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13x15 - Dying is Easy

Posted: 08/29/21 17:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on E.R.:

(crying): You can't
let this happen, Tony.


Come on, Mom,
you've got to wake up.

What they got you for?

I helped some people get
some medications they needed.

Thanks for bailing me out.

I'll make sure you get
your money right back...

I told you to
shut it down.

Why didn't
you do that?

Oh, my God.

I got a little boy
and a man with extensive burns!

It started downstairs.

In my apartment.

I want you to put your
hand in that vise there.

I want you
to feel that.



Plenty more
where that came from.

There we go.

Here, come on.

Come on, eat.

I've been slaving over a hot
griddle all morning for you.

Please, at least
try it, okay?

Here you go,
there's a fork.


No, I'm not, and I'm not going
to be satisfied until I hear,

"Wow, Tony, I can't
believe you made me

your world famous pancakes."
Wow, Tony,

I can't believe you made me
your world famous pancakes.

All right, here's
your lunch.

It's time to go.

Are kids gonna act weird
to me today?


I don't want to talk about Mom.

You don't have to.

Are you sending me to live
with Grandma and Grandpa?

Why do you ask that?

Isn't that what you were
talking about at the funeral?

We were talking about a lot
of things at the funeral.

I don't want to live with them.

I want to stay here with you
and your crummy pancakes.


X rays show
your lungs are improving.

Oh, good.

I need to inhale.

Well, if your oxygen
level stays up,

you can go home
in a few hours.

Tell Timmy.

He's been worried
sick about me.

(chuckles quietly)

So has Alex.

How is he?

He's, uh...
he's been acting weird.

You think he did it,

don't you?

I know I blew out
those candles.

I don't believe it.

He's a good boy.

You know, he's stealing
Dr. Morris' credit card,

he's disrespecting you.

I don't know what to think.

If he did do it,

I'm sure it wasn't
on purpose.

Do you think Alex started
that fire by accident?

I think
you should continue

to take him
to that therapist lady.

As far as the police go,
they think it was a candle.

Let it go at that.

Well, I'm glad to
hear he's doing okay.

Yeah, he just needed a little
time for the hand to heal.

Look what we have here:
not one but two late doctors.

The Blue Line was stuck.

Some bozo jumped in
front of the train.

Where's your main man?

Um, he's gonna take
one more day.

Yeah, no problem,
I got it covered.

Then cover this.

Some suit came
from upstairs

and said to give that to
who's ever running the floor.


Where's Pratt?

You suck balls!

Hold still, ma'am.

Hold still yourself, bitch!

Can we give
Benzos IM?

That'll take a half
an hour to work.

All right, I got access.

What do you want?
Four Ativan?

Haldol? What?

You're ruining my high,
you ret*rd!

Pratt, we need to talk.

Yeah, I'm a little
busy here, Morris.

Get me midazolam.

Faster onset, knock her down
in less than a minute.

Can we, uh,
step outside, Greg?

Yeah, sure, soon as she
settles down, Morris.

Settle on this!
Watch out!

Pratt, I-I'm, I'm really sorry,
but I'm gonna have to...

You're gonna have
to wait, Morris.

Please, one minute.

Let go of me!

You scum of the earth.


The Medical Board
suspended your license.

Hey, uh, can we talk?

Yeah, sure, what
can I do for you?

I was Pratt's accomplice.

Excuse me?

I, I helped him
at the clinic.

I know, I know.

It seemed like the right thing
to do at the time.

I can't believe this.

Look, I told Pratt that he
didn't have to protect me,

but he wants me
to stay out of it.

Well, listen to Pratt.


I'm gonna burn in hell,
aren't I?


I mean, you might have
some explaining to do.

Hey, I'm sorry
about this, man.


I thought I could at least work
half a shift before the hearing.

Well, it's just a formality.

They'll reinstate you.

GI bleeds from NSAIDs happen
to thousands every year.


Abby's asking for you.

Her guy in One
is throwing up.

Be strong, brother.

Fight the power.

A liter wide open?

Yeah, and ten of reglan.

