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19x10 - Pledge

Posted: 09/15/21 10:44
by bunniefuu
criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Yeah, it's really great. And
if you like this video game,

maybe you could come with me
to my cousin's house this weekend.

Uh, my weekends
are kind of full.

Oh, right.

What are you doing here?

It's joy to see you, too.

Shoes off if you
go in the kitchen.

We're going to go to my room.

So, could you please not tell Mom
and Dad about us playing Xbox?

Sorry, love. I can't keep
secrets from the boss.

I fix you milk and cookies.

I got a ping-pong
table downstairs and...

That's okay. I'll just
see you at school.


I kept ringing the bell,

and then I see this stuff
seeping under the door.

Oh, my God. I got
blood on my sneakers.

All right. Take a breath.

You told 911 you saw a
man leaving the house.

I was wheeling my
cart towards the house.

This guy came down those
steps. He rushed right by me.

Okay. What did he look like?

Like a businessman. Nice coat
and hat and a brown briefcase.

Brown briefcase.
Was he white, black?

White. He had
the hat pulled down

and he was walking
real fast and...

I'm sorry. I, like, noticed the
guy, but I didn't see him, and...

It's... It's okay. Hey.

Sit down and take some
deep breaths. All right?

BULLARD: Homeowners
are a couple of doctors.

They're on their way home.
This is the cleaning lady.

No sign of forced entry. Must have
cut her after she opened the door.

That wound is deep.
Hell of a big knife.

The witness saw a man leaving
the house with a briefcase.

The knife might
have been inside.

The call said there
were two DOAs?

BERNARD: Looks like he
was doing his homework.

Barely had a chance to get up.

Somebody cut off his hair.

Son of a bitch took a souvenir.

HAROLD: It doesn't make sense.

If they didn't steal anything...

Look, has anyone in your
family been threatened?

Threatened? No.

What kind of medicine
do you practice?

We're neurologists.

We conduct research
in pain management.

Do you keep dr*gs in the house?

Of course not. Everything is
at the lab, under lock and key.

Your lab at Hudson University.

Is that where you
were this afternoon?

You're asking us where we were?

Joyce, they're
just doing their job.

Uh, yeah. We were
in our offices all day.

What about your
housekeeper, Dr. Foley?

What can you tell us about her?

Grazinya was a
schoolteacher in Poland.

Her husband is dead.

She lived alone in Brooklyn.

She wasn't even
supposed to be there today.

Mondays she works
for another family.

But she called last night and...

And said they wanted
her to switch days.

So, normally, your son would
have been home by himself.


Well, did he ever mention
anybody bothering him?

On the Internet maybe?

No. We monitored his
computer use very carefully.

JOYCE: Why would
anybody do this to him?

He was just... He was
just a sweet little boy.

We're very sorry for your loss.

Male white. Gray fedora.

Brown briefcase. That's it?

Well, the delivery kid's
with the sketch artist,

but everything they come up with

looks like Picasso's
greatest hits.

Well, we're going on the theory

that the Foley
boy was the target.

So, let's check with his school

and see if he got
into any trouble

his parents didn't know about.

I only stayed at his
house, like, two minutes.

So, when you left, did
you see anyone outside?

No. I...

What's wrong?

What if I didn't leave?

Listen to me. You're
safe now, okay?

And you're here to help us find the
person who hurt your friend. Right?

Why did you stay
only two minutes?

You two get into a fight?

No. We were going
to play Madden 09,

but his maid was
there. So, we couldn't.


Well, Eric was only supposed to
play video games on the weekend.

And the maid said she'd
have to tell his parents.

So, Eric was going to break
the rules. He do this a lot?


He worried about his parents.

You know, letting
them down and stuff.

Well, it sounds like he
really looked up to them.

Yeah. He said they were, like,

genius mad scientists
who did top-secret stuff.

Top-secret stuff?
Eric say what kind?


Well, yeah. He said they
experimented on people's brains.

He said it was totally psycho.

VOSS: There's nothing psycho
about pain management studies.

Who said that?

LUPO: Their son. Eric.

(SIGHS) So tragic.

The university is putting
up a $100,000 reward.

How effective are rewards?
Has anybody done a study?

Well, I'm sure they have.

So, what exactly did the
Foleys' research consist of?

Drug trials, mainly.

They once experimented
with stingrays.

