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01x10 - The New Narrative

Posted: 09/17/21 06:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Arrangement"...

Have you looked at the
language in this contract?

He's expecting you to be,
like, the perfect girlfriend.

And we both know you
haven't been perfect.

Kyle West is really just a product

of the Institute of the Higher Mind,

which I've also heard
terrible stories about.

It's about my stepbrother.

He used to come in my bedroom at night.

People are going to start to wonder:

did Kyle West's fiancé really
smash her stepbrother's head in?

He was k*lled about six years ago,

and some guy went to jail for it.

What's he want?

What makes you think Terence
is going to listen to you?

Because... I'm working for him now.

Wait, you're what?

So the question is: do you or do you not

want to be at the
center of your own story?

We have a huge problem,
and now the reputations

of both Kyle and the
Institute are at serious risk.

Sometimes the ones
who are most resistant

end up with the biggest breakthroughs.

Kyle and I are gonna be good again.

Megan, everything's gonna be okay.

[dramatic musical sting]


[dark music]

♪ ♪

[knock at door]

Oh, you're awake.

[door closes]

Good, we can get started.

You're holding me against my will.

I'm not drinking the coffee.

Suit yourself.

Personally, I use a second cup.

[ominous music]

Most mornings will
start about this time.

Initially, it'll be you and me,

and then as we make progress,
things will diversify.

This can be a great
experience for you, Megan.

You'll be well fed,
practice a healthy lifestyle,

but most of all, you have the chance

to truly transform your life.

You make this sound
like some kind of spa.

None of these people
are allowed to leave.

I know this may be hard for
you to believe right now, but...

most of them don't want to.

When we say, "believe"...

we're talking about
faith in our own visions.

We're giving ourselves over
to who we know we can be.

And we recommit to that every day.

The process will start
with you and me talking.

We'll go at your speed.

I want you to feel as
comfortable as possible.

Of course. Terence wants
a videotaped confession.

Oh, this isn't for Terence.

Trust me, this is for you.

- I'm not buying it.
- I know.

Next week, you and me are going
to watch this session together.

It's gonna blow your mind.

You have a file on me?

Notes, public records,

a lot of social media.

You present yourself to the
world as this happy person.

Are you a happy person?

I am a happy person.

I was.

Do you really believe that what
you've been experiencing is happiness,

considering the secret
you've been living with?

I'm doing my best...

and everyone lives with regret.

Megan, not everyone takes
another person's life

and then simply walks away.

[dark music]

It wasn't simple.

I was young.

I was defending myself.

And I didn't think that
anyone would believe me.

You were young then,

but you went on to sign a contract

to be in a relationship
with a major celebrity.

Despite your past, you made the choice

to put yourself in the public eye.

Two different kinds of people
would do something like that.

A con artist, or someone who
is seriously lying to herself

about who she is.

So I don't know who I am,

but you do because you
looked at my Instagram page?

You getting off on this, Terence?

♪ ♪

[footsteps approach]

How's she doing?

She's really embracing the process.

Well, it takes time.

Have we taken care of our
public relations problem?

Colton? I'm handling it.

How exactly?

You never wanted to hear details
about things like this before.

I set Megan up so you could kidnap her.

I want to make sure
this whole thing works.

Are you worried it won't?

This isn't some football
player with a DUI.

This could be a major
problem for all of us.

And I can be an asset.

[edgy music]

[dramatic rock music]

♪ ♪



I want you to see something.

This is your narrative board.

It has two sides.

And as we talk, we're going to
identify the lies you tell yourself,

and you're gonna write them
on this side of the board.

And each time we do that,
we're gonna replace it

with a truth on this side of the board.

Those aren't always easy to come by,

but this how we're gonna
build your new narrative.



- Lies go here?
- Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪


All right, I get it.

You don't want to do this with me.

Would you feel more comfortable
if it were Kyle instead?


Kyle, why don't you
come in here, please?

[somber music]

♪ ♪

You're an assh*le.

I've been doing this a long time,

and I've learned that resistance
is usually connected to hope,

so let me be clear.

Nobody is coming for you,

and you are not leaving here
until we undo this narrative

that is destroying your life.

So you let me know when
you're ready to get to work.

[edgy music]

♪ ♪

Sorry, I didn't mean
to interrupt your...


- Do you mind if I sit?
- Please.

You're new here.

- I'm Anthony.
- Megan.


how are you holding up?


