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02x21 - Movin' On Up

Posted: 09/10/21 08:48
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand. ♪
- ♪ Elena. ♪

♪ A princess Bravely rules the land. ♪
- ♪ Elena. ♪

♪ With her family By her side. ♪
- ♪ Elena. ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena, Elena. ♪

♪ Of Avalor. ♪

♪ Making mystery everywhere. ♪

♪ Royal friends Are always there. ♪

♪ Magic shines From deep within. ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor. ♪

Movin' on up.



What are you doing?
- Esteban, shh!

I'm jujust doing
a little scepter practice.


It's been acting up lately.


This is not proper
princess behavior.

This is impolite,
impudent and immature.

Do the chair next.



Ah, good one.
I thought I was seeing things.

Or not seeing them, hmm?

Oh, pulling another long night?
- Is it night? Already? Oh!

I promised my mom I wouldn't
be late for dinner again.

But I am, again.

You know, sometimes
I wish I didn't live so far away.

Well, you know, Mateo,
maybe you don't have to.

What do you mean?


What is this place?

The Royal Wizard's quarters.
- And you're just showing me now?

Well, you didn't need
to live here before,

but now, maybe it's time.

To move into the palace?
- It's your room if you want it.

Elena, this is...


Not for me.
- Why not?

You could practice magic
as late as you want.

You'd be right near
your workshop...

And miles away from my mom.

It's just been
the two of us for so long.

If I tell her I'm moving out...

I just don't think she's
ready for me to leave home.

Well, what about you?
Are you ready?

All this...
and fish-shifters?

I mean...
- Mm, I'll take that as a yes.

Look, I'm sure your mom just wants
what's best for you. She'll understand.

You're right.

It's time I became my own wizard.

- Mijo, you're finally home!

I was getting worried.
Now, sit, sit.

I made your favorite...

Sopa de fideos con pollo.

Smells great.

How was your day?
- Funny you should ask.

Ah, ah, ah.
Give me that robe first.

I'll have it washed and ironed
for you by tomorrow morning.

Oh, thanks. Um, anyway,
today, I decided...

Oh, and I made you these
bookmarks for your spell book.

Green for the nice spelllls,
blue for the mysterious ones,

and red for the dangerous ones
you should not be casting.

Back to my day.

I... Of course, mijo.
I want to hear all about it.

Right after you get that bowl down
for me. It's too high for me to reach.

Yeah, um...

That's my clever little wizard!

I don't know what
I would do without you.

That's kinda what I wanted
to talk to you about.

I've been working
a lot at the palace,

but we live really far away.

So, I decided...

I knew this day was coming.

They finally showed you
the Royal Wizard's quarters?

- It's the perfect solution!

It is?
I-I mean, it is!

So you're okay if I say yes?

Of course I am.

You've been working
so hard, mi hijo.

I'm so proud of you!

So, how'd it go?
- You were right.

My mom totally understood.
I barely had to...

Princess Elena!

Thank you so much for inviting us

to live at the palace!

- Uh, Mami?

I have one lastst trunk, mijo.

Ll騅aluq it out here
for me, would you?

You didn't tell her?
- I did! I thought.

Let's go!
Our new casa awaits!

Welcome, your Royal Wizard... Ooh!

Thank you, Armando.

Thanks, Princess.

The longer you wait,

the harder it's gonna be
to tell her.

I know, but look at her.
She's so happy.

The whole point of moving

was to be your own wizard.

You're right.

I'll tell her before she unpacks.

Look at this, Princess.

Mateo's first toy!

Why did you bring that?

I have a real tamborita now.

Ay, and his first shoes.

Aw! Which clearly
don't fit me anymore.

And here's my little wizard
casting a spell on my heart.

Look at you with
those widdle cheeks!

Where should I put this?

In the carriage.
- Right over here.

Ay! Olivia is
waiting for you

in the workshop for today's lesson.

Um tell her I'll be there
in a minute.

Go on.
I can unpack on my own.

But I don't want you to.
You see...

My son is so helpful.

DoDon't let me get in the way
of your royal duties. Go, go!

But there's something
I need to talk to you...

Listen to your mam・ Go.

I'll tell her right after class.

The Creature Compendium.

My grandfather locked up many
magical creatures in this book.

So those used to be real monsters?

Uh-huh, until a spell
trapped them in these pages.

Aw! What's that one?
He's so cute!

