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15x05 - Haunted

Posted: 08/31/21 11:07
by bunniefuu


Her abdomen's covered in abscesses.

So much for the Tijuana tummy tuck.

Tell us you're wearing something
underneath that.

-Wanna see for yourself?.
-I don't approve...

-...of ER personnel wearing costumes.
-Kids seem to like it.

Yes, but what adult wants
to get a cancer diagnosis...

-...from a reject from Animal House.
-I'm Julius Caesar.

We'll drain under CT guidance
to avoid surgery.

Going to Kayson's talk
on recurrent pericardial effusions?.

Since when do you go to lectures?.

-I'll save you a seat.
-Don't bother.

DARlA: Hi, Dr. Brenner.
-Nice legs, Frank.

You gave me some great tips
on our last shift.

I'm glad we're working together.

CATHERlNE: Dr. Gates
won't be mentoring today.

-I won't?.
-You get to do the culture list.

All positive cultures from last week.
Wounds, urine, sputum.

Make sure
they're on appropriate antibiotics.

-Call them if they have a resistant bug.
-Great, I'm on pus patrol.

-So I won't seeing patients?.
-You get to do that too.

Just stick with the non-criticals.
Dr. Brenner will mentor you both.

Dr. Banfield, I've already done
a rotation, so maybe I can skip?.

You're an intern.
Being mentored is part of the process.

Dr. Morris, Tracy Martin is with you.

-Where is Dr. Martin?.
-Not in yet.

Oh, I hate working on Halloween.
It's always the same thing.

Got the idiot who slices his hand
carving a pumpkin.

Your shoes end up covered
in candy-corn puke.

Let's not forget the old chestnut:
sloppy drunk dressed as Frankenstein.

Halloween is new to me.
I didn't celebrate it in Australia.

-You never been trick-or-treating?.

No candy, no costumes,
no mischief night?.

What's mischief night?.

Kids soap up windows, egg cars,
tp front lawns.

You were one deprived child.

OLBES: Michael Leary, 1 8, s*ab wound
in the chest. School fight.

-ls that a fork?.
-Vitals are good, sats 97 on room air.

-Stupid little dude went crazy.
-Okay, Trauma One. Let's go.

I'm sorry I'm late. This costume
is almost impossible to walk in.

Dr. Martin. Care to explain?.

I was told that all the interns
were supposed to dress up?.

You were misinformed.

Breath sounds equal.
Let's get some access.

-Mm-hm. I'm on it.
-He snuck up on me.

-Need some help?.
-His pants need to come off.

If I'd seen him--
Did you tell her to take off my pants?.

LEARY: Oh, go for it.

Surgery's on the way.


-Nice new 'do.
-Thanks. I like to change it up.

-Okay, Dr. St. John, what's next?.
-Plain films and ultrasound.

-Good idea.
-lt is?.

-I mean, you think it is?.
-Yeah. Get the machine.

Oh, the needle's at too steep an angle.
Try 45 degrees.


-l-- I got a flash.
-Nice. Here, I'll tape it up for you.

Oh, sh**t. sh**t. Sorry.

-""lntra-operative hypotension""?.
-For my nurse anesthetist program.

-I have a big test tomorrow.
-School sucks, huh?.

DARlA: You' re learning to push dr*gs
for an anesthesiologist?.

I'll be able to
administer them myself.

Yeah, but a real anesthesiologist
will be watching over your shoulder.

Actually, no.

How do you go to classes,
work full time...

...raise a kid and have a life?.

Ha, ha, ha. When you put it like that,
it sounds like a lot.

-Good luck with that.
-Thank you. I'm gonna need it.

Nonsense. A year from now, Sam'll be
running her own cases in the O.R.

-You need something?.
-Oh, yes.

I wanna thank you for turning in
your schedule request on time.

-My pleasure.
-Yes, but I'm a little surprised.

You opened up your work availability

I'm just trying to be a team player.

Good. Then maybe you can be in charge
of scheduling...

-...guest speakers for grand rounds.

Figure out someone good
to start off with. We have no money.

You'll have to use your charm.

LAVERNE: See that?. The lung's inflating
at the pleural interface.

That's impressive, doctor.

-Radiology elective.
-That was smart.

Hello, all.

Hi, I'm Dr. Wade. I'm a surgeon.

