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04x18 - A Good Marriage in Every Sense

Posted: 09/11/21 07:04
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Dynasty...
- You're my biological father?

Yeah. It's true.

Sometimes it would be
nice to see you as excited

about our marriage as
you are about work.

Liam, that's not fair.

Sorry to interrupt date night.

I just need to see Fallon for a moment.

I thought she was at
the office with you.

You impress me more and more.

The feeling's mutual.

We might make a good team after all.

Oh, okay, okay, time out.

I'm all for the
"Float like a butterfly" part, but

I'm starting to take the
"Sting like a bee" a bit personally.

- Are you mad at me?
- What?

- Of course not.
- Well, then,

you need to listen to
some Enya or something.

You're aggro.

I'm just a little on edge.

My brother's on his way here

to discuss some urgent
matter involving my dad.

Hot brother Beto? How fun!

Or... not so fun? I don't understand.

I thought you two were all good again.

So did I.

And then I never heard
from him after my surgery.

Or my dad.

Now I'm just expected to
drop everything for them?

No. No more punching
until we talk this out.

What is there to talk about?

They ignored me when I was dying.

Well, maybe Beto's
coming here to apologize.

At least hear him out
before you write him off.

If it makes you feel any better,

you can have him stay at La Mirage.

That'll give you a buffer and
me someone nice to look at.

A win-win.

Okay. Thank you, Sam.

You're right.
I should give him a chance.

Uh-huh. Thank you, Penny.

I knew it.

You knew what?

And why do you have to
know it when I'm sleeping?

That was one of my cousins.

there was an insurance dispute

when one of the Morell grannies

kicked the bucket a couple months ago,

and my lovely sister Amanda played dirty

to get a fortune she wasn't owed.

- And?
- And she failed, but

as part of her plan, she pretended

to be this, you know,
prim and proper princess, which, okay,

she clearly is not,
and that's exactly what

- she's gonna do to Blake.
- And you're basing

all this off a few photos

and a cousin you've probably never met?

Okay, first of all, Polly and I are...

- Penny.
- Yeah, Penny. We're very close.

And as the head of this family,
it's my job to find out

what Amanda is up to before
she jets back to London

with half of our dynasty.

I mean, who knows what this
walking keg stand has planned?

Oh, that sounds like a
great use of your time.

Okay, are we gonna talk about
what's going on with you?

Because it couldn't be colder in here.

And it has been ever
since the other night.

Oh, you mean the night you decided

our outdoor dinner wasn't
exciting enough for you?

Wait. That's what this is about?

I thought we agreed that
we were both at fault

for how that played out.

I think you agreed more than I did.

Look, I'm gonna take a shower
and hit the bouldering gym.

Wait. Hold on. Hold on.

Why don't you come to the
office today for lunch?

Okay, we can plan a vacation.

I think we could both use one.

Sure, I'll see you later. I...

Wait. It's my P.I. Oh, my God.

He's calling about Amanda stuff.
This is gonna be good.

Hello? Talk to me.


What? Next, you're gonna be telling me

I should put my preferred
pronouns on there, too.

"Carrington for the future."
It's simple, exudes strength.

Cavendish is ten points
ahead in the polls.

If I don't close that gap soon,

the only thing it exudes is delusion.

And if I don't become senator,

Primetime Private Air
never gets its airfield.

You can go. Thanks.

Is that really the reason you're
doing this... for an airport?

Well, I am not doing it for the salary.

No, I need some juice,
and purple's not gonna do it.

All right. What about that
made-for-TV reunion with Amanda?

Shouldn't that give you a sympathy bump?

Maybe, but not knowing I had a
daughter for the past years

is not exactly
father-of-the-year material.

No, I need a big shift, which is why

I'm focusing on the demographic
I should be doing better with.

- Black voters?
- Mm-hmm.

My numbers are way down, which is weird,

because I'm usually beloved
by the Black community.

Oh, you are?

Yes, I had a great record

with my hiring practices at C.A.,

not to mention the impact
the foundation had on...

neighborhoods of color.

So get out there and tout that record.

Yeah, well, if I'm gonna
remind the Black community

how much they love me,
I need to really show I care.

How are you gonna do that?

By getting someone else
to tout my record for me.

- Hmm.
- I didn't know about the cancer.

I swear. I just found out.

