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02x16 - Dream Variations

Posted: 09/08/21 09:58
by bunniefuu
CHARLEY: Previously on "Queen Sugar"...


She said he ain't mine,
that he ain't my son.

DARLA: I just couldn't go
through with the wedding

without him knowing everything.

That wouldn't have been right.

Ain't none of it right.

I have never known
a woman like you before.

Someone's out here pitching a story about
all the internal issues at Queen Sugar.

But there are no internal issues.

- I need to trust you.
- And you can.

Don't let them white boys
get in your head.

Stand up to them.

You can turn it around.

Fight back.

Yeah, I'll fight, all right.

I can tell you what it is,

but I have to use a bad word.

I heard someone say, "That damn girl."

I think they were talking about Mommy.


VIOLET: Hey, Blue.

Hey, Aunt Vi.

- Want some company?
- Sure.

What you doing?

Putting one of those into a little pot.


I remember that song.

You do?

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Ooh, this little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine, let it
shine, let it shine. ♪


You like it?

I love it.

I love it, love it,
love it, love it, love it.


♪ Dreams never die, take
flight, as the world turns ♪

♪ Dreams never die, take
flight, as the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors
in the lines, take flight ♪

♪ Dreams never die

♪ Keep the colors in the lines ♪

♪ Keep the colors
in the lines, take flight. ♪

If you could give me your full name, sir?

Elijah Macon.

I'm a second generation sugarcane farmer.

Are you aware of any breakdowns

or equipment malfunctions
at the Queen Sugar Mill?

No, ma'am.

Can you share a little
about your experience?

Feel free to keep it simple.
Just tell the truth.

I'd be happy to.

Hell, I cut and hauled

just under a thousand acres
over to Charley.

Turns out we got some rain
a few days before the harvest,

so mine's was wet and muddy.


Is that a problem for a mill?

Well, if we ain't ready, sure.

Did Queen Sugar experience any
shutdowns or issues during your grind?

No, ma'am.

sh**t, Charley did a great job...

DARLA: Hey, Nova.

I, um...

figured he'd be out in the
fields, harvesting the cane,

and I could slip in and out
without anybody knowing.

You do a lot of things
without anyone knowing,

don't you?

I don't know.

Look, Nova...

I don't want any trouble.

I just came to pick up a few things.

Grab my phone charger
in case Ralph Angel calls me

or if Violet calls about Blue.

So if you don't mind,
I'll just go grab...

I don't think you should be in the house

if Rah isn't here.

This is my home.

I'm raising our son here.

This is our home.

And let me be clear...

I don't trust you.

Why didn't you say something, Darla?

I keep asking myself that same thing.

Yeah, I can understand
if you were too strung out

to be able to get yourself
together enough to tell him.

But as soon as you were sober,

and if you loved him
and wanted to make amends,

ain't you supposed to share your story?

No matter how hard it is.

I wanted to.

But I was afraid that
he'd walk further away.

He was so angry at me, Nova.

At everything.


But Blue brought him so much joy.

Real peace.

I just couldn't tell him.

What about Violet?


After they saved you and your child?

I did the best I could.

I chose what...

I chose what I thought would be
right for Blue at all times.

You chose lies.

I think you should go, Darla.

And come back when Rah is
here to deal with you.



Miss Bordelon,

I've been expecting you.

There's no way you're expecting
what's about to happen.

You're good at this...

the whole intimidation thing.

I won't lie.

You got me a couple of times
thinking, "What's she gonna do?"

But in the end, nothing.

It's all smoke.

If redirecting % of the western
farms from your mill to my mill

in less than six months is smoke...

I guess I'm the fire.

And I can stay here with you
and trade one-liners

while you look shook all day,

but we both have better things to do.

I quite like trading
barbs with you, Charley.

Gets my blood up.

Sure, it does.

This is a game to you.

You'll resort to threat,

theft, and, hell,
even send a drone to spy.

Sad thing is none of it's working.

Oh, it's working a little.

That's why you come.

Folks are running away from you.

- Rumors, they're wicked things.
- Mm-hmm.

They are.

They're also impermanent.

Fleeting, transient.

Only the truth stands still.


It doesn't have to be this way.

- I assume your way is the preferred way.
- It is.

You see, my way,
we don't fight each other.

We fight for each other.

