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03x15 - Requiem for the Fallen

Posted: 09/13/21 18:50
by bunniefuu

I can awaken your gift.

But the only one who can
turn it off is Pilgrim.

A new life has taken root.

You are with child.

The Widow's mine! k*ll everybody else!

Get them to safety. Go!

Take everyone to the refugee camp.

Get to the tunnel. Hurry!

I never took you for a coward.

Tilda, get Henry out of here.

Go with them.


This is for Castor.

Where's Lydia? Where's Moon?

He was right behind me.

Your Azra will be a wasteland.
Just like your soul.

Time to join your brother, dear one.

I'm sorry, Nathaniel.

Lydia deserved so much more than this.

I was hoping that when
Pilgrim was defeated,

she will rule the Badlands in my place.

And what would be left to rule?

An empire of the dead?

It was our only shot. We had to take it.

Lydia did warn you
not to provoke Pilgrim.

But we had to do things your way.

You did this.

The witch is the one who k*lled her.

No, Nathaniel's right.

All you do is fight for your people.

People who still need you.
You're their Baron.

There are no Barons anymore.

We're too late.

Nathaniel? Lydia?



It's Nix.

She saved my life. And, I wasn't
here to return the favor.

There's nothing you could've done.

If Pilgrim got to Nix,
then what if he found Henry?

No, no, no. Don't go there, all right?

We don't know anything at this point.

The Widow's body isn't here.

If she's still alive,
there must be survivors.

All right. So where are they?


You're lucky you don't have
morning sickness yet.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

The witch was right.

What was that?


It just goes to show you
that even in our darkest hour,

there is always a ray of hope.

Uh, don't breathe a word
of this to anyone.

I told you, with the priestess' help,

it was only a matter of time before we
got the chamber fixed and working again.

Our patience has been rewarded.

The chamber is restored.

Our family is reunited, and our
army has just won its first battle.

Now, at last, I can begin
the final stage of our work.

Leave it.

M.K., you haven't eaten
since we got back.

People are worried about you.

No one's seen you since the battle.

Have you seen enough?

Look at them all.

Totemists, Clippers, Butterflies.

And to think,

it only took a psychopath like Pilgrim

to bring the Badlands together.

Hey, little man. Miss me?

I've never seen him
smile like that before.

Thank you for protecting Henry.

You saved my son's life.

Look, we've both done things
that can never be forgiven.

But if we're gonna leave a better
world for Henry, for our future,

we're gonna have to put that behind
us and fight Pilgrim together.

What's wrong?

We'll never defeat him.

But you've been fighting
for the Badlands for so long.

And what good did that do?

He slaughtered my best fighters,
and he m*rder*d my people.

But we have to try.

Yeah, I already have.

I've already lost too much.

I can't risk that again.

Darkness is not meant
to be a permanent condition,

even for one as strong as you.

Tell me, my son,

how long has it been since
you last turned off your gift?

Hours? Days?

I've been
trying to use it to heal myself.

I've seen The Master do it.

And were you able to?

What does it look like?

Then why do you persist?

'Cause at least it kills the pain.

I don't feel anything. It's the
best feeling I can imagine.

It is not escape we seek, but ascension.

We are closer than ever to realizing
the dreams of our ancestors.

But if we are to succeed,
I need you now more than ever

to teach my followers how
to control their newfound gift,

just as you once taught Nix.

Do not worry about how
the world sees you, dear one,

be proud of what you have become.

Forgive me, Pilgrim.
There's someone here to see you.

Hello, Taurin.

The greatest minds in the world

once gathered in this very hall,

hoping to save humanity from ruin.

Sweet Kannin.

How fortunate it is this that
we are reunited in time

for you to see me complete their work.

Is it fortune? Or by her own design?

You fear me.

No need.

I was Taurin's protector once.

But you did not protect him.

You let Azra fall under your watch.

Mind your tone!

The Black Lotus are the ones
to blame for what befell Azra.

Not you. My poor, dear sister...

Where have you been all these years?

All over these lands.

I never stopped searching
for you. Or Sanzo.

Then I take it you found him.

He told me what you're doing,
that's why I'm here.

I failed to protect you once,
but I can still save you now.

You were just a child back in Azra,

but I was old enough to see
the truth of that place.

Our elders wanted more
than just to spread

their Gift through the world.

They were going to k*ll anyone
who didn't have it.

Genocide. That is the true
legacy of Azra.

If what you say is true,

then who am I to defy
the will of our elders?

What are you saying?

My destiny is to fulfill
the dream of Azra.

If humanity refuses to live
peacefully with our kind,

then they will cease to live altogether.

Your soul is already poisoned.

You damned yourself
when you took the Gift.