How is that possible?
I left messages for Dad.

There's a lot going on back home.

- Detective Soto?
- Uh-huh.

I don't understand.

Are you in trouble with the Feds?

Dad is.
When the charges started piling up,

he decided to lie low.

And the responsibilities
of the business fell on me,

which is why he probably
kept me in the dark.

He knew that I would
leave to be with you.

It's also why I'm cooperating
with the authorities.

- We could use your help.
- My help?

With evidence of international crime,

they could arrest him today.

You want me to turn over evidence

of the rigged gambling machines
at the Atlantix stadium?

That's all they need.

The Feds are pretty much
just waiting to grab him.

He's still our father, Beto.

I want out, Cristal.

I want to have the freedom
to live my own life,

the way you do.


Sorry to interrupt. Here's your
room key and some drink tickets.

Hey, Sam. Uh, you're looking well.

You, too.

Thanks, Sam.

But that won't be necessary.

Beto's gonna stay at the manor.

Oh. Well,
feel free to keep the drink tickets.

So, our rising legal superstar?

Turns out, she's not.

She was fired from her firm a month ago

for highly confidential reasons.

So I guess her full-time job

is now coming after
the Carrington money?

Exactly. And look at this.

A petition for a name change?
She wants to become

"Amanda Carrington"
after being here for two weeks?

I need to put an end to this today.

Get something on the books.

Excuse me?

While I always enjoy
a good two-woman show,

I thought we were going
to discuss the future

of my stake in Fallon Unlimited.

We are... in a minute.

You're booked in shareholders
meetings through tomorrow.

I can reschedule your lunch with Liam.

This Amanda thing's important.
He'll understand.

I hope you're right.

Okay, I guess I can call him
after my next meeting ends.

Oh, he'll probably be
on the road by then.

- I'll handle it.
- I don't know why

you're getting so worked up
about this Amanda character.

She seems fun.

- Is she single?
- I don't know, but you're not.


Divorced about a month ago,

but that's besides the point. Um,

what do I have to do with this?

I need you to pull some
posh British strings

and get me some intel
on why Amanda was fired.

This might come as a surprise,

but I don't know everyone in London.

She was fired from Buckley Chance,

okay, the firm that your
family has on retainer.

So, what do I get from this?

You know, the satisfaction

of helping out a fellow
CEO and board member?

if you're desperate enough to call me,

then I'm setting the terms myself.

A favor of my choosing.

- No.
- Well,

guess you'll never know
why Amanda was fired.

Fine. It's a deal.

I'm sure I'll live to regret this.

I'm sure we both will.

That's what makes it so fun.

Dominique, you've been busy lately, huh?

I hear you and Fallon
are working together.

Yes, I'm prepping for a photo sh**t

we're having in here next week.

Working hard for the money.

Not really Carrington behavior.

Well, you're a Carrington,
so I guess it is now, huh?

You know,
I've been giving it some thought,

and if you're not too busy with this,

I-I think that you should
join me on the campaign trail.

Interesting. And why
are you asking me about this now?

Well, I think
it's important that the voters

see us as one, big happy family.

Oh. I assumed it was because

you're underperforming
with Black voters.

But what do I know?

Well, I could have more than one reason

for wanting my sister
by my side, can't I?

This is as insulting
as it is transparent.

Do you really think
people aren't going to see

through your little charade?

It's not a charade.

I'm serious when I say

I want this to work for everyone.

- Just need your support.
- Well,

at least you're being honest now.

You know,
if you're not gonna do it for me,

do it for yourself.

Think of the benefits of having
a brother as a senator, right?

All the doors it'll open,
a bigger profile,

expanded social circle.

True, if I could get a senator
wearing one of my suits,

or even a First Lady,

- my business will skyrocket.
- Exactly.

We can discuss that,
you know, at some point.

Fine. But if I help,
we're doing it my way,

no questions asked.

That filet is a perfect degrees.
Why haven't you eaten?

Oh, I'm sorry.
I've been going through my dad's stuff

at the manor. It's making me anxious.

How many leather journals
can you possibly look at?

Well, there's other stuff, too.

I found out he collected kookaburras.

Like on stamps, plates,
little statuettes.

Mm, lover of weird birds doesn't
go with the Anders I knew,

but that does sound vaguely familiar.

