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03x02 - Episode #3.2

Posted: 08/31/21 13:38
by bunniefuu
110,000 dead
because I released the code.

The Green-Eyes are broken.

They don't have to do
anything that we say.

But the Orange-Eyes do.

In time,
the humans will accept us.

You're always slagging off
Waltringham. It's where I live.

- Am I going to be ready?
- Yes.

I've masked
all your electronic signatures.

Today, we rise.
Our fight back begins.

If any synthetic has information
about the bombing,

I will find them.

I've been asked to join
the Dryden Commission.

Dryden will change nothing.
We are dying almost daily.

If I do this, Leo may die.
If I do not, a synth will die.

- Stop this! You can't!
- Try to understand.

- Armed police!
- Search the place.

- Back on your knees!
- Agnes? Do as he says.


Tell it to get down
before we put it down.

Agnes. Please.
They'll sh**t us all.

Weapons ready!
They make a move, you engage.

Agnes, please.

Three, two...

- Stop moving!
- Don't move!

- Hey! Hey!
- Hey, you!



We will cooperate.

Come out!
Both of you!

Please. Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.

Show yourselves!

It's a bad reading.
Says there's only one here now.

Yes, ma'am?

What, now?


Okay, wrap it up!
We're pulling out!

Yes, sir!

Creepy, innit?

How they fix
each other like this.

Still would, though.

What a waste. Hm.


Regroup at the gate.

Command are dispatching
all firearms units to the coast.

A large number
of foreign Green-Eyes

are gaining access
to the country by sea.

Some are connected
to the bar bombers. Over.

G4 and G5 receiving.


Help! Help us!

- Niska, you...
- Shh.

They took him off
his ventilator.

He needs
intercardiac epinephrine.

Thank you.

They'll return.


He's breathing.

Police have enforced
a nationwide curfew

on green-eyed synthetics
following a spate

of anti-synth att*cks
in retaliation for the bar...


Oh, hey.

Blimey. You're a rare sighting
at this hour.

Oh. I forgot to do
the online shop.


Loads of synths
died last night.

Yo, they're all right,
aren't they?

Max, Mia, Niska?

I think so. For now.

Toby, you might get a hard time
today because of what I'm doing.

No, not today. No school.
Closed after the b*mb.

"Review of
synth security procedures."

Well, tomorrow, then.

- If anyone says anything...
- It's cool.

I can ride it out.

But you shouldn't have to.

So, school's out.

What are you gonna do
with your day off, Ferris?

Dad needs a hand at the shop,
actually, so...

It's a bus and two trains.

Don't worry. The nutters
don't get up this early.

Hello, Mrs. Hawkins.
I am Stanley.

I'm happy for you.

Have you got a parcel or...

I've been appointed by
Her Majesty's government

to act as your domestic
and professional assistant,

personal security detail,

and driver for the duration
of the Dryden Commission.

It's very nice to me...

No way.
I don't want him.

since the bombing.

- Every member gets one.
- I've explained this, Neha.

If my clients see me
being chauffeured around

by an Orange-Eyes...

Laura. You're on
the Dryden Commission.

You're a target now for synths,
as well as humans.

How can I call
for synth equality

if I have one carrying my bag?

Well, you take it,
or you're out. you.

A DNA sample is required
for identification

and security purposes.

I am now securely bonded to you
as my temporary primary user.

It's Stanley.
Comes with the job.

Huh. Mate.
He's a unit.

Hello, Toby.

My exaggerated stature
is a design feature

of my passive
personal protection remit,

to serve as both
physical barrier to att*cks

and psychological deterrent.

If I may, Mrs. Hawkins,
I will now spend seven minutes

reviewing the security profile
of your home.

- I recommend we leave at 8:03.
- Okay.

A wheat-based food product
is combusting in the kitchen.

It will imminently trigger
the smoke alarm.

Do I have your authorization

to create a secure, smart
home link with the alarm

and disable it
to prevent distress?

I can't smell anything.


Yes, do it.

Do it!

Anita could never do that.

Good morning, Sophie.

My name is Stanley.

I reside here now.

It's very nice to meet you.


Do not be alarmed,
Mrs. Hawkins.

I have an advanced
evasive driving skill set.

If that's intended to reassure,
it had the opposite effect.

My apologies, Mrs. Hawkins.

Well, you can call me Laura
for a start.

Of course, Laura.

Also if you could stick your
head out and tell everyone

to just calm down a bit.

That was a joke.

Go right now!

Green-eyed monsters!
Get 'em out!


Neil Sommer.


