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03x19 - Closing Arguments

Posted: 09/09/21 07:23
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: How do you know Zelda Grant?

Mariana, aren't you joining us?

I'm not a partner.

So I'm fine right here.

To be honest, I don't
think the girls appreciate

what an asset you are.

I heard about another female-led startup

doing something really similar to BB.

I could put in a word.

I'm not interested in
interpreting the law.

I want to work to change it.

With all due respect,
Your Honor, I have to quit.

- You're a lawyer?
- Yes.

Well, aren't you a little overqualified

to be a research assistant?

I need a job.

Aren't you opening this firm

to help people like Jerod?

KATHLEEN: I'll do it on one condition.

You quit Legal Aid and come work for me.

Most of the people you represent
as a defense attorney

are going to be guilty of something.

You are going to have to
fight just as hard for him,

even if you think he might be guilty.

Zack and Tommy weren't just
friends. They were hooking up.

And Zack broke up with him at the party.

And that's what the
fight was really about.

I haven't loved everything
that's gone down in this trial.

Truthfully, I...
I'm not sure where I fit in.

CALLIE: I know the feeling.

I don't even remember
why I wanted to do this.

I do. You wanted to challenge
the systems that oppress people.

You wanted to work for the ACLU.

I guess I've lost sight
of some of those dreams.

If you want the lunatics
to run the asylum,

then go ahead. I'm out!

Without a director
this late in the game,

there's no way to have a showcase.

However, Margaret Cho has agreed
to step in and save the day.

I bought it. This is my new passion.

I'm going to cook for people.

There's nothing going on
between me and Dennis.

Are you still sorting out your feelings?

What are the rules when it
comes to seeing other people?

He's my first relationship
since I came out as poly.

Look, if this is who you are,

I don't want to change you.

I can't deal with this.

CALLIE: What do you know about
what the FBI has on Kathleen?

Officially, witness tampering.

Kathleen was representing a
major player in the Chinese mob.

Did you have anything to do with
the disappearance of the witness?

Yes, I did.

If we lose this case,

Ken Sung might not tell
me where his sister is.

This means I could go to jail.

I am pregnant.

I know things are much
more complicated now...

CALLIE: I'm used to complicated.

I'm going to be a father.

CALLIE: I mean, it's not
like you're together.

I sort of wondered when your real
feelings were going to come out.

I'm cramping and I... I'm bleeding.

I'm gonna go to the ER.
I can go by myself.

DENNIS: No, I'm coming
with you. It's okay.

Do you swear to tell the truth,

the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth,

so help you to whatever God
you may or may not believe in?


Good answer.

Do you think it was wise to trust me?

Do you believe I'm innocent?

Do you really think you're cut out

to defend liars and K*llers?

Are you sure you're
ready to be a father?


[IN ENGLISH] She needs to come first.

What if I want to come first?

You really believe that
I'm not ready to love you?

Or are you using that as an excuse

because you're scared
of what we could be?

Do you really think we're
ever going to forgive you?

You lied every day about Evan.

How can we ever trust you again?

Do you know you broke my heart?

Are you really committed
to being an activist?

Or are you going to sell out the
minute another opportunity arises?

You really think you can juggle
two relationships at the same time?

Are you really poly

or did you just want
to sleep with Dyonte

while you were with Isaac?

What would you do if I came back?

Are you using me

to keep the one you really love at bay?

What would you do if I told
you that I still love you?

I'm not sure.

SUMI: Why did you lie to me

about being in a relationship with Ruby?

Are you sure you didn't
get into the program

because you were sleeping with me?


Do you really feel like
you're that funny, Kwan?

Don't you ever feel like you're...

An impostor.

Impostor, impostor, impostor.

Impostor, impostor, impostor,

impostor, impostor.

I, the jury, find the defendants
guilty as charged.

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa ♪
♪ Pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Then we'll find our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪

Let's get you into bed.

- Do you need anything?
- No.

I just need to rest.

Yeah, of course.

Here, let me get your shoes.

I'll be right back, okay?

Callie, I'm really sorry about dinner.

Oh, my God, no, don't be.

Just go take care of Isabella.

Thank you.


I was so scared I was
going to lose the baby.

Yeah, but we didn't.

And you and the baby are gonna be fine.

I'm sorry I wasn't here.

It's okay.

I just didn't want to interrupt
your date with Callie.

But I'm so glad Dennis called you.

Me too.


