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06x10 - A Tale of Two Cities

Posted: 08/31/21 14:52
by bunniefuu
This convention instructs the Democratic National Committee...

that it shall include in the call for the 1972 convention...

the following addition to section one-

quote, it is the further understanding...

Should I pack your swim trunks?


They're supposed to be debating the w*r.

They can debate it all they want, they just can't come out against it.

Then no one will vote for Humphrey.

Over Nixon?

Well, they can't have the whole convention without talking about the w*r.

Thirty seconds after prime time, they'll start the debate.

Cops have been hassling protesters all day.

Also not in prime time.

- You're so cynical. - Come over here.

Come with me. We'll go back to Disneyland.

From what I remember, something amazing happened there.

- I made the biggest mistake of my life. - That's true.

You know I'd come if I could.

You'll have fun. Just stay away from actresses.

Do they have them out there?

I hate actresses.

Kenny said that this time he went to a floor...

in the Chevy building he'd never been to before.

He said it was like Get Smart.

Just a bunch of doors in procession.

And he met the man he believes to be the source of our current t*rture.

- What's his name? - Same as the rest of them- Jack something.

Apparently his feelings were hurt because we haven't kissed his ring.

Well, I'd be happy to go there and help soften him up.

If anyone's going, I'm going.

But you can't because you're going to Los Angeles for- What again?

I'm going to pay them a visit immediately.

Don't want to miss our flight. Are we going?

- Right after the partners' meeting. - Oh.

Are we done here?

Sweetheart, could you step out?

This morning I received an envelope addressed to Sterling Gleason and Pryce.

- From who? - It doesn't matter.

They don't know our name because we don't know our name.

Aren't we SCDPCGC?

Not officially.

Well, I'm tired of the conversation that goes along with my business card.

I know that no one has observed the memo that requested specifically...

that all seven letters be used when answering the phone.

Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Pryce, Cutler, Gleason and Chaough? It's a mouthful.

SCDPCGC is a mouthful.

But CGCSCDP is not.

- I don't agree. - We've each lost a partner.

Why don't we each lose a letter?


- What do the C's stand for? - Not Campbell.

- Cooper and Cutler. - Pardon me?

Well, SCDCC. sounds like a stutter and looks like a typo.

Very well, if it puts this to rest, I will gladly withdraw my name...

along with the other deceased parties in this conversation.

Bert, don't be a martyr.

Want to throw away both of these brands?

Just leave it alone. We'll get a bigger front door.

Well, of course you like it. You're at the front.

- I'm at the end. - I'm at the end.

Well, I move to table this. You have fun in Detroit.

- And you have fun with Manischewitz. - Any special instructions?

Yeah, the guy in charge, just pick an eye and stick with it.

Very well, but it's my belief that any further delay...

in choosing our name will take it out of our hands...

and leave it up to the world.

You know Sunkist is still only doing print work?

I'm cutting you off.

- You're two ahead of me. - No, from work.

Come on. We're executives.

Leave the drudgery to Ted Chaough and the rest of the underlings.

- Did you prepare at all? - Sunkist, Carnation, the avocado people.

My biggest job in these meetings...

is to keep them from saying "golly" too many times.

Carnation has 27 million in billings.

I don't think the guy in charge ties his pants with a rope.

I didn't say that. But I guarantee they all have a certain regard...

for two gentlemen from the big city.

- You mean they won't trust us? - I mean they don't trust themselves.

I don't know if you realize it, but we are big New York admen...

from an agency with seven letters in its name.

That means under no circumstances...

are you to trot out that drawl you do when you've had too many.

Be slick. Be glib. Be you.

Well, I'm usually informed.

We're conquistadors.

I'm Vasco da Gama, and you're... some other Mexican.

We're gonna land there, buy whatever they've got for the beads in our pockets.

Our biggest challenge is to not get syphilis. Cathy.

Another round. And send one to the pilot.

... hours of a crimonious debate...

the Democratic National Convention has rejected a plank...

advanced by Democratic doves...

calling for an unconditional end to all bombing of North Vietnam.

