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04x01 - News Cycle

Posted: 09/19/21 02:55
by bunniefuu
Were you imprisoned in Russia
on charges of espionage?

- Yes.
- (Machine beeps)

Did you sustain any injuries during
your imprisonment in Russia?


Were your injuries a result of t*rture?


Do you resent the United
States government

for its role in your incarceration?


to subvert or sabotage

the U.S. government?


We have recruits with
a lot less baggage.

We would be allowing a former
member of the Russian military

into the highest levels of the agency.

I need you to be clear-eyed on this.

That it's not some kind
of penance on your part

- for leaving him in a Gulag.
- It's not.

But you'll be fully
accountable for him.

You know, you're running
a division of the CIA

that involves our most sensitive work,

and you're five minutes on the job.

Then I must think he's pretty valuable.

INTERROGATOR: Have you ever
been convicted of a felony?

This process isn't exactly reliable

with a guy like this.
We'll see how he does here.

I'll have an answer for you tomorrow.

(door opens, closes)



One store, two hours, six bags,

everything on the list, shazam.

"Shazam"? Nice.
Really bringing it back.

I love Bed Bath & Beyond.

Yes, you do.

Because they have everything.

They have things you didn't
even know you wanted,

and that, my friend, is where
the "Beyond" part kicks in.

Uh, like a ceramic hedgehog
that's really a shoe scraper?

You know, you are so gonna use that.

Wait and see, I'm telling you.

Probably more than the turbo

wet/dry hand vac.

What? No, no, no, that is a must have.

We're not going to be
slaughtering our own food.

How messy can we be?

Well, you would be surprised.

Please. It's just gonna
take up closet space.

Why don't you keep it here?

We already have two.
Upstairs, downstairs.

Ah, the familiar rustle
of capitalism at work.

We got everything.

Operation Ali Goes to
College is completo.

Except, you know, the going to college.

(sighs) In two days.
I can't believe it.

And I can't believe that I'm not
gonna be able to take you, Ali.

It's okay. I think they'd miss

the secretary of state at the
United Nations General Assembly.

Dad and I will be fine.

Oh, no. You didn't.

Mom. The wet/dry vac?

You loved yours.

I sold it,

the second week of school.

You did?

Also, I never sorted my laundry.

Okay? I just put it all
in the washing machine,

- on cold water.
- Please stop.

Okay. Show of hands.

Who thinks a game room would
benefit the whole family?

I'm only going an hour away.
You're not taking over my room.

Guard it for me, will you?

Uh, sorry, I'm going
to New York tomorrow, so...

You're going to UNGA, too?

Yes, in my capacity as

the White House chief of
staff's silent intern.

Russell says that I'm not
allowed to talk to anyone.

Yeah, he says that to me a lot, too.

Can you guys give me a hand?

- I have to start packing.
- Oh.

Packing for college!

Can you believe it?

Yes, Mom, we can all believe it.

(sighs) Well, I can't.

(Jason grunts)

It would still be your room,
just with an air hockey table.

ALISON: Forget it.

What about a... pool table, maybe?

ALISON: Whose side are you on?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

The new one is cordless!

It's just... Ha!

I'm gonna, I'm gonna
charge it up for you.

'Cause you are gonna use it. (chuckles)

ELIZABETH: We need to get a hobby.


(brushing teeth): Something
that we can do together.

You know? Like... golf or... tennis

or maybe a book club.


I'm serious.

We are two years away from
having a completely empty nest,

and we are not prepared.

We could turn into that couple

that doesn't know
how to talk to each other.

We'll start watching TV shows
we don't care about.

Stop going to restaurants
'cause they're too loud.

Stop going to movies 'cause of parking.

And from there,
it is just a race to the bathtub

that opens from the side.

(chuckles) Stop feeling guilty.

That is not it.

Technically, Stevie
still lives with us.

There's an excellent chance
Jason will never leave.


I don't think empty nest
is gonna be our problem.

Or maybe you just know how much
better I am at golf and tennis.