Okay, does it hurt here?


No, but if you
tug on Willie,

I'll sing Dionne
Warwick's greatest hits.

Tempting, but no thanks.

No, really, I...


I thought that's why
you put the gloves on.

Seriously, I have
a latex fetish.

I even tried to give
myself a Brazilian

using rubber
cement once.

Didn't work, but
I got into Hustler

as one of those guys who
has the three, uh...

All right, I get it, yeah.

Ever had
food poisoning?

I puked once after biting into
a Red Hot with stretch marks.

Okay, uh...
we have to run some tests

to rule out anything serious
like appendicitis,

but after that,

we can discharge you.

What's up with this guy?

low-grade fever,
exam is equivocal.

Doc, Doc...

You gotta get me
out of here, man.

I got a hot date tonight.

Does, uh,
she take air or helium?


She takes Visa,
but that was funny.

Can I use it?


Do you want me
to image the belly?

No, hydrate him.
He may spiff up.

Uh, four of morphine,

We'll get you out of here.

Just sit tight.

Okay, you're about
to meet the Grassos.

She's been on dialysis
since 2002.

He's got a kidney,
but they don't match.

And our exchange pool paired
them up with two cousins

who are in exactly
the same situation.

Yup. Kidneys for everyone.


You guys set?

You bet.

No more dialysis,
no more infected shunts.

This is Dr. Rasgotra.

She's going to be assisting
on the transplant.

I am?
Ah, well,

someone's about to get
some A-1 kidney meat.

I'm like a,
I'm like a racehorse.

I can drink a six-pack
without even peeing.

Honey, gross.

micturition capacity is related
to bladder size

and neural sensitivity,
not renal function.

Then, we'll give 'em
some bladder, too.

(all laughing)

Okay, I'll see what I can do.

Do you guys have any questions?



Okay, I'll see you in the O.R.

Our goal is to enroll
200 donor-recipient pairs.

By mixing and matching,

we'd find kidneys
for almost 50% of them.

Yeah, I'll introduce you
to the Herrero cousins.

They're right
down the hail.

So Marina's getting a
kidney from one cousin

and Thomas is giving
his to the other.

Yep, kind of
like a kidney key party.

Key party?
Except the donors
and the recipients

aren't allowed to meet.

That could get a little messy.

(pager beeps)
It's the E.R.

I'll catch up to you.

What's a key party?

Oh, it's a little gimmick

to help swinging couples
pick their partners.

Forget it.

Before your time.

Sounds dirty.

(child screaming)

Jessie, come on,
hold still.

If he's got lice,
you're cutting his hair.

I'm a doctor,
not Vidal Sassoon.

Abby, I need you.

Funny boy
keeps throwing up.

Okay, Ray,
you got this, right?

Hey, n-n-no.
Don't leave me here.

(screaming continues)

Did you give him
the reglan?
An hour ago.

It should be
working by now.

It's probably just

and if your labs are okay,
we'll get you home.

Ugh... forget home.

I got a gig at 10:15.

The big room at Zanies.

I've been trying to get in
there for a couple of years.

You're a comedian?


You should aspire
a little harder.

Ah, a heckler.

Don't make me go
K-K-Kramer on yo ass.


Yo, blondie,
no need to get violent.

Four of zofran.
Repeat P.R.N.

Ah... geez.

May I?


Lay down, Simon.

Oh, my gosh.

I got to practice my routine.

I got to change my clothes.

I was going to wear this shirt,

but now I got chow mein
all over it.

We're trying
to get you better.


How long you been
doing stand-up?

Moved out here from Detroit
a couple of years ago.

Very courageous.

my old boss pushed me
into it.

'Cause you were
funny at work?


'Cause he fired me twice,
hated my guts.

My dad also had a lot
to do with it.

He hated you, too?

No, he d*ed.

Life took on
a whole new perspective.

All right,
I'm gonna call the lab,

try and see
what's taking so long.

Just relax.

I will try to relax.

I will.


We spent four weeks
e-mailing each other.

We finally meet and he
sticks me with the bill?

So you chased after him
and you fell into a hydrant?