Stingrays. As in the fish? Yes.

In Roman times, a live
stingray was placed on your head

as a treatment for migraines.

Turns out there
was something to it.

No kidding.

The electrical pulses of the animal
disrupted the migraine's pain aura.

Okay. Have you had any problems

with the Foleys' test subjects?

Nothing that has
filtered up to me.

Can you point us to
the Foleys' assistant?

The test subjects are
students here at Hudson.

They all have chronic pain,
from sports injuries or headaches.

Any unsatisfied customers?

No. I mean,

either the pain medication
works and they feel better,

or it doesn't work and they
feel the same as before.


There are a lot of calls here
from Lasky or about Lasky.

He's a writer for
Contemporary Science.

He had been bugging Joyce
for an interview for the last month.

She was dodging him?

Contemporary Science is
like "Science for Dummies."

Joyce and Harold are very busy.

Okay. Lasky say what
he wants to talk about? No.

Even after I went on the
interview, he wouldn't say.

You went. Joyce sent me.

She wasn't returning Lasky's
calls. So, he called Dr. Voss,

Voss put the squeeze on Joyce...

So, she sent me
to the interview.

No offense, but
sending an intern

to talk to a science magazine?

Yeah. I know.

When I showed up,
Lasky nearly had a fit.

An intern. That
speaks for itself.

The Foleys are stonewalling.

What do you think
they're hiding?

Three years ago, they got
a half-a-million-dollar grant

from Orsher Pharma to
study a new beta-blocker.

Three years ago.

Where are the
results of that study?

I give up. Where are they?

Exactly. They're nowhere.

They either diverted the money,

or should I say stole it,

or they buried the results because
something went horribly wrong.

Horribly wrong how?

One of their test subjects
got hurt? I'm just speculating.

And I don't mean to pick on
them with their tragedy, but...

Can we see your article?

Well, I haven't written it, yet.

How could I when Joyce Foley
sends some dingbat intern to talk to me?

We weren't hiding anything.
The man was a pest.

One of those "gotcha" journalists
from a third-rate publication.

Whatever happened to
that $500,000 drug study?

The drug didn't perform
better than the placebo.

And you didn't want
to advertise the results.

Orsher Pharma owns the results.

It's up to them to publish them.

We study pain management,

but this pain, I don't... I
don't know how people go on.

HAROLD: You're welcome to
every piece of paper in our office.

We have nothing to hide.

Oh, my God. It's Eric's hair.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
They sent me Eric's hair!

Don't move. Let me
take this. Let me take this.

Let it go. Let it go.

JOYCE: Oh, my God. Oh, my
God. LUPO: I think I got it all.

Take her over there?

Oh, my...

This guy's a piece of work.

"In your time of loss, here's
something to remember your son by.

"His pain is over.
Yours has just begun."

Forensics confirmed the hair in
the condolence card was Eric Foley's.

It wasn't enough
to k*ll their son.

Now, he has to t*rture them.

And the card was
addressed to Joyce Foley.

Whatever this guy's thing is,

it's with her, not the husband.

The card was postmarked
in Amherst, Massachusetts.

Do the Foleys have ties there?


Well, the boy's
service is today, isn't it?

We're dealing
with a sadist here.

Stay close to Joyce Foley.

I hate this.


Hey. What's he doing here?

He doesn't even know them.

That pain that grows with time

that no pill can
seem to soothe...

To lose someone, that's the
hardest thing, isn't it, Joyce?

JOYCE: Let... Let go
of my hand, please.

Move along, Mr. Lasky. Move
along. JOYCE: Let go of my...

He asked you nicely.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Let's talk about it over here.

I lost control of
myself, and I'm sorry.

Now, what are you doing
here in the first place, huh?

You practically accused
those two of being quacks.

I may not respect them as
scientists, but I feel for them.

Just out of curiosity, where were you
Monday when that boy was m*rder*d?

I was working. I work every day.

At your office?

Office or home. I don't recall.

Do you think your
boss would recall?

Why are you interrogating me?

You been to Amherst,
Massachusetts, lately, Mr. Lasky?

I won't answer
any more questions.

All I did was offer
my condolences.

May I go now?

Yeah, you can go.

Just stay away from the Foleys.

Far away.


He wasn't there in
any official capacity.

I'm sorry he upset people.

Ned can be intense.

