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03x11 - The End Is Near

Posted: 09/14/21 07:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Greenleaf"...

Have I made that much already?

I said, "who's using who, James?"

I'll never doubt you again.

We'd like to ask you a few questions,

though, about a girl who lived here once.

Rochelle Cross.

The sisters, Rochelle and Tara,

but Cross wasn't their last name.

- What was it?
- James.

- Rochelle Cross.
- What about her?

Daddy, she is Gerald James' daughter.

She's the half-sister of Basie Skanks.


I heard you been a bad girl.

If I thought I could lose
this case, Coralie,

I wouldn't take it.

Okay, I'll do it.

Well, you couldn't even tell
some hoe on the radio

that we were together.

I'll claim you when you start
acting like someone

who deserves me.

- It's about the accounts.
- What?

Over $200,000 was deposited

into it over the past
three months, then withdrawn,

but I can't seem to find where it went.

What do you want, Lionel?

I want to talk about my daughter.

Come on, now.

I'm not gonna waste this whole week

propping up a floppy old puppet
with one dangly eye.

My reputation is on the line
here too, girl.

You've got to sell this thing.

Sit down.

When James cheated with Mavis...

I still don't know
why you stayed after that.

I leave a man if he scrapes
his fork too loud on his plate.

I wanted to leave him, at least
for a little while, you know,

to scare him,

but then we had this annual vacation

coming up with Lionel and Patrice.

The Lionel you had your fling with?

Yes, and that's all it
was meant to be, was a fling.

I mean, I just needed to get
my groove back a little.


- But then I got pregnant.
- No.

And now that Lionel is dying,
he wants to tell the woman

that he's sure is his daughter the truth.

- Grace?
- Who else?

I'm telling you, God has it in for me.

Is she really his daughter?

The timing of it would seem
to indicate that...

Oh, Maxine, this selfish old man

wants to die like an exiled patriarch,

leaving me behind
with this girl blaming me.

For what, not telling her?

Oh, she's gonna think,

"oh, this is the key to all my sorrows.

"This is my answer to life.
My mother, the whore,

was ashamed of me," and you know what?

She wouldn't be completely wrong.

Look, you know what you got to do, Mae.

Drink bleach and walk into traffic?

You got to get ahead of it.

You're about to step
into the holy of holies.

Pastor, you got to get yourself clean.

Secrets have no place
in the company of the king.

When Rochelle's mother went to prison,

she and her sister wound
up in foster care,

so I went to see their last
foster mother yesterday.

Now, this form from child
protective services

shows that the Flannerys
took in two girls

26 years ago, Rochelle and Tara,

and the foster mother confirms

that the girls' last name
at the time was James.

A bewitching coincidence.

Daddy, the details all line up.

Their father d*ed in a fire.

Mother went to prison.
It all fits perfectly,

and then the foster mom
gave me this picture.

That is Rochelle.

It just doesn't make sense.

Facts are facts.

And what about Basie Skanks?

He was their half-brother.

Foster mom remembers
hearing them talk about him.

He was their hero.

It just doesn't seem possible.

Why is this so hard for you to believe?


Because why? It's all there, Daddy.

Because of everything
that Rochelle has done,

because of the way she carries
herself in my company.

She's a virtuous woman, and I just...

I just can't believe it's true.

She raised money for your defense fund.

She donated generously to our church.

She helped me pay off the IRS.

Now, if she is the vengeful
person that you say she is,

why would she do that? Why?

Wait a minute, now.

I'm sorry. They won't listen.

- Who won't listen?
- FBI.

- FBI?
- Yes, ma'am.

- Please step aside.
- You just stop right there.

We have a search
and seizure warrant, ma'am.

Please step aside.

What's this all about?

You're being investigated
on suspicion of bank fraud,

theft, and embezzlement of church funds.

We're here to confiscate
any computers, disks, files,

or any paperwork we deem
relevant to the investigation.

But we weren't the ones who were...

I'm gonna ask you
to please step outside now.


Let's just let these folks do their job.

Let's go.

Come on.

Oh, one more thing, Mr. Greenleaf.

That's Pastor Greenleaf.