And why on earth would I want to do that?

Because we could both make
a lot more money that way.

Because your strong mind

and my strong connections
could make us unstoppable.

And because I intrigue you.

And you intoxicate me.


If you're anything, Charley,
you're a pragmatist.

I'm not asking
for unconditional surrender.

I'm willing to negotiate.

We can take it all...


The audacity of privilege.



you're desperate.

You can fuss and fight

and lie and cheat and flirt all you want.

In the end, I'll still win.

This is the beginning of the end
for your way of doing business.

Maybe not next month or next year,

but the end is coming.

And that ain't blowing smoke.



VIOLET: He knows how to fix bikes.

Look at that.


So, this way?

HOLLYWOOD: That's... ah, nope. Other way.





- Come... really tight.
- Uh-huh.

BLUE: Are you done yet, Unc?


- HOLLYWOOD: Spin that.
- VIOLET: Blue.

You know you got the best
hands working on your bike.

I do?

You know how many things

Uncle Hollywood has fixed for me?

- A lot?
- VIOLET: A whole lot!

Half the things
in this house would be broke

if it weren't for those hands.

But I wanna fix them
for you, too, Auntie Vi.


you know you got to be
smart to fix things.

And you have to be strong, too.

I'm strong.

Oh, you are? Show me.


Ooh, I gotta feel those muscles.


Yes, it is.

Oh, no, no, no, my full name
is Hollingsworth Desonier.

Let me see.

Yes, the Octa Oleum.

Yeah, I already gave my deposition.


- Uh-huh.

BLUE: Worked them pretty good.

I see.

No... yes, indeed.

Well, thank you. I...

Thank you very much.




What you smiling at?

We celebrating, Vi.

We celebrating. Oh, Vi.

Hollywood, what on God's good earth?

That was the lawyer from the rig.

They settled.

Baby, we rich.

Oh, Hollywood,

baby, I know that that's a nice,
tidy sum of money and all, but...

Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.

They settled for triple
of what we thought.



Are you sure?

♪ You brought me back to life. ♪

PARTHENA: My youngest,
Derek, he's a good soul.

Got mixed up with the wrong
crowd when he went out West.

It was a second strike
and his wife Ruby had left him.

And it was all on us.

We barely got enough money together
to bail him out before the trial.

Your sister came through with
some help from her bail fund,

but now we got legal fees.

Miss Parthena,

if there's something I could
do to help y'all out...

If Nova needs to write a story or...

I keep hearing so much funny
business about Queen Sugar...

See, that's all rumors.
That's all that is.

Rumors usually start
with a seed of truth.

Ain't no truth to none of it.

Boudreaux and Landrys just lying.

I can't risk my son's future on a maybe.

I came to you out of respect for Ernest

and because I know you.

And I don't know Charley as well.

I was hoping you could tell her
we gotta take our cane elsewhere.


My brother Bird gonna take his cane, too.

But just this year.

Ain't gonna be a next year
if we keep going at this rate.

Please, Ralph Angel.

I wouldn't do this if I knew another way.

I'll deal with Charley.

Bless you.


No, no, no, everything
is working fine here...


You can come and see for yourself.

Better yet, you know what?

Why don't you give Mr. Duvall a call?

He... he's already milled with us...



No, all of the machinery is working.

You... you don't have to do this!

- (SIGHS) Yeah.

- They're taking %...

You know, there is a penalty
for breaking your contract.

And you don't care.


VIOLET: This what it
feels like to be rich?


I don't feel no different,
at least not yet.

You know why?

'Cause we've been rich for years.

Hmm, then why have I been sweating away

at the High Yellow all this time?

Ah, no, hear me, now.

We rich in love, in each other.

Eh, money ain't gonna do
nothing but make that better.

I don't know, Hollywood.

What about all those Super Lotto folks?

Bam! They got money.

months later, they
broke, sad, and in court,

suing each other for some foolishness.

Stop worrying and dream, woman.


I hear you.

I'm gonna take my time with that.


But I don't need to take no time.

I know what I want.

What's that?

You... forever.

For real.

On paper.

I know we said we never needed that...

but I want it now.

Oh, Hollywood.

Think on what you're saying, baby.

I don't need to.

Violet, so many people out here alone,

wishing they had half of what we got.

