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03x25 - Heart of the Jaguar

Posted: 09/10/21 08:58
by bunniefuu
"Heart of the Jaguar."

- Here you go, Peaches.
- Well, what do you think?

Um, I don't know.

It's better than the last one.

Let's see how it looks
with the crown.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Not until I'm queen.

But why don't you try it on
for size.

It's too big for me.

And heavy.

Princess Elena! Princess Isabel!

Hey, Luna, what's up?

I bumped into Quita Moz,

and he wants you to go see him
right away.

Better put that crown back on.

Looks like you're in charge
until I get back.

Actually, he wants to see
both of you.

- Why? What did I do?
- He didn't say.

He just told me
to bring the princesses.

Well, don't just stand there.
Hop on.

The Sunbird Oracle
isn't going to wait all day.

Quita Moz? Hello?

Welcome back, Elena.


And Princess Isabel.

So, what's up?

The flames spoke to me
about your future.

Your great test is coming,


I've been preparing
for this test

since you first told me
about it.

But I saw something else
in the flames.

Princess Isabel on the throne.

Isa? Why?

Yeah, why isn't Elena
on the throne?

Eh, the flames didn't get
into details.

But you're in charge.

Me? Uh-uh. No way.

I can't take Elena's place.

I don't know anything
about being a ruler.

Hang on a second.

You're smart. Resourceful.

You could totally step in for me
if you had to.

Temporarily, I hope.

I may be science-lab smart,

but I don't know
how to run a kingdom.

Maybe the flames were confused.

Sometimes I just sit
on the throne for fun.

Maybe you saw that.

You seem scared.

That's because I am.

Well, princess,
I know where you can find

an object of great power.

Its magic is so strong
that it can give you the courage

to face any challenge.

Even ruling a kingdom.

It's called
the Heart of the Jaguar.

It was named after a creature
revered through the ages

for its courage,
power and wisdom.

- Is it hard to get?
- Oh, anyone can find it.

You just have to know
where to look.

Which is where, exactly?

Right here in my closet.

Just follow the royal path,
and it'll lead you right to it.

There's a path in your closet?

Hundreds of them.

So make sure to follow
the royal one.

If you're going to be
on the throne,

you'll have to be brave.


Be brave.

Come with me?

He said this was a closet,
but where's all his stuff?

Well, I don't know.

And what did he mean about
following the royal path?

I don't see anything that looks
like a royal path, do you?

Not yet, but I'm sure
we'll find it.

But he didn't tell us

what the Heart of the Jaguar
looks like either.

I mean, is it a real heart,

-Or maybe it's the name
of something,

like a magic crystal,
or a magic something.

We should go back and get
more specific instructions.

Hey, where'd the door go?

It was right behind us.

Isa, wait up.

Look. It's the same arch.

It's like we never moved.

Quita Moz, are you here?

Is this some kind of trick?


Well, looks like the only way
out is to keep moving forward.

After you.

How does he find
anything in here?

It's so dark.

I wish there was more light
so I could...

- How'd you do that?
- I didn't do anything.

Oh, oh, wish for light again.

Uh... I wish we had more light?

Keep going. Say it louder.

Say it louder!

It's alive.

It's alive!

I wish we had a lot of light.


Hi, cutie.

Hi, cutie.

Hi, cutie!

This way.

This looks like our palace.

And maybe that's our royal path.

I think you're onto something.

I guess this is as far
as they go.

Thank you for the light.

You're welcome!


It's a...

It's a magic carpet.

Yeah, magically annoying.

- Come on.
- Wait!

We don't know where it's going.
What if we get lost?

Quita Moz said to follow
the royal path.

And it's getting away.



We're outside.

This can't be right.

Maybe we should go back.

Come on! Not again!

- Well, nothing to do but...
- I know.

Go forward.

Does that remind you
of the gates to our palace?

A little bit.

There's nothing
on the other side.

Well, they must lead
to something.


Who dares pass through
these palace gates?

What palace?

We'll ask the questions here.

Who dares pass through
these gates?

Well, thanks for asking.
We are...

Um, me. Isa.

We don't know any "Um-Me-Isa."

Time for you to be
gone with the wind.


Stop this right now. We are...

Isa, tell them who we...

Princess Elena
and Princess Isabel.


Oh, royalty.

Why didn't you say so
in the first place?

You are most welcome to proceed
through these royal gates.

I don't think we're in
Quita Moz's closet anymore.


Not you.

If it isn't the sunblocker.

If it isn't
the grumpy butterfrog.

Every time you show up,
it's nothing but trouble.

Look, I'm not here
to block your sun.

You bet you're not.



What? What do you want?

Uh, I want
the Heart of the Jaguar.

Never heard of it.
What does it look like?

I don't know.

Then how do you expect
to find it?

That's exactly what I said.


Ask him if he can help.

Oh, right.

Can you help?

Why should I?

Tell him you'll block his sun.

What? Block his sun?

Oh, you're tough,
just like the other one.

No, actually,
she's the tough one.


Right. Be tough.

So tell me everything
I need to know, butterfrog.

Oh, you think you can
outsmart me, do you?

It looks that way.

Yeah, okay, you win.

Try the Jaguar King.

If anybody has something
like that, he does.

Finally, something useful.

So where do I find
this Jaguar King?

You can find him in the palace
just beyond the garden maze.

There's a maze?

Yeah, but here's the trick
to get through it:

if you want to be right,
be left.

Not sure what that means,
but okay.

And you're going to need a gift
to trade the Jaguar King.

