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03x09 - Hot Burning Flames

Posted: 09/01/21 19:01
by bunniefuu
All right, everybody.

As promised, tonight's the night.

Like I keep saying,
the security here is a joke.

See that security camera?

'Cause it doesn't see us anymore.

Video scrambler.

80 bucks online. All right.

Now here comes the crazy part.

All it takes is one person
on the inside who flips,

someone gets greedy and then
someone gets leverage,

and then someone like me gets
into the restricted section.

And here we are.

The goods are behind that door.

Ready to shock the world?

Yeah. Done.

Gonna be pretty hard
for them to ignore this now.

Am I right?

Yes. They'll
take us seriously now.

Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!

You guys hear from Weller or Jane?

I've been calling all morning,
I'm getting nothing.

- Think something's wrong?
- Not yet.

It's just not like them to be late.

What do you guys got?

Well, we've been digging back

into the tattoo cases we've solved

and we found a common thread.

Hank Crawford.

As in "Business Capital" Hank Crawford?

That's the photo you're going with?

Well, it's not like he has a mug shot,

but he does have some strange,

tenuous connections to the tattoos.

Hydrocarbon holdings in Kazah Rus.

He moved a ton of capital

through Kevin Loewe's hedge fund,

and he took an insurance payout

from Sacred Lynx Productions

when they burned down
one of his buildings.

So we've got nothing?

No, Crawford is connected
to Hirst, too.

He served as special advisor
on the White House

that appointed her to be U.S. attorney,

and when Hirst was
considering a senate run,

one of Crawford's American companies

funded a Super PAC to support her.

Right before she suddenly
changed course

and went the FBI route.

Right before we arrested her,
she said the man

she worked for is powerful
and doesn't like to lose.

From the looks of all of his
companies and investments,

the one thing Crawford
isn't into is losing.

Tech, finance,
airlines, food chains.

Even the cosmetics company that
makes my favorite lip balm.

I'm still gonna buy it.

Oh, it's a tattoo hit.

All right, Patterson,
that'll be your priority.

I'll put forensic accountants
on Crawford's finances.

Tom Jakeman. Welcome
to Marrakesh, chum.

- How was your flight?
- Uh... Long.

That's a great story.
Here's your return ticket.

Sorry you came
all this way for nothing.

I'm sorry, who are you?

I'm Victor, Crawford's
VP of Operations.

Flight leaves in a couple hours.

You better get going.

Yeah, uh...

Crawford asked me to meet him
here to help out with a job.

Come and work for me.

Change of plans.

Crawford's sitting this
one out... so are you.

I'm doing the buy on my own.

What are you buying?

You were hired to
protect Blake... that's it.

I got this.

I'm not really in
the mood to die today.

Yeah. I ran a little
background check on you, TJ.

Australian defense force,
second commandos.

You led an op to steal some laptops,

got all FUBAR'd on the way out.

Everyone died. Everyone but you.

Hard pass.

Our helicopter crashed on the way in.

I survived, stole the laptops,
and got out on my own.

Those records were falsified
to protect the mission.

- You're not coming.
- Why not?

I'm good to have around
when things go wrong,

I see things, I improvise.

Yeah, I bet you do.

I could k*ll you with your own tie.

I can tell by the knot
you're left-handed

and there's just no way you can draw

that Glock you're hiding
in time to spin,

aim and sh**t before I choke you out.

Of course, if I really
wanted to k*ll you,

I'd just steal your wallet

and make you chase me around Morocco

till your heart explodes.

Those snowflakes on your upper lip

tell me you're doing so much coke,

you don't even notice
when you miss your nose.

You must be a real hit

at all Blake's fancy fundraisers, huh?

Why don't you grab that bag?

You can be my lookout.

Still nothing from Weller and Jane?

I just called.

No answer.

Maybe they overslept.

Both of them?
The day after we arrest Hirst

and expose a major conspiracy?

Send a team over to their house,
make sure they're okay.

- In the meantime, catch me up.
- All right.

Early this morning, a high-level memo

was sent from a government
storage facility to the DIA

when it became clear that the
facility suffered a break-in.

What we don't
know, which facility,

where it is, or what it stores.

It's not a good sign when
the Defense Intelligence Agency

is the first call.