-I still can't get used to sound of that.
-Get used to it.

BRENNER: Okay, Daria,
why don't you do the honors.

-Okay. Fork versus chest. Waiting on CT.
-Rule out vascular involvement.

-Maybe the pectoralis major.
-Pectoralis major. Good.

ANDREW: Vitals?. Crits?.
-Fine. Stable.

-Dinner later?.

One gram of Ancef,
page when the CT's done.

Sam, uh, we got a kid out here
with a bloody nose.


Uh, well, you two are certainly in sync.

Yeah, what can I say?. It's chemical.


Ha. You missed me.

GATES: Mrs. Ferreri, you can pick up
prescriptions in the ER.

-You're not gonna believe--
GATES: Frank. Give these to Banfield.

-Tell her they're all susceptible.
-Okay. Morris--

Also, could you, uh, get me a new clip
for, uh, my lD?. This one's broken.


Banfield got some
more positive cultures for you.

She wants you to see
she sore-throat kid in Exam Three.

All hail Caesar.

Morris, you gotta see the guy
in Curtain Three.

-Frankenstein?. Great, just like I called it.
-You need to see him now.

In a minute.
I've just gotta make a phone--

Okay, don't get your toga
in a bunch.

Laverne, look at this.

See any fracture?.

Um, no, I don't.

Yeah, me either. But, uh, look here.

Posterior fat pad sign.

That means there's blood
in the joint from a fracture.

-Listen, I've been wanting to talk to y--
SAM: Dr. Brenner.

It's Danny Raskin, 1 4.
Persistent nose bleed. His brother, Scott.

He got in a fight.

School nurse couldn't get it to stop.
Complained of nausea in the rig.

That's probably from swallowing blood.

Fork boy's going up to CT.

You know him?.

Not really. Classmate.

-Did the school call your parents?.
-It's just our mom.

They tried, they couldn't get her.
It's okay, I'm here.

I'm sorry, but we need to get
ahold of her before we can treat Danny.

Okay. Scott, I'll take you to the phone.
You can try your mom again.

You don't look like the fighting type.


I guess I'm not.

GATES: Princess Jenny, open wide.
Tilt your head back a little bit.

-No fever.
-Yeah, but white spots on the tonsils.

-Dawn, any emesis basins?.
DAWN: Try the second drawer.

And swollen glands.

-Could it be strep?.
-You'll need a dose of penicillin.

-We will?.
-No, let's do a rapid strep test first.

She's got exudate
and lymphadenopathy.

Don't wanna give
unnecessary antibiotics.

I'll get the swab.

There's a positive blood culture
from a week ago at the front desk.

Grab it, take it to Medical Records
and hunt down a chart.

I'm with a trauma,
got six other patients. Send your intern.

Don't have one today. No point sending
a doctor on a no-brainer.

All right, Your Highness. All done.

JENNY: I need this?.
GATES: Nope.

Sure, no problem.

-Should have the results in 2O minutes.
-All right.

Dr. Livingstone, I presume?.

What you got here?.

Birds aren't allowed in the ER.

-Oh, but he--
-It's okay.

I don't think this wild animal's
gonna give us any trouble.

Left another message for Mom.

Here, if you throw up,
throw up in that, okay?.

So, Danny, how'd you get in a fight?.


There's this guy at school.

-He's been saying stuff about our mom.
BRENNER: What kind of stuff?.

I don't understand all of it,
but I know it's bad.

I told you not to listen.

Staph aureus sensitivities.

DANNY: Well, they're always pointing
and laughing at me in the halls.

It's because he's a jerk, man.
They just like picking on younger kids.

Got it. Thanks.

That's a marker
for inducible clindamycin resistance.

You should check to see
if the lab did a D test.

Daria, you gotta stop being so smart.
You're gonna make me look bad.


Daria, get some 2x2s.

So, what happened at lunch?.

Well, I asked him
why he was talking about my mom.

He just laughed
and called her a name.

You don't need to know this.
Just fix him.

DANNY: So I got mad and I hit him
with a food tray.

He grabbed me
and his friends piled on.

I don't remember after that.


-Low-grade fever, 1 OO.6.
-Give her 1 5 per kilo acetaminophen.

You, uh, tame any wild lions today,

Um, Owen doesn't like to talk
much lately.

He's been having a hard time
since their father and l....

I see.

