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06x10 - Episode #6.10

Posted: 09/14/21 08:14
by bunniefuu

Wait. Wait. Left.

Coming through.

- Nice.
- This way.

Move! Go! Go!


Ugh. No, no, no.


Yeah, come on, let's do it.

All right?

Come on!

Oh, shit. Grenade!



Now we just have to find Ives.

You can stop the dirty looks, yeah?

Right now, this Atlas of intelligence
is the only thing stopping me

from selling your ass
on the open market.

I brought the chamomile.

British intel?

It's on Avet Island.

Shall I stop with
the dirty looks now, Mr. Ives?


Up ahead, that's Ives' boat.

Get after them.

- We got company.
- What the f*ck?

Who the hell are they?

Did you hear that? Russian.

Shit, we've been hit!


They're going after Ives.

Ah, it's okay.
It's just a little smoke.

It'll hold.


Michael, stop f*cking around.

So, are you cowboys
gonna tell me who the hell you are?

We're on the trail of the Atlas.

Stolen British military files.

Oh, yeah?
Never heard of that one before.

But, you know, when I lose something,
it's usually in the last place I look.

That's cute.

We know Lowry had it,

and now Idrisi is after it.

Isn't he?

You want to back it off there, mate?

You heard her.

Step back.

Oh, f*ck.

It's you two.

It's okay, Novin.
These guys used to be 20.


You're in bed with the Russians?


Well, I had her contact them.

Turns out they were interested
in the Atlas as well.

Whatever they're offering,
I'll pay double.

It's not about the money, Mr. Ives.

Back in Libya,
you told 20 where I was.

That led to Jane and I
being separated,

to my capture,

and to her death.

Everything that has happened...

It's because of you.

We should head for the island soon.
Take vehicles.

Go via the causeway.

I don't care how we get there.

I just meant, if you wanted,

you still have time
to do whatever you need to do.

This whole situation
reminds me of a f*cking joke.

See, there's a Muscovite businessman,

a Siberian farmer,
and a policeman from St. Petersburg,

and they're all standing
on top of this building.

Stock market has crashed.

Ruble's flat-lined.

They've lost all their savings,
and they're on the food line.

Normal day in Russia, right?

They decide to end it all,

make a pact to jump off
the building at the same time.

But who hits the ground first?

The businessman?


Anybody want to guess?


They're Russian,

so who gives a f*ck?

We'll give you 20 instead.

Katiya, set a course to Avet Island.

These people who are after you,

they're not military,
they're Stillwater.

Contractors sent to clean house.

Bunch of assholes.

So, I'm guessing
you must have done something

to piss off the wrong people.

Yeah, our CO.

Trying to cover up
mistakes from the past.

Just out of curiosity,
who are you guys working for, hmm?

- It's a little complicated.
- Is it?

They're here!

You were disavowed
by the British military,

and now you're drafted in on occasion
to do high-risk covert ops.

f*ck me.

Well, I guess it's not
that complicated.

It's not, is it, sunshine?

We've been on the trail of the stolen
intel for the last few months now.

Is that right?

It's just, uh...

We've been looking for it
for the last day,

and we're already ahead of you.

We got a little distracted
in São Paolo.

Which we agreed
we wouldn't talk about.

No, we agreed you wouldn't talk about.

- Damien.
- Michael.

- Shut up.
- Yeah, f*ck you, mate.

Jesus Christ.

Pair of idiots.


Wyatt? You okay?

Well, that kind of depends
on your definition of "okay."

We took out Lowry, but we lost Idrisi.

We did, however,
get a location of the Atlas.

It's a place called Avet Island,

due south of
the Bosnian-Croatian border.

Okay, we're closer.

We'll make a move for it.

Yeah, well, it'll have to be
a quick move.

Ives, Idrisi,
and the Russian special ops

- are already on their way.
- Russian?

Yeah, turns out there's a party
and everyone's invited.

Right, well,
we'll hold them off as long as we can.

All right. And, Cap...


We're on our own now.

Copy that.

Have you got transport?

She's asking if we have transport.

I think we'll manage.

We got a fix on the intel.

