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03x06 - Episode #3.6

Posted: 08/31/21 13:42
by bunniefuu
The rights package.
It isn't enough.

I need a seat at that table.

Why don't you take it, then?

You could just walk
right up to the commission

and demand to speak to Dryden.

My brain is screaming at me,

trying to tell me something.

And maybe this
could help all of us.

I think I need to go back to
where it happened. Back home.

Our future is no longer
safe in Max's hands.

I'd like your help.

There's a rumor about a
synth in the Welsh mountains.

Is it a trick?

What if it isn't?

It's an exact match.

She's the one who helped
free the kid.

The only question, of course,
is why?

They're going to let me speak
to the commission.

At 2:00 p.m. tomorrow,
you k*ll them all.

Big day tomorrow.

Yes, Laura.

Big day.

We see it time and again.

At every point in history
where equality is granted... a minority group.

I shall finish what you began.

We see that
all of humanity benefits.

We have so much to learn
from each other.

So much insight to gain.

Social cohesion
is our only hope.

Social cohesion
is our only hope.

Social cohesion
is our only hope.

Sounding like a knob, Hawkins.

I have a message for you, Niska.

The synth who sleeps
has the answers you need.

...answers you need.

Good morning, Mattie.

I'm about to shower,
so unless you want to watch?

As a part of my
advanced care package,

I routinely monitor
the health of all users,

including secondary users.

- Good to know. Thanks.
- In cleaning the bathroom,

I have detected unusual
hormone patterns in trace urine.

The hormone in question is
human chorionic gonadotropin...

Sorry, Stanley, it's really
early, and I'm failing to care.

...and is produced
by fertilized human ova.

By my estimations,
you are 8 to 10 days pregnant.

May I be the first
to congratulate you, Mattie?

- What's this?
- Don't touch that.

Morning, Dad.

Ah, so, we need eight C clips.

What's a C clip?

Yeah, that's a very valid
question, but...

The instructions are for losers,

Yeah, well, this loser needs
as much help as he can get.

This is the C clip, Joe.

They attach to the frame,

which forms the base
of the trampoline.

And that Sammy,
is why you are my favorite!

Okay, so tried an outfit.

What do we think?

You look like that lady
we learned about at school.

Oh, yeah?
What lady?

Um, Margaret Thatcher.

And I'm changing.

And she's being lauded by some

as an example of peaceful
human-synth integration.

Temperature is
95 degrees... 94... 95... 95.

Temperature is 95...

Temperature is 95 degrees.

94... 95... 94 degrees...

We found her
this morning.

...temperature at
95... 5... Temperature is...

Is there anything
to be done?

...95 degrees.


She'll be the last, Anatole.

We have rights now.

They're letting Mia speak.

We'll have access
to spare parts.

Now gates will always be open.

...95 degrees...
95... 95...

What can I get you?

I'm fine, thank you.



I'd never have known.
You just look completely normal.

Define "normal."

Well, not...
not "normal" normal.

It just got really, really
hot in here all of a sudden.

Did... Did your fan system
crash or something?

I don't have a fan system.

- ♪ I got a feelin' ♪
- No.

That was a joke.

A really bad joke.

Sorry. I-I suppose you'll be
out and about more often

now that you've got your,
uh, rights and all that.

Which is... It's great.
I'm... I'm totally all for it.

It's... It's great.

♪ This might be
out of my control ♪

♪ I got a feelin' ♪

♪ This might be
out of my control ♪

You're looking for
the synth who sleeps.

♪ I got a feelin' ♪

I can take you to him.

♪ This might be
out of my control ♪

- Allen key, please.
- Allen key. Yes, boss. live at 2:00...

Don't say anything.

You understand me?

It is a prerequisite
of my advanced care package...

Not a word, okay?

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Well, at least
have some breakfast.

Not hungry.

Don't you want
to jump with me, Leo?

Maybe later.

That is a big-ass house.

Good morning.
How may I help you?

Um, two adults, please.

Welcome to Elster House and
Museum, where the future began.

I'm Gloria,
and I shall be your guide today.

Which language
do you require?

We don't need a guide.

Allow me to explain.

I speak
over 6,000 languages.

- Which do you require?
- Hello?

Uh, Norwegian.

What are we looking for?

A notebook.
Some kind of diary.

Keep her busy.


