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03x14 - Everlasting

Posted: 09/03/21 17:30
by bunniefuu
No... No...



Every morning with this guy.

Hey! Dizzy Gillespie!
I'm trying to sleep here!

Agent Patterson.

- Professor Izenberg, hi.
- Good morning.

Jack, please.

- So, are you...
- Are you...


- What were you...
- Sorry, I was just gonna ask

if you were coming
to my talk this afternoon

on Laser Ablation Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.

I'd love to have you.

I... I'm super familiar

I know, I read your internal memo

on its field application, it was...

You read that?

Of course. It was brilliant.

Thank you, that's...

I... I always figure
those just get tossed.

Well, I read yours.


You're magnetic.


That's the term for a charge
generated by friction.

"Tribo," the term for...
Greek word for rubbing.

Come to my talk.

I... I want to, but I'm...
I'm very behind on this...

How 'bout a coffee sometime instead?


I... I can't, I'm... I'm always...

all the times... in my lab always.

What the hell was that?

That was bad, wasn't it? I was so bad!

I just was... I was trying
to think of an excuse,

and then my mouth kept moving, so I...

Why are you making excuses at all?

Jack is super cute and super smart.

- Obviously, but...
- But nothing.

You gotta get back on the horse.

No more lame excuses.

Whoa, I have legitimate
reasons for being reluctant.

First... there was David.

That was not your fault.

Actually, it was.

Patterson... Listen!

I just don't wanna rush into things.

Rush? How long has it been since...

Since Borden lied about his identity,

put a bug in my tooth
and tried to k*ll me?

I am sorry I did this to you.

You know what? You're right.

I should probably get on Bumble.

- What's up?
- Everything okay?

Take a seat.

I proposed.


That is not what I thought
you were gonna say!

- Hey, surprise.
- My God.

Congrats, seriously, that's...

Yeah, that's...

I... I thought you were gonna
wait for your anniversary.

I was just too...

I mean, I just couldn't wait anymore.

You should've seen
the look on Meg's face.

I'm sure she was thrilled.


Hey, I want you to be my best man.

Wouldn't you rather have Weller

planning your bachelor party?

So he can bark "let's move"
at me all weekend?

No! I need you up there next to me.

Like, in a tux?

No, you don't have
to wear a tuxedo, it's...

Actually, I gotta take this.

But I'm not gonna take "no"
for an answer, all right?

- Sorry, that must have been...
- It's fine.

Hey, hey, hey!

Have you thought any more
about saying anything to him?

- I had my chance.
- When?

A couple years ago after
he came back from the hospital.

He kissed me.

And I pushed him away.

So? Feelings change.

And people get engaged.

Look, if you're not
gonna say anything to him,

at least follow your own advice

and get back on the horse.


I cracked one of Jane's tattoos.

That's great, Afreen. What do you got?

You see these digits?

I noticed there's a tiny
"C over D" next to them.

- Circumference over diameter?
- Exactly.

- 3.1415926...
- I get it, it's pi.

Anyway, when I multiplied each digit

in the sequence by 3.14...

You get a whole new string of numbers.

Which led me to an autopsy report

- for a deceased U.S. Marine.
- And?

That's as far as I got.

Well, hot damn, Afreen,
that is great work.

There's dozens of number sequences

all over Jane's body.

I wanna convert and analyze
them all using pi.

I hate to say this,

but he had to have known
what Crawford was up to.

I'll meet you in the lab.

Hey, is there new intel on Crawford?

No. We're just talking about

what Nas has found on
Avery's adopted father.

Yeah, well, he was no Boy Scout.

Hiding illgotten funds,

ordering hits on corporate rivals.

We... we don't know that.

Nas, she wouldn't have lied to us.

I'm not questioning Nas, okay?

I just, I don't wanna
tell Avery, not yet.

We have to be totally
honest with her, Jane.

I know, and I'm not suggesting
that we lie, okay?

