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04x05 - Face Speckled

Posted: 09/08/21 09:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Queen Sugar"...

We opened our old home

as a clinic for migrant workers.

- "We"?
- It it true what I'm hearin'

about you and Blue?

Man, what'd you hear?

Could you please tell
aunt Vi or Hollywood

- that I...
- it's no use.

She ain't ready to hear from you.

That new highway will cut
right through Saint Jo.

This route guts most
of the black farmers' land.

Did you even consider my son

hearing these things about his mother?

I really took pains to protect him.

Do not come near me or Blue again.




Nova! Come on. It's time to eat.

Okay, mama. I just need
to finish this page.


Food's gettin' cold, baby. You okay?

Yes, mama. I'm okay.


Are you okay, Nova?


Are you okay, Nova?


Are you okay, Nova?

Are you okay, Nova?

Are you okay, Nova?




- [BEEP]
- Mama came to me again

in my dreams.

Third time.

This time, on the land.


♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ Take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight as the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight ♪

♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Take flight ♪



Why you answering the door?

Mom said I could, if it was you.

Lower your voice.

Mom is still sleeping.

She said she was really tired.

But I got ready all by myself.

Make sure you get all your stuff.

I will.

I'm ready, pops. Let's go.

Alright, let me text your
mama something real quick.

Ooh, put the smiley face on it.

She really likes those.

Can I see?

What's that weird smell, pops?

I don't smell nothin'.

It's you!

You smell like stinky flowers.


It's called cologne.

I think it smells good.

I think it smells funny.

Maybe you put too much on.

No, I didn't, actually.

I just got an important
meeting, that's all.

Like a really, really important meeting?

Oh, yeah. Best kind of meeting.

Kind where I gotta

[WHISPERING] Smell really,
really, really, really good.

- Let's get outta here.

Alright, let's go.

- Thank you.
- Alright.


Hey, prosper.

You headin' over to, uh,

pay your respects to the Durants?

Yeah, I am.

Yeah, Leon's passin' hit 'em pretty hard.

Y'all used to jam back
in the day, didn't you?

Yeah, we did.

Man played a mean saxophone.


I'm gonna miss him.

We'll be over there.

Handlin' the repast.

Look forward to seein' Genevieve.

Genevieve, Leon's baby sister?

She's in Saint Thomas.


You know, I haven't seen her...

I guess it's been years?

We all used to play around together

back in the day. [CHUCKLING]

Hmm. Hmm!




[LAUGHTER] Remy Newell!

Oh, man!

Oh! Mmm-mmm-mmm.

I haven't seen you in a spell.

- How you been?
- I'm good, man.

Still standin', prosper. Still standin'.

Yeah? Well, that's a good thing.

Yeah, you can't take
these precious days standin'

- for granted.
- That's right.

- Not a one.
- Not a one.

Mm mm mm.

- Alright.
- BOTH: Good to see you.


Hey, Vi.



This place looks incredible!

- Wow!

Is that Remy Newell?

- Hey, boy!
- Hey!

- Bruh-bruh!
- Bruh-bruh!

- Oh, man, it's been too long.
- I know.



- Good to see you, man.
- Yeah, man.

Both of you.

I was just tellin' Violet,

man, place just looks so good.

I'm proud of y'all.

Well, sit down.

Uh, I'll get you somethin'.

I know your favorites.





you gonna tell me where
you disappeared to?

Why you can't return a phone call

or a text from me, Vi, or Ra, nobody?






- Yeah.
- Hey, Charley.

I am in trouble and I need your help.

That sister of yours is causin' me

major problems here.

I haven't even started my new job, yet,

and I'm already deep in it.

Whoa, Davis, slow down.

I-I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Turn on the news.
Nova's book is kicking up

that Melina mess all over again.

Where several students have come out...

Look, could you, um...

Can you meet me for lunch or something,

help me find the best
way to deal with this?

'Cause I'm trying to start new

- and... and this whole...
- Davis, this just isn't

my problem anymore. Call your lawyer.

Charley, hey, wait
a second. Charley, look.

I-I get that, okay? I get it.

But I need you right now.

For Micah's sake.

We need to figure out how to
deal with this thing head-on,

because it's gonna affect all of
us, all over again.

