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02x03 - Warp and Weft

Posted: 09/13/21 13:33
by bunniefuu
I would like a grandson.

(COUGHS) Drina's with child again?

When were you going to tell me?

I'm a Queen, and to be a Queen I must rule.

Yet to be a wife it seems I must submit.

You have an instinct for what you must hold on to.

I've missed you, Lord M. You always know how to make me feel better.

Someone is pilfering, Mr Penge.


What is the meaning of this?

With regular blood-lettings, I feel sure the headache and the weakness on the left side will dissipate.

I want you. You have me.

# Gloriana

# Hallelujah

# Gloriana

# Hallelujah

# Gloriana, hallelujah

# Hallelujah! #

So by examining the boy's head you will know whether he is of a criminal disposition?

There is a depression here

in the area of causality,

indicating the subject is unaware of the consequences of his actions.

How did you get into the palace, boy?

If I tell you that, I won't ever be able to go back now, will I?

An apothecary's errand boy.

How could he just walk in off the street?

Maybe he...climbed.

Over a wall like a cat.

Like a curious, curious cat who wanted to see his Queen.

It sounds like a nursery rhyme. This is serious.

What if he had had a Kn*fe?

What if he had stabbed us in our sleep?


What if he had hurt Vicky?

He was just a little boy, Albert.

Even I could have overpowered him in my condition.

The way this palace is run, it's chaos.

Cobwebs in every corner.

The drains are like an Augean stable.

And it's porous.

Well, if it bothers you so much, stop complaining and do something about it.

You are giving me permission to reform the way the palace is run.

Well, if it will stop you ruining my breakfast, then yes.

Let your papa show you how efficient he is.

Well, thank you for coming all the way down from London, Doctor.

I'm afraid the local man's... run out of remedies.

The weakness on the left side suggests a grave disorder.

I must advise complete rest and an absence of stimulants.

The cure sounds worse than the complaint.

I'm not talking about a cure, my Lord.

With a case like this, the prognosis isn't certain.

In some cases, there is a steady decline, while for others things progress more quickly.

May I suggest, my Lord, that you put your affairs in order?

It's most curious.

I have written to Lord M several times and received no reply.

He has not answered my letters either, ma'am.

Could you go and see him,

find out what's the matter?

Yes, of course, ma'am.

Mr Penge, it is your duty to oversee the palace staff, is it not?

Yes, sir. Well, can you explain to me why

in all the time that I've been here in the palace,

the windows have not been cleaned once?

Look at them. They are filthy.

Only on the outside, sir,

which falls under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner for Woods and Forests

who perhaps, on this occasion, has been remiss in his duties.

The inside, which is my domain, if you'll permit me... spotless.

Thank you.

There are more begging letters than usual, ma'am,

some even requesting an audience.

But in your condition...

His nose is quite dry.

Don't you think, Skerrett?

Oh. Yes, ma'am.

I shall write to Mr Bascombe and all the others and tell them that you're indisposed.


I know that name.

He wove the silk for your wedding dress, ma'am. Yes, of course. I remember now.

He managed to put our monogram into the material.


Well, I shall certainly see Mr Bascombe.

And, Skerrett, can you see that Dash is given a dish of those chicken livers he likes?

Yes, ma'am.

A bushel of sugarplums a month.

Would you say this palace is efficiently run, Brodie?

Why, no, sir.

But that is to be expected.

When you come into royal service, sir, you know the wages won't be much.

But it's a great honour to be working at the palace.

And the perks are plentiful.


The housemaids get the household tea leaves, for example.

What on earth can they do with used tea leaves?

They sell them, sir.

There's still a brew to be had in them.

I have brought you a letter from the Queen.

You should have told me you were coming. I'd have arranged all manner of entertainments.

If I'd told you I was coming, you would have found a way to put me off.

Yeah, well, that's probably true.

I have become something of a hermit of late.

The Queen would like to know why you haven't answered her letters.

I've found myself with nothing to say.

I think she would find that hard to believe.

Well, what to tell her?

Tell her there's nothing wrong with me apart from congenital laziness.

How's that?

