head bleed.

Pratt, we don't
know what this is.

Until then, keep
your mind open.

Add a gram of ceftriaxone.

You're throwing the
kitchen sink at the guy.

V tach, no pulse.

Aww, damn, starting

The strip looks weird.


It just doesn't
look right, look.

Uh, ST depressions and U waves.
He's hypokalemic.

Sam, add 40 of KCL.

All right, charged to 200.

Come on. Clear.

Still V tach.


What about periodic paralysis?

Potassium's in.

Yeah, I got it wrong
on the boards,

I had to go back and look it up.

It's a total zebra, Gates.

300. Clear.
It says something about

being common in Asians.

Treat with
beta-blockers, not KCL.


May I?

Well, we've got nothing to lose.

All right.

50 migs going in.

The condition could
have stopped his breathing.

Okay. Holding

Back in sinus.

Wow. Periodic paralysis?

Really pulled that one
out of your ass.

Sometimes you have
to try everything.

Even the kitchen sink, huh?

Pratt, call the ICU.

Stay with him until
he gets upstairs.


Dr. Kovac,
I need to talk to you!

Not now, Morris.

No, no,
it's an emergency.

I mean, not like an

but it's-it's important.

Find me later.

I want... I need...
I need my job back!


They didn't have sugar,
so I brought the fake stuff.

They don't allow coffee in here.

No one's looking.


You know, um...

when Eric was about
three months old,

he got this really terrible
strain of pneumonia

and ended up in the ICU.

Do you remember that at all?

You were so little.

His kidneys were
shutting down,

and the doctors said
he wasn't going to make it.

Your father and I fought

because he wanted us
all to say good-bye to him.

He even dressed you up

and brought you down
to the hospital.

Don't you remember
any of that?

Well, I wouldn't
stand for it.

I didn't care
what the doctors said.

It didn't matter
what the doctors said.

I wouldn't give up,
I couldn't.

Well, I'm not like you.

I think we've proven that.

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are.

Abby, you are like me.

You are like me.

You have to
find the strength

to get Joe through this so you
can take him home with you.

I don't know if I can.

Oh, Abby, you've spent
your whole life

getting strong
enough to do this.


Hey, I...

I... I know the fludrozalone
trial scares you,

and trust me,
it scares me, too.

But... No, stay.

Sometimes a long sh*t,
you know,

that weird kitchen sink thing,

sometimes, sometimes
it really works.

What if something goes wrong?

What if it goes right?

Can't take it back.

I know that.

Okay, let's do it.

I hope you're right.

Day of life: 15.

Day seven
of fludrozalone protocol.

Baby's off pressors,
weight's up 37 grams.


DC the antibiotics,
decrease labs to QOD,

and Baby Joe

is now officially
a feeder and a grower.

We'll take that
as a compliment.

He's so alert.

Eyes wide open.

Wonder what he's thinking.

"Get a life, Mom."

Oh, gee, thanks.

You haven't been
out of here

for more than a few hours
over the past two weeks.

The two of you, go.
Go away for awhile.

I don't know.

I'm here.

That's obnoxious.

Well, the nurses
keep yakking.

Well, you could just ask
them to stop talking.

Oh, just go.
Go on.

Let's take a walk.
It'll do us good.

You're leaving her here?

She'll be okay.

Has anyone got any tape?

How far was the
g*n from him?

About ten inches or so.

It's in the
detective's report.

That's funny, because
there was no g*nsh*t residue

on Mr. Curtis' body.

In fact, the autopsy shows

that you would've had to have
been at least five feet away.

Well, maybe I was further.
It's hard to say.

Big difference

between ten inches
and five feet, Ms. Taggart.

Mr. Evers, can I
call you Byron?

You're a very sharp guy.

You got a bright
future ahead of you.

You think your boss is gonna
want you chasing your tail now

over a guy who just
sh*t up a hospital

and r*ped
this woman here?

Maybe we should call
my boss and ask him.

You think?

'Cause I talked to him
just this morning.

In fact, we confirmed
our dinner for 7:15.

We go to Gibson's
every second Thursday

for the rib eye.

This guy was m*rder*d.