Charley, please.

I don't wanna be seen in public with you.


Uh, just come to the mill at noon

and we'll talk it through, okay?

Hey, handsome.

How are you?

I'm good. I'm good.

Came by to see if you'd
like to have lunch later.

But it sounds like you might be busy.

Yeah, yeah. Unfortunately, I, um...

I need to help Davis with... All of this.

I've gotta find some good in it and...

- yeah.
- I just... I don't want Micah affected.


The way that you always

think about your son, it's beautiful.


My mother, um, taught me

to believe in what's good,

that, when people say
it's too good to be true,

that they're wrong.

Believe in the good.

Don't mistrust it.

Don't second-guess it. Don't fight it.

Just believe it.


You're good.


You are, too.



♪ Man down ♪

- [BUZZ]
- ♪ tear it off ♪

- ♪ For a few more days ♪
- [BUZZ]



♪ Strung out ♪


♪ Held my breath ♪

- [BUZZ]
- ♪ but you never came ♪

♪ And there are so many things ♪

♪ I wish I could say ♪

♪ And there are so many things ♪

♪ I wish I could do ♪

♪ And there are so many words ♪
- dear God,

help me make the best use
of what is in my power.

Please give me the insight

to understand that some
things are up to us

and some are not.

Our thoughts are up to us,

our impulses, our desires, our actions.


♪ And I just wanna scream ♪

♪ 'Til I can't speak your name ♪

♪ And I just ♪

- ♪ wanna scream ♪

♪ 'Til nothing ♪

♪ Remains ♪


And, for our next question...

Let's go to the woman in the third row.


Ladies and gentlemen, we are honored

to be joined today by the esteemed

Dr. Octavia Laurent,

professor of cultural studies

- at the new school.

Dr. Laurent, what's your question?

Miss Bordelon, in "Blessing and Blood,"

you situate your family
as a microcosm of America.

- I do.
- I enjoyed the book, but,

I didn't know how to receive it.

I mean, what research did you use

to support such a lofty conclusion?

My book isn't a research project.

It's a memoir, where I take experiences

from my persona life and set them against

a greater contextual backdrop.

Yes, I know what a memoir is. Thank you.

But your anecdotes.

- Experiences.
- Sure.

Whatever you wanna call them,

they're somewhat self-aggrandizing

and your claims about the

African American community
are not backed up

by any kind of empirical analysis.

You're saying my family's story
doesn't deserve to be told

because of a lack of data?

That's not what I said, exactly.

Black life in America is the data.

No, that's not what I said.

Go into any library,
stacks and stacks of books,

yet only a handful of them

document the lives
of everyday black families

and their struggles as Americans.

You're hardly representative

of the everyday black American.

I'm a proud, everyday black American

and will fight, to the death,
anyone who says otherwise.


For centuries, we have been denied

the tools, and platforms,

to tell our stories using our voices.

My memoir's conclusions are rooted

in firsthand experience and knowledge.

I don't fetishize theory and research,

as your institutions define them,

because to do so is to commit
an act of cultural v*olence

against my own people.

- ATTENDEE: That's right.

- Well said.
- Yes, yes,

that is all very well and good.

But I've found, in my experience,

that the dismissal of research and theory

is the tell-tale Mark of an amateur.



You sure about this?

Got a whole community out here,

got roots here.

Yeah, but they're not my roots.

They're my wife's roots.

When shauna passed, I tried

to make this place home and...

It was, for a long time.

I mean, you know, wood, I...

I love Saint Jo's.

But everything with Charley and Nova

showed me who I really am.

And I don't like what I see.

You're a good man, Remy.

- Don't do this to yourself.
- [SIGH]

I just have this lack inside of me

that I always have to fill because...

Life didn't happen the
way I planned for myself.

You know, a wife, kids,
happily ever after.

And that affected me

and I gotta admit it.

I hear ya.

I really wanted Charley to be the one.

But, when we broke up, it devastated me,

'cause I didn't think I was
ever gonna find love again.

And then, feelings started to develop

between me and Nova and...


Suddenly, I felt hope again.


Funny thing is,

think the two of you
woulda made a good couple.

I ain't gonna never tell
Vi or nobody else that,

but, y'all match.

Both of y'all smart as hell.

