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01x17 - Basic

Posted: 09/08/21 14:47
by bunniefuu
Finally, you're going down! You're serious? Okay, whoever makes the next shot is the all-time champion.

I've got a level-two threat in the vicinity.

To be continued.

You can lose now.

You can lose later.

Doesn't matter to me.

Why can't you just accept that I'm better than you at something? And shouldn't you be in a hurry? Relax.

It's only a level two.

Oh, wait.

That's right.

The lower the number, the worse the threat.

You know, they really should change that.

Whoa! Thanks.

We got it from here.

Is that you, Beasley? Here.

Now when I show up to save your bacon, you can fry me some.

You try fighting these things without some fancy sword popping out of your arm.

You could never do what we do.

What, tell people to stand back while I kick evo butt? Spend some time in our basic training, and you'll see.

He wouldn't last a week in basic.

Actually, I don't think he'd last a day.

See you next time, hot shot.

Hey! Next time some evo tries to eat your brain, don't come crying to me.

Can you believe those guys? Actually, I've seen the commercials.

Providence basic looks tough.

I mean, I could handle it.

You? I don't know? Come on.

You know I'd kick your butt.

Says the guy who's currently Oh, is that a challenge? Gentlemen.

Gentlemen! Welcome to basic training! So make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution ♪ so make way ♪ ♪ so make way to start the revolution ♪ make way to start the revolution so make way Captain Calan tells me you two want a taste of basic.

Yeah, but not the easy version.

We want to be treated no different than any other cadet.

All right.

All you need to know that's where we eat, and that's where we blow stuff up.

- Another excellent combat example - Hey, they're studying me! Of how a Providence fire team can overcome the tactical deficiencies of this particular special agent.

Very educational.

These will be your quarters.

This must be what college is like.

But with weapons.

This is cadet Kenwyn Jones.

If you have any questions, ask her.

I'll check back with you first thing tomorrow morning.

Enjoy your stay.

He was really nice.

He always is On the first day.

What's down there? The stone steps.

They don't waste a jump jet on us when we quit.

You have to walk.

Better turn in.

The day starts early around here.

I have to say, this is what I was expecting at all.

I know.

This is gonna be a piece of cake.

Ah, it can't be morning already.

Let's go! Rex: Grab that bar! That is Providence property you just abused.

Both of you, drop and give me 20! Noah: He's really nice.

Hey, try to keep up.

You think that was too easy? Make it 1,000, both of you.

Yes, sir! No.

1,000 sit-ups.

Rex: What's the matter? Don't have a machine for that? Try to keep up.

Where did you maggots learn to brush your teeth?! Did you just mess up my floor?! Sick that up and put it back in your mouth! Rex: Did you just mess up my lawn?! Hmm.


Can't you even disassemble a simple neural-detention grid? I can do more with one hand than you can do with two extra giant fists! Can you just take a break for one minute?! My job is to train soldiers.

Every minute I spend with you, real Providence cadets are not getting the benefit of my evo-k*lling expertise.

Help! Hello?! You know what? This is stupid.

We don't have anything to prove to him.

We could be back at your place with a pizza in under an hour.

What do you say? I'd say thanks for saying what I've been thinking every second since 12:01 A.


- After you.

- Thank you.

I'm thinking we should make it two pizzas.



And hey, not that this is a big deal or anything, but just for future reference, you're going down first, which means you quit basic before I did.

What? You were the one who quit first.

No, I just said I wanted to quit first.

Big difference.

Unh-unh, no way I'm letting you beat me at this.

I'm not quitting.

Well, I am definitely not quitting.

Better rest up.

Tomorrow won't be as easy.

That was easy? Compared to what's coming.

Tomorrow's the start of the toughest five days of basic.

Oh, it's pain week, maggots.

If you think you can handle what's coming, that means you have no idea what's coming.

This is pain week five solid days and nights of training with no breaks to sleep or eat.

The goal see who has what it takes to be Providence and make the rest of you maggots quit.

Mechanical failure can happen anytime you're in the air.

You have to be prepared.

Uh, we're not gonna jump, are we? Nope.

We are.

Your objective crash-land this plane.

See you on the ground Hopefully! Did he just Come on.

Put me back! Into a crashing plane? I've worked too hard to become Providence to let you Come on! I could do this.

