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01x03 - Beyond the Sea

Posted: 09/08/21 14:33
by bunniefuu
rex: Don't know what your Yeah!" And 90% "uh, no.

" blah, blah, blah, blah, Incursion rex: Not even my amnesia can Save me from the morning Meeting.

Now, this is what I'm talkin' About -- using the machines I Build to fight evos, like this Guy.

>> rex: The monster-pounding Part, I totally dig.

The brain-boiling briefing-room Part, I could do with-- Ow! six: These briefings are Gonna be normal operating Procedure.

Get used to it, kid.

rex: I can promise you -- for A kid, this is not normal.

numerous new occurrences of Evo activity in north-equatorial Regions, including gambia, Cambodia, the philippines rex: Oh, if I don't get out Of here soon, I'm gonna Spontaneously combust.

>>And most recently inst Cabo luna.

bobo: Cabo luna? Hubba hubba.

rex: Que cabo luna? bobo: Only the Endless-sunshine- Bikini-factory-spring-break Capital of the world.

rex: Mm.

Better call noah.

Garbage-chute escape -- bobo: Make it five.

noah: Dude, next time, can You give me some warning before We just take off, and -- Whoa! This is cabo luna! rex: Sun, fun, girls -- Would I steer you wrong, noah? I'm telling you This is gonna be paradise! so make way to start the Revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the Revolution so make way so make way to start the Revolution make way to start the Revolution so make way com | Adriano_CSI rex: Ahh, this is perfect.

We can hang out, lay low, Finally get some normal for a Change.

bobo: Aah! Sand plus fur equals itch.

rex: Talking chimps? Not normal.

bobo: rex: Mas chido.

is that your monkey? rex: I call him "bobo.

" does it bite? rex: Did you really have to Bite her? bobo: What do you want me to Do? She called me an "it.

" fruit punch, señor.

rex: I don't think we Ordered -- bobo: rex: Oh.

It's for him.

This could help with my amnesia, Jog some memories.

Maybe I went to spring break Before.

noah: I don't know how you'd Ever forget a thing like this.

rex: Eh, they're nothing Compared to dr.


noah: Isn't she, like, old? You just need to get over that And meet some girls your own Age.

bobo: And low I.


rex: I can't just walk up to Any girl and say, "hey, I'm rex.

And, oh, by the way, I'm an Evo.

" Sort of a deal-breaker.

Unh! noah: Ooh! hey, kid.

You gonna throw that back, or do I need to call an ambulance? that was a good one.

rex: Let's play.

all: Ooooooh! noah: Rex, uhYou have to Know something.

I'm not very good at this game.

rex: Well, you're in luck.

I am.

ghetto blaster to the ear I'm rockin' downtown with no Fear ego raising quickly now so you'd better watch out Before we drown when I'm on top, I'm really on The bottom don't wanna listen no, we don't gotta when I'm on top, I'm really on The bottom * and we don't wanna listen 'cause we don't rex: Out of the way! all: Ooooh! rex: Are you okay? Did you see that awesome save?! circe: Sorry.

I was busy trying not to get Tackled by some nitwit.

rex: Yeah? How'd that work out for you? And who still uses the word "nitwit"? I'm rex.

circe: I'm leaving.

rex: Hey, wait.

noah: Hey, rex.

You're up.

six: What about the new Tracker? dr.

Holiday: His nanites Un-built it, just like all the Other ones we tried sneaking in Him.

We're still receiving his Biometric readings, though.

It's strange.

They're all over the place.

It's almost like his emotions AreShorting out.

six: He took an unusual Interest in calan's briefing About equatorial upticks.


Holiday: And that's Important because six: Rex has been acting Stir-crazy, and I heard the Monkey mention something about Spring break.

Scan all resort areas for his Bio-signature.

noah: You have got it all messed up.

Falling for some girl? We're supposed to get them to Dig us, not the other way Around.

rex: I don't know.

There was something different About her.

She's Right there! Later! hey, wait up! circe: Why are you following Me? rex: UhI don't know, Exactly.

circe: Do you think I'm Playing? rex: Well, if you are, I'm Down for another game.

I thought maybe we could hang Out.

It is spring break.

You know -- fun? circe: I'm with my family.