You need to put Katie back on the stand

and get her to admit
she made up this lie

about Zack and my son.


Was it a lie?

KEN: Of course it's a lie.

She's trying to throw
suspicion off herself.


KATHLEEN: Tommy...

Were you in a romantic
relationship with Zack?


- Hey!
- TOMMY: I'm sorry.

I'm tired of lying.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth.

I was scared.

But I didn't hurt Zack. I loved him.

And the only thing Katie lied about

is that Zack broke up
with me that night.

He didn't.

I think our only option

is to put Tommy on the stand.

To let the jury see what
we're seeing here,

that Tommy loved Zack.

KEN: No way! If he gets on the stand

and there's even one h*m* juror,

my son is going down.

It's not up to you, Ken.


What do you want to do?

Callie, what do you think?

I think it might help if
the jury heard from you.


May I speak with you? In private.


You know, there's something
called a cell phone.

I wanted to do this in person.

Are you still worried that
your calls are being tapped?

I cut a deal with the FBI

to show them your books.

And they will find that I took money

from Albert Chen's retainer.

You do realize this means
I could go to jail?

It was either that

or they were going to subpoena
all of the firm's books.

And, like you said, we
can't let that happen.

Look, I can probably hold
them off for hours or so.

If you have anything to give them,

any deal you can cut,

you need to do it now.

Hmm. Thanks for the heads-up.

Sack of shit.

♪ I would die for you ♪

If you agree not to put
Tommy on the stand,

I'll tell you where my
sister is right now.

You'll have proof of life,

and you can get the FBI off your back.

Is that your old law
partner I saw leaving?


What did he want?

Oh, he's been trying to
get me into bed for years.

Just won't take no for
an answer. [SCOFFS]

Why do I get the impression
that Tommy's not the only one

who's been keeping secrets?

Because you don't trust anyone.

Can I trust you?

Haven't I proven you can?

So what are we going to do?

Are we putting Tommy on the stand?

Oh, my God.

I heard Isabella went to
the hospital last night.

Everything okay with the baby?

Yeah, thankfully.

You don't put your wet
towel on my jacket.


She was cramping and
she had some bleeding

'cause her blood pressure was elevated.

So she's on bed rest for a few days.

They just have to keep an eye on it.


So I'm guessing your date with Gael...

Didn't really happen,
which is fine, of course.

Is it all fine?

I mean, I know you
thrive on complications.

That's not true.

Oh, really?

Have you looked back on your life?

Historically speaking,

you pretty much sought after
every complicated situation

you could ever find.

I'm just saying,

as your sister and best friend,

how are you gonna feel
when the baby is born

and Gael has even less
time to spend with you?

What am I supposed to do?

I know you really like him,

but unless you're hopelessly in love,

is it too late to pump the brakes?

And are you really over Jamie?

Now who's trying to complicate things?

Okay, fine. I'll shut up.

But there's nothing wrong

with trying to make your
life a little easier.

Oh, yeah?

How's the, uh, coding job going
with the Fight Club girls,

Miss Take-The-Easy-Path?

Not great,

but that's why I have an
interview for a new job today,

and hopefully, a new and easier path.

Good for you.

Proud of you.

- Love you.
- CALLIE: Love you!

Presenting my business license,

public health permit,

and certified food handler certificate.

The Toast Truck?

Yup, that's the name of the truck.

It's all about the delicious things
that you can make with toast.

Avocado toast,

- of course, for the millennials.
- Obviously.

Cinnamon toast, French toast,
open-toast sandwiches.

You had me at bread.

And I had an epiphany.

When Gael came to the
hospital to pick up Isabella,

I went down to the children's ward.

You did?

I hadn't been down there since, uh...

- How was it?
- It was hard.

But I needed to go back

and know that I could
face those memories

and be okay.

Um, and I saw all these parents

looking for junk food
in vending machines

because they couldn't leave
their kids long enough

to find something real to eat.

And I remembered being one of them.

And I thought...

"I'm going to feed them."

Once a week, I'm gonna take
the truck to the hospital

and I'm gonna bring up warm meals...

to the parents of sick kids.

To comfort them.

I think that's amazing.


makes you want to pull back and isolate,

when what you really need to do...

is reach out to people.

I'm so proud of you and
how far you've come,

and that you found something
that you're passionate about.


You're a big part of that.

A big part of the reason I'm still here.

It's true.

As you know,

a decision needs to be made

about which intern we're offering

- the full-time DPN position to.
- Yes.