I recommend the Crown Jewel.

It's at the top of the Turquoise
Tower at the center of the maze.

- Is that all?
- Probably not,

but I got to hop.

Toodles. Aah!

Okay, we're getting closer.

And weirder.

What was that thing

about being right
and being left?

He's saying stay left to find
the right path through the maze.


The Turquoise Tower.

We're almost there.

Spoke too soon.

Is that...?

Don't even say it.

No, go on, say it.

Say it, say it, say it!

We've reached a fork
in the road.

- She said it!
- I know!

Which way should we go?

Well, I'm not sure.

I thought we were supposed
to stay left.

Nobody said anything
about up and down.

What do you say, Isa?

Up or down?

I don't know. Let me think.

Okay, maybe up?

Wait, that's too obvious.

Up to the high tower.

- So it's got to be down.
- Down we go.

Unless that's what
they wanted us to think,

and then it's a double
reverse fake-out.

- Up it is.
- But what if it's the wrong way?

- Well, what if it isn't?
- Oh, I can't make up my mind!

- You lose.
- You lose.

Oh, no! Aah!

Elena? Is that you?

Anoki, anoki.

What happened?

Wait! Come back!

Are you kidding me?

They both lead
to the same place?

- Anoki, anoki.
- Where are you going?

- Stop!
- Anoki!

The Crown Jewel.

How am I supposed to get
this thing down?

Elena? Quita Moz?

Somebody help!





Anoki, anoki, anoki!

Okay, okay, you can have anoki.

But first, you have to get
something for me.

Bring me that red jewel.

Ah, thank you.


Want another bite?

- Follow me.
- Anoki!

nothing to be afraid of, right?

I mean, it even kind of looks
like our palace, doesn't it?

Only bigger?

And weirder?


Elena, I could really use
your help right now.

I got to find a way
to change you back.

Come on.


So steep.

Who would build
a staircase this tall?

Maybe someone who doesn't
want visitors.

What if he gets mad
that I came here?

And why are these stairs
getting steeper?

Oh, we'd better hurry.


Uh, hi, sir.

I... I-I came here...

I came...

Okay, let me start over.

I'm Isabel.

Is that the Heart of the Jaguar?


I'll trade you
the Crown Jewel for it.


I need the Heart of the Jaguar
to be brave.


- No!
- No?

But I will keep
the cute flying kitty.

Wait, what? No!

She's my sister.

What's going on?

Kitty stays. You go.

Come back!


- Elena!
- Bye-bye.


What is this?
Oh, what have I done?

- Isabel?
- Huh?


Since when can you talk?

Oh, we could always talk.

You just couldn't understand us.

Oh! You're the best surprise
I've had all day.

Wait, are we in...

the Exergroomer?

Yeah, I guess it's a little
hard to see.

Paco! Lights, please?

Thanks, Paco.

How'd you guys get so big?

I don't know.
How did you get so small?

Oh, well, you see, I tried
to make a deal with the king

for the Heart of the Jaguar,
but instead he took Elena,

who got turned into a baby
jaquin back in the maze,

and then he started to chase me,
and I got scared and ran,

and the more scared I got...

The smaller you got?

How'd you know?

That's what being afraid
will do to you.

It makes everything else seem
bigger and scarier

than it really is.

You mean the Jaguar King's
not really that scary?

Not if you don't let him be.

Oh, I don't know.

I wish Elena were here.

She always knows what to do.

She's the Crown Princess
of Avalor.

Well, no, not anymore.

Didn't you just tell me
she's a baby jaquin?

So who's Crown Princess now?

Uh, I am, I guess.

Well, then I guess
it's up to you

whether you're ready or not.

Crown Princess Isabel of Avalor.

I have to save her.

Is that the only way out?

If you consider a hole
miles above us a way out,

then, yeah.

Peaches, I hope you're not
afraid of heights.


Hit it, Paco.

Wait for it. Wait for it.

Here we go! Hold on!


Oh! This was your plan?

Oh, my goodness.

Okay, I'm fine.

- Oh!
- Whoa!

How did we get way out here?

Nothing makes sense here,

so we just got to keep
moving forward.

Open the gates
for Princess Isabel.

Your wish is our command.

- Stay left.
- You got it.

That way.

Good choice.

Why aren't the stairs
getting steeper?

The path gets easier
when you know you can walk it.

There he is.

What are you doing back here?


Looking for you.

And here I am.


I am Crown Princess
Isabel of Avalor...

and I order you
to release my sister.

Now that's the spirit
I've been waiting for.

- You were?
- I needed to see you

stand up for yourself
and your sister.

Good to see you too.

But I have some
unfinished business.

Your Majesty, could I please
trade you this Crown Jewel

for the Heart of the Jaguar?

Hm, it seems like a fair trade.


Now all we have to do
is find the doorway home.

Okay, Quita Moz.

I found the Heart of the Jaguar,

so you can bring
the door back now.

Look at that.

You've finally gotten
the hang of this place.

It was a pleasure
to meet you, Princess.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Thanks, Peaches.

Good luck in the real world.


You two sure know
how to make an entrance.

You broke the spell!

I didn't break it. You did.

I did? How?

Because you found
the Heart of the Jaguar.

Wait, where'd it go?

I just had it.

Ah, but you do have it.

Right here.

You found something
more powerful

than any magical object.

You found the courage
that was always within you.

I think she's ready now.

Good. I just hope I am.

Together, the Castillo-Flores
sisters are ready for anything.

Yes, they are.