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02x04 - Chapter X: PALM Of The Iron Fox

Posted: 09/13/21 17:54
by bunniefuu
I wish you luck on your mission.


That's wishful thinking
for the weak.

My clippers are prepared.

While you're gone,

I'd like access
to the ventilation room.

Henry still needs sunlight.

Of course.

You know how much
you and the boy mean to me.

Your safety and care
always come first.

That's why
I'm leaving Edgar behind.

He's more than capable
of attending to your needs.

Edgar's a good man, but
we'll be fine by ourselves.

I'd never take that chance.

I always imagined giving
this to my son one day.

If I don't return,

I want Henry to have it.

I can't accept that.

I insist.

Now, some may say
the world will end in fire.

Some say ice.

From what I've tasted of desire,

I hold with those
who favor fire.

Visionary words,

written by a wise man
centuries ago.

Fire is pure and true,

unlike certain humans
who amass power

only to grow corrupt and weak.

The badlands are now led
by people such as this!

I know because I was one.

But I give thanks to the fire
that consumed my false empire,

and brought me underground
here with you.

That fire gave me clarity.
And another chance.

To cleanse this land
once and for all.

But this time,

we are the fire.

Together, we will torch
these liars and despots.


Our fire will regenerate the land
and let life flourish again.

Now we are the pure
and the true!

We are the pure and the true!

Are you ready to be
that spark of liberation?


Are you willing to die in
the flames of the inferno?

Yes, baron!

Then let's burn this world
to the ground and start anew.


Yeah! Yeah!




You look exceptionally fine.

If we go down, at least
we go down with style.

Want some advice
from an old survivor?

You are the widow.

When you walk into that room,

be what they least
expect you to be.




Baron Chau.

Look at them all.

A bunch of preening peacocks.

You know, I wasn't
convinced you'd show up.

I was talked into it.

You're lucky to have Waldo.

The other barons respect him.

If Quinn had kept his counsel,
he'd probably still be alive.

Let's be honest with each other.

You married a baron,

k*lled him and took his title.

I defended myself
against a monster,

as I'm sure you would've.

I started at the bottom,
as a Colt for my father.

And believe me, I trained ten
times as hard as my sisters.

But I earned my title fairly

by being tougher and
hungrier than anybody else.

You know, I quite liked
your husband actually.

He was a cold-hearted bastard,
but we understood each other.

That doesn't surprise me
in the least.



You look ravishing as always.

Might I have a private
moment with my baron?

Of course.

Can we do this without her vote?

Not a chance.

I've taken the temperature of the room.
It's, uh, chilly.

Broadmore's gonna back Ryder

'cause Ryder's
made him promises.

Hassan and Rojas think
Ryder has overstepped,

but they won't vote with us unless
we get a majority, so you need Chau.

I've been told to report
that all the refugees

have been confined
to their quarters

until the widow returns.

Odessa, I hardly recognized you.

Doll to butterfly.

Hardly recognize myself.

It's quite a metamorphosis
from the oil refinery.

You should get back to the courtyard.
Training's about to begin.

Actually, I thought
you could train me.

I'm regent now.
I don't do that anymore.

I have to protect
mother's interests.

So why hasn't she taken you?

I heard there's a big meeting
with all the other barons.

She left me here in charge.

Waldo went to protect her.

The old man in a wheelchair?

I thought the widow was
about empowering women.

She is.

Mmm... don't you think the world's
been screwed over enough by men?

Come on. She should
have taken you.

It wasn't my decision,
it was hers.

Maybe sometimes, you should
protect her from herself.



Mom? Mom?


M.K., it's you.

Mom. Mom, what happened?

Everything you've done,
I forgive you.

What? No. No.

No, no, no, no, no!

There's no use.

I told you not to come back.

Who did this?

Look in the mirror.

Tell me!

You're the one
with blood on your hands.

Where are you?

Someone looks busy.

I'm making breakfast.

It was going to be a surprise.

That's so kind, Edgar.

Uh, Henry needs his
daily dose of sunshine.

Could you let me into
the ventilation room?