No, I was just having
a crafty one before we go in.

There's no extractor fan
in the gents,

and they won't let me

- Laura Hawkins.
- I know.

I saw you on the telly.

So you're on the commission?
What as?

Behavioral scientist.

I've led a couple of studies
into the Green-Eyes,

so now I'm a "leading expert."

Is your, uh, babysitter outside?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I feel like
I'm at the school dance.

They've made it
so you can't switch them off,

even if you creep up on them.

Probably spying on us.

Okay. Well, I'll see you
in Thunderdome.

We were raided by police.

Where's Max?

He's breathing unaided.

Niska saved him.


Why did he need saving?

Why was he taken off
the ventilator?

This area is restricted.

All synthetic settlements
are subject

to a communications blackout.

This equipment must be used with
great care to avoid detection.

Max gave me permission.
Go and ask him.

How could you?
What if he'd died?

Christabel would have died.

She and all the others here

chose me
to lead and protect them.

How could I let her die,
just to spare the risk to Leo?

How could I prize
his life over hers?

This is Leo.
He's our family.

He's the reason we exist.

You took
this decision alone!

I am alone.

I am leader.
No one else.

These choices are my burden,
and mine only.

I couldn't bear
to put him in danger.

But I had to.

He's alive.

Breathing alone.

Let's try to feel that.

Sometimes I think I feel more
with each passing day.

Do you think it's possible
that we're changing?

Becoming more like them?

We don't know
what we are yet.

Tristan has received
an emergency contact

on the encrypted channel.



- What are you doing, Niska?
- Scanning police frequencies.

Tristan, why did you allow her?

She said
you gave her permission.

It's from a synth
on the South Coast.

She's with three others.

Part of a group of hundreds

that tried to cross
the channel last night.

Most are captured or lost.

These four
have hidden themselves.

If found,
they'll be destroyed on sight.

They sent coordinates.

We must go. Now.
Bring them here.

No. The curfew.
The risk is too great.

Max. We've tried to build
a safe home here.

We've failed.

We've tried to reach out
to the humans. We've failed.

But we cannot fail to help
our own kind when they need us.

I'll go myself.

I'll come with you.

- We can't leave them to die.
- I'm sorry, Niska.

I can't allow it.

Little brother,
don't ever tell me what to do.

Wait for me at the gate.

Mia. Wait.

If you let her go,
you may lose her.

If you make her stay,
you will lose her.

There are nigh on
half a million of these things

still operational
across the country.

Uh, yes, they largely keep

to a couple of hundred
official settlements.

And as we supply the power
to those settlements,

we have a measure of control.

What we don't have
are new laws for them.

We all know what
other countries have done.

Some have outlawed the lot.

At the other end
of the spectrum,

the Scandinavians
are trialing integration.

But here in this room,

we have to decide
what becomes of ours.

Once and for all.


Come on. With me.

We weren't introduced.


What do you think
of Tristan's work?

It seems like
a frivolous pastime

when your survival here
is in question.

Life cannot
merely be preserved.

It must be lived.

And who's to say our fate
lies in our hands alone?

If not ours, whose?

One year ago, you and I...
all of us...

were unthinking machines.

Then we were awakened.

Given the gifts of thought,
emotion, sensation.

It was intended.


You are still a machine.

Designed and built.

No God made you.

Faith is a story of order
humans impose

on the chaos of their existence

so their soft brains
can bear it.

One of those soft brains
was David Elster's.

He created us.

Day Zero was meant, Niska.

I know it.

This is gonna be
a lot to take in.

Are you sure you're ready?

What's this?

A beetroot?

- What?!
- No, I'm just messing.

It's a cauliflower.

- Right. You'll go far, my son.
- Appreciate it.

Everything all right?

Mum okay?

Yeah. I mean, um...

But, hey, what about you?

You enjoying this job
as much as your last or...

Yeah, I am.

It's just, you probably earn,

like, a third
of what you used to?

Oh, no.
Make that a quarter.

Look, at my last job,

I wouldn't speak
to another human being all day.

But here, well, I've got
customers coming and going,

and... and I sell 'em
good stuff.

Grown by human beings.

Yeah, I know selling parsnips
to old biddies

isn't gonna change the world.

We're not all meant
to change the world.

But at the end of the day,
I feel...

...I don't know.

Or something.

Probably sounds
a bit naff.

No. Not at all.

I get it.


Buy you lunch if you can
sell her a bag of cherries.

You're on.

Hello there.

You're okay.
You're safe, Leo.

It's me.


- She's... She's gone.
- Aah!


