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Caveat (2020)

Posted: 09/17/21 17:58
by bunniefuu
I came to see you
in hospital

after your accident, but...

you didn't know who I was.

I went looking for you
when you got out,

but you were gone.

- Why were you looking for me?

- I might have a few days
work for you,

if you're interested.

Nothing physical.

- Doing what?

- Babysitting.

My brother Ed died last year.

He had a daughter, Olga.

She keeps going out to the house
where he died.

The place is in the middle
of nowhere...

and I don't like the idea of her
being out there on her own.

She's out there now.

I've been looking for someone
to go out there

and keep her company.

I'd like to send someone
I know.

What do you think?

I'll give you a day.

I can't imagine you'll be there
for more than five days.

- How did your brother die?

- su1c1de.

- Where's her mother?

- Missing.

Vanished eight months ago.

- She's your niece.
Why don't you go yourself?

- Honestly,

I couldn't take a week
alone with her.

She's got some
psychological problems.

She goes into these states,
she gets confused,

but she's harmless.

- So a day,

just to go to the house
and keep her company?

- That's it.

- There's got to be
more to it than that.

What's this?

Where's the house?

You didn't say anything about
the house being on an island.

- Yes, I did.
- No, you didn't.

- I told you the house
was isolated.

You agreed to go to the house.

What difference does it make
if it's surrounded by water?

- I can't swim.

- Well then it's lucky
we got a boat then, isn't it?

Olga, we're here.

- Is there anybody else
living on the island?

- Just a family of foxes.

You ever hear a fox crying?

- No.

- Sounds like a teenage girl

You ever hear
a teenage girl scream?

- No.


There's something I didn't
mention before.

It's not really a big deal.

Olga's a little paranoid.

She doesn't like people getting
too close to her physically.

And she doesn't want anybody
going into her room,

especially at night.

- That's fine.

- What's fine?

- Stay out of her room.

- Well it's not
as simple as that.

She has this odd fear that
she'll be att*cked in her sleep.

If I could find a woman willing
to go on the boat with me,

I'd hire her, but...

- What's that?

- Olga's grandmother
was a sleepwalker.

She used to wear this at night

to stop her walking out
into the woods.

- And why are you
showing it to me?

- I need you to put this on.

Well the chain's long enough.

You'll be able to walk around.

It just won't let you into
certain rooms, including Olga's.

- I have no interest
in going into her room.

- Well she needs a little more
than just your word.

Turn around,
I'll strap you in.

- I'm not putting that on.

- I don't see what
the problem is.

It's a job.
Every job has a uniform.

- That's not a uniform.

That's a leash,
and I'm not putting it on.

- Well then we have a problem.

She'll only agree to have
someone stay with her

if they wear this.

- No.
- I don't like to have my time wasted.

- Look.

You didn't say anything
about an island.

And you sure as shit didn't say
anything about wearing a leash.

If you had,
I wouldn't be here.

So this is not my problem.

- Come on.

What's the big deal?


Some form of schizophrenia.

Catatonic stupor,
Ed used to call it.

Happens when she gets excited.

She must've been looking
forward to meeting you.

- Can she hear us?

- I don't wanna leave her here
on her own but...

I can't leave you here with her
if you won't put that on.

Now I wanna be off this island
before it gets dark so...

what do ya wanna do?

You hungry?



- Come closer.

- Hello?

- It's just a fox.

- What're you doing with that?

You know how to use that?

- My father and my uncle
used to take me hunting.

What are you doing down here?

- I couldn't sleep.
I was gonna light a fire.

- You can't.

It's blocked.

The whole room fills with smoke
when you try to light it.

My mother had it blocked
off after she found birds

living in the chimney.

She didn't want to disturb them.

- Barrett says she's missing.

- Yes?

- What's been done to find her?

- Nothing.

Were you close with my uncle?

- He said we're friends
but I don't remember.

Doesn't seem like someone
I'd be friends with.

- Why not?

- Well, are you close with him?

- He's the only family
I have now.

- How 'bout him and your father,
were they close?

What are they hunting?

- Foxes.

'Til my mother put a stop to it.

- Barrett said he k*lled

- In the basement.

He shot himself
through the head with this.

My father suffered from
terrible claustrophobia.

I remember one night my mother
thought it'd be funny

to put him in the harness.

When he woke up, he begged her
for the key but...

she wouldn't give it to him.

He tried to take it
from her so...

she swallowed it.

She used to wear that key
around her neck like a medal.

She was mad.

She was mad.

He went down
into the basement...

and when he came back up
the door was locked.

He couldn't get out and...

with his claustrophobia,

he couldn't stand being down
there for long so...

he shot himself.

- The door closed behind him?

I'm sorry.

You okay?






Is there someone there?

Is there someone down there?


- Hello?
- Barrett, it's Isaac.

- How'd you get outta the harness?
- I didn't.

- The phone's in her room.

How are you in her room?

- Listen to me.

Olga's mother's dead.

Someone shot her and hid her
in the wall in the basement.

Olga's walking around the house
with a f*ckin' crossbow.

I need to get outta here.

You still there?

- Where is Olga now?

- She's in her room.

She's in the middle
of one of her fits.

- Does she know you found her mother?
- No.

- Have you called the police?
Anybody else?

- I don't know where I am.

You need to call 'em
and tell 'em what's happened.

Tell 'em I'm here.

- I'll take care of you.



Isaac, can you hear me?


- Yes?

- I'm trapped in my room.
I can't open the door.

- I called your uncle.

He's gonna be here soon.

- What are you talking about?

- I found your mother.

- And you called my uncle.