Of course.

There you go.
Thanks, Edgar.

I won't be long.

It's gonna be hard at first,

but I know we're gonna be fine.


I saw you at the reception,

but I don't remember
training you.

I'm new, baroness.

One of the house cogs
fell ill and I had to step in.

I've spent all night preparing.

I hope you're not upset.

Actually, I'm quite impressed.

You're a quick study.
What's your name?


Well, keep up
the good work, Gabriel.

Baron, we got word from Gabriel.

He's ready to welcome us. Mmm.

Do you remember
your father, Jenkins?

He died when I was a boy.

Well, you're lucky.

At some point, all fathers
disappoint their sons.

And then you become a father and you
realize that sons disappoint as well.

I haven't seen Ryder since
the night he betrayed me.

I raised him to take power.

And he did.

Ryder will now pay for his sins,

along with the other barons.


Tell the men we're moving out.

Isn't this fun? Huh?

We're climbing.

Up and out we go.



Are you okay?

Yeah, fine.

Why is this door locked?

It is never supposed
to be locked.

I'm nursing Henry.

Do you mind?


Is something wrong?

No, ma'am.
Take your time.


You went to so much effort.

It's an old recipe.

I learned to make it
when I was a Colt.

I foraged the mushrooms
when I was on patrol.

Go on and have a seat.

Edgar, I don't remember the last
time I tasted anything this good.

Thank you.

To good food and new friends.

Is everything okay?

I just wanted to tell you
how much I admired sunny.

He always inspired me
and the other guys.

No one would ever accuse
him of saying too much,

but when he went into action,

it was a beautiful thing
to behold.

The grace of his sword strokes,

he made k*lling look so easy.

To sunny.

To sunny.

I'm sorry.

I didn't want to upset you.
I meant it as a compliment.

I understand.

That's just not
the sunny I knew.

You think he's still alive?

I hope so.

Henry needs his father.

I don't feel so good.

Wonder if those mushrooms...

What did you do?

You'll wake up in an hour or so.



I'm sorry, Edgar.

Thank you for agreeing to
meet with me, baron Chau.

I have to admit, I was
surprised by your invitation.

I'll get right to the point.

I want to offer you
a deal on my oil.

This isn't about commerce.

It's about a way of life.

One that my ancestors
helped build.

We've kept the badlands running
smoothly for over a century

by providing a labor force.

And yet, you have chosen to wage
a w*r against that reality.

Your vision of a cog-free
world is not only dangerous,

but a threat
to my very existence.


That was my number
in your cog pens.

I was 13 years old,

we were herded like animals,

jammed in until
we could barely breathe.

t*rture and r*pe
were a way of life.

So please don't lecture me
on the virtues of the system.

Because I've experienced it

And yet, here you are,

a baron.

You know, Quinn was a cog too.

The strong always
rise to the top.

That's always been the case
with any species.

If you wish to free your own
cogs, that is your business.

But your
so-called sanctuary

is becoming
a haven for fugitives.

And that's a threat
I cannot tolerate.

And once again,
we're at an impasse.

Perhaps not.

Our world is at a tipping point.

A w*r is the last thing
it can endure.

And if you lose the vote,
a w*r will surely follow.

It is for that reason
and that reason alone

I'm willing to throw my
full support behind you...

On one condition.

You must pledge not to shelter any
more runaway cogs on your lands.

I'll think it over.

I'll give you
my answer at the vote.

I don't see
how I can agree to this.

Change doesn't come easy.

You lose this vote,

this revolution falls
flat on its face.

And they'll either
banish you or k*ll you.

Either way, all your
plans come to nothing.

You think that
compromise is weakness.

It's not.

It's survival.




Now, mommy needs to go
and break this lock.

You stay here.

It might be loud,
but you stay here, okay?

Why, veil?

Quinn... he'd k*ll me
if I let you escape.

You know that!

Let me go!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

No, you're not!

No. No! No!

Henry. Henry.

This conclave of the foundation
treaty members hereby commences.

The issue at hand is a...

A petition

from our host to reclaim oil
fields and associated lands.