You have inspired all of
us with your hard work

and especially your mini campaign.

Thank you. I just wish there
was a way to expand it.

I mean, there's so much need
and not enough money.

That's always the challenge
with the work we do.

And Dyonte has also done
an amazing job for us.

I mean, his rest campaign,
it's very fresh

and really, really needed.

It is.

That said,

it was a very difficult decision.

But we have decided to
offer you... the position.

Really sell the freak dancing.

Remember, you're super
uni-horny for each other.

How are the unicorn costumes coming?

Oh, they will be ready ASAP.

Thank you so much for
volunteering for this.

Oh, it's no problem.

Hey, I also wanted to say that I'm...

I'm really happy for you and Alice.

Happy? Why?

Oh, you know, 'cause
you're back together.

Oh! No.

We're just friends.

MAGDA: Hey, guys.

Everyone, check your phones.

Apparently, somebody leaked
an email from Elise in HR

to the network executives,

and I'm pretty sure it was
not meant for our eyes.

Thank you so much for meeting with me.

Zelda Grant is obsessed with you

and we're obsessed with her.

Oh, she's so great. Love her.

- Love.
- So great! Oh, my gosh.

Oh, wow. You worked at Speckulate.

I hear that's like a super-toxic
workplace, especially for women.

Yeah, it wasn't great.

But that Evan Speck is
super cute though, right?


So why don't we tell you a little bit

about what we're doing here?

We're all about eco-friendly
beauty products

in no-waste packaging.

And what we're building
is an app that tracks

when your favorite all-natural
products need replenishing,

and then we send you refills

in environmentally friendly
and stylish packaging.

MARIANA: Bulk Beauty will partner

with zero-waste brands that are...

- Cruelty free.
- Vegan.

- Sustainable.
- Products that they love

and can feel good about.

And can share with their friends.

And we offer you the opportunity
to share your reviews

with women you've connected with

and suggest other products
you might like.

Wow. That's an amazing idea.

So original.

Can I ask who's funding the app?

Jackie Morton at the Hallis group.

Do you know her?

- MARIANA: It's Jackie.

- Hi.
- I've got some bad news.

Vincent passed on the project.

It's a really good idea.

I'm sure it'll land somewhere else.

I'm not sure.

She sounds familiar, like your idea.


I'm not sure. She sounds familiar.

Dr. Mickelson,

how many times did you
run this simulation?


And how many times did the
fall occur as we just saw?


KATHLEEN: out of .

Those seem like pretty low odds.

Not really.

It's actually better than
getting a full house in poker.

Oh, well, I've had plenty of those.

So in your professional opinion,

Zack Smith, who had been
drinking at the time,

could have fallen off the
drop-off, hit his head,

and accidentally fallen to his death?


Thank you.

Dr. Mickelson, didn't you write
an academic paper last year

where your scientific
process and use of data

was discredited by your peers?

- That was a different situation.
- NICOLETTE: Yes or no, please.

Yes, but...

No further questions.

Did Tommy show any
animosity towards Zack

when you replaced him
as starting quarterback?

No, he took it as the good sport
and team player he always was.

But he wasn't happy about it, right?

No. Of course, he was upset.

You found a . blood
alcohol level in Zack,

but that was hours after time of death.

Could his blood alcohol
level have been higher

at the time of death?

It's possible.

Is there anything you
found that is inconsistent

with this being an accident?


So the bottom line is

you can't say Zack Smith was m*rder*d.


Nor can I say it was
an accidental death.

No further questions, Your Honor.

- Well?
- This jury is really hard to read.

I'd say it was a draw.

Are you comfortable with those odds?

Should we put Tommy on the stand?

"Alice Kwan will be the
recipient of the talent deal

and the $ , ."

What? How? We haven't even
done the showcase yet.

"It's been a few years since
an Asian has won the deal."

"Asians are hot this year."

"Shaun is Asian too, but also trans,

which confuses things, haha."

"Plus with Margaret Cho directing,

best to reward another
female Asian comic."

I'm sorry.

I mean, all of this is
totally messed up.

- I can't believe it.
- I'm not surprised.

I know it's wack, but
Alice deserves this deal.


Because, Derek, this whole thing
would have been called off

if it wasn't for her.

I think we all deserve the deal

or at least a shot at it.

There's no way I'm accepting this.

You don't have to be a martyr.

You should accept the deal.

SANJANA: And we can take advantage
of the exposure we're getting

from casting directors and agents.