Is he like that with all
the articles he writes,

or is it just with the Foleys?

Ned hasn't written any
articles. He's a fact-checker.

The Foley story was
his first assignment.

Whose idea was that?

His. He's been after me for
months to give him a shot.

He'd done all the research.

All he was missing was
an interview with the Foleys.

Has he been in
every day this week?

Uh, Monday he worked from home.

Tuesday, he popped
in, in the late afternoon.

Wednesday, Thursday
he was here. Why?

We're just nosy.

Any reason he might have
been in Amherst this week?

No. Unless he had
alumni business.

He went to college in Amherst?

Yes. He has a degree in
Chemistry from U. Mass.

You have his home address?


And when he comes in,
don't tell him we were here.

He's home, at the
office, at the library...

My husband's not a 5-year-old.

I don't keep track of him.

We just need to know if he
was out of town this week.

What's it to the New
York City Police?

Well, there was an
accident report, Mrs. Lasky.

We're just following up.

What time will you
be back from work?

MOLLY: I don't know.

You need to move
the car before you go.

I know, Mom. Stop nagging me.

They're asking questions
about your father.

So, what's this
about an accident?

Just a little fender-bender in
Amherst. In Massachusetts.

You're going to be
late for work again.

Well, that must be a mistake.

We almost never drive.

Just from one side of
the street to the other,

back and forth.

I have to go. Bye-bye.

Amherst really got
a rise out of them.


I wish my car was
this clean inside.

Well, you've got two kids
riding around with you now.

Jenny keeps letting
them eat Skittles in the car.

Every time I get out of the car,

I got Skittles
attached to my ass.

The kids think it's
hilarious. (LAUGHS)

All right. Last inspection
was three weeks ago.

Get the mileage, too.

Lasky put over 400 miles on
the car since it was inspected.

Well, Amherst is about
350 miles round trip.

You get any forensics
on the condolence card?

No fingerprints we
can match with Lasky,

and no DNA on the
stamp or the envelope.

But Lasky has a bug up
his nose about the Foleys.

He showed up at the funeral.

He went to college in the town

where the card was mailed from.

He's got a lot of
strikes against him.

Well, can you find a weak spot?

I think we already did.

I... I can't talk to you
guys. I need this job.

I have student loans.
I live with my parents.

Now, don't worry. We
can talk to your boss.

You lied to my mom
about that accident.

My dad said you guys were
harassing him about some m*rder?

Two murders. Including
a 12-year-old kid.

Now, if we get some
straight answers,

we can leave your dad alone.

Like that car that
just gets driven

from one side of the
street to the other?

Somebody put 400 miles
on it in the last three weeks.

You're lying again.


What was that look between you and
your mother when we mentioned Amherst?

Nothing. That's where
he went to college.

You guys are just picking
on him because it's easy.

Because he never fights back.

Never? People pick on him a lot?


That's why he sees
this shrink. Dr. Doland.

He has depression?


I've got to get back to work.

Molly. Look...

We're not harassing
your dad for fun.

A condolence card to the
parents of the dead boy

was mailed from Amherst.

A lock of the boy's
hair was in the card.

Here's my card.

Just so you know, Molly, there is
a $100,000 reward on this case.

It would be a shame if we arrested the
m*rder*r and nobody got that money.

You just offered her a bribe.

No. That's what a reward is.

If you feel guilty about it,

let's talk it over
with Lasky's shrink.

I know the exception to the patient
privilege, but it doesn't apply here.

No one threatened
to commit a crime.

Just so we're clear on what
crime we're talking about.

These are photos
from the crime scene.

The k*ller used a big knife.

Little Eric Foley was doing
his homework when he was cut.

It's so brutal.

We're confident that
we'll find the k*ller.

There's a $100,000 reward.

I'm actually not
surprised you're here.

Why's that, Doctor?

I didn't see Ned this week.

We had our session
over the phone.

There were circumstances

that indicated a phone
session would be more suitable.

Suitable? Meaning what?

You didn't want to be in the
same room with someone who,

speaking hypothetically,
just slit two people's throats?

Hypothetically speaking.

MOLLY: I can't talk to you guys.

I have 20 minutes
to get to my other job.

We just wanted to
thank you for the tip

about your dad's therapist.

That wasn't a tip. I was just
trying to explain about my dad.