- The discussion was conducted- - What's going on?

They delayed till noon, and then they rejected it.

- Rejected what? - The peace plank.

A chance to have a platform against the w*r.

Uh-huh. Then let me clarify my question.

What's going on with the work for Manischewitz?

Because you're for the w*r.

You know there's 200 body bags every week.

Figure out how to get into that business yet?

I refuse to be distracted by events in which I have no actual stake or participation.

- How could you say that? - Because he doesn't have any sons.

I served in the Air Force. Did you?

You're disgusting, you know that?

This whole thing works because people like you look the other way.

- Ginsberg. - My politics are private.

But that presentation isn't.

Now, are you gonna hide your dawdling behind your outrage?

You'll have your work, and you know it.

You can go in there and take credit for it like you always do.

Be friendly and charming after you've stuck your fascist boot on my neck!

So I'm a fascist because I gave you a deadline?

No, you're a fascist because you love business, and you hate everything else-

freedom, blacks, Jews.

- This is my stop. - I hate hypocrites.

Like hippies who cash checks from Dow Chemical and General Motors.

You rooting for the Soviets in Prague, too, you n*zi?

Michael, what are you doing? That man is your boss.

Why are you always down here? Go back upstairs!

You're a truncheon, Cutler!

Thanks for making that worse.

Hello, Ted.

You busy?


I think you know I'm a man without regrets...

but I do believe we fired the wrong people...

and I'd like to remedy that immediately.

Jim, I think you're upset.

No, because I have a solution.

I think we should remove the rest of their people...

while Sterling, Draper and Crane are in California.

Just lock the gates and leave Pete Campbell as the doorman.

- What happened? - Do I need cause?

How about failure to complete tasks coupled with gross insubordination?

Maybe part of it is you keep seeing this agency...

as our people and their people.

Well, how about your people and my people?

Do I have permission to clean out creative, starting with Mr. Ginsberg?

Jim, he's lightning in a bottle!

You have to start holding hands, starting with his.

Because I'll be in Detroit tomorrow, and you're taking him to Manischewitz.

Sterling's client and Draper's boy.

I'm the world's most expensive babysitter.

That's the spirit.

I suppose I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't ask-

is Kate pulling her weight around there?

She arranged this.

She did.

Well, Kate told me that you're the kind of woman...

who won't just tell me what I want to hear.

I hope she didn't make any promises.

My wife always says I'm the kind of man who doesn't like to ask for directions.

My new job has me face-to-face with ad agencies.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Kate said you were divorced.

I am. I forgot.

What does that say?

Anyway, what should I look for in an agency?

Oh, well, a good agency should tell you.

Go ahead.


That's why I'm here.


Of course.

Well, I suppose we don't just lean on stylish creative and market research.

We listen to the client.

Doesn't everybody do that?

Despite your modesty, you already know...

that the way to get invited into people's homes is through their TV sets.

Media placement is part science, part courage.

Anyone can tell you not to run makeup ads during football.

The trick is finding your customers in places you hadn't thought to look.

Harry Crane is a wizard.

They use a computer the size of this restaurant.

And what is your job there?

I'm in charge of thinking of things before people know they need them.

- I've got this. - Come on.

Please, this is what I get paid to do.

I was just coming to see you.

- But you're not going anywhere. - I was, but then you appeared.

At the risk of playing defense...

I only interfered because I hate disrespect.

I don't know what you're talking about.

- Neither do I. - Hmm.

I believe in you, Bob. But you're untested.

Manischewitz, tomorrow afternoon- think you can handle the parties involved?

Michael Ginsberg or the clients?

I don't see much difference, do you?

I think I can keep the volume down.


I welcome this chance to shine.


- Are you on a deadline? - No, do you need me?

- I need a drink. - Okay.

I had this lunch my friend Kate set up, and I think it's a potential client.

- I know he is. - Who is he?

The new head of marketing at Avon.

I thought it was a date, but it turned out to be better.

- I love Avon. - Of course.