I mean, that's the whole point anyway.

I agree. I mean, if they're
using us, we'll use them.

Wasn't the whole point to
not let them use us, period?

Margaret, what do you think?

Well, in my experience,

opportunities weren't always offered

for the purest reasons,

but that doesn't mean
you shouldn't accept it.

- Exactly.
- Agreed.

Look, I say we just do the showcase

and support our girl, Alice.


All right.


So I got a bunch of vendors
ready to sign on

to a rest festival to
launch the campaign.

And I was worried
people wouldn't get it,

but the response has been overwhelming.

Of course it is.

Everyone gets the need for rest, so...

Everything good?


I got a job offer.

One Paloma.

On the house.

I see somebody told you
what my favorite drink is.

Thank you.

Well, it's the least I could do.

When Angelica told me she had a friend

working in the City Council
office, I didn't expect it to be

an actual City Council person.

Well, I didn't want to
risk you losing her vote

if you didn't come through.

I appreciate that.

Excuse me. Got a new table.

MALIKA: I can't thank you
enough for helping Yvonne,

and I really appreciate you coming in,

so I could thank you in person.

It was my pleasure.
And I wanted to meet you.

I'm aware of your campaign

to help women in pre-trial detention.

And I am very impressed
by you and your passion.

And I need somebody like you on my team,

somebody with inside
knowledge of the system.

Wait, "need" as in like an advisor?

"Need" as in on my staff.

We need legislation and real money

if we're going to address these issues.

Private donations and grants
aren't going to cut it.

As we redistribute police funding,

we need to divert that money
back into the communities,

back into our communities,

that are devastated the most

by incarceration and detention.

I mean, I couldn't agree more.

So come work for me.

Let's really get things done.

I hope you're not considering it.

And why do you say that?

You can't trust politicians.
They're big on lip service,

but you see what happens
once they get into office.

They break their promises

because their jobs become dependent

on maintaining the status quo.

What's going on here?

Wow. Thank you.

I'm really honored and
I so appreciate this.

But can I think about it?


And it's only because
I was offered a job

to work for Councilwoman Lucia Morales.

And she seems hella passionate

about funding my mini
campaign with public dollars

and passing legislation to
end pre-trial detention.

And it just seems like
a great opportunity

to get things done on a big scale.

Sounds intriguing.

And if I did take that job,

I wouldn't want Dyonte to think

that he came second here.

I get it.

I won't say anything until you decide.

Thank you.

I'm trying to talk her out
of going to the dark side.

Well, government moves
like molasses in January.

The few legislative fights we win

can take years to bear fruit.

But having someone on the inside

advocating for us on a daily basis,

wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.

Let me know what you decide to do.

Okay. I've said my piece.

This is your decision.

But what happens if you
get the job here at DPN?

I don't know.

I guess we'll see.

JUDGE: Does the defense have
any more witnesses to call?

Miss Gale.

Uh, no, Your Honor.

We have no more witnesses to call.

[SOFTLY] Too bad.

But we do call the defendant,
Tommy Sung, to the stand.

That's a desperate move,
even for Kathleen.

Big mistake.

Are you good?



I want you to question Tommy.

- But this could decide the case.
- He responds to you.

You bring out the best in him.

You can do this.


- Hey.
- You're late, Mariana.

Oh, uh, I told you I had an appointment.

Right. You emailed,
but no one approved it.

I didn't know that I needed approval.

Also, about the code you just turned in.

- What about it?
- It had some small syntax errors.

And one tiny interface disconnect.

The point is it wasn't perfect.
You made mistakes.

Okay, if there were mistakes,

it's because you were all over me.

Do you want it done fast or
do you want it done right?

And I don't appreciate
how I've been treated

when I've proven that I'm valuable

and willing to do anything to
make everything up to you.

Then do the work right the first time.

- You're being a little harsh, Claire.
- It was your idea

to cut Mariana loose in the first place.

- We all decided!
- What was the point

if we were gonna let her back in?

Okay. You know what? If you don't
want me here, I'll just leave.

As an employee, not as partner.

I can do more than just code.

A friend offered Isabella a job

and a place to stay in Santa Barbara.

Just while she's pregnant,

and then she'd come back
closer to when she was due.

How do you feel about that?

What if something happens again

and I'm really not there?

Like, I felt terrible that she didn't
feel like she could call me

because I was with Callie.

Okay, well, that's on her.

How is it going with Callie?

It's hard, man.