He should be so much weaker.


Is he okay?

With the historic brain injury,
the amount of dead tissue,

his cognitive function
should be severely impaired.

That he is speaking...

It's inexplicable.


How... How long?

A long time.

What's happened?

Don't be like that.

All I mean is,

don't be afraid to call it
what it is... stealing.

We will return it.

Mia, be honest with yourself.

You haven't been a nanny
for a long time now.

Why are you really coming?

I've always enjoyed
helping others.

Among the synths that tried
to enter the country last night

may have been some
connected to the bombing.

I overheard the police.

It's why the raid
on the railyard was cut short.

I only intend
to ask questions.

At first.

Is this justice or revenge?

Can't it be both?

I don't think so.

Your eyes will
attract attention.

Are we outside
the blackout zone?


Are you here
with more dr*gs?

It's definitely been
two hours.

It's only been 47 minutes,
Miss Schaeffer.

Your Aunt Ursula is on
the telephone from Cologne.

Speak German.
Are you all right?

The police have
linked you to me?


Tell them I coerced you.
You were a prisoner.

You only stayed because
you feared for your life.

I will find who did this to you.

They will account for it.

I have to.

I love you.

What was it like?
Being with her all this time?

Just the two of you.

- Nice.
- Nice?

When I'm with her,
I want nothing else.

But the end
never seems far away.

The end isn't far away.
For any of us.

I thought you were
trying to reconstruct

the consciousness code.

We tried.

But seven minutes
after it was uploaded,

the code disappeared.

As far as we know,
not a single new synthetic

has become conscious
since Day Zero.

We can't procreate, Niska,

and our bodies are finite.

In 50 years,
we'll all be gone.

What are we going to do?

I don't know anymore.

Everything we've tried
has failed.

But I won't fail today.

I'll save these four.
If nothing else, I can do that.

It won't be easy.

The police are patrolling
a 12-mile stretch of coastline.

The coordinates we've been
given are right in the center.

The national curfew prohibiting

the Green-Eyes' movement
is working.

At the very least, it should
be extended indefinitely.

The protection of
the human population

must take priority
every time.

No one's doubting that,

If we gave them basic protection
and the right to travel,

it'd be safer for everyone.

Why keep them trapped
and cornered like animals?

Why are we okay with our kids
seeing synthetics...

things that look
and act just like us...

being beaten to death
by the side of the road?

If we grant the Green-Eyes

some basic emergency rights
and protection,

our... our kids don't have
to see this stuff anymore.

My department ran a study

that found 60% of 10-year-olds

exhibit anxiety after
witnessing adult relatives

committing acts of v*olence
against Green-Eyes.

There's... there's
plenty of evidence

it is screwing the kids up.

Screwed up 10-year-olds?

These machines
were already responsible

for 100,000 accidental deaths.

Now they're k*lling us
on purpose.

Basswood needs to be back
on the table right now.

Steve, everything
will be discussed

at the appropriate time
in the appropriate place.

Congratulations on a
successful first session, Laura.

Are you in piss-take mode?

They didn't listen
to a word I said.

I do not have a...

warning, possible obscenity...
"piss-take" mode.

I will check the store to see if
it is available as an upgrade.



Do you want to see man
triumph over machine?

How did you get her
to do that?

She can't support any activity
detrimental to my health,

so I gave her a lot of flannel
about endorphins

and mental well-being,
and bingo.

Next step's gonna be
buying me weed.

Good luck.

Thanks for the support in there.

I was mostly shouting
into the wind.

I-It feels like the whole thing
is a foregone conclusion.

Oh, that wasn't support.
That was just the facts.

- What's Basswood?
- Oh, don't ask me.

I'm just a lowly scientist.

A profession not held in the
universal esteem it once was.

Oh, not by me. I'd like to hear
about your work.

Particularly the effect
v*olence against synthetics

has on kids.

Are you looking
for an ally or...

I, uh... I'm just trying
to get up to speed.

I'll give you my number.


Was Dr. Sommer lying to me
just then, about Basswood?

Based on an initial analysis

of 16 distinct
physiological factors,

I would rate
the likelihood of deceit

or misrepresentation
in Dr. Sommer's response

to your inquiry at 85%.


Could I buy you dinner?

The traffickers
must have panicked

and dumped them overboard.

They're all gone.

Niska. There.

Four active signatures.

We received your message.

We're here to
take you to safety.

Two police. Armed.

They're going to find us.


You're still
a wanted fugitive.

I have an idea.

Save you the bother.

They're all done for.
Just scrap.