They kidnapped me, threw me in a van,

and now they want me to bare my soul.

Ahh. Yeah.

The beginning is a little tough.


So how did you get here?

Hmm. [sniffs] Come on.

How to get out is what
you're really interested in.


Oh, good.

You two have met.

Nobody's more committed to
the process than Anthony.

- He's going home next week.
- Mm-hmm.

And that's when the work really starts.

- At least I have the tools now.
- You're gonna be great.

So, Megan, I thought it might
be helpful for you and me

to take the afternoon off.

I want to give you a chance to
do some exploration on your own.

I want you to find a quiet place
where you can put your thoughts

on paper, whatever they are.

How does that sound?

Okay. I'll check in with you later.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

You want to get out of here?

Do your work.

It's helped me get me out of my own way,

and plus, if you don't,

things get a little less pleasant.

I learned that early on.

Well, how long have you been here?

Eight months.

I think.

[chuckles] It's easy to lose track.

He's three minutes late.

Maybe after we pay off the extortionist,

we can have ourselves a piece of pie.

We'll see how much
money we have left over.

Heads up.

You're not the movie star.

Have a seat.

My name's Terence, and this
is my lovely wife, DeAnn.

I recognize you.

You're the... guru.


Okay, what do we have here?

I'm gonna tell you how
this is gonna work first.

You're not getting $ million today.

There's a hundred grand in the bag.

In days from now,
if you've kept quiet,

there'll be another thousand,

and every days after that.

And in five years from
now, if... things go well,

you'll have $ million.

I lost six years of my
life because of that bitch.

I'm not gonna let myself
be dicked over by anybody.

I get paid what I wanna get paid.

- None of this low-ball bullshit.
- [cups clatter]

Jesus Christ, Terence,

- this was not the way to handle this.
- DeAnn...

Listen, why don't we just
eliminate the problem?

Would you just slow down for a second?

Why? We're clearly wasting our time.

What are you, threatening me?

I wanna make sure
things don't get messy.

It's too late for that.

This isn't right.

Hey, wait. This isn't the way it works.

Stop talking.

You don't get to have a say anymore.

I have spent a lifetime
building what I have,

and I'm not gonna let you
or anyone else destroy it.

- You can't tell me...
- I will put you in the ground.

So here's what's gonna happen.

You're gonna take the
$ , and go away.

That is all you get.

And you should count your blessings,

because you have messed with forces

larger than you can possibly comprehend.

Our organization is everywhere.

If we see you, if we
hear one word from you,

I promise you...

there will be nowhere for you to run.


If you're lucky, you'll
make it to your car.

[edgy music]

♪ ♪

- Shall we have that pie?
- Sure.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[car engine idling]

♪ ♪

No! Don't touch me! Don't...

Get away from me!

No! No!

You can't do this to me!


[yelling, screaming continues]

These all-nighters are
starting to take their toll.

I hear you. I've got four days
of reflection time coming up,

and all I'm gonna do is sleep.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

- Something wrong?
- No, I just wanna grab

- a bottle of water for the ride.
- Mmm.

Well, you drive safe now.

Hey, thanks. It's
always good to see you.

[door thuds shuts]

Let me know next time you're coming up.

We'll go grab some breakfast.

[engine turns]


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[intense musical buildup]

♪ ♪

[engine stops, door opens]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

[urine splashing]


[exciting music]

♪ ♪


Yeah, we need the retention
crew on the west end.

Right, I'm on it.

[drone buzzing]

♪ ♪


[knocking rapidly]


Is anyone there, please? I need help!

Oh, my goodness!

Please, I need to get out of sight.


Come in, then, quickly.

My God! You are chilled to the bone.

What happened to you?


I need help.

- Can you drive me somewhere?
- Of course...

but where do you want to go?

I don't know. I-I have to think.

Well, you... you sit there and think.

I'm going to get you some tea.

And some breakfast.

Scrambled eggs okay?

Yeah, thanks.

[clock ticking]

[ominous music]

♪ ♪


[percussive music]

[brakes screech]

Hey, Megan. Jesus Christ.


Hey, look, I'm here.
Everything's okay, you're safe.

- We have to get out of here.
- No, no, no, listen.

- Breathe, okay? Just...
- Okay. No, Kyle, you don't understand.

- No! Kyle! No!
- Listen. Hey!

- Stay with me. It's okay, Megan.
- No. No!