When I'm with her, I'm
worried about Isabella.

And when I'm with Isabella,
I'm worried about Callie.

What happens when the baby's born,

and I'm doing night feedings,
and Isabella really needs me?

How do I be there for both of them then?

Well, you can't.

You know, if you love Callie,

you need to split your time
and affection between them

and be at peace with that,

because you can't be in two places

or with two people at one time,

physically or emotionally.

How about you?

Have you decided
between Matt and Dennis?

What was the nature of your
relationship with Zack?

We were... involved.

Involved romantically?


CALLIE: Were you jealous

when he replaced you as
starting quarterback?

No, no. He was better than me.

Did you fight with him at the party?

Yes, but not about that.

What was it about?

It was about Katie flirting with Zack.

He wanted me to break up with her.

I felt like he was
doing it to piss me off.

And you were pissed off?

Yes. But we made up right after.

Did you hit Zack over
the head with a rock?


Did you push him over the drop-off?

- No.
- Did you have anything to do

- with Zack's death?
- No.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Hunter, why don't you take this one?

Since you have a tendency
to rile Callie up.

No, thanks.

Well, what would you say if I told
you you didn't have a choice?

Then I'd say you should fire me.

Mr. Rothman.

Yes, Your Honor.

Do you have any questions
for this witness?

We certainly do.

So you've been doing a lot of
lying, haven't you, Tommy?

Everything I've said today is true.

But you did lie to the police
about having a fight with Zack.


- Yes.
- And you lied about the true nature

of your relationship with Zack.

Well, we weren't out. We didn't lie.

Did you tell Katie you were having
a sexual relationship with Zack?


- So wouldn't that be a lie?
- TOMMY: I guess.

And you said Zack wanted
you to break up with Katie.

- Is that right?
- Yes.

Because he was tired of
you pretending with Katie,

of using her as cover.

And that is why he came to you

and broke up with you that night.

- No.
- Isn't that true?

- No.
- And that is why, in a rage,

you picked up a rock and
you hit him over the head.

- No, I didn't.
- And then you pushed him to his death.

No! I... I loved him!

If you loved him, then why
weren't you at his funeral?

You know the reason, Tommy.
You weren't at his funeral

because you couldn't look
his family in the eye

because you k*lled their son.

- Isn't that...
- No! Shut up! Shut up!

I have just one more
question for you, Tommy.

Would you say you have
an expl*sive temper?



No further questions.

Do you need to take a break?

No. No, I'm okay.



why didn't you go to Zack's funeral?

It was out of respect for his family.

They knew that the police suspected me.

I didn't wanna make things
any harder for them.

What did you do that day instead?

- I drove around...
- No.

Tell them.

I drove around to the places we loved.

I listened to a playlist
that he made me.

I just...

kept wishing that he was still alive,

that we were in those places together,

that suddenly he would...

just be there and all
this was a bad dream.

But he's gone.

Thank you...

for having the courage
to take the stand...

and tell the truth.

No further questions, Your Honor.

The defense rests.

Dyonte doesn't want me to
take the job with Lucia.

- Why not?
- He doesn't trust politicians.

But the idea of being
able to pass legislation

and possibly end pre-trial detention

and get real money and resources

for these women I'm working
with is so tempting.

I, uh, I also love being an activist

and the work that we're doing at DPN.

But if I take that job,
then Dyonte is out of a job,

and he ain't working nowhere right now.

I mean, he's poured
everything into this.


[SIGHS] Must be hard to be
in competition for a job

with someone you're also seeing.

Yeah, it's not ideal.

- I mean, you know Lucia.
- Mm-hmm.

Is she for real?

I think she's very passionate
about changing the system.

You two have a lot in common, actually.

I think you'd work well together.

Would it be awkward for you
if I was working with your ex?

I don't think so.

I mean, you've heard the joke,

"What does a lesbian
bring to her first date?

Her ex-girlfriend."

Wait, I thought it was a U-Haul.

That's the second date.

Oh, so you got one parked outside?

Uh, not quite. No.

I'm the exception to the rule.

I've never lived with anyone before.

What about you?

You mentioned that you were
in a serious relationship

before Dyonte.

Yeah. With Isaac.

But when I came out as poly,

he wasn't comfortable with
me seeing anyone else.

And that's why you broke up?

Yes and no.

I mean, I told him we could
be monogamous like we were,

but he didn't trust me
after that, I guess.

And then he left the country, so...

Wait, so what about you?