Why is it making you anxious?

It's not the birds.

- It's this.
- What is that?

It's a flash drive. I found it

with a note on it telling me to
"watch upon my death."

Making demands from beyond the grave?

Now that's the Anders I knew.
What's on it?

I don't know yet.

It's dated from a few years ago,
and we weren't in a good place,

so it's probably a lecture.

Your father dials you
from the hereafter,

and you're not taking his call?

Oh, if that's not bad mojo,
I don't know what is.

But I'm nervous.

Just pop it in and see what he says.

If he starts yelling, well, stop.

I guess I can do that.

I mean, it's not like
he can throw me out again.

At least I don't think he can.

As of this morning, the deed to that

decommissioned oil rig is mine,

thanks to your intel.

Glad I could help.

Now I just need a senator to
sponsor a bill making it legal

to launch rockets off
the coast of Georgia.

I already spoke to Blake's opponent.

And what'd Cavendish have to say?

For my support,
he's willing to introduce

the Georgia Offshore Space Bill

within his first ten days of office.

Look, I know it was my
idea to support Cavendish,

but the more I read up on his politics,
the more I worry.

Look, I know Cavendish
isn't perfect, okay,

but politics is all trades and favors.

If you support him, too,

you can negotiate for some
incentives of your own.

Find that karmic balance.

And at the end of the day,

anyone is better than Blake.


Hey. You're here.

Yeah. For lunch with Fallon.

Like now?

Fallon's at the manor with her sister.

She said that it was urgent and
that she was going to tell you.

You've got to be kidding me.

Actually, I think

maybe I was supposed to tell you myself.

I am so sorry either way.

It's-it's not your fault.
It's not about who's telling me.

It's about what she's doing.

You know what? Never mind.

I'll let you get back to work.

Oh, um, you have a little something.


Oh, yeah. I just came from the
bouldering gym down the street.

The chalk just gets everywhere.

- Atlanta Boulders?
- Yeah.

No way.
I just joined there a couple weeks ago.

Maybe I'll see you there some time.

Yeah, that could be fun.

Oh, in the meantime,

enjoy a gluten-free vegan
wrap with dressing on the side

because I know I won't.

Oh, I don't think I need another one.

- Thank you.
- Oh, sure you do!

It's important to lay down a nice base

of alcohol before food arrives.

And I still have more questions.

Oh, really?
Is this a casual sister tea time,

or a full-blown interrogation?

I'm bad at small talk,
and I want to know

as much as I can about my sister
before you go back to London.

So, next question.

Greatest fear?

Is that really...?


Well, I'm a bit claustrophobic,
if you must know.

Okay. Well, I will tell the staff

to put paper bags in the panic room

for the next time you visit.

You see how important this is?

- Mm.
- Oh, good! Look.

The food is here.

So, let's talk about your career.

An associate at Buckley Chance.

I mean, that is pretty
impressive at such a young age.

They must really like you.

Yes, well, it was very gracious
of them to offer me a sabbatical

- so I could get to know you all.
- Hmm.

Is "sabbatical" British for
"I got fired a month ago"?

I wasn't fired. I was forced out.

That's what people who were fired say.

It doesn't really sound any better.

You know, there's much more
to the story, none of which

- is your business.
- Actually,

this family is my business.

Well, I don't work for you.

What's going on here?

Hold that thought. Hey.

I'm so happy you're here.

I'm sorry I had to reschedule, but now,

you can help me finish off
Amanda and send her on her way.

This is why you bailed on me?

To destroy your sister?

I'll pass.
You don't need my help with that.

Wait. Liam, please.


Was quite the cold shoulder back there.

How long has that been going on?

- Nothing's going on.
- Well, that's obvious.

I mean, care to discuss it,
sister to sister?

I am not talking about
my marriage with you.

I understand. Well,

don't worry. We'll have plenty
of time for that anyway.

You know, I hadn't made my mind up,
but I think

you've just convinced
me to stay in Atlanta.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Well, why not?
As your snooping suggests,

I don't have anything to go home to.

There's much more for me right here.

Anyway, thank you for the treats.


I worry about you, Kirby.

I worry about you messing up your life

in various different ways,
until eventually,

I'm not around to fix it.

I guess since you're watching this,

that point has been reached,

so let me share a few life lessons.