- He's on his way.

- I didn't k*ll her.

It was my father and uncle.

Are you listening?

Now my uncle knows
you found her.

Do you think he's gonna
let you leave here?

I have my doubts.

- Leave that by the door
and step back.

Is that true?

Barrett and your father
k*lled her?

- Yes.

- Were you there?
- No.

No, I found her body, too.
I asked my uncle.

He said it was my father's idea
but that he helped him.

- Why haven't you told someone?

- I didn't want him remembered
as the man

who k*lled his wife
and hid her body in a wall.

- Okay.


Okay, we need to get out of here
before Barrett gets here.

Is there a boat
or any other way off the island?

- No.

- You know where.

Call the police
and tell 'em we need help.

Tell 'em how to get here.

What're you waiting for?

Is there someone there?

- Do you recognize this?

- That's...

My brother Mike
wore a jacket just like that.

- It's the same one.
You left it here.

- What d'ya mean?

- When you were here before,
you took it off.

You left it behind.

- I've never been here before.

- You were.

About a year ago.

- I don't remember that.

What was I doing here?

- Moe sent you.

- For what?

Why did he send me?

- You remember I said my father
shot himself in the basement?

- Yes.

- You remember I said
he only did that

because he was locked
down there?

- You said he was afraid
of small spaces

and the door locked behind him.

- You locked the door.

- What?

- Moe said he couldn't go
through with it, so...

he paid someone
to do it for him.


You lured him down there...

and when he was down there,
you locked the door.

You left him there.

- Barrett told you this?
- Yes.

- He told you he hired me
to come out here

and k*ll your father?

- He told me you don't
remember any of this.

- I think I'd remember
k*lling someone.

- But you don't.

- Olga.

Barrett said you've
got some problems.

Maybe you're getting confused.

- I didn't hurt your father.

I've never been here before.

If you would call him...

he'll tell you what
you're saying isn't true.

- No.

- Olga.

Ring your uncle.


Call him.

Wait a minute!

- Barrett?
- Yes?

- Hello?
- Barrett.

Barrett, it's Isaac.

Can you hear me?

- Jesus Christ.
Where's my niece?

- I'm here.

- Barrett.

Olga thinks I did something
to her father.


She says I locked him
down in the basement.

She says you told her
I did this...

that I come out here
and locked him down there.

And then he k*lled himself.

- Yes.

- What do you mean, "Yes"?

- That's what you did.
- Why're you saying this?

- It was a mistake.

I shouldn't've asked.

You shouldn't've said yes.

- I wouldn't do
something like this.

- Before I could call it off,
you had it done.

- I don't know why
you're saying this.

- Olga, take me off speaker.

- I'm sorry. I won't.

He will.

- He's lying.

- You really don't
remember any of this?

- I wouldn't do
something like this.

This never happened.

- Moe says you were a different
person before the accident.

- Call the police.

If I did it,
then they can prove it.

- Moe says you did it.

- Well let me go
and I'll go to the police.

- I can't.

- If something happens
to me here...

if I don't come back...

- Does anyone know you're here?

You want me to sneak into
your brother's house...

and lock him in the basement?

- Yes.

- And then what?

- You come back,
collect your money, and leave.

And what happens to him
down in the basement?

- Well he stays down there.

- For how long?

- Well he's claustrophobic.

The stress will probably
k*ll him

when he realizes
he's trapped down

- This breakdown he's having,

he knows things about me.

I can't trust him anymore.

I really can't trust him.

- If you're not interested,
I'll stop talking.

But if you wanna
change your life...

and you think you can do it,
I'll go on.

Shall I go on?

- Go on.


Is anyone here?


Two days.
Where've you been?

- Where have I been?

I've been organizing
my brother's funeral.

I've been trying to figure out
what to do about

his mental daughter.

She won't accept
he k*lled himself.

- So he was dead
when you got there?

- Yes.
He was dead.

- What happened after
I called you?

- I went out there...

and I found him dead
in the tunnel off the basement

where you said he was.

I notified the police

that my brother had taken
his own life.

They came out,
took the body away,

asked me some questions.

- Who locked the door?

- What?

- The door was already
locked when I got there.

Who locked it?

- The wind must've closed it.

- You need to turn the key
to lock it.

Was it you?

- Why would I lock him in

then come back
and ask you to do it?

That doesn't make any sense.

- What's that?

- It's your money.

- I didn't do anything.

I just told you,
the door was already locked

when I got there.

- What's this?

Did you go out there
to warn him?

- Yes.

- Why?


You don't even know him.

What if the police
had seen this?

What would I have said?

Now I want you to take
that money and leave.

And I don't ever
wanna see you again.

Are you gonna tell anyone
what I asked you to do?

- What's there to tell?

What kind of guy

would want to k*ll
his own brother?

- I don't think you've got over
the shock of seeing Ed

down there in that basement.

Now I'm gonna come back
in the morning

when you've had some sleep.

And we're gonna go
through this again.

- Olga!

Why's the power off?

What the f*ck
is happening here?

Why are you wearing that?

- He put me in it.

- How'd he get out of it?

- He took her key.

- Where is he now?
- Locked in my room.

I came down to reload.

- You've really made
a mess of this.

I'm starting to think
your mother was right...

and you are a complete
f*ckin' idiot!

- None of this would've happened
if it wasn't for you.

- You watch how you speak to me.
- Sorry.

I'm bleeding.

She shot me.


She's gone back upstairs
looking for you.

Come out.

We'll surprise her
when she gets back.

Hurry, Isaac.



Barrett, can you hear me?

I'm out.

I'll send someone to get you.