Like, I know you don't have to
be poly to date someone who is,

but you do have to be cool with it.


I'm not really sure, actually.

I think, for now, I just want
to take things a day at a time.

That's real.

So back to Dyonte.

I think that you need
to make this decision

based on what's right for you.

- Yeah.
- He sounds resilient.

Whatever you decide, I'm
sure he'll land on his feet.

Your work here has been so
good we're really proud of you.

- I appreciate that.
- Mm-hmm.

And we're looking forward...

just to keep you on and...
you're part of the team now.

- Congratulation.
- Thank you very much.


So, uh, Imani offered me
the paid position here.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

This is good news!

- But you worked so hard...
- We both did.

It's okay. I'm taking
the job with Lucia.

I hate the idea that you're
taking that job as a consolation.

I'm not!

Look, this is a win-win.

We both get to continue our work.

Look, I vetted Lucia,

and I'm not gonna compromise
myself or my beliefs

by working inside the system.

I promise.

Thank you so much for agreeing
to meet with me again.

Look, uh...

I know Revitalize Beauty seems
similar to your concept,

but I can assure you Ava and Raisa

pitched the basics of the idea
long before we met with you.

Any similarities are
purely coincidental.

So if you're here to thr*aten
me with a lawsuit...

Oh, I'm not.

Actually, I'm here to
convince you to hire me.

Obviously, I know the business model.

I have the app specs already

and a working list of beauty brands

that would make strong
partners for the company.

And if you hire me,

I can get Revitalize up and
running in a matter of weeks.

What happened to Bulk Beauty
and your other partners?

Well, I realized you were right.

I needed to separate myself from them,

their bad reputations,

and all of the drama they create.

Well, it seems to me like you
were part of all the drama.

Well, if that were true,
would Evan Speck be so willing

to give me a glowing recommendation?




You can feel free to call him.

In the meantime,

we both know that I'm
the person you need

to get this app up and running.

Period. Full stop.

And the good news is,
I can start right away.

Hi. Thank you, thank you.
I'm Margaret Cho.

Welcome to our comedy showcase.

I'm so excited to be here.

And I'm even more
excited to introduce you

to our talented comedians.

Where is everyone?

The show's tonight.
Shouldn't you be rehearsing?

We should.

But after learning,
"Asians are in this year,"

and you had already decided on
who was getting the talent deal,

the comedians chose to quit the program.

MARGARET: Now let me introduce

our incredibly talented comedians.

- MARGARET: Yeah! All right!

All right!

So truly, there's nothing wrong
with accepting an opportunity,

no matter where it comes from.

That said, sometimes it's not worth it

if it makes you feel shitty.

You know, in my career,

my biggest breaks didn't come
from networks or studios.

It came from fellow artists,

friends looking out for each other,

getting each other gigs,
giving each other a leg up.


In fact, if you aren't happy
about what happened today

and you still want to do the showcase,

I have some friends and I'm
sure you have some friends

who would love to come and support you.




Thank you for coming.

Thank you for showing
up on such short notice

and a special shout-out
to our girl, Kelly,

for hooking us up with
this incredible venue,

- The Palace Theater!
- ALICE: We love you, Kelly!

And now, on to the comedy showcase.

Thank you.

We're about to trot home,

canter up a little foreplay,

gallop into the sheets,

and then ride it to the finish.

Sweet. Can I watch?


I did not think you would win that case.

And I definitely didn't think
you'd do it so calmly.

Nice work, Very Successful, Not
Angry, Female, Black Lawyer.

What did you just call me?

I have a real name.
I went to Harvard Law.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

SANJANA: Fine, we'll take
the baraat to the air,

but will a helicopter do?

Okay, okay, his and
hers jet packs it is.

Let's not lose sight of tradition.

We'll get the elephant a jet pack too.

SANJANA: Yes. Perfect.

♪ Car is parked ♪

♪ Bags are packed ♪

♪ But what kind of heart
doesn't look back ♪

♪ At the comfortable
glow from the porch ♪

♪ The one I will still call yours? ♪

- ♪ All those words... ♪
- Can I stay with you tonight?

♪ Came undone... ♪


♪ And now I'm not the only one ♪

♪ Facing the ghosts that decide ♪

♪ If the fire inside still burns ♪

♪ All I have, all I need ♪

♪ He's the air I would k*ll to breathe ♪

♪ Holds my love in his hands ♪

♪ Still I'm searching for something ♪

♪ Out of breath I am left ♪

- Oh, I'm so sorry!
- Sorry.