Woman, I ain't never had
nothing like you in my life.

I feel the same.

Let's lock this down, chère.


would you consider marrying me?

Yes, baby.

Yes, yes, yes.

Oh, a hundred times yes.



- Hi.
- Hey, baby.

- NOVA: How you doing, Blue?
- BLUE: Hi, Auntie Nova.


Welcome to your engagement dinner.

Oh, I can't believe you with all this.

Believe it.

Between the harvest and the mill drama,

this can't and will not
fall through the cracks.

This, this right here...

this is precious.

And worthy of a celebration!

- Let the church say...
- Amen!

Charley and Remy are on their way.

Rah, Micah, and Prosper
are still working,

but I couldn't wait.

I couldn't let this day pass

without marking its significance.

Not just for you two,


to me, to all of us.

Y'all are everything.

Y'all are goals.

For real.

This is pure joy.

I love you both.

- I love you, too.
- I love you.

- Cheers to you.
- Don't cry.



- Ah.
- How you like that?

- That's good. What is that?
- That's that good stuff.

That's good. (LAUGHING)

- Wait, stop, stop!

So... so then... so then...

she saunters over, you know.

Buttons all open.

- NOVA: Ooh.
- Talking about...

"Hollywood, I know
how you got your name."

Oh, Vi, don't say it!

- No, say it! Say it!
- No!


when the lights go out,
you ready for action."


That is the worst line I ever heard!

Roberta has the worst lines
this side of the Mississippi.

- Both sides.
- Hey!



- Hey, come on in.
- Hey! Hey, now!

- Hey, Rem!
- Hey, bruh.


Hey, Charley got caught up at the mill,

but she sends her love.

Uh-oh. Thank you!

Man, you know you didn't
have to come all this way.

What? Yes, I did! Are you kidding?

Best couple I know.

Period, point-blank, and hands down.

Man, I wouldn't miss toasting y'all.

Oh, hey, Charley said to make
sure that you got those flowers.

I wasn't off the phone with her an
hour before this huge bouquet arrives!

That girl is something else!

Ralph Angel just jumped up and down,

making a fuss and...
and then he finally said,

(CLEARS THROAT) "About time."


VIOLET: That sounds like him.

But you know what, though, baby?

He wasn't wrong.

It's our time.



It's good you're here to do this.

Everything that's going on right now,

it just felt real nice just to relax and
enjoy the night with them, you know?

NOVA: Had to make time for this.

Harvest time's been intense
since I was a child.

I can't ever remember
it being anything but stress.

They deserve better.

I hear that.

That stress ain't changed for
most of the farmers out there.


One of the very reasons I left.

Feels crazy, though.

I just traded one community marred
with challenges for another.

Yeah, marred by challenges,

but exalted by triumphs.

♪ Never felt this before,
is it written on my back? ♪

You're right.

- Thank you for that.
- Mm-hmm.


You know,

you're doing great work
in the community there.

I, uh...

commend you.

Well, sister, I admire
the work you do here.

Very much.

Very much.

- You know what else I admire? - Hmm?

That pizza and that cobbler.

- Hey, hey!

I mean, goodness, lady!

I didn't know you could burn like that.

Uh, Aunt Vi...

taught me everything she knows.

- Wait a minute.
- Hmm?

- Everything?
- Mm-hmm.

- 'Cause that woman got some ways.
- Hey, hey, that part.

I'm telling you, if Hollywood
hadn't gotten there first

and I didn't think she'd eat
me alive, I'd step to her.


And people be like, "Why'd you do that?"

- I'm like, "Because of the ways."
- It's the ways.

- It's the ways!
- It's the ways.


Uh, those two...

Those two are...

are intertwined.


♪ Is it written on my back? ♪

It's like nothing I've ever seen.

It's damn near an impossible thing to...

find someone that
you can be yourself with,

flaws and all, you know?

I wouldn't call it impossible.

I'd call it extremely rare, but...

it's possible.

You've got a beautiful home, Nova.

It feels like you.

Thank you for having me.

Thank you for coming.

♪ Bodies aching

♪ From the want and the waiting ♪

♪ I get this pain
when you're leaving... ♪

- All right.
- Yeah.

I'll get on back to your sister here.

(CHUCKLES) All right.

- Shut the door when you leave. - Yep.