My job is to
prosecute the law...
We're not
talking about

the law here, we're talking
about time and money

and how you're wasting both

on a creep who deserved
what he got.

Now I'm going to give you
this opportunity

to drop this right now
on your own, okay?

Or you want me to handle it
over a steak and a martini?

Have you looked
at the mail?

Nothing too urgent.

You should maybe check
the electric bill

'cause the water was
cold this morning.

How's it going?


It's a little bit
better today.

Just get off?

Yeah, I'm exhausted.

I'm going to go and grab
some dinner at Ike's

and then go home and crash.

Hang in there.

You, too.

How's she doing at work?

Seems to be fine.

She still in your place?


She hasn't found anything.

And, you know what,
I'm never there.

I should just
give it up.

Well, you don't have to make
any decisions right now.

I know,
but we're a family.

We can't just keep
having slumber parties.

Have you thought about
what I asked?

I have...

uh... and I haven't.

It's okay.

I'll convince you later.

You know, we have
a great life together.

I don't need a ring
or a white dress

to prove that
I love you.

I'll take love.

We can save marriage
for later.


I hope she's okay.

Who, Neela?

The NICU nurse.

Your mother was
driving her crazy.

(monitor beeping)

Excuse me, something's beeping.

Not anymore.

Well, you didn't
even look at him.

Sat wasn't picking up.

It happens all the time.

(monitor beeping)

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Something's wrong.

Dr. Raab needs to take a look.

Ms. Wyzenski,
the team's in radiology.

They'll come by
when they're done.

Well, that could
take hours.

If you overreact
to every little blip

and bleep in this place,
you'll make yourself crazy.

Page Doctor Raab.

Why isn't anyone
listening to me?
Page Dr. Raab.

Page Dr. Raab.
Page Dr. Raab.
I'm not supposed to.

His belly's too big,
his breathing's too fast.

Maggie, you really
need to...

Don't you dare tell me
to calm down.

I don't care
what Dr. Raab is doing,

she needs to get down
here and take care of

my grandson now!

Thank God you're here.

They're putting
the tube back in.

He's bradying down to 70s.

Miller 1-3-0.

Mean BP only 24.
What happened?

I knew something was wrong,
but no one would listen.

Okay. What happened?
Bolus 20cc's

and .2 of epi

ready to go.
He was blue, Abby.

Okay. Luka?

Free air in the abdomen.
He perfed?

Good thing your mom was
watching him like a hawk.

Is this because
of the fludrozalone?

I made them pull her
out of radiology.

There's no way of
knowing that.

This can be fixed in surgery.

Yeah, well, spontaneous
intestinal perf

is one of the risks.

It's one of the things
that happens to preemies.

Check his breath sounds.

It can be many possible
explanations, like...

just... it doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

Dr. Anspaugh's

for us in the O.R.

Okay, he's all yours.

What did they...
what's happening?

Where are you taking him?

We'll remove
any damaged tissue

and attempt a
primary anastamosis.

No residents.
We don't want any residents

cutting on this baby.

Okay, um, can you call
the chaplain

and have him meet us
in the O.R.
Abby, you don't
have to do that.

You said you wanted
the baby baptized.

You said it was important
to your family.

Call the chaplain.

One, two, three, and salt.

She's a pro.
One more.


That's what I'm
talking about.

That's what
I'm talking about.

All right.


I've got to go.

We'll walk you out.

Oh, it's okay.

Come on.


I think we need
to get you a cab.

Make sure you
get home okay.

No, you know,
why don't you, uh,

go and play some pool
or something?

Why would
we play pool?

You want fries or onion rings?

I'm doing South Beach.

You had a milk shake
an hour ago.

You're not driving,
are you?

No, I'm not.

Well, where
you going?
We'll good take care of you.

Come on, guys.

All right, boys, back to
the frat house, I got this.

Dude, you got a problem?

No, she's
a friend of mine.

I'm just gonna
take her home.
Right, Doc?

Thank you.

He's gonna take me home.

Thanks a lot.

Little bitch.

What did you say?

Tony, easy, man!


Easy, man, easy!

All right.
Okay, okay, okay!

He gets the message.

I got it, I got it.