That's the Kupi-Kupi.

But don't be fooled
by his adorable-ness.

He used to roam the jungles
of Avalor, pestering travelers.

If you looked him in the eye,
you'd start running backwards.

That's funny.

Until you got lost
in the jungle forever.

Anyhow, today I'm gonna to show you

how to trap things
in the Compendium.

All right!
Where's the evil monster?

You're not ready
for an evil monster.

We'll practice on this.

You're going to transport
that vase into the book.

The spell is anahun.

Go on, try it.


Take that, evil vase!

Good job.

Now we'll bring it back.
Could you hand me that dropper?

I need to use a dropper
with the releasing potion

so it doesn't accidentally
spill on any of the creatures.

Wouldn't want one of these
bad boys gettin' out.

Mateo, careful!
- Mami?

I'm in the middle of a lesson.

I just wanted to see
my little wizard at work.

That's what my mom calls me.

Would you kids like a snack?

- Yes, please.

The workshop is for
conjuring, not eating.

Oh, don't mind him.

He gets cranky when he's hungry.

Hey, how are things going in...
- Oh! Elena.


My mom is driving me...
- Nuts?

Oh, no, thank you.

I'll have some!

Uh, Sera de Alva,

how would you u like
a personal tour of the palace?

Right now?
- Right this minute.

Then after we're done,
you and Mateo

can have a nice, long chat.

See you soon.

Your mom's right.

You do get cranky
when you're hungry.

And we replanted the gardens so
the chef always has fresh herbs.

Princess Elena, we need you to review
tomorrow's grand council agenda.

Oh, of course.
This shouldn't take...


Chancellor Esteban
added a few things.

Of course he did.

I'm so sorry, sera, but...
- Don't worry about me.

I have plenty to do.
Go on.

Thank you.


Shellfish gives Mateo hives,
lemons irritate his tummy.

And his carrots should be cooked
till they're nice and mushy.

Are you getting all of this?
- Mm-hmm.


Apples, yes; oranges, no.

Carob, yes;
chocolate, no.

You really should be
writing all of this down.


Mateo likes a dash of cilantro.

Not too much, not too little.

You know what?
Why don't I just do it.

Ah! My face!
My beautiful face!

Princess Elena,

we have a crisis in the kingdom!

- -Mateo?

Doing a little redecorating?

Ugh. My mom.

Safety latches on the cabinets?

A chore chart?

And she built you guys a bunk bed?

That one's actually kind of cool.

I always wanted a bunk bed.

Yeah, your mom has been making

a lot of changes in the palace.

And not everyone's happy
about them, so...

Okay, okay.
I'll go talk to her now.

About time!
- Yes, please.

Mami, please don't put that there.

Some of those potions explode
if you bump them too hard.

That's terrible!

I'll build you a special
blast-proof cabinet right away.

We need to talk.
- We sure do.

I proofread some of your notebooks.

You have to work on your spelling.

I have a much bigger
problem than that.

What is it?

It's been great having
you here and all, but...

you can't always be there for m me.

You shouldn't have to be.

I need to stand on my own two feet.

Mateo, who else's feet
would you stand on?

Mami... I'm ready
to live on my own.

Oh, my beautiful son!


What do you mean, no?

I will not leave my baby

to face the perils of the
modern world all alone.

All alone?
The palace is filled with people!

And exploding potions and dangerous
spells and that horrible Esteban.

But do not worry, mijo.

I will be by your side
every step of f the way!

And I will never leave.

