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02x06 - Hunting Palismen

Posted: 09/07/21 05:59
by bunniefuu
[dramatic music]

The Day of Unity approaches

where we'll celebrate
the purification of magic

under the coven system,
just as the Titan intended.

As heads of the nine covens,
we celebrate your efforts to complete this plan.

For this, you have earned
a glimpse of the reward that awaits.

Step forward.

The larger your covens grow,
the more power we have to unite our realms,

where the worthy shall inherit
a utopia free of wild magic.

[grunts, groans]

No. Stay here.
I can handle this alone.


[heartbeat thumping]







I need more.

That was the last
from our reserves.

The Palistrom wood has been overharvested.

Uncle, let me help!
We can make more Palismen!

I read about this technique

harnessing wild magic to, uh...


Please, be careful.

Our family is gone
because of wild magic.

I can't let the same
happen to you.

Find me more Palismen.
I can depend on you, right?

[title music]

Oh, little echo mouse.

You ate the diary
that can get me home.

Can't you cough up a teeny bit?

Just squeeze it out!


Maybe I just need
to be patient?

Please tell me your secrets.

Hey, knucklehead.
You're gonna be late for school.

All right. I guess you won't
be getting a magic staff

with your classmates.

Come on, Eda.
We gotta fly!

There we go.


[Luz] Hey, Willow.
Shouldn't Amity be here?

Oh, sorry, Luz.
I heard she stayed home today.

Oh. [chuckles]
That actually makes sense.

Good tidings
on this momentous day.

You're all about
to receive your witches' staffs

and, more importantly,
meet your Palismen.

This is a crucial step
in your magical development.

are lifelong partners.

They can become both
your good friends and a powerful tool.

In my case...

Holy Titan!
[students gasp]

...Frewin here
helps me see.

Now, traditionally,
young witches carve their staffs

from the branch
of an old Palistrom tree.

But, sadly, Palistrom trees
are becoming more rare.

And those that remain
are guarded covetously.

That's why I've teamed up
with Bumpipoo...

Never call me that. bring you...

Palisman adoption day!

They're so cute.
[gasping, chuckling]

Thanks for the favor, BQ.
Here's your whistle back.

Save it for another time.

This was my pleasure.

What a wonderful idea.


You're staying right here.


Aw. Little rascal!

These little ones have not
had homes in many years.

They want to feel a connection.

Kneel and state
your deepest wish,

and your like-minded partner
will find you.

Ugh. I want my own Palisman,
not some trashy hand-me-down.

Your loss.

I want to be strong and wise
to protect everyone I love.

And if anyone gets in my way,
they'll feel the sting of defeat.

Tender yet tenacious.
Clover gives her support.



Oh, my gosh!

I'm gonna take
such good care of you.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.
[students gasping]

Outta my way!

I wanna play
professional Grudgby!

[chuckles] A competitive spirit.
Maya will be thrilled.


This is pretty cool.

I want to open
my own veterinary clinic for mythical pets.

[gasps, chuckles] All right!

Dad wants me to become
a master illusionist, but that's easy.

So instead, I'll become an ambassador
to the human realm

and re-establish contact
with the giraffes!

I just wanna make it
to graduation.

[gasps, chuckles] Yes!

Oh, wow!

I want to be a witch!



probably just takes a little longer
'cause I'm human, right?

Palismen bond through emotion.

I do not sense
any conviction from you.

That's impossible.

I'm Luz.
I'm chock-full of conviction!

Perhaps specificity
would help.

There are many kinds
of witches.

What do you hope to accomplish
with your magic?

Oh, uh...
Get home to my mom?

Would you still train
to be a witch in the human realm?

Can you even do magic there?

Huh, I guess I never thought
that far ahead.

You okay, Luz?


I stayed here because
I wanted to learn magic, right?

I want to be a witch
like Eda and Azura!

But what does that even mean?
And I've read stories like this.

The main character always
has to return home.