I would have caught him, had
I been wearing my flats.

All right, your
breath sounds are perfect.

Lay back for me,
will you, please?

So what if I told him I look
like Cindy Crawford?

He said he looked
like Matt Damon.
Did he?

More like Matt Damon's
fat uncle's ass.

(Gates and Marquez laugh)

Pulse ox 98
on room air.

Tell me
if this hurts.

Aah! Yeah.
All right...

You have
a broken rib.

I'm gonna give you
something for the pain

and, uh, we'll take
an X ray, okay?

Percocet, CBC,

and 2-view chest.

So you out
of here, man?

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, hopefully it'll
just be temporary, huh?

Yeah, that'll be
too bad for you.

Good luck,
Dr. Pratt.

Yeah, thanks, Timmy.

Dr. Pratt.

You're gonna be okay.

God is on your side.

Yeah, well,
let's hope so.

Okay, I could go
with you.

I just did
the overnight.

I'm almost off.
Hope, go home, get
some sleep, okay?

Dr. Pratt.

What are you doing here?

Uh... I'm going with you
to your Medical Board hearing.

No, I'm okay,
really, please.

Hope, come pull the PICC line
for the guy in Two.

Okay, I got to take this.

What about it, Greg?

The Church's support
couldn't hurt.

You're still
operating the clinic

that got me
into this mess.

Look, I'm just trying
to better the community.

Yeah, what are you doing about
black male incarceration?

I have a sermon
on it next week.

Okay, make sure
you tell 'em

how you and your
program got me there.

Greg, I just want to help.

My license is suspended.

I'm facing jail time.

I think you've helped enough.

So how'd it go
with the counselor?

Uh, wasn't what I expected, but
nothing in my life ever is.

What did she say?

She, uh...

wants me to
enroll Alex

in an academy for
at-risk youth.

Which is a code word
for "nut jobs."

My kid's not a nut job.

He's just going
through some stuff.

Well, maybe it's some stuff
that he can't handle.

I know about those places.

They starve them and b*at them.

I can't... send him there.

Well, I could help
you check some out,

see if there's any
that might be okay.

Thank you.

But I, uh...

need to do it alone.

I'm really sorry
that I dragged you

into everything
in the first place.

Don't worry
about it, Sam.


I really like you.

But I have to focus

on Alex right now.

And I don't have time
for any kind of a relationship.

All right.

I get it.

You do?

I do.

Your kid
comes first.

So take as much
time as you need.

Is there
any discomfort here?


Do you have a boyfriend?

Uh, not exactly.

We're still
defining it.

Mmm. A girl like you
doesn't need the Internet.

I haven't had a Valentine since
Jimmy Bachner in sixth grade.


She's into S&M.

If you want her to stop,
say "mayday."

It's the
safe word.


Mayday! Mayday!

There's no right upper quadrant
tenderness, liver is fine.

Let's observe her
for two hours,

check another CBC
and follow serial exams.

Hey. Wait up.

You okay?

Yeah. You?

Yeah, yeah.

Got home from
Wisconsin yesterday.

How's Sarah holding up?

It's not
gonna be easy.

I can imagine.

Listen, I
should've called.

Go. I'm sorry.
No, I should've

It's just, the funeral was
awkward, the relatives...

It's okay.
No, Neela...

I'm fine.

I'm sure you've got
a lot on your plate.

I mean, you've probably got

two plates and a little saucer.

Yeah, a heart-shaped saucer.

It's Valentine's Day Wednesday.

Let's have a quiet dinner, huh?

Yeah, we'll see.

Hi, guys.

I-I've got surgery.


She all right?

I don't know.

What about you?

Lockhart, your
comic's CBC is back,

and it ain't funny.

White blood count 32,000
with 60% blasts.

He has leukemia?

With all the immature
white cells,

he's anemic,

Oh, great.

Did you see the AMJ's article
on integrative medicine?

You know the whole world
is falling apart

when a study on Reiki

makes it into
the Journal.

It's sexy, but the Dan-A
wouldn't touch it.

The design is
totally flawed.

