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05x02 - Dancing for Me

Posted: 09/03/21 07:03
by bunniefuu
( Theme music playing )

( Car engine starts )

Damn it.

( Grunts )

( Cracks ) ( Groans )

( Brenda and Nate moaning )

Nate: I'm gonna pull out! Brenda: No no no! Don't!

We're supposed to wait. It's okay.

It's been long enough. You sure?

Yeah. All right.

Why don't you put a little man inside me?

( Nate groaning ) ( Giggles )

Whoa! Whoa! Yeah, too much man, huh?

We've got a little visitor. ( Laughs )

Hello, gorgeous.

Are you dancing for us?

I'm dancing for me. Good for you.

( Laughs ) Whoops.

Uh, why don't we all get a little breakfast, huh?

Rain check. Yeah.

Radio: On Saturday, more than 300,000...

Hey, I need you to sign this.

"Step-parent petition"?

Yeah, if we go the surrogate route.

Then at the time of birth the child's legal parents will be me and the surrogate.

But then she'll sign away her rights and you'll then adopt as co-parent.

I only get to be co-parent? That doesn't seem fair.

We'll both be co-parents.

It's just words.

I've already read everything.


Yeah. I signed your form, now you need to sign mine.


( Sighs )

We're really doing this, aren't we?


No, it's gonna be great, I know.

Oh, I spoke to Shirley what's-her-name, the adoption counselor. If we adopt, she's supposed to fax over an orientation schedule.

Mornings are better for me.

Nights are better for me. Okay, we can do nights.

I'm sure Rog will let me go. Thank you.

This doesn't mean you get to pick the name.

What are you talking about? I'm being nice to you because I love you.

You're being nice to me because you want to pick the baby's name.

The fact that Jackson Charles Fisher is an excellent name, and pretty much guarantees that our son will be playing third base for the Los Angeles Dodgers is completely a separate issue.

Look at you, always working.

That's because there's always work to do.

What are you doing?

Just cleaning a bit up here. One of the advantages, or disadvantages, of being tall is you can see dust where no one can.

That was my drying towel.


I'm sorry. Should I use something else?

It's a little late now.

You know, you've been at sixes and sevens with me all day.

George, the kitchen is my territory. I have my ways.

So, what if I take you out of the kitchen and we walk down to that little Armenian deli and get a sandwich?

It's 10:30 in the morning! ( Whispers ) Okay.

I'll just make myself a sandwich.

Do we have any of that spicy mustard I like?

If we do, it's in the door where it always is.

( Bottles clinking )

I don't see any. ( Sighs )

If it's too much of an imposition to help your grandmother, then I'll make my own sandwich!

Just tip my chair over so I can crawl to the breadbox!

( Shouts ) Let me do it!


I can do it.

Here's a recent photo.

His suit's being cleaned. I'll get that to you tomorrow.

You wanted us to handle the memorial marker as well?

Um, yeah, the polished granite.

I put a post-it in the catalog.

Just his name... "Samuel Wayne Hoviak. Beloved husband."

Sam Hoviak? Woman: Yeah.

Did he go to Bonaventure High? Yeah, did you know him?

Well, yeah. I knew him real well.

Wow. I'm so sorry.

I didn't even recognize him. I haven't seen him in years.

We met in college. We were both English majors.

Uh, how did you end up coming here?

Oh, I drive past all the time on the way to Sam's parents.

Still on Harvard, the same house? Yeah.

( Sighs )

Uh, again, I am so sorry.

If there's anything you need please don't hesitate to call us day or night.

Thank you. Thank you.

He was a buddy of yours, huh?

Yeah, yeah, um...

Me, him and this other guy were, like, best friends all through high school.


( Chuckles )

I'm really excited about these.

Yeah, I went in a totally different direction from the last series.

I can see that. Yeah.

Yeah, I felt like I took the collage stuff as far as I could.

And with these I was thinking less about the process and more of just about...

I think simple emotional connection.


Hmm. Well?

They're quite beautiful.

Oh. But I can't sell them.

What do you mean? Well, Claire, they're wedding photographs.

Yeah, technically, but... And they're beautifully shot.

But I'm an art dealer, I know what people want.

And it's not pictures from someone else's wedding.

Maybe if I took out some of the ones that specifically identify it as a wedding.

You know, make it a little more ambiguous.