We're not really here for fun.

rex: What?! Who comes to the beach and Doesn't have fun? Don't you think that's a little Messed up? circe: Mm, maybe a little.

rex: So? circe: I'm circe.

rex: Hold on! circe: Whoo! rex: Definitely better than My suggestion.

circe: Hunting for seashells Is fun.

>> you two skid marks up for a Race to the beach? circe: Well, if you drive as Bad as you play volleyball, we Could probably walk there and Win.

You're on, meathead.

rex: So, you were watching me Play? circe: Maybe a little.

rex: Sure you want to do This? circe: Thrill me.

>> Whoo! circe: Come on, rex! Faster! rex: >> * ghetto blaster to the ear * I'm rockin' downtown with no Fear * ego rising quickly now so you'd better watch out Before we drown * rex: Yes! circe: >> rex: Wait.

Don't move.

I want my friend to see the look On your face right now.

you mean her? bobo: You're showin' a real Knack with the ladies, kid.

biowulf: Explain.

circe: Relax.

I was covering.

Every day, I'm out on the end of That jetty when I could be Hanging out with the other kids.

It's starting to look Suspicious.

biowulf: You're not here for Vacation, girl.

You're here to prove yourself to Van kleiss, and I'm starting to Doubt you can.

circe: I told you -- It's a done deal.

So, what's on today's Spring-break agenda? Jet-skiing? Hiking? bobo: Eating our weight in Crab legs? rex: I figured we'd just Chill.

Let's just see who -- I-I mean, What shows up.

Do you hear that? noah: Sorry.


rex: No.


You seriously didn't hear it? bobo: come to Papa.

rex: Can you help him, noah? I got to go check this out.

noah: Do you know what wet Monkey smells like? rex: I owe you one! noah: Dude, that's at least Three.

rex: Circe? circe: YouReally shouldn't Be here right now.

rex: I heard something coming From over here.

circe: I'm serious, rex.

It's not safe.

rex: What? You think some kind of rogue Wave is gonna wash in and -- >> rex: Oh.

circe: There you are.

>> circe: Get out of here, rex! rex: Circe! What are you doing? circe: Me? What are you doing? rex: Right now, my job.


Don't freak out.

circe: Rex?! rex: I deal with these kind Of things -- circe: Undo your hand.

It's pulling you down.

You're pulling me down.

rex: circe: You're an evo? rex: You catch on fast.

circe: Takes one to know one.

rex: No way.

circe: >> >> circe: Cover your ears! rex: What?! circe: Your ears! Cover them! >> circe: bobo: Whoa! noah: Seriously? dr.

Holiday: Got him.

Sudden bio-level spike, then Dump.

It's rex.

six: I'm in vicinity.

What's his l&l;? dr.

Holiday: 19, 96 -- Cabo luna.

Picking up six evo readings.

six: Hmm.

I don't like the sound of that.

circe: rex: circe: Did I hurt you? rex: Yeah.

It was awesome.

You were the one making that Sound.

circe: I'm glad you're okay, But I'm in serious trouble.

I have to go deal with it.

rex: Why are you in trouble? Is it because of that evo? Let me help you.

circe: No.

I have to do this by myself.

rex: Meet me later.

circe: Rex -- rex: I've never met anyone Like you.

Like me.

It'd be nice for a change to Talk to an evo who's not, you Know, trying to k*ll me.

circe: I'llTry.

rex: It's not a date.

noah: Make sure you ask her Stuff.

Girls like it when you talk to Them.

rex: It's not a date! bobo: Buy her some shoes.

That's what girls really like.

rex: It's not a date! She's just I'm an evo.

She's an evo.

noah: Oh, and ask for the Second date before you screw up This first one.

rex: It's not a date.

your date -- I do not think She is coming, señor.

rex: It's not a date.

Go ahead.

Chew me out.

six: It's time to go, rex.

rex: Yeah.

six: I expected a little more Resistance than that.

rex: What's the point? six: Sneaking off to spring Break was foolish and Irresponsible and Completely normal for someone Your age.

rex: Huh? six: Everyone at providence Is so caught up about Controlling your nanites that They forget you can't even Control your hormones.

rex: This isn't gonna be a "birds, bees, and machines" Talk, is it? six: In our line of work, Rex, you have to be careful.

