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02x01 - Rampage

Posted: 09/08/21 16:19
by bunniefuu
I'll give you the recap.

These are the microscopic machines called nanites.

I can build cool gear out my body.

I *** the evo.

The most evos are lucky like me.

They usually look like this.

I know what you're thinking.

And they smell bad, too.

There's one other thing I can do that makes me even more special.

Some evos, I can cure.

That's why I work for Providence.

We're the people you call when an evo is tearing up your lawn or attacking a city.

And the worst of them is this guy Van Kleiss.

The last time we fought, things got a little out of hand.

I'll admit it we pretty much got our tails handed to us.

He steals the key, wrecks headquarters, hijacks my nanite to get back the powers I took away from him.

And now he can actually make people into evos.

Then, to top it off, he has his dog boy Biowulf throw me, overboard at 6,000 feet.

Not that anyone's keeping score.

Sure, Van Kleiss may be back, but so am I.

So what if he can make evos? I can still cure them.

He may have new powers, but guess what I do, too.

Ever since my powers came back, I’ve got the ability to make amazing new machines.

Now I just have to figure out how to build more.

so make way to start the revolution make way we're gonna have fun tonight make way to start the revolution so make way so make way to start the revolution make way to start the revolution so make way If you're trying to check up on me, Six, the answer's still a big fat I can't figure out how to make this new build.

It might take some time, but you'll get it.

And meanwhile, Van Kleiss is out there doing who knows what.

I wish they'd hurry up and get the h.



You're not still living out of your jump jet like some ninja hobo, are you? My temporary accommodations are perfectly adequate.


Still living in the jet.

I hate being kicked out of our house.

Although, as long as they're building stuff, I need a hot tub.

Madre! Estas viva! Como puede ser? No querida.

Soy la prima gemela diabolica de tu madre.

What are you watching? Cultural enrichment.

Later on, we find out if Dr.

Suarez chooses Isabel or her evil half-sister, Anna Maria.

Pero como va sobrevivir ésto nuestra familia? Con mucho dolor, venganza y arrepentimiento.

If you're gonna stay with me wile they're rebuilding Providence, at least don't flaunt the fact that you don't have a pre-calculus test in three days.

Pre-wha? Exactly my point.

And when I agreed to this, I wasn't expecting the sidekick, too.

Hey, pally, we're a package deal.

Live with it.

Was that a toenail? Did I just get hit by a toenail?! What's your deal? Aah! It went in my mouth! Ugh! Okay, that is gross.

Bobo, bad monkey.

I thought this would be fun.

For you, maybe.

I've got a real life, too, you know.

As much as I want it to be, it can't be all fun and games all the time, Rex.

Why not? Works for me.

Hey, I like adventure as much as the next guy, but I till have to pass math.

You're not going to fail math.

You have like the fourth highest GPA in your class.

It used to be third.

And 10 years from now, nobody's going to care.

Hey, doc.

Miss me? Huh? Oh.

A situation.

Really? Awesome! Nope.

I'm not doing anything.

Be right there.

I'm gonna go pound some evo into submission.

Want to come? You're serious? No.

That would be you.

Have fun with that math.

Save the world or a chance at a scholarship? All right! I'm coming! Now see? It's a lot more fun when you just let go.

Can't you hold that thing still? Dibs! That's a whole lot of agents for one evo, doc.

They weren't here for the evo.

That ship is carrying the new power core for Providence headquarters.

This thing just happened to show up when we started to offload it.

Van Kleiss! Did you see the mark? Van Kleiss made that one.

Why else do you think I've been trying to get a sample from it? I don't know just being science-y? Ugh! Yeah! Does that work for you? It'll do.

Got it.

You can cure it now.

Unless you like getting thrown around like that.

No hurry.

This is great.

What hit me? That would be me.

You work here? What do you think, mister? Ahh, my back.



Was trying, you know, not to die.

If he works at the dock, that must mean Van Kleiss was here.

Actually, I think he still is.

They're after the power core.

All this for a battery? Not just a battery.

It could fuel a country the size of abysus for a decade.

And it was going to be underneath my room?! Excuse me.

Out of the way.

Coming through.

I was wondering when you and your hair would show up again, Van Kleiss.

Back to your old self again, I see.

And how are those new abilities developing? Just fine.

Thanks for asking.

Here's where I bet you're thinking, "did we really think this plan through? Was using some poor dude as decoy the best move?" I suppose only time will tell.

Not as strong as you thought? Not yet.

That time I really thought I had it, okay? Ohh! How awesome was that? What part you clobbering van Kleiss or Van Kleiss clobbering me? Well, both, actually.

Hold on.

I need a second to think of a really good dig.

Why are you smiling? We just owned you.

It's over, Van Kleiss.

