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03x08 - To Him It May Concern

Posted: 08/30/21 08:38
by bunniefuu
Hello, Mr. Kim.

Enrique. Why you running?

High cholesterol.

Also, some kids on the corner
are being very aggressive.

[APPA] Uh-huh.

Do you have any protein bars?

- Bottom shelf.
- Ah. Okay.

Okay. Can you help me, please?

Just stop running.

I have to keep my heart rate up.

Then come back and buy protein
bar after you finish.

Well, it'll be dark by then

and the kids most likely will
get more aggressive after dark.

Ah, I love almonds.

But all the water that they use
to grow them is an outrage.

- Did you know that in a sin...
- Banana. Final offer.

Great! I had one yesterday, but great.

Sorry, I don't have anything smaller.

No problem.

- Six, eight, ten.
- Okay.

- Twenty.
- Great.


- Forty.
- All right.

- [APPA] Eight.
- [ENRIQUE] Hoo!

- Nine.
- Okay.

- Fifty.
- Thank you.

- Merry Christmas.

All right. Looks like this is
going to be an expensive run.

No pain, no gain.



[PASTOR NINA] I'd never
caught a home run before,

but since it was the other
team, I threw it back.

- Good for you.
- Mmm.

And then I saw the little girl
standing there with her glove out.

Oh. So you look like a monster.

- Little bit.
- Mmm.


- Nice sign.
- Oh, thank you.

Yeah. I learn from YouTube
how to do bubble letter.

Make word dance like a cartoon, uh?


[APPA] Uh, not really dance,
just look like.

No. You are missing the letter "O".


It's okay. People understand
word is "discount". No big deal.

Well, in this case,
it's kind of a big deal.

What's a big deal?

Okay. So, there are words that
refer to certain female genitalia.

Like genitalia, or loins,

or lady garden.


Look, it is a part of my body

and God created it and it is good,

but then there are
other words for that

- which are offensive. Like...

Oh, Pastor Nina! Good to see you.

Hi, Mrs. Kim.

Yobo, what you doing?

Ah, talk about Pastor Nina vag*na?

[UMMA] Why you talking about that?

- Sorry, Pastor Nina.
- It's all right.

No. You say it's good. God make.

Anyway, I should go. Away.

From this conversation.

- Bye.
- Have a good one.

- Bye, Pastor Nina.


- Why you make this?
- Okay, I change.

Why make such a big deal
for such a small "O", huh?

There, I fix.

Maybe I make sign from now on, no?

[APPA] Yes.

- You took it down?
- Yeah. No more discount today.

Nothing good ever lasts.

That's awesome, babe.
I knew you could do it.

Did you finally k*ll
the spider in the shower?

Oh, stop reminding me
about that thing.

Gerald got shortlisted
for a photography internship.

[GERALD] I don't even
remember applying.

Wow. That's weird.

[CHELSEA] I'm not surprised.

Maybe I should cancel my credit cards.

No, don't. I applied for you.

Why would you do that?

Because you wouldn't.
And look how it turned out.

She's right. Everything
happens for a reason.

And that reason is me.

[GERALD] Yeah, but it's
become this whole thing.

Like... Like... I have to get a bunch
of stuff, like a reference letter.

You're just making it a thing.
It's one letter.

- [CHELSEA] Mmm-hmm.
- [GERALD] To you.

I've got a lot going on
over the next few days.

I was going to do some
groceries, curling's on,

my sister emailed.

- You're in the weeds, babe.
- [GERALD] Mmm.

Figure it out, Gerald. I had
to figure out your password.

Which I'll be changing.

You know, soon as I get a chance.

Still, I'm proud of you
for getting this far.

Ya little keener. [CHUCKLES]

Well, hope you and your mom
enjoy the extra space.

[KIMCHEE] Will do.

And tell her it's not a problem
that I offered up my room.


Just gonna be staying
on Janet's couch.

Sounds good, bud.

Okay. Well, uh, have a good visit.



- Uh, hey.
- Yo.

Uh, I just wanted to
hold this in my hands

to remember to show it to my mom.

Ah! Great memories.

Yeah, I love that picture.

I mean, not so good
of Umma and Janet, but.

'Kay, I'm just going to
go grab a toothbrush.

- Uh, Kimch?
- Ya, bro?

Why is my toothbrush in the garbage?

Yours is old.

I thought I'd get you a new one as a
thank you for giving up your room.

Wait, hold up. What is going on?


When did we become such
responsible adults?

Me giving up my room,
you replacing my toothbrush.

- What?
- Yeah!

- We're adulting hard.
- Yeah.

Get outta here!