Right. I assume you have an accountant.

Of course we do.

I'm agent Krenshaw, FBI.

We have a few questions
we need to ask you.

Thank goodness you're here.

There's something going on here
that's highly unorthodox.

Let me show you.

A day with Lady Mae?

Now, that was a wonderful tradition,

but this is going to be
a complete upgrade.

- Well, tell me.
- She changes everything.

- That's the name of the event?
- Yes.

And it's going to be a day
of renewal and rededication,

preaching and teaching,
singing and holy dancing.

- Amen.
- Yes. Amen.

Will your daughter be speaking?

Charity will be singing, yes.

No, I mean Pastor Greenleaf,

your famous director of outreach.

A few months ago,
she was hailed in the paper

as the new face of Calvary.

She might make an appearance.

She won't.

I mean, this fabulous roster of speakers

we have is full as it is.

But with this legal fund of hers
making front page news,

folks will be wanting to hear
what she's up to now.

Won't she be speaking?

Here's what I can tell you.

The spirit of God
will be up there speaking.

No matter who's in that pulpit,
I can guarantee that,

and Memphis, you don't want to miss it.

Excuse me.

It's going to be a glorious event.

You want to follow us?

- Mama.
- Just stay calm.

Mama, what is going on?

I have FBI agents asking me
for my laptop.

It has something to do
with your father, no doubt.

All of my arrangements are on there.

There are not backups.

What am I supposed to do?
I know I should've...

Charity, please, just for once,

can you find a way
to be useful in an emergency

and not somehow make yourself

the needy little center
of attention, just once, please?

Oh, heaven, help us all.

What are you... oh.

Where do you think you're
going with my computer?

Grace, Grace, what is this?

Does this have anything to do
with the court case

and that Coralie?

This has nothing to do with that, mama.

This is about Daddy and the IRS.

They're taking all of our computers.

Well, you're not taking mine.

Listen. My sermon is on there,

my powerpoint, my music, everything.

- Please, sir.
- It's gonna be okay.

No. You, stop right there, son,

or I will rip your ears
clear off your head.

I told you she wouldn't let you do it,

and you can give me back mine now, too.

Miss, stand back, please.

- Log this into evidence.
- Yes, sir.

I don't know what this is about,

but if it involves James Greenleaf,

it does not involve me.

You must be the first lady.

She's the Pastor now.

And an ex-wife, free and clear.

Your name is on the warrant as well.

They tried to take my computer.

- Grace.
- Mama.

- Grace, where is your father?
- Excuse me. Excuse me.

He's right there.

They won't let him back into
his office until they're done.

Are you... please.

Hey, mama, please.

Get off the phone.

Get off!

I'll call you right back, but
have him call me immediately.

What is the matter with you?
I am taking care of this, Mae.

- I'm solving it.
- No.

I'm solving it. You just back off.

Divorcing you wasn't enough.

I'm handling it.

Now, there's been some
kind of misunderstanding.

I have done everything I can to
cut ties with you, everything,

but your sin and your stupidity,

you dragged me right down into
the fiery pits of hell with you,

and I'm not going to let it happen.

I'm not gonna let you do it. I am not.

You have no responsibility
in this at all.

They're taking everything. None.

Pastor Greenleaf, good morning.

Counselor garner, how soon
can you get down to Calvary?

As soon as I need to. Why?

- Take it to your office, please.
- All right.

We need your help.

Here's what the feds think happened,

from what I've been
able to piece together.

Jacob transferred $200,000
of church funds

into what turned out
to be a personal account.

All right.

First of all, I didn't transfer
any money anywhere.

I didn't do that. Tasha, she's the...

son, son, let the man talk.

And then you, Bishop Greenleaf,

so they think, withdrew all those funds

and used that as a down payment
to the IRS.

I did no such thing.

Rochelle set me up
with an investment account.

Let the man talk, pop.

Did you withdraw $200,000
from that account, sir?

Yes. Um...

Yes, I did, but this is my account.

That is the same account
that Jacob deposited

Triumph's money into.

No. No. No. No.

This is an investment account,

a church-based cryptocurrency
investment account.