You love your community.

I think it coulda worked out.

Yeah, well,

nothing worked.

Nothing's working here.

I gotta go stand on my own

and find myself again.



Goodies for the road.

Thank you.

You take care of yourself, Remy.

And don't be a stranger.

Ernest loved you.

You're a part of us.

So, don't forget us,
'cause we not about to forget you.


Thanks, Vi.


- ♪ Turn back to me
- God bless you, my brother.

- ♪ Or just set me
- bless you, too, man.



Aye, uh...

Tell 'em both I said

goodbye and thank you.









You got minutes.


What's up?


Like the hair.

- Thanks.
- It's cool.

I see I'm not the only
one with a new look.

Yeah, asha gave it to me over the summer,

right before I reported here.

Got the idea from Maya angelou's poem.

That's really dope.

Helps me keep my head up.

You know, when I'm down.

How you holding up in here?

I'm a'ight, I guess.

Reading a lot, drawing.

It's cool, though.


I'm your friend, man. You could...

Tell me how things really are in here.


Yeah, look, the only thing
that matters is

that I keep my head down

and do my time

and do whatever I can to never come back.


We were trying to do something good...


Wake folk up around here, but...

I don't know, man, just...

I don't feel like it was worth it.

Don't do that, bruh.

I'm glad to see you,

but you can't just come tell me

the reason I'm in here wasn't worth it.

It had to be.

Look, I can't get through this
thinking like that, man.

I didn't mean it like that.

I'm sorry, Ant.

I am.



I was movin' on.

New city, new career.

Nova's book comes out.

Your problems aren't about Nova.

You took a job at a university,

where employees are held
to a higher standard than...

NBA after-parties.

Yeah, well,

whatever it is, I don't like it.

It's called equal treatment, Davis.

It feels like oppression to you
because you're used to privilege.



I know that I've been privileged

and coddled and protected
and all of that, okay?

And you, Charley, you gave me the world.

And I blew it. I know that.

But what I took for granted then,

I'm beggin' you for now.

So, Charley, please, do somethin'.

Look, yesterday, there were only
protesters outside the gym.

Today, .

And, if this gets any worse,

then Bayou State'll have no
choice but to get rid of me.

I need this.

Then be honest.

Do some interviews

and take responsibility
for your mistakes.

The public might give you

- a second shot.
- Might?

If you're looking for guarantees, Davis,

then you shoulda kept it in your
pants, in the first place.

Do you even understand what you did?

Not to me.

To her.


Own your mistakes.

Then, maybe, there might
be a small chance

the story will die out in a few days.


I believe you, Charley.

I believe in you.

Always have.


Even when I don't like
what you're sayin'.




Nova. What a nice surprise.

But then, you always
did have great timing.

Let's see if you feel
that way after I blast you

for that stunt you pulled at my Q&A.

Hold that thought.

We were just about to discuss your book

for this week's seminar.

The students really loved your talk.

Would you like to join us?

My book?

Oh, I get it now.

I've been Octavia'd.

You goad me at my event,
knowing I'd respond

and here you are, waiting for me.

It's cute.

But I want no part
of your games, Octavia.

The Nova Bordelon I remember

never backed down from a challenge,

especially if it came from me.


Never had someone pack me
a picnic basket before.


And I don't think

I've been on a picnic since I was a kid.


It's been a minute for me, too.

It's my first time without the kids.

I wanted to, uh, mark the occasion.


Got these for you.

Didn't know you were such a romantic.


I didn't know, either.


Folks without kids don't even know.

The struggle is real.




Ugh! Oh.

Here you go, Blue.

Congratulations on
winning the spelling bee.

Thanks, Marcus.

I studied really hard with my Daddy.

Oh. But,

my mom says you ain't got a Daddy.


What, my pops is my Daddy.

But she says he ain't your real one.

I heard her tell my auntie

you ain't got no real Daddy,
while they was on the phone.


Wanna go play on the swings?


Your aunt is legit

a full-on chef and miracle worker.

And you grew up with this
kind of food daily?

All day.

My Daddy couldn't cook,
so aunt Vi kept us fed.

Kept us fed good, too.

She sure did.


She teach you how?

[CHUCKLING] What, to cook?

Yeah, I could burn.