All right, we're gonna leave.
And, uh...

you fellas are
gonna go home

and sleep it off

or whatever you
want to call it.

Dissect free the vessels
to the diseased ileum.

We thank you, God, for
the wonder of new life,

and for the mystery
of human love.

Mixter clamp.

(alarm beeping)

Systolic's only 22,
I'm bolusing again.

We thank you, God,
for the support and skill

that surrounds
and sustains life.

Mobilize the
hepatic flexure.

We are thankful

that we are known
to you by name...

Careful, I don't want him third
spacing all over the place.

We praise you, Father,
Son and the Holy Spirit.

Blessed be God forever.

(speaks Croatian)

.2 of epi,

400 of calcium,
10cc's of tham, now.

Really, you didn't
have to do this.

I know.

Are you a boxer?

You know, you
should go to bed.

You can sleep when you're dead.

Ooh, that rhymes.



No, thanks.

Neela, the last thing you need
right now is another drink.

You know...

you've got a mean left hook.

I like that in a man.

Do you like Sergio Mendes?

I don't really know.

I used to think
he was really corny,

but his album
is really cool.

(music plays)

Neela, you are gonna have
such a headache in the morning.

Ow! Ow!

All right.
Listen, I have
to go, okay?

Zadro's still
in the rig.

Oh, he can come up, too.

No, no, no, you're
going to lay down

and I'm going
to leave, okay?

No, please
don't go.
I have to go.

I'm sorry.

I don't want to be alone.

Is there anyone
you can call?

I don't have anyone.

Check his sat.

Terminal ileum
looks dusky.

I can't do this.

I can't pretend everything's
gonna be okay.

Preemies don't make
it out of the O.R.

All the bad things
you've seen, let it go.

I can't believe I let
myself get talked into this.

Stop it.

I spent a month in the NICU,
I know how this ends.


You have a lot of
great qualities,

but optimism
is not one of them.


Whose fault is that?


All right.

I did not create
a good environment

for a child to grow up
believing things would work out.

But you're not
a child any longer.

You're the mother now.

And that baby down there

needs you to believe
he's going to be okay.

Repeat ABG's 6.98,
all metabolic.

Bradying down to the 60s.

Another round of epi.

Guys, he's gray.

.2 of epi, 400 of calcium,
10cc's of tham, now!

I'm trying,
I'm really, really trying.

I'm trying.

I know.

I know.


Cath lab is waiting
on your roller-blader.

You need to finish the chart.

Where are you going?

Going to get beer
for the party.

It looks like Weaver
only ordered lemonade.

For graduation?

Yeah, she's no fun since
she's been demoted.

Oh, I thought Kovac
was gonna take the flack

for everything
that happened.

I guess it all
came down on Weaver.

Mm, lucky us.

Hey, um, have you
talked to Abby?

I think they want
privacy for a while.

I get that.

Tell her we miss her, okay?


The paint has streaks.

Streaks? I don't
see any streaks.

If you stand over here
in the light,

you can see it has streaks.

Neela, what's it
look like to you?

I see streaks.

Hey, Mayday.

How are you?

Look, I'm really

Oh, don't be.
I'm just glad

it was me who
took you home.

All right, Jones,
this is for you.

McCrary, this is for you.

Intern orientation.

I wouldn't wish
it on anyone.

What are you doing here?

Yo, Gates.

Want me to take this or put this
in the lost and found for you?

Oh, I don't do the whites.
I'm into natural fibers.


You know, Gates,
you've always bugged me,

but you're in my ER now,
so put on the damn coat.

You're a new intern?

Did my last paramedic
shift yesterday.

You're kidding me.

All right, guys,
get your photos taken

for your new
ID badges right that way.

I look forward to working
under you, Dr. Rasgotra.

Anyone hear from Jerry?

He's supposed to be
discharged today.

Just spoke to him.

He's getting a massage
from a home care nurse.

Your big daddy called,
wants you to meet him outside.


Courtesy of Maxanoxx.

Oh, come on,
buck up, Morris.

Just be glad you don't
have to spend the summer

teaching pelvics to
the new interns.

Nah, you're lucky, Pratt.