Do you think I should?

Oh, I would never ask you to compromise your artistic vision.

Well, I can probably interpret my vision in different ways, you know?

And I was kind of hoping to get another show soon.

Ah. Yeah.


I still have a couple ideas for the collage series.

You know?

All right, I'm having a group show next month.

If you can bring me two pieces from your collage series I'll see what I can do to find a place for them.

Just two?

( Door opens ) The world is an evil place, Claire.

( Door closes )

Notice something different? About what?

( Inhales ) No formaldehyde smell.

I'm trying a new line of chemicals... "millennium new era."

Less toxic exposure so I'll live to see my grand kids.

Looks good, right?

Do you know who this is?

Should I? It's Sam Hoviak.


Oh my god, you're kidding. Sam Hoviak from high school?


Wow, he got fat. Yeah.

I used to have such a crush on him.

Really? He always so nice to me.

And he had such great shoulders.

He was run over? Yeah, he ran over himself.

How do you do that?

I have no idea.

( Cell phone rings )

The adoption agency.

This is David Fisher.

Yes, Shirley. How are you?

Sam: No f*cking way.

Yeah, that's you.

Jesus, what a lardass.

Well, I guess I ate too much p*ssy, huh?

Look at you. You used to be so obsessed with your f*cking six-pack I thought you were secretly gay.

Dude, I got fat. It's not the end of the world.

You swore you'd never become a f*cking funeral director and look at you now.

At least I don't need a golf cart to get around.

Oh, dude, harsh.

By the way, I always knew you slept with Sheila Maddox while she was supposedly my girlfriend.

The operative word there is supposedly.

You were too busy trying to bag Jennifer Kaufman to notice.

I did bag Jennifer Kaufman. I knew you did.

And Sheila knew it too. I was merely comforting her.

Do you remember that?

Remember feeling like there was nothing in the world you couldn't get away with and it would always be that way?

Did you make a vegetable?

No, this is spinach lasagne.

I figured that would be our vegetable.

Well, I only asked because sometimes you make a dish and it's not until we're almost finished eating that you remember it's still in the oven.

I guess I must have Alzheimer's.

I wasn't being critical, Ruth.

Actually, I find all your little quirks very endearing.


Mmm. This is delicious.

Thank you. What's in it?

Do you want me to list all the ingredients?

Not if you don't want to. I was just wondering what this spice is?

"Italian seasoning." ( Chuckles )

I didn't know you could buy it all mixed up like this.

"Basil, Rosemary, marjoram, sage, thyme, oregano."

( Chuckles ) Have to keep this in stock.

I'll make a note of it.

Do you know what they call an Italian hooker?

A pasta-tute

( laughs )

That kind of humor doesn't really appeal to me, George.

Guess it's not that funny.

You're goddamned right it's not funny!

None of this funny! You tricked me into marrying you!

You knew you were crazy and didn't tell me!

And now I have to take care of you for the rest of my life!

What did I do to f*cking deserve this?!

You can really taste the Rosemary.

Margaret: I think you're making a terrible mistake.

You don't belong in a place like that. I have to do my internship.

I've got to clock 300 hours.

But a free clinic?

You're going to have to hire an armed escort to walk to your car.

You're catastrophysing.

Those places attract the absolute dregs of society.

The most desperate and the most dangerous.

The reason I charge $200 an hour is to keep those kinds of people out of my office.

Well, thankfully I'm not you.

You know, I would like to work with people who actually need help.

Really, Brenda, let me find you a better internship.

One that's more suited to your talents.

I hate to let the fact that I've slept with half of southern California's psychiatric academia go to waste.

No thank you. I am fine.

What makes you think you're going to help them anyway?

You're always talking about doing cognitive work.

You live in your head.

How are you going to relate to crack addicts?

Because I've had my own struggles with addiction.

Because we're all human. No, honey, we're not.

( Door closes ) That's what you're going to learn.

Nate: Hi. Hey!

Maya: Hi, mommy. Hello, Maya.

How's my favorite little girl? ( Maya shrieks )

Hello, Margaret.

Nate. Oh, look at you and your happy little family.

Mommy just ordered Chinese and it's going to be here in 10 minutes. Perfect.

My mom's trying to convince me that I'm making a huge mistake by working at a free clinic.

I think it's kind of great. Yes, let's all save the world.

