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01x16 - Save That Tiger

Posted: 09/01/21 05:21
by bunniefuu
This week is the city
cheerleading finals,

and once again Bayside
and Valley are the favorites.

But the real competition is
the prank w*r

between the two schools.

I intend to go down in history
as Prankster Prince.

Okay, guys,
what'd you come up with?

Okay, let's put snapping turtles
in Valley's swimming pool.

Bad idea. Last time we did that
their swim team set a world record.

Let's flush
all their toilets at once.

Let's flush the water
out of your brain.

Look guys, we can't
let Valley strike first.

Come on, think.

Uh-oh. Too late.

You guys, what happened?

We were at miniature golf practice
when a couple of Valley guys

jumped out from behind
the windmill and rolled us.

They can't do that to our nerds!

We gotta move, Zack.
They got us first.

Okay, they got us first,
but we'll get them best!

- Because we're tough, right?
- Right!


- Max, please cut us loose.
- It's only tissue paper.

But they used two-ply.

All right,
I'll use my pocket knife.


Thanks, Max.

What are you guys worried about?

You've won the last
three years in a row.

You could beat Valley with your
pom-poms tied behind your backs.

Not if we don't find a cheerleader
to replace Nancy Zeiler.

What's wrong with Nancy?

She came down
with the chickenpox.

Boy, talk about
your lack of school spirit.

Hey, Jessie, why don't you do it?
You know the cheers.

- Me?
- Yeah.

A cheerleader?

I'm class president,
not some silly schoolgirl.

- Ooh.
- "Silly schoolgirl"?

Oh please,
somebody sound the snoot alarm.

I didn't mean silly in a bad way.
There are different kinds of silly.

There's good silly,
and bad silly and silly silly.

And what I really meant
to say was--

shut up, Jessie.

Jessie, we just want to win.

There are lots of girls
better at this than I am.

I'll help you find one.

Okay. We'll hold emergency
tryouts after school.

Well, that solves your problem.

We still have to come up
with a big prank

to get even with Valley.

Now more than ever.

Wow, the nerds stole
one of Valley's tires.

Okay, Rhonda, you're next.
Start with our basic Bayside cheer.

Okay, here goes.

"Gimme a B.
Gimme an A.

Gimme a--

gimme a hint."

- "Y."
- Because I can't remember.

Thank you, Rhonda.
We'll let you know.

Come on, gimme another chance,
I'm better with the fight cheer.

Fight, fight cheer.

- All right.
- We'll do it together.

- Ready?
- Okay!

"Bayside, Bayside,
fight, fight, fight!"

Very moving, Rhonda.

We'll let you know, okay?

Come on, Jessie.
We really need you.

Yeah, we've seen 28 girls,
and we still haven't found anyone.

Come on. Betty-Sue Breckenridge
was not that bad.

- She's the school crossing guard.
- She's 60 years old.

She sure did
nail that cartwheel.

Jessie, please?

Okay, I'm in.
"Rah, rah, rah."

- All right, guys.
- All right.

- Yeah.
- All right.

Well, ladies, we did it.

That's right. You're looking
at the prank champions of the world.

What are you guys
so cocky about?

We put superglue
on Valley's track.

That's right, the 100-yard dash
has been going on for hours.

We pumped helium
in the music room.

Now their Glee Club
sounds like The Chipmunks.


♪ Oh, when the saints ♪

♪ Go marching in ♪

♪ Oh, when the saints
go marching in ♪

♪ Marching in ♪

That's nothing
compared to the biggie --

Slater, if you please --
here we go.

Take it.

We took their school banner.

That's stealing!
Okay, we borrowed it.

It's the same thing, Zack.
I'm sorry,

I just do not approve
of that kind of behavior.

Well, then send me
to my room, Mama!


Come on, guys, let's do it.
We did it, yeah!

We're walking, we're bad.

- I don't believe it.
- Who could have done this?

Hey, it wasn't me.

It was Valley.

I knew that.
I did, I did, I did...

Oh great.

Don't tell me it's
the prank w*r again.

Okay, Mr. Belding, we won't. "Happy
Birthday" from Valley.

Every year it's the same thing.

All right boys,
how did it start this time?

They tushie-tissued our nerds.

I am not putting up
with this nonsense again.

In the morning,
I'm going over to Valley

and I'm gonna
talk with their principal.

Come on, sir.
Let's beat them at their own game.

No, it's time we put
an end to this.

Principal Stingwell and I
go back a long time.

He and I will work this out.

Until then,

no more pranks.

Maybe Mr. Belding's right.

Yeah. You know,
maybe we've gone too far.


You boys are
a disgrace to Valley.

Pranking is a -- a fine art.

What you did at Bayside --
strictly amateur.