What dinged your system?

A photo was attached to the memo.

Someone spray-painted
the logo for Blue Dawn

inside the facility.

It's a direct action activist group.

Mostly online,

minimal followers, no real footprint.

This is the Blue Dawn tattoo.

So far, I haven't
been able to crack it.

Hold up. Throw a 3-by-3 grid
on top of that.

What does that look like to you?

It's a slide puzzle.
I love these things.

How did I not see this?

Because it's already been slid.

- So let's unslide it.
- If we do this,

then we get...

Total nonsense.

Okay, maybe not. Look.

These notches are
all grouped together now.

And each grouping gives us a number.

It's a URL.

Some kind of message board.

Looks like a user named "andWHY21"

posted a video late last night,

right around the time of the break-in.

All right, everybody.

Or the exact time of the break-in.

It seems to be a live feed.

Can you fast-forward to the end,
see what they stole?

Yeah, sure, it's not live anymore.

Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!

Just when it was
starting to get good.

Can you ID the intruders?

Uh, not as quick as I can use metadata

to figure out where
the video was uploaded from.

Great, send the address to my
phone, we're heading there now.

This day started off so well.
I was in such a good mood.

Dave Kirkpatrick, DIA.
What's the FBI doing here?

We didn't send word to
the more traditional agencies.

No sense in sounding off alarm bells.

Not till we know what's missing.

Our alarm bells tend to ring early.

- What is this place?
- And what's missing?

This is a classified regional
storage facility of the DOE.

There's only one reason
the Department of Energy

would need a classified
storage facility.

This is where they keep the nukes.

Nuclear warheads on the right,

non-nuclear test warheads on the left.

Try not to rearrange anything.

Why does the Department
of Energy keep nukes

in padlocked containers?

Okay, I'm not gonna lie,
the system has its flaws.

And the DOE doesn't have the budget

to update the
"in plain sight" initiative,

and, of course, doing any retrofits

would simply draw
attention to a facility

that not even the FBI knew existed.

So, here we are.

This was obviously an inside job.

It's always an inside job.

My guys are checking
to see who called in sick,

the DOE is running scans on inventory.

No, this does not make any sense.

Count them again.

What's wrong?

Uh, the inventory lines up.

All of the containers
are accounted for.

One of the intruders on
that video had bolt cutters.

What video?

I'll send you the link.

Hey, why are these two padlocks
different than the others?

You scan the actual warheads, right?

I mean, you didn't just scan

the bar codes on the containers?

Well, what are we doing here

if we're not gonna look
inside the damn containers?

Are we gonna look inside
or are we gonna

stand around like it's Christmas?!

It's empty.

I know you've been wrestling

whether to look
for your daughter or not,

and I haven't been very useful

in helping you make that decision.

- Look, I understand.
- No, you don't.

The truth is, Jane,

I don't want you to look for her

because I know you won't find her.

How would you know that?

Because I...

I k*lled your daughter.

What? Wh...

It was a mistake.


Why... Why didn't you...

I... I want to know everything.


We met in Berlin.

Sir, she was just here.

You must have seen her.

I'll check.

We're looking for the same person.

Jane Doe?

Or Alice Kruger, Remi...

She has a lot of names.

How do you know Jane?

She's my mother.

That's impossible.

I wouldn't be here if it wasn't true...

in more ways than one.

That's my birth certificate.

You could have doctored this.

Why would I do that? It's true.

Take my blood, run the DNA.

I'm her daughter.

What if it wasn't?

Okay, this girl could have been lying.

She wasn't.

How could you be so sure without...

- Did you run her DNA?
- No.

But her face...

The way she talked...
the way she moved.

The fire inside of her, Jane.

She was your daughter.

My bellman saw this woman

talking with a man
in the lobby one night.

The man's name is Max Kohler.

Max, uh... Max is a German gangster.

He's into a little bit of everything.

I went to see him when there was

an attempt made on my life
in Switzerland.

Someone tried to collect
the bounty on your head.

I made it out okay,
but I lost my go-bag,

and... I needed new passports
to get out of Europe.

You must have just missed me.

Avery, the Lebanese Mafia run Berlin.

- So?
- Does Max Kohler sound Lebanese to you?