♪ Hoping someday ♪

♪ I'll breathe again ♪

♪ Hang my head ♪

♪ Break my heart ♪

Just leave me alone.


- I want to be alone!
- Bullshit!

♪ And my burden to bear ♪

♪ Is a love I can't carry anymore ♪

♪ All I have, all I need ♪

♪ He's the air I would k*ll to breathe ♪

♪ Holds my love in his hands ♪

♪ And still I'm searching ♪

♪ All I have, all I need ♪

♪ He's the air I would k*ll to breathe ♪

♪ Holds my love in his hands ♪

♪ Still I'm searching for something ♪

♪ Out of breath ♪
♪ I am left hoping someday ♪

♪ I'll breathe again ♪

♪ I'll breathe again ♪

♪ Out of breath ♪
♪ I am left hoping someday ♪

♪ I'll breathe again ♪


So how long you been fly fishing?


I need job for divorce my husband.

Oh. Well, why?

He leave cup of water everywhere.

Kitchen table, water. Nightstand, water.

Mahjong table, water.

Mom, that's you.

ALICE: And he chew so loud.

Crunch, crunch, crunch!
Crunch, crunch, crunch!

He crunch me to die!

I'm so funny.

- You want a divorce?
- If you craving day-old,

stale drinking water,

come to Kwan house.

So the jury's been deliberating
for five hours.

What are we thinking?

Well, a non-reactive jury
following an emotional closing

is not a good sign.

I'm sorry to say, but I think
they're going to find him guilty.

I honestly don't know.

Hmm. I think not guilty.


What changed your mind?

When he took the stand,

it's the first time
I found him credible.

Now I'm really worried.

Yeah, your instincts
are usually terrible.


The jury made a decision.

Verdict will be read tomorrow.

After five hours of deliberating?

Is that good or bad?

Could be either.

MARGARET: Thank you! Thanks a lot!


All right!


Thank you, but there is one more thing.

Alice, the comedians have
prepared something for you.

It's not a CBTV talent deal or k,

but I think this will cushion the blow.

Have a seat.


♪ She's a fighter and
a crazy good writer ♪

♪ She took a stand and
almost got banned ♪

♪ She's a good friend
on who you depend ♪

♪ She's Alice ♪
♪ The Inspir-Asian ♪

♪ Turned down the prize ♪

♪ Didn't compromise ♪

♪ Super hot ♪

♪ Stuck it to Scott ♪

♪ Didn't let us go ♪

♪ Got us Margaret Cho ♪

♪ She's Alice ♪

♪ I'm Alice! ♪

♪ The Inspir-Asiaaaaan ♪

- Whoo!
- Whoo!

♪ I've been waiting... ♪

So... I'm giving my notice.

I'm quitting.

We hired you because you said
you were just fine being a coder.

And I am! But I also wanted
a chance to prove

that I deserve another chance.


Why are we doing this?

Okay, we've been through
too much together.

And since Mariana has been back,

she's only proven that
we work better with her

than without her.


We need to stop holding a grudge

and let Mariana prove she's changed.

♪ And there's nothing you can do ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm back from the dead... ♪

We are better together.

And grudge holding is exhausting.

But no more lies, no more schemes,

no more doing shit behind our backs.

I promise.

♪ Come now let's get closer... ♪

And in that spirit, um...

I have a small confession.

I applied for another job.

♪ And there's nothing you can do ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm back from the dead ♪

♪ And I'm coming after you... ♪

I got the job.


Now let's burn Revitalize
Beauty to the ground.

♪ And I'm coming after you ♪

♪ Coming after you ♪

So, um...

I think we need to talk about
how involved I'm going to be

with this pregnancy and
after the baby's born.


I don't want you to go to Santa Barbara.

Especially after what happened,

I want you to know I'm here %,

and not be worried that
you're taking me from anyone

or anything else.

What about Callie?

What a great show! And party!

I can't believe we pulled it off.

And my parents actually think I'm funny.

They were so proud of you, and so was I.

Um, so, here we are.

Do you want a nightcap?

I think I still have some baijiu left.

You know what happened last time.


I'm not seeing Ruby.

Oh, you're not?

Actually, I know. Ruby told me.


Why did you want me to think
that you were back together?

I guess... because...

I'm scared.

Of me?

It was really hard to get
over you the first time.

I don't wanna go through that again.

You know, it took a lot
for me to find my voice

and start standing up to people.