And you'd be perfect for it.

It's just- I don't know what to do with it. He's leaving town tomorrow.

So set a meeting.

I know I have to, but Don's not here...

and I don't want to get kicked off the diving board.

We'll take it to Ted. He'll know what to do.

- What did I just say? - He's not like that.

- And what do I ask for? - I don't know.

You'll be the account man if that's what you want.

Trust me, he loves new business.

He doesn't care where it comes from. Let's go.

- I told you I wanted a rental car. - They insisted.

- Ted, do you have a minute? - Just barely.

Well, it's kind of urgent. Joan has a solid lead.

He's leaving tomorrow. We need to set a meeting.

Good for you. Get Pete Campbell down here.

- Who is it? - It's Avon Cosmetics.

Very groovy.

The new head of marketing, he's a friend of a very close friend of mine...

and I just wanted to introduce him to Peggy.

- Peggy'd be perfect for it. - You rang?

- Pete, as head of new business- - Since when? I don't want that.

Joan has a lead for Avon Cosmetics.

Peggy's creative. He's leaving town tomorrow. Reel him in.

Fly safe.

Avon Cosmetics.

That's Fortune 500. What's his name?

Andy Hayes.

My friend Kate just moved there from Mary Kay, and she sent him my way.

Tell me everything you can about him and set lunch tomorrow for Peggy and me.

I should be there.

Joan, this is how things get botched.

First, account man and creative.

Then if all goes well, next trip...

he visits the office, and you show him around.

I think he'll be expecting me.

Shouldn't Joan make the introductions?

I don't understand what the problem is.

You're going to make the call...

and tell him how important I am, and how exciting Peggy is.

And then we're going to tell him how essential you are.

Don't worry. You'll get all the credit.

Clara. Are you coming?

Geez. Hey, I let you sit up front.

Sorry about that. You need a hand?


There's no one from G.M. in Los Angeles?

- Get rid of that car. - And get us something with a roof.

Don't want to show up to a meeting with bugs in my teeth.

So, you want to take a dip in the pool or should I just wait in the bar?

- Both have attractive scenery. - Where's the bellman?

Mañana, Don. Everything's mañana here.

Need to take a shower. You can wait in the bar if you want.

- I'm gonna get room service. - We're gonna go to the Sunset Strip...

- Watch a girl dance in a cage. - That you heard?

Save your strength for tomorrow.

Going to a party in the hills.

- It's very hip. - Beverly Hills?

No, the hills. And it's movies, not TV.

My friend in development at CBS says it's going to be crawling with moguls.

- Geez, it's hot here. - It's a dry heat.

It's a dry heave.

Come on, Don. Let's go to the Strip right now and get some dinner.

No, I'm gonna turn in.

Tried to sleep on the plane, but somebody wouldn't stop talking.

Don't worry, I got this.

This is on tape since again we're not able to cover it live.

The tape you're about to see was made about 30 to 40 minutes ago.

It was supposed to be a nonviolent demonstration today.

And one will never know what it was that made it become violent.

This is directly in front of what advertises itself...

as the world's largest and friendliest hotel.

Where at this hour people stand around...

and sit in their rooms with handkerchiefs...

- Hello. - Are you watching this?


It's hard to believe no one got k*lled.

Is that the only measure?

Can you imagine a policeman cracking your skull?

It would change your whole life.

Honey, they're throwing rocks.

They're prepared for trouble.

In some places, plain clothes men are helping make the arrests.

On the bright side, Conrad Hilton is probably in that hotel right now.

Don't make jokes.

Megan, you can't even vote.

But I live here.

I'm sorry.

I want you to be careful.

This could easily start a riot.

Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.


You can if you want to.

I miss you.

Go for a swim.

It always makes you feel better.

The whole world is watching.

The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching.

There's a break in the arrests now-

We should hang up. This is costing a fortune.

Try and get some sleep.

You too.

- They're now moving down Balboa Street. - Bye.


So you came after all.

Pete couldn't make it.