- Kay. Bye-ee.
- Bye-ee!


Good price for waffle cookies.

Best price. Very good deal,
but won't last long.

Lots of other good deal, too.

Almost too good to be true.

- How do we do it?
- Yeah.

Lots of nice sign.

Okay. I going to wholesale.

Uh, we almost out of corn.

- Maybe you can spell for me.
- C-O-R...

I said maybe!

He a little bit upset. Funny story.

Mr. Kim make sign before
and he make such big mistake.

Oh, English is such a hard language.

That's why I'm taking classes.

I understand.

You know, I been here
so long time now,

my English is almost
better than my Korean.

Yes, it's quite good.

Mmm. Some say very good.

Oh. I see Mr. Kim's mistake now.

"Bean" is B-E-A-N.

This been is past tense of being.


I leave sign up
so Mr. Kim don't feel so bad.

- Oh, that's nice.
- Mmm.

Oh. This one, too.

He spelled "off" with one "F".

Oh, I used to do that a lot, too.

I know!

Uh, but Mr. Kim don't know, obviously.

So embarrass for him.

And this sign.

Yeah, "pop" should have a capital "P".

No. That's not...

Okay. Write down all mistake you see

and I tell Mr. Kim and he fix.

"He will fix."

Yeah. He fix.

It's so nice of you to give your roommate
and his mom the whole apartment.

Without asking us first.

Remember the time
you did that, Gerald?

And the person came to stay
with us, for like, forever?

God, those people are the worst!

Honestly, it's not that big of a deal.

Kimchee's mom
doesn't visit that often,

so thought I'd give them some space.

He's trying to suck up to her.

Kimchee's mom isn't a big fan.


What are you talking about?
Angie loves me.

In a love-hate kind of way.

Or maybe I'm thinking of Mrs. Pyo.

- Barely knew Mrs. Pyo.
- Or Mrs. Chan.

Or Mrs. Park. Or Mrs. Yang.

Do all the moms not like you?

Mrs. Song likes him.
She has a thing for bad boys.

- So does this one.

Kimchee's mom likes me.

Yeah. I shouldn't get involved.

- That'd be a first.
- [CHELSEA] Ooh.

Why? What'd she do?

I got Gerald an internship.

[JUNG] Oh. Brutal.

That's a good thing. For Gerald.

I still don't know how you
figured out my password.

Oh, Gerald, don't you know
not to question the...

Ah! What do you call it with the
strings and the Pinocchio guys?


Ah, not the word I was looking for,

but yeah, Janet's the puppeteer

- and we're all her little...
- Puppets.

No. Anyway, Janet's that. You get it.

Yeah. Like how she maneuvered everything
to always get the good chair.


She leaves jellybeans on this
side table so Gerald sits there.

- Is that true?
- Hey, this is not the good chair.

And she puts the power bar here
so I'll charge my phone.

- [CHUCKLES] Brutal.
- [CHELSEA] Mmm-hmm.

That's a really elaborate plan for a chair
with a blanket and lots of leg room.

Oh! Marionette! Marionette.

Kay, puppets. I'm going to crash.

- [ANGIE] My son, the manager.

Assistant manager.

Oh, close enough.

[SHANNON] Still on tour?

Should I do my thing again?

Exits, here and here,
with bathrooms in the rear.

Oh, wait. Sorry. That way.

Oh, I'm all mixed up.

Still good. A little funnier
the first time.

Anyways, enjoy your lunch.
I'm taking off.

Oh. Turbulence.

You should easily be able
to take her job.

She's actually super-qualified.

- We should go.
- Okay.

But I gotta go make my bladder
a little gladder.

Don't always need to know, but thanks.

Hey, man.

Jung, what are you doing here?
It's your day off.

I just came to say hi to your mom.

Unless you're avoiding me,
or something.

What? Get outta here with that talk.

Seriously, go on, get out.

What's going on?

Okay. You're my best friend, so I need
you to work with me on this one, okay?

There's a guy in the ladies'
talking to his mom.

- I'll go later.
- [KIMCHEE] Jung Kim!

Of all the car rentals,
you had to walk into mine.

Hey, oh! Mom, you remember Jung Kim.

Hi, Mrs. Han.

I thought you were in prison.

Ah, no.

Haven't seen each other in how long?

A day?

Three months and seven years.

Just before they locked you up.


You know, the last time I saw you,

you were hiding pot
under Kimchee's bed

and stashing pornos
in our ceiling tiles.

- Sorry?
- And stealing my jewelry.

- I forgot about that.

Look, I know
I wasn't perfect back then.

Jung, it was so good to see you.