- Lock this thing, now.
- Oh, yeah, that. I'm gonna do that.





What's up, Charley?

I'm down to three farms.

Everyone's backed out.

Damn Landrys.

- They ever just gonna stop? - No.

They never will.

But I've got a plan.


I want you to mill with Boudreaux.

You want me to what?

- Just hear me out.
- Are you crazy?

Ralph Angel...

They tried to destroy us.


They tried to destroy Pops.

Yes, they have tried!

And like we've said,
they're gonna keep trying.

They're gonna keep fighting dirty
with this game they've been playing,

so we gotta change our game.

I need your trust on this.

I can't keep the mill open
if we t*nk this season.

And with only three farms
from West St. Jo's...

Our most robust projections

were from that part of the parish.

Without it, Queen Sugar is done.

Charley, I...

I don't know if you thought
this one all the way through.

Trust me, I have thought this through...


Every angle, every possibility,

ten steps ahead and around the corner.

We need to make this an internal fight,

one they never saw coming.

I've done it before

and I know how to win.

It'll be brutal.

It'll be a slaughter
they'd never come back from.

I promise you.

On Daddy's name.

You on some Godfather shit.

I'm with it.

I'm with it.

Thank you.

I know it sounds crazy,
but I promise you,

it'll pay off.

I trust you.


Look, I know you're going
through a hard time,

but despite everything,

you've risen to the challenge.

(CHUCKLES) We're almost
through your first harvest.

I am so, so proud of you.

I appreciate that.

And just like you're standing
with me, I stand with you.

I mean that.

That's why I fired Darla.


I don't want you to question
where my loyalties lie.

- I'll see you tomorrow?
- Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.


- Let me get that for you.
- Oh, thank you.



Hey, Marlene.

I'm, uh... I'm looking for Darla.

She leave already?

She never came.

- Oh, thank you.
- You're welcome.

But she's staying with you, right?

Yeah, she has been, yeah.


she left this morning saying that
she wanted to be alone tonight

and might not be back until tomorrow.

She didn't say where she was
going or what's going on...

but it's weighing on her.

I think losing that job
really threw her for a loop.

I'm worried about her.


I appreciate it.


- Hey!
- Remy!

- What are you doing here?
- Oh, looking for you in your office

and, you know.

I know it's hard to get a handle
on everything that's happened,

but we're gonna work through it.

I wanna personally sit down

one-on-one with all the farmers
that have left you...

Oh, thank you.


But there's no need.

I talked to Ralph Angel.

We have a plan.

Oh, good.

Yeah, good. What is it?

Well, uh, the idea is untraditional,

to say the least.


Bold, to say the most.


I've directed Ralph Angel
to take his haul to Landry

and I'm making a deal
with Jacob Boudreaux

to join forces for the upcoming season.

Join forces?

This is a chess game.

One move begets another and...

sometimes every move isn't what it seems.

How do you think this is gonna go over

with the families and the farmers
that put their trust in you?

You've spent the last six
months assuring them

that you could provide safety and
security for milling with you.

I have taken all of that
into consideration.

It'll sting at first,

but in the end,
it'll be for their benefit.

For their benefit?

- Right.


With all that you've
been through this season,

with all that you've seen,

I know you're not
naive enough to believe that.

They all left me anyway!

Half didn't even come.

And those that did bailed
over a white man's lie,

so forgive me if I'm not gonna
sit here in an empty mill

playing the violin over
the feelings of a community.

Community. (SCOFFS)

The community.


They have told me how they feel...

loud and clear.

You're right.

Charley, you're right.

And I know you're hurting.


But please don't do this.

If I've learned anything
about myself this year...

it's that hurt fuels me.

And I don't let it sit and fester.

I let it drive me.

I let it save me.

I'm not gonna sit
and lick my wounds here, Remy.

I'm the one giving wounds now.

And the Landrys, the Boudreaux,

they're gonna feel it.

This is what needs to happen now.

Why can't you see that?

I don't see it.

And I can't support you on this.

Whatever play you're making,
you're playing with the devil.

And I can't do it with you.

I see in this very moment...

I don't know you at all.

You're right.

You don't.

I'm so sick

of trying to prove myself
to you at every turn.

You either trust me...

or you don't.

I don't.

♪ They boarded up ♪

♪ My favorite bar ♪

♪ The Frenchman lost ♪

- ♪ His restaurant...