And, what, did I expect
to be a witch back in Connecticut?


Mmm. Yeah.

I wouldn't wanna be
my Palisman either.


It's you!
Did you come here for me?


No. Of course not.

Come on, little dude.

I'll take you back
to your nest.

How are we supposed
to get through this?


Ooh, Palisman powers! Neat.




All right.
I'm not leaving here

until I figure out what
my future is and one of you becomes my Palisman!

What if...

I use my powers to become
a popular magician back in the human realm!

No, I'm horrible
at card tricks. [gasps]

What if...

I stay on the Boiling Isles
and become a rugged bounty hunter!

Nah, I'm too lovable.

Oh! If I go back...

What if... I open a magic pet shop,
but it's password protected.

The password is,
"You're a little angel."



Hey! We're a little busy...
in here?



I think we're being kidnapped!


Don't worry.
I'll figure this out.




Ugh, him again.





He'll be fine.

how do I land this thing? Huh.

[Golden Guard]
Oh, you just pull that cord above your head.

Oh, thank y...



[groans] Hey!

Good to see you too, human.

Why are you stealing Palismen,
Golden Guard?


you should be more concerned
about yourself.

For the crime
of rocketing me off my own ship,

you'll be locked
in the dingiest cell of the Conformatorium

for the rest
of your sad little life.

[scoffs] Whatever.
I already broke out there, like, twice.

Then we'll just zap you to dust
and throw you into the sea. That better?




Say, how did you get back
on the ship so fast?


Cool. [grunts]



Human, it'll take more than that
to thwart my mission.



What is that?

[growls, roars]

[both scream]


Little rascal?

Oh, thank you.

[groans] My head!

[Golden Guard groaning]

[coven captain]
Kikimora, ma'am.

We've found the Palisman.
They seem rattled but unharmed.

Very good, Captain.
Return to the city and prepare them for travel.

Is it true, ma'am?
Is the Golden Guard really...

This is all that remains.

Such a horrible accident.
Probably caused by the incompetent pilot.

I'll... alert the castle.

Scouts! To Latissa!

[whistle blows]

Excellent work, my pet.

- [gasps]
- Now, find the rest of him

and have yourself
a nice little snack.


I'll call for you soon.


Don't worry.
I won't leave him.

This is the Golden Guard?

It looks like he could be
a student at Hexside.

Wake up!

[grunts] What?


You are a bad person, and I do not like you.

But Kikimora is trying
to k*ll you,

and unfortunately,
I'm too nice to let that happen!

Are you licking my hand?

I'm trying to help you!

Why should I believe you?

Because... [grunts]




Whew, man,
Kikimora must hate you.


[all] Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

[all cheering]


I haven't been outside
Bonesborough that much.

Latissa is so cool! Wait!

Where are you going?

Hey, man,
I just saved your life.

The least you could do is
tell me your name.


Scouts! Direct me
to your communications room.

I need to contact
the castle immediately.

Cute. I didn't know
kids your age were still into temporary tattoos.

Yeah, show us
your badge number.

I am your superior,
and I can prove it!


Isn't it a little late
for you kids to be outside?

Yeah, go home
before we call your parents.

[huffs, grunts]

Uh, excuse me. Sorry.
[yowls, hisses]

[grunts, panting]



Ice glyph!

Come on, Golden Guard.
Don't you know any, like, levitation spells?

Are you powerless without this?



Back up, or... or else!

Or else what?

You gonna blast me to bits?

Nah, you're too nice
for that.

Fly away?
Uh-uh. You know you can't do that either.

'Cause then you'll be leaving behind
your precious Palisman.

You don't tend to think things through,
do you, human?


So Kikimora
was after my catch.

Seems like neither of us
want her to win right now.

So, let's work together
to take back those Palismen.

Then what?
You think I'll just let you walk away with them?

Maybe you won't
have a choice!

I'm more formidable
than you think.

[grunts, chuckles]

I doubt that, but... fine.
A truce till then.