- Sweet.
- Moving.



Stillwater assholes inbound.

Are you sure you can get to the Atlas
before anyone else does?

Well, we have to.
We need it to get back in.

Hell, we need it to stay alive.

It's always hearts and flowers

until they try
to blow your brains out.

We'll hold off Stillwater,
buy you some time.

You stay in touch.


We'll rendezvous
once you've got the package.

Appreciate it.

Well, that's the kind
of gentlemen that we are.

- Go on. Go.
- Moving.

Speaking of which,
we are the kind of gentlemen

that will steal that intel
from them, right?

"Stealing" is such
a harsh word, Scott.


Let's move, bud.

It's a complicated situation.

What's complicated?
You ordered Donovan to eliminate us.

Whatever Donovan did, she did alone.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure you've got
a wall of deniability,

but we've got bigger problems here.

Lowry stole the f*cking Atlas.

We were aware there might
have been a breach.

Well, Idrisi's after it.

Idrisi, alongside some
Russian special forces.

My guess would be GRU.

It's the entire map

of the British military
covert operation.

If it falls into Russian hands...

Tell me your location.
I'll send a squad.

Yeah, I don't think so.

We'll get the Atlas,
and we'll bring it in.

And then what?

And then the operation
will be deemed a success.

Lowry terminated, Atlas secured,

and 20 back where they belong.

Yeah, thought so.

Just remember, Captain,

if you come home empty-handed,

you're nothing but the team
that eliminated their own CO,

and that story does not
have a happy ending.


Are we screwed?

Yeah, if we don't get the Atlas.

Maybe we were screwed from the start.

Donovan only got us in
to clean up her mess.

You know, I didn't even try
to bring her in alive.

You ask me, Captain,
you did the right thing.

- Incoming.
- They're keen.

- We set?
- Yep.

Everyone's after this damn thing.
Better be bloody worth it.


That should buy us
some time.

20 are here.

You're going to need more men.

Let's move. Now.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

We need to get out
to that island quick as we can,

'cause the Russians
are gonna be on us.

I just gotta check.

Everybody is cool
to die for this, right?

Well, what's the other option?

They get their hands on it,
military intelligence is crippled.

Soldiers, ops,
everything we work for.

A bad boss doesn't mean a bad job.

Will said it was worth it.

I believed him back then,
and I believe him now.

Come on, it could be worse.
Could be raining.

That looks like
a mausoleum to me.


All right, short stuff.

Come on, you and me.
Let's go.

"Short stuff," eh?

That really isn't a f*cking thing.

See you, Big Mac.


We need to find an overwatch position.


That's gotta be
where Lowry hid it.

Center of the mausoleum.

Your guess
is as good as mine, mate.

Don't even know what "it" looks like.

It's clear.

- All right?
- Yeah.

Where do you want to start?

Top right.

Oh, f*ck.

You know,
if Lowry had this intel,

how come she never used it?

Maybe she didn't have the chance.

Maybe she didn't want Idrisi
to find out the truth.

Or maybe,

if you didn't keep asking questions,

we would find
the f*cking thing faster.

That was a rhetorical question.

We gotta move.

You go.
I'll keep them away.

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Shit, they're flanking us.


Shit. Down.

f*cking son of a bitch.

See if you can
get around the other side.

- Copy that.
- Hey, wait.

Wait for my signal.

What's your signal?

You'll see.

You took her from me.

You people,

you have no idea what you've taken!

My family, my wife!



- Ugh. It was worth a try.
- Hey!


I never wanted this.

I had my team,

my squad, my brothers.

You took that from me!

Do you even think about
the people you have k*lled?

You're not changing the world!

You're just putting
f*cking holes in it!

So what are you saying, Thomas?

Should we put down our weapons?

Talk about our differences?


I'm saying, today...
Today's the day you die.

Package acquired.

- Move out.
- I'm not done!

Katiya, now!


You all right?

The Russians have the Atlas.

I just k*lled Omair Idrisi.

- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

The Atlas?

The Russians have it.

They've already moved out.

What was the point?
It was all for shit, mate.

At least the rain stopped.

we could do with your help.