We're sorry, Mr. Stingwell.

Well, don't feel bad.
I have a book that might help you.

Here, read up.

Now that's a prank!

Boy, I slay me!

Now go back to class.


Hi, Elliot. Still using
the ol' book trick, huh?

Works every time, pal.
How ya doing?

- Huh-uh.
- Oh, okay.

I should have known.

Come on in, sit right here.
Sit right here.

I think I'll sit over here.

My, my, Richard.
Noisy panties.

What are you wearing,
"Toot of the Looms?"

Aren't you ever
gonna grow up, Stinky?

Some things never change.
What can I do for you, pal?

I think that it's time we put
an end to this prank w*r.

I-- I-- I can't believe my ears.

Is this the same "Mad Dog" Belding
who only 20 years ago

put jumping beans in the chili?
You started it, pal.

I didn't start it. You started it
when you planted poison ivy

on our football field.

That was kind of rash.

Look, this has gone too far.

I don't care who started it,

let's just put an end to it
right now.

You-- you really mean it,
don't you?

I'm afraid so, Stinky.

Well, I guess
the Bayside/Valley prank w*r

had to end sometime.

We'll all be better off.

I guess you're right.

It was fun while it lasted though,
wasn't it, Stinky?

You bet, Mad Dog.

See ya.

So how do we look?

Like Rambo and Dumbo.

What's with the outfits?

We're about to make
our as*ault on Valley.

What are you going to do?

We don't know yet. We spent
all our time getting dressed.

Hey, where's Screech?
He was supposed to meet us here.

Who are you?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Screech.

Hold brick, Lisa-san.


So cannot slap me.

Old ninja diversion tactic.


Lisa revenge tactic.

This whole prank w*r
is ridiculous.

Zack, let me give her
ninja death pinch.

Screech, Screech.
Save it for Valley, come on.

- Heel, Screech.
- It's okay.

I wish we knew what cheer
Valley was doing.

Hey yeah, then we'd know
what we're up against.

Oh Screechie-san.

Yes, flower petal?

If you're going over to Valley,

maybe you could spy
on the cheerleading practice.

Yeah, see if they
have a new cheer.

We could do that.

I don't believe you guys.
Why would we stoop so low?

To win.

- Take notes.
- Excuse me, Sly.

We have to go to practice.

Jessie, this is
your weirdest idea yet.

Whoever heard of ankle-length
cheerleading skirts?

My grandmother.

Give them a chance.
They're very ladylike.

But how is this
gonna help us win?

The judges won't be
distracted by our bodies,

they'll be listening
to our words.

Jessie, our words are
"Beat, ba-beat, ba-buh-buh-beat."

I've taken care of that too.
Now listen to this -- ahem.

"We are the ladies of Bayside,
the best school around.

Winning's not important,
'cause our minds are sound.


We couldn't win if we did
this cheer in our underwear.

I have another one.

Hey, wait a minute.
This isn't bad.

Let me see.

This is good, Jessie.
But isn't it dangerous?

Only for the mascot.

- But Screech is the mascot.
- I love it.

Hey, guys.
How's practice going?


Did you find anything out
at Valley last night?

Well, their cheer
looks pretty good.

But I wouldn't worry,
we stole their spirit.

- What do you mean?
- Look what I got.

Valley's mascot?
That's great!

No, that's dognapping.
It's a crime!

What are they gonna do,
throw us in the pound?

Come on guys, we're gonna return
him right after the competition.

That's right.
And now comes the real zinger --

we send them a picture of their
mascot with our cheerleaders.

All right now, ladies,
everybody in front of the banners.

Lisa, stand next to me.

Sorry, all members
of the animal kingdom up front.

Okay, here we go. Ready?

Hey, guys. What's going on?

We're practicing our
"Merry-Go-Round" cheer.

That's great.

Hey, Mr. Belding, glad you made it
before we took our picture.

Picture? What picture?

A picture to show that our school's
behind our cheerleaders.

That is a fine idea, boys.

Sir, why don't you
get in the picture?

It'll give it more zing.

All right, Zack.
Where should I stand?

The biggest, most muscular guys
usually stand in the back.

That's where they always
put us hunks.

Okay now, everybody
on the count of three, say "Zing."

One, two, three.


They've got our mascot hidden
somewhere here at Bayside.

Let's search every inch
of this school till we find him.

Hey, dudes. Wait until you see
our new cheer tonight.

We're gonna blow Valley away.
What are you talking about?

I'm the star
of Bayside's secret cheer.

- Did you hear that, Dan?
- Sure did, Stan.

Yep, without me,
we don't stand a chance.

- Interesting, Stan.
- Very, Dan.

Yep, everybody in a Bayside
jacket ought to be proud.

All right!
You guys stole Valley t-shirts.

