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04x17 - The Senior Prom

Posted: 09/02/21 08:54
by bunniefuu
[bell rings]

♪ When I wake up in the morning
and the alarm gives out a warning ♪

♪ I don't think I'll ever
make it on time ♪

♪ By the time I grab my books
and I give myself a look ♪

♪ I'm at the corner just in time
to see the bus fly by ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

♪ If the teacher pops a test
I know I'm in a mess ♪

♪ And my dog ate
all my homework last night ♪

♪ Ridin' low on my chair,
she won't know that I'm there ♪

♪ If I can hand it in tomorrow
it will be all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm saved by the bell... ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right, 'cause I'm saved
by the-- ♪

♪ It's all right,
'cause I'm saved by the bell ♪

The senior prom is the
biggest night of high school.

I've got the tux,
I've got the money,

and all I need is one hot honey.

Hi, Zack.

Sorry. Gotta find
your own date.

Please buy tickets
for the senior prom.

They only cost $50 apiece.

Jessie. The prom
is a week away.

You need to be more aggressive.

Slater, show her how to sell.

Yo! Buy a prom
ticket or die.

Please, sir, the economy's
in a recession,

and I don't have enough money.

Spare my insignificant life.

Don't hurt him.

I'll have nobody
to copy from in math.

Get out of here.

It's useless.

No one has enough
money for a prom ticket.

You can't sell
anything these days.

Hey-- come on--

look, come on, guys,
I'm all sold out of tickets.

See me after lunch.

Shoo! Shoo.


Boop. Boop.

Screech, what are you selling?

Tickets to the drama club's
production of Oklahoma!

Starring me.

I play the back end
of Trudy the cow.

How can you sell
so many tickets?

A great salesman
is like a magician.

We never reveal our secrets.

The secret is they're
cheap -- only 50 cents.

Great. Now it's out.

Lisa, who you going
to the prom with?

Too early to tell. I've given
definite maybes to six guys.

Nobody's asked me yet.

Kelly you are one of
the hottest girls in school.

A lot of guys are
going to ask you.

Lisa, I wanted to talk
to you about the prom.

I can't go with you. I got
married during third period.

Relax. I'm not
gonna ask you.

- You're not?
- Nope.

Plenty of other hot-looking
chicks are dying to go with me.

Like that babe right over there.

Hey, there, cupcake. I don't
have a date for the prom.

I can see why.


Don't you want anything else?

No, thanks.

When you smile at me like that,

I got everything I need.

Matt, you're embarrassing me.

Um, here's some ketchup.


And so I asked Leslie
Blonder and she wept with joy.

Joy? Do you think
she has a date?

I've got my prom date.

Zack... when are
you going to get yours?

You know it's tough,

but I've narrowed
my choice down to one.

Who is she?

Watch and you'll see.

Zack, here's your milk shake...

Just the way you like it.

Thanks, Kel.

We're watching.

Preppie, the prom
will be over soon.

Oh, right.

Hi, Jamie.

Can I sit down?

I wish you would.

I was, uh, wondering--

do have you a date for the prom?

No, I don't.

Well, don't worry.
You're very cute.

I'm sure somebody's
going to ask you. See ya.

What just happened here?

That's what we were
supposed to watch?

Why didn't you ask her?

Uh, I never noticed it
before, but she's left-handed.

I don't want to deal with that.

Excuse me, but my prom
date just walked in.

Hi, Kathy. You know the senior
prom is coming up next week.

I know, Zack.

Hi, Zack.

Hi, Ke--

Who are you going with?

I have no idea.
Ha ha ha.

What, was she left-handed, too?

No, I just remembered she
wore braces in junior high.

- Ugh.
- Ugh.

Aren't you being just
a wee bit too picky?

Maybe I was spoiled by
going steady with Kelly.

No other girls
have what she has.

Why don't you go with her?

- Kelly?
- Yeah.

You really think I should?

You know...

I used to wear
braces in junior high.

I'm not going
to the prom with you.

Get lost.


Hi, Zack.

Hey, Kelly, can I talk
to you a minute?

Sure, Zack.

Do you mind?

Do you mind?

I've been thinking
about the prom.

There are a lot of girls
I could ask,

but there's just one girl
I want to go with.

She's the only girl
I've ever cared about.

What I'm saying is,

will you be my date
for the senior prom?

Zack, that's so sweet.

Well, then you will?

I can't.

I've already said yes
to Matt Wilson.

I'm sorry.

Hey, look.
Uh, that's O.K.

I've known we were going to have a
senior prom since we were freshmen.

I should've asked
three years ago.

Go and have
a good time with Matt.


Kelly's already got a date.

Sorry, Zack.

It seemed like a good idea.

Just give me a little
more time to sell tickets.

Time has run out.

I hate to say it, but it
looks like the prom is off.

I'm sorry.