Listen, I'm not the same Alice you
took on your first date with Meera

before we were even broken up.

I know. I can't believe
I did that to you.

I'm so sorry.

But I'm not that same
person anymore either.

The only part of that
person I want to be...

is the part that is
still in love with you.

But... what if we fall back
into the same old patterns?

Maybe it's too much to risk.

♪ Thought of all those
people on the other side ♪

And I wanted to taste
your mouth so bad ♪

♪ I thought I would die ♪

♪ But it was getting late...

- Hi.

How's Isabella?

She's good. Sleeping.

Um, I think the scare was
pretty traumatic for her.

Yeah, of course.

How's the trial?

Uh, verdict's in.

We'll hear tomorrow.

How do you think it's going to go?

I don't know.

♪ Last night I dreamed
of a terrible light ♪

So, uh, what did you want to talk about?


I'm gonna be a father.

♪ Lately he's unraveling ♪

And I don't know how
to do that part-time.

♪ Lately he's unraveling, love ♪

♪ Ooo, and it haunts me ♪

And I also want to be
the partner you deserve.

♪ Over a million signs
to blink and let it go ♪

But I know I'm not
capable of doing both.

Yeah, I know too.

♪ Lately she's stopped traveling ♪

When you shine your light on someone,

it's the most wonderful
feeling in the world.

'Cause you just give
everything you have.

That light needs to be
on Isabella and the baby.

- This is hard.
- Yeah, I know.

We both know it's right.

♪ Ooo

So, when do I get to meet Angelica?

I don't know, I mean, it's really new.

So probably not until we
know where it's going.

Okay, fair enough.

Wish I could stay the night,

- but I got an early meeting.
- Hmm.

It's okay.

You stayed for the important part.

- I did.
- Mm-hmm.

And I'm starting my new job tomorrow.

Okay, so I guess...

- We're just gonna have to agree...
- To disagree.

- Yes.
- Yeah.

Good night.


What would you do if I came back?

I don't know.

SUMI: Well?

ALICE: I just think...

maybe we're better off as friends.

SUMI: Sure.


Good night.

Good night.

Are you scared?

Are you using me?

I've come to a decision.

I know what I want.

Why not be with Isabella?

Be a family.

Just please... stay.




Would you ever give us another chance?

ALL: Would you?


WOMAN: What did she say?

She hasn't responded yet.

JUDGE: Has the jury come to a verdict?

JUROR: Yes, Your Honor.

Now, as the verdict is read,

I want to caution the
audience to remain calm.

Any disruption in my courtroom

and I'll have the bailiff
remove you immediately.

I cut a deal with the FBI...

to show them your books.

Sack of shit.

Please rise.

Face the jury.

You may proceed.

In the matter of the people
of the state of California

versus Thomas Sung,

for the charge of m*rder
in the first degree,

we find the defendant...


Callie Adams Foster...

why did you want to become an attorney?

I wanted to fight for
social and civil rights.

As a law clerk?

No, uh, my college counselor thought...

Who recommended you
become a defense attorney?

No one.

I was trying to help Jerod...

When're you gonna stop making excuses

- for why you keep getting derailed?
- I'm not making excuses.

You're not?

You remind me of a dandelion
seed just floating in the air

in whatever direction
the wind is blowing.

I'm adapting to the situations
I find myself in.

I've always had to do that.

Just because things happened
in your young life

that you had no control over

does not mean you have to be stuck
in reaction mode as an adult.

I'm not. I take action.

Well, let's talk about your actions.

You love Jamie, and yet you thought

that the only way to do the right thing

was to betray him.

- Our values...
- Bullshit!

You're not the only
one with convictions.

And your truth is not the only truth.

But with you, it's...
it's, "See it my way

- or hit the highway."
- I don't agree.

I don't think we would be
having this conversation

if you were looking for
someone to agree with you.

You're stuck in a loop, Callie.

Playing out the same scenes,
day after day, year after year.

Time for you to leave your safe cocoon

and bet on yourself.

It's time for you to believe

that you can be more than
just the Callie Adams Foster

that we all know...

and love.

What if I can't?

What if this is the best I'll ever be?

As good as it gets?

I don't believe anything's
as good as it gets.

You have the power to
make every day better.

To let go of everything and everyone

who's holding you down.

You deserve the moon and the stars.

You just have to have the
courage to reach for them.

Is that why you're leaving?

I'm leaving?

What's keeping you here?