No, we stole Bayside jackets.

Hold it. That would mean
you're from...


Right, dude!

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.


I got a question.

Exactly how necessary is Screech

to winning
the cheerleading competition?

He's the foundation on which
our whole cheer is based.

Well, you're gonna be
one brick short.

Valley took him.
He's been Screech-napped!

This is terrible.
Poor Screech.

Poor Screech? Poor us!
We're doomed.

Don't sweat it. They'll be begging
us to take him back by lunch.

- You think so?
- Did you ever see him eat?

I don't believe it. Don't you
guys care about Screech?

If we don't get him back,
Valley will win the prank w*r.

And now,
the presentation of medals

for the Prankster
of the Century.

Gold and silver medals,
the Clegg cousins, from Valley High.

And now coming in dead last
for the worst prank of the year --

what was your name, son?

- Zack Morris.
- Jack Norris from Bayside.

You're a good sport, Jack.

Here is your consolation prize.

I'm just kidding.

Here is your medal.

Here, let me
help you clean this off.

We've got to get Screech back.

All you care about
is your prank w*r.

What about
our cheerleading competition?

She's right. You've got
to tell Belding the truth.

The truth? Wow!

What a concept!

I thought that we agreed
to put an end to this prank w*r.

We did, sir. We're sorry.

Mr. Belding, you have to help us
get Screech back.

All right, I'll get Screech back.

Zack, you and Slater get their dog
while I call Principal Stingwell.

I hate to admit it, Mad Dog,
but you're right.

Things have gotten out of hand.

We'll have our kids exchange mascots
before the competition.

You've got my word on it, Richard.
Okay, goodbye.

Okay, guys.
Take the tiger back to Bayside.

I've gotta go.
It's my anniversary.

I'm gonna buy my wife
some exploding flowers.

You heard what he said.
Take me back to Bayside.

He just said
take the tiger back.

Where are they? The competition
starts in five minutes.

We can't do the cheer
without Screech.

- Come on, Jessie, relax.
- I am relaxed!

Here, chew on this.

It kept the dog quiet.

Here comes Stan Clegg now.

Here, we gave it a flea bath.

Screech, are you okay?

We don't have time for this.

Here's your dog.

All right,
now get outta here, Clegg.

Yeah, go walk your dog.
All right!

All right, Preppie.
Let's go to the gym.

- I forgot about the tiger's tail.
- Hurry up! Come on.

- Guys!
- Hey, Screech.


What are you doing
out of your tiger's costume?

I just escaped from Valley!

If you're not in
the tiger's costume, then who--

Clegg's cousin, Dan.
He's gonna ruin our cheer!

Now that's it!

We're gonna sting Valley
once and for all.

Screech, are you still
in the Insect Club?

Yeah, I'm in charge
of new membership.

Good. Here's the plan.

Ready? Okay!

"So you think you're hot?
So you think you're cool?

It's time you learned
that Valley rules!

We're the baddest, we're
the toughest, we're the best around.

The Bulldogs have arrived
to knock you down.

So you think you'll win,
so you think you can't lose,

we're gonna teach you
that Valley rules!

Valley rules!
Vall-eey rules!

For sure!"

- Boy, they were really good.
- Yeah, but we're better.

We're gonna knock them
on their pom-poms.

Screech, are you sure
you remember the cheer?

Here you go, Zack.
They're our best ants.

- They're picnic tested.
- Thanks, Screech.

All right. Now bug off
before anybody sees you.

Come on, go!

Next on the floor --
the cheerleaders from Bayside.

Hey, Screech, we forgot
to put your tail back on.

Silly us.

Now don't worry, Screech.
We're behind you 100%.

Oh, yeah.

Ready? And --

- T-I-G-E-R-S, T-I-G-E-R-S..."
- "Bayside, Bayside."

"We're the Bayside Tigers
and we're on the prowl.

When we come to your school
we will make you howl.

Hear the Bayside Tigers growl!

We're the Bayside Tigers
and we're gonna score.

Get as much as you can,
'cause we'll get more.

Hear the Bayside Tigers roar!


"T-I-G-E-R-S, T-I-G-E-R-S,

Bayside, Bayside,


And now for the judges' decision.

This year's winner

of the coveted
Golden Megaphone is...

the Bayside Tigers!

Screech, you were terrific.

I can't believe I actually
want to give you a kiss.

Plant it here, babe.

Wait a second, Screech, if you're
here, then who's in there?

That's Dan Clegg, from Valley.

He was gonna wreck our cheer.

Sorry, Richard.
I'll take care if this.

Why I ought to...

Well, we won the prank w*r.

Valley may have struck
the first blows,

but it looks like we
got them in the end.

Here we go, guys.

One, two, three... Bayside!