What? How the hell are we supposed to do this?

Don't worry about it. Coffee, please.

I didn't know Ted was going to handle it that way.

Well, he did.

And Pete's not coming...

because he wasn't invited.

- You can't do that. - I did it.

If you want to leave, go ahead.

I hope I didn't keep you waiting, but I was trying to check out.

See, if you were a client, you could have left your key at the desk...

and we would have attended to that.

Andy Hayes, Peggy Olson.

She's the dynamite in our creative department.

I don't know about that.

Tomato juice and coffee, please.

I didn't want you to leave New York without meeting Peggy.

Her expertise has been honed by her work on Clearasil...

Pond's Cold Cream, and most relevant, Belle Jolie lipsticks.

I almost worked there.

- Do you remember "Mark your man"? - I do.

I grew up in an Avon home.

Our lady was Gladys Bowman.

She was very elegant.

My mother would vacuum the drapes before she came.

Then my sister and I would fight over the catalog.

- In fact- - In fact, all women...

have some kind of personal connection to Avon.

But that doesn't turn into advertising, now, does it?

Why don't you tell us your biggest challenge?

We're here to listen. It's just hard to hide our enthusiasm.

It's true.

Well, they don't bring in a new guy unless they're expanding or sales are flat.

I'm afraid it's the latter.

Women are working. They're not home.

And hippies don't wear makeup at all.

I'm not sure if we should try to be "groovier" or nostalgic.

We're somewhere in between right now.

That's about it.


Yes, Joan?

What do you think of your current work?

Besides the fact that it's not working?

It's okay. We didn't do it.

I don't know how to describe it.

Would you say it's unintentionally old-fashioned?

Yes. Yes, I would.

I'm sure you've thought of this already...

but Joan and I were saying how convenient it would be...

to have the Avon lady come to the office maybe during lunch.

Well, they're not resistant to trying that, just to advertising it.

There's no doorbell in an office.

I only saw a little bit of it on the morning news...

but I'm sorry I missed Humphrey's acceptance speech.

I assume he was high-voiced and desperate.

You're the exception. Early numbers look like over 80 million people.

Look, we all hated what we saw, but the Democrats are dead.

It's over. Not just now, maybe forever.

As you were. Nobody get up.

Nonsense, Jack. Great to see you finally.

Roger Sterling, Don Draper.

George was just laughing that these riots gave Nixon the election.

I don't think that's anything to smile about.

And although this boardroom has been the site...

of many casual political conversations among better men than us...

this is a business meeting.

You're right, Jack.

Last night was disgusting...

seeing those long-haired fools shame this country.

You think Richard Nixon is going to fix that?

I think he's a patriot.

Dutch Reagan is a patriot. Nixon is an opportunist.

Now why don't you gentlemen tell us how it's possible...

to devote your energies to our nutritious...

and delicious Instant Breakfast and Life Cereal at the same time?

Well, Jack, your powdered milk and dairy products...

have had a long, successful relationship with breakfast cereal.

There's no reason to give that up.

And as far as we can tell, Instant Breakfast has a different target- adults.

They don't eat cereal.

They eat bacon and eggs.

And this is healthier, easier and instant.

And what if we were to say we find the conflict unresolvable?

I'm sorry to interrupt, but we discussed this over the phone.

This is about a whole different level of exposure for your products.

All of them. You should be in game shows.

You should have a presence on Saturday morning.

Where we'll sit right next to one of your cereal ads?

- Don? - Look, Jack, George...

I'm sure you know that we would do anything to make this work.

We believe that strongly in Carnation.

We believe in the wholesomeness of both your intentions and your products.

To be frank, we've worked with New York firms before.

We come in in the morning, try to get you, everyone's at lunch.

And when people are at lunch around here...

that's just the time we get a message from you.

And with it comes an attitude...

as if to say we're not working hard out here.

I can assure you, it is very much to the contrary.

Look, we're sorry your last girlfriend hurt you.

We're in your office right now.

Tell us what you have in mind.

What is going on? I just handed you the business of your life.