- [sighs]
- Too slow. [chuckles]

Let's get this over with.



I've never seen magic
like this.

What will it do?

Well, we don't want
to spook Kikimora's steed

'cause it might drop the nest
and hurt the Palismen!

So, using these
fire and ice spells,

I can command the glyphs
to produce a thick mist!

And the Sleeping Nettles?
They're essential!

Combined with the magic mist,
it'll create...

A sleep-inducing smoke,
forcing Kikimora to land.

Oh, um, I...

I-I read a similar spell in the book
From Bones to Earth...

A Study of Wild Magic!

Eda once pickpocketed the guy
who wrote it.

I've never seen glyphs

but it seems very similar
to the elemental magic practiced

in the Savage Ages.

Actually, not many people
know this, but...

No. No, no, no, no.

This stuff is restricted
for a reason.

Should forget about it
before you're hurt.


Other than Lilith, I've never spoken
to someone inside the Emperor's Coven.

What made you wanna join?

[sighs] You were right before.

I'm a powerless witch.
A lot of my ancestors were.

I never thought
I'd have a future in a world like this.

But then Belos found me
and gave me a staff with artificial magic.

Said the Titan
had big plans for me.

At least you have your future
figured out now.

At least you
can figure out your own.



Stop! Get away from me.

He's just being friendly.

I don't care.

These things are made
from wild magic.

It's dangerous.

And does he seem dangerous
to you?

[monster growls]

Masks on!

Once they're surrounded
by the smoke,

- we'll need to stay close to see where they land.
- Mm-hmm.

- Are you sure?
- Just take it!




I think it's working.

Stop! [grunts]

The Palismen!

Hello, babies.

Aw, you guys look
so cold and scared.

Here, make sure you share.

Now, stay in here, okay?
We'll get you home safe and...

[nervous chuckle]

I didn't think this through.

So you're really gonna do this?

You're just gonna hand
all these innocent little guys over to Belos?

I know what he does with them.

I thought you might've been
a good guy.

But I guess that was
just wishful thinking.
You're not my friend.

You're just
the Golden Guard.

My name is Hunter.


[groans, grunts]

I can't tell who's there,

but I know I got you!



[both grunting]

This is treason
against a Coven official!

I will have your head!


Hey... [chuckles]
...good thingy.

The Boiling Isles will
never stop surprising me.

[whistle blows]


Good morning, Bat Queen.

The Palismen are
all accounted for.

Although, I don't know where
that thing came from...



You found someone
after all this time. Go then.


Everyone got one except me, Mom.

Maybe I wasn't meant to be here. [gasps]
[window opens]

I thought I'd find you here!

We could've used the door!

What'd you get into?

Whew. Uh, how... thoughtful?

It's Palistrom wood,
ya ding-dong!

Now you can make
your own Palisman!

But... But how?
Isn't this super rare?

Let's just say that
the Bonesborough Garden Club...

Was robbed! By us!

I don't know what to say...
[Eda] No pressure,

but whenever you know what you want,
we'll start carving.

If it's okay,
I'd like some time to think.

It's hard to picture my future
without seeing my mom.

Eh, there's no rush.

Just know that whatever you need
from us, we gotcha.


So, you return with nothing.
Is this the thanks I get for taking you in?

Of course not. I want to help.

A-A-And if you told me how wild magic
did this to you, I might be able to find a...

My apologies.
I spoke out of turn.

It won't happen again.

These outbursts are painful
and so is watching you fail.

I know you can
do better, Hunter.

[gasps] Golden Guard?

Y-You're alive!
I mean, I heard about the crash in Latissa.

Luckily, some travelers
picked me up out of the wreckage.

So I'm actually doing great.

Looks like you had a rough night though.


I can help.
If I just knew a little more...


Huh? Palisman!


Oh! Sorry.

You shouldn't be here.
It'd be bad if Belos saw you.


Oh! I was not expecting that.