♪ When you skinned Your knee. ♪

♪ Who saved your life ♪
♪ From an infection? ♪

♪ But that was so long ago. ♪

♪ And down by the sea. ♪

♪ Who made cute floats ♪
♪ For your protection? ♪

♪ But I can swim now You know ♪

♪ I cut your meat ♪
♪ Helped you get dressed. ♪

♪ And even Brushed your teeth. ♪

♪ Now you don't Need to obsess. ♪

♪ For sports I made ♪
♪ A helmet that would. ♪

♪ Guard your head beneath. ♪

♪ But I was only playing chess. ♪

♪ How will you survive If I am. ♪

♪ Not there To defend you? ♪

♪ Can't you see I've grown up now? ♪

♪ Just call out my name and I'll run. ♪

♪ Right there to the rescue. ♪

♪ Please stop holding My hand, ow! ♪

♪ When it comes to Great mamis ♪
♪ I think I am number one. ♪

♪ You are But I I need my space. ♪

♪ With trouble Lurking everywhere. ♪

♪ My work is Never, ever done ♪

♪ I need you Out of this place. ♪

♪ Oh, Mami will Never leave you. ♪

♪ We'll be together Every day. ♪

♪ Joined at the hip. ♪
-♪ So you won't slip ♪

♪ I cannot live this way. ♪

♪ No, Mami will Never leave you. ♪

♪ Forever will I stay ♪

♪ I can't be tied. ♪
-♪ Right by your side ♪

♪ I'll never get away ♪

♪ I've faced great danger On my own. ♪

♪ Well, I'll make sure ♪
♪ It won't be greater. ♪

♪ Stood up to villains All alone. ♪

♪ But you're still slouching ♪
♪ Stand up straighter. ♪

♪ You must let go Although it stings. ♪

♪ My little wizard I adore you. ♪

♪ It't's time for me ♪
♪ To spread my wings. ♪

♪ And I'll be there. ♪
♪ To flap them for you. ♪

♪ Oh, Mami will never leave you. ♪
♪ We'll be together Every day. ♪

♪ Joined at the hip. ♪
- ♪ So you won't slip ♪

♪ I cannot live this way. ♪

♪ No, Mami will Never leave you. ♪

♪ Forever will I stay ♪

♪ I can't be tied. ♪
♪ - Right by your side. ♪

♪ Till we're both Old and gray ♪

♪ I'll keep a grip. ♪
♪ - I just may flip ♪

♪ I'll be your guide. ♪
♪ - I'm petrified. ♪

♪ Because I will. ♪
♪ - Because you will. ♪

♪ Never get away. ♪

♪ You'll never get away. ♪
- ♪ I'll never get away. ♪

Oh, I'm glad we worked this out.

I always love our little talks, mi hijo.
- I... But...

Dinner is served.
- Come on.

I had them make your favorite,

with just the right amount
of cilantro.


I'll meet you inside, Mami.

Well, did you tell her?
- Yes. And she said no.

What do you mean, no?

That's exactly what I said!
She won't move out.

Says I need her too much.

Mateo, hurry up
before your dinner gets cold.

What would he do without me?

What was that?

The Kupi-Kupi?

The what?
- Don't look!

If you look him in the eyes,
he'll make you run backwards.

Do I have to feed you mys...
What is that?

A creature Abuelo locked up
in his Compendium.

We can't let him escape the palace!

What did you do?

I put a shielding spell around the
palace, but it won't last forever.

I need my Creature Compendium
so I can lock him back up.

I'll get my scepter, just in case.
- Mateo, wait for Mami!


I don't care where,
just get rid of it!

Huh? What in Avalor
is that?


What's happening?

I cannot stop my legs!

[] What happened to our portrait?

It knocked over the potion.

That's what let the Kupi-Kupi out!

You mean, I did this?

He's in your room!

Ay, Mateo, your curtains!

Okay. Elena, you cover me.
Mom, stay here.

I am not leaving you!






Oh, no.
- Mom!


I can't cast the spell!
I'll hit her too!

I have an idea.


Stop it!

You naughty little...
- Gotcha!



I'll protect you, mijo!

Uh, leva...
- No, no! Wait!

- No!

You undid the shielding spell!

Madre, stop!

Throw me the tamborita, now!

Okay, okay.


Is everyone all right?
- Oh! I'm fine.

I am exhausted.
- I needed a good jog.


I'm so sorry, mijo.

It's okay.
It was an accident.

No, not just for that.

I've been so busy trying
to be there for my boy,

I didn't notice
he has become a man.

What you did today was incredible.

It was like watching
your grandfather.

You need to be here now,

and I need to let you go.

You are the best mother
anyone could evever ask for.

You raised me all by yourself.

Everything I am is because of you.

You did this all on your own.

My big wizard.

I'll go pack my things.

I want you to keep this.

In a safer place, of course.

I have an idea.



I love you, Mateo.

I love you, too, Mam・.

Now, you be sure to write.

I'm only on the other side of the city,

so I'll always come home
for Sunday dinner.

Adio, mijo!
- Goodbye!

Wait! Wait!
Take your plant!


So, Royal Wizard, you've got
the place all to yourself now.

How does it feel?
- I feel like a new man.

A new man.