My ex moved out of state with
his younger pregnant wife, Veronica.

I hate Veronica.

Did that bird just talk?.

Uh, the therapist thought
Trevor would be good for Owen.

-Might help him express his feelings.
-Trevor is very expressive.

-Where is she?. I don't wanna miss this.
-Maybe in surgery.

-She here yet?.

Tell her it's a perfed ulcer.
That'll get her down fast.

SAM: Archie, where's Neela?.
-Paged her again.

She's here. Quick, act natural.

Morris, you can't keep paging me
every five minutes. What is it?.

Very, very sick patient
in Curtain Three.

He doesn't look that sick. He's walking
around. What's his complaint?.

Uh, he's-- He's turning green.


Hello. I'm, uh, Dr. Rasgotra.
How can I help you?.


FRANKENSTElN: Neck hurt.
-Mm-hm. I see. And, uh, anything else?.

Need brain transplant.

Sir, this is an ER...

...with real patients who are sick
and who need our help.

Hey, roomie.

You bastard.


Oh, my God. Oh.

Could've told us you were coming.

Miss the surprised look on your faces?.
No chance.

-You in town long?.
-Yeah, we should all go out.

I'm only here for one night
for the annual rehab medicine assembly.

So you working at an ER down south?.

I left emergency medicine, actually.

I'm doing a residency in PM and R.
Physical medicine and rehabilitation.

-And you like it?.
-Y eah, I do.

I get to work with traumatic brain
and spinal cord injures..., stroke patients, amputees.

And it keeps me on my toes.
Well, make that carbon-fiber toes.

Well, it's good to see you
up and around.



-How you doing?.
-I'm good.

Okay, people,
I'm sure you all have work to do.

Gates, Sam, there's a hand injury
in Exam 2 that needs attention.

-Ray, good to see you.
-You too.

See you around.

We'll talk later.
Neela, don't let this guy get away.

-Uh, who's that?.
-Uh, new chief of the ER.

-Another one?.

-How many does that make?.
-I've lost count.

-You wanna head over to Kayson's talk?.
-Oh, yeah, the talk. Uh, I can't.

-I hear it's gonna be pretty good.
-Yeah, no doubt. I'm, uh, busy.

-Well, um, if you wanna, you should go.
-No, I don't. I mean, I can't.

Okay. All right.
Well, I'll, uh-- I'll fill you in later.

Guess who's in charge of the ER's
new teaching conferences.


I've invited Atul Gawande to speak
at grand rounds.

He's, uh, far too busy.
You'll never get him.

A bottle of champagne says I will.

Hi. I'm Ray Barnett.

Oh, sorry. Uh, this is Simon Brenner,
the new attending.

This is, uh, Ray, used to work here.



So you've been lucky enough to work
with the brilliant Dr. Rasgotra.

I've had that privilege, yes.

So where are you practicing now?.

Baton Rouge.

Baton Rouge. I hear it's nice.


Neela, I will catch you later.
Ray, great to meet you.

-Right back at you.
-All right.

-lf you need to go to Kayson's--
-No, I don't.

But I've got some work to finish off.
It won't take long.

All right, I'll come with you.

-So that Brenner guy?.

Kind of seems like a d*ck.

-I think my wife put glue in there.
-Your wife?. Why would she do that?.

Well, she says I love bowling
more than I love her.

And, uh, well, ha,
I got a girlfriend on the side.


DARlA: Hey, I heard you might have
a good teaching case.

-Oh, a sports injury, huh?. Hi.
GATES: Yeah.

GATES: Got tingling in the thumb.

Numbness in the fingers.
What do you make of that?.

Oh, uh, median nerve neuropraxia
from hyperextension.

What about motor and reflex deficits?.

Wrist extensors--

Biceps. No.

Oh, folks, she was so close.


-Can I give another four of morphine?.
-Y eah. Morphine fine, amphetamine fat.

Morphine overdose gives you fine,
constricted pupils.

Amphetamine gives you
fat dilated pupils.

It's a mnemonic.
Might help you with your test.

A mnemonic is a saying
to remember complicated facts.

Yeah, I know what a mnemonic is.

And I also know what morphine does
without some stupid saying.

Sam, that mom you called is here.

Ha. I gotta go.



SAM: Uh, Mrs. Raskin?.
-Oh, Sandy Raskin.