We shall now hear
from both sides.

I am here today at your request.

But I owe nobody an explanation,

for why I took back
what was rightfully mine.

Those oil fields
belonged to my husband

and his father before him.

I inherited them.

And yet, when Quinn
seized them illegally,

there was no conclave
called to restore my rights.

Why is that?

Perhaps there's a different set
of rules for different barons?

Quinn is dead,

and we all agree the
badlands are better for it.

This is not about him.

No, it's clearly about me.

My actions are
and were justified.

What was seized illegally
is now mine again.

The foundation treaty
is built upon many precepts.

I assume you respect them all,

or is it just those
that suit your interests?

My feelings are well known
on the issue of cogs.

As such, I'd like to make
a pledge to you today.

If my fellow barons recognize
my rights to the oil fields,

I will halt the practice of
giving runaway cogs sanctuary.

Although I ask that those
who have already joined

be granted the right to remain.

I hope that this compromise

will put to rest
any lingering concerns.

Don't believe a word
this woman says.

She will try to free the cogs
as sure as the sun will set.

She is a treacherous liar!

And I know from
personal experience.

The widow tried to convince
me to incite a w*r

between my father
and the late baron Jacobee.

Mmm, and you required
no convincing.

Not exactly a denial, is it?

You betrayed your father.
You m*rder*d him, no less.

Who are you to stand
in judgment of me?

I stood against my father

because he was reckless,

because he cared
only about himself,

because he was a danger
to our way of life,

much like the woman
who stands before us today.

A vote against this pretender

is a vote for a stronger
alliance among us.

I submit that the widow

be stripped of her title

and that she be banished
from the badlands.

About time.
What's on the menu?


All clear!

The conclave has spoken.

You have been found in breach
of the foundation treaty.

As mandated
by the code of conduct,

you are hereby stripped
of the baron title.

All your land rights
and privileges

are hereby revoked.

You have 48 hours
to leave the badlands.

You will take my land
over my dead body.

Is that an invitation?

No. It's a promise.

Well, then, why wait?

Perhaps cooler heads
might prevail here?

We can still come to
a peaceful resolution.

Oh, shit.

This just got a hell
of a lot more interesting.

Heading into a conclave,
it's a dicey proposition.

I'd like to commend
baron Broadmore

for moving his family
into a cottage

two and a half miles
south of his compound.

He's right to fear that someone
might try to harm them.

Each of you have taken precautions
to protect what is yours.

As have I.

If I do not return safely
from this conclave,

my butterflies have orders that they
will carry out with swift certainty.

And none of your families
will be spared.

Uh, she's bluffing.

When are you gonna learn that my
crusade won't end with my death?

It will only signal
its true beginning.

Did you miss me?

You said you k*lled him!

My son always had a slippery
relationship with the truth.

It's kind of you
to keep my seat warm.

Take my lovely
young bride as your own.

You even raided my closet.

Is there nothing
sacrosanct to you?

k*ll them all.




Where is he?

He's your son.

He's never been as strong
as you, you know that.

You two have been...

Behind my back...

The boldness of your deceitfulness
is almost admirable.

Quinn. Quinn, please don't!
Quinn, please, please!


You can't run away
from what you did, son.

No forgiveness,

no turning back.


They called this god Cronus.

King of the titans.

A prophet warned
that he was destined

to be overthrown
by his own child's hand,

so Cronus devoured his sons
the moment they were born.

I should have scraped you
out of your mother's womb.

That's not Cronus.

It's Laocoon.

You got that wrong.

The world has been
better without you.

You should've stayed dead.

Now that's more like the
boy I always wanted.

The Ryder I knew never
fought like this.

What did you do with him?

Hmm? Mmm?

You wanted to take power.

Here's your chance.

This time, do it with honor.

Do it. Hmm?

I didn't raise you to hesitate.

You take what's yours.

You take it. Hmm?

Take what's yours!

Take it.

Take it!

Take it!


Why did you hesitate?

You're my...
You're my father.

My father.

And you're my son.

You're my son.


We need to go!