I will slay you at book club.

That's true.

I feel guilty.

Stop it.

You couldn't take Stevie to college.

- I know.
- Remember? You had the flu?

And look what happened;
she dropped out.

And then she finished,
and now she's an intern

- for the White House chief of staff, so...
- It's a watershed event.

It is a life moment, and
it is just passing me by.

Do I sound whiny?

But in a way that I find
totally attractive.

NADINE: After the reception breakfast,
you have a bilateral meeting

with Foreign Minister Chen.

Then the free speech resolution

takes up most of tomorrow.

That's definitely gonna
dominate the agenda, ma'am.

Not to mention the news cycle.

Getting China to the table

on a multilateral accord
promoting greater free speech...

MATT: "Is a foreign policy achievement

"that will open up China

"to the same political
and economic transparency

we've come to expect
from our Western allies."


- Thanks, Matt.
- Daisy's got you booked

on the cable news circuit, prime time,

with the anchors you like,
except for... Marty Hawk,

which couldn't avoid.

(sighs): Oh, Marty.

Well, maybe I'll get a chance
to finish some of the sentences

I didn't get to
the last time I was there.


He's the highest-rated interrupter

- on cable, ma'am.
- I understand.

Oh, also, ma'am,
your brother Will asked me

to remind you that
he'll be attending UNGA

as a guest speaker
promoting cholera vaccinations

in Third World countries.

And you're having lunch
with him at the Four Seasons.

Totally remembered that.

Of course you did, ma'am.

ROGERIO: Madam Secretary, Rogério Bento

of the Democratic
Republic of Timor-Leste!

Madam Secretary,

Rogério Bento, Assistant Vice
Minister of Foreign Affairs,

- Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste!
- Nice to see you, Mr. Bento.

NADINE: Mr. Bento, Mr. Bento,
we will get back to you.

- Please, it's urgent!
- Good day, sir.

Please, it's urgent I get a meeting!

Madam Secretary McCord!

Any guesses what that was about?

Something to do with their
maritime dispute with Australia

and the South China Sea?

That's all the secretary
needs is to send a message

to China by meeting with Timor-Leste.

Agreed. Just smile and keep moving.

ELIZABETH: So this is
actually a better idea.

- Hi.
- Hi, baby.

- Excuse me, Mr. Prime Minister.
- Of course.

- (whispers): This is pretty exciting, huh?
- Yeah.

Have you seen the raspberry strudel?

You have to bodycheck
the Norwegian ambassador.

- Mom. Mom.
- He's, like, parked there.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

Mr. Jackson and the president
need to talk to you.

Oh. Okay.

Uh, get something to eat, okay?

- Mom.
- You have to eat.

China has pulled out
of the free speech resolution.

What? When?

minutes ago.

Did they say why?

No public statement, and I couldn't get

President Li's office
to return my call.

My best guess is they
were never serious

about coming to the table.

Just... wanted to bait and
humiliate us on the world stage.

I have a bilateral meeting
with Minister Chen

scheduled after this.

So maybe you can keep
the dialogue alive.

Actually, I was thinking
I just won't show up.

If it is gamesmanship,

then we have to demonstrate
that we're serious.

Instead, I'll take a meeting
with the Assistant Vice Minister

of Foreign Affairs for Timor-Leste.


He says it's urgent.

I think it's probably
about the maritime law

and the South China Sea.

That matters to China.

Free speech matters to us.

I think President Li
will get the point.


It's aggressive and at the
same time a little petty.

Works for me.

So we take control of the narrative

and wait for them
to make the next move.

RUSSELL: Yes, sir.

Give my regards to the Assistant
Vice Minister of Timor-Leste.

I will, sir.

(quiet chatter,
dishes clinking lightly)

(soft jazz music playing)

You're gonna need this.

I just heard from Director Haymond.

You're in.

Thank you.

But I have to be honest,

the director was a hard sell.

So if there are any second thoughts,

you need to tell me now.

I'm all in.


Mr. Bento. Elizabeth McCord.