But, Mr. Belding--

I've agreed to this emergency
meeting of the prom committee

to see if there's any way
to salvage your prom.

Let's all put our heads together to
come up with a cheaper location.

Hi, everybody.

- Hi, Zack.
- Hi.

What are you doing here?

I'm volunteered to be
on the prom committee.

We're trying to find a
place to hold the prom.

Why don't we have it in our gym?

The gym's decorated
for Oklahoma.

We can't take down
those sets and props.

Wait a minute. I've
got a great idea.

We can have a
square dance in the gym.

Everybody's got
jeans and boots, right?

Tickets would be really cheap.

And I can provide
the entertainment.

[plays Clementine]

Matt, I hear you're going
to the prom with Kelly.

I know she used
to be your girlfriend.

I hope there's no hard feelings.

Don't be ridiculous.
I'm happy for you,

but I feel it's my
duty as a fellow guy

to warn you.

About what?

About meeting Kelly's old man.

He's very protective.

He used to interrogate
prisoners of w*r, and sometimes--

oh, man-- he gets carried away.

Sounds dangerous.

He's a wimp compared to
Kelly's two older brothers.

They'll break your hand
if you try to touch her.

Are you serious?

Oh, yeah. You see
how this thumb bends?


It used to be able to do this.

But it's prom night.

Kelly's old man could
push her curfew to 9:30...

Before he sends her
brothers to hunt you down.

Hello again. I took
your advice and got lost.

I'm giving you
a chance to reconsider.

Reconsider? Get real.

I don't want to be seen
talking to a creep like you.

Sorry I bothered you.

Can you believe
that little dork?

No, I can't.

I can't believe
a nice guy like him

would ever go to the prom
with a jerk like you.

And by the way, that
sweater clashes with that skirt.

Great news-- tickets
are selling like hot cakes,

and I just got a date.

Elliott Webber asked me.

I guess it's time for me
to select my date.

Make a dozen guys
horribly jealous.

What are you going to do, Zack?

Don't worry about me.

I'm going to have
a date very soon.

Hi, Matt.

You know, I'm really getting
excited about going to the prom.


Would you mind picking me up
a little early?

My father wants to meet you.

He does?

What about your brothers?

Oh, the whole family
wants to meet you.

Oh, no!

I just remembered I asked somebody
else to the prom before I asked you.

I'm such a dummy.

She said yes, so I'm taking her.

You understand.

Hope you find
somebody else. Bye.

I hate to butt in,

but I couldn't help overhearing.

He dumped me.
I feel like such a fool.

No, he's the fool.

Look, my offer still stands.

Why don't you go
to the prom with me?

Zack, I mean,

you're always there when
something bad happens.

I'd love to be your date.



Poor guy.

How are you doing, Screech?

We'll since you asked,
I'm miserable.

There isn't a girl in school
who'll go to the prom with me.

Listen. You're smart.
You're sweet.

You're a little strange,

but that's what makes
you interesting.

You'll find some girl who'd
be thrilled to go with you.

Thanks, Lisa.

You're wrong, but I feel
better just knowing you care,

but don't worry. I'll
keep my promise.

I won't ask you.

Screech, what if...

what if I ask you?

That's a good one, but I'm
too depressed to laugh.

I'm serious.

Will you go to the prom with me?

Will I?

Will I?

Of course I will!

Waitress, two milk shakes!

This is the greatest day
of my life.


Did I hear what
I thought I heard?

Well, I couldn't pick
between all the favorites,

so I went for the underdog.


O.K., Miss Know-it-all.

See for yourself. The
ladder's in the boiler room.

The prom starts in four hours.

I want to hang the banners,
go home, and get dressed.

So do I.

Well, maybe it's not in here.



Slater, open that door.

I can't. It's locked.

I told you the ladder
wasn't down here!

Look what you've done!

Louder, Jessie. Maybe
somebody will hear us

and let us out of here.

Oh. Help!

- Help! Help!
- Help! Hey!

- Help! Help!
- Help! Help!

I'm glad the way
things worked out.

It'll be like old times tonight.

It was like
it was meant to happen.

What time are you
going to pick me up?

Uh, let's say 8:00.

You're taking Kelly to the prom?

Yeah. It's funny
how things work out, huh?

Aren't you afraid
of her brothers?

Matt. I'll handle it.

Jamie looks very lonely
over there. See ya.

Good luck, man.
Watch those thumbs.


What was that all about?

How should I know?
Matt's a weird guy.

I know that look.

Did you talk Matt into
not taking me to the prom?

Kelly, how can you think that?

You're Zack Morris. You'll do
anything to get what you want.

Well, you can
go to the prom alone.

Look, Kelly, I know
you're mad at me,

but if you give me
a minute, I can tell you--

I just don't
want to, O.K.?


[southern accent] That's a
little country welcome there.

I just want
to thank everyone. Ahem.