He doesn't want to play today.

He's getting older, ma'am.

Dash isn't old. Are you?

Sit there. Mr Bascombe, Your Majesty.

Oh, yes.

Mr Bascombe.

How can I help you?

Your Majesty.

I come on behalf of the silk weavers of Spitalfields.

We come to implore you to preserve our livelihood from the import of silk from the Continent.

Well, I'm not sure that I...

Look at this silk.

You can see how lustrous it is.

How the warp and weft are separate

but harmonious.

Now, look at this foreign material.

You see how dull it is in comparison?

How crude the colours are?

Yes. Yes, I can see the difference.

I have a son.


I always thought he'd succeed me... my loom at Fournier Street.

But if we allow this inferior material to put us out of business, then...

he'll have no profession.

He'll just be another hungry boy on the streets of London looking for work.

But the Government cannot introduce a tariff

to protect every industry threatened by cheaper imports, ma'am.

But isn't that exactly what the Corn Laws do, Sir Robert?

Protect English farmers from the imports of cheaper corn.

I fear you may be oversimplifying things, Victoria.

The two cases are very different, ma'am.

Yes. The silk weavers of Spitalfields do not have seats in the House of Lords.

I wonder, ma'am, if I might make a suggestion.

As the leader of fashionable society,

if you were to make it known that you will only wear Spitalfields silk...

Indeed, ma'am. If you were to preside at an occasion

at which all the guests were required to wear it,

well, that I believe would bring the matter to the public's attention as nothing else could.

An excellent notion.

What about a ball?

Of course, it would have to be soon.

I wonder, ma'am,

given the considerable discontent

among the lower orders at the moment,

whether a ball might be... misconstrued.

Misconstrued, Prime Minister?

I'm thinking of Marie Antoinette, the late Queen of France, ma'am,

who, when the Paris mob demanded bread, replied, "Let them eat cake."

If I were a member of the lower orders...

..I might blame the Prime Minister,

who supports the Corn Laws that make bread unaffordable, for my misfortunes.

These are difficult times, sir.

Another bad harvest, strikes in the North...

the country is in a state of unrest.

The Chartists claim to have three million signatures to their petition.

This ball of Her Majesty's could not have come at a worse time.

I understand your concern.

Let me speak with the Queen.


The ball must be fancy dress,

so that everyone will have a new costume

made of Spitalfields silk.

And it will be a chance to see so many old friends.

Harriet must come. Yes, ma'am.

And I have written to Lord M.

I want to fill my dance card.

Surely you're not intending to dance, ma'am?

And why on earth not?

Oh, Duchess, you cannot keep all the partners to yourself.

If I dance the first two sets with you,

I think I should be allowed at least one waltz with Victoria.


A woman in your condition should not be gallivanting, ma'am. (SNIFFS)

I believe you have a cold, Duchess.

You have my permission to withdraw.

I was wondering if we could have a medieval theme.

This is Edward III.

He founded the Order of the Garter.

Well, he reminds me of you.

Is it right, Victoria,

for us to hold a ball when so many of your people are starving?

But this is a way of trying to help them, Albert.

I think you have the legs of a Plantagenet.


And I think you would look magnificent in a crown. Don't you think, Ernest?

Well, to the manner born, I would say.

Here are Edward III

and his wife, Queen Philippa of Hainault.

Edward once laid siege to the town of Calais.

But rather than destroy the whole town,

he asked that six of its most prominent citizens surrender themselves to him.

He was going to execute these poor grey-bearded old men

until his wife, the kindly Queen Philippa,

pleaded with him on the life of their unborn child

to spare their lives.

Such a charming story.

And so fitting.

Might I show you the stained glass, ma'am?

(CLEARS THROAT) You are intending to attend the ball, then, sir?

The Queen is of the belief that this...spectacle, as you would call it...

..will remind the rich of their obligation to the poor.

I understand the Queen means well.

But I beg you, sir, ask her to reconsider.

The Queen has made up her mind, I'm afraid, Sir Robert.

And there is nothing that I would say that could change it.

Allow me to show you the carving in the east transept.