There is no such account.

And how you could ever even think

there would be is just stupid.

- Watch it!
- Jacob.

My money manager, Rochelle Cross,

installed an app on my phone
that allows me

to check my balances
every day as it comes in.

I'm getting an... an error message here.

Watch it, pop.

And you opened a bank account
you don't even know about.

- And you spent money that...
- how stupid is that?

You spent money that doesn't
even belong to you.

Both of you, just stop it.

Both of you got played by these women,

and both of you
put this family in jeopardy.

Not to mention the faith
of thousands of innocent people

if we don't disprove this.

What can we do, Mr. Garner?

For now, just wait.

They obviously staged this raid

to send a message to other churches,

and if what you all are saying
about these women is true,

we'll figure it out.

There's always a digital trail.

I'm finally on the verge of
taking control of this church,

and by the time I do...

there won't be any church left.

Do you know how many demons
were on my tail

when I leapt over
Jordan into my blessing?

Mae, this is how Satan works.

Right when God's about
to bless you, he bites.

We can put together a brand-new
powerpoint presentation.

You can rewrite the sermon,

and I bet it'll be better
than the one you had.

Pastor Greenleaf,
Lionel Jeffries on line one.

Call back, please.

Have you talked to Grace yet?

And make sure those are unpacked
the minute we get back.

Agent Dallas?

Miss, you'll get your computer
back as soon as...

it's not about my computer.


So what can I do for you?

You have the whole rest of
my life in your hands right now.

Will you just let me explain, please?

Thank you.

Why isn't she taking any of your calls?

Why is this website gone?

- Hey.
- Hello, Darius.

Hello. Come on.

Hey, you heard what happened?

Yeah, from my boss, actually.

You got a second?

Go, go.


How can you come to me like this?

I thought we had a deal.

Our deal was that
I wouldn't cover Calvary

as long as we were together,
and I'm not covering the story.

No, but you're a source, right?

That's why you're asking me
all these questions

'cause you're a source.

Because my editor asked me to be.

And the only reason you're not
really covering this story

is because your paper will not let you

due to a conflict of interest
you wish you didn't have.

This has nothing to do with our deal.

All I'm asking you to do
is confirm a few facts,

which will come out anyway.

The facts are that
Rochelle James and Tasha Skanks,

probably with Basie, have
conspired to wreck my family,

my father.

You know all this.

Can you prove that?

When I can, I'll let you know.

Just say what you have to say.

Have you ever heard the expression

P.K., agent Dallas, Pastor's kid?

I have, as a matter of fact.

Okay. Well, it's not a joke.

It's a very real thing because
when you grow up in the church

with so many eyes on you,
so much expected,

it feels like you're walking a tightrope.

I can't imagine the pressure.

Well, that's why a lot of P.K.s
do silly things sometimes,

just to break free.

And why are you telling me this?

Well, a few years ago,
I had some pictures taken.

I thought I wanted to be
an actress for a hot second,

and I let a boy take pictures.

Nothing too serious,
but my mother handled it,

had to pay him,
and the whole thing went away.

And those files are on your computer?

No, they're on hers,

so if you could please just give me

five minutes with her computer,
just five minutes,

I don't want anyone to see those photos,

especially somebody like you,

someone so virtuous and upright.

I'll have to speak to
my supervisory special agent.

Excuse me.

Looking for Grace, Pastor?

Yes, do you know where she is?

No, she left a few minutes ago

but said she'd be back before going home.

I can let her know you came by.

That'd be fine. Thank you.

All I'm saying is the FBI
just rolled in here,

asking all kind of questions, right,

and I just feel like the only person

who can answer
all those questions is you.

Tasha, hello? Don't hang up on me.

I just don't know what to say.

I know you opened that account.

I know you took the money.

But I also know that you
couldn't have come up

with that by yourself.

Basie put you up to that?

Basie is gone.

Well, Rochelle, maybe, I don't know.

But whatever and whoever it is,

you have got to come clean
and tell the truth.

Look, I promise I won't press charges,

but you got to help me out here.

You got to get me out of this jam.