Good luck with the car you rented.
Ah, don't steal it. [CHUCKLES]

Hey, Jung. Why are you here
on your day off?

Obviously his day off from
working at another company.

But he happens to know Terence,
who happens to know his schedule.

I also know where we keep
all the good pens. Hello.

Actually, I could use some help with
the car I rented out in the lot.

Want to help me with that, Kimchee?

Ha! When was the last time I was able
to help you out with something, huh?

Seven years, three months
and a day! I mean, come on.

Okay. See you.


Hey, Appa. Is Umma around?


Okay, I get it! I'll check back later.


What you need from Umma?

I give her message.

I could, but where's
the mystery in that?

Leave a message after beep. BEEP.

Oh. Okay: Hey, Umma. It's Janet.

- What you doing?
- I was just playing along.

This not a game. Hurry up, Janet.
What's message?

Oh, my God.

Okay, I submitted an
application for Gerald

and now he needs a reference
letter for, like,

the next stage, so I thought
maybe Umma could write it.

- Oh.
- Cause she was his previous employer

and he also took her photo
so she knows him

both as an employee
and a photographer.

I was a previous employer.

- You were.
- And he take my photo.

He did.

So why you not ask me to
write a referee letter?

Well, I thought about it

but then I thought about how
busy you are with the store

and... Golf...

You don't think I am
good at write English.

No! Your English is great.

Tell you what: why don't
I write the letter,

then you sign it. Teamwork!

No. Tell you what.

I write letter then I sign. Hmm?


I will write good letter. You'll see.

- Umma will see.

Everyone will see.

- Why would everyone...
- Beep. Machine full.

You weren't supposed to be here.

Apparently, I wasn't supposed
to be in your life at all.

What the hell?

My mom hates you. Always has.

Huh. Maybe 'cause of the pot
I stashed under your bed?


Or the porn I hid in your ceiling?

Well, that definitely didn't help.

Except I never did those things!

- Maybe you just forgot!
- Kimch!

Okay. Sorry!

[SIGHING] You were
already the bad kid!

The first time Mom found porn
she asked me if they were yours.

I didn't say no. Everyone did it.

Wait. Is that why all
the moms hated me?

Except for Miss Song.
She loves bad boys.

I wanted to tell my mom the truth.

But the truth is super complicated.

Because of all the lies?

Huge factor. But the lies
made me look good.

And my mom is so proud of me.

It's just easier this way.

Easier for you.

Did you even buy me a toothbrush?

Had trouble landing
on the right colour.

I'm not living a lie
because you hid pot

under your bed like an amateur.

Why would my mom look in a
box hidden under my bed?

Are you hearing yourself?

She's only here one more day.

She's had such a great time.

Do you really want
to take that away from her?

One more day.

So, would you have buried
the pot in the backyard

or the suitcase with
false-bottom situation?

[FRANK] "To whom it may concern..."

Hmm. Sounds serious.

Hmm. I've been on the receiving
end of a few of those. Hmm.

What's the difference
between who and whom?

It's like he and him.

Would you say it may be
a concern to he?

Maybe. Does he have a problem?


Whoever you talking about.

No, no, no. The word "whom" is
like "him" and "who" is like "he".

And he is whoever you talking about.

And him is whomever
you're talking about.

Wow. This is a doozy of a letter.

Oh. So you think my English is okay.

I do? I see you're asking.

Ah, just a little typo here
before "recommend."

- "Definitely not" is two words.
- Yeah. Okay.

And just a personal preference,

but the term "sweety"
might be a little informal.

Oh. Is supposed to be sweaty.

Ah! That makes more sense.

And to my eye, lazy's
probably fine all by itself.

You don't need all the verys
and underlines and caps.

Well, everyone have their own style.

How you spell sincerely?


Don't mean to brag, but I'm a three-time
spelling bee champion's ex-husband.

Just clean up a few typos,

you got yourself a heck of a
hack-job on this Gerald kid.

Okay. Thank you, Frank.

I think we have enough sign.

I find good marker, so I decide
to change, make more upscale.

Sound like a lots of work.

Easy for me.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, Gerald! What you want?
I already give you letter.

I wanted to thank you in person.

So, thank you.

It's a great letter.


I mean, it's very honest,
which I'm not exactly used to.

So, uh... not too many mistake?

None that I could see.
It was excellent.

Ah. So glad to hear is
a very, very excellent letter

with no mistake.

And it felt good to hear
how you feel about me.

It felt good to write down.

I never thought of myself
as capable. Or inspiring.

I not say those thing.

I know. You wrote them,
which is even nicer.

Ah. Give to me.