- Wha-a-t?!
- Yeah.


Oh, wait.

There's some real boastin'
and bragging goin' on,

but do you have the chops to back it up,

is what I'm trying to know.

I mean, you could find out.



Find out a lotta things, really.




- [SIGH]
- [BUZZ]

The sooner you answer it,

the sooner we can start our second kiss.



Nah, I understand.

Everything alright?


I gotta go.

It's Blue.

Thanks for taking the
time out to help me.

You know, it felt
a little like old times.

You and me against the world,

solvin' problems.

Yeah, I guess it did.


Biggest regret I have is that,

when things went bad between us,

I didn't fight hard enough for you.



There was a time

when I really needed
to hear those words...


...more than anything.




That time is gone.

Davis, you're still lying.

I just found out a few months ago

that you have a whole other family.

Look, we're finally at a place
where we can sit at a table

and not tear each other apart.


Let's just

let that be enough.

Because, for me, there's no more.


Well, that's our first
funeral we've catered.

I know, and I hate it.

- Me, too.

But I'm glad they called us.

Girl, you gonna get
every repast and birthday

and everything in between
for a long as you want.

Well, I'll take it,

long as you with me.

What's wrong, baby?


I'm scared all over again.

Took so many years to

get over this feeling
and, now, it's back.

Baby, you know I ain't gonna
let nothin' happen to you.


But it ain't like that.


I can't explain it.




It's in me.


The way he treated me,

how I used to live,

how I used to be, the fear.

It's still in me.


And you can't protect me from that.


You right.

I can't protect you from
what you feeling inside.

But what I can do
is be right here with you

while you're goin' through it.

You ain't gotta go through this alone.

Hell, you shouldn't have
to go through it at all.

Well, that's Nova's doing.

I mean, after all I done for her

since she was a girl, since Trudy passed.

I was there every day.

Showed up for those kids,
did the right thing.

She spit in my face.


I'm never gonna forgive her

for bringin' all this back on me.


Your prose is sharp and observant.

Thank you.

But I found your methodology

irrelevant and outdated.

I'm curious: Are you
familiar with the works

of Brittney Cooper, Dr. Keisha Blain,

Rebecca Traister?

You know, Britt and I
were just talking about

how long it's been since we hung out

with Keisha and Rebecca.

Next time we get together for lunch,

I'll make sure to ask them

if they think my methods are outdated.

While this exchange has been
very stimulating,

Miss Bordelon and I have
some catching up to do.

I will see you all in seminar on Monday.



That'll be all, Jasmine.




I see you still have a type.


She's a very bright

and talented young woman.

I bet she is.

Are you still a fan of Italian negronis?



Blue, come back here!

Please, talk to me.





Came as soon as I could.

- Where he at?
- He's in the bedroom.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

Uh, the only thing
that he would say to me

the entire way here is
that his friend Marcus

isn't being very nice to him.

And the school said he's been crying.

- Crying?
- A lot.

- About what?
- I don't know. They're kids.

It could be anything.

Most kids. Not Blue.

Somebody said somethin'.

God, I hate this.

We got through it all.

Why this, now?!

I cannot believe that she would do this.




La medicina Va a ayudar
con la infección del oído

en unos días.

Asegúrase que tome bastante agua

y que duerma ocho horas.


Dante, I know that shot scared you, but,

you were very brave.

Sí, yo sé.

- Gracias.
- Ignacio.


Thank you so much for this clinic.

So many need this.


They're just scared to get help.

Well, we're here.

Thank you.

Eres un ángel guardián.


Guardian angel.


High praise.

- I like it.
- But do you agree with it?

Immigration! Get out your papers, now!

- Immigration
- wait a minute!


- Wait a minute no.
- Wait.

- No, wait.
- Move it, move it!

You can't... you can't do this here!

- Move over!
- This isn't allowed.

- Just wait a minute.

- Back off!
- Stop! Just...

- calm down.
- Hold on!

This makes no sense. What are you doing?

Really?! really?!

They're getting medical attention.

Ma'am, you need to back
off and let us do our jobs.

Clinics are protected
spaces. You don't have

the authority to come in here and...

you wanna be arrested for obstruction?

- Wait a... wait a minute.
- Excuse me?