[usual accent]
I want to thank everyone

on the prom committee who
made this event possible,

especially Jessie Spano
and A.C. Slater

who did all of our
prom decorations.

Take a bow, you two.



Does anyone know where they are?

Hold still!

Would you hurry up and open it?

What if there's a big spider?

Oh, just do it!


Oh, Jessie!

Uh, did you open it?

Uh, well, I think.

You think?

Don't get mad at me! We're
stuck here because of you,

and the prom already started!

You think I like missing it?

Just let me think.

There's got to be a way to
get their attention in the gym.

Wait, I got it.

We'll turn up the heat.

Someone will come down
and see what's wrong.

Great idea.



Nice going. I'm filthy.

So am I. Ugh!

Hey, feel that heat.

Yeah, it's like a furnace.

It is a furnace.

If it's this hot down here,
it'll be broiling in the gym.

They'll have to come
down here and check.

[country music plays]

[music stops]


Come on.

Mr. Belding, it's really
getting hot in here.

Maybe something's wrong
down in the boiler room.

We should go check.

You think so?

Nah, I think it's all
the people crammed in here.

I'll crank up
the air conditioning.

Every man has his calling.

I guess it's time for mine.

Excuse me.

Uh, excuse me, everybody.


Grab your partners for
the Bayside square dance!

Zack, why can't you
just give up?

Because, Kelly,
I have to talk to you.

[hoedown plays]

♪ Gentlemen,
bow to your ladies ♪

♪ Chicken in the bread pan
kickin' out dough ♪

♪ Plantin' them taters
row by row ♪

♪ Eat that
corn pone by the pound ♪

♪ Promenade
around and around ♪

Just listen for
a minute, please.

O.K., go ahead.

♪ On your heel
and on your toe ♪

♪ Change your partner,
here we go ♪


♪ Bobby in the barnyard
milkin' the goat ♪

♪ Granny in bed
with a bad sore throat ♪

♪ Sally wants a lemon
but we only got a lime ♪

♪ Change your partner
one more time ♪

Now, I know what
I did was wrong.

It sure was.

♪ Chicken on a fence post
possum on a rail ♪

♪ Swing your honey
and sh**t that whale ♪

Now, if you just listen
to why I had to do it--

I'm listening.

O.K. Look.

♪ Owl in the tree
don't give a hoot ♪

♪ Go find another gal
just as cute ♪

♪ Kitty in the litter box
lickin' her fur ♪

♪ Rover's in the doghouse
barkin' at her ♪

♪ Sashay around
with a great big grin ♪

♪ She's your gal now
we can't cut in ♪

♪ Mom's in the kitchen
cookin' up grits ♪

♪ Bernie eating apricots,
spittin' out the pits ♪

♪ Promenade home
and don't look back ♪

♪ Kelly go out
and talk with Zack ♪

Whoo-hoo! Whoo! Whoo!

Come on, Kelly.
We need to be alone.

[country music plays]

♪ You came
without warnin' ♪

♪ You left
without a sign ♪

♪ I thought
we had forever ♪

Slater, I'm burning up.

Yeah, me, too.

Um, I'll go turn it
down a little.


Uh... um...
The knob broke.

Listen to that music.

I won't even get to dance
at my own senior prom.


this is all my fault.

Look, I'm sorry I wrecked
the prom for you.

You didn't mean to.
Look, I--

I'm sorry I screamed at you.

You only deserved some of it.

Look, um...

I know we're not in the gym,

and I know I'm not
your date, but...

Well, would you like to dance?


Kelly, I'm sorry.

I just couldn't see us going to the
prom any other way but together.

You've been too big
a part of my life.

But, Zack...

I know it's supposed to be over,

and I know we're friends now,

but, Kelly,
I don't feel that way.

You're the only girl for me

and you always will be.

I know what you mean.

Hey. Hey, that sounds
like Zack and Kelly.

Maybe what you did was wrong,

but this feels right.

I think we belong together, too.

Wait. If we can
hear them, they can--

- Hey!
- Help!

- Help!
- You guys, help!

- Help!
- Help!

- Is that Jessie?
- Yeah.


It's coming from the vents.

Jessie, is that you?

Slater and I are down
in the boiler room!

You're missing the prom!

We're locked in!

Hold on!
We'll come get you!

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

All right, seniors.
Take your partners.

This will be your
last dance at Bayside.

Ohh... ohh... ohh...

Want me to call the Arkansas
hog with the chicken in the skillet?

Just dance with me.
They'll pick the music.

Whatever you say,
my beautiful hayseed.

[country music plays]

♪ Deep within my heart ♪

♪ You're never
far away from me.. ♪

Where were you?

It's a long story...

With a happy ending.

Last dance.

♪ You're always
gonna stay ♪

♪ You're goin'
deep within my heart ♪

♪ You're
never gonna stray ♪

This is perfect, Kelly.

This is the way
it should always be.

No, this is the way.

Hmm, can't argue with that.