Yeah. Dr. Doland
explained a lot.

She did?

Oh, God.

I'm already in enough
trouble with my dad.

How's that?

It's because of his depression.

That's why he's
always criticizing me.

Oh, yeah. That can be rough.

I bet you try hard
to please him, too.

Working two jobs...

I'm trying to save
up enough money

so I can take
acting lessons. But...


He doesn't think
I'm pretty enough.

And it was the same thing when I
wanted to join this sorority in college.

He said that they would never
take me because I'm plain.

Like a homemade pie.

LUPO: I don't think
that's depression, Molly.

Your dad just sounds mean.

Anyway, we pretty much have
what we need to arrest him.

His therapist is going to claim
the reward, which doesn't seem fair.

Doesn't look like
she did him any good.

LUPO: 100 grand, Molly.

That's rent, loan payments
and acting classes.

And as my partner says, we pretty
much have him dead to rights already.

A father who doesn't
appreciate you?

He took the car Tuesday.
He left really early.

And then, I found a receipt in
the car for gas in Massachusetts.

Anything else?

When I looked up the
murders on the web,

they said there was a witness who
saw a man with a briefcase. And...

Last week, I saw a brown
briefcase in a shopping bag

in the trunk of the car
and I haven't seen it since.

Taking a trip?

Hey. Hey. I'm going to
the gym. Turn around.

Going to the gym?
What a coincidence.

We just got you a new
gym membership. At Rikers.

Yeah. You're under
arrest, Mr. Lasky.

You can't do that.
Oh, we beg to differ.

You can't open that.

You like telling people
what they can't do, don't you?

Driving directions to Vermont.

You couldn't find a
gym that's closer?

You're going to be sorry.

Burlington, Middlebury...

BERNARD: All college towns.

Can't go to college
without a fake ID.

Kip Covington, staff reporter
for the New England Monthly.

It's for a story. I'm a
journalist. I have rights.

Yeah, you have a right to an
attorney, a right to remain silent.

All that good stuff. Let's go.

Not guilty.

I'm being persecuted for
exercising my freedom of the press.

The People request
remand, Your Honor.

Even after the crimes
were committed,

Mr. Lasky continued to harass
the parents of the youngest victim.

I was writing an
exposé for my magazine.

Don't speak, Mr. Lasky.

You're trying to silence
me? What is this, China?

Your Honor... I get
the idea, Miss Rubirosa.

The defendant is
remanded to custody.

Yes, my client
demands the freedom

to pursue his
journalistic endeavors

while he's incarcerated,

including access to writing
and research material.

He can write to
his heart's content.

As long as he makes no effort
to contact the victims' families.

It's horrifying to think
that that angry face

was the last thing
that Eric saw.

You'll convict him, won't you?

You have enough evidence.

Not as much as we'd like. But
we're still a long way from a trial.

I don't get it. We
never met the man.

And I find it hard to believe

that he would do this just because
we dodged an interview with him.

He has a daughter that
went to Seldon College.

Molly Lasky. She
studied biology.

We've never heard of her.

Maybe she applied for a
summer job at your lab?

Oh, someone from Seldon College,

I doubt they'd even make
it past the pre-screening.

Well, how about Lasky's alma mater,
U. Mass? Any involvement there?

No. No, I haven't...

I haven't set foot in
Amherst since college.

I thought I read you
went to Dartmouth.

I did. I did.

But my roommate's brother
played football for Amherst College.

We used to go down
there and watch them play.

You know, Lasky is two
years younger than you.

He would have been in
town, going to U. Mass.

You might have met him.

I don't think so.

We didn't mix with the
kids from the state school.

There must be something wrong
with me. I went to a state school.

I know. Better not mention it
until after we convict Lasky.

Without the actual
briefcase his daughter saw

or forensic evidence
tying him to the scene...

We may not need it.

Once he hears his own daughter
is ready to testify against him,

Lasky may reach out for a plea.

Speak of the devil. It's a
pro se motion from Lasky.

Motion for what?

I'll tell you soon as I can
make out the handwriting.

Looks like a
motion for dismissal.

Here. He's alleging a conspiracy

by Hudson University, the
AMA and the District Attorney.

Look, a discovery request.

For my college transcripts
and my law school application.

Do you believe this?

You should really let your lawyer
write your motions, Mr. Lasky.

He wouldn't do this one.