Under the current administration,

ice has all the authority it needs.

How did you hear about this clinic?

Anonymous tip about illegal aliens.


They're people.

They live here, they... they have jobs!

And they're undocumented.

- This is such bullshit.
- I...


I need to see your papers, as well.

No, wait. He's a physician
assistant at a hospital!

Charley, it's fine.

This is not the first time.

- Señora.
- Ignacio?

Ignacio, I will find you
an attorney, un abogado.

Whatever you need. I'll... I'll be on it.

Just hold on!

Uh, detain the father and the oldest boy.

Youngest two are American citizens.

No. No!

- All right, let's go!
- No, just...

- no.
- no nos dejes solo.

- Cálmate, Joaquin.
- Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.

Take care of your little brother.

Please, call my wife.

Let her know I'm being detained.

She needs to come get Joaquin and Dante.

I love you, mi'Jo! It's gonna be okay.

I love you!


I don't know how people like
you live with yourselves.

Well, I'm doin' just fine.

'Sides, it's out of my hands.

As soon as those undocs are processed,

they're gonna be put on that bus

and transported to a detention facility.

And you oughta be happy I'm
not shuttin' down your mill

for runnin' an unsanctioned clinic.

We're working with the
farmworker health network.

Every volunteer, doctor,
and nurse was licensed

and our healthcare
was legal, so don't try me.

Those people don't belong in Saint Jo.

According to whom?!

The Landrys?

I know they called in the tip.

Are you saying they
called ice on themselves?

Sam Landry lost three of his
best farmhands on that raid.

Well, if it wasn't the Landrys,

then who did this?

It's hard to say.

But I can tell you this:

When you closed down our prison,

you made more enemies in a day

than I made in a lifetime.

Gal, you ain't popular.







Hey, props, bruh, for gettin' inked up

in honor of Ant.

Yeah, man. I just...

I want him to know that we
didn't forget about him.

Well, what you need to do is
slow down on the drinkin'.

That alcohol was for numbin' the
pain, not gettin' drunk.

Yeah, I could barely feel it.

- Aw, man, he's messed up.
- Mnh-mnh.

Aye, you gonna throw up, man?

- Mm. Mnh-mnh.
- Okay, you know what?

Let's just get him to the bathroom

before we all regret it.


I'm fine.

Sure you are. Come on.

[LAUGHS] You know, I love you guys.

- One step at a time, bruh.
- Right.


He say something yet?


Just cried himself to sleep.

I'll be back in the morning
to check on him, first thing.

He could wake up in the night
and start asking questions.

And, honestly, Ralph Angel, I don't have

the kind and gentle things to say to him.

I know.

You're not... Furious.

If it's what I think it is, then, yeah.

I'm mad.

Feel betrayed.

Like I can't shake my past.

Farm don't matter.

Parole ending don't matter.


Person that matter most to me

got a stain on him, 'cause of my choices.


The choices I made.

Yeah, well, a lot happened.

We both played our part.


All that matter right now is Blue.


Why did you stop writing?

Oh, I still write.

As I get older, it becomes
increasingly more important for me

to mentor the next generation.


You know, there was a time

I thought you would be
my greatest legacy.

Academia wasn't for me.

It's not for any of us. You know, we

do what the work demands. We adapt.

Or not.

I chose to write
about people, not theories.

I set you up for intellectual greatness,

not mediocrity in the form
of a tell-all book.

It's just us now.

No audiences to perform for.

You can admit my book was more than that.

And you are capable of so much more!

Coming here was a big mistake.

One line.

That's all you included in your book.

Some vague reference

about a professor back at tulane

who helped you understand patriarchy?

So, humiliating me on stage,

that was about me not
acknowledging you in my book?

One line

[CRYING] Is worse than no mention at all,

because it means that you
thought about including me

and then you made a conscious
decision not to.

Why is that?

Is it because you never think of me?

'Cause I don't believe that.

What about all the time
that we spent together?


What about the summer

in Italy...


When I could make you say my name?

And I could make you scream mine?


I remember those days.


♪ Have you ever seen ♪

♪ I wished for better ♪


Mmm, as beautiful

and as strong as I remember.


I can't believe I'm here.

Well, is it really that surprising?

I think, in the back
of both of our minds,

we always knew we'd meet up again.