You lose! That was the best you could come up with? "You lose"? That one didn't count.

He caught me off guard with the whole smiling thing, okay? You'd be wise to consider delaying your celebration for the moment, Rex.

You're about to have your have your hands quite full.

Oh, really? And how do you figure that? Here's the part where you must be thinking, "did I think this plan through?" Noah! Are you nuts?! Stop it! Stand down! Take it easy, Noah.

You're going to be okay.

This will all be over in a second.


Just great.

Go! Noah, if you can still understand me, when I said you should let things go, this isn't exactly what I meant.


It should be about balance, you know? Take care of the important stuff but leave room for a little fun.

Right now? Too much fun! Everything's fine.

Not a problem.

If you can't stop him, it's going to be.

You know, Six, you really need to learn to think positive.

That stupid grin.

It's like it's all just a game to him.

I know you.

Yeah, uh, thanks, but You're that "Tex" kid from Providence.

Uh, Rex.

- Ma'am, this really isn't - I have a bone to pick with Providence.

Do you realize how awful it's been? Uh, funny story.

He's actually my friend, so as soon as I can catch him Every single night, someone moves my glasses.

I leave them on the nightstand, and when I wake up, they're on the dresser! Glasses? There's got to be an evo in my house.

Some of them only come out at night, you know.


Now, I keep calling you people, but no one will give me the time of day over there.

So, you tell me How am I supposed to feel safe when there is an evo in my apartment?! Here.

First number on speed dial.

It's eating the cat food, too! That friend of yours is a walking disaster.

I'm starting to like the kid.

We'll get this.


Rex, can you hear me? A little busy right now, doc.

Then I'll make it quick.

The active nanites Van Kleiss creates are highly unstable.

If Noah isn't cured soon, his condition will be permanent.

How long do I have? It's probably different for each infected person, but I calculate less than an hour.

Noah, you have to listen to me.

If I don't change you back, this is not going to turn out well.


Let me help you.

No! No! Thanks a lot, guys! Noah, I'm serious.

Stop playing around! This isn't a game, Noah! Huh.

Maybe it should be.

Okay, Noah.

I give up! You're it! Better not be another train.

All right! Aw, no.

Well, what do you know? I'm "it" again.

- Rex, any luck? - Yep.

I got him.

Stand by.

This isn't going to hurt.

I promise.

- Rex? - I'm too late.

I don't believe this.

My best friend's an evo forever And not even a cool evo.

He's the annoying, breaks-stuff kind.

Ugh! Actually, Rex, it might not be Noah.

Your biometrics have flat-lined.

All that running around.

He just wore me out.

Did you hear that? It's me, not you.

Just give me a minute.

Noah? Don't even No, no, no, no, no.

No! No! I don't believe this.

You really need a hobby, Van Kleiss.

I thought we could settle things without distraction.

Here is as good a place as any.

I already kicked your butt once today.

Ready to go again? The question is, are you? It's hardly a fair fight.


Then I promise to go easy on you.

What? You think I don't have my powers or something? I'm about to give you the pounding of the century.

Come on, powers.

Please come back! Don't you have anything better to do with your life than come after me all the time? Funny you should ask.

Doc? How are those biometrics looking now? Give it a try.

Ah, yeah! It's about time! Machines work.

I just hope the important part does.

What just happened? Do you remember anything? It all kind of hazy.

I mostly remember the feeling of Fun.

And I remember you punching me in the face.


Sorry about that.

I thought you were trying to eat me.

Come on.

We've got a rat to catch.

Why so happy? Is this the part where breach shows up and rescues you? Actually, no.

This is the part where she takes your inadequately guarded fuel core.

Six to post, what's your status? Six to post.

Another decoy? I should share some of the credit with your friend over here.

He played the part to perfection.

Gee, thanks.

Now, this would be the part where breach shows up.

I can't believe I did all this.

Sounds like I had the time of my life.

It almost became your life.

Sorry about that.

Are you kidding? Just knowing I was a rampaging evo is cool.

I wish I could have remembered at least some of it.

It's probably all over the news if you want a replay At least until you stepped on the news van.

Well Guess it's back to quadratic equations.

I have no idea what those are.

I've got somewhere I need to be.

See you later.

I know.

I'm not supposed to be here.

I don't care if it's a construction zone.

I'm moving back.

It's all right.

Turns out you're not the only one who feels that way.

You'll get used to the cold showers.

Food, you're on your own.

From the top? From the top.

What were you trying to build, anyway? A water jet.

Oh, by the way, I need a new cellphone.

Yes? It's after my glasses again.

- Glasses? - This time I am serious.

Now, when are you going to send someone out here? - Ma'am, I'm - Do you even work for Providence? - Yes, I work for Providence.

- What kind of a flimflam outfit is this? How did you get this number?