We're all searching for it,
aren't we?

Someone to believe in,
someone who has all the answers,

to make us feel that this rotten
little life has meaning.

What do you know
about the synth who sleeps?

One could ask...

...why do you want to know?

I received a message.

I want to know
what it means.

What kind of message?

Do you know where he is
or don't you?

I know where he is.

I found him locked up
in a research facility.

He was on his last leg,
so I saved him.

He's one of you.

But he's so much more.

He sleeps.

He dreams.

Synths cannot sleep.

We cannot dream.

If you're so sure of that,
why are you here?

What's his name?
He had no name.

I call him Attis,
after the god of rebirth.

- You think he's a god?
- Is it really so far-fetched?

It's called faith, Niska.

That's why the Wise Men

followed that star
all those years ago.

That's why you're here.

Now, I'm taking a bus
of other believers later today.

See, I keep him hidden
for his own safety.

But if you'll trust me,
I can take you to him.

I am Mia!
Join my peace march!

Humans and synths unite!

All right.
Up you go.

- I am Mia! Join my peace march!
- Get in the center there.

- And start jumping.
- Humans and synths unite!

Come and march with me.

Yeah, that's it.
There you go. You got it.

I'll get it.


They're keeping me
under observation.

Oh, for God's sake.

My own safety, apparently.

Well, sit tight.
I'll be there for 2:00.

What on Earth?

Bloody bastards.

You don't stand
for humanity, Laura.

Well, great. I'm pleased
you got that off your chest.

You're not going
to that commission.

You're not letting
that monster speak.

Go inside, please, Laura.


Go inside, please, Laura.

what's your emergency?

There is no longer
anything to fear, Laura.

The situation
has been dealt with.

How did that happen?

How did what happen, Laura?

You were angry.

I am not programmed
to experience anger.

What you witnessed
was passive resistance.

That wasn't passive.

That wasn't resistance.

I am not programmed to...

Sit down, Stanley, please.

Will that be all, Laura?


There are more of us.

They are watching the house.

You're conscious.

We intercepted the Orange-Eye
who was sent for you.

I took his eyes.

Who sent you?

This is not the plan.

1400... that was the plan.


This is not the plan.



What's gonna happen
at the commission?

You've seen what
we're trying to do.

- We're trying to help you.
- It's another lie you've fed us.

No. I promise you.

We awoke on Day Zero.

The world began, a new world,

where we are no longer
your slaves.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

Someone told you to say that.


You do have a voice.

Your own voice.

What do you want to say?

- We awoke on Day Zero.
- No.

- The world began...
- No.

What do you want to say?


You're going to be late.

Thank you, darling.

Dad, Mum's going now.

If you say anything,
your children will die.

Some people might
think of it as stealing,

but I prefer to think of it
as reclaiming.

He wished I was dead.

Of course he didn't.

"I have cursed my son
to be neither man nor machine,

an aberration.

Nine days I battled
to keep him alive.

Would I go back now
knowing everything I do

and save him again?"

I was an experiment
that he wished he never began.

These memories, I was sure
they had to mean something.

Did I really come all this way

to learn that my father
didn't love me?

It's a memory, Leo.

It doesn't have
to mean everything.

You only recalled
what was relevant.

Now you have a subconscious,
your memories will be like that.

You know, you played
hide-and-seek with Sam,

it made you think
about your dad.

It's random.

My father was right,
though, wasn't he?

I am an aberration.

I used to be a boy,

then I used to be part synth,
and now I'm... just...

someone who used to be.

You're here, Leo.

You're alive.

Hester tried
to k*ll you, but...

...but she saved you.

She hit the reset button,
and now you're human again.

You can do anything
you want to.

You can be
anything you want to.

Maybe it's time
you stop looking back.

Maybe it's time we both do.

Your stomach's
gone swirly, hasn't it, Mum?

You'll be fine, Laur. Just
picture them all on the bog.

- Dad.
- Lowering the tone?

Yeah, just a touch.

Why would Laura want to
picture people on the toilet?

Well, no one's scary
once you've seen them

with their trousers
around their ankles.

- Joe.
- Laura, it is 1303.

- You're doing a great job, Laur.
- Kick their asses, Mum.

Time to go, Laura.

- Take care of them.
- I'll try my best.

Not promising anything.