Well, why not save the world?

I think you're both being naive about this.

Well, sometimes that's not such a bad thing.

Maya: I wanna go read "Peter rabbit."

Nate: You wanna go read "Peter rabbit?"

Woman on TV: Scientists at the time blame the deaths of million of fish in north Carolina waters...

So, you want move up to my room?

I do but I should go.

It's completely private up there.

Well... And no one minds if you stay over.

( Chuckles )

Am I interrupting anything?

Uh... no.

Of course not.

It's your house. ( Chuckles )

My wife's actually.

Uh, do you remember Sharon?

Uh, of course.

We met at the wedding.

Oh, yeah, Nate and Brenda's wedding.

It's nice to see you again. Hi.

So anything good on?

Oh, I don't know.

Something about fish I think.


I should go. Oh, really?

Yeah. You sure?

Tomorrow's my day off, so...

So what's the hurry?

I have a bunch of errands to do in the morning.

Ah... ( Sighs )

Okay, let me walk you out. No, I'm fine.

Stay here with George.

Wanna have lunch tomorrow? Yeah. Great.

Yeah? Yeah, give me a call.

Okay. Okay.

( Sighs )

I'm sorry, baby, I'm not gonna come tonight.

It's okay.

It's not the lithium. It's the Seroquel.

It, uh...

Sometimes it makes it difficult to ej*cul*te.

That's okay.

I thought I was passed all that, though.

I hate this.

Billy, it's okay.

I came already. ( Chuckles )

Oh, so I don't matter, right?

No, of course not.

You're here purely to service me.

And now that you've satisfied me, I must k*ll you.

Seriously, don't freak out about this.

It'll just make the next time that much better.

I don't know. I just don't want to name him Logan.

David: Why don't you like Logan?

You've got to be kidding me.

It's like a porn star name.

What's wrong? Nothing.

Why are you looking at me like you're about to eat me?

I'm just looking at how beautiful you are.

Shut up. I mean it.

You're starting to creep me out.

I want our baby to be part you, too.

Well, I think we're out of luck there.

Not if we ask Claire to donate some of her eggs.

Claire? Yeah.

Then the baby could be like a combination of the two of us.

Or as close as we could get anyway.


Well, I guess I could ask.

I think it's a great idea.



( Square dancing music playing )

( Rooster crowing )

( Cows mooing )

I am the egg man.


( Horse whinnies )

( Tractor engine rattling )

Daddy. ( Shrieks )

( Shower running ) ( Keith humming )

( Groans )

( Baby crying )

What's taking so long?

It's okay. Just calm down.

Oh, uh, excuse me. I'm Bren...

Hi, Brenda Chenowith. I'm here to see Eileen Goldberg.

Brenda, hi. I'm Eileen.

Hi. Follow me.

Try not to trip over any of our family.

So, this your office.

You'll share it with Mohan our other intern.

He's Tuesdays and Thursdays and you're Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

So hopefully you'll never meet, 'cause he's kind of a moron.

We have a staff meeting at 2:00 in the afternoon.

Until then, maybe you could read through some of these files.

Okay. Okay.


I'm glad you're here. We need you.

I'm glad I'm here, too. Okay.

( Piano music playing )

( Whispers ) Hey.

I thought you had a lunch.

I do.

I'm just waiting for her to call me back.

I started the prep work on the other body.

I'll finish it up by tomorrow. Good.

Might be a long lunch if you know what I mean.

( Chuckles ) Well, good luck.


I really like this girl.


Oh my god. Tom Wheeler. Hey. Yeah!

When I heard the funeral was here I was hoping I'd see you.

Last I heard you were still up in Seattle. Yeah yeah.

Well, no, I'm...

Back here now. Working here. Really?

You always swore that... Yeah yeah, I know.

But the funny this is I actually like this work.

Wow. That's great.

That's great. I've got a software consulting firm over in Encino.

Oh, great great. Yeah, it is good.

I've got a wife, three kids.

Basically turned into my father. ( Chuckles )

Your father was a really good guy as I remember him.

My dad never bought us beer.

Although, he probably would have if I'd asked him.

My oldest... can you believe this? ( Sighs )

He's 18.

He's going to college in the fall.

Man, we are getting up there, aren't we?

( Chuckles ) Yeah.

Man, it is really good to see you.