People we pull in can too easily Get caught up in our crossfire.

rex: I just wanted to have Some fun, see if I could jog my Memory, feelNormal.

six: Your "normal" is Different, rex.

rex: Huh? It's her, six.

I have to go.

Please, justLet me deal with This, okay? Alone.

circe: Ugh! Come on! Where are you? You're only here because you Heard my call.

That's what I do.

I'm like a big evo magnet.

rex: I came because I thought We were friends.

And what are you calling? Nothing's out there but big, Ugly sea monsters.

circe: It's them.

You have to go.

Rex, please -- I don't want them To see you with me.

rex: Who? Your parents? circe: They're not my Parents.

They're -- rex: Huh? The pack? Van kleiss' guys? You're with them?! circe: Yeah.

I'm with them.

rex: Yaaaaaaaah! biowulf: We're running out of patience with you, circe.

You have one last chance.

Summon the evo.

Finish the job.

circe: Don't you think I've Been trying -- every day for the Last week? Sometimes these things take Time.

rex: Is it just me, or do you Try to use your powers to k*ll All the guys you meet? You're letting her go -- now.

biowulf: So, this is who you've been Wasting your time with.

She's here on her own free will, Rex.

circe: At least let me tell My side.

rex: Won't matter.

I've made up my mind.

These guys are punks.

rex: Circe? circe: You have to leave me Alone, rex! Please! rex: six: Go after her.

I mean it.

bobo: Don't you worry, Green bean.

We got your back.

noah: We do? bobo: Nah.

My money's on the one with the Claws.

rex: The pack?! Are you serious?! circe: To the rest of the World, I'm a freak.

Not to them.

rex: You're not a freak to Me.

What about that? circe: What about it? Spring break is fun, but we Can't live there, rex.

The real world -- rex: In the real world, I Work for providence.

You could come with me.

Could you cut out that noise for A second?! circe: No, I can't! I'm running out of time.

Most people on this planet want Evos gone, including providence.

With van kleiss, I have a Purpose -- a home.

You don't know what that means To me.

rex: Actually, I think I Might.

circe: So, what are we going To do? >> rex: UhHow about fight That big, ugly monster again? circe: Finally.

That's what I came here to do.

rex: You've been calling that Thing, haven't you? circe: It's my initiation Into the pack.

I was brought here to capture It.

rex: By yourself? The two of us could barely take It on.

There's a resort here -- Innocent people! Send it back! circe: It's not an option, Rex.

Van kleiss was very specific.

rex: Then I'm helping you.

circe: That's not an option Either.

rex: Aaaaaaaaaah! circe: >> bobo: Go for it, kid.

And now he gets some game.

>> circe: If I do this myself, I'll have a Life.

If I don't, van kleiss won't be Happy.

And you've seen what he does When he's not happy.

rex: If I don't help you, he Won't even get the chance.

circe: Give me some credit, rex.

I'm not as helpless as you Think.

bobo: Oh.

Hey, what took you so long? six: Providence, lock onto me And send my jump jet to these Coordinates.

circe: >> rex: I don't care whose side You're on, circe.

I don't want to see you die Today.

Can we at least agree on that? circe: You have no idea what I'm in for, rex.

But you're right.

I can't do this by myself.

rex: You're not as helpless As you think.

>> circe: rex: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Whoa! Ow! Aaaaaah! circe: rex: Yaaaaaaah! Whoa! Not the mouth! Not the mouth! >> circe: Rex! You stopped it.

rex: We make a good team, Huh? circe: yeah.

We do.

biowulf: This trial was for You alone.

Van kleiss will not be pleased.

rex: Forget them, circe.

Come with me.

Providence could use you.

circe: That's not my life, Rex.

I'm sorry.

I did have fun.

six: I couldProbably buy You a few more days here.

rex: Thanks, six, but Let's just go home.

six: Hey.

You wanted normal? I got news for you.

What you're feeling right now, About her -- doesn't get any More normal than that.

van kleiss: We had high hopes For your abilities, circe.

Failure leaves its mark on yet Another pretty face.

circe: I'm not afraid.

van kleiss: Of course not.

You're a survivor, like all of Us.

I understand you made a friend During your trial.

I'm pleased.

Rex is very important to me, Circe, which makes you very Important to me, as well.

Welcome to the pack.