- I've told you what I know.
- Tasha.

I don't know nothing about
no secret account

or nothing like that.

- I don't.
- Okay.

Okay. Okay, Tasha.

Tell her you love her.

Tell her.

Tasha, Tasha, I love you.

Told you.

Basie, I-I don't know what he's thinking.

You don't?

Because I think I do.

Hey, Cameron wanted barbecue from dva.

You good with that?

- I mean...
- I mean, I can get Sushi, too.

You know what?
Actually, don't worry about it.

I got mad dudes coming to the studio

to bang out this record.

You can just hang here, order in.

I always come to the studio with you.

Why? You don't want me to come?

Of course.

It's just sometimes you be
sitting over there

looking bored out of your mind.

I feel bad.

I'm never bored out of my mind.

You know what?

Here, take this.

Go get your nails done on me.

All right? Chill out.
I'll see you when I'm back.


Hey, and can you get me
that bottle out the cabinet now?

Here. Have fun. k*ll it.

Okay. See you later.

Grace, what a surprise.

I didn't expect to see you in my office.

Don't tell me
Coralie doubled back into...

cut the crap, Rochelle.

I'm sorry. Have I done something?

I know you're Basie's half-sister.


- Is that a crime?
- No.

- But it does give you motive.
- Motive to do what?

To set up my father, make him pay

for the death of your father.

Are you insane? You are.

That cryptocurrency investment
website you had

my father going to is a dummy.

It never existed.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Cryptocurrency what?

The FBI raided Calvary
this morning, Rochelle.

Please, stop acting like you
don't know what's happening.

And stop acting like you do.

Grace, I have endured
your paranoid PTSD bullshit

for months with Patience,
out of respect for your father.

Now, I literally have no idea
what you're after here.

Your father hasn't mentioned
any of this to me,

nothing, the FBI, nothing.

Now, last night, in your father's bed,

I professed my love to him,
and he did the same.

That's a lie.

And he talked to me in earnest
about the future with me

at his side and the church and in his...

- everything you say is a lie.
- You know what, Grace?

I know I can never be a mother to you,

but should your father
and I decide to marry,

maybe I can be your sister if you let me,

but you've got to let go of this mania.

It's not of God.

You can't possibly think
that remaining in the pulpit

at this point
is best for the church, can you?

I think that with Mae about
to fan her feathers and fly off,

continuity in the pulpit
would be a-a sign of hope.

Or a sign of a deeply tin ear.

Mae's name is on
that warrant, too, Connie.

I'm not here lobbying for Mae.

What are you here for, Connie?
Because this...

I'm giving you fair warning

that I've called an emergency
meeting of the Deacon board

to discuss your removal.

And who will you get to preach here?

I've reached out to Phil Demars

of the Harmony and hope ministries.

He'll be here next week to visit
and talk about some candidates.

Calvary is an independent church,

and I will never let it become
a part of any denomination,

full stop.

The faith of this congregation
has languished long enough

under the shadow of your eccentricities.

We need light, accountability,

a fresh start.

Thank you, Connie.

Your opinion really doesn't matter.

No, I don't... you can't...

I can get you a glass if you want.

Here, here.

I'll take it.

- Don't do that.
- Don't do what?

Don't play-act like
you're the good little wife,

and now you know I know
it ain't like that.

- Don't.
- I didn't do anything wrong.

I was out there every night on the road

or in some flophouse trying
not to get my ass k*lled,

praying to God, begging him
to put you in my dreams

just so I could see your face,
and the whole time,

you were loving on Jacob Greenleaf.

How many times do I have to tell you?

Nothing happened, and even if it did,

which it didn't, you had me
thinking you were dead.

Tasha, I kept my existential status

a secret to protect you,

in case someone came looking
for me, asking questions.

Well, you told Rochelle.

Look. I knew it wasn't going to be easy,

but I figured it only going
to be a couple of months.

It ain't like Tasha going to
find someone new that fast,

but it turns out,
you faster than I thought.

No, I'm not. You have to...

I said don't.

I don't trust you anymore.

- What?
- And to be perfectly honest,

I don't know if I'm ever
going to trust you again.