- No, no, no!
- Just breathe.

No, Kyle, please, no!

Hey, it's okay.

- You knew about this?
- I had no choice.

- You knew about this?
- It's the only way

- for us to be together.
- [gasping] No!


I love you.

[inhales, gasps]

[somber music]

♪ ♪

No, don't... I'll do it.

- I'm going there with you.
- Kyle...

She looks half dead, Terence!

She looks like she's been running
through the woods all night...

You looked worse when
you went through it.

Yeah, well, I wanted
to grind myself down.

Because you believed in the process,

and it transformed you.

The world opened up for you after that.

You've gotta believe it's
gonna do the same thing for her.

Otherwise, if you don't, we
should just pull the plug.


Look, I believe in the process.

It just... it kills me
to see her like this.

I know.

I know, and that's why
you need to go back to L.A.

Look, you know how this works.

It's gonna take time, but she
will come out the other side.

And you and I have decided
to trust each other again.

So trust me on this one.

Go live your life.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[car engine turns]

Hello, Megan.

[dark music]

♪ ♪

Don't be afraid. I'm not gonna hurt you.

♪ ♪

I'm not the enemy.

What you've been fighting so
hard against for so long is you.

You buried your true self.

All we're trying to
do is help you dig down

to find it again.


You already know the truth.

We know what you've done.

That you k*lled someone,
that you let an innocent man

take the blame, go to prison.

That you lied and put
a lot of people at risk

to conceal all of it.

But what we don't know,
including yourself, I believe,

is why you thought those
choices were acceptable.

And whatever the answer is,

that's what you're truly afraid of.

This'll help open your mind.

It's not magic.

You're only going to find the truth

if you're willing to look.

And that's the choice you have to make.

Megan, this is your life.

Do you really want to live
the rest of it in fear?

[dark music continues]

[beep beep]


[door thuds closed]

[dark, tense music continues]

♪ ♪

It'll be half an hour
before the REM state

is fully suppressed.

You need to stop seeing
me as a last resort.

♪ ♪

[waves crashing]

[rhythmic whipping sound]

Okay, let's focus on business.

"Vanity Fair" wants to put you on
the cover of their fall movie issue,

and they'd like you to
speak to their photographer.

To sh**t?

No, just to go over concepts.

DeAnn... I'm in no head-space

to have a creative
conversation right now.

I just can't stop thinking about Megan

and the way she looked at me.

I know.

This whole thing is a huge risk.

But we...

should think about two months from
now when the magazine comes out.

Just how exactly am I supposed to
think about two months from now?

- I don't know what's gonna happen.
- I do.

Two months from now, "The k*ll Plan"

will be raking in the
money at the box office,

and you are going to be prepping
to direct "Technicolor Highway"

with Megan as your leading
lady and your fiancée.

Except you don't know that.


when I really want
something from the universe,

I choose to be optimistic.
You should, too.

- Wow. That is some sage,

self-helpy bullshit.

It's all I got right now.


[somber music]

♪ ♪

This doesn't look good.

This inhibitor induces something similar

to a withdrawal state.

Not pleasant, but the brain
activity is very vivid.

All without the corresponding addiction.

You could say the
addiction is dishonestly.

You could, but that's not scientific.

Whatever she's accessing,

I'd say it's pretty deep in the vault.

[machinery beeping]

[rhythmic percussions]

[electronic music]

♪ ♪


Oh-ho! Please tell me you're alone.

I'm looking for Evan. Does he live here?

Depends on who's asking.

I'm Megan, I'm his stepsister.

Stepsister? That works.

Come on in.

Maybe drop your backpack.

You're gonna knock people
over with that thing.


♪ ♪

And can I get you a drink?

Some champagne, something stronger?

Uh, that sounds cool, but
I'd like to see Evan first.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, come on.

Right this way.


You're not gonna believe this,
you're not gonna believe this.

Look who just came to the party.

Oh, my God!

It's my baby sister!

♪ ♪

- Hi!
- Hi.



What are you doing in Hong Kong?

I just, um... I wanted to see you

and talk to you about something.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah!

♪ ♪

So, uh... what's going on?

I just took some time off from school.

I-I've been traveling.
I heard you were here,

and I'd like to talk
to you about some stuff.

I don't know if you can
really talk right now...

- You've got a lot going on.
- Yeah, no...

- If it's a bad time, I can come back...
- No, no, no!

No, I'm so glad you're here.

