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01x05 - What If… Zombies?

Posted: 09/08/21 09:13
by bunniefuu



It's more than a linear path.

It's a prism of endless possibility.

Where a single choice can branch
out into infinite realities,

creating alternate worlds
from the ones you know.

I am The Watcher.

I am your guide through
these vast new realities.

Follow me

and ponder the question...

"What if?"

Dr. Bruce Banner, the human
hiding within the Hulk,

fell from the stars to warn
humanity of imminent danger.

But the world he found
was not one he recognized.

(PANTING) Thanos is coming. He's coming.



Anyone got any clothes?


Oh, God.

Was I too late?

Ah, jeez.

Come on, big guy, time to go green.



Oh, no.

Hear me and rejoice.

Come out! Come out! Come out!


What do you mean, "no"?

You are about to die at the
hands of the children of...


Tony? (CHUCKLES) Boy,
are you guys screwed!



(CHUCKLING) Yeah, Iron Man!


Wait, what are you guys... That's...


Uh, that sorta seems like overkill.




It's... Oh.

I can't believe it.



BANNER: No, no, no, no. Oh. Oh!



Don't eat me!


Oh! Ugh! Ah.



Oh, no.

No, no, no. Don't eat me. Don't eat me.

I'm... I'm vegan.

Oh, holy crow. Oh, come on! What now?


Oh, God. Okay. This is disgusting.

Oh, no. Oh! I'm gonna vomit.
I'm definitely gonna vomit.

THE WASP: Go! You'll be safe with them.

With the giant ants? Who are you?

THE WASP: All that's left.


- Don't eat me, don't eat me, don't eat...
- Hey, relax.

I'm your friendly
neighborhood Spider-Man.

Oh, yeah? Well, then, what the
hell happened to the neighborhood?

many great catastrophes,

this one sprang from a
place of love and hope.

Two weeks earlier, Dr. Hank Pym
journeyed into the quantum realm,

searching for his long-lost wife.

But in this universe,

Janet Van Dyne contracted a quantum
virus that corrupted her brain.

So when she finally reunited with
her husband after long years...


- Oof. That happened.

Alas, Hope Van Dyne's long-awaited
family reunion was not to be.

- Mom?
- SCOTT: Hi, Miss Van Dyne.


Holy... What the... Hank! No.


THE WATCHER: Within hours,

the entire Pacific Northwest was infected.

Ironically, it was the Avengers'
heroism that sealed humanity's fate.

On my mark.



THE WATCHER: Because once Earth's
mightiest heroes joined the infected,

no one else stood a chance.

Unless, of course, they knew the rules.



New York! Home of the
Mets, the Chrysler Building,

those ladies from Sex and the City,
and now, the zombie apocalypse!

If you can make it here,
you can make it anywhere.

But first, you have to not get eaten.

Step one. Long sleeves.

Do I have to be wearing this?

Hey, Happy, come on. The safety
of the world depends on it.

And action, zombies!

Here I come. Bad zombie.

PETER: The zombie virus
is passed through saliva.

So the less skin you're showing,
the less there is to bite.

Step two, hygiene. Zombies are
attracted to the smell of human flesh.

So the less pheromones you
give off, mmm, the better.

But just one catch.

You're never more vulnerable
than in your birthday suit.

The sneak att*ck!

(STRAINING) Your robot arm is
waterproof. How handy! Pun intended.

You know all I have to
do is squeeze, right?

Okay, okay. Easy, k*ller.

How about we skip the shower
and grab the body spray?


PETER: Okay, step three.

Always aim for the head.
That's the only way to k*ll 'em.

OKOYE: Will you turn that off?

Oh. I was just showing Dr.
Banner the orientation video.

General Okoye of the Dora
Milaje. Wakandan Royal Guard.

You certainly picked a hell of a
time to visit the States, General.

I swore an oath, Dr. Banner.

My king went missing with
the Avengers weeks ago.

And for the first time
since the outbreak,

we actually have a reason to hope.

A beacon just came in over the wires.

Another survivor camp claims
to have made progress on a cure.

Wh... Awesome! Global crisis
solved. High-fives all around, guys.

Not quite.

The beacon's location
was corrupted in transit.

We have no idea where it came from.

Well, it looks to me like your
message is in non-linear hexacode.

That location look
familiar, Agent Carter?

It's Camp Lehigh in New Jersey.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first base of operations.

It could have the equipment
you need to fabricate a cure.

- Then we'll leave at sundown.

Well, just when you thought
things couldn't get any worse,

we gotta go to Jersey.

and somehow, I'm still driving.

What is the problem? I thought
you were an Uber driver.

No. I'm a personal chauffeur.
There's a difference.


All right, everybody,
it's Grand Central.