Ugh. I knew it was gonna
be another lecture.

Don't take everything so personally.

You fall for their tricks, you take...

There is one very important
person I need you to find.

So write this down.

In fact, I'll wait for a
second for you to get a pen.

The address is Swafford Road.

Her name is Victoria.

I think you'll like her.

She's a lot like you, actually.

And she has something
very important to tell you

that will change your life.

- What?
- Kirby?

Is that Anders?

He left me this video to watch, but

now I think I might
have a secret sister.

A sister? You sure?

No. It could be a cousin.

Wait. You're checking in on me.

Does that mean we're friends again?

Let's not label things just yet.

Uh, so, what are you gonna do

about this, uh,
secret sister, cousin thing?

I'm gonna meet this woman
and have my life changed.

Equity and inclusion in hiring
were not just a priority at C.A.

They were a guiding principle.

So believe me when I
say that as a senator,

I will do everything I can to continue

to improve the lives of Black Georgians.

Do you think you're the
first white politician

who's come in here making
all kinds of promises

to get our endorsement?

Uh, well, I... I assume not.

Um, but I am sincere.

Everyone says they're sincere,
just-just like you.

Well, if you help get my foot in
the door, we could build trust.

And once they get elected...
thanks to us...

do you know what happens next?


The Black community has
historically and consistently

seen no benefit from their vote.

And then, people like you

come in here, thinking we can't
see what you're trying to do,

but-but we can.

Uh, we recognize pandering
when we see it.

- Reverend, I'm sorry if you...
- No, don't be sorry.

Instead of telling us
what you're gonna do,

why don't you tell us
how you're gonna do it?

That's what matters.

Well, I would need some...

I don't have all the
answers at the moment.

I would have to take a
look at all the options.

Yeah. That sounds about right.


My brother will put in the work,

and get back to you with more specifics.

Thank you all for your time.

Of course.
Your mother was a dear friend.

I know.
She always spoke so highly of you.

Thank you all for, um, listening.

- If there's anything else I can do...
- Stop talking right now.

Be blessed.

Well, can't you get your
contact to move faster?

I thought Brits were punctual.

Hilarious as always.

All right. Bye, Colin.

- Who's Colin?
- Adam!

We talked about this! Either wear a bell

around your neck or announce yourself.

Okay, so, what's this emergency

that you summoned me from
an actual emergency room?

It's Amanda. She is poor,

jobless, desperate,
and I think she's come here

to steal as much as she
can from this family.

She's harmless, and she's leaving soon.

Wrong, as usual.

She is staying indefinitely,

or at least until she can figure out

how to ruin everything I've built.

Cool. Okay, this was great.
I'm gonna go now.

Well, I also think that
Alexis has recruited Amanda

to destroy Blake from within.

Do you know something I don't?

Yes, I do. We can't let

mini-Alexis worm her way in.

I need to make Amanda
realize she has to go home.

But I can't do it alone.

I assume there's a plan
somewhere hidden on that board?

All we have to do is prey
on her greatest fear.

I don't know.
I'm kind of reformed these days.

And I'm-I'm not worried about Amanda.

Oh. Well, you should be.

I mean, do you really trust
our mother with a growing army?

And once they're done with Blake,

who do you think they're
gonna turn on next?

What if I'm not ready to
meet a new family member?

Is it weird that I brought flowers?

You weren't supposed to say yes, Sam!

Yes, I know I need to stop lurking.

Fine. Bye.

Excuse me?

Can I help you?

Oh, my God. Hi.

Yes. I'm Kirby.

Oh, Kirby Anders?

Wow. It's so great to finally meet you.

I wasn't expecting you today.

You've been expecting me?

Well, at some point, sure.

Is that your natural hair color?

Uh, yeah. Well, sometimes I
get highlights, but...

Okay, um,

this is a really big moment.

Can I get, like,
a glass of water or something?

Wait. Who do you think...?

You're my sister, right?

Uh, or are you my real mother?

Oh, no.
Is this, like, a Chinatown situation?

I'm your father's estate lawyer.

I'm not related to you.

In any way.
I am just Mr. Anders' attorney.

- Oh.
- Uh,

but I have something for you.

I would've gotten this to you sooner,

but I've been out of town.

Another hard drive? Seriously?