♪ And the secret alleys ♪

♪ Were rearranged ♪

♪ I woke one day ♪

♪ And it had changed ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ Feeling lost in inevitable ♪

♪ On ♪

♪ My heart once beat ♪

♪ On ♪

♪ I came alive ♪

♪ And there was a spirit ♪

♪ So young and free ♪

♪ It spoke to you ♪

♪ It spoke to me ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ My city ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ Feeling lost in inevitable ♪

♪ I met a man... ♪


♪ Who coughed and swore ♪

♪ That it had been changing ♪

♪ Since it was born ♪

♪ That it was I ♪

- ♪ And nothing more... ♪

♪ From ♪

♪ To ♪

♪ My city's gone ♪


♪ My city's gone ♪

♪ And I have to go

♪ My city's gone ♪


♪ Still feeling lost and manageable ♪

♪ Oh, our city's gone ♪

♪ Tell it all from the heart ♪

♪ I'm sitting out at the bar ♪

♪ Tell it all and I'm making my way. ♪

♪ Said, "Lil'..., you can't...
with me if you wanted to" ♪

♪ These expensive, these is red
bottoms, these is bloody shoes ♪

♪ Hit the store, I can get 'em
both, I don't wanna choose ♪

♪ And I'm quick, cut a... off ♪

♪ So don't get comfortable, look... ♪

WOMAN: Ooh-ooh! It's a snack.

He tall, dark, and handsome.

Hey, honey, what you need?

Trying to find somebody.


She got long hair, skinny.

I can get long hair.

I can be skinny.

I can be whatever you want.

Name's Darla.

You know a Darla?

- No.
- No.


How about Star?


No Star. Sorry, handsome.


♪ Wings

♪ These wings of yarn you made for me ♪

♪ Are weightless...


♪ As I reach into the sky ♪

MAN: Y'all loaded up?

MAN # : We will be.

♪ Silence

♪ Restore my eyes to figure out ♪

♪ How my thoughts arrive... ♪

Y'all know a girl named Darla?

Light skin, long hair, skinny.

What you want?

I'm looking for a girl named Darla.

Light skin, got long hair, real skinny.







♪ It's best left unspoken ♪


♪ Oh, I'm broken ♪

♪ It's best left alone... ♪



♪ As we all

♪ Just try to survive

♪ Oh, we will try to survive. ♪


How was the harvest?


I know I ain't always done right by it.

A lot of times I ain't
say the right thing

or do the right thing.

I got a past.

I got a temper.

I got baggage, I admit it.

But with all of that...

I can honest to God say...

I never lied to you.

Of all the things I thought you was,

a liar was never one of them.


Maybe you'll see things
differently if you hear me out.

I'm listening.

I was home for the weekend.

In D.C.

And I was using.

And there was a party with some boys...

I ain't trying to hear about
who you did what with.

I wanna know why you carried a lie

for the last seven years.

Why you looked me in my face

and told me you loved me?

- Because I do.
- And told me you was clean

and sober and working your steps.

You told me that all that
matters to you is me and Blue.

All that is true.

Then you turn around and keep
a lie like this?

A poison like this?

I wanna know why.

There's no excuse. It's, um...

It's unacceptable.

But here you are...

asking me to accept it.

I'm asking you to try and understand.

So tell me something
I need to understand!

You talking,

but you ain't saying nothing
that mean nothing yet.

I was scared!

I was scared for my life, okay?

That I couldn't remember
what happened with those guys.

That I ended up pregnant.

And I didn't know
if it happened that night

or with the man that I was in love with.

That if I had a baby, I couldn't use.

And I wanted to end it every single day.


Then you get locked up.

And everything fell apart.


What was I supposed to say?

What was I supposed to say to you?

You say, "I'm pregnant.

And I don't know if it's yours."

Just like that, from the jump.

I remember the day you told me.

Been over it again and again in my head.

You told me that he was mine.

You let me celebrate.

You let me be proud.

And then you took...
took it all away from me.

After all my family did.

(CRYING) You ain't
have to do it this way.

I wanted it to be true.

It ain't true!

You lied that day
and every goddamned day since.


you lied about it all.


Darla, come on.

How could you?

I betrayed you.

And I deserve whatever you decide.