Hi, I'm Sam.

Uh, Dr. Brenner, this is Danny's mom.

-How's my son?.
-Anxious to see you.

Wow, finally.

Couldn't check my messages until break.
You know how it gets at work.

We're gonna need your consent
to pack Danny's nose.

Sure, sure, whatever he needs.

-Honey, how did this happen?.
-lt was nothing.

No, he's in the hospital, Scott.
That's not nothing.


I'm sorry. My aim's not so good.

It's okay. Happens all the time.

Danny, are you all right?.

My head hurts.

Okay. Sam, get a blood pressure.

Did the other kid hit him
with anything?.

-I don't know. I wasn't there.
-Did he fall?. Hit his head?.

He's hypertensive, 1 38 over 89.

Let's move him. Surgical consult,
25 of mannitol.

Ms. Hoffman's Vanco trough is 6.4.
Should we keep her on a gram q. 1 2?.

Push her levels to 1 5.
Change it to 1.5 q. 1 2...

...and repeat the trough
with third dose.

So how are you liking
rehab residency?.

Well, it's not always fun,
but it's rewarding.

I've gotten involved with the academy's
lnjured Soldier Task Force.

We facilitate access to care
for wounded soldiers and vets.

-That doesn't sound easy.

Especially when you're working with
the VA and the Defense Department.

I hope my surprise visit isn't wrecking
any of your big plans tonight.

Well, if you consider working out
and doing laundry big plans, then....

Neela, Anspaugh was gonna do
a laparotomy on that abscess patient.

-Went with your plan instead. Good job.
-Thanks, Marisol.

I'm, uh, done in about 20 minutes.
We can sit, grab some coffee.

-No, let's work out.

Yeah, it'll be good
after traveling all day.


Find me when you're done.

Uh, wait. Wait.
You haven't got a good seal.

What?. What are you smiling at?.




Sorry about this.
The lab lost the first specimen.

They won't lose this one?.

I'll hand it to them,
stand there while they run it.

We need this room, so go out
in the lobby and wait for the results.

How long will that be?.
It's Halloween.

Candy at the desk.
The kids can stop there.

Time to put Trevor in his cage.


-I'll take care of this.

Take her to Waiting.

-There you are. You want some?.
-Ooh. No, thanks.

I still remember
what County coffee tastes like.

You look great, man. How are things?.

I still have a few more operations
in my future, but nothing like before.

I was in for a skin graft
when I heard about Greg.

I'm sorry I couldn't make it
to the funeral.

Hey, everybody understood.

You doing okay?.

I miss him, it sucks,
but, you know, what can you do?.

I gotta say, the way you walk
on those prosthetics, pretty amazing.

Well, I got some custom foot modules.
Makes it easier to move and climb stairs.

You know, sometimes when I wake up,
I actually forget what happened...

...and I jump out of bed
and wind up on the floor.


-Sorry, that's not funny.
-Yeah. Yeah, actually it is, every time.

Oh, um, Dr. Morris,
have you seen Dr. Gates?.

No. Do you need something?.

Yeah, I just got a question
on a knee effusion.

-I'm sure Dr. Brenner can answer that.
-It's okay. I'll just-- I'll wait for Tony.

-So, Neela, she's doing good, huh?.
-Dude, Neela is a surgery superstar.

She's gonna be running the department
one day.

They must be working her hard.

Lots of long hours, nights, weekends.
I mean, that can't be too much fun.

Dr. Morris, the D-stick
on your ballet dancer is 34.

Okay. I gotta run.

If I don't see you before you leave,
take care of yourself.

Oh, and, uh, no, Ray. As far as I know,
Neela's not seeing anyone.

What?. No, no, no. See, I wasn't--


Owen! Owen!

I know Trevor's smart, but I doubt he
opened that door and flew down here.

Come on, let's go.




Don't worry, I'm gonna call the front
desk and someone will come let us out.


Wild Kingdom, I don't suppose
you have a cell phone on you?.

Help! Hey!

CT can take him in five minutes.

I just don't understand why Danny
would be in a fight. It's not like him.

Put him on the portable.

Maybe he didn't like hearing
all the rumors, Mom.

-What rumors?. What's this about?.
NEELA: My intern will go with him.

ANDREW: Where are you going?.
NEELA: I'm off.