Have you chosen your costume yet, sir?

Are you going to be a knight?

Oh, I think there will be enough armour at the ball.

I would like to go as someone completely different.

A cat among the heraldic pigeons.

Someone like Robin Hood?

He was an outlaw who lived in Sherwood Forest with his band of archers

fighting for King Richard against the wicked usurper King John.

A lawless archer...

Yes, I think that would suit me very well.

One man, one vote. Sign this petition here...

If you can't sign your name, just make your mark.

One man, one vote. Come on, sir, don't be shy.

Sign the petition here.

There. (GASPS)

Shall we put it on her?

Silk? The Queen is expecting again.

I've been doing the alterations.

That was quick. Don't think she's too happy about it.

Doesn't make a difference if you're the Queen or a laundry maid.

You get caught just the same.

You should count yourself lucky, Nancy.

I should go.

Her Majesty has a fitting for her ball costume.

Thought you said she was expecting.

The Queen thinks it will help the silk weavers to have another ball.

Sounds like an excuse for a party to me.

I think she means well.

I'm sure she does but she don't know what it means to be hungry.

Someone eats a pie in the street out there,

the kids follow behind like birds looking for crumbs.

They don't need balls. They need bread.

The whole of London is in a state of excitement about the ball.

I shall be going as the Abbess of Woldingham.

A woman who wields power with discretion.

And you?

Have you chosen a costume?

I thought I might go as Dante.

On his way to Paradise, not the other place.

So you are going to come?

Why shouldn't I?

From Garrard's, ma'am.

Thank you.

This is for you.

Me? Yes, you.

Oh, well, we have not yet finished the memorandum into the Treaty of Nanking, so...

We can open the box when we've finished our work.

All right, Albert, you finish the memorandum.


Oh, it's perfect.

It's just perfect.

Don't you think, Dash?

I wonder if it will fit.

Mm. Very well.

Well, aren't you going to finish the memorandum?

You're not going to let me look in the box?

Say please.

Please, Victoria, open the box.

Open it.

Aren't you going to try it on?


Fits you perfectly.

What do you think, Dash?

Do you like it? Hm?

My liege.

MP: Is Her Majesty so naive

that she believes her patronage to the weavers of Spitalfields

might house the countless women and children on her streets?

How does that benefit the poor people and weavers of Spitalfields

that their Queen wears a costume to a ball

of a value of £64,000?


Answer the question!

For once, Sir Robert is speechless. Shame on you, sir!

I stand today to speak for those who shall no longer be forgotten. Sit down, I say, sir.

The millions amongst whom we live shall no longer be left to starve.

The Queen is doing what she thinks is right for the country.

It has become clear that the keepers of wealth are not the keepers of compassion.

In their rampant extravagance, they expose their callous inhumanity.

Shame on you, sir.

Shame on you!

What have the Whigs ever done for the poor people of this country, sir?

Order! Order!

What the past tells us,

the future will confirm.

The people will take back what is justly theirs.


Don't the Queen and the Prince look magnificent, Aunt.

Like something out of Walter Scott.

This whole rigmarole is just an excuse for the Prince to play the King.

It's like a fairy tale.

Yes. That's exactly what it's like.

May a humble outlaw request the pleasure of a dance?

I fear I'm out of practice, sir. Nonsense.

Once you've learnt the steps, one never forgets.

I wish I'd danced more when I was younger.

Can I be of assistance, ma'am?

Thank you.

(LAUGHS) Lord M.

My disguise is not very effective, it seems. I'm so glad you could come.

Why, I see so little of you now.

Well, I am no longer your Prime Minister, ma'am.

We are both rather busy elsewhere.

I suppose your orchids must be very time-consuming.


I did wonder if you might be unwell.

Illness is for people with nothing better to do, ma'am.

Then you have no excuse for not answering my letters.

Well, I would if I thought you really needed my counsel, ma'am.

But you're quite capable now of going your own way.

You don't need me to tell you when you're doing the right thing.

I see.

Perhaps you are right, Lord Melbourne.

After all, we cannot be as we were.

No, indeed.

Shall we join the party?