What is going on? You just threw it away.

Morning, ladies.


Stop that.

What exactly are you planning to do?

Are you trying to intimidate me?

No, that's always been impossible...

because that would require respect for me or what I do.

I know you want this, and now you can't have it.

You could've, but now you can't.

It's mine. And I've been doing account work...

in one form or another since the day I started.

But you're not in that department.

I never said that to you...

when you stopped filing and started writing copy.

Yes, you did. Every day.

And it was worse because you made me feel like I couldn't do it.

I know you can do this.

So why do you think I should give it away?

I worked my way up.

You were so brave, letting Don carry you to the deep end of the pool.

I never slept with him.

Congratulations. You really are just like them.

I'm sorry, but I never thought I would be in the position to say...

"Joan, you've made a mistake."

I have to do it myself, Peggy.

This is the only way I could do it.

Because all that matters now is who has a relationship with that client.

Who is the client going to call?

Well, I am sick to my stomach...

thinking about what you're going to say when they find out.

I'll be fine.

Gentlemen, after all...

this business of selling narrows down to one thing.

Just one thing. Seeing the people.

Show me any man of ordinary ability...

who will go out and earnestly tell-

Benson here.

- Ginzo, you have a visitor. - Where is he?


- What's wrong? - I feel sick.

I got diarrhea. My mouth is dry.

I didn't sleep last night. I don't want to go. I'm not going.

Oh, sure. You'll talk to him?

I love you. You know that. You're a mother hen.

- Michael, you look fine. - Stop calling me Michael.

We have to go. It's a very important meeting.

And I don't say that to scare you, I say that to inspire you.

I'm not scared. I'm a thug.

I'm a pig. I'm part of the problem.

"Now I am become Death. Destroyer of worlds."

Come on, buddy. You're not Death.

You got a little stage fright.

Maybe you smoked too many funny cigarettes.

I never touch that stuff. It makes you crazy.

I know what you're feeling, and it's fear.

But not fear of failure, fear of opportunity.

I can't watch this.

Look, you can't put yourself in the right place at the right time.

You got to be in the right place all the time.

Listen, man, I can't turn off the transmissions to do harm.

They're beaming them right into my head.

Damn it, there is no harm in this!

Manischewitz are good people. They're your people.

And they sell wine for religious ceremonies of all faiths.

Now pull yourself together and be the man that I admire.

Tell me the truth. Are you a h*m*?

There's that sense of humor.

I would like to have her for lunch.

Well, don't have Harry Crane set it up.

He got us very high up with three major companies.

You forgot because Chevy fell in your lap...

but big accounts require a golf and dining offensive.

- When are we gonna do that? - Next time.

Harry, what did I say about that car?

Well, Cindy, these are my friends Don and Roger.


There's tacos and booze outside.

If you want a joint, try the candy dish on the coffee table.

Or make a friend.

- You look familiar. - You'll have to do better than that.

As you can tell, there's a different protocol.

I look forward to figuring it out.

Just let me make introductions. They don't dig business cards.

Who is that? I know him.

Earl Rice from Kodak. He's their studio rep.

I don't think he was there when you were. I know he never goes east.

No, not him. Isn't that Danny?

Jesus, he is everywhere.

It's Daniel J. Siegel now.

Danny Siegel?

Producer. And that's Irwin Fields. He's at Paramount.

What's he doing here?

Probably trying to buy one of Danny's movies.

Not him.

Roger, Don. Where've you been all my life?

Come on. This will be fun.

Daniel, my man. Did we interrupt?

It'll keep, man.

Danny. What are you up to these days?

Taking care of business. That was Irwin Fields.

And this is just Lotus. She's from Sacramento.

- So how do you know Stephen? - Oh, I've known Stephen a long time.

Whereas Danny we've only known for a very short time.

I know these lugs back from my days in advertising.

More like a day, wasn't it?

Hey, it wasn't my bag. I had to quit.

You didn't quit. You were fired.

Harry, why don't you introduce me to the bar?