♪ ♪

Evan! Evan, come here.

- Oh, sh*t.
- Come here.

I gotta take care of some business.

I mean, I could come
back if you're busy,

- if it's a bad time.
- No, no, stick around.

- We'll, uh...
- Sure?

Yeah, yeah, we'll catch
up when everyone leaves.

Okay, yeah, go, go.

♪ ♪

Walter was never part of the deal.

Relax, dude. I didn't tell him anything.

I swear to God, man,
I'm going to k*ll you.

[chill electronic music]

♪ ♪

Finally, eh? Here you go.

♪ ♪

[clears throat]

I came here because...

I wanted to talk to you.

Since Mom d*ed, I've...
I've needed to talk to you.


[clears throat]

You know, cancer...


♪ ♪

I wish I could've gone back,

but, uh...

I'm glad you came.

Huh? Look at you.

You grew up to be so gorgeous.

Don't say that.

- It's true.
- No, Evan.


- What are you doing?
- Come on.


I was years old.

We were both kids.


No, you weren't a kid, you were...

You were .

Okay? You...

You took advantage of me.

And it really messed me up.

♪ ♪

And I came here because...

I need you to know that it wasn't okay.

I need you to know that.

[tense music]

You're so full of sh*t.



You show up here,

in your little outfit, huh?

With your speech?

What are you talking about?

You're acting like I r*ped you.

You did r*pe me.

That's bullshit.

Yes, you did!

Come on, you know you liked it.

No, I... What are you talking about?

- You liked it!
- What are you doing?

Stop! What are you doing?

Evan! Get off of me!

Evan! Stop it!

Stop! Stop it!

Get off of me!

[percussive music]

♪ ♪

Get back here!

♪ ♪


Get off of me!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


[somber music]

♪ ♪

No! No! No!

- Megan?
- [crying]


Megan, Megan, where did you go?

- Tell me.
- It wa...

It wasn't self-defense.

I was payback.

It was payback. [crying]

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

♪ ♪



Now that is something to build on.

If you say so.

Your truths always evolve.

Eventually, fear gives way
to the desire to understand.

And that's when you really
start shaping your narrative.

What "Vanity Fair" seems to like

is when we get away from
the typical glamour sh*t.

You know, Kyle West in a jacket,

probing expression on your face.

Maybe, uh,

less manufactured, a little more candid.

No, actually, the opposite.

I wanna do something
totally manufactured.


Robert Pattinson spent a lot of time

talking about his meticulous
approach to acting.

So I sh*t him performing
open-heart surgery.

I remember that. Yeah, I liked it.

So I want to find a
visual metaphor for you.

That's how we can make a statement

about who the real Kyle West is.

And who do you think I am?

Well, let's talk about it.

This place...

is pretty interesting.

I mean, what if we sh*t you

surrounded by a group of Hare Krishnas?

You think that's interesting?

Well, again, I'm talking
about a visual metaphor here.

Most of these people, they
came here because of you.

You're a celebrity
icon of personal growth.

It's bullshit.

[exhales] You wanna know
the real reason we're here?

The truth?


Every time I leave my house,

this is the only place I can
go where people actually...

leave me alone.

I can't go to a restaurant, to a park,

to the movies without somebody
wanting a piece of my life.

They think that it's all fair
game for public consumption.

I live in a fishbowl, man.

It makes it impossible
for me to actually hold on

to anything that's actually real.



Sorry it...

it sounds like celebrity
whining, I just...

I don't know, I'm not in
a good place right now.

But you're in a real place,

and that's good.

[waves crashing]

[dramatic piano music]

♪ ♪

That's beautiful.

You're back.

Megan had some big breakthroughs.

Took a really honest look at
herself and her non-productives.

For the first time in my life.

There's so much I want to tell you.

I want to hear all of it.

I think that's my cue.

We'll talk later.

Thank you. For everything.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

You okay?

I'm nervous, to be honest.

Megan, you... you have to know that...

I didn't want to send you up there.

- Terence gave me no choice.
- Kyle...

I spent two months... at that facility.

I know what it is.

♪ ♪

I did... I did go to him, though.

I didn't know what else to do.

Anytime my life has ever gotten too big,

Terence has always been there to help.

And this got way too big.

I thought that if I went at it alone,

that I might lose you.

Terence said the Facility
was the only option.


it was the only option.

- Megan, you don't have to say that.
- No, please, I do.

