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02x06 - Chapter XII: Leopard st*lks In Snow

Posted: 09/13/21 17:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on AMC's
"Into the Badlands"...

Master is a liar.

Sometimes, a novice's gift
has to be cleansed.

- I'm getting the hell out of here.
- They'll catch you.

- You're outnumbered and unarmed.
- We gotta go.

Let's go!

You're the only
reason that I'm still alive.

Align or die.

I am making an alliance with Quinn.


My son is dead. I get to k*ll Quinn.

Hello, Lydia.

We need a healer!

What's wrong with them?


No? You don't get out much, do you?

It's poor man's opium.

Not too poor, I hope.

Are you the healer?

Depends what ails you,

and what you have to trade.

She told us to come here.
Said you were a friend.

Bring her inside. Right away.



Hey, look.

Didn't I tell you?


Didn't I tell you?

Look how big and bright...

Shh, shh. Hey.

She's close.

Right here on the other side.

She's close.




You came to k*ll me.

No, I came to avenge my son.

Our son.

His death hurt me more than anyone.

Well, then at least
some good came from it.

Did you find Veil?

We're still looking.

Then don't return without them.

It's treacherous for a woman and child

to be all alone in the woods.

Another pretty young thing
has abandoned you?

Oh, when are you gonna learn, old man?

They'll never love you

no matter how hard you try to make them.

You were never one for honeyed words.

You always spoke your truth,
no matter how foul.

Maybe that's why you were
Baron of two territories

before you cast me aside.

- Hmm.
- Now look at you.

Lord of nothing.

And yet you came back to me. Hmm?

Only to put a dagger through your heart.

Do it.

Ryder hesitated when
I gave him the chance.


Yeah, this is why
I loved you first. Hmm?

You were never afraid
to take what you want.


She's gonna live.

Amelia tells me I got you to thank.

Anything you need, it's yours.

We need fuel.

And the fastest route
to the Wall's checkpoint.

The Wall?

No one goes through the checkpoint
unless they're in chains.

But you're welcome
to any gas I got left.

With night coming on,

it'll be pitch black out there.

And you ain't going
anywhere till morning.

I'm the reason why she got cut.

Why'd you tell me something like that?

You want to get me all riled up?

Smack you in the face?

Tell you what a bad man you really are?

Well, maybe you're not a good man.

Maybe there are no good men.

But I've seen a lot of bad ones.

And trust me, son...

You ain't that bad.

Odessa! Why aren't you
training with the others?

And why did you want me to meet you?

I'm not staying here.

I heard the rumors.

Your Baron's making
an alliance with Quinn.

Who told you that?

I belonged to that man for seven years.

My father d*ed in his poppy fields.

If The Widow's with him,

then she's no different
than all the rest.

- Oh, yes, she is.
- Why?

Because she lets you call her "Mother"

instead of "Master"?

I've been traded from
one Baron to another

since I was old enough to walk.

And trust me, they're all the same.

So you can call your Baron
whatever you like.

She still makes girls like us
go out and die for her,

doesn't she?

You're wrong.

I call The Widow "Mother"
because she gave me life.

I was property too once.

A house cog for The Widow's husband.

And every night

after she went to sleep,

he would knock on my door.

He could have had
any Doll on Wall Street,

but he didn't want them.

"You can't pay a Doll
to love you," he said.

Not like his little Tilda.

That was the worst part.

Having to say those words,
while he panted like a dog

on top of me. "I love you, Baron."

One time, I forgot to say it.

He made sure I never forgot

ever, ever again.

So, I stole a bread Kn*fe
from the kitchen.

I sat on my bed that night

with the Kn*fe, waiting to plunge it

into my heart the moment
I heard him knock.

I waited.

And I waited...

But the knock never came.

The next morning,

The Widow asked me to forgive her
for not k*lling him sooner.

That was the kindest thing that
anyone had ever done for me.

That was the first time I said "I
love you" to anyone and meant it.


I'll stay.

But not for The Widow.


Widow's looking for you.

Waldo, wait up.

- Back there with Odessa, it's...
- Cut the sh*t.

Look, I don't care who you wick.

But don't you forget what
I told you about Sunny.

Don't you let some crush
cloud your good judgment,

because that kind of thing
can get you k*lled.

And I was just starting to like you.


Look. More runaways.

I don't know where we're gonna put them.

We're running out of space.


Is that...

Is Sunny with you? Is M.K.?

I need to see The Widow.

You thieving little sh*t.

No one steals from me.

You're afraid of a little blood?

Please. Please, I'm sorry.

You will be.



The Abbots are gonna come after us.

We need to move.

I can't imagine what Quinn
has put you through.

But you'll be safe here with us now.

Both you and Sunny's boy.

I promise.

Thank you.

Heard you were the one
who was gonna help us

get out of the Badlands.

Um, well, that didn't work
out too well, did it?


Perhaps I could help you find him.

But first I need a favor.

Do you think you could show me
where Quinn kept you?

I'm not asking you to go
anywhere near there again.

I just... I need to make sure
he doesn't hurt anyone else.

Yeah... I think so.

Would you do me a favor

and get something out of that drawer?