Um, excuse me.



Are you Dr. Williams
from Evanston?

Uh, no, I'm Dr.
Pratt from County.

Take a seat.

I've isolated the artery.

All right, Neela,
clip it.

You're letting her
cut the artery?

She knows
what she's doing.

What are the pertinent
anatomical relationships?

Anterior to posterior,

it goes renal pelvis,

renal vein, and
then artery,

which is clipped.

Come on, any third-
year medical student

could have answered
that question.

All right, what structures
make up the cortex?

The what?

The cortex of
the kidney.

It's that
bean-shaped thingy

you're cutting into.

You mean like
the proximal tubules

and the distal tubules?

And renal corpuscles.


Loop of Henle and...


Your Valentine needs

a surgical consult
when you're done.

My Valentine?


Oh, young love is so sweet.

He's not smart enough for you.

You don't even know him.

Come on, Gates is
easy math, Neela.

Okay, that's enough.
Artery is ligated.

Dr. Dubenko,
the donor kidney

is prepped and ready to go.

Excellent timing.
Have them send it in.

How did Mr. Herrero do?

No complications,
minimal blood loss.

They're closing now.

That's great.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
where you going?

Where you going?

Is that where you do
the a**l probe?

Sam, can you
grab the zosyn?

I liked the other room.

No need for an upgrade.


Uh, Simon...

I need to talk to you
about something important.

I can feel
it, too.

I wasn't gonna say anything,
but I do feel the sparks.


Your blood tests show
that you have leukemia.

Thank God.

I thought you were gonna
tell me I had cancer.

Leukemia is cancer,
of the white blood cells

in the bone marrow.

That's great,
that's great.

So just give me
some Viagra,

send me home, and
we are all good!

This isn't funny.

I know.

Okay, you're gonna need
to go on I.V. antibiotics.

I know, I know, I know.

I got leukemia about a year ago.

I had induction chemo
and a bone marrow transplant.

And now, a year
later, it's back.

Why can't cancer be like herpes?

I got that once,
and it never came back.

Herpes doesn't go away.

This is Zanies, Doc.

You jam there, you
get invited to,

to Second
City, to SNL.

You could get a
spot on Letterman.

You know, my dad,

he put hubcaps
on Buicks.


Before he d*ed, the last
thing he told me was,

"Don't be another
auto worker

"wishing you coulda,
woulda, shoulda.

Don't be like
me, son."

I have to get you
started on antibiotics.

Hey, hey, hey.

I go on at 10:15.

10:35, I'm all yours.

There's not gonna be
a show tonight. I'm sorry.

If you want to make it
to next month,

I have to get a CT, a surgical
consult and check on chemo.


Hey, Timmy, can
you call GI and order
an EGD report for me?

No problem.

Hey. Got time for a coffee?

Yeah. Everything good?
Actually, yes.

I just had the coolest surgery,
and I figured we could talk.


Dr. Kovac.

I thought you weren't
coming in today.

I heard you were short
attendings, and I got bored.

You okay? You
look good.

You good?

What are you
doing here?

Uh, I talked to Timmy,
and he said

you guys could
use some help.

Um, Neela, can you
look at this?

My patient Simon's
CT is back.

Gates, some school principal's
on the phone for you.



She's crying?

No, I understand,
I understand.

Let me talk to her, please.

I mean,
look at his cecum.

There's wall thickening
and distension.

Hey. No, I told you you didn't
have to go to school.

Yes, I'll come
pick you up.

Let me talk
to your principal.

It's typhlitis.
Immuno-compromised hosts
Yeah, her mom d*ed.

can get a cecal infection.
I can be there
in half an hour.


GATES: Sounds like a good idea.
Treat with I.V. antibiotics,
unless he perforates.

GATES: No, no,
thanks for calling.
And then would you operate?

Well, normally, given his
leukemia, I doubt he'd survive.

listen, uh...


Yeah, her mom d*ed.

She's having...

So nothing.

No surgery for him.

Okay, thanks.

Neela, I'm sorry.

Sarah's having
trouble at school.