But before we taint her memory of him,

let's just double check,

make sure he actually
did all those things.

Let me do a little digging

and see if I can find
some concrete proof.

First, I'd like to take a moment

for a shoutout to Afreen.
Come on, get over here.

She made the initial deduction

that cracked today's tattoo wide open.

It was as easy as pi.

Okay, easy now, Afreen.

When did this become an open mic?

Anyway, when we multiplied

each digit in these sequences
by pi, they were converted

to three autopsy report numbers
for three U.S. Marines

that died on the exact same day.

Were they in the same battle?

They weren't even
in the same time zone.

One was stationed on
Incirlik Air Base in Turkey,

the other on Fort Buckner in Okinawa,

third on Kuwait Naval Base in...

- Kuwait.
- How'd you guess?

So, what was the causes
of their deaths?

Well, according to the autopsies,

each of these soldiers died
of an accidental drug overdose.

But clearly,
these reports were doctored.

- How do you know?
- I magnified

and enhanced each of these.

Now, see these faint lines?

They're identical.

These were uploaded
on the same scanner.

Which would be impossible for autopsies

conducted on different continents.

- Someone replaced the original reports.
- Exactly.

This could be the tip of the iceberg

of a major military coverup.

Cannot believe I'm saying this,

but I'll authorize exhumation
of the bodies for another exam.

There are no bodies.
They were all cremated.

Someone really doesn't
want us to find out

how these Marines died.

If you're willing
to requisition the ashes,

there is this cutting edge,
albeit somewhat volatile test.

- How volatile?
- Honestly, borderline volcanic.

But it's the only way
to find toxins in cremains.

I've never conducted this
particular test before, but...

Wait, you're unfamiliar with
this crazy volcanic test?

Think of it like a maiden voyage.

Think of it like, no,
we'll outsource this one.

Wait, what about that forensic
specialist from the elevator?

Dr. Izenberg?

It's in his wheelhouse.
He could supervise.

Yeah, I... I don't need...
I don't need supervision.

He could assist.

Problem solved. Call him down.

I cannot believe that the FBI
is secondguessing our work.

You wanted to see me?

Patterson, this is Colonel Ferguson.

She's the Director of the Armed Forces'

Medical Examiner's Office.

- Nice to meet you.
- I won't have you

disputing the veracity

of autopsy reports issued
by my division.

No dispute. They were altered.

I trust my people.

This is the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.

We don't deal in trust,
we deal in truth.

No respect for the chain of command.

What, are they bringing
in the whole platoon?

- You must be General Mahoney.
- Please, call me Pete.

Right. So you're the good cop.

I was the commanding officer
for Private Erickson on Okinawa,

and I wanna know what I can do to help.

I never could wrap my head around

how such a solid man could OD.

- So you want these tests.
- Absolutely.

Well, tell her.

I'm sorry you lost
one of your men, General.

We're gonna get you answers.

The last of the cremains just arrived,

and as soon as we can
secure the ultracentrifuges

from our Jersey headquarters...

We've got centrifuges.

I'll have them sent over
from my Midtown lab.

Thank you.


Did the centrifuges arrive yet?

Dr. Izenberg's setting up right now.

Thank you so much for helping us.

Thanks for inviting me.

- So are you ready to start?
- How 'bout we start?

We really gotta stop doing this.

What is that?

Hey, Afreen, can you
check the centrifuge?

Where did she go?

Yeah, this seems off.

I wonder if...

synced & corrected by PopcornAWH

No... No...



Okay, okay.




Hey, Jack!

This is so weird.

You were in my dream last night.

Not like that. It wasn't like a...

- So are you...
- Are you...

Sorry, I was just gonna ask

if you were coming
to my talk this afternoon

on Laser Ablation Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry.

I'd love to have you.

Your internal memo on
its field application was...

You read that.

Of course. It was brilliant.


You're magnetic.