It's got to be one of these thingumajigies.

Time to go.

No, I got it.

I got it.

I don't got it! So, what's a perfect score around here? You guys give out A's, or is it more of a 1-to-100 system? Get back up there and do it again.

- Again?! - But I Are you gonna be around every time a Providence jet blows an engine? The goal was to learn to safely crash-land the plane, so you four are gonna do it again and again until you get it right! Hey, anytime you want to quit.

Evo anatomy is unpredictable.

During a field dissection, you have to be alert.

Rex: I can't take it anymore.

Another one hits the steps.

Who's next? Hey, anytime you want to quit.

Cadet Rombauer, schedule says you're up.

Time to face the cage.

What's the cage? Don't! You go down there, and Rombauer hits the steps.

He's not gonna die.

See that collar? It restricts the evo's strength to nonlethal levels.

You don't understand.

That's Weaver.

I drained most of his nanites and left him down a thousand-foot hole in Antarctica.

And it was Providence grunts that pulled him out.

At least now he's useful.

This is the only way to really know if a cadet has what it takes.

Sorry, Rombauer.

You know what this means.

They're ahead of us.

Not for long.

Whoa! Whoo-hoo! Wonderful.

Now they're way ahead of us.

Why are you even here? What was that about? Kenwyn's top kick in our class or was, until you crash and burned her rank.

Okay, Rex, I'm not gonna say I'm better than you.

I'm just gonna let you read it for yourself on the board! I didn't come here to ruin your life.

I just want to beat Noah at something.


I mean, I'm only here because Providence saved my family's life and I want to repay my debt to them.

I could really learn a lot from you.

Okay, look, I was just trying to I don't care.

I'm not gonna let some tourist mess up something I've worked years for.

Rex, you're up! Okay, so maybe, maybe you were a little better than me at some of the other stuff.

But kicking evos in the teeth is what I do for a living.

It's not fair, him going down there with all his powers.

How are we supposed to compete with that? Somebody should do something about it.


Somebody should.

Hey, don't you want to see what's gonna happen? Oh, it's this guy again.

What do you know about this evo? I know I already kicked his butt once this week.

Well, then I guess I'm gonna have to find you a more suitable challenge.

Cadet Jones, hold up.

Change of plans.

I sent Rex to the demo rotation.

You're up now.

- You got a problem, cadet? - No, sir.

You can handle this.

You're Providence.

Ice that evo! I can't! The collar's dead! All right! So, what am I supposed to blow up? Guess that answers that.

Rex! He can handle himself.

I need all of you.

We still got a cadet down there.

But we're unarmed! What you are is Providence, and we never leave a man behind.

Form a perimeter! Don't let them get behind you! Here they come.

I don't know if you remember me, but we've actually met before.

Okay, you remember.


Don't let them get out! He's still breathing.

We need another way up.

The door sealed when the control panel was smashed.

We got no way out! Come on.

Form a perimeter.

Don't let them get behind you.

You should have left me down here.

We're Providence.

We never leave a man behind.

But this is my fault.

I'm the one who Can we talk about it later? If there is a later.

Don't know how you got out, but now you're going back.

He needs help.

So does Rex! Look! He's too busy getting hit to hit them back.

He's right.

We got to draw their fire so Rex can go on offense.

But we don't have any weapons! That's why we have to distract those things so Rex can use his.

That's insane! Maybe, but it's what Providence grunts are trained to do.

We do our job so he can do his.

I get it now.

Noah: Go! Everyone, we've got to regroup! We can do this! Kenwyn! My fault.

I-I messed with the collar.

- I - Forget it.

Sometimes when you want to be number one bad enough, it can make your brain stop working.

What do you say we call this a tie? Sir, you should know I was the one who Yeah, yeah.

We all know you were the one who saved the day by pulling all those evos off me.

Doesn't mean you should get two medals.

And here I was thinking I had misjudged you.

Really? You think I could hack it here? Not a chance.

You, maybe.

Now both of you, hit the steps.

And keep up the good work.

You know, this has actually made me appreciate all the stuff the grunts do.


And it also made me appreciate how I will never do anything like this again.

I don't know.

I think maybe someday I might.

Five bucks says I beat you to the bottom.

Make it 10.