What is this place?

It's an old KGB safe house.

Mind you, the owner can be
a bit temperamental.

Welcome home.

What the hell?

- Michael.
- Viktor.

- Where is the other?
- He's late.


We were in the area, needed a drink.

Maybe something more.

Make yourselves comfortable.

Right, first things first.

Lance Corporal William Jensen.

To Jensen.

- Jensen.
- Jensen.




- That's him, right?
- Yep.

Anton Krupin,

and Katiya Korikova.

GRU black ops.

More competent and ruthless
than the KGB ever was.

Covert ops,
meddling in foreign elections,

not to mention they have w*apon caches
in the U.S., just in case.

And once they've decrypted the Atlas,

they'll have every British
military secret as well.

Bloody brilliant.

So we've got about, what,
12 hours until everything's f*cked?

Until we're disavowed and hunted down.

Contracts on your pretty little heads,

and everyone's looking to collect.

Hard to resist.

You are f*cking with us, right?

- I'm f*cking with you.
- Dickhead.

Listen, the fact remains the same.
Without the Atlas, you're screwed.

So we get it back.

Except we don't know
where the GRU have taken it.

And we don't have enough time
to track them down.

So why don't we
steal something off them?

Something of equal worth.

Force a trade.

Oh, come on, reality check.

We cannot just storm in
and steal a list of GRU black ops.

Oh, that's what we're doing?

Of course, we f*cking are.

So Viktor says Pančevo, Serbia.

Nearest Russian data bank.

What's the security like?

- It's pretty brutal.
- What do we got?

Lockdown protocols,
reinforced steel doors,

self-destruct mechanisms.

So even if we do break in
and grab the GRU data,

there's no guarantee
we'll make it out.

What if you knocked out
the nearest power grid?

Auxiliary power should go
to protecting the server.

That should theoretically
get you a window

before any security shutdown
goes into effect.

- How big a window?
- How long's a piece of string?

I don't know. Seven minutes.

Well, you know what they say.

It's not the size of the window
that matters, it's how you use it.

Sure, knock out the power,
break into the building,

locate the secure GRU servers,

and steal the sensitive data,

all in the same amount of time
it takes to make a good cup of coffee.

But, hey, what's the alternative?

Spend the rest of our lives
on the run, right?

- Kind of like this guy.
- It's a big ask.

You're gonna need all hands on deck.

That's why you're gonna
take out the power grid for us.

No. No, I'm not.

Come on, mate, throw us a bone.

Do it for 20, one last time.

Whoa, whoa!

Put 'em down.

- What'd I miss? Mikey?
- Yeah.

- f*ck's going on?
- Yeah.

It's about time. Come here.
Come on.

Change of plans.

So, tell me about it over a beer.

No. Come on.

- Really?
- Come on.

- f*ck you. I'm thirsty.
- Shut up, Scott. Let's go.

All right, Michael.
ETA on lights out.

Is that working?


Bollocks. It's not working.
It's not working.



No, nothing.

Shit. Scott, Scott,
it's not gonna work.

It's not gonna work, mate.

Well, you know what I've always said.

If you can't smash the f*ck out of it,
you sh**t the f*ck out of it.

What about now?

That should do it.

Hey, Scott.

Let's go to São Paolo.

f*ck yeah.

So seven minutes is
what we got to work with, huh?

That was the guess.

Could be more. Could be less.



Coming through.

Jesus, how much intel
do they keep here?

All of it, by the looks of this.
Our lot do the same.

I have eyes on target.

I got one, two GRU guards.

I'm gonna go up to the control room,
see if I can open that thing.

You're gonna need this.


- Holler if you need me.
- Good luck.

Let me know when you're set.

- Set.
- Set.


Well, so far, so good.

Man, don't jinx it.

Remember, if we can't
secure the data...

We destroy it. I know.

Come on, you son of a bitch.


Cap, we're gonna need
your help with the door.

Yeah, all right, Wyatt.
Just give me a minute.

f*cking Viktor sold us out!

Sure looks that way!

We gotta get cover!

Captain, we gotta get
this f*cking door open now!