Hope, Banner, Parker, track seven.
See if you can hot-wire the train.

Sounds like job for
criminal. I will help.

Uh, splitting up?

Do you guys just not have
horror movies in Wakanda?

We don't need them. We
have American reality shows.

Boom goes the dynamite. That
was solid burn on all of us.

The rest of us will stay
here and guard the perimeter.


KURT: No juice. We're getting no juice.

Train, please be working for Daddy.

(GRUNTS) It's not working.

We're locked outta the gear box.

I'm on it. I can jump-start
the engine from the inside.

Spark ignition's not f*ring.

We need someone to give us a push.

Perhaps you summon
your inner green demon.

No. He's on sabbatical. Any other ideas?

THE WASP: Not unless someone
happens to have a giant slingshot.

- I've got an idea!

Make sure the brake lock is engaged.

Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam, blam! Blam!

(CHUCKLES) Just, uh, birds.

- Were you saying "blam"?
- Was I?




Blam, blam, blam,
blam, blam! Blam! Blam!


Man down, man down. We lost Happy!

What? No! (SIGHS) No, not Happy.

I think it was... (GRUNTS)


It's Hawkeye.


(GROWLING) Blam. Blam. Blam.









Sorry, Happy.





That was your friend. Sorry about that.

- I should be sad, but I'm not.
- Let's go.


Okay, come on, guys! I think I have
about , pounds of thrust here.

Hang in there, Peter.
They're almost here.

Okay, get ready to disengage
the brake on my mark.




Heck yeah, Cape!

(GASPS) No! No, no, bad
zombie! Bad zombie! Bad zombie!

You are remarkable woman!

The front of the train's all hooked up!

Copy that. Inbound.


We're all here! Go!



We did it. Destination, Camp Lehigh.

It's a good look on you.

Really? You think I could pull it off?

Maybe you'll grow into it.

I'm sorry. We should
have stayed together.

- (THUD)




Sharon? Sharon!

I think you've had enough, Cap.





THE WASP: Bucky!

Sorry, pal. I guess this
is the end of the line.

Uh, guys, I'm covered in Sharon.

The kid has hand sanitizer.

Uh, Hope?

I think you're in trouble.

Heart rate's elevated,

temperature's not going
in the right direction.

Then we both know what you have to do.

No. Not when we could be
minutes away from a cure.

(GRUNTS) Can we really take that risk?

It's not risk. It's hope.

And anyone who's seen a zombie movie

knows that that's the key to survival.

Plus, it's also your name, and
that's gotta mean something.

Oh, kid. How do you do it?

See all these movies? AV club.

how do you stay so...



After everything.

Practice, I guess.

My mom, dad, Uncle Ben, Mr. Stark.

Now Happy.

I've... I've lost a lot.

But my Aunt May says...

used to say, that if we don't
keep smiling when they can't,

then we might as well
just be gone, too. And...

Well, they'd want us to keep going.

Guys, uh, bad news, team.

The train has run out of fuel.

How far away are we from Camp Lehigh?

On the bright side, we are
at least closer than we were.

(GROANS) And the not-bright side?

We're going to have
to walk through that.

Well, looks like our draft
cards just got pulled.

We will not make it through them.

But you can make it over them.

No, no. Hope, no.

Listen to me. We all
know my time's up, okay?

And if I have to go, I might as well
go out fixing the mess I started.

Oh, come on, Hope. It's not your fault.

I was so obsessed with
bringing my mom back

that I never considered what
I might bring back with her.

I started this, but
you are gonna finish it.



Smile. Smile for me, okay?


Uh, guys, why aren't
they climbing the fence?

SPIDER-MAN: Uh, they don't
have to scale anything.

We must be careful. Baba Yaga nears.

- I can feel her.
- Baba who, now?

Baba Yaga. The witch.

Known to lurk in shadows
of sacred burial grounds.

- Baba Ya...
- Oh, no, I totally just jump-scared you.

Sorry. I didn't mean to do that.

It's just spider boy. Come on.

- Baba Ya...

Oh, Vision! You're a vision!

You have no idea how good
it is to see a familiar

and not one of those
gross, half-eaten faces.

One of the benefits of being an android.

I'm not on the menu.

Oh, that's it.

That's how you've been able
to keep the zombies at bay.

VISION: The Mind Stone.
The source of... well, me.

It emits a sub-frequency
that is not to their liking.

Could that mean the infection
is some kind of encephalopathy?

- Brain stuff.
- VISION: Precisely.

The virus overloads the
brain's limbic system.

So once I discovered the infecteds'
aversion to the Mind Stone,

I experimented to see if targeted

exposure might reverse their condition.

Were you successful?

SCOTT: Ta-da! See for yourself.