You see. You remember the steps perfectly.

Well, you, I feel sure, have been practising.

You know, Harriet, nothing has changed.

May I write to you, please? There's no point.

Then why are you dancing with me?

Because I cannot forget.




A magnificent spectacle, ma'am.

My current Prime Minister thinks it's altogether too splendid.

But look at all the beautiful silk.

Woven especially for the occasion.

I want this ball to be a symbol

of how the Crown can help the people.

You make a very persuasive case, ma'am.

And you agree with me?

I think the ball has many admirable features.

I wanted him to have his own crown.

I'm sure he's very grateful, ma'am.

As I'm sure are the silk weavers.

You don't talk like you used to.

I'm out of practice, ma'am.

Shall we dance?

After all, it won't be long until my dancing days are over.

I would like to, ma'am, but... But it's a waltz, Lord M.

In that case, we must seize the moment.

You know, all those years growing up in Kensington,

I never knew what it meant to be happy.

But you knew it was possible.

Oh, I knew I would make my own way.

One day.

No doubt about that, ma'am.

I really do think that

you and the Prince...

..are just what the country needs.

You're a beacon of...

You're a beacon of...

Oh... Whatever is the matter?


The Prince is asking for you, ma'am. It can wait.'am. He is most insistent.



You don't miss much, do you, Emma?

I have spent my life watching you, William.

O, what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,

alone and palely loitering?

Why aren't you in there delighting the damsels?

I don't know, Lord Alfred.

Why aren't you?



Look at all those people.

What are they doing, Mrs Skerrett?

Dreaming of a decent meal and a warm bed, I expect.

"Now is the winter of our discontent."






Are you feeling the weight of it already, Albert?


I think my outlaw days are over.

Such a waste.

Yes, ma'am.

I think the remains should be distributed to the poor.

Excellent idea, ma'am.

Mr Speaker!

According to the Morning Chronicle,

the weavers of Spitalfields

"will dine for a day or two

and the ball over, they relapse into brooding on doorsteps."


Order! Order!

Pages of criticism, but nothing about the real purpose.

I wish I'd never held the stupid ball.

Really, why can't people see I was only trying to help?

In my experience, ma'am, no good deed ever goes unpunished.

May I have a word, ma'am?

I wonder if I might take a leave of absence to visit my sister.

She has had a difficult confinement

and I would very much like to help in her recovery.

Of course, Emma, you must go if your sister needs you.

I hope you won't stay away too long.

The Duchess is not the most congenial companion.

I will come back as soon as I am no longer needed, ma'am.

Doesn't your sister's estate lie next to Brocket Hall?

Well remembered, ma'am.

So you can see Lord M, whenever you like.

That is true, ma'am.



I do not mean to interrupt, but I wanted to say goodbye.


I am going back to Coburg.

I do not trust my father to behave without me.

And I wish you bon voyage, sir.

I'm just going to check to see if the mews has your carriage ready.


These are for you, Miss Coke.


I have enjoyed playing with you very much.

I wanted to give you something to remember me by.

I appreciate the thought, sir.

But you must not only play Chopin, Miss Coke.

I do not think the Duchess would like it.

No, sir.

Auf Wiedersehen.

You were right, Sir Robert. I should have listened to you.

To hold a ball, it was not sensitive.

No, sir, it was not.

I allowed myself to be persuaded. The Queen was so determined.

But er... Well, although I happened to be wearing the crown that night,

I cannot resist her, even if I had wanted to.

You do not need a crown, sir, to do great things for this country.

I'm afraid I'm not sure that I agree with you.

Take a look over here, sir.

You see there?

That is the site of the new Parliament building.

At the moment, nothing is being done,

because no-one can agree

what sort of building it should be

or how much it should cost.

What this vital project requires, sir, is a patron.

A patron who is above party.

A man of taste who can shape the building

that will house the political heart of this country.

I believe that you are a man who looks to the future

and that is precisely what we need.


Good day, Mr Bascombe, Master Bascombe.

I hope I do not disturb you.

Your Majesty.


Such a delightful noise.

Yes. We like to whistle with them as we work.