Cap, we gotta move now, now!


Door's open! Go! Go! Go!

Move it!

- Going in, Mac.
- Yeah, go.

- Which one is it?
- Look for seven.

- Look for seven.
- Which one's seven, damn it?

On my way down.

We need to step it up.

This one's seven!

You sure?

Yeah, but we gotta get it open.

- Four minutes till lockdown.
- Can you stop that?

Come on!

That didn't sound good.

We just activated self-destruct mode.

We got two minutes!

Is there any chance
you mistranslated that?


- How we doing?
- Just give me a second.

I did it!
I did it! The countdown stopped.

Now all we need to do
is get that thing

and fight our way out back here.

Stop dicking around
and get here and help me!

I'm not.
I don't think I can.

Come here! Have a look!

- f*ck!
- What does that say?

We need a passcode
to permanently disable it.

Oh, my God.

Hang tight. Just hang tight.

Uh... I think I've got an idea.

Coming through, Mac!
Cover my arse!

Haven't got anything big enough, kid.

Suck my d*ck.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

Wait, please. Please, you win!

Please, I was just trying
to do my job,

same as you.

- Where the hell's Novin?
- Oh, f*ck!

f*cking hell, kid.

We're dragging this bastard
out of here.

Not exactly technical.

f*ck technical.
How long we got, Wyatt?

We got one minute
to security lockdown.

When it comes to self-destruct,

as long as my hand stays here,
you got all the time you need.

No, we're not leaving you.

We got a lockdown coming.
We gotta get the server out of here.

We're running out of f*cking time.

Well, she's sweet to go.

Mission comes first.

You guys get out of here.
You get home safe.

I'll make a run for it.

It'll be fine.

Yeah, famous last words.

Captain, we got the server.
We got wheels. We're coming through.

Copy that.
I'm on my way to you.

Catch you on the flip side.

Jump on, Mac!
We need to get the f*ck out of here!

Let's go!

Wyatt, we're clear!
Shutters are down.

All right, copy that.

I'll find myself a way out.
Don't worry about it.

I got 87 seconds.

All right, wait. Wait!

See this up here?

I take my hand off this,

and the whole place
goes up, all right?

That is mutually assured destruction.

That means you die and I die.

Or we work together.

You're suggesting a truce.

Yeah, I guess I am.

Now, what do you say?

I am prepared to die for my country.
Are you?


Oh, you son of a bitch.

f*ck. f*ck!

Mac, we got a problem.

We got a little situation in here.

What do you mean?

The control is broken.

- It's not stopping.
- All right, we're going back in.

No, no, there's no way in.
There's no way out.

The shutters are down.
There's no time.


I just want you guys
to know something, all right?

I thought I was done
being part of a team, but...

It turns out I was wrong.

You know, f*cking maybe...

Maybe this was all for something.
You know, maybe it was.

Hell, maybe we even
made the world a better place.

That's all right.

And there's worse ways to go, right?

What the f*ck am I thinking?


No, no, no, no! I don't want to die!

I don't want to f*cking die,
so how do I get out of here?

All right, I'm coming!

f*cking come on!
Come on!


Hey, well done.

- Eh?
- I figured someone should say.

Stopped Idrisi
getting the missiles out,

Jane, the chemical weapons.

If this goes all right,

we'll have protected
the whole of British military, so...

What do you want, Mac?
A medal?

Settle for a nice cold beer.

Shit, yeah.

I could do with a hot shower.

Any kind of shower.

All right, let's do this shit.

The server.

One previous careful owner.

The Atlas.

The Atlas.

Fair is fair.

Check the encryption held.

We're good. Encryption held.

They didn't manage to clone it.

So, are we done here?

Yeah. We are done.

Here we go.

The double-cross.

Hey, big fella.

Pick a number between one and ten.

I don't understand.

- Go on, just guess.
- Go on, any number.


I don't know.

Maybe I'm just buying time

because some tosspot's supposed
to be giving us cover!

What for?

Move, move!


Come on, Wyatt! Come on!

Take it!

Here they come!

Novin, you think we can outrun them?

I reckon I'll give it a try.

Hold on!