But I need you to know...

that every part of me...

I am so sorry.

And I hope someday you can forgive me.

I'll never look at you the same.

I'll never trust you again.

We're over?

I can't.

How I'm gonna be with you if I...

if I can't trust you?

I... I can't do it.

What about Blue?

You can leave me...

you can turn away from me...

but please don't turn away from Blue.

Hate me, but not him.

He loves you so much, Ralph Angel.

Please love Blue.

Blue is the blood in my veins...

even if mine ain't in his.

You'll take him for a while?

I got him.

So what you gonna do?

I'll go home to my parents and...

try to...

try to continue.

Tell him, um...

Tell him I got a little sick.

And, um...

I went to get better.

And that I'll be back
to take him swimming.

God bless you, Darla.

I mean that.


JACOB: I didn't expect
to see you for a while.

That makes two of us.

What changed?

I want to apologize for being abrupt

the other day.

You were trying to make an offer

and I was caught up in...


My eyes are open now.

Tell me what you want.


The mill is just a place to begin.

You and me,

we could make a formidable
team in this business,

especially if people
don't know we're a team.

Partner with me.

Let's take everything up a notch.

No partnership.

You're buying it outright.


You fought all these months

to get your mill up and running,

stole our farmers away,
and now you want to sell?

I'm tired of fighting.

Truth is, I've lost a lot.

I was so focused on winning...

I wasn't there for my son,

I alienated my whole family,

and, um...

it cost me a very...

important relationship.

My daddy, he used to say,

"If you set after doing something

and learn a lesson on the way...

even if you lose...

it's still a victory."

Selling the mill is far

from the hopes and dreams
I had when I had bought it.

But I find that...

dreams are funny things.

They, uh... they morph...

and reshape...

in an instant.

So here's the deal.

I continue to oversee
the day-to-day operations,


I remain the face and driving force.

You leave the black farmers alone

and they'll mill with me.

And you and I arrange
a refinery percentage.

And equity.

Now how about another arrangement?

One step at a time,

Mr. Boudreaux.

Yes, ma'am,

Miss Bordelon.

You have a deal.



- Y'all drive safe now.
- Appreciate it.

- Love you.
- Love you, too.

- Y'all have a good night.
- HOLLYWOOD: All right.

♪ I didn't know
I was looking for you... ♪

All right, come on.

♪ I didn't know there was
something to find... ♪

I got you.

♪ Tomorrow you won't fit
in yesterday's shoes ♪

♪ I'm trying so hard to rewind... ♪


Hi, Pop.

Hi, Blue.

Where have you been?

It's harvest time, remember?

Oh. Yeah.

Figured you'd be here

with Aunt Vi, good fun, good food.

Now I'm bringing in the harvest.


♪ Forever I'll follow your trail... ♪

Where do you think I was, Blue?

I don't know.

I never told you
how you got your name, did I?

Well, at first,

I wanted to name you Andrew or Brian.

Thought those were names
of good people everybody liked.

You know, stayed out of trouble.

Them solid people.

But your mama wanted
to name you Troy or Cornell.

- Cornell?
- Yeah, Cornell.

Cornell Bordelon,
that was about to be you.

Papa wanted to name you Percy.


He had a cousin named Percy,
said he was a good man.

And so he wanted
to honor him with the name,

you know, keep it in the family.

But I wanted you to have your own name.

Something that nobody
in the family ever had before.

And I started thinking...

I should give you a rare name.

Something that not a lot of people
have in the whole wide world.

So dig this.

I'm in the kitchen with Aunt Vi, right?

She cooking up her smothered chicken.

- You know you like that.

And we talking about
what I'm gonna name you.

Tells me a story

about the first time she
realized her name was a color.

A little girl

saw her name on a crayon at school.

Said that she felt special
her name could make

something so pretty...

the color violet.

So I thought about that.

And there was one that was... perfect.

Just like the color violet.

And it rhymes with my mama's name...


I could name you...

after the two ladies in my life

who always believed in me...

no matter what.

Just like I'll believe in you...

no matter what.

Blue was them.

Blue was the sky, blue was the ocean.

It's everything good.

That's you, son.

Everything good.

You got it?

Got it, Pop.

I love you, son.




♪ May all your prayers be answered ♪

♪ May all your prayers be answered. ♪