Basie. You...


What's up, bro?

Darlene, you know where the Bishop is?

Koryn said he's down in storage.

- Okay.
- Your mother's looking for you.

Of course she is. Thanks, Darlene.

We'll get through this, won't we?

If you say yes, I'll believe it.

I don't know.

It don't matter what Grace Greenleaf

knows or thinks she knows.

If you and Tasha did like
I said, bro, we're home free.

We nailed all those Greenleafs,

take them down and their churches.

I signed it.

I don't remember when,
but that is my signature.


Well, it's a good
thing I didn't quit my job

because we are done here, Jacob.

We're done, and we barely got started.

Who is that?

It's Tasha.

Hey, Tash.

I want to get out of here tonight,

be across the border by tomorrow...

Can you meet me tonight?

Yeah, of course, where?

I'll text you the spot.

Jacob, I'm scared.

Hey, don't... don't worry.

All right? It's going to be okay.

I hope so.

She wants to meet.

What's that look for?

You care for her.

I do not.

Yes, you do.

I care about saving this family
and our church, pops, too.

And you care for her. I can see it.

Okay, you know what?

I'm not having this conversation.

I'm not gonna have it
'cause it makes no sense.

We'll have to round up
all those old photographs

and scan them again and...

Is there time to do that?

It took weeks to get
those biddies to hand

over those photos in the first place.

We'll get what we can.

I will get it.

Hello. Pastor Greenleaf.

Mae, it's Aaron Jeffries.

Aaron, would you please
tell your father that I'll...

he's dead, Mae.

He just passed.

Well, I... I'm so sorry to hear that.

Yeah, they started him
on a new chemo medication.

He had a bad reaction, and his
system just couldn't handle it.

Just thought you'd want to know.

Well, Aaron, your father was a good man,

and he had a good life,

and you have every reason to be proud.

Thank you for saying that, ma'am.

You looking for me?

So... so we... we'll talk soon, I'm sure.

- Okay. Bye.
- Bye, now.

You wanted to see me?

Um, yes.

I-I just wanted to say
that I know it was presumptuous

and infantile of me,
how I snapped this morning.

I was just in such a state.

Well, I think we all were.

Well, that's it. I'm sorry.



Apology accepted.

Koryn, please, now give me a moment.

Of course.

And hold all my calls, please.


How can I help?

Tell me the truth.


Did you sleep with Rochelle last night

and tell her you loved her?


Because that's what she told me.

Where are you going?

To settle this once and for all.

Oh, Maxine, it's beautiful.

Ooh, thank you, honey.

- So what did she say?
- What did who say?

Grace. What did she say?

Oh, Maxine, I no longer have
to talk to Grace about it.

Lionel d*ed.

When did he die?

- This afternoon.
- Oh, okay.

Uh, Antoine, sound is perfect, darling.

Are you okay?

Yes, yes. I don't know what I am.

You still have to tell Grace.


I told you, I don't even know
if this man is her father.

Why would I put our family through that?

Because you have to,
because you're about to ascend

into the role God made you to play,

and if Satan has any hooks
in you to pull you back down,

he's gonna use them, and who do you think

you are to tell
anyone else about the truth?

Look at yourself.

You can't tell your own daughter
who her Daddy might be.

- You can't admit who you are.
- Can you just...

is that the voice you want to hear

every Sunday morning in your head?

The sissy stuff you're pulling,
that's for men.

Women speak. They tell the truth.

The future might be female,

but it will only be fantastic
if women tell the truth.

Otherwise, it's just gonna be
more theft and secrets

like every time that came before.

Ms. Patterson?

Tell Gloria I need a hot rock
massage and that cocoa nip tea.

Look at bae, so serious.

Hey, what you hiding for?

No, watch out. What you doing?

What's going on?



Stop it, you stop it.

I'm getting back to work, okay?

He said he had to talk to
his supervisory special agent,

and he never came back.

Carlton, I'm just... I'm worried.

Oh, sh**t, he's here.


I'm sorry if I was out of line.

You weren't.

If the files are not related
to the case, turns out,

they can be requested.