You were never meant to have it.

How dare you speak
to your messiah this way?

You see things others cannot.

But when it comes to Taurin,
you are more blind than anyone.

Look deeper, you'll see
where his true path leads.

We need to strike back now.

Pilgrim and his acolytes won't
be expecting a counter-attack

so soon after storming the Sanctuary.

And there's never been a stronger
more capable group of warriors

than the ones standing right here.

Pilgrim is stronger.

No. Sunny's right.
We don't have another choice.

Yes, we do. This world is
bigger than the Badlands.

We need to get out while we can,
find a new place to start over.

I'm not going anywhere.

Not till Cressida meets
the end of my sword.

And how many more people will die
before you satisfy your revenge?

Let's face reality, even the
Master's no match for Pilgrim.

Then we need to find fighters who are.

Who? Even our best Clippers
couldn't defeat Pilgrim's army.

Assassins trained to k*ll Dark Ones.

The Black Lotus? You can't be serious.

Yeah, yeah, I'm being deadly serious.

It's time to fight fire with fire.

We don't need them.

They are exactly who we need.

Listen, I know you don't like the plan.

But they are the only bloody
hope we've got right now.

If words alone cannot convince you

of the righteousness of our quest,

then perhaps this will.

I remember hearing stories
about this place when I was a girl.

The Meridian Chamber.
Birthplace of Azra.

Magnificent, isn't it?

This temple is what our fathers
spent their whole lives seeking,

and their fathers before them.

Our fathers were wrong.

This is no temple, it's a laboratory.

Built by men and women
clouded by arrogance.

Seeking to tame nature only
to have it turn on them.

Such blasphemy.

I'm sorry, Taurin.

I can't let you finish
what our ancestors started.

I see that God is testing me with
yet another treasonous apostate.

If that is His will, then so be it.

I remember you seemed so strong
to me when I was a child.

Now it's time for you to see
what true strength looks like.

Go. Tell Sanzo what you saw here today.

I've taken your Gift, now you
two are powerless to stop me.

Never known you
to run away from a fight.

You wanna tell me
what's really going on?

I'm pregnant.

Are you sure?

I can't believe it. I...

Tell me, how do you feel?
What... What do you need?

- I don't need anything.
- This is incredible.

- Gaius...
- I swear, I will protect you

- Gaius, listen to me.
- and our child with my life.

I don't need anybody to protect me.

I don't even know if I want any of this.

What are you talking about?

I don't know if I can be
a warrior and a mother.

And how am I supposed
to make that choice?

There's nothing to choose.

Yes, there is. Look at us,
look at this place.

Is it even fair to bring
a child into a world like this?

All the more reason for us to fight.

Minerva, please.

We can do this.

It's not up to us. It's up to me.

I thought you stole this map
to avoid the Black Lotus,

- not go looking for them.
- Yeah, but that... Plans change.

Listen, if we just roll up to Razor
Ridge to see your friend Magnus,

he will k*ll us before we get
a chance to say a word,

which is not good.

But, look at this outpost.
It's an old bus depot.

It's remote. I doubt it's
gonna be too heavily guarded.

I don't think the Black Lotus

will feel like negotiating when we
roll up with an army of Clippers.

Then we won't bring an army of Clippers.

This is the last time
you get to make the plan.

Hey, it is a good plan.

And nothing the two of us can't handle.

It's not just you two...

I'm coming with you

I remember seeing you in battle
once when I was Quinn's Regent.

You're a hell of a fighter. But I
can't promise how this will go.

Things could get ugly fast.

I don't care.

You're fighting for a future
that your child can grow up in.

So am I.

You bang Flea.

You brave, horny idiot.

Look, if this is the only way
to defeat Pilgrim, I'm in.

Let's do it.

New Azra.

Nix said that we'd see it together.

Nix was a traitor. She deserved to die.

Maybe you're right.

She lied to me like everyone else.

Sunny, Widow, Master...

Even my mother lied to me.

Pilgrim is the only person who was
never afraid to tell me the truth.

Kingdoms aren't built on dreams, Eli.

They're built on sacrifice and struggle.

That's the real world.

Not everyone gets a happy ending.

Hey, aren't you the Iron Rabbit?

Odessa. What are you doing here?

Waiting for bread like everyone else.

You're hurt.

No. It's not mine.

My camp got raided by Nomads.

With Chau and The Widow
now out of power,

there's no one to keep order anymore.

We barely made it out of there alive.

What... "We"?

They were out of blankets, but
this should keep us warm tonight.

Um, Mercy, this is Tilda.

Oh. Hi.

It was... Um, I'm glad you're safe.

It's good to see you.

Tilda, wait!

You were right.

About what?