It's no wonder.

Do the People need to dignify
this motion with an argument?

Mr. Lasky, do you have any
proof of this alleged conspiracy?

The medical establishment
is paying witnesses

$100,000 to frame me.

Why would they do that?

It's right there in my papers.

And now, they've
got the D.A. in on it.

OLSON: I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I tried to explain
to my client...

No need. The motion
to dismiss is denied.

As for your discovery request

for Miss Rubirosa's
college transcript...

I want to amend it to
include you, too, Judge.


I am entitled to know
where you went to college.

You're entitled to know I
have a law degree from Yale.

Not law school. College.

How... How is that
relevant to your case?

I won't reveal
my legal strategy.

Do we need a 7.30 exam here?

The People are opposed to making
Mr. Lasky's mental state an issue.

There's nothing irrational
about concealing his strategy.

It's litigation 101.

All right. I'm denying these
discovery applications, Mr. Lasky.

We're adjourned. (GAVEL BANGS)

Lasky's got a thing
about colleges.

He was arrested
with driving directions

to college towns in Vermont.

He didn't ask for my college
credentials. Just you ladies.

Well, the cops said he
gave his daughter grief

about joining a sorority.

Well, why would he care?

I am not answering any
more of your questions.

My mom is mad at me. She
wants to kick me out of the house.

Molly, I know that this
is hard for you. But we...

I cannot afford to move.

Those detectives said
that I would get a reward.

If your dad's convicted.

They never said
that. That isn't fair.

Molly, I hope you
didn't lie to get a reward.

I didn't lie.

But she's kicking me out. I'm
going to end up on the street.

Well, we can't help you
until there's a conviction.

And that's not going to
happen until you help us.

Your father demanded to
know where I went to college

and where our female
judge went to college.

And the way he acted when
you wanted to join a sorority...

What is his deal with
women and colleges? (SIGHS)

Molly, if you know
anything... I don't.

If you find out, let me know.

Otherwise, just leave me alone.

Whatever she knows,
we're not going to hear it

unless she gets a payday.

We can ask Hudson University

to amend the terms
of their reward.

Are you crazy?

To quote one of our presidents,

NIXON) "You could do that,

"but it would be
wrong. It's a bribe."

What do you think reward money

It's money to get people to
do what they normally wouldn't.

Like turn in a
friend or a spouse...

Your entire case rests
on this girl's testimony.

If her only impetus to cooperate
is greed, you're in trouble.

Who dangled money in
front of her in the first place?

The cops.

They knew she was in debt,
so they pressed her pretty hard.

It's going to look like
we bought her testimony.

What a mud sandwich this is
turning into. (CELL PHONE RINGING)

It's Lieutenant Van Buren. Lasky
sent another condolence card.

It was found in a
package of writings

that Lasky was about to
give to his lawyer at Rikers.

It's addressed to the mother
of a co-ed at Duke University

who was k*lled in a bus
crash in Spain last week.

Does this woman know Lasky? No.

I called her. She
has no idea who he is.

"Please accept my
deepest sympathies

"on the passing
of your daughter.

"I'm sure this lovely
young woman exemplified

"the ideal of hearts and
hands in service. Ned Lasky."

You know, I've
heard that before.

"Hearts and hands in service."

Do you mind if I... Oh, sure.


Yep. It's the Kappa
Delta Alpha motto.

A sorority?

Which also happens to be Joyce
Foley's sorority at Dartmouth.

According to this article, it's also
the sorority that most of the girls

in the bus crash belonged to.

Can we look up
Kappa Delta Alpha?

See what got him interested?

CONNIE: This is weird. This article
on Kappa Delta Alpha's been frozen

by the site administrator
due to vandalism.

Looks like somebody's been
posting false information about them.

All of the postings are
by the same ISP address.

Yeah. Lasky's computer address.

Looks like he's been
at it for at least a year.

You know, maybe
longer than that.

We pulled his credit card
records going back five years.

Look at these motel charges.

Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
College Park, Maryland.

Charlottesville, Virginia.

All college towns with
Kappa sorority houses.

That's why he asked
for your college records.

He wanted to see what
sorority you were in.

Yeah, we didn't even have
sororities in my college.

I don't know if that puts
me on Lasky's hit list or not.

Somewhere in all these
Greek letters is our motive.

BILL: Ned Lasky.