This... This is an honour beyond my wildest dreams, ma'am.

You are busy?

I can't work fast enough.

Even with Nathaniel, I can't keep up with the orders.

So the ball brought you some benefit?


Do you see this silk?

This is Nathaniel's work.

He has a real way with the thread.

He will be a master weaver one day.

And... Well, that's thanks to you and your kindness, ma'am.

This is Westminster Hall,

the only part of the original Parliament building

to survive the fire.


Lord Melbourne.

Oh, Your Royal Highness.

I didn't see you come in.

You were in a Traumerei, I believe, a daydream.

I think we should... Oh...

Yes, I was...

I was admiring the ceiling, sir.

Ah. Please.

Thank you.

It's 500 years old.

I gave the order to save it from the fire.

I sometimes think it's my most lasting achievement.

It is magnificent.

Lord Melbourne, did you know that erm...

Sir Robert Peel has asked me to be the patron of the new parliament building?

Oh. Capital idea.

Oh, that's a job well worth doing.

You think Parliament will listen to the ideas of a foreign prince?

Oh, well, there may be a few grumbles,

but, no, I think a lot of them will be very pleased

to have a disinterested party in charge.

I know you will make a good job of it.

Thank you.

That's very kind.

I wish I had built something now.

Left some sort of impression on this country.

You were the Prime Minister.

Oh, any damn fool can be Prime Minister, but... leave behind a thing of beauty...

..something like this...

..something that people will marvel over centuries from now,


..that's worth living for.

You are in an elegiac mood, Lord Melbourne.


Yes, I suppose I am.

Please, sir, forgive me for asking, but erm...

..are you quite well?

No, I can't say that I am, sir.

I can't say that I am.

All alone?

Emma Portman has gone to her sister's.

Harriet has left

and Lord M never comes to town.

I saw him today.

You saw him?

Was he well?

At the ball, he did not quite seem himself.

What is it?

What is it, Albert? You must tell me the truth.

Lord Melbourne is ill.

Gravely so.

Why didn't he tell me?

He does not want you to know.

So, as you care for him, you must say nothing.

The Prince wants to see you, Mr Penge.

After analysing the household accounts,

I have made two discoveries.

One is that the system for ordering defies all logic.

In some instances, it appears to be organised fraud against the Royal purse.

But my second discovery is that the Royal servants' wages are...

..uncommonly low.

So, that leads me to conclude

that, were those wages increased...

..then perhaps the accounts would become more sensible.

Do you believe that I am correct, Baroness?

It is an interesting idea, sir.

If I may say so, sir... have hit the nail on the head.

Her Majesty the Queen.

I am glad to have caught you before you disappeared back to Brocket Hall.

Your Majesty,

please allow me to apologise for not saying good night at the ball.

There is no need.

Please, sit.

I have brought you something.

You just wind it up here...


..and you can have music

whenever you want.


Your favourite.

It's most ingenious, ma'am.

But may I ask, what have I done to deserve such a magnificent gift?

I thought you might like to listen to it sometimes.


When you are at Brocket Hall.

I shan't be able to travel much soon.

And so I wanted you to have something

to remind you...

..of all the fun to be had in London when you choose to return.

That's most thoughtful.

It is a beautiful thing.

These are such difficult times. I...

I wish you were not so far away.

Oh, I feel quite certain that you can manage without me now, ma'am.

You will write to me?


Yes, of course.

When you return from Brocket Hall, we must go riding in the park... we used to.

Such talks we had, ma'am.

I learnt so much from you, you know.

You learnt from me?

More than you can imagine.

Goodbye, Lord M.

Thank you.



Oh, Liebes.

Oh, I am so sorry.


He was always there.

I know.

I can't bear it.

Yes, you can.

He was old, Liebes.

His time had come.

I will miss him so much.

Everything changes, Victoria.

Except us.


His attachment was without selfishness.

His playfulness without malice.

His fidelity without deceit.

Reader, if you would live beloved and die regretted...

..profit by the example of Dash.

# Hallelujah

# Gloriana

# Hallelujah

# Gloriana, hallelujah

# Hallelujah! #