Hey, if you can't make my talk,

maybe we could have coffee sometime?

I can't. Sorry.

Are you blind?

Jack is super smart and super cute.

What's the longest
deja vu you've ever had?

I have no clue, why?

- I'm feeling... I'm feeling very off,
- Do you know what,

- like I'm...
- I don't wanna hear it.

No more lame excuses, it's time to...

get back on the horse.

What's up?

Take a seat.

You proposed to Meg, didn't you?

Aw, man, Patterson, seriously?
How'd you...?

Meg called you, didn't she?

Um, no, this was the...
The first I've heard of it.


That... that's not true.
We... we heard this yesterday.

So Meg did call you.

No, nobody called anybody.

We've already had this conversation,

and now Reade is gonna
ask you to be his best man.

Patterson, why are you
ruining this for me?

Wait, how is this my fault?

Be my best man?

Wouldn't you rather have Weller
plan your bachelor party?

And have him bark "let's move"
at me all weekend?

No, I need you up there next to me.

There's a... tattoo that I gotta...

I cracked one of Jane's tattoos.

Yep, yep, three autopsy reports.

- There are three?
- There will be.

Okay? See these digits?

Look, pi, who would have thought?

Exactly! 3.14...

- I get it!
- Right.

Then I multiplied each digit
in sequence by pi and...

Wwwwwait, what are those?

Those sevens?

One is in the traditional style,

and one is inked

in the French way with
the crossbar in the middle.

I never noticed those before.

Neither had I. Yes!

This is progress!

I was having the craziest
deja vu, but I think...

I think it's over now.

And I'm not suggesting that we lie,

but before we taint her memory...

No, stay on track, stay on track,

find out what those sevens mean.

Okay, so Afreen helped
with this one, obviously.

It was as easy as pi.

When did this become an open mic?

Anyway, three Marines died,
all of them the same day.

- Were they in the same battle?
- You know they weren't!

Whoa! What the hell's gotten into you?

Patterson, are you okay?

Anyway, I think

what Patterson was trying
to explain is,

these Marines weren't even
stationed together.

One was on Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.

Another was at Fort Buckner
on Okinawa, and the third

- was in Kuwait Naval Base in.
- Kuwait.

How'd you guess?

Are you making fun of me?

No, no, II.

This doesn't seem familiar to anyone?

Seriously, no one is having deja vu?

Yeah, we are, 'cause you
brief us every damn day.

Sorry, I...

I think I just ate something
that's not settling.

I am not in "The Matrix."

I am not in "The Matrix."

This is just an extended
episode of deja vu,

which is a normal
psychological phenomenon

experienced by 96% of the population.

This is normal, this is just
your parahippocampal gyrus

activating in the presence

of your fullyfunctioning
prefrontal cortex.

That's all it is.

We're good. We're good.

Hey! What are they do...

General Mahoney,
Colonel Ferguson,

this is Special Agent Patterson.

She'll be administering the test.

- Pleasure.
- Nice to meet you.

Yeah, nice... Nice to meet you again.

We're just gonna drop these off.

Hey, are you okay?

You were in there for over an hour.

Did you get the saag paneer again?

Yeah. Yeah, that's...

that's... that's what happened.

Nothing in these tattoos is random.

Roman used two types
of sevens for a reason.

He's pointing us to sevens.

Yeah, but which one?

There are hundreds on these autopsies.

Sevens are used for measurements

and spinal ratings.

I feel like I'm forgetting something.

What is that?

This dial's been cranked.

Somebody did this on purpose.

Get out!

What the hell is going on?

Move! Out of the way! Coming through!

GCS of 12, laceration to
the internal jugular,

rightsided pneumothorax,
periumbilical ecchymosis

with possible internal bleeding.

I'm just gonna save you some time.

I am not gonna go to your talk

and I'm not gonna have
coffee with you, probably ever.


That's a little harsh, don't you think?

Although, I guess you've always
had a knack for breakups.