I thought we could just sit back

and let everyone else
fight for a better world.

But the... The fight came for me anyway.

You're going after Pilgrim, aren't you?

- Then we'll fight with you.
- No.

Why not?

Please. I want to help.

Because I still love you.

And if anything happened to you,
I couldn't live with myself.

Take these people and lead
them out of the Badlands.

Take them somewhere safe
until this is over,

or in case we don't make it back alive.


You and Mercy chose happiness,

because that's what you deserve.

And it may be too late for me,
but it is not too late for you.

Blood of Azra

Show me what I must see.

Behold, my new Azra.

Isn't it glorious?

I never thought I'd live
long enough to have a family.

You know, the Chau name
has been a curse for me.

I was afraid of passing it on.

I know exactly what you mean.

So, what's the hardest part
about being a father?

Why are you asking him?

I'm the one that does all the
heavy lifting with that child.

Cleaning it, changing it, carrying
it halfway across the Badlands.

I had to jerk off a goat!

- Shut up.
- Tell me to "Shut up,"

I'm practically that boy's mother.

This is it.

Easy, mate. Easy.

All right. Now...

I want you to go and send an
invite to your commandant Magnus.

I want you to tell him

that we wanna have
a little word with him.

All right? Now, I'm gonna let you go.

Three, two, one. Go!

After Pilgrim and Cressida
are dead, I'm done.

Where will you go?

Back to the wasteland,
where you found me.

Shit. Where I never should have left.

Oh, by the way,

Gaius told me the news.

You want my advice?

Do your kid a favor, get rid of it.

Yeah. Sure, it may hurt a little now.

But not as much as when you lose that
child a few years down the road.

Take it from someone
who lost everything...


Where is Kannin?


Did you k*ll her?

What if I did?

Then it was God's will.

I had only hoped
to speak with her once more.

About what?

Nothing of great importance.

If she was working against our cause,

she could have provided useful
information about our enemies.

Our enemies are no longer a threat.

I left Kannin alive.

Powerless and broken,

as a warning to anyone else
who dares defy me.

I'm sorry if I frightened you earlier.

You don't know what this feels like.

First, Sanzo, now Kannin.

You're the only one I can still trust.




- Excuse me?
- Sunny!

He's not here. Who are you?

My name's Kannin.

Sunny's sister? But he said
you left the Badlands.

Please... I need to find him
before it's too late.

I need to warn him of what's coming.

Well, he already left.


To find the devil who took you from him.

I want them found,
you understand? No excuses.

Sir! Sanzo and his friend showed
up at our outpost in sector 23.

You sure?

Sir, they want to talk to you.

Put a squad together.
I'll lead it myself.

Yes, Sir.

It's been hours.
You think this guy is coming?

This is Bajie's plan, not mine.

Yeah, I figure he's still coming.

He will not miss a chance
to rip our heads off.

My father used to be obsessed
with places like this.

Abandoned bus depots?

Remnants of the old world.


He used to send scouts
to find the things for him.

And sometimes I'd go
with him to explore.


Do you ever wonder how
a civilization so advanced

could just destroy themselves?

Honestly, I think people just get safe,

comfortable in their little lives.

Then, from out of the blue,
someone like Pilgrim turns up.

And the next thing you know, we
are all living in the Badlands.

You sure you want to bring
a kid into this?


You must really want to die.

We didn't come to fight.

Well, you came to the
wrong place, my friend.

Please, shut up. Listen, we
don't need to like each other.

But, I don't know if you know this,

but we share a common enemy right now.

Pilgrim is trying to build
an army of Dark Ones.

He needs to stopped now,
before it's too late.

What are you proposing?

Let... Let's call it
a limited partnership.

There's no one better at fighting
Dark Ones than the Black Lotus.

And, uh, right now we... We need
all the help we can... We can get.

Is that right, Sanzo?

You're willing to ride with the
man who burned down your home

and slaughtered your family
in their beds?

Good boy.

What happens when this is all over?

We can worry about k*lling each
other once Pilgrim is dead.

Sounds like a very
reasonable compromise.

I, however, do not
believe in compromises.

All right, makin' plans is difficult.

Hello! Lovely.


I'm gonna enjoy breaking you
all over again.

Sunny, get your ass over here.

Your commander is dead.

Lay down your weapons.

It's time to start a new
chapter for the Black Lotus.

Far more will die if we don't
work together to stop Pilgrim.

Why should we listen to you?

You're a Dark One, too,
just like Pilgrim.

Not anymore.

What do you mean?

What happened to your Gift?

The Chamber's working again.
We have to work fast.

Fight with us.

Help save the world
that you swore to protect.

Behold, my new Azra.

Isn't it glorious?