I got to
pick her up.

I'll call you
later, okay?

Um... I'm gonna go
and grab a coffee.

Do you want anything?

Yeah, I'll
tag along.

These people
don't have insurance.

They can't afford
to see a doctor.

Some can't even
buy medicine.

That's not the point.

I thought, with some guidance,

the clinic could be
a good thing.

Why not send them
to County Hospital?

Have you ever
been to County?

Trained there
20 years ago.

Well, nowadays, we're filled
with critical patients.

Some people come in
for a prescription refill,

they wait up to 12 hours.

So this was about

This was about helping people.

There are programs for that.

Yeah, you're right.

If you're over 65
or you have dependent kids.

Regular folks with
low-paying jobs,

they don't qualify.

This clinic took care
of those people

who fell through the cracks.

Four O.R.s, four
patients, four kidneys,

all being worked on
at the same time.

Went like clockwork.

We were this
fine-tuned machine.

I mean, this morning, two
people were wasting away,

waiting for a kidney that
they thought would never come.

Now, they're upstairs with
their donors eating Jell-O,

done with
dialysis forever.

It's amazing, right?
That's pretty cool.

Yeah, that's what
it's all about, you know?

That's why I
became a surgeon.

Hey, Ray, you want
to give us a hand?

I need to take
this, okay?

I thought, what's
a healthy 14-year-old

doing with strokes?

I figured there's
got to be more
to the story.

So I went back to the parents,
and, yes, uh, kid's adopted.


Undiagnosed sickle beta thal.

Kid didn't get
screened at birth.

Nice pick up.

Thank you.

Oliver Miles,
b*rned his hands

trying to cremate
his dead cat

in the microwave.

I tried the fireplace,
but I couldn't get it lit.

Partial thickness to
the hands and forearms.

Tachy at 120,
BP 130 over 78.

Pulse ox only 91.

Okay, let's start him on
five of albuterol by neb.

So I thought a crematorium
is just a big oven, right?

Another four
of IV morphine.

I don't know what he ate last,
but it's like, he just exploded.

Whoa! Oh!

I got it,
I got it.

Do you know if-if
someone has my cat?

Uh, ABG with
carboxy-hemoglobin level,

portable chest and
125 of solumedrol.

No problem.
Trauma Two.

I'll be there in a second.

You okay?
I'm fine, Morris.

Your hand's not.

No. This was
just an accident.

Go home.

Rest. I promise,
we'll be okay.


Hey, Luka, I didn't know
you were back.

I'm not.

How are you doing?

Better now.

Take care, Gracie.

Sure you don't want
to wait till I get off?

I don't really feel like
sending you home by yourself.

I'm not going
home, Sammy.

I'm taking a-a
little cruise.

This way, you and
Alex can bond.

We can bond with you here.

You need time
to sort through all this.

Oh, God,

the only thing I ever wanted
to do was raise a good kid.

He got the crazy gene.

Oh, thank God, it
skips a generation.

You and I were
both spared.

You think?


It's gonna be
all right, Sammy.

He's going
through a phase.

It's rebellion, and then
he'll come back around.

The good ones always do.

Yeah, well, what if
he's not a good one?

He's yours, isn't he?


You're going
with Timmy?

The Lido
deck awaits.

Only old people
take cruises alone.

Hey, Abby,

which one do
you like better?

"Thank you, folks.
It was great to be here,"

or just, "That's all folks.

Now go home
and b*at the kids."?

Simon, you have
an infection

in the cecum,
where the small

and large
join up.

Maybe I'll just say,
"Go home and b*at the kids,

but don't forget
to tip the wait staff."

Yeah, listen,
were you...

Did you hear me-- what
I said to you earlier?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel... I feel better.

I just need you
to buff me up.

Well, I can't, because you
have no immune system.

You cannot fight
this infection.

I don't need
my immune system tonight.

I need my funny bone.

I spoke to your

You're out of
treatment options.

You have a poor
prognostic karyotype.

11 Q 23


And because the
leukemia's recurred twice,

you don't have any
options for chemotherapy.