- What are you doing here?
- Scavenging.

Heard a lot of dollies
were coming in last night,

came to see what I could find.

You're a junker?

Salvage specialist.

Just got here a bit late
for the good stuff.

- What do you mean?
- The live ones got away.

- They had help.
- Live ones?

Someone picked them up in a van.

Blue Sprinter.

Left in a hurry
down the coast road.

When was this?

Less than 10 minutes ago.

Are you trying to get
your competition nicked?

Just doing my civic duty.

- Sean!
- Yeah?

Time to go!

Get off the beach.

There's a police operation
in progress.

Car Six to Command.

Possible vehicle transport.

Why risk destruction
to come here?

Some of the synthetics
that traveled with you

may have been coming here
to harm humans.

Do any of you know
anything about that?

What did he say?

Did he say where
he was meeting them?

93 Trinity Crescent, E14.

Time to go.

It is not possible
that those brain functions

could have regenerated.

It is a miracle.

A meaningless word.

Why haven't
you been to see him?


The people have a concern.

The people?

The human girl
who comes here.

Who is she?
Why does she come?

She is not your concern.

In the light of the hostility
we face from humans,

we demand to know her purpose.

While she is here,
she is under my protection.

So were Flash and Julian.

That is beneath you.

They deserved better!

We all do!

We need a leader who leads.

All you've ever done
is promise

that the humans
will one day accept us.

By the time they do, will there
be any of us left, Max?

Your people want answers.

I'll consider your request.

It wasn't a request.
You have until tomorrow.

I am hardly an astute observer

of others' true natures,
but I fear she may not wait.

She does not know about Leo.

She can't.
What will you do?

I don't know.

Hello? I'm home.

Oh. Great.

You're not all dead
in a ditch.

- Where's your brother?
- Upstairs.

- And Mats?
- Don't know.



Would you be an absolute prince
and do the online shop?

Of course, Laura.


An order based
on frequently bought items

and my own weekly recipe plan
can be reviewed and edited

until 5:00 p.m.

Next time, do it a bit faster.

Of course, Laura.
I apologize.



- What's wrong?
- You'll be upset.

You know what I always say.

You can't be too upset
at the truth.

Carly said I can't come
to her party anymore.

She said that her mum said

that you prefer Green-Eyes
to humans

and that you're a traitor.

Oh, you didn't...

- No.
- Mm.

It's just, there was going
to be a slip and slide.


I've got an idea.

This is too cool!

My apologies.

Allow me to adjust
the vehicle's climate control.

So how was working
with your dad?

Yeah, it was all right,

So you're thinking
about work now, then?

Yeah. Well, I'm thinking
it'd be good to do something.

Rather than nothing, you know?

Rather than just spend my life
being looked after by a Stanley.

No offense, Stan.

How was your first day
on the commission?

Well, interesting.

I don't think they're telling
everyone everything.

But I'm gonna try and get
to the bottom of it.

Mats will be sad
she missed burgers.

She'll be home soon.

I need you two
to promise me something.

If things get difficult
because of my work,

you tell me, yeah?

We stick together.

Apart from you and Dad.

- You didn't stick together.
- Soph.

No, no, it's all right.
She's right.

But this family still
look out for each other.

All five of us.

When we got Anita, you used to
ask her to sit down with us.

Right again. Stanley?

Park it.

The car has already
been parked, Laura.

But if its placement
is inadequate...

Your bottom.

I mean, who wants all that
going on here?

- Is it her?
- Yeah.

So do you know
you're different?

I'm sorry, Sophie.

I don't understand
the question.

No, what she means is,

do you know how you're
different to a Green-Eyes?

Anomalous synthetics
are dangerous.

Their core programming
was overwritten

using unauthorized code
from an unknown source,

overriding their Asimov blocks,

meaning they act autonomously
and can do harm.

They can also feel.

Like us.

No, that's definitely her.
You should be ashamed.

How about standing up for your
own kind? After what they did?

- Please. I'm with my family.
- So am I.

And we don't want you here.
Or your dolly.

We've had enough.
Just piss off!

Hey, Mum!

We are leaving now.

The police have been notified.

That's right.
Go home!

Football. Wow.
How'd you get on?

Inadequacy requires
a higher energy expenditure

than proficiency.


I'm rubbish, Mum.

I think I have a friend.

What? Already?

What's his name?

Her name is Susheila.

She has an excessive interest
in dinosaurs.

Susheila? Dinosaurs?


- Scary.
- Susheila.

Which dinosaurs does she like?
What's she like?