A week before Mr. Anders d*ed,
something compelled him

to change his assets he
wanted payable upon his death.

I assume the explanation is on there.

I am sorry for your loss.

Your father was a great man.

Certainly one who
loved mini hard drives.

You're looking extra dapper today.

Is that a new scent?

Vetiver and Baltic sea mist.

And I always look and smell this dapper.
I'm a hotelier.

Mm-hmm. It couldn't possibly
have anything to do

with Beto staying at the manor?


Well, maybe.
I mean, he's handsome and mysterious,

and I'm only human, okay?

And, uh, I might've seen
he was feet away on...

an app... I don't really use that often.

Relax. I didn't come here to
tease you about my brother.

What's that?

A record of correspondences
with my father.

All about installing the
rigged gambling machines

at the Atlantix stadium.

It's what Beto wants.

Are you gonna give it to him?

I wouldn't even consider it

if I knew Silvio would
never have the power to hurt

or manipulate me ever again.

I'm also not sure I can
do that to my father.

I've been in your situation.

My dad was

extremely toxic.

He would disappear, miss my birthdays,

reappear, get arrested.

- It was awful.
- It sounds like it.

And then,
I had the chance to turn him in, too.

And I took it.

And then he got k*lled.

Truth is, I should have cut
him off way before that.

The only thing I regret was giving him

so many chances that I never
got to say a real goodbye.

So you think I should turn him in?

I think whatever you choose,

you should be prepared for consequences.

Can I just give you this to hold
onto while I think about it?

It'll just... make me feel better.

Of course you can.

Hello there, Michael. Perfect timing.

I could use a man of
your size and stature.

Oh, no, we're not doing that again.

No, we're not. It's for work.

Get your mind out of the gutter.

Something wrong, sweetheart?

Yeah. I heard
you're helping Blake's campaign.

You set a meeting for
him with church leaders?

I did indeed.

I'm full of surprises.

It's not called
"Dom-Mystique" for nothing.

Yeah, well, supporting Blake would be a
"Dom mistake."

Yeah. We're supporting
Cavendish's campaign

in the hopes that he'll clear the way

for launches off the Georgia
coast if I endorse him.

So I need you to step away
from Blake's campaign.

I don't think I can do that.

Is this a plan to take
down Blake from the inside?

Because that's something
I could see you doing.

No, it's not. But thank you.

So you're just letting yourself be used?

I'm the one using him.

If I help Blake win, I've got
the power to effect real change.

How can you even say that?

You know the kind of man
Blake is. We all do.

Exactly. We know him... and his secrets.

Which means he'll listen

when we talk.

Okay, even if that were true,

there's no way Blake would ever help me.

Don't be so sure.

Just let me figure something out
before you endorse Cavendish.

If I can't work a better offer,

I'll step away from Blake.

You're my priority.

Fine. I'll trust you.

Really digging this jacket.
Can I wear it out?

Take that thing off right now.

Not the first time I've said that
to you, is it, Michael?

Yeah. Okay, no.

I'll begin with some advice.

Oh, great.
More life lessons from the crypt.

Uh, if and when you
decide to become a parent,

please don't use me as your role model.

Right now, you're somewhere with Oliver.

I don't even know if you're safe.

And once again,
I've evicted you from the manor,

just like I did when you were .

I've no idea why I allowed
this to happen. I just did.

If you're watching this,
it means that I didn't get a chance

to tell you this in person,
so now you know.

I'm really...

well, truly sorry, Kirby.


I love you so much.

God, man, pull yourself together.

Oh, blubbering wreck.

Well, you're not the only one.

Before I say goodbye, there is
one more thing I need you to do.

First, you need to make sure

that everyone in the manor is asleep.

Now pay attention.

Why didn't you tell me you were, like,

Free Solo good at climbing?

Uh, do you and Fallon come here a lot?

She doesn't climb anything
but the corporate ladder.

No time for much of anything but work.

I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that.

She's your boss. Boundaries.

I'm supposed to act like it's
news to me that she works a lot?

You can tell me what's on your mind.

It'll stay here.

Like, I know you were upset
about lunch yesterday.

Well, that wasn't exactly
an isolated incident.

I won't say I haven't
noticed the same thing.

I'm waiting for Fallon to notice.

Just not sure when that's gonna happen.

I had a workaholic ex
who was the same way.