- Wait, who said that?
- Was a ghost?

SCOTT: Oh, damn. Hey, would
somebody turn me around?

We messed up my entrance.

You know, I need to get
this thing motorized.

- Hey!
- Scott!

- Scott.
- Lang?

No... way.

Oh, look at you.

I know what you thinking I've lost weight.

Thank you for noticing.

But don't worry, I won't
let it go to my head.

Sorry, I tend to process
traumatic events with dad jokes.

Drives Hank crazy.

Well, drove Hank crazy.

Oh, man. Hank.

Hey, tulla, tulla. Don't
cry. You'll fog up your jar.

Sorry. I know, I know.

It's just, what I wouldn't
give to get chewed out

by that old grump one last time.

Gah, I did it again! Zombie pun.

Mmm. Well, the operative
point is I cured him.

Which means you can cure others.

Theoretically, but...

We'll need access to a satellite network

to broadcast the Mind
Stone frequency worldwide.

Well, again, theoretically,

but the technology required to do so

is currently beyond human capability.

Not in Wakanda. And thanks
to our force shields,

it remains the last
human sanctuary on Earth.

I'll canvas the base, see
if I can find us transport.

Sergeant Barnes, you will not
find what you're looking for.



Uh, according to these security logs,

we're not the first to
respond to Vision's signal.

More survivors! Well,
then where are they?



T'CHALLA: Stop. You will anger her.




Is it really you?

Who did this to you?

We don't have much time.
We have to run. Now.

VISION: I'm sorry, Dr. Banner.

I really do wish you hadn't found us.

Vision, what the hell is this place?

T'CHALLA: A trap.


Oh, we feared you were dead!

The Vision grabbed me in San Francisco.

Thought he was saving me.

He was just picking up takeout.

He's been keeping him alive
to feed his zombie bride.

That goth chick. I knew
it! I was pickin' up vibes.

Her name is Wanda.

And while your anger is predictable,

I can assure you my
actions, though unsavory,

were nevertheless born of logic.

Well, in Vision's defense...
(CLICKS TONGUE) I've got nothing.

Okay, wait, I don't get it. You
cured the talking head but not her?

Her powers are too strong.
They've resisted the treatment.

The only course of action is
to contain her and her hunger.

Why not eliminate her?

I... I couldn't.

You lured innocent
people to their deaths,

all in the name of love?

(SCOFFS) Love. Sucks.

I still cannot entirely
fathom what I have done.

So you should have no problem
submitting to human justice!

You have awakened her.

She hasn't eaten in days.


Baba Yaga! (YELLS)

Whoa! Watch out! She's a man-eater!

There it is, I'm doing it again.


(GRUNTS) Whoa!

Ah, thanks. I feel
like I'm back at prom.


Vision, we need your
help. Get us out of here.


Yes, Doctor, I believe you are right.

Wingardium leviosa!



My king. Wakanda forever. (GASPS)

We haven't much time. There's
a Quadjet in the hangar.

You're not coming?

I must atone for what I have done.

But I cannot bring myself to leave her.












Oh, nice save, big guy.


Do you think you can fly this?

Uh, if it ever boots up.

Uh, guys, impending doom on our six.

Uh, that's our . But yes, what
the head said. Doom, total doom.

I can buy you guys some time...

Dr. Banner, no, we are not leaving you.

I just... I... I really, I don't
think I can lose another friend today.

So... avenge us.


Okay, big guy. Kinda
counting on you here.

Things are pretty bad. It'd
be nice for you to be the hero.

I mean, wouldn't it be kinda cool for

you to be the nice one for a change?


Oh, yes!


Oh, no, no, no, no.



We did it! We really did it!

No, don't jinx it! (GROANS) Doesn't
anybody here watch horror movies?

Hope? Hope!

Oh! Hope!

f*ring thrusters.


I'm sorry.

She gave her life so
we could get the cure.

That's twice she saved me.

That's... very Hope.

ETA, minutes.

Well, put another "W" on
the board for the Avengers.

Go ahead, high-five. It's
okay, I won't feel left out.

You all right?

(SIGHS) Last year, Mr. Stark
asked me to join the Avengers.

I turned him down, and
now they're all gone.

And I'm still here.

In my culture, death is not the end.

They are still with us, as
long as we do not forget them.

Plus, they're not all gone.

- Me. You still have me.
- PETER: Oh.

I'm so sor... I-I forgot.
You are an Avenger.

Totally. Big time.

Well, maybe not officially.
But, you know, at heart.

Good. The world could use
a little heart right now.

And once we get this to Wakanda,
we're gonna save the world.

THE WATCHER: Even in the darkest of times,

humans will give all
to save their planet.

Even if it might bring
an end to the universe.