What are you doing here?

I'm here to help.

For starters, you got a dryer
sheet stuck to your skirt.

- No, this isn't the first dryer sheet.
- Of course it isn't.

The dryer sheet was invented
in the late '60s.

- No, no, I...
- Maybe early '70s.

Listen, I have been living the same day

over and over again, I am trapped.

Maybe something went wrong.

You know, like, cosmically.

Maybe this is your chance to fix it.

Well, then I wanna go back years.

If I'd never shown you Jane's tattoos,

then you never
would've chased that clue,

and you never would've
gone in that alley,

and you'd still be here.

I'm here now,
so just worry about today.

Fix today.

- Break the loop.
- How do I do that?

Sorry, I'm actually late for a talk.

Guy's supposedly an expert

Wait... I still miss you.

Are you blind? David is
super cute and super smart.

And super dead.

It's always something with you.

No more lame excuses.

Sure, okay, that makes zero sense.

Break the loop.

Break the loop, break the loop,
break the loop.

Take a seat.

Zapata's in love with you.

- What?
- What are you doing?

I'm breaking the loop.

Don't let your engagement with Meg

stand in the way of what you have.

You proposed to Meg?

- Last night.
- Congratulations.

No! Don't marry Meg!

You two love each other. Make it work.

I'm gonna let you two talk.

My God. Stuart!

Hey. Patterson, hey.

- Hey!
- Wow.

Happy to see you, too.

Stuart, I am so sorry.

I should have come over sooner
and I should have realized

that Hirst was bad.

- It's okay.
- No, it's not.

I should have listened to you.

Well, you can listen now.

I think I cracked a tattoo.

Yeah, autopsies, ashes,
died on the same day.


I guess you already solved it.

No, no, obviously not.

That's why I'm still stuck here.

- Help me, okay?
- Okay, yeah.

Stop! Don't run that test!

Why not?

One of them sabotaged it.

- Patterson, how could you...
- What are you talking about? No respect

- for the chain of command.
- Why would I even do that?

I don't wanna hear it.

Somebody tampered with this test.

So who's guilty?

I don't know yet.

We have to interrogate all of them.

Colonel Ferguson, you made it
pretty clear this morning

you were not happy about us
checking on your team's work.

Is it wrong to be protective
of my division?

I'd call it defensive.

Yes, why was she so defensive?

What are you hiding, Ferguson?

- What are you hiding, Ferguson?
- Nothing.

I don't know what you want me to say.

How 'bout, "I knew those
initial autopsies"

"were fabricated, so I blew up the lab

to conceal my team's involvement"?

- That's not true.
- Did you provide lab equipment?

She did, she gave us centrifuges.

I wanted to be helpful.

Or... you just wanted
access to the lab.

I was the one who wanted the test.

- So you could b*mb the lab.
- No.

I wanted answers.
I can't forgive myself

for what happened to Private Erickson.

He was like a son to me.

Pfft, don't buy his sob story.

You had unrestricted access to the lab

during this experiment's
setup and run, correct?

I work here.

Maybe it was personal then.

Maybe you were pushing
Patterson out of the way

in order to climb the ladder?

She is always sniffing around my desk.

No, no, no! I would never.
She's my mentor.

And my stapler.
She never returned my stapler.

It was awfully convenient that
you left just before the blast.

I had to use the...
it was a coincidence.

Nothing is a coincidence!

You didn't just happen to run
into Patterson this morning.

- You planned it.
- I may have ridden the elevator

for a bit in hopes of running into her.

"You're magnetic. Let's go get coffee."

I knew you had ulterior motives.

You flirted with Patterson
to weasel your way into the lab

so you can b*mb a federal building!

No! My God, no!

III flirted with her
because I liked her.

- Just like Borden liked her?
- Who is Borden?

Borden is the liar
who I let break my heart!

We started the test.

What? No, no, I told you not to!