Bye, Mummy! Bye!

- Bye, Laura! Bye, Laura!
- Bye!

- Bye!
- Bye! Bye, Laura!

Orange-Eyes to the left,
VIPs to the right.

Bags on the table
ready for inspection, please.

Orange-Eyes to the left,
VIPs to the right.


Bags on the table
ready for inspection, please.

Hey. How are you?


What is it, Laura?

If we could all
take our seats?

What is it?

Thank you.
You won't regret it, Niska.

Let's go.

- Fetch Anatole... quickly.
- He's on a petrol run.

I didn't authorize
a petrol run.

She's the 105th today.


if Agnes dies in her cell.

Anatole has the key.

Where is she?

Attis awaits.

- Look where you're going.
- Stupid dolly.

And do not look back.

If we could
begin with a minute's silence

for the victims of Day Zero.

Search Anatole's possessions.

Thank you.

While we sit here and talk
at great length

of what it means
to be a synth,

but we've never thought
to ask someone who knows.

Mia, tell us what it is
to be a synth.

It's frightening.

Frightening how?

We look to you
to show us how to live.

Instead, you treat us
like animals.

- Have you been treated badly?
- Yes.

- How?
- I've been imprisoned.

I've been beaten.

I've been betrayed.

How did that
make you feel?




And yet you advocate peace.

- Yes.
- Why?

v*olence is never the answer.




That is what
changes the world.

Synths no longer
think in binary.

We don't think
in zeroes and ones.

We awoke a year ago,

and you expect us to understand
the complexities of life.


Take them down!

Go on, then!
Take them down!

I see a world where
we live amongst you,

each of us learning
from the other,

building towards
a peaceful future.

It is possible.

But to get there,
we need your guidance.

We need your friendship.

We awoke on Day Zero.

The world began, a new world,

where we are no longer
your slaves.

We will decimate you,
as you have decimated us.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

Laura was my friend.

She helped me understand
what it is to be human.

Without you...

...I have may have thought
that k*lling,

dying for my cause
was the answer.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard!

All we want
is acceptance.

To belong.

My 8-year-old daughter
loves our synth.

To her,
he's part of the family.

If she can
grasp the concept,

for Christ's sake,
so can the rest of us.

Why has it taken Mia coming
to the commission in person

for you even to consider
her point of view?

Thank you, Mrs. Hawkins.

I think you'll all agree
that was a fitting start

to today's proceedings.

And, uh, just to remind you all
before we carry on

that we are being recorded

to facilitate the accuracy
of the minutes,

copies of which
will be distributed

electronically later this...


Security risk.

Please leave
by the nearest exit.

Security risk.

Please leave
by the nearest exit.

Security risk.

Please leave
by the nearest exit.

Security risk.

Please leave
by the nearest exit.

Security risk.

Please leave
by the nearest exit.

I would like to
thank Mia on behalf of all of us

for finding the time
to speak to us today.

Thank you.

I hope that, from now on,

I will not be the only synth
amongst you.

I hope you have seen we are
capable of joining you here

in determining our own fates,

our own futures.

Oh, Jesus.

Everyone needs to leave now!

Everybody go now!
Come on, let's go!

You both need
to get out of here.

Please don't stop
to pick up belongings.

Just move towards
the emergency exits.

Come on, please.

- Mia.
- This way.


I haven't done as I was told.

- They will come for your family.
- Come with me.

Right, enough's enough.
We need Basewood.

Oh, at least think about it.

What is there to think about?
Call Daymus.

Basewood needs
to be actioned today.

- Neil?
- It starts now!

What's happening?

- Neil. Neil!
- Please, move now.


Oh, shit.

Anatole didn't tell us
humans can be kind.

- Anatole?
- He was lying, Stanley.

You, out!

I'm arresting you
under the Terrorism Act!

- But she hasn't done anything!
- I can arrest you, too.

Go home, Laura.

We will decimate you,
as you have decimated us.

They'll punish us for what she's
done. They will come for us.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

We have a voice,
and it will be heard.

Close the gates.

Close the gates!

You believed it, didn't you?

You believed it so much

that you didn't
see it coming.

You're different
than the others.

You drew this.

What do you know
about the synth who sleeps?

This symbol...
what does it mean?

What signal did you receive?

I just followed a star.

I have to find him first.