(heavy sigh)

Okay, okay.

Okay, so just...
put me in some trial.

Make me a guinea pig.

I've always wanted to run
on a big wheel and drink

from a drip bottle.

There isn't any trial,

and it's probably
a matter of weeks,

not months.


Is there anyone you
want me to call?


A cab.

What are
you doing?

I'm getting the hell
out of here.

Look, you can't.
Simon, you can't.

What do I have
to lose, huh?

I don't want to
walk on the moon,

or bang Barbara Bush.

(breathing heavily)


I want to get on
that stage and make
an audience laugh.

You can't go!

I have to go!

Have you ever wanted
to do something

that just... scared
the hell out of you,

but you knew you
had to do it?

Well, this is
it for me.

All right.


All right.

Maybe a blood transfusion
will give you some more energy.

Come on.

I just need to
be able to...

stand up.

Or sit down.

Maybe I could be a
sit-down stand-up.

All right.

I'm gonna have to have you
sign out against medical advice.

If I just took
anyone's advice,

I'd still be checking
taillights in Detroit right now.

And if anybody asks,
this was not my idea.


How did you keep track
of your patients?

I used five by seven cards
for patient information.

And you have a complete H and P
on a five by seven card?

Well, we had limited records,
just the important information.

Where'd you keep them?

In a box.

A box?

And if your patients
had medical care other places,

was there a system
for other health professionals

to access this box?

No, but they could have
paged me, I guess.

BAXTER: Would you say your
record system met the standards

the Medical Board
has set?

Come on. We were in a church.

And did you log the dr*gs
you dispensed?

Did you record
the lot numbers?

No, not fully.

Not at all.

Isn't that right?

Are you aware

that this is
a violation

of the Medical
Practice Act,
Dr. Pratt?

I never claimed that this was
a full-service medical center.

I didn't charge any money.

I was just trying
to help these people.

And do you think
you helped Edgar Dixon

when you prescribed him

GI bleeding is a common
side effect of NSAIDs.

The same thing
could have happened to him

if he had been prescribed
the med anywhere.

But it didn't happen
to him anywhere.

He went to you,
and it k*lled him.

Are you aware that diversion
of narcotics

is a felony, Dr. Pratt?

I didn't steal any narcotics...

You don't recall providing
hydrocodone and ibuprofen

to Ms. Nancy Campbell?

Mrs. Campbell had gallstones.

So you took a narcotic
medication sample

logged into the
emergency department.

This is a felony

punishable by imprisonment,

Yeah, she was suffering.

I-I wanted to help her.

I volunteer
for a free clinic myself,

and we follow the rules.

We keep accurate records,

we dispense medication

with proper
safety precautions,
and we're there

for our patients, Dr. Pratt.

You remember the part
about doing no harm?

Well, that applies
to you, too, sir.

Excuse me, I'm sorry.

Sir, we're in the
middle of a meeting.

I'm Pastor William Watkins
at First Mission Baptist.

I'd like to speak
on behalf of Dr. Pratt.

Sorry they haven't
taken you back to your room yet.

I just got a
new kidney.

I'm not gonna sweat
the small stuff.

Oh. Hello.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Nothing says "I love you"
like a bag of urine.

How'd my donor do?

Well, they're fine,

but because
of everybody's privacy,

we're not really allowed
to discuss it.

Listen, this person
saved my life.

I want to see him--

or her-- just once,

so I have

a face to think
of in my prayers.

How's it going?

Okay, so the Democrats
took over the House

and the Senate.

How long before the Republicans
jack up the rent and evict them?

That's pretty funny.

Oh, why aren't you
laughing, then?

I am.
No, you're not.

Hemocue's up to
11 after two units.


Zosyn is in,
Tobra's infusing.

(loud groan)

I got to go pee-pee.

That's good.
Your kidneys are working.


Hello! Hello!

Quiet on the set.

Thank you very much.

Doc, I can't pee in bed.

I've been standing up
since I was four.

been pretty
good-- 101/68.

All right,
get him a screen.

Try to sit up
and dangle your legs.

All right.
Let us know if
you're feeling dizzy.