And if they're letting him
operate on their turf,

all right, it's far too risky for you

to go and ask him about Jane.

So I'll go and I'll
call you when I find her.

Screw that. I don't know you.

I have no reason to trust you.

Whoa, hey.

You approached me, remember?

And if I hadn't,
you wouldn't know that Max

operates our of a dry cleaner's
in Friedrichshain,

so I'm either going
with you or I'm going alone,

and if you don't like it,
you can go back home

and I'll let you know
where she is when I find her.

Why did you bring her to see Max?

I didn't... I kept her close to me,

so I could keep an eye on her.

We found an abandoned office

across the road from the dry cleaner's.

We stayed there, waited
until Max showed up.

Why now? It's been 18 years.

Why start looking for Jane now?

I've known I was adopted my whole life,

but... I loved my parents
and they loved me.

Why go searching
for someone who didn't?

Jane loved you.

Then why'd she give me up?

Anyway, my... My mom died of cancer,

and my dad k*lled himself,
so... guess I got curious.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Has Jane ever mentioned me?

I told her you'd had your memory wiped.

D... Did you tell her
about Shepherd or Roman?


I told her about
the bounty on your head,

and that's why you'd run away.

To protect me.

Protect our family.

Memory-erasing dr*gs?

A bounty on her head?

What kind of a person is she?

She's someone that helps people.

- Protects them.
- Abandons them.

If Jane did give you up for adoption,

I'm sure she had a good reason.

But she won't remember, right?

Why she gave me up.

I didn't give her up.

Shepherd stole her from me
and sent her away.

I know that now.
I didn't know that then.

I... I fought for her.

And now... sh-she thinks
I never loved her?

No. I told her you loved her.

I promise you.

By the end, she knew, Jane.

She knew.

The Jane that I know,
if she knew about you,

she would walk to the ends
of the earth to find you.

Like you're doing for her.

Like we are doing.

There's Max.

- Let's go.
- No, Avery, stop.

You have to stay here.

I am not gonna fight about this.

I convinced her to stay in the office.

She said that she would.

She promised me.

What happened, Kurt?

I don't know.

I went in there...

and it was like they were expecting me.

No, no!

Avery, hey... it's gonna be okay.

Avery. Avery.

Avery, just stay with me.

We've got to get out of here!

You just... left her there?

They were closing in on me.

I tried to get her out.

I couldn't.

If I had stayed any longer,
I would have died, too.

Then you should have stayed.

She wasn't supposed to be there, Jane.

It was a mistake.

If it was a mistake,

then why didn't you tell me sooner?

'Cause I was trying to protect you.

You were trying to protect yourself.

No. Why hear about a daughter

that you didn't even know that you had,

only to find out that she was dead...

and your own husband k*lled her?

Every chance you had
to tell me, you lied.

What would it change?

Us. It would change us.

They keep calling.

Sir, Assistant Director Reade sent us.

Is Miss Doe here, too?
Are you both okay?

We're fine. We're gonna
take the day off.

There's been a development.

Tell Reade to get someone else.

- We need to...
- No.


I need to be anywhere but here.

Hey, I just unmasked the live-streamer.

Photo's on your phone.

Adam Taylor. He work here?

Uh, yeah. He just badged in

30 minutes ago. If you
issue a lockdown, you can...

Oh, okay, well, never mind,
he just badged out.

We're right outside the facility.

I got him.

Why the hell would he return
to the scene of the crime?

It'd be more suspicious if he didn't.

- Adam Taylor! FBI!
- Hands up!

- Drop the phone!
- No, no, no, please wait!

You don't understand!
They're gonna k*ll my kid!

Went off without a hitch.
Let's get out of here.

Glad I could help. So what did we buy?

Damn, it's hot out here, huh?

Let's get back to the hotel.

We got company on our six.

Yeah, over there, too.

They were with the sellers at the buy.

Without a hitch, huh?

Looks like they're trying
to steal the package back.

Here... Take it to the estate,
do whatever it takes.

I'll lose 'em.

We just put Adam in interrogation.

He's freaking out.
Says the woman in the video

wants to k*ll his son
but won't elaborate.

- Still no idea who she is?
- Not even close.

Even the super unique neck piercings

don't match anyone in any database.