I shared a dorm
with him for a year

and never had a
problem with him.

Do you recall him ever being involved
with a girl from Kappa Delta Alpha?

Kappa Delta Alpha. I don't think
they had a chapter at U. Mass.

Anyway, Ned and the ladies
wasn't a real happening thing.

He never had a girlfriend?

He never had a date.

When he wasn't studying,
he was playing hearts

with the other
nerds in the dorm.

I can't imagine he went through
college without a single date.

Well, he went to a
party once, if that counts.

It counts. Okay.

I know it wasn't in town,

because he left before dinner.

He'd gone out and
bought this blue blazer.

The kind with gold buttons?

He looked like he was going
yachting with the Kennedys.

What did he say
about this party?

Oh, I was crashed
out when he got back.

Next morning, I found the
jacket in the trash, all ripped up.

He wouldn't talk about it.

That was it for his social life?

Pretty much.

After that, the only
time he left the room

was for food or classes.

He didn't come
back for junior year.

I think he went home to
Pittsfield and stayed there.

We don't know anything. We haven't
seen Ned or Nora in over a year.

Well, we wanted to ask about the
time he quit U. Mass and came home.

Well, he had this crazy idea that he
was going to transfer to a fancy school.

Like Harvard.

Even if he did get in,
we couldn't afford it.

That's why he went to
U. Mass in the first place.

Why do you think he dropped out?

Well, I can't be
sure, but... Um...

Mrs. Lasky, this
could help your son.

Well, I'd come home from
my job at Burbank's Market,

and he'd be in the
room, Ned, on the phone.

Who was he talking to?

SAUL: Nobody in particular.

He ran up a phone bill, though.

Hundreds of calls to places in Illinois,
like Springfield, Evanston, Champaign...

are all college towns.

He said he wanted to
get accepted someplace,

but... I don't know.

What do you think, Mrs. Lasky?

Why was he making those calls?


I listened at his
door one night.

He was asking for a girl.


Every time he called,
he asked for Susan.


This girl might have
been part of your sorority,

Kappa Delta Alpha, at Dartmouth.

I... I don't know.

It was so long ago, and, uh, Susan
was a popular name back then.

CONNIE: This girl might have
transferred to a college in Illinois.

I'm sorry. I can't remember.

What... What does she
have to do with anything?

Ned Lasky was looking for her.
We believe he had a date with her

at a party at Dartmouth
and, uh, it didn't go well.

Oh, my God.

There was a boy that...

That I... I made leave
a mixer at our sorority.

He was wearing a blue
blazer with gold buttons.

With gold buttons. Yes. A...

A sorority sister, I
can't remember who,

had met him at a
football game at Amherst.

And she'd invited him
to come to the mixer,

but she never
thought he'd show up.

I was the president
of the sorority,

and she asked if I could
squash a bug for her.

That was... That was our code for
getting rid of somebody who didn't belong.

Was this the bug?

Yes. Uh... It looks like him.

I mean, you have to understand.
He just... He wasn't the kind of...

We were trying to meet men
that we would want to marry.

And this boy
didn't make the cut.

Well, wouldn't it have been
worse to encourage him?

Squash a bug.

It's blue collar versus
cashmere sweater.

I know the territory well.

This Chicago cop's son
couldn't get the time of day

from the girls on
Lake Shore Drive.

You'll be happy to know the
class struggle is alive and well.

At least in Ned Lasky's mind.

k*lling Joyce Foley's son was revenge
for standing in the way of his true love.

Assuming you can
corroborate Dr. Foley's story.

Well, there were five Susans in the
Dartmouth chapter of Kappa Delta Alpha.

It's going to take some time to
find which one broke Lasky's heart.

Well, it better not
take too much time.

Lasky's lawyer is
moving to dismiss.

JACK: Of course he would.

Without this Susan, your
motive theory is a bowl of steam.

And the one witness
who can really help you

wants a down payment
on her testimony.

You might consider
withdrawing the charges yourself

and re-file when you
get your act together.

We withdraw the charges,
Lasky gets out of prison.

He's already k*lled a child.
We're not withdrawing anything.

I have 15 minutes to eat,
and then, back to work.

Besides, my mind is made up.

So, you're not testifying because
you haven't received the money?

No. I'm not like that.

It's what my mom said. My dad
didn't do it. He's being framed.