Whwhwhy are you naked?

Come on.

I'm the bad boy
you've always had a crush on.

I have a crush on you?


Wow, that's just gonna... whoa.

Yeah, you like that?

No... this is bad.
This is super bad.

You wanna grab coffee sometime?

I mean, yeah. No! No, thank you.

Patterson, what's wrong?

This is an analogy.

You're hitting on me in the elevator

just like Jack did,

and you're bad, ergo Jack must be bad.

I do love it when you explain things.

See, that proves it. You're lying.

And Jack is for sure guilty.

Jack... is not here.

It's just you and me.

We were able to recover

some of the cremains postexplosion.


You heard that, right?

Of course, that's Zapata.

They found a bone fragment...

in Private Erickson's cremains.

Initial tests show he was
exposed to heavy metals.

- Meaning?
- It's too early to tell.

It could be something innocuous...

An occupational exposure,
working with a solvent or...

Or he was poisoned.

We're running followup experiments.

That explains why none
of his Marine buddies

recalled him using.

We should never have run that test.

I authorized it.

She warned us it was dangerous.

- It's my fault.
- It was nobody's fault.

It was an accident.

This was not an accident!

Think, Patterson.

Why do those Marines
have metal in their remains?

Okay, guys, couple things.
First off, metal toxicity.

Second off, you need to chill.
We got some news.

Yes, yes, you proposed to Meg.

Um... no. He proposed to me.

And... who's Meg?

I don't know.

Yes... okay.
See, this, this makes sense.

If only it were real. Congrats, guys.


Hi... just need to figure this out

before the lab explodes.

The tattoo highlights the sevens.

Patterson, you feeling all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. I just need...

Whoa... Okay, that's...

- Boy.
- What's the matter?


I don't know what the sevens point to,

or why those Marines have
metal in their ashes.

And I need to figure this out
before the lab explodes.

So all in all, this is not a great day.

Okay, I'm ordering a psych eval.

No! I'm fine, I...

I know what it feels like
to question everything.

To feel overwhelmed.

- You sound like Jane.
- I am Jane.

See, you really need
to talk to somebody.

I don't have time for this.

Hello, Patterson.

We need a doctor in here now!

Doctor, please!

The machine just started going crazy.

Systolic's dropping,
heart rate's increasing.

- She's hemorrhaging.
- What do you mean she...

We gotta get her to surgery,
we're losing her.

When are they gonna update
us on how she's doing?

I'll find a nurse.

It's my guy from the Marine Corps.

The coroners who performed
those autopsies died

just after submitting those reports.

Two car crashes and a supposed su1c1de.

They're being silenced.

Tasha and I will go back to our
office and follow up on it.

Call the second you have any news.


How are you doing today, Patterson?

Although it can often
be challenging to articulate

- unpleasant feelings...
- I'm not talking to you.

You're clearly angry.

Yeah! I wonder why.

You're holding on to the past.

You wormed your way into my heart

and tried to k*ll me.

I don't think I can ever be
in another relationship again.

And Jack, how does that make you feel?

Um... not great, honestly.

Go on.

Well, I just wish that
she would give me a chance.

I think we could have something
really special here.


I already had something
special with David.

We did, didn't we?

Do you believe that David
was your one shot at happiness?

I... I... I don't know.

Come on, you'll meet someone great.

Not like... me, great.

- But this Jack guy seems promising.
- Thank you.

I mean, I was wrong
about this guy, sure.

But to be fair, we all were.

David died suddenly. I betrayed you.

Perhaps you believe you're fated

to lose anyone you love.

I'm done talking.

II just... I just... I wanna wake up

and have it be tomorrow.

You'll never have a future

until you can make peace
with your past.

I'll never have a future
if the lab keeps blowing up.

Wait a second, that's it.

If I don't go in the lab,
then it can't explode.

So... I'm just gonna stay here
and I am not gonna move.

Come on!