Call Dubenko as soon as Neurosurge
reads the films. This is their case now.

-Hey, um, do you guys need help in here?.
-You're a little late.

Scott, what rumors?.

Like you really can't think of any reason
kids are talking about you?.

-Are you stupid or just drunk?.
-Just calm down.

You're not helping your brother.

There's Mike.
Maybe he can explain it to you.

-What's he have to do with this?.
-Go ask. You're banging him.

Okay. How does
""to the zoo and back"" sound?.

Sounds good, but it's about four miles.

Well, these babies can take it.
Afraid you can't?.

Okay. Last one there buys dinner.

Better get your wallet out.


All right. You ""ready"" ready?.


-Hey, Danny, hang in there.
DANNY : Tired.

The CT showed a subdural hematoma
over the right parietal area.

-What does that mean?.
-Sats only 93.

Blood putting pressure
on the surface of his brain.

Get a non-rebreather.

It needs to be cleaned out
to prevent further damage.

Can you spare an intern?.
Dr. Banfield's doing a pleural tap.

-Laverne can go. It'll be good experience.
-Are you sure?.

You go. You've earned it.

Scott, tell me what happened. Now.

Danny att*cked Mike because
he was bragging all over school...

-...about what an easy lay you are.
-Mike wouldn't.

What, you think he is in love with you
or something?. He's using you.

Pulse ox is only 87.

He's hypoventilating, needs a tube.

-Danny, breathe. Breathe.
-What's going on?.

Daria, you're up,
1 5 etomidate, 75 of sux.

-Already drawn, pushing.
BRENNER: MAC 2 and a 6-O.

Always check the equipment
before you start.

SANDY: How could you?.
-You ready?.

DARlA: Y eah.
MlKE: I swear, I didn't say anything.

Watch the teeth.

-I can't see the cords.
-Here's some suction.

MlKE: Your freak kid att*cked me.
SANDY: Don't say that.

Mom, get out. Danny needs you.

MlKE: Know what?. You're nothing
but a crazy drunk whore anyway.

What do you want, man?.

Stop! Stop! Stop!

Pull out and bag him up. I'll be back.

DARlA: He needs a cord.

-Pull the blade upward.
-I am.

No, you're rocking it back.

-Dr. Brenner, I can't get it!
-Watch out. The tube.

-Wait, I thought you just said--
-Tube. Give me the tube.


You don't need a mnemonic
to save someone's airway.


Well, we're not getting out that way.

Don't worry. Pretty soon,
I'm gonna get you out of here.

You're gonna be with your mom
and your sister and Trevor.

The important thing is not to be scared,

Looks like you made out
pretty good there, huh?.

Can I have a piece of candy?.


You have enough sugar in there to put
all of Chicago into a diabetic coma.

One piece?.

All right.
You know what you' re doing there?.

It's called emotional eating.

Anybody seen the chart
on my flatulence guy?.

It is not in the rack and I am not going
back into his room to look for it again.


Why is there a bird on my charts?.

That's Trevor, he belongs to a family
Dr. Gates was seeing.

-Where is Dr. Gates?.
-No one's seen him in a while.


Find Gates and get this bird--

James Mackey, multiple g*nshots
to the chest and upper left arm.

-Party got out of hand.
-I need vitals.

Tachy at 1 20,
pressure's at a 1 00 with a liter.

-Four of O neg, x-ray.
-No pulse in the left wrist.

-What's with the police escort?.
-They say this guy tried... sh**t at some cops.
They sh*t at him first.

Five stitches. That's not too bad.

Danny's gonna be fine.

When we're finished here,
I'll take you upstairs...

...and you can wait with your mom.

He's right. She's a whore.

You shouldn't say that.

Then why does she act like she does?.

Lets us go to bed when we want.
Never yells at us to do homework.

-We can have friends over any time.
-Some kids would love that.

She lets us drink.

Better at home than some strange place,
she says.

But then, uh, she starts drinking
with us...

...starts flirting with the guys.

Does Danny know what's going on?.

When he was younger,
I could make stuff up.

Now he's in the same school.

I hate her.

I know she's let you down. I get that.

But try not to hate her.

That's not gonna get you anywhere.

Do you want some more orange beef?.

Mm. No. Any more and I won't be able
to fit through the door.

Well, then I guess you'll just have
to stay here and never leave.