I'm good, I'm good.

I got a little flop sweat,

but then, that happens
to the best of 'em.

Someone's got
to go with you.

Oh. I got a nervous bladder
and a neurotic sphincter.

Seriously, it sucks.

I can't pee in public,

and I'm afraid to fart
in case I start a fire.

We'll wait
on the other side.

It'll be a
good test.

Of what?

The Emergency Broadcast System.

Oh, that is good!

Oh, man,
this will work.

Pee is funny.

Bedpans-- funny.

not so funny.

Maybe we can downgrade
to tele from ICU.


(thudding and screams)

Oh, God.
Okay, I got him.

Get him on the bed.

Come on,
one, two...


down-- 60/40.

He's septic.

All right, another two units
of packed cells.

Start dopamine
at ten mikes.

Simon, can you hear me?
Open your eyes.

Come on, open your eyes!
Can you hear me?

All right.
Sats are dropping.

Put him on
100% non-rebreather.

Open an intubation kit.

Come on, buddy!
Come on, there's a spotlight

on the curtains, and they're
calling your name, Simon.

Hey, baby girl.

Dopamine at 12 mikes.

Systolic's up to 110.

Good. Run in
the fourth unit.


Am I on next?

How's it going?

What happened?

You took
a little nap.

Okay, little prick.

It's just 'cause
it's cold in here.

All right,
you got

to keep that on, okay?

You know what?
Sats are 100. Hey.

Why don't we try a nasal
cannula, five liters?

Abby, how about our deal?

Working on it.

What deal?

I thought we
could try to
buff him up

so he could
perform tonight.

He's septic.

His BP's dropped so low,
he needs continuous

I.V. pressors.

What the hell
does that mean?

Means you're not going
anywhere tonight.

Can we talk


You do realize
that you are asking me

to break the most central rule
of this entire program?

It's a
dumb rule.

Why is this
so important to you?

'Cause it's
important to her.

Part of him is gonna be part
of me for the rest of my life.

Oh, come on,

Okay, fine, but
if Dubenko finds out...

Dr. Rasgotra,
what are you doing?

We're just waiting on some labs.


Doesn't even make sense.
Come on, man.

Couldn't you do
any better than
"Waiting on labs"?

I'm not a doctor.

Can I talk to
you for a minute?

Look, we're not
supposed to do this....


...but this guy
saved her life,

and she wanted
to be able to see
him in her prayers.

Yeah, n-n...

Dr. Crenshaw--
Dusty-- I mean,

I know it's unethical,
but it's nice,

and sometimes, people
like to do things

for other people
just to be nice.


have I mentioned
how well you're coming along?


Okay, we're good.

Okay. Well,
he's right over there.

Which one is he?

He's the one
on the left.

Your husband's kidney went
into the other guy.

MARINA (whispers):
Thank you.

Thank you.

You know, Morris, it's his dream
and he's going to die.

Yeah, and he's going to do
it here and not on some
comedy club floor.

His blood count is okay.
He's had antibiotics.

His pressure is
dopamine dependent.

Well, what about
intermittent pressors?

There isn't one.

He can't leave here on a drip.

Well, I can give him
six epi pens, 0.3 migs each.

He gives himself a sh*t
once every 20 minutes...

Are you out of your mind?

Why not try it?
No. No, I'm not doing it, no.

Then I'll find
another attending.
I'm running the floor.

Then get some balls.

I've got balls.

Well, they're no good
unless you use them.

Fine. Fine, you want
to play Super Doc?

Great. Turn off
the dopamine,

give him epi and show
me that his pressure

can stay up for at
least 20 minutes.


Nobody builds

hospitals or clinics
in the inner city,

because they know these people
don't have any money.

They're leeches on the system.

So they...

they go out to the 'burbs
and put up

medical facilities on every
corner like Starbucks,

leaving us with
a hospital that's

overrun, understaffed
and underpaid.

There are free clinics.

Most think they're for people
with drug problems

and sexually
transmitted diseases.

We're talking about
regular folk, here:

black and brown people
who just need prescriptions.