But, damn, I wish it was under better circumstances.


Yeah, it's kind of hard to believe Sam's dead.

Yeah, I never would have thought he'd be the first one to go.

So how does someone run over himself?

I don't know.

Listen, I've gotta go pay respects. Okay.

What do you say get a beer later, catch up? That would be great.

Okay. Good to see you.

( Sighs )

Ruth: He has good days and he has bad days.

More bad than good.


Whenever I talk to him on the phone he sounds great.

Well, your calls always help.

( Chuckles ) I thought I heard your voice.

Hi, daddy. Hi, sweetie.



You look so good. Well, I feel pretty good.

I guess sending thousands of volts of electricity through the brain must've done the trick. That's so good to hear.

Here, sit down. I made some iced tea.

Thank you.

I'm, uh, still having problems with my memory.

Yesterday he forgot our home phone number.

They needed it at the pharmacy and he was hunting all over the store for me like a lost little boy.

Gets pretty frustrating.

But, dad, that's normal. That's not something to worry about.

Oh, I know. I know.

The doctor said it could be a very long haul.

So, how have you been filling your time?

Oh, resting mostly. And a lot of reading.

I just finished Clinton's book.

Oh, I've been wanting to read that? Really?

Let me get it for you.

Before I forget. ( Chuckles )

Well, he seems so much better.

With everything you said I wasn't sure what to expect.

I'm never sure what to expect.

Every day's a new adventure.

Hey, Sharon. It's Rico again.

Obviously, we're not going to have lunch today.

But, uh, why don't you give me a call back so we can reschedule?

Okay? Bye-bye.

Claire: Thanks for helping me with this.

It's not a problem.

Be nice to have something feels remotely familiar at Billy's apartment. I can relate.

Of course, if you'd like to do a favor for me in return... What?

It's a big favor.


Donate some of your eggs to Keith and me?


Like when? As soon as possible, I guess.

I mean, we have to find a surrogate first.


And then you would both have to go on birth control pills at the same time so your cycles would coincide.

Then there would be all sorts of hormone injections.

And you wouldn't be able to exercise or anything.

No dr*gs or drinking, of course.

Eventually, the eggs would be harvested through a needle inserted into the vag*na.

Your vag*na.

Ew. It's like surgery.

( Chuckles nervously )


Okay, I get it. It's asking too much.

I mean, I haven't given that much thought to my eggs.

But I'm not exactly sure I want to give any of them away.

It really wasn't fair of me to ask.

You're not mad? No, of course not. No.

Even if it all worked out, there would be the weirdness of having a niece that you're also the mother of.

Yeah, that's really kind of creepy.

It could make Thanksgiving dinners a little awkward.

( Chuckles )

Everyone say hello to Brenda Chenowith our new intern.

Hi. Hello.



We're about to discuss the case of one Tanisha Williams.

32 years old, habitual abuser of crack cocaine and occasional prost*tute.

The state is seeking custody of her 12-year-old child after said child complained that her mother tied her to the coffee table, whipped her until she bled and then sexually molested her with a rolled up copy of "Newsweek."

All for the viewing pleasure of her boyfriend.

I'm sure the kid's lying.

There's no way that woman reads "Newsweek."

( Group laughs )

Is this the same child with all the burn marks?

Man: No, that's her sister.

Woman: Since the children have been in foster care...

Eileen: Hey.

You okay? Yeah.

No, I mean... whew.

( Chuckles )

Don't feel bad.

You've got to be in a strong place to work here.

I'm in a strong place.


( Sighs )

Sharon's voice: Hey, it's Sharon. I'm not in right now.

Please leave me a message...

( sighs )

Excuse me. Have you seen Sharon Kinney?

No, sorry. Haven't seen her around today.

Thank you!

( Phone rings )

Hello, Rico.

Rico: Hey, Vanessa.

Uh, listen, I'm sorry. I don't think I can take the kids out tonight.

I didn't make dinner for them. You said you'd take them out.

I know, I'm sorry. But a friend of mine is missing and I'm starting to worry.

What friend? Sharon.

What, that woman you've been seeing?

Yeah. What do you mean she's missing?

I don't know. She just disappeared.

I hope she's okay. Have you started calling the hospitals?

Oh, man. I guess I should.

I'm sorry about the kids.

Don't worry about it. I hope you find her.

And I'm sure she's fine.