Silver lining...
We opened every last container,

and all of the warheads, save the two

that she stole, of course,
are accounted for.

Two missing nukes
is not a silver lining.

- Can we track 'em?
- Not unless they're armed.

- Seriously?
- Well, like I said,

the current system leaves
a lot to be desired.

We need to crack Adam. Weller, Jane,

- take a run at him and...
- I'll do it on my own.

He's scared.

I have a softer approach.

I'll work with Patterson.

Okay. The rest of us will
look into the mystery woman,

and let's get into Adam's phone.

- Dave.
- Hey, Jake.

Look, whatever you need
to find those nukes,

you've got the CIA's full support.

And assuming we're all
still alive tomorrow,

we should discuss the game plan

for taking down Hank Crawford.

There's nothing to discuss.

He just lost a major resource in Hirst.

We go after him fast and hard
while he's on tilt.

Oh, man, you are such a Fed.

You have a better idea?

Yeah, look. Crawford is untouchable.

We need to play a very long game.

We tried the long game with
Hirst and she almost played us.

We get him for something
small, take him off the board,

and we bury him... quicker
we arrest him, the better.


You know he's wrong, right?

- I'll handle it.
- Yeah.

Please, I can't be here.

She said she was gonna k*ll my son.

We are going to help your son,
but you need to help us.

I made that video to expose
flaws in our nuclear security,

to fix a broken system.

I... I never wanted to steal anything.

I'm a whistleblower.

I got tricked by a psychopath.

Well, who is she? What does she want?

Okay, sure, sure.
Her... Her name is Lana.

I met her online
in the Blue Dawn forum.

Okay, and it was her idea, so she knew

that you worked
at the storage facility.

I don't remember. And I just... I...

I got us in and it became
very clear very quick

that she was not an activist.

Now, please, I need to call her.

She said my son would be safe

as long as I got her the codes.

The codes to arm the warheads?

They change every day,

- and she gave me this special phone...
- Wait, wait, wait.

You didn't give them to her?

Adam, you didn't give her the codes?

I had to.

I texted her right
before you arrested me.

I think I know who it is.
Is this the psychopath?

That... That is her, that is Lana.

Lana's full name is Svetlana Stepulov,

sister of Anton Stepulov,
who I'm sure you all remember

as the former number two
of the Dabbur Zann.

Oh, you mean the Architect of Death.

This city will feel my pain.

I caught a glimpse at the back
of her neck in Adam's video.

Those piercings match
a recent description of Lana

I acquired from a source
close to the Dabbur Zann.

I thought the Dabbur Zann
went dark when Anton retired.

He didn't exactly retire.

He's a guest of the CIA,
but his departure

created a power vacuum
in the terror group.

So she's using these
warheads to take control.

Adam gave Lana the codes,
but they change every 24 hours,

which means she is
planning on using them today.

What if we get Adam to
call Lana to check on his son?

Yeah. If you want to
put him on the phone,

that's the best way
to trace an active call.

See if he can get her
to arm the warheads.

Why the hell would we do that?

I know it sounds bad,

but Lana's got the warheads already.

Sooner as she arms them,
the better our shot

at recovering them
before she gets a chance.

Why trace a call to somewhere
they may or may not be

when we can pinpoint them exactly

using their active energy signature?

Because tracing a call
doesn't arm a nuclear b*mb.

Yeah, we'll call that plan "B."

Adam, we talked about this.

You've broken our deal.

I said I would call you
once I verified the codes.

Well, what are you waiting for?

I've done everything you asked.

I asked you not to call me

and yet here we are!

Please, just let me talk to my son.

Please, let me hear his voice.

Hold on.

The codes work.

You've been very helpful, Adam.

Thank you.

Wait, wait, wait!

Do you know how to arm the weapons?


Well, what about my son? I don't...

I don't want you
going back on your word

if you try to arm them
and they don't work.

Your son is fine.

I'll text you an address.

I pinpointed
her in North America,

but that's as far as
I'll get until I can

rewrite my decryption program

based on the signature of this call.

The boy's at 5667 Douglas
Street, Tarrytown.

- "Come alone."
- I'll ride with Zapata.

- What's going on with you and Jane?
- It's personal.

If it makes a difference,
I'm not asking as your boss.