Kurt... do you know the formula?


But I'd love it if you got
to the point, Teach?

Anyone? Anyone?

How 'bout we review our
handydandy periodic table?

Ooh, someone's hot for teacher.

Can you... I'm trying to pay attention.

Hey, I know this formula.

That... that's the formula
for arsine gas.

Nice work.

What's arsine gas?

It's a... super rare chemical w*apon.

Is this gonna be on the test?

Yeah, yeah, this is all
gonna be on the test.

Okay, arsine is in the family
of heavy metal poisons.

Like Black Sabbath. Right, sir?


Like dense metalloids
known for their toxicity.

Arsine gas is the cousin of arsenic.

And it's detectable in cremains.

Those Marines didn't have
accidental overdoses.

They were poisoned.

How can you be so sure?


the tattoo gave us a hint.

All right, the tattoos
subtly highlight the sevens.

Initially, I didn't know why,

but now I can see that Roman
was pointing us

to the autopsy report's
supporting photos,

specifically Image 7.

God, I'm good.

So Image 7 is the deceased's eyes.

Whoa... how yellow they are.

They're jaundiced.

Classic symptom of arsine poisoning.

Okay, I still don't understand

how soldiers in three
different countries could...

Come on, Patterson, think.


Okay, obviously, they weren't
stationed where they said.

And why might someone lie about...

They must have been
on a covert mission.

Now you just need to figure out where.

Okay, but how am I supposed to find...

Come on, break the loop.

Yeah, I know, you keep saying that,

but I... I don't know what that means.

Did you... put the answer
in the crossword again?

No, the answer is in you,
just like it always is.

But maybe approach it like a crossword.

You know, use what you do know
to solve for what you don't.


Okay, what we do know.

Okay, we've got three sequences,

ten digits each, so that's 30.

Jane has a neighboring tattoo
that's a circle.

Okay, if I place the numbers

in each of the slots...

- It's a loop.
- Exactly.

Okay, and if I break it...

My God. They're coordinates.

Just north of Beijing.

That's probably where
the covert mission happened.

The U.S. would never
send troops into China,

so who could have?

Okay, if I use these extra pieces,

the negative spaces spell out...

What does that stand for?

Of course.

General Peter Mahoney.

Stop! It was Mahoney!

You sent U.S. Marines
on a black ops mission

into China where they died
in an arsine gas attack.

I don't know what you're talking about.

And then you covered it up
by altering autopsies.

- No, I did not...
- And k*lling coroners!

She doesn't know what
she's talking about.

And now you're gonna blow up
this lab again

in order to destroy
the only remaining evidence.

This is ridiculous.

You are under arrest.

You have the right to remain silent...

Hey, you have no idea
what you're talking about.

You're gonna regret this.

I don't know why
I didn't see it sooner.

You gotta cut yourself some slack.


You're in a medicallyinduced coma

undergoing major surgery.

I am?

Am I gonna make it?


I shouldn't be back here,
I broke the loop!

I solved it!

You should call her next of kin.

It's not looking good.


Zapata? Reade?

Where is everybody?



Director Pellington?

Patterson, right? Been a while.

What are you doing here?

I guess I'm here to help.

But I... I did it, I solved it.

No. You solved the case.

So then, what's the problem?

There's more to life than work.

I know!

I... I just, I don't have time
for all of that other stuff.

Well, you make time to blame yourself.

You blamed yourself for my death.

And mine.

Mine too.

And you still obsess over
how you let Borden dupe you.

He did.

I should never have
trusted him, I should have...


You gotta break out of this.

You need to forgive yourself.

So that's how I break the loop?

You want me to just forget everything?

I want you to be kind to yourself.

It's okay to let go.

I'm just so tired.

So then, why are you fighting?

You can let go.

Just let go.


No, I don't want to.

- You always made me chase you.
- David, please.

Let's get out of here, okay?
Let me take you home.

What is that?