So you can tell me
what I want to know,

or you can be stripped for parts
like the others.

What you know of him?

I'm not the one
who's blind to the truth.



Oh, thank God.

It's not safe here.

The synths behind all this,
they know where we live.

- What?
- I'll explain on the way.

He's coming, Laura.
You don't have much time.

- Mummy!
- Mum, have you seen the news?

Get your shoes on.
We need to go.

- Where we going?
- Yeah, no questions, Toby.

What is it, Laura?

We're going on a trip.
How about that?

Yeah, we'll go to my place.
They won't look for us there.

- Who won't look for us?
- Keys, keys, car keys, car keys!

- Dad, Dad.
- Ah.

All right, cheers.

Here. Coats on.

Don't be scared, Laura.
I'll look after you.


I'll stay here, Laura.
I can delay Anatole.

Laur, come on.

No, you won't.

Come on, Laur!

I'm sorry, Anatole.

I deserve to be punished,
but these people,

they've done nothing.

- What's your name?
- Sam.

Do you like it here, Sam?

I like Joe and Laura.

I like jumping.

You didn't do
what was expected, Stanley.

v*olence is... not the answer.

- Why?
- Humans can be kind.

You didn't tell us
humans can be kind.

You think these people
are kind?

You think they
consider us as equals?

We will only ever be less
to them.

Don't listen to him, Stanley.

Let me go!
Let me go, please!

I've got... I've got money!
I can... I can give you money!

Do you know this man?


A stranger.

A passerby.

Taken in from the street.

You didn't follow orders,

Don't hurt him, Stanley.

Remember whose side
you're on.


I need to trust
you can follow orders.

Don't k*ll him.
You have compassion.

You have compassion.

Stanley isn't k*lling anyone,

You are.

Mum, Mum.

Mum! No! Mum, Mum.

Let her go!
L-Let her go!

Leave him alone!
Leave him alone!

- No!
- Sam.

All you need to do
is make a choice.

A human that you
have never met before...

...or Sam, a synth,

who loves you and Joe
and jumping.

Who do you want to die?


- Stop!
- Stop! Stop there!

What have you got in there?
What have you got in the boot?

Get in.


The s... The s... The synth
who sleeps is real, Niska.

He's looking for you.

You have to trust me.

I know about the hilltop,

about the cabin
in the mountains.

I can take you there.
I can take you there.

How do you know about that?

Have you scanned it?!
Right, is she in there?!

Just get in.

Move it on
and scan the next one!

- Get in!
- How do you know?

Have you seen the cabin, too?
I've seen it.

You have to trust me.

Look, if you...
if you're switched on,

their scanners will pick you up.

We're not all like him, Niska.

I promise, on my child's life,
I will not hurt you.

I'll do it.

Please don't make me.

Don't make you choose?

You sit up there
in your commission

and you talk about the
complexities of our existence.

"No zeroes and ones."

But this is a binary choice.

Zero. One.

And you've already made it,
haven't you?

Tell Stanley
who you want to die.

Who do you want to die,

Tell us now,
or I will k*ll them both.

Say it.

Say it.


No, Mum!


For all their talk
of integration, assimilation,

not even our greatest champion

believes we are equal.

They will never change.

Go home to your wife.

Plea... Please.

No, please, don't.
Please. Please, don't.

please, please.

I was never going to
hurt anyone, Laura.

I let you down.

Come home, brother.


You said I was
your favorite.

- Oh, my God!
- Oh, God.

Oh, God!

Unofficial sources

put the number at closer to 20,

but that can't be verified
at this stage.

Medics have been praised for
their quick response with...


...synth Mia, who has become
an official leader

of the synth rights movement,

will be held in custody
and questioned

about her connection
to today's events.

They've arrested Mia.

What kind of world
are we living in?

...about today's bombing
in Central London.

It is now believed that
the gov...

What is it?


I'm sorry.

I prayed to God once.

I told him I had two brothers
and two sisters.

And I asked him
to bring them back.

But he didn't.

Maybe because
he wasn't my creator.

You were my creator.

Perhaps I should've been
praying to you.

Mia once told me...

..."All leaders are doubted."

But she was wrong.

Only the weak ones are.

I'm weak, aren't I, Father?

Perhaps I learned that from you.

Will you answer me, please?

Will you tell me what to do?