You were my friend when I was
going through some hard times,

so whatever's going on, I got you.

Thanks, bud.

I don't know where to start.

Start at the end
and work your way back.

I k*lled Jane's daughter.

I don't know what to say.

Neither do I.

It feels like I'm in a dream.

I can't look at him,
I can't be around him.

Look, if you need to take some time...

No, time won't fix this.

My daughter is gone.

I still don't even know
what she looked like.

What was her name?


That's beautiful.

Okay, I've got the kid.

One armed guard
on the far side of the house.

None of them should be here, unless...

Lana was planning to k*ll

Adam and his son as
soon as he got here.

Do you see Lana or the warhead?


But the kid looks terrified.

- I'm going in.
- No, Jane, wait for us.

He's in danger, I'm going in now.

Jane, wait!




What the hell were you thinking?

I'm fine! He got me in the vest.

I don't wanna lose you
because you're angry at me.

Don't touch me!

It'll be okay.

Be okay.

The authorities are involved

earlier than expected.

We strike sooner than planned.

What else did we get from the raid?

I'm running diagnostics
on all the encrypted phones

and computers you brought back.

Lana was using an encrypted
webcam to monitor the house.

Likely, she and the warheads
were never there.

If she wasn't onto us before,
she definitely is now.


This is Lana Stepulov
of the Dabbur Zann.

I want the agent in charge.

This is Assistant Director
Reade with the FBI.

Who else would be there
if warheads went missing?

Is Mr. Keaton there?

I didn't see him at the raid,
but I've heard

so much about him
from my brother Anton.

If you're trying to take
control of the Dabbur Zann,

there's easier ways.

Ah, Mr. Keaton,

but stealing American nukes
is the most attention-grabbing.

You have our attention.


I want my brother Anton released
from the CIA black site

where he's being held.

I want all American
occupying forces out of Turkey.

You have two hours. That is all.

The United States government

does not negotiate with t*rrorists.

Your entire capitalist system is based

on negotiation and leverage
and getting what one wants

for the lowest cost.

I have the nukes.
You want to save lives.

I'll call you back.


The encryption is really good.

Are you okay?

I'll live.

And you won't pull a
stunt like that again, right?

Lana's bluffing.

No one in their right mind uses a nuke.

I would definitely not assume
she's in her right mind.

What are we even doing in Turkey?

What business do we have there?

- Jane...
- What?

Why do we always insist

on messing around in people's lives?

- This isn't about the troops.
- No, it's about

interfering in matters
that don't concern us

and k*lling people
who don't deserve to die.

Stop! Focus for a second, okay?

We're not gonna move the troops,
that isn't gonna happen.

Lana must know that.
This has to be a ploy for her

to get what she really
wants... her brother.

You want to hand Anton Stepulov
back to the Dabbur Zann?

We're not gonna
hand him over to anyone.

We're just gonna buy
ourselves some time.

Pull him out of the black site,

put him on a runway,
make a big production

out of the trade until
we can locate the warheads.

Yeah, there's just one problem.

Anton Stepulov is dead.

Don't try anything.
I'll take the package.

There are two sn*pers on you.
Make a move, you die.

You're making a big mistake.


You didn't think to tell us
Anton Stepulov was dead?

Oh, I told you
as soon as it was relevant.

- Did you know about this?
- No.

I knew that Anton was
on the U.S.S. Ashland.

It's a warship we use
as a secret floating prison.

So how did Lana know?

I'm looking into potential leaks.

If there is one, I'll plug it.

How did Anton die?

His heart gave out
during an interrogation.

He's buried at sea,
but no one knows that,

so put a beard on a lookalike,

put a bag on his head,
pull it up for a peek.

From a distance, Lana'll never know.

We've done it before. It works.

I want to see that damn lookalike.

Okay, I know this isn't an
ideal time to bring this up,

but he's right about
slow rolling Crawford.

You're absolutely right.

This is not an ideal time
to bring this up.

You're not seeing things clearly.

Take Hirst out of it.

You were close. She hurt you.

Now you're trying to hurt
the guy who owns her.

Reade, retaliation won't work here.

This is chess, not boxing.

And sometimes you can end a chess game

- with a few quick moves.
- Not this one.

You can't go right after the king.