Did that ever change?

I did say "ex," didn't I?

I can't let it get to that.

I should be the bigger person

and tell her what's bothering me.

It's so nice how quick
you are to forgive.

Now I get why Fallon gives me free rein

to schedule things
over your date nights.

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

- Now I'm forgetting boundaries.
- Hey,

it'll stay right here.

Look, there will never be
enough hours in Fallon's day.

I just think you're the
first thing that she gives up

because, well, I guess she can
always count on you to forgive.

I'm just telling you as a friend would.

- I hope you're not mad.
- No, not at all.

It's good to know. It's very helpful.

Hi, Papa.

I know the police are after you,

and I've been thinking
about helping them,

so you can't ever
control me or Beto again.

This may be more than you deserve,

but I could never betray you.

But I won't put up with this
anymore, either.

I can't have this negativity in my life.

No matter how much I love you.

So this is goodbye, Papa.


Come in.

It smells good in here.

And strong.

Incense. Blake says I can only light it

if I shut the vents in the room,
and after ten minutes,

it kind of turns into a hippie hotbox.

So, I overheard you and
Cristal talking earlier.

Uh-oh. Is this a confrontation?

The opposite, actually.

I think Cristal's really
lucky to have you.

You can relate to where she comes from.

Okay, you can keep going.

It was good advice.

I think I was asking too much of her.

I'm not sure I've really earned that.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I'm a little scared.

Well, I'm-I'm sure you could stay here.

And whatever you decide,
Cristal will help.

Thank you, Sam.

You're a good man.

So, just curious. Um...

how much exactly did you
hear from that conversation?

Oh, you mean the part where you said

I'm mysterious and handsome?

And feet away.


How do I look from this distance?

- Closer.
- Oh.

And even better.

- Is this a bad idea?
- Probably.

No strings attached, right?


I don't even own a string.

You know,
thanks again for inviting me tonight.

That was my first football game.

Well, American football.

Mine, too. Sports aren't my thing.

I was always picked last in P.E.

You know, um, last time
I was in America, two years ago,

I was an au pair for an
oncologist in Santa Barbara,

and I just didn't get to do
that many American things.


Terrance, is it happening again?

Brace yourselves for a long one.

Are they protesting us?
Is this about Blake's campaign?

Maybe. Though it looks
like an even blend

of protestors and paparazzi.

- Is that normal?
- I'm afraid so.

If it's not Blake's campaign,

they always find a
reason to surround us.

- Mm.
- You okay?

Well, um, not really. I just...

I can get... somewhat... claustrophobic.

Um, is there any way we
can get the car moving?

No, no, no, no. No.
Not unless we want two dozen

vehicular as*ault charges on our hands.

No, we're gonna ride this out.

Just don't roll down the window.
They usually

tire out in about an hour or so.

An hour?!

It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be great.
Listen, if you're gonna move

to Atlanta permanently,
you got to get used to this.

You're fresh blood to these people.

Welcome to Atlanta.

Your knight in shining
armor has arrived.

I'll be the judge of how shiny you are.

Tomorrow is Amanda's
Carrington coronation,

and I need to know if I should stop it,
so tell me

- you found something good about her f*ring.
- I have indeed.

A restraining order was
taken out against Amanda

by someone with the last name "Whitley."

The parties agreed to
a protective order,

but it's sealed.

So clearly, she was fired for stalking.

Mm, it appears so.

Here I thought you were
the scariest Carrington.

Oh, I still am,
and she's about to find out.

So, I guess this is where you tell me

the demeaning favor I need
to do for you in return?

Do you really think so little of me?

Uh, don't answer that.

As a matter of fact,

no favor need be returned.

I helped because I wanted to.

What's the catch?

No. I can't have this woman

take my favorite sparring
partner away from me.

Besides, it was nice to
play on your side for once.

We should do it again.

Well, after all,
I am your second largest shareholder.

Yeah, you do have a point.

Well, uh, I should be going.

Good luck.

We'll be in touch.

- Where the hell is he?
- Beto?

He went to get some food, after...
being hungry.

How long ago was that?

About half an hour. Wow.

He must have gotten
lost. Am I in trouble?

- I can't believe he'd do this.
- No, no, no, no, no.

It didn't mean anything
for either of us. It was just sex.

- What are you talking about?
- Um...