Okay, bye-bye. Bye, Rico.

( Dialing )

Operator: City and listing?

Uh, yes, Los Angeles. County hospital.

This tea is interesting.

What did you call it? Yerba Mate.

You must find all kinds of new things in your adventures.

What adventures?

I mostly see my hotel room and the inside of doctor's offices.

Still, Hawaii, San Francisco, Portland.

It all sounds so exciting.

I like it.

I get to set my own schedule. ( Snoring )

Yeah, there are plenty of perks.

Are you dating anyone?

There must be men lined at the door to see you. Doctors.

( Chuckles ) Yeah, like they're such prizes.

I guess men are the same everywhere.

Actually, I have been dating a doctor in Phoenix for a while.

What's his name? Philip.

Tell me. No, he's fine.

He's a little obsessed with his work.

But that's normal.

Is it serious? Well, he seems to think so.


I'm in no hurry to get married.

Good for you.

If you want my advice and... ( Chuckles )

Lord knows I'm not one to give advice.

But I think you should know exactly what you're getting into before you make that jump.

Marriage is hard.

I know this must be difficult for you.

My father.

Thank you for saying that.

Sometimes that's all I need to hear.

That someone understands.

You know, I don't usually give advice, either.

But I think, if you look hard enough you'll see that the man you fell in love with is still in there.

( Snores )

( Cell phone rings ) ( Latin music playing )


Hi, mom. It's me, Brenda.

You want me to make those calls for you?


Oh, I feel awful.

Well, honey, those people are so depressing.

( Scoffs ) Mom, it's not that.


I don't know. It's...

You know, it wasn't really the job for you.

Yeah yeah, maybe not.

You just don't know how to dress down like them.

You must have been a walking target.

Yeah, mom, you're right, that's it.

And let us not forget, you just had a miscarriage.

Well, I really don't see what that's got to do with it.

Honey, you're still in shock.

I'm so glad that you're more in tune with my emotional state than me.

Well, I'm a very good psychologist.

I was being sarcastic. I know that as well.

Well, don't forget to send me a bill for $200.

Oh, I won't. ( Laughs )

Wolf: Somehow we end up in Cambodia.

And it is like, "holy f*ck"!

A world you never even knew existed.

We lived in a little tree house up with the birds.

Oh, god. That sounds so amazing, just traveling like that.

You have to. It's your responsibility as an artist to try everything that world has to offer.

We just went wherever we wanted till the money ran out.

And get this. The best part was, when we got back the first piece of mail that I opened was this huge f*cking check.

Oh, wow. Yeah, this Grant is a godsend.

Gives us enough money to live on for a year while I get back to work on my installation.

That is so great. God, I wish I could get a Grant.

Is this still the, uh, poultry thing?

Yes, but it's expanded way beyond that now.

You need to come by our new space and check it out.

It's amazing. I would love to.

Yeah, we're still unpacking shit.

You know what I found was that video we shot when we turned the L.A. river red. ( Laughs )

Oh no, not as daunting as it sounds.

It hadn't rained in months. There was an inch of water.

But still it was, like, this trickle of blood snaking through the city. ( Laughs )

It was pretty cool.

I can't believe they talked you into becoming a professor.

Well, associate professor.

But, uh, yeah, it's not so bad, you know?

Got to pay the rent.

Well, you're a better man than me.

He is such an amazing teacher. Really.

Well, those that can't, do.

So, Billy said you're working on a new series.

Yeah, yeah.

I just showed them to my gallery owner.

Who loved them, but he still wants more of my old series.

He does? You didn't tell me that.

Yeah, I guess he thinks I'm a factory who's going to keep churning out the same stuff.

So what about you, Billy? What are you working on these days?

Well, molding impressionable young minds.

Arguing for a decent budget.

Oh, god. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm so glad I'm out of that world.

Me, too. I am never setting foot on a campus again.

I mean, how do you even have time to do your real work?

To be honest, I'm not exactly overflowing with ideas just now.

Mmm. We all hit dry spots.

Billy: Yeah, that we do.

Tom: So how are you handling it?

Handling what? Turning 40.

It's a couple months from now, right?

Yeah, yeah.

I think I'm handling it fine.

I haven't really thought that much about it.

( Laughs ) Yeah, right.

Listen, um...

Can I ask you a personal question?