- So I can have them?
- Yes, ma'am.

But I'm gonna have to take
a look at these files

before they can be released.

So you have to see the pictures?

I do.

There aren't any pictures.

I know.

Now, why don't we take a look

at the files you really wanted, P.K.?

What the hell is this?


I told you where I was going.

Is she why I couldn't come?

The team wanted to do a little
meet-and-greet thing,

and I knew it would be packed. All right?

You know the a/c over there bugging.

Come on.

Are we even really together?

Babe, of course we are.

It doesn't feel like it.

Baby, come on.

You know you my one and only, right?

You know you my first lady.

What about her?

She's... a burn.

You the only one thinking
about that girl.


Come here.

Give me a kiss.

Mm, you smell good.


What's this?

Your powerpoint presentation

and your photos.

Useful enough for you?

Hey, stranger.

What happened to you?

My father passed away this afternoon.

Aaron, I'm so sorry. Come here.

Is there anything I can do?

Maybe sit down for a minute.

Yeah, sure.

Whatever you need.

This must be so hard.

It's even harder than you think.

Brother Greenleaf.

You expecting someone else?

- Where's Tasha?
- Where's Kerissa?

How about we worry about
our own wives for a minute?

- You've been busy.
- How so?

Setting up me and my pops.

What happened with you and Tasha?

What do you mean?

It's not a difficult question,
Pastor. What happened?

What transpired between you
and my wife in my absence?

What happened?

So it must have been something
'cause, "nothing,"

takes about a second to say,
and you ain't said it yet.

On the phone, you said, "I love you."

You meant that as a Christian, right?

- Whatever happened was my fault.
- I place no blame.

- Well, just don't blame Tasha.
- I place no blame.

Sin is sin, and the world
is steeped in it.

All good.

But what happened?

If I go home believing the worst,

then the worst is what'll happen.

It was just one kiss,
brother. That was it.

I'm not your brother, brother.

One kiss, one.

Well, thank you

for your honesty.

It's more than I could get from her,

but they are the weaker sex, right?


It was nothing.

I can see it was nothing to you,

but one man's nothing
is another man's everything.


Don't worry about texting Tasha no more.

I got her phone right here.

I'm actually gonna be out
of the country for a spell,

so I would suggest you sell those now.


I'm gonna have to call you back.

Okay, bye.


I'm sorry I haven't gotten
back to you today.

If you can imagine, I got a late
start this morning and...

you told Grace we slept together?

I didn't volunteer it.

It came up when I was defending myself.

- But that didn't happen.
- It didn't?

No, and you know it didn't happen.

Why would you say such a thing?

James, you really don't remember?

Why are you doing this?

What are you talking about, baby?

Is this some kind of "man of God,

I don't do that sort of thing"
type of amnesia?

'Cause I can play along.

Are you Darrell James' daughter?

I am.

So I assume you entered my world
from day one, came onto me,

got me to invest all this money

all with an eye to get back at me.

Invest what money?

- Rochelle.
- Oh, you must still be drunk.

I didn't k*ll your father.

I know.

My father d*ed in a fire
in a church that you owned,

a church that you couldn't pay upkeep on.

Do you think you k*lled my father?

If I thought that, how could
I ever be in love with you

or do what we did last night?

It wouldn't make sense,

and about the investment,

whatever you meant by that,

I don't mix business
with pleasure, so look.

I just want everything
to be okay as it...

you got me.

You got me.

But you won't get away with it.

Bitch, I already did.

Antoine, can we have less time
in between each slide?

- Sure.
- And then I think we'll be good.

No problem.

Oh. Oh, God.


Oh, you almost gave me a heart att*ck.

Looks good, mama.

Thank you.

You know, your sister moved mountains

to save them from the lawmen,

and how she did that, God only knows.

All right. See you tomorrow.

Aaron Jeffries came to see me.

So you heard that, uh, Lionel passed?

I did.

You know, we t*rture ourselves
over these little dramas,

and then death sweeps them
all away like a tide.

It's a shame we don't remember how, um,

small they'll seem in the end.

We'd be more forgiving, I think.

Is Lionel my father?

I don't know.