Yeah, right.

I clean vomit from my shirt
while you fly first-class.

Corporate jet, actually.

Sounds corny, but I never
appreciated how great it is

to have a job
that really matters.

That suit matters, Morris.

You know, that day with
Jerry was so terrible,

but also kinda the best
moment of my life.

You know? Look at me now.

So silly.

Ah, well, you know, you're...
you're doing a service.

I mean, you're educating the
medical community for, uh...

Oh, it's a load
of crap, Greg.

We all know it, okay?

I sold out to the man.

Well, I guess you never
spoke to Kovac.

No, he didn't
return my calls.

Well, he is pretty
preoccupied these days.

I guess I could always try
doing this somewhere else.

At least I figured out
what's important,

and I want to practice
medicine again.

I'm gonna go do

my thing for
the Critical Care Department.

I'll see you around.

All right, man.

That waffle iron
thief left AMA.

Hey, you know where Kovac is?


What are you doing here?

Well, the DA determined
it was justifiable homicide.

This is over.

I can't believe it.

Every day I keep thinking

they're gonna come
and arrest me.

Well, you stop worrying
about that.

Just focus on Alex.

You talk to him about it?

Uh... he knows
his dad has gone,

but I need to talk
to him more about it.

You're a good mom.

I just wanted to tell
you that in person.

Anything else you need...

The key here

is the glucuronyl side group,

which gives Maxanoxx
higher specificity

for the alpha one receptor.

Why-why invest in a course
of Maxanoxx

when we have cheaper dr*gs

for pulmonary edema that
are entirely effective?

Well, you'll see here
that a subgroup of patients

had .4 fewer ICU days...

But there was no difference
in the overall outcome.

Do you know what one day
in the ICU costs taxpayers?

I mean, this hospital?

Morris. May I speak to you
out here now?

Not a good time, Dr. Pratt.

Uh, you'll save money
in the long run. Trust me.

It's an emergency.

Excuse me a moment.

What? What is it?

Can't you-can't you
see I'm working?

Kovac is gonna
offer you the job.



You know, stick with Lasix.

Maxanoxx is a scam.

You know, it's great
Kovac offered Morris

that attending spot.

Well, he's
like a stray dog.

He'd just keep
coming back.

Hey, you know that
blunt chest trauma today?

Stuck a needle
in the heart

and got half a liter
out of the pericardium.

That's not bad
for an intern.

Oh, I had a good teacher.

Have you two met?

Oh. Oh, yeah,
I've seen you around.

Hey, I'm Tony Gates. Intern.

Ray Barnett. R-3.

Maybe tomorrow you can show me

how to do an open
pericardial window.

Oh, I can show you
how to do that.

If you'll excuse me...

You know, I hear
she had a roommate

who never tried
to sleep with her.

Yeah, what a dill weed.

So, can I call
you Kerry, now?

I don't think so.

We're colleagues,
we're contemporaries.

Hey, no touch,
no touch.



Sorry I'm late.

Hey, I didn't think
you were gonna make it.

I had to see it for myself,
Archie Morris and Greg Pratt.

Attendings, huh?

Is Abby coming?

Uh... she wanted to,
but not... not tonight.

How's she holding up?

She's okay.

She's doing okay.

It's almost time.

You call a cab?


Yeah. It'll be
here any minute.

So, uh...

When are you coming back?

Oh, my God,
is that an invitation?

I guess it is, yeah.

I mean the, uh...

the signs and the notes
were a little crazy,

but, um...

I don't think I could have
got through this without you.

Oh, you would have found a way.

You're a fighter.

My God, you've been

fighting with me
since the day you were born.

I'd say "Honey, wear
the cute little pink dress,"

so you'd wear the jeans.

I'd say, "What a nice little
drawing you've done,"

and you'd throw it in the trash.

I told you to be a lawyer

and you
became a doctor.

My greatest hope...

would be this little guy

causes you as much agony
and pain as you caused me.


Would serve you right.

I gotta go.

Uh, hey. Uh, hey.

You don't have
to go today, you know.

You'll be fine.


I love you.



I like that.

Oh, thank you,
brother. Thank you.

Oh, that is so...