You have to take out
the pieces that protect him.

You know what? I don't trust Keaton.

He always has an angle, and I
don't like his methods, okay?

Do you trust me?

With my life.

Then think about it.

Here, Patterson.

Can we trace it this time?

I rewrote my decryption program,

but there's no guarantee.

Lana, you're on with...

What have you decided, Mr.

We're moving the troops to Greece.

The joint chiefs and the White House

are drafting orders as we speak.

It will take time, but it's happening.

I must say, I wasn't expecting that.

I thought I'd have to play hardball.

In the meantime,
as a show of good faith,

we'll move your brother to an airport.

We'll trade him
for one of the warheads.

Now, Lana, that is a very fair deal.

Indeed. Except I already know
my brother Anton is dead,

which means you were never
planning to move the troops

and you're not taking me seriously.

But you will soon.

Did she hang up? She's still on
the line, but we're on hold.

She's in New York.

City or state?

State. Possibly city. It's working,

but I need just a little bit more time.

One of the warheads just got armed.

- You sure about that?
- Very.

Is that New York?

No, it's moving over the South Pacific.

Is she in the South
Pacific or New York?

No... I don't know.

One of the bombs
is in the South Pacific.

That's all we know.

Oh, my God.

Did... Did that just g...

How many dead?

That's an uninhabited island.

No one lives anywhere close.

There shouldn't be
any human casualties.

- He's right.
- That was a warning shot.

Unlike you, I do what I promise.

Move the troops,

or the next warhead
goes off in New York.


I believe this is mine.

This is very simple.

I ask a question,
you answer truthfully,

or we find out if you can
breathe underwater.

But we both know
you're gonna waste time

begging for your life.

And then you're gonna say
that you don't know anything.

But now we've got that out of the way,

we can get to the truth.

Choose your next words very carefully.

Who hired you to steal the package?


I'm Victor, Crawford's
VP of Operations.

Victor hired you?

The guy I was with earlier?

I swear.

It was Victor.

Confirmation is in.

Zero casualties, zero witnesses.

We got lucky. I feel pretty lucky.

But let me remind you that the warhead

that Lana just detonated
was the smaller of the two.

- No one forgot that, Dave.
- Fine.

I'm just saying that
the other one she has left

- will level New York.
- Not if we find her first.

Good plan. How?

We know that Lana has a plane.

It's the only way she could have gotten

the first nuke out
to the South Pacific.

And we know she wasn't on it.

Patterson's phone trace
put her in New York.

Right, so if the second nuke

is gonna detonate here,

she needs an escape.

She must have a second plane.

If she does, we can track it.

Again, how?

Deductive reasoning, math, a little bit

of that luck you love so much.

The plane has to be big enough
to carry Lana's crew

- and the warhead.
- And be able to fly

high enough and fast enough
to get out of the blast zone.

I'm searching private airports
for charter planes

that have landed in New York
in the last few...

Wait, you think she's
gonna file a flight plan

to drop a nuclear warhead
on New York City?

Not on her way out, but there's no way

she could have landed two huge planes

on her way in without one.

How many charters have landed
recently with no plans to leave?

A few more than I'd like,

but there's a C-123 cargo plane

at Farmingdale Airport on Long Island.

You sure that's it?

91% sure.

It meets all the criteria,
and it's Russian-made.

You have to subtract
the 9% on account of,

just, like, so many other things...

All right, we got it.
We got it, let's go.

Patterson, we're in the hangar.

- Are the warheads in here?
- I don't know.

If the warhead isn't armed,
there's no way to tell.

All right, let's split up
and find that nuke.

I'm gonna search the other
hangar for the cargo plane.

Okay, so I've got the specs
for the warhead in front of me.

It can be armed via the w*apon
itself or with a remote.

You need to recover
the remote and the nuke

to neutralize the threat.


Where's Weller?


Uh, good news, bad news.

The warhead just got armed,
and it's moving fast.

Pretty sure it's on that plane.

How is any of that good news?

'Cause I got eyes on a GPS tracker.

Pretty sure I know where Weller is.

All right.

Patterson, I found the warhead.

How do I disarm it?

Uh, use the Category D
Permission Action Link,

hit the disarm button.

What, that's it?

I mean, yeah. They're our nukes.