How long are you in New York?

Tomorrow's my last day.

Then I move on to Boston,
Chicago, Atlanta,

and Baton Rouge.

That's a shame.

I was hoping that we could catch up.


You know, I could come with you

on your next stop.

[LAUGHING] Don't you have classes?

My graduate students can cover them.


It'd be fun to spend more time with you.

Just like the old days.


Thanks for coming by.

Uh, can I get you a glass of wine or...?

Oh, no. I'm good.

Thank you. But I'm sure
you could use a glass.

I heard about the ice raid at your mill.


They just tore a family apart.

Ignacio's been part of our business

for years, now, and I-I...

I couldn't help him.

I know.

It's disgusting.

But, I also heard that you had

your P.I. Friend Vicky

going through old land records.

Now, if that information got to me,

it got to others, as well.

So, the raid's a message.

Someone's trying to stop me

from asking questions
about the new highway.

Does Saint Thomas know
the Landrys are trying

to move the highway to Saint Jo?

They know someone's trying to take

the highway from them

and they're not happy about it.

I mean, without it,
they lose the tourists

and turn into a ghost town.

How long until they plan to break ground?

- Oh, Charley, I...
- how long?

Five months, maybe six.

It's being fast-tracked.

Six months?

That can't happen.

We have to stop it or...
or find a way to slow it down.

You could team up with the people

of Saint Thomas,

gather enough signatures
to put the highway

on the ballot in both parishes

and let the people decide.

It's a long shot, but, if you can expose

the Landrys' lobbying effort,

might have a chance.

- You could also...
- run for council

against Jacob Boudreaux.


The highway is coming,
but it's the city council

who decides exactly where it goes.

If you can get council
to move the highway

just five miles west...

then most of the farmers'
land would be spared,

including my Daddy's land.

But you need to be careful, Charley.

If you decide to run,

you'll discover the Landrys
are just the tip of the spear.

Whatever the Landrys
and their friends throw at me,

I'll be ready.

If you do this, you better be.

Filing deadline to run
for council is in two days.


You think I'd have a shot?


Hey. I didn't know that you were...

oh, my God. What happened? Are you hurt?!

No, I just...

it's... it's just a little tattoo.

Have you been drinking?

I didn't mean to get drunk. I was just...

I just took a few sips to numb the pain.

You're .

Too young for a tattoo and definitely

too young to be drinking.

- Ma. Come on.
- Micah!

You're starting to make choices

that you'll have to live with
for the rest of your life.

Are you... are you even
thinking about that?

It's a tattoo!

Everybody does it now.


I get it.

You're a young man now.

The road ahead is
complicated for all of us,

but, for you, it's...

if you won't listen to me anymore,

just let me know who you will listen to.

Ma, I do listen to you.




♪ Take my hand and see ♪

♪ Where we could go ♪

♪ Will you take ♪

♪ The leap? ♪

♪ Leave the fear behind ♪

♪ And ♪

♪ Let me know ♪

♪ Now ♪


Ready to tell us what happened, buddy?


My friend Marcus said

you're not my real Daddy.


Yeah, well, Marcus wrong.

- 'Cause I am your Daddy,

in all the ways that matter, just...

Just not in the biological way.

What's "biological" mean?

Just mean that

part of a mommy, part of a Daddy

come together to

make a baby,

that's all.

I thought you were a part of me, pops.


Is that why I look different than you?



It don't matter what we look like.

Half of my soul inside you.

That mean our heartbeat the same.


Feel that?

- Yeah?


Feel that?



That's the kind of father and son we are,

heart to heart.

I chose you.

I chose to be your Daddy.

I choose to take care of you,

help you with your homework...


...tuck you into bed.

What if you choose someone else, one day,

another boy, or girl?

That'll never happen.

Long as my heart is beatin', Blue,

imma be your Daddy, 'cause I chose you.

You chose me, too, right?



It's alright.

It's alright.




Is there a part of you in me?

There is.

'Cause you're my biological mommy?

I am.

But even if I wasn't,

I would still choose you,

a hundred times over.

Just like your Daddy.

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Now is the hard time ♪

Love you.

I love you.


♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ If not now ♪

♪ When? ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ To see ♪



Go, oui oui.