Actually, Danny and I used to be related.


His ex-wife is still my cousin.

You'd like her. She's about your age.

There are small differences.

- Tiny things you'd notice. - Hmm.


I was just telling Lotus here how I'm finally...

making a picture with a major studio.

We're gonna do Alice in Wonderland.

And Stephen over there works for Ben Kalmenson, president of Warner Brothers...

who's also here somewhere.

He took over from Jack Warner.

You know what, Lotus?

I'm gonna introduce you.

Nice rapping with you, Rog.

So most of the pictures don't have a lot of score right now.

They like pop songs. You know, kids want to hear a hit.

I think ads are going that way too.

What kind of ads you do?

Well, we represent Chevrolet, Mohawk Airlines.

- Where are they? - The northeast.

Samsonite luggage. Life Cereal.

Well, if times get tough, I'm gonna look you up, Donny.

I dig jingles, and I hear the bread's out of sight.

Don, there you are. Ben Kalmenson's leaving.

I think he's headed to a party in the canyon.

Should we follow him?

- You know Ben? - Do you?

I was looking for the restroom.

Well, there's an extra nipple here when you come back.

It can wait.

Take off your shoes.

Do you like hashish?

I don't know yet.

Hey, man, are you the guy who came in a taxi?

You don't talk much, do you?

In fact, I'm wondering if you're hearing a word I say.

Are you tripping?

I've done it five times.

So if you're trying to see through me...

just know that I am this handsome and this rich.

Don't worry about your hang-ups.

Lotus, let's split.


- She's gonna crash in my guesthouse. - Until her audition?

It's up to her, man.

I'm sure it is. Lotus, honey, there's no reason to start at the bottom.

Yeah, maybe he can help your dream come true...

of having your lips on the side of a bus.

What are you gonna do when you fail here? Keep going west?

Japan's a long walk for those little legs.

Lotus, let's go.

You're lucky I hate v*olence, man.

Really? I love it. You know, I was a boxer.

There's nothing like finding that magic spot...

that'll drop a man to his knees.

You know, unless he's already starting there.

Hated to do that.


I'm really thirsty.

There's a pool full of water out there, Don.

I told you, that's not my name.

There you are.

Honey, I-

You're here.

Is that your old lady?

It's cool. It's California.

Everybody shares.

What are you doing here?

I thought I'd surprise you.

How did you find me?

But I live here.

I quit my job.

I couldn't bear to be apart.

And I want to have enough love for my other surprise.


What do you think it is?

A second chance.

Come with me.

Everybody's looking for you.

I heard you were here.

Are you in the movie business too?

I'm not pitching for the Dodgers.

What happened?

I'm not at liberty to discuss that.

My wife thinks I'm M.I.A., but I'm actually dead.

How come you didn't get your arm back?

Dying doesn't make you whole.

You should see what you look like.

Man overboard!

He's fine. Everybody back away.

Is it real?

They took me to breakfast on the way to the airport and told me Jack signed off.

And he's high enough at Chevy he doesn't have to run it by the whole outfit and-

Bob Benson to see you both.

They finally let me see the car. They had clay models. It's not a dog.

I don't mean to interrupt.

- But that's what you're doing. - Come on in, Bob.

I just got off the phone with Manischewitz.

Apparently they're putting us in review.

- What happened? - They barely listened to the presentation.

It was a courtesy. They haven't liked the work for months.

sh*t! Weren't you there?

Well, I thought it was high time we embraced Bob.

He was going to go. I talked him out of it.

Roger Sterling let you watch his dog, and it ran away.

Bob, we appreciate you handling this like a man.

And as a reward, Ted and I want you to familiarize yourself with Chevy.

We just found out we're moving to the next step.

We're going to need more than Ken in Detroit.

That's music to my ears.

Welcome aboard.

They shouldn't have gone to California.

We're going to bring in Avon. They gave us Chevy.

Throw in losing Sterling's account, I think we have a lot of good news.

They're not gonna think that.

You're splitting this place and not in half.

We'll give them something to take their mind off it.