"Gerald is the most qualified
photographer and best employee

His work ethic is matched only by his

co... Collab... Collaborative soul."

Hearing you read it
is even more powerful.

Where you get this?

You gave it to me.

Well, Janet gave it to me for you.

- Sneak attack.
- What?

Here. Janet doing like that, hmm?

I give to her this letter.

"Gerald is never on time...

Has trouble with even
most simple instruction.

Yawn too much."

Well, um, this one is... More honest.

Oh. Hello, Janet.

Gerald and I just
having tea and hang out.


Do join us, Janet.

Yes, do.

I just sitting here and charge phone

and you take best chair.

And I think we all know
why I sat here.

I don't want to interrupt
your... Whatever this is.

Come. We celebrate!

Gerald sending in
a big application package.

Yeah, Janet. For the internship
I was shortlisted for.

You were shortlisted
for an internship?

Well, yeah. The, um,

the one... The one that... That...

Obviously, I know
what you're talking about.

Well, then, you'll be glad
to know that we included

the reference letter
written by your dad.

We definitely wanted to include that.

The one I gave you?

Yeah. The one I gave you.

'Cause Janet gave me your letter.

As long as it's the one I gave you.

I think we can all agree that we sent
in the letter that Mr. Kim wrote.

- The one I gave you?
- [KIM] Janet,

we know you sneak attack!

Yeah, Janet.

And now we sneak attack you!

Yeah. By sending your
dad's original letter.


Well, that's one way to guarantee
you don't land the internship.

Or get hired. Ever.

Well, that's a pretty small price to
pay to have out-meddled you, okay?

The puppet has now
become the marionette.

You is just like you Umma.

I am not like Umma.

Sneak attack disguise as
help actual way to control.

Yeah! And you can't control me
anymore, Janet, okay?

See? My strings have been cut.



See? I say he's clumsy in a letter.

Well, actions speak
louder than words. Hmm.


[WOMAN] How's the rest of your day?

Pretty crazy.

I mean, Jung Kim.
Out of the blue, right?

Well, you used to be close.

Yeah, and I figured I might
be able to help him out.


Yeah. Guy's been down on his luck

and I figure my rent's pretty high

and he's been living in a car, so...

So generous.

I got it from my mom.

And... You've run into Jung

quite a few times over the years.

Angie, I find more photo
under Jung's bed.

Mostly naked girl

but Kimchee is there, too.
Hi, Kimchee!

I put food in freezer
for you and Jung.

Young-mi and I were
just catching up, too.

- Oh.

Hey, Kimch. Oh, wow.

What a great place.

But, hey, anything off the street
is a step up for me, right?

Oh, my God.

My umma's your cleaning lady? Huh!

It's like this was meant to be.

Stop. Both of you.

They found my party box.

And all your naked picture.

- What?
- Yeah, under your bed.

Oh. Naked pictures of other people.

[SIGHS] So, I guess you know all
those terrible things Jung did,

he didn't really do.

- Some weird kid who died in a fire did.
- Kimchee!

I know. It was me. I'm sorry.

It's just that I figured
I'd disappointed you enough.

I didn't want to make it worse.

So, Jung didn't force you to get
an eyebrow ring in Grade ?

I was trying to look
badass for Mrs. Song.

Oh, yeah, Mrs. Song!

She is a worst umma.

Always coming over and smoking
her cigarette behind my store

making it look like me.

Oh. Can you believe?
Such a dirty habit.

I know.

And she used to come over to my house

and leave all these strange
men's clothes in my bed.

So weird.

Mrs. Song is very bad lady.

Worst umma ever.

I don't know. She always
likes my selfies.


Oh, Mrs. Ada. Bouillon
cube still have discount.

I see that.

And your signs are much improved!


Before you had the apostrophe
incorrectly placed.

I was telling Mrs. Kim
I take English lessons.

Top of class.


Anyway, good work.


- Oh, Mrs. Ada! How you doing?
- Good.

She just tell me how my
sign have no mistake.

Oh, yeah. Good.

Because Mrs. Ada help.

Oh, yeah. Good.

Well, I should get going.

Class is in minutes.

Today is conjunctions

AND I want to be on time

BUT the bus might be late

OR I might walk. YET...

- Just go.
- Okay.


Delightful afternoon, Janet.

Oh, you look exceptionally
jaunty today.

What's going on?

Yeah, we just decide to
ameliorate our vocabulary.

You probably flabbergast right now.

Yah! Because you speak
only one language.

But we master two.

Yah. Keep up, Janet.

Oh! I know good word for you, Janet.

Ah... Unilingual.

Or in Korean...