Molly, the sorority you wanted
to join, was it Kappa Delta Alpha?

How did you know that?

The mother of the boy who was
m*rder*d, she was Kappa Delta Alpha.

She threw your father out of a party at
her sorority when they were in college.

Even if that's true, so
what? I'm sure he got over it.

He didn't. He's been obsessed
with Kappa Delta Alpha ever since.

You want to hear what he wrote
about them on their Wikipedia entry

six months ago?

"Beauty and sophistication are minimum
requirements to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha.

"If your family isn't filthy rich or
you have a face like a homemade pie,

"don't waste your time."

Isn't that what he told you when
he said you weren't good enough?

Your father is a disturbed man.

Please help us make sure that
he doesn't hurt anybody else.

MOLLY: When I was little,

my father made me take ballet
and French lessons after school.

And one summer, he even paid
for riding lessons in Central Park.

He would make me do
stuff, volunteer, like collect,

uh, clothes for the homeless.

Did he tell you why he
made you do all this?

He said I would
need it in college.

So I could pledge
Kappa Delta Alpha.

He said that their motto was
"Hearts and hands in service"

and I'd better learn it.

And what happened?

I wasn't good at
being sophisticated.

I would have rather
gone skateboarding.

I was a B minus
student in a public school.

I didn't grow up and
look like a model.

I wasn't tall or
graceful. I had acne.

CUTTER: And how
did your father react?

He was disappointed.

I told him that I still wanted
to pledge Kappa Delta Alpha.

And he got angry and
told me that I was too plain.

Like a homemade pie.

He said Kappa Delta
Alpha girls were the best.

And that's who he wanted to marry,
but he had to settle for my mom.

He called her a second-rate person
who gave him a third-rate daughter.

That really hurt.

Thank you, Molly.


You testified you saw a brown
briefcase in the trunk of the car.

And a gas receipt from Amherst.

Did you give that
receipt to the police?

Uh, no. I only saw it
in the car that one time.

And how about the briefcase?

It wasn't in the trunk after I
saw it. I don't know where it is.

So, it just disappeared,
along with the gas receipt?

I don't know.

Isn't it true that you'll
get a $100,000 reward

from Hudson University if your
father is convicted of these crimes?

That's what they say,
but I am telling the truth.

Telling the truth
about your father?

Hey, you don't like your
father very much, do you?

It's complicated.

He said some very
mean things to me.

What? As mean as you lying
to implicate him in two murders?

I'm... I'm not lying.

As mean as you sending him to
prison so you can get a big reward?

I'm telling the truth.

Your Honor, this witness
has no evidence to offer.

Just her greed and
spite for the defendant.

Your Honor, the
People... Mr. Olson.

You can argue your motion once Mr. Cutter
finishes presenting his evidence.

Miss Lasky, you're excused.

During the mixer, one of the girls,
her name might have been Susan,

approached me about a boy
who'd come up from U. Mass.

She asked me to get rid of him.

What exactly did she say to you?

She asked me to squash a bug.


JUDGE: Be quiet, Mr. Lasky.

Go on, Dr. Foley.

I... I can't remember if
she told me his name.

Uh, I went up to him and I
asked him to leave our house.

I'm sure I was polite.

How did he react?

He turned red. He sputtered.

But he just stood there, playing
with the... The buttons on his blazer.

I told him that if he didn't
leave, I'd call campus police.

And how did he react to that?

I thought he was going to cry.

But he just called me some
name, and then he ran out.

And this young man, do
you recognize now who he is?

Yes, I... I recognized him from a
photo taken when he was in college.

It was Ned Lasky.

The same man who
tried to interview you.

The man who frightened
you at your son's funeral.

Yes. The same person.

Didn't you tell the police on several
occasions that you'd never met my client?

Yes. But he looked
very different.

And just a few days ago,

when the prosecutors showed
you an old photo of my client,

you had your
epiphany, didn't you?

Suddenly, you recognized him as the
boy you ran out of your sorority house.

And how long did that
encounter last, by the way?

I don't know. Uh,
maybe a minute.

Sixty seconds.

Thirty years ago, at a
party where the liquor...

I beg your pardon... The
cocktails were flowing.

JOYCE: We served sangria.

And I know it must
all sound very snobby.

And I'm sorry if anybody's
feelings were hurt.

But these girls were
from good families.