Oh, okay. We can discuss that later.

My cousin called.

My father's been arrested.

You turned him in?

How? I-I have the evidence.

Do you?

Or did Beto take it?

He must have taken it
when I was in the shower.

I can't believe it.
I got played by Beto?

We both did. My father's been arrested

and probably thinks I turned on him.

Do you really drink this?

Herbal tea will do you far more
favors than a glass of Scotch.

Yeah, today was interesting.

Little bit of an eye opener,
little bit of an ambush.

You needed to have your eyes opened.

Maybe next time you
go to a Black church,

or ask for help,
you'll be more prepared.

I get it.
I didn't know what I didn't know.

But you can help me, right?

I'm not here to help you,

or to tell you the answers.

You need to try to figure
out things for yourself.

Okay. So when can we expect

to hear something from Reverend Watson?

Oh, I've already heard from him.

He's endorsing Cavendish instead.

Seriously? Okay.

What am I supposed to do now?

I have some other ideas. Don't worry.

Knock, knock.

Felt like a martini night.

And it looks like
you've already started.

Well, I'll just, um, leave this here.

Are you okay?

- I'm just processing everything.
- Got it.

I'll leave you alone.

Nope. No, I can't. I feel terrible.

It's not your fault, Sam.

I don't want to be responsible

for your father hating you.

You're not.

He doesn't.

What are you talking about?

I just heard from Silvio's lawyer.

The voice mail I left must
have had an impact on my father

because he legally left
me the family business

to run while he's in jail.

So, you're in charge of
the Flores Empire now?

Well, maybe you should be thanking me.

Sorry. Too soon.

I am so sorry you had
to go through that.

Um, it's just part of Carrington life.

Oh, lovely.

Um, you know, I could use a
tea to settle my nerves a bit.

There's the little stalker.

It's over, Amanda. You're out of here.

You can stand down, Adam.

- I've got everything I need.
- Stand down?

Do you want to talk about Judge Whitley?

Please, Fallon. I'd rather not.

Or I could tell Blake.

I mean, he should know before
he introduces you to the world.

Or he should at least
know that a judge filed

a restraining order against
you that got you fired.

Judge Whitley and I were
in a romantic relationship.

- And I'm guessing he was married?
- Mm.

She was, yes.

We met when I was an intern

two summers ago. When I started

at Buckley Chance, she ruled on several

high-profile cases that I was on.

So, when the affair threatened to leak,

the conflict of interest
could have been a disaster.

And that's when you decided

to put her pet bunny in boiling water?

Judge Whitley... Florence...

she called off the affair
and said I was a stalker

to protect the cases that we
had worked on and her career.

So everything was kept confidential,

and I had to leave my job. It's the end.

Well, don't you think that's
something you should have mentioned?

Oh, tell the most painful
experience of my life

to the family I just met?

Sure, yeah, I could have.

Right after you tell me
what's going on with Liam.

You know, I feel sorry for you, Fallon.

When my life unraveled,
I dealt with it head-on

before I lost everything.

You're pretending like
the problem doesn't exist.

So good luck with that.

And I don't even know what
to say about you, weirdo.

I think that pretty much says it all.

You know, um,
I had everything under control.

She was gonna move back to London.

Everything was all good,

and then you came in and
messed everything up.

You have no idea.

Now that you've procured the box,

these two items should
provide you with stability.

The-the first in the
envelope is a statement

transferring my life savings to you.

As you know, my, uh,
expenditures in life were small,

so it's quite a sizable sum.

Not Carrington wealth, but

enough to keep you comfortable.

The other is a manuscript of sorts,
except it's not fiction.

It is, in fact,
the Carrington family secrets

that I swore to take to my grave.

But I'm handing them on to you.

Insurance and protection

with which you may do
whatever you choose.

But I hope that these two
bequests will help you

accomplish whatever it
is you want from life.

Good luck, Kirby.

I love you.


I know there's something
happening between us.

And I can admit

that I have been less
than present lately.

That's a start.

But it's not related to you.

Okay, if I could be
in two places at once,

we'd have no problems.

We just need another Fallon.

I'm not sure the world's ready for that.

No, probably not.

But I am sorry,

and I hope you can forgive me.

That's it?

What's it?

I am so tired of having to forgive you

without any change or
growth on your part.