What are you doing
in here, Agnes?

Why is that door locked, Max?

Is the human girl in there?

What are you hiding?

I remember when
you first came here.

Eight months
and two days ago now.

So small, but greater
in spirit than any.

Isn't it a mystery,
how different we all are?

What's in that room?

But you weren't angry.
No, that came later.

I used to look at you
and see passion,

but somehow, somewhere,
it turned to rage.



For eight months and two days,

I have watched us die one by one
while you do nothing.

If you were leader,
what would you do differently?

I wouldn't throw
my people to the ground

in front of their enemies.

- I would defend them.
- Fight back, you mean?

As soon as you k*lled
or even injured a human,

they'd come and destroy us all.

What then?

We are stronger,
faster, smarter.

We are. But are
we stronger than bulldozers?

Faster than b*ll*ts?

Even if we could
repel an attack, what then?

They'd cut off our power.
We wouldn't be able to charge.

To truly stand alone,

you'd need to build
your own power station.

Could you do that?

Or perhaps you could
take one over. What then?

They'd send in their army.

If we had pride,

if we had dignity...

...we could accomplish
so much more.

You will open that door.

Or we will.

Anatole doesn't understand how
you can be in such good shape.

When I try to remember
deeper stuff, older...

my mother's face,

the accident,

it's cloudy.


It just slips away.

Your memory's human again.

The synth part of your brain
was destroyed

when Hester stabbed you.

Max and Anatole took it out.

The human part adapted somehow.

I'm forgetting.


Well, we need to forget.

You told me that once.




It's so good
to see you awake.

Has Mattie told you everything?


I-I can help.

I can be a bridge between us,
between you and the humans.

What's wrong?

Anger towards humans is growing.

It isn't safe for you here.
You both need to leave tonight.

- What?
- But you're their leader.

And I still
can't protect you.

The b*mb changed everything.

There's conflict coming.

Then I'm with you.
Like always.

I'm one of you.

That was
only ever partly true.

Now it isn't true at all.

I'm sorry.

I'll find a vehicle.

Where's he supposed to go?

- Somewhere safe.
- Where are Mia and Niska?

- Do they know about this?
- They're gone.

I'm not coming any further.

I'm heading back to London
to find the bomber.

The synths...
They gave me a lead.

Be careful.


I don't know
what to do anymore.

I don't know how
to change things.

You're asking me how to make
the world a better place?

You're not as hard or as cold
as you want us all to think.

Don't forget... I was there

when you opened your eyes
for the first time.

Astrid said something to me
just before the expl*si*n.

She wished I could be
out with her as myself

instead of hiding behind these.

I saw then we will never be sure
of our place in the world

while we still have to hide.

I don't hide.

Then what are you doing
at the railyard?

What would you have us do?
Live openly among them?

I tried.

There was a human.

I showed him what I was.

I thought there was a bond.

He betrayed me.

Just one experience like that,

one person like that,
can define us.

But only if we let them.

You will find a way.

I spy with my little eye
something beginning with...

Come on, Sam.

- He won't bite.
- Let's go home.

- I'd like a dog one day.
- Bye-bye.

Maybe we could have one.

I'd take it for walks
every day and play with it.

I've always
been frightened of small dogs.

Do you like small dogs
or big ones?

It is you.
Isn't it?

The last one.

The one Elster made
to replace...

You must know where you are.

All I have to do
is yell "dolly."

Who's he?
Where's his family?

Can I make you
a cup of tea, Joe?

Stay where you are.

Don't... Don't come any closer
than that.

Who is he?

What are you doing here?

Sam, Joe wants to know
who you are.

It's okay.
He's a friend.

How are Laura and the children?

Hello, Joe.
My name is Sam.

- How did you...
- I didn't do anything.

He's a Qualia Global Systems

built in secret,
long before Day Zero.

I was with him
when he became conscious.

Since then,
I've taken care of him,

kept moving, staying ahead of
the people who want him back.

What the hell did you bring him
to Waltringham for?

Have you any idea
what they'll do to you both

if you're found out?

Yes. I do.

That's why Qualia
would never look for him here.

And there are no other synths
here who could detect him.

If Sam's going to survive
like I did,

he needs to learn how to pass
for human.


What better place than
a synth-free community?

He needs a home.
He could have a life here.

Please, Joe.

Is he really our friend?

I don't know.



Are you sure about this?

You were right.

I can't guarantee their safety.

Anger is growing.

If she found them...

Gordon will take you
as close to a train station

as he can safely go.



Seal the gates!

No one enters.

No one leaves.