What do we have?

You caught a cold in California.

I don't know what happened.

I usually feel better out there.

You've got to stop talking in the past. You know what I learned?

New York is the center of the universe.

We could send a landing craft out there, but they don't understand what we do.

Or they understand it thoroughly.

My shrink says the job of your life is to know yourself.

Sooner or later, you'll start to love who you are.

And apparently I'm a curious child...

with a full head of hair and a thriving business.

And you're a terrible swimmer.

Come in.

Mr. Campbell wants to see you in the conference room.

Oh. And what is it regarding?

Avon sent over a box of samples to the girls...

and Diane opened it, not me.

I'll be right in.

Everyone out!

She'll be right in.

This shouldn't be in here.

What the hell is this?

I guess Avon's serious.

Oh, they're serious.

When the hell did you have a "productive breakfast"?

- You and Peggy ditched me. - Peggy didn't know.

There was some confusion, and then it was too late.

- And I thought since I mixed things up- - There was no confusion!

- Oh, I'm sorry. - I bet you are.

Were you coming in here to celebrate what a fool I am?

You upset the girls. They have nothing to do with this.

So, you opening up your own agency?

Ted assigned her.

Isn't the point that Avon's happy?

Oh, I bet you're making him very happy.

Because it's better than being screwed by you.

We'll see what Ted has to say about this.

Let me handle Ted.

It's too late for that.

Ask her.

Did you meet with Avon and not invite Pete?

It was very last-minute.

Peggy, this doesn't concern you.

It's unacceptable, and I'd like to know what you have to say for yourself.

- Does this color look good on me? - Shh!

What would you like for me to say?

Joan, you of all people can't plead ignorance.

She's going to say something about her client and her connection.

And, honestly, I take no issue with that.

But what we have here is a breach of the fundamental rules of this business.

An account executive signs business...

and they send their junior to maintain it.

To maintain their boss's relationship.

The entire thing falls apart if I send you to the store to get cake...

and you eat it on the way home.

Did you really try to squeeze him out?

You have nothing to say for yourself, then?

It's a revolt!

- Excuse me. - Meredith, not now.

"Joan, Andrew Hayes from Avon is on the phone for you."

Oh, it just gets better.

What are you waiting for? Go take it.

- That's it? - Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

Only where there is no law.

Pete, we're all working together.

All agency business is your business.

Thank you.

You better hope he really calls.

Welcome back. How was your trip?

If you don't mind, this is urgent.

Aren't you glad you didn't go straight home?

I have to tell you that in your absence, things have become quite dire.

Mr. Draper, the partners are here.

Come in.

Welcome back. How was California?

It was a series of busts and not the kind I like.

Well, we have a bit of news concerning the firm.

- We should get Joan. - No.

- Anyone else? - No, thank you.

My visit to Detroit was a success.

They finally signed off on the strategy. Even showed me a model of the car.

That's a relief. Good work.

Also, Joan's at the five-yard line with Avon Cosmetics.


Well, well, well. While the cat's away-

Unfortunately, Manischewitz has put us in review.

Ah, it's been coming for months.

But that's not what we're here to talk about.

We thought long and hard about what it's gonna take to make this agency stable.

I'd like to offer what we believe to be a deferential solution.

They want to call the agency Sterling, Cooper & Partners.

Well, we know you like it.

It would depend on Don, Jim, and me all sharing the blow.

You're willing to do that?

It's the only thing that's equally offensive to all.

S.C. ampersand P.

I can swallow it if you can.

I don't think I should weigh in on this.

Good. Then it's settled.

I'll get the art department on a logo.

- Nice work. - I had nothing to do with this.

Have a good weekend.

You have no problems with this?

Pete, we're in the same boat, and I'm fine with it.

Trust me, that name is a consolation prize.

It's a gravestone to our resistance.

You have no idea what's going on out there.

This is not the same business anymore!

If you don't like it, maybe it's time to get out of the business.

Dawn, could you get my wife on the phone?

What are you doing?


Give me that.