M.K. stole that from me.

I... I didn't know.

That boy is always full of surprises.

Were you able to translate
any of the text?


No, I've never seen
a language like this before.

Try again.

It's important.

Might even help us win this w*r.

We do need food and rest.

Maybe we could figure out
where the hell we're going.

No, we need to keep moving.

The Abbots have a device
that can track your Gift.

Not if I don't have my Gift anymore.

Ava, look at my face.

- Why didn't I go dark?
- I don't know.

Maybe it had something to do
with the mirror chamber.

What did you see in there?

We should go.



Bajie, my boy, you were born
at the wrong time. Mmm.

Hey. We need to get out
of here right now!

Is it the Mechs?

Much worse.

You get the car
and I'll meet you out back.

The boy's close.

Signal's coming from down the hall.

sh*t! sh*t! sh*t!

Lost it again.

Boy should be right here.

Signal's clean again.

Must have been a malfunction.

Signal's coming from due west of here.

Let's go.

You know who they are, don't you?

- What?
- Who are they?

Oh, I don't know.

- Come on!
- All right!

All right.

They're Abbots.

They are single-minded and crazy
and they are very dangerous.

- Give me the keys.
- What did I just tell you?

They have my friend. A boy.

Well, we'll get you another boy.
Just forget about him.

How do you know so much about them?

I'll tell you in the car.
Come on. Come on.

I'm not going to the Wall
without that boy.

Why won't you listen to me?

Bajie. I'm asking you for your help.

I... I can't.

Anything but that. I just...
I just can't do it. I can't.



Hey, hey!



It's The Widow.
She seems to have found us.


Put a team together.

What do you think they were celebrating?

No idea.

The Old World had
a lot of strange rituals.

Do you think they knew it was coming?


The people who built this place.

Do you think they knew
it was all gonna end?

Master says that nothing
ever truly ends.

"The whole world is an
endless cycle of rebirths."

What's wrong?

I don't have a Master anymore.

I don't have anything.

What if this is all a mistake?

My whole life,

I've believed in one thing.


I don't even know
what I'm supposed to be.

What about your family?

I don't even remember my real parents.

There's worse things
than not remembering.

What do you mean?

You really wanna know what
I saw in those mirrors?

I saw my mom.

I held her in my arms as she d*ed.

I k*lled her.

I k*lled her, Ava.

The Master says those visions
can't always be trusted.

Master's wrong.

I could feel it.

I know what I did.

I requested you come alone
with no weapons.

Just like the conclave, hmm?

And you clipped one of my guards.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.

Now we're even.


Tell me,

how did you find my bunker?

With due respect,

you're not as clever as you think.

You never were.

You tracked me down
all by yourself, did you?

You're not bad for an old cr*pple.

Maybe if you'd listened
to me once in a while,

you wouldn't be living like
a roach in a hole.

I'd keep a very close eye
on this one if I was you.

Now... What do you want?

Same as you do.

The other Barons dead.

But I can't do it alone,
neither can you.

But together...

The other Barons would
never suspect an alliance.

And when it's just the two
of us left standing?

Then I expect you'll try
to k*ll me before I k*ll you.

Do we have a deal?

A moment alone with you first.

Just to hammer out the details.


I'm impressed, Minerva.

It's a bold proposition.

But first...

I need Veil and her boy.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, Waldo did not find me himself.

I promise, no harm will come
to either of them.

You just...

You just give me what's mine,

and I'll agree to your confederacy.

I can't give you Veil.

- I can't.
- Oh.

Well, that's disappointing.

I'll give you a little more
time to reconsider.

But, baby, don't wait too long.

I'd hate for you to watch
your precious Butterflies

get their wings clipped

when the other Barons come.

And come they will.

Bye for now.




I told you Azra was real.

This place must be hundreds
of years old. Maybe more.

This is proof
the Master was lying to us.

We can find Azra.

We can leave these Abbots and the
Badlands for good. Start over.

Someone's here.

The boy is close.

We can make it through here.

- Sunny!
- You okay?


Stop! It's all right.

We need to get out of here, now.

Too late.

Cut yourself. It's our only chance.

I can't. It doesn't work anymore.

Mine does.

Ava? Ava...


Hello, brother.


You know, I've always wanted
to drive this truck.

You were one of them?

In another life.

Like you don't have secrets?

- You've gotten slow.
- Yes, that's true.

You don't need to rub it in, though.

And you lost your Gift.

I still remember how to do this.

This isn't gonna last long.

So get up and help me
kick this assh*le's assh*le.

Finish me.

Any more luck with that book?

No. Not yet.

It's a pity.

I offered you protection once.

But you repaid my kindness by trying
to turn Tilda against me

I want to forgive you, Veil.

I'd been searching for a reason to,

but I have to do
what's best for my girls.

My conscience is clear.

What have you done?

If you really think that
I'm so evil, then maybe

you'll be safer with somebody
who truly cares about you.

It's time for you and Henry
to come home.

Ava, just stay awake.

I've got you. You're gonna be all right.

I'm scared.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

But... But if the Master is wrong...

If there is no rebirth?

What if... Everything just...

No! Don't do it.