You didn't stand a chance.

That's not true. You...

I'm sorry, Your Honor. My client finds
this witness's testimony very upsetting.

I have no more questions.

JUDGE: Mr. Cutter, unless you have
any more evidence to present here,

I'm ready to hear
arguments on the motion.

Uh, we have no more evidence at this
time, Your Honor. But the People request

an adjournment until the
morning to prepare our arguments.

If you think it will make a
difference, we're adjourned.

The judge isn't
buying our evidence.

Testimony with no corroboration.
What do you expect?

I want to keep Lasky locked
up until I can convict him at trial.

Then, play hardball.

If the judge dismisses, appeal
and refuse to release Lasky.

Force him to file
a habeas corpus.

He'll win, but you can
defy it and keep appealing.

It will be months before
he sees the light of day.

Of course, when
all is said and done,

I'll have to fire you for
prosecutorial misconduct.

The police found our
Susan. Susan Walden.

Kappa Delta Alpha at Dartmouth
until she transferred to Northwestern.

Where is she now?


What do you want to do?

There's only one thing to do.

Put Susan on the stand.

Judge, he told you yesterday
he had no more evidence.

Mr. Cutter, who is the witness?

Uh, the witness is
Mrs. Susan Grayson.

She attended Dartmouth College

and was a member of the Kappa
Delta Alpha sorority 30 years ago.

What? Your Honor, we've already
heard testimony about this sorority.

I want to hear
what she has to say.

Ned? Let me handle this.

Judge? I'm instructing my
lawyer to withdraw his objection.

You got it, Mr. Lasky.

Bring in the witness.

Susan Grayson is
my married name.

I was a Kappa Delta Alpha
for two years at Dartmouth.

CUTTER: Do you recognize
the defendant, Ned Lasky?

No. I'm sorry.

Do you remember going to
Amherst to see football games?

Yes. We went on
a lot of road trips.

Do you remember inviting
Mr. Lasky to a mixer at your sorority?

I'm sorry. I don't.

There were a lot of parties,
and we invited a lot of boys.

It was kind of a thing to see
who could invite the most.

Were any of those boys
ever asked to leave the party

because they weren't
from an elite school?

Yes. Sometimes, the
snobby girls would do that.

Weren't all Kappa Delta
Alpha girls snobby and elitist?

Most of them, sure.

Well, what about you?

You joined Kappa Delta Alpha.
Didn't that make you elitist?

I joined because my
mother was a Kappa Delta

Alpha and I knew it
would make her happy.

But I wasn't hung up on money
and all that Junior League nonsense.

So, you would have dated
someone like Mr. Lasky?

His father was a factory
worker in Pittsfield.

His mother worked in a market.

He was so broke, he had to hitchhike
up to Dartmouth to go to your mixer.

I would have thought
that was sweet.

So, you would have
dated a blue-collar boy?

Yes, absolutely.

Well, how can you be so sure?

Because I married one.

My husband is a truck driver.

We've been happily
married for 23 years.

We have three beautiful
kids who go to public school.

We live in a little house
with a big yard in Maine.

We have a great life.

I knew it!

Mr. Lasky, sit down! It was you!

Not Susan! You! Counselor!
Control your client!

You're the one who wanted
me thrown out. You bitch.

I could have had her. You got in
the way! You ruined everything!

I could have been happy!
I hate you! JUDGE: Order!

I showed you what it's like
to lose somebody you love.


I showed you!
How does that feel?

JUDGE: Mr. Lasky, please!

Your Honor, I submit the
People have sufficient evidence

to sustain the charges
and proceed to trial.

I have to agree, Mr. Cutter.

Mr. Olson, your motion
to dismiss is denied.

Mrs. Grayson, you're excused.


I love you, Susan.

I... I never blamed you.

I still love you, Susan.

For the record, Mr. Lasky, her
maiden name is Susan Laramie.

She was at Dartmouth
two years after that party.

Your Susan was Susan Walden.

She was m*rder*d eight years ago in
The Bahamas by her trust-fund husband

during a drug-fueled
argument on their yacht.

If you want to
talk plea, call us.

concurrent sentences.

I read the transcript.

Very elegant, the way you kept
Susan Grayson just this side of perjury.

That was the easy part. The hard
part was finding a Kappa Delta Alpha

who married a bug
instead of squashing it.