It's not like he has to cut a wire.

Patterson! Give me an answer!

No, he's right, just punch in

the six-digit PAL code
Adam stole for Lana...

6-4-0-7-1-4 and hit "disable."
That should do it.



What was that?

Lana's on the plane!

She's got a chute on!

No, that doesn't make any sense.

She's not gonna jump
into the blast zone.

Patterson! The
cargo bay door is opening!

Hack into that plane!
I need you to close it!

I'm trying to connect,
but it's a military plane.

It's all encrypted,
and it's all in Russian.

Whoa. Weller, the warhead

just changed directions dramatically.

It's in freefall right over Manhattan.

She's released the b*mb!

And as long as it's not
armed when it falls,

it's not going to explode on impact.

You can't see this,
but the b*mb just got armed.

Lana's dead! She
fell out of the plane!

Where's the remote?

It's on her wrist!

There's only one way
to disarm that b*mb.

You gotta jump!

Oh, he for sure already
jumped out of that plane.

Okay, you
need to catch up to Lana

and use her remote
to disarm the warhead.

You have about 30 seconds
until it hits the ground.

We need to scramble fighter jets
to intercept that plane.

We're already on it. They're
T-minus three minutes 40 seconds.

That is why Lana put on the parachute.

In case we sh**t her down.







Weller, the warhead just
disappeared from our screens.

It's disarmed. We're in the clear.

It landed in the Hudson.

You did it.

You just saved millions of lives.

- Oh, Dave, no.
- Oh.


Are you okay?

Ah, there he is, fresh from the sky.

Very cool.

Where's Jane?

She had to go home.

She's not feeling well.

Well, here's hoping you guys are around

the next time something
like this happens.

What do you mean "next time"?

It's not the first time
the Department of Energy

has misplaced a nuke,
and I can promise you,

it won't be the last.

Silver lining... maybe
after today's events,

they'll get a bit more
budget and we can work on

some nuclear security,
but that's a big maybe.

All right.

See ya.

Bye, Dave.

What an idiot.

Okay. One last thing.

We still have the big picture
to deal with.

As much as I want to take
Crawford down now,

we're still not at checkmate,

so we'll use the long game.

We'll use the tattoos
to take all of his pieces

off the board while he still
doesn't know what's happening,

force him into a corner...
He'll make some mistakes,

and we can take him
and Roman down together.

Sounds like a plan.

Nice work on Reade.

I knew you'd convince him
to see things our way.

Didn't take much convincing.

Just had to hear it from a friend.

You know, there will come a day

when our interests
won't align with theirs.

Playing peacemaker won't be possible.

You'll need to pick a side.

I picked a side when I left the FBI.

I'm with you all the way.

You look like hell.

Yeah, I had a hell of a day.


Those guys that were following us,

you must have lost 'em, huh?

Yeah, I lost 'em in the bazaar.

Well, they found me.

Stole the package and sped off.


Luckily, I memorized the license plate,

popped back here, checked
the CCTV footage in the area.

Hope you don't mind,
I borrowed your laptop.

It's password protected.

Yeah, you'll definitely
need to change that.

I can show you how if you want.

Anyway, I tracked the car.

- A lot of trouble for a little coin.
- Hmm.

Why does Crawford want it so bad?

He doesn't.

- It's a gift for someone.
- Who?

Should I call Crawford and ask him?

You know, I'm sure
he'd be relieved to hear

how I got it back after you lost it.

It's a gift for a collector

that he's trying to close a deal with.


This little coin is worth $4 million

on the open market,
but if it closes the deal,

it's worth 30 billion.

What's he buying?

Something unbuyable.

So it would have been bad
if I lost that coin?

Very bad.

I didn't know if you'd be here.

I was... hoping we could talk.

Nothing that you could
say would fix this.

I've never seen my daughter's face,

and all I can picture
is... you k*lling her.

That's all I can see, too.

It's all I've seen for months.

And all you did was lie.

'Cause I knew if I told you,
that would end us.

I don't want to lose you again.

The first time, it nearly k*lled me,

and, Jane, I know this was selfish.

- I know it was cowardly.
- I'm leaving.

Okay. Just...

Take all the time that you need.

- When you're ready, we can
- No.

I am leaving you.