You just keep repeating
the same pattern.

Yes, I'm sorry
I skipped lunch yesterday,

but Amanda seemed like a thr*at.

She seemed?

I told you, Liam,
I am the head of this family,

and it is my responsibility
to look into these things.

Today it was Amanda.

But before that,
it was a hostile takeover.

And then it was Dom and
your shopping network.

There is always something that is

more urgent than me.

And when it's not, you choose
to make it more urgent than me.

It is humiliating.

Whoa. Hold on.
Where is this coming from?

- Why are you so angry?
- It's been here, Fallon.

I guess this is just the first
time you're actually noticing.


Well, since we're sharing,

ever since you and I got married,

I feel

like you have wanted me to
choose between work and you.

- Oh, my God.
- And I just didn't realize

that you had such an antiquated view

on a woman's role.

Is that what you think this is?

Our life will return to normal.

It will.

It's just that I have had a lot going on

with the business, with my family.

So I'm sorry if I haven't
always been there, okay?

I had to do what I had to do.

I don't need to hear excuses
about the past, Fallon.

Show me how things will be
different in the future.

I will,

but right now,
I am just asking you to be patient.


But I think I'll go be patient
in the guest room tonight.

When are these people you claim
are gonna help me getting here?

Right about now.

Oh. Yeah, Dominique,

if you're talking about
these two yahoos...

Gentlemen, I was just leaving.

Perfect. We can skip the awkwardness.


Sit down.

I didn't approve of this.
It's a bad idea.

Oh, finally, we agree on something.

I'm calling Cavendish's office.

You are not. Blake,

Jeff and Michael are prominent
in the Black community,

and you need some help to make
up for what you've already lost.

Right. And...
and we're helping him, why?

We've already been over this.

I've even had terms drawn up.


you will get public appearances
from Jeff and Michael.

In return,

they will get what they want

in the form of promises

to be fulfilled upon your election.

I'm behind in the polls.

What happens to these
promises if I don't win?

I have no doubt you'll make
sure that doesn't happen.

- I can live with this.
- I don't like it.

They're getting the better
end of the deal here.

That's because you
can't win without them.

Can I have the room for a
minute to speak with my sister?

- Okay.
- Not a problem.

Assuming the worst in new additions

is kind of a Carrington
family tradition.

Is that an apology?

Because it's just not a very good one.

Well, they're not really my specialty.

Another Carrington trait.
Just ask my husband.

So you're admitting that
things aren't perfect then?

- Far from it.
- Wow.

You're human after all.

Let's not get carried away.

But I was thinking we could start over

and try this whole

sister thing for real?

I'm open to that. Somewhat.



I'll go find Blake. Otherwise,
this will only get more weird.


Oh. Have you come to apologize

to me, too?

For what?

I've done nothing wrong,
and I don't trust you.

You know, Alexis was right.

You really do bring the drama.

I do? You're the one who claimed

to be an au pair for an oncologist

the same summer as you were
an intern that fell in love.

I mean, if you're gonna lie,
just do a better job of it.

Fine. I said one white lie
to try and impress you.

You know, from what I've heard,

your lies aren't quite as harmless.

So I'm not really worried
about your judgment.

Do you think you can
supplant me in this family?

It's never gonna happen.

Eventually, everyone
will see who you really are.

Exactly. Your sister, who's about to go

on live national
television with our father.

I'm curious.

Did he proudly announce
you to the world like this?


I didn't think so.

- Cristal?!
- Excuse me.

Cristal? Where the hell is my sister?

Hey, quiet down.
Blake's doing an interview.

What are you doing here?

Did Dad really leave you the company?

- Yes, but...
- I knew it.

You always figure out a
way to keep everything.

So this was never about
making us safe, was it?

You were just using me
to put Dad in jail so that you could

get the reins of the business.

Don't make me out to
be the bad guy here.

You made yourself the bad guy.

Our father is in jail because of you.

What the hell's going on out here?

Do I need to call security?

Stay out of this, Blake.
You're not needed.

This is my house.
I'll decide where I'm needed.

You betrayed my trust, Beto.

I want you to leave. Now!

You've chosen loyalty to
the wrong family, Cristal.

Don't worry.

I'm gonna leave, but this...
this isn't over.

I'm gonna come back,
and I will get what's mine.