Do you have a harder time now?

You know, like, getting wood?

Yeah. Yeah, occasionally.

Do you ever look at girls?

Young girls, like, 14-15?

You get that same feeling you got when you were that age.

And then you're so f*cking hard it feels like it might break.

I have a daughter, Tom. So I don't look at young girls like that.

Liar. Look, I've got a daughter, too.

She's 13, of course I don't look at her that way.

But she's got this one friend.

She comes over to the house all the time and, Jesus, f*ck.

She is just so perfect.

She's a child, Tom. You cannot go there.

Look, Nate, I know she is! I would never do that.

But, I mean, it's not even the thought of actual sex.

It's just... it's that... ( Grunts )

That young...

All that energy, you know?

It's likes she reminds me of this part of me that I've forgotten even existed.

You know? No, I don't know.

Really? Nate, don't you ever lie awake in bed at night and just think, "Jesus, f*ck, I'm going to be 40 f*cking years old"?

No, I don't. I lie in bed awake at night thinking, "thank you, god, for letting me live this long."

Are you, like, Christian or something?

( Chuckles ) No.

I've just had a lot of serious shit happen to me in my life.

And I really get it now that this doesn't last.

And I'm no different from anybody else.

Yes, indeed this will happen to me.

It is happening to me a little bit each everyday.

And that doesn't freak me out.

If anything, it's liberating.

Okay, so I guess it comes with the territory?

I mean, your job.

No, I don't think it's the job, really. It's just...

The job allows me to practice being okay with it.

Yeah yeah, okay, so there. You have to practice.

Okay? So you're really not okay with it.

Of course, you have to practice. Yeah, but Nate...

It's just so f*cking big.

I mean, it's all going by so f*cking fast.

Would you change anything? Like what?

Like who you're with or what you do or what kind of person you are.

Because if you would, do it now.

Whoa, dude.

That's really harsh. Look, this is it, Tom!

This is all we have. Right here, right now.

You know, I've got to go home.

I wanna be there before Maya goes to bed.

( Sniffs )

It was good seeing you. Yeah, man.

It was good seeing you. We should get together sometime.

Yeah yeah, okay.

Yeah, give me a call.

So what's everyone up to? Should we hit the Concord?

Oh. Yeah.

I've been dying to go there. You think we can get in?

Wolf could get his publicist to make a call.

You guys are going to have to do it without me.

No! Yeah, I'm beat.

Yeah, right. You got another party you're going to?

You don't want us slowing you down?

No, I still got to work on my lesson plan for next week.

You serious? Come on, man.

Where's the old Billy I used to know?

He's going to the restroom.

Is he doing okay?

Hmm? Yeah. He's great.

Hmm. Why, you don't think he is?

I don't know. The Billy Chenowith I knew wouldn't be going home early.

He'd have us out all night doing something completely insane.

( Water running )

It's nice to have Maggie here, isn't it?

Yes, it certainly is.

She's one of the few things I did right.

That and marry you.

You're a sweet one when you want to be.

It's easy to be sweet when I'm married to you.

Good night, George.

Good night.

( Organ playing )

He had a tattoo.

Huh? Sam had a tattoo on his ass that said, "U.S.D.A. Prime beef."

( Laughs ) Well, it was 1982.

Sorry, my crush is officially over.


If you can handle it from here, I have a body waiting downstairs.

Wait a minute, I thought Rico was handling it.

He had an emergency with Sharon.

What kind of an emergency?

Uh, hi, I'm Tom Wheeler.

I first met Sam in the 10th grade when he talked me and Nate, who stands right behind you there, into cutting biology class.

Then we jumped out the second story window.

Nate when first and sprained his ankle.

I landed without injury.

Until, of course, Sam jumped on me and gave me a mild concussion. ( Laughs )

At that moment or fates were sealed as best friends.

Best days of my life were spent with these guys.

But as always happens as time goes by...

( With Russian accent ) Once we had people using an apartment for purposes of prostitution.

But I kicked them right out on their zadnek.

You don't think she's doing anything like this, do you?

Oh, no. No no no. She's just been missing and I'm really worried that something's happened to her.

Sharon, you in there?

( Sniffs )

I don't smell anything.

( Flies buzzing )



Oh my god! What the f*ck are you doing?

You're here!

You came into my apartment. Are you crazy?