Dr. Pratt knew
the system was flawed and tried

to help mend it.
I've got a whole

congregation who'll
attest to the fact

that taking away
this man's license

would just be another
demerit on a system

that has already
failed them.

The epi pen is spring loaded,
so all you have to do is press

it against your thigh,
and it fires off a sh*t.

sounds like my
high school years.


Can I use it during my act?

As long as you pull
your pants down.


Luckily, that's my big finish.

Or should I say
my average size finish.

Whoa! All right,
all right.

Pressure's dropped again.
How long since his last epi?

Six minutes.
Push point two,

start dopamine
mix up levophed.
Damn it.

This was a dumb idea.
Epi has a one-minute half-life.

I have a body part
with that same problem.


That was a good joke.

BP 89 over 64.

You know what the best thing
about getting leukemia is?

MORRIS: Hang another
liter of saline and a
unit of packed cells.

Everybody comes to see you.

The guys from the plant came.

My ex-soccer coach came.

Even Father Dunlevy came.

It took three orderlies to get
him out of the pedes ward.

That's a keeper.

You know,

I was gonna k*ll tonight.

And instead, I'm dying.

Sats are dropping,
92 on five liters.

I would've left your
name at the door, but...

something tells me
I'm not gonna make it.

Finish your act.


Hey. I, uh, brought
you some food.

Thank you. That was
sweet of you. Come in.

Thank you.

Sorry I couldn't
talk earlier.

Oh, it's okay.
Forget it.
Everything all right?

Yeah, I just, uh,
came by to say "hi".


Hi. Uh...

Sarah okay?

Ah... we're just sitting down

to watch a movie.
Want to join us?

Uh, no.

I'm not gonna stay.

Listen, can I...
can I talk to you a second?


I've been wanting
to tell you this.

Remember the night
when we were out there

with Meg in the car?

And at one point...

...she grabbed me
and pulled me down to her

and... and she said,

"Tony, Sarah's yours."

"Sarah is yours."

Is it possible?

It was 13 years ago, you know?
We were messed up,

the three of us, high.

Keith would disappear
for days and, you know,

Meg and I...

it just happened, uh...

It wasn't a secret.

So you mean she could be your...

And that never occurred
to you before?

Well, I mean, I thought
about it at first,

but then... years went by

and I... just believed
what everyone else believed--

that she was Keith's.
SARAH: Tony, I can't
pause this forever.

I should go.

Neela, that's who I used to be,

it's not who I am anymore.
No, it's okay.

It's no big deal.
Go watch your movie.

(door opens and closes)

You know, you didn't
have to do this.

Well, you know that whole

black male incarceration
bit got to me.

You'll be okay, Greg.

There are laws in
this world that we have

to follow,

but then there
are God's laws.

He'll have the
last word of this,

just you watch.
Come on.


What are you doing here?
Look, you covered for me,

the least I can do
is support you.

All right.
Come on, sit down.

Dr. Pratt,

the Board finds

that you have violated
the Medical Practice Act

and believes that
these transgressions

are adequate justification
to suspend your medical license.

However, in light of your
attempt to help your community,

we have decided to put you
on probation for one year.

Your practice
will be monitored.

You will need to
perform 100 hours

of community service.

Perhaps finding a way
to legalize a certain

church-based clinic would be
a good use of your time.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Dr. Pratt!

(Simon speaking indistinctly)



Hey. How did I do?

You brought the house down.

Thank you...

...for being such
a great audience.

(TV playing low)




Hey, you.

Hey. I decided to put
our CDs on the iPod.

We don't need all
these anymore.

I need to talk.
Is everything okay?

Um, you know,
when you were on the roof,

I was thinking about
what... what I would do

if Joe didn't have a father,

and, um, if we didn't have

each other.

And I realized that if we
could get through this,

we could probably
get through anything.

What's going on?

I mean, have you ever
wanted something

so much, but...

it scared the hell out of you?

See, here's the thing, I just...
well, I changed my mind

and I was wondering
if you could ask me again.


Ask me again.

Ask me to marry you.