Well, don't tempt me.

Actually, it'd be nice.
It gets lonely around here sometimes.

Yeah, I know what that's like.

But you have your mom nearby.


She's great.

But a lot of the time, she doesn't get it.

She can't understand
why I don't want her help.

Must be frustrating.


Yeah, I just think that deep down
she's a little worried that I might....

I kind of freaked her out
at one point, so....


It was long time ago.
It was a bad time.

What happened?.

It was at the hospital,
after the accident.

I tried to hurt myself.

I tried to k*ll myself.


I wish I'd known.
I would've tried to help.


No, it was something
that I had to go through on my own.

And I feel pretty strong now,
having overcome all that.

-lntubation tray.
-Prep for a chest tube.

-So we don't get a tension pneumo.
-Set up fiber-optic and open a crike tray.

-We can get those if we need them.
-lnduction meds on board.

Let's do it.

Give the meds a minute to work.
Bag him up.

This the guy from the Halloween party

Are you family?.

-No, police officer.
-Sorry, but you can't question him now.

You gotta make sure this kid makes it.

All right, do a jaw thrust
so you don't fill his stomach with air.

Okay, Tracy, he's loose. Go for it.

Twenty years on the job,
never fired my w*apon before tonight.

You sh*t him?.

I didn't get a good look at him.
All I saw was a w*apon pointed at me.

Then you did what you had to.

Part of his costume.

It was a toy g*n.

Keep pushing. Lean into it.

-Maybe you should take over, Dr. Morris.
-Need another doc in here?.

-I got it.
MORRlS: Way to go.

Dr. Brenner, glove up,
check the Thora-Seal.

MORRlS: We were about to do that.
BRENNER: Fair amount of blood.

-Have a thoracotomy tray ready.
-He's hemodynamically stable.

For now. You have to be prepared
for anything and everything.

-You sound like a cop.
-Our jobs aren't all that different.

TRACY: O-silk, please.
-Yeah, things can turn on you real fast.

Okay, set up for a portable chest.

Let's step out for the x-ray.


When I was younger, I had a traffic stop,
guy's tail light was busted.

Routine, right?.

My gut told me something was wrong,

I ignored it.

As I was telling him
to get the light fixed...

...he pulled out a g*n,
sh*t his wife in the passenger seat...

...and then k*lled himself.

-That's horrible.

Took a desk job after that.

Pushing papers isn't why I became a cop
and so I go back on the street and--

Officer Flores is here for her partner.

-Friends of the patient are in Waiting.
-Have them wait there.

-What are you doing?.
-Gotta make sure he pulls through.

They sent us home. The brass finds you,
finds me talking to you, we're in trouble.

Systolic's down to 6O.

Squeeze in a liter. Hang the O neg.

CATHERlNE: Call Thoracic.
Have them take him to O.R.

TRACY: Right now?.
CATHERlNE: 1 2OO cc's of blood.

Let the docs do their job.
Let me take you home.

-No, I'm not leaving. It's my fault.
-He's hypotensive. Wait until he arrests?.

-I didn't mean to sh**t him.
-Don't say anything.

He must've thought we were guests
at the party, dressed up as cops.

Maybe you guys should step outside.

I'll come find you.

Yes, yes, he'll get his own red cells,
platelets and clotting factors.

-Decreases the risk.
-His output is slowing down.

Okay, just give us 1 O minutes,
we'll turn him around.

GATES: You know, at first I thought,
I don't know how to be a father.

I mean, what business do I have,
you know?.

You know, I'm not saying I didn't make
mistakes with Sarah...

...but things are good now between us,
you know?. I've adjusted, she's adjusted.

Just like I know you will
with your new family situation.

And soon, I hope, huh?.

Hey, hold that door, will you?.
Come on, kid, we're out of here.

Let's go. We're free.

Come on, Owen.

Come on.

These are my favorite.

Only 1 OO cc's of additional blood.

JARVlK: BP is 1 1 0 over 75.
Heart rate's 85.

-Best so far.
-All right.

Angio is waiting to squirt his arm.

Vascular's ready to repair
the brachial artery.

Have the blood bank stay
two units ahead.

You really should try to control
your enthusiasm.

Excuse me?.

We just kicked ass in there.
Why not enjoy victory a little?.

Because we need to remain vigilant.