Heart rate's increasing,
she's going into Vtach.

Going up?

We miss you.

I've got all our favorite games...

Agricola, Dvonn, Ora et Labora.

Patterson, don't let my betrayal

keep you from the people you love.

They're waiting for you.
Don't you miss them?

Don't you miss David?

- Yeah, but...
- Then what are you afraid of?

Stop making things more complicated

than they need to be.

All you have to do is step inside.

No. I'm not ready.

Get in the elevator.

She's flatlining. We're losing her.


Bye, Patterson.

Bye, David.

Hey, guys.

No, Patterson, hey.

You're intubated, okay?

You're okay. And we're okay.

There was an accident in the lab.

No, no, no, no. You can't talk.

Here, give her this.

GPM? Who's that?

General Peter Mahoney.

You realize how many
felonies you've committed?

Conspiracy to maliciously
destroy property,

conspiracy to b*mb
a place of public use,

destruction of evidence,
obstruction of justice.

Should we go on?

You don't have anything.

Actually, we have everything.

My CIA contacts just confirmed
you ran an unsanctioned

black ops mission into Changping,

which resulted in the death
of U.S. Marines.

This was taken by a drone that the CIA

may or may not have
flying over mainland China.

It's one photo. You... you can't...

You're right. You can't
fully make out the images

of the Marines in this photo.

But you can in these.

They were storming that factory
because of your order.

I can't talk about this, okay?

This is above your clearance.

This isn't about clearances.

You lied to those soldiers.

You told them that this mission
was authorized by the U.S.,

that it was topsecret, when in fact,

it was ordered exclusively by you.

Why would I do that?

Because you don't like being told no.

Your superiors pulled
the plug on this mission.

They deemed it too dangerous.
But you sent them in anyway.

And you lied to their families.

All so you can protect
your military career

and salvage your legacy.

Like I said... everything.

Punxsutawney! It's Punxsutawney!

Is it Punxsutawney?

That is correct.

Is there anything
that you don't get right?


The general signed a written
confession this morning.

- Great.
- Mmhmm.

What's in the bag?

We thought you might like...

This is perfect!

You guys have no idea how stircrazy

- I was going in here.
- And she's back.

This is one of David's.

It was the first one
that he had in the "Times."

- I'm sorry.
- Guys,

don't get weird. It's fine... finally!

But that reminds me of something

I actually wanted to...

I think... I think
you should tell Avery

what Nas found on her dad.

Patterson, a couple
of days ago, you said...

Yeah, well, just a couple days ago,

I hadn't gone through
a medicallyinduced coma.

Jane, I know you wanna protect

what you have with your daughter.

- No, it's not that, I...
- Just hear me out.

You two have been
torn apart by halftruths.

Don't go through that again with Avery.

This is your chance to break that loop.



I didn't wake you, did I?



Who's that from?



None of that BS baby's breath.

Did you call him?


We're actually going out tonight.

Do you think this is cute?

Maybe I should just cinch
it in with a nice belt.

Yes, I promise you, I will call him.

Good. And I have something for you,

but it's not as fancy
as Jack's flowers,

so don't get too excited.

I think the hospital
might frown on smoking.

No, it's... for Reade.

I'm officially his best man.



It's the right thing to do.

You should tell him how you feel.

I'm serious.

When I was out, I realized,

we're all repeating the same mistakes.

And I saw things that...

Yeah, you said.

Weller with the tattoos...


Please, just think about it.


But only because you almost died.


When I was out, I...

I saw Borden.

And I know this sounds
so crazy, but I just...

There was something about him.

He wasn't in the elevator with David,

and Stuart, and Pellington.

And he was just separate.


I can't shake this feeling
that somehow, he's still alive.

It was just a dream, Patterson.

Doctor? Doc?

All right, sit down,
let me take a look at you.

It's not that bad.

You'll need stitches,
but you should be fine.


Because the attack is almost ready.