He insisted I let him in. I was worried!

We were supposed to have lunch yesterday and I've called you half a dozen times.

And you didn't even answer your door.

Look, I'm sorry.

I thought you could, you know...

Take a hint.



Miss Chenowith. Brenda.

Jackie. Hi.

Hi, have a seat please. Thank you.

I typically award this internship to my most promising student.

But apparently somebody pulled some strings somewhere and it's to go to you now, so I guess that's that.

We have over 17,000 students here from every possible ethnic and socio-economic background.

Quite a few of them end up here needing our help.

I understand. We deal with everything from eating disorders to depression to stress-related disorders. You name it.

It's not a walk in the park.

Are you ready for that?

Yeah, I think I'll manage. Hmm.

Anything else? It says you speak a second language.

Yes. French.

Ah, great.

We get a lot of people from France here. ( Snickers )


I'm sorry I didn't call first. I was just driving by.

Come in.

( TV playing in distance)

Hey, uh, do you think I can take the kids out to dinner tonight?

Rico, you can't keep changing days on me.

I'm sorry.

Forget it.

What happened to Sharon? Did you find her?

She died.

Oh my god, Rico.


Yeah, she died.

What happened? She had a heart thing.

I found her in her apartment.

Baby, that's so awful.

I'm so sorry.

I'm still kind of reeling from it.

You know? Mm-hmm.

It's so sudden.

Well, take the boys out for pizza.

You need them with you. It'll make you feel better.

Do you think that you can come too?

Of course.

Of course. Just give me a few minutes.

( Soft music playing )


Finish your lesson plans already?

Ah, no.

I don't really have the energy for it.

I'm working on a new idea.

Yeah, I want to go back to the collage stuff.

But on a much bigger scale.

Not just people as fragments glued together, but, like, the whole world.

Well, that sounds good.

Yeah, sort of capture the idea that everything we know is just barely being held together.


That's big. I know.

It's big. It's really big. Yeah!


I'm just trying to...

I'm still trying to figure it all out.

Well, I'll let you keep working then.

So have you had an opportunity to talk to Claire yet?

Well, yes. Yesterday.

And you didn't tell me?

I wanted to give her another day to think about it.

And? She won't do it.

Serious? She's strongly against it.

That's weird. Is it, though?

Sometimes I think what's weird is us trying to create our own child.

We're two men, Keith. It's not possible.

There's no way that we're going to have a child that's both part me and part you.

I know that, David. Then let's stop pretending.

Whether we have a child through a surrogate or we adopt a child, all that's important is the child itself.


Really? Of course.

( Sighs ) Look...

I wasn't trying to be selfish about any of this.

And I really can't imagine anything greater than being able to look at our child and see you in him. Or see you in her.

Hopefully you still will.

It was such a short visit, Maggie.

I wish you could stay longer.

That's the good and the bad part of my job...

I'm never anywhere very long.

Vanilla or chocolate?

I'd like the Neapolitan.

We don't have that.

Of course we do.

I had some yesterday. Yes and now we're out of it.

How can we be out of it? That's what I like! Neapolitan!

Daddy, why don't you take a little vanilla and a little chocolate?

It's almost the same thing. No, it is not the same!

Neapolitan is chocolate, vanilla and strawberry!

If there's no strawberry it most definitely is not Neapolitan!

You see what I go through?

I'm sorry. It's just...

My life is so goddamned pathetic.

All I have to look forward to is a f*cking bowl of ice cream.

( Shouts ) And I can't even get that!

I'm sorry.

I'm trying not to be demanding.

It's just...

Oh, my life is shit!

I simply don't know how to deal with this.

It's like having another child.

It's okay, daddy.

You're gonna have moments like this. It's gonna get better.

Will it really?

Maggie, please don't leave.

I'm not sure I can do this by myself.

If you leave tomorrow, Maggie, I just...

I don't know what I'll do.

Maybe I can stay a little longer.

( Sobbing )

( Toilet flushes )

( Rock music playing )

♫ I found a picture of you ♫

♫ oh oh oh oh oh

♫ what would hijack my world at night ♫

♫ to a place in the past we'd been cast out of? ♫

♫ Oh oh oh oh oh

♫ now we're back in the fight ♫

♫ we're back on the train ♫

♫ ooh ah!

♫ Ooh, back on the chain g*ng. ♫