The Facility was...

incredibly hard,

and I was scared at
first, and angry, but...

I wouldn't know who I am
if I hadn't been through it.

I've been hiding.

For years.

And it's undermined
everything I care about...

you, my friends, my work.

I don't know how this is
all supposed to work now.

It's... it's overwhelming, but...

at least I feel free.

♪ ♪

She's not % there yet, but
considering where we started...

Well, the timing is perfect.

It'll be good for them to be out
and about during awards season.

Yeah, we'll keep an eye on her.
Make sure things stay on track.


[knock on door]

There's something you should see.

What is it?

It's our man, Colton.

He's dead?


Can I see?

Huh. It says here that he drowned.

The body was in the water
for nearly two weeks.

They're waiting on a toxicology report.

Thank you.

I guess some people just
can't get out of their own way.

[water crashing]

Everything okay?

I couldn't sleep.


What is it?

I just...

I couldn't stop thinking
about losing you.

Babe, you're not gonna lose me.

I'm right here.

I know you are, but...

what if things don't go well?

What if I go back to the way I was?

Hey, that's not gonna happen.

I promise.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

So you're gonna get some softball
questions about "The k*ll Plan,"

but what they're really
gonna wanna know about

are plans for the wedding.

Ooh, we should really figure that out.

We'll be coy and mysterious.

Great, and see if you can
steer them in the direction

of "Technicolor Highway."

New frontier for Kyle,

chance for the two of you to
work together... like that.

We still have a few minutes.
Do you want to workshop it?

I think it's more natural
if I do it off the cuff.

I'm wondering if I should
talk about the Institute.

♪ ♪

I don't have to, I just
want to know if it's okay.

If it feels right.

[gentle music]

♪ ♪

Megan. Megan!

Hey, Les.

Why haven't you
returned any of my calls?

Megan, can I take you to the press line?

Take three steps back.

Look, I need you to know
there was nothing I could do

- to stop Terence.
- Leslie...

He threatened me... we had
to lie about where you were.

Leslie, it's okay.

I don't blame anybody for it.

It was all for the best.

You're still my client, Megan.

It's good to see you.

♪ ♪

So, just between us,

can you give me a hint of what
you're planning for the wedding?

Yeah, believe me, I
would, but she'd k*ll me.

[chuckles] Well, I can tell you this:

that one of us will be
wearing a very nice dress.

Yeah, I look great in white.

Okay, all right, all right, I get it.

Megan, tell me, you're getting married,

you're doing this
movie with your fiancé.

Do you ever just pinch yourself
to make sure this isn't a dream?

Well, it is dreamy, but...

Kyle has been really great
about helping me stay grounded

and focused on what really matters.

That's great. And it's
so great to see you both.

- Enjoy the evening.
- Thank you.

- Thank you so much.
- Bye, guys.

Shall we?

I know exactly what
you're talking about.

I used to think that my resistance

was some kind of five-headed monster,

but at least I know now I
have the ability to pick it up

and put it to the side.

It's easier said than
done sometimes, but...

when I can get out of that trap,

I really start to see what
my life could look like.

[indistinct conversation]

♪ ♪

Thank you, Vanessa.

All right. Shark time.

All looking beautiful.

More bubbles, please.

Lovely. You got the paper?

He's got the trophy.

And run away, NayNay!

♪ We're rising higher and higher... ♪

- This is all you, man.
- ♪ We're on fire ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We're on fire...♪

♪ ♪

Beautiful. King of the sea.

♪ ♪

So how was the personal
mythology workshop?

- Really, really good.
- Yeah?

You know, lots of stories to unwind.

Was it that way for you?


[both chuckle]

So tell me about the
job. How's it going?


it's fine.

Megan, are we just not gonna
talk about what happened to you?

When everything was
going down with Colton,

why didn't you tell
Terence about my past?

Because you asked me not to.

Even though you knew it
was the right thing to do?

You made a commitment
to IHM, didn't you?

Of course I made a
commitment, I work here.

But your friendship means
more to me than a job.

I hope you can trust me on that.

I do.

I do trust you.

You're the one person in my life
who's always told me the truth.

Megan, of course.

And I have to be truthful with you.

It's only right.

I went through hell to get back to Kyle

and become part of the Institute,


now I'm here, and I need you.

[ominous chords]

♪ ♪

'Cause I'm gonna burn
the whole thing down.

[intense musical sting]