Patient can crash
while you do your victory dance.

Yeah. Listen, Cate.

-Anyone call you that?.

Okay. We work under a lot of stress,
so when something good does happen...

...why not enjoy it,
just have some fun?.

There is no room for levity in the ER.

No offense,
but if that's your attitude...

...then your day is always gonna suck.

-Night, Frank.
FRANK: Have a good one.


Sam. Where you going?.

-My review class.
-Thought you were gonna blow that off.

Yeah, well, going to school isn't
just a cutesy little hobby.

What are you talking about?.
I support this.

I know. When it's convenient for you,
doesn't interfere with your life.

That's not true.

You have an outdated,
sexist view of what nurses do.

-We do a lot more than change bedpans.
-I know.

Wish you'd respect what
I'm trying to do... learn.
TRACY: Want a tall triple decaf?.

Heaven forbid you get an intern
to do scut work.

Showing off to Daria
by making me look small?.

Know what?. That is never gonna fly.

Teaching the interns is part of my job.
What do you want me to do?.


Nothing. Forget it.

GATES: You're nervous. Let's go home
and I'll help you study.


All right, well, what is the anesthetic
of choice for open-heart surgery?.

-Yeah, that's what I thought.
-Don't be like that.

I gotta go.

Any word on Danny?.

They removed a small blood clot
from his brain.

Said he'll be in recovery soon.

-Where's Scott?.
-Upstairs, waiting for his brother.

They' re good kids.

Why don't you stop
screwing them up?.

-What do you know about it?.
-You're sleeping with a high school boy--

-Mike is 1 8. We're adults.
-No, he is a kid.

He sees you as nothing more than
an easy lay and he's not afraid to say it.

Mike didn't mean to say those things.
He loves me.

You know what?. He really doesn't.

-I'm not talking to you about this--
-Talk with Social Services.

And the boys too. I called them.


You have no right.

Scott has seen way more
than he should've.

He tries to protect his brother.
He's not the parent. You are.

So why don't you start acting like it?.

You have done a number on these kids
and that is gonna last a long time.

-Go to hell.
-Just fix your life, lady. It's not too late.


Thank you.

You know...

...I wish I could've been there for you
when you were going through all of that.

Well, we weren't really
on a talking basis for a while, so....

-Oh, I love this song.
-Cool tune.

Give me that.

Come here.

You know...

...I felt responsible
for what happened.

I still do sometimes.

Neela, I was drunk and stupid.

And standing in the middle of the road
in the middle of the night.

-But the way I handled things was--

Let it go.

I have.



It's probably trick-or-treaters.
Let's ignore them. They'll go away.

So you were saying.

After the accident..., I had a lot of time
to look at my life.

And what I had to do to get back
on my feet again, literally.

And it's given everything
that happened before...'s put that into perspective.


Mm. Bollocks.

-Um, let me get rid of them.

Sorry, kids...

...but I'm all out of candy.

-You owe me $80.
-What are you doing here?.

Look, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you--

-Give me a minute, okay?.


-You can't just show up.

There's nothing going on between us.

-We work together and that's it.
-I know, I just--

I thought we could have a drink and--
Like a celebration.

Dr. Gawande agreed to do
grand rounds.

Good for you, but as you can see,
I've got company.

Right, right, Ray.

Okay, well--

-I'll go.
-Yeah, please do.

So, I'll see you--

I'll see you at work.

I'm, uh, sorry. I didn't invite him.

No, it's getting late. I should go.

You don't have to.

It's been a great day, a fun night...

...but I have that conference
in the morning, so--

You can stay here
instead of driving to the hotel.

I'm in a good place now.

And you seem good, too, so....

I'm gonna go.

See you soon.

Mr. Mackey's out of surgery.

The bleeding in his chest was from
vessels that clotted off on their own.

b*llet tore through
an artery in his upper arm...

...but the surgeons got to it quickly.

-So he's gonna be okay?.
-He should be fine.

No residual paralysis or disability.

Oh, good.



That's good to hear.

That's good to hear.



You do what you can...

...but you can't be prepared
for everything.

Make a mistake at some office job,
what happens?. Nothing much.

Our watch...

...people get hurt, people die.

Yeah, yeah.

But you can't let it take away
all the good.


I suggest you leave
before you're seen.

If you get your partner, I'll show you
a side door that you can use.