It's very good to meet you officially.

Madam Secretary, thank you
so much for making the time.

- Of course.
- I was surprised to hear from your office,

but-but very pleased.

Um, can I get you something?

Coffee or tea?

Just-just water.

I understand that you had something

of an... an urgent nature

to discuss with me.

And my staff,
they thought it might be about

the situation in the South China Sea.

As you know,

we've had our own disputes
with China over...

(glass shatters)

Mr. Bento?

Help! Somebody!

What happened, ma'am?!

I don't know!

Oh, my God.

Go get someone!

Matt, go!

- Ma'am.
- Thank you, Blake.

Uh, also, a gentle reminder that

you missed breakfast,
so you haven't eaten.

- Remind me again in an hour, okay?
- JAY: Were they able

to determine the cause of death?

No. Not until the autopsy.

The EMT said it looked like

a cardiac episode,
possibly an aneurysm.

It's already in the news.
We need to make a statement.

I'll take care of it.

Thanks, Matt.

We should contact the Bento family

so I can extend
my personal condolences.

- I'll reach out.
- Thank you.

The president of Timor-Leste

would like to speak
with you personally,

so I set up a meeting for
about an hour from now.

Okay. Good.

BLAKE: Ma'am.

I-I'm really... I'm not hungry.

Y-You should just change your outfit.

(softly): Right. Okay. Thank you.

REPORTER: Shocking news
from the U.N. today.

A foreign official collapsed

and died during a face-to-face meeting

with Secretary of State...

HENRY: There's more?

Here's the second to last batch.

You have seen the dimensions
of your dorm room, right?

Blame Mom. She's the one that
went nuts in the big box store.

(phone ringing)

You have pairs of shoes.

You counted my shoes?

Hey, babe. How are you?

I heard about the guy in Timor-Leste.

I was meeting with him.

It happened right in front of me.

Yeah, that's what
they said on the news.

A heart attack, apparently?

Oh, I don't know yet.

There's already something
on the Internet

about a secret meeting regarding
the South China Sea.

That's why the Chinese pulled out

of the free speech resolution.

Ugh, the Internet.

I know.

But you're okay, right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

How's it going there?

Oh, great.

Just have to engineer Ali's entire life

into the back of an SUV
before tomorrow.

He tried to count my shoes.


You ever counted mine?

- Yes.
- Okay.

The women and shoe thing...
y-you got to let it go.

I've tried.

Let me talk to Ali.
I want to say good-bye again.


Mom, we literally can't finish

the soundtrack of Hamilton
before we get there.

Yes, I have the wet/dry vac right here.

I'm so very sorry for your loss,
President Da Silva.

Thank you, Madam Secretary.

Rogério was a long-time
member of my government,

but he was much more than that.

He was a good friend.

We known each other
since primary school.

Were you aware of any health problems?

Not really, but he was under
a considerable amount of stress.

See, his daughter Jasmine died
suddenly several months ago...

a car accident.

Terrible tragedy.

That's awful.

She was only years old.

I'm so sorry.

I wonder if you can tell me,
Madam Secretary,

what it was Rogério wanted
to discuss with you.

We didn't get a chance to talk.

I thought you might tell me.

I have no idea.

I was surprised to hear
he was meeting with you.

I found out on the news.

Did it seem important?

He told my staff it was.

Well, I suppose...

it will forever remain a mystery.

(knock on door)

Sorry to bother you

during your break, ma'am.

Oh, no, I-I was just running out
to meet Will for lunch.

- Everything okay?
- Well, some surprising news.

President Da Silva has ordered
Mr. Bento's body released.

It is right now in transit
back to Timor-Leste.

Now? What about the autopsy?

There isn't going to be one.

Da Silva is claiming
that Mr. Bento's body

falls under the protections
of diplomatic immunity.

But it's his friend.

Why wouldn't he want
to know how he died?

I don't know, ma'am.

WILL: I get it.

It's a little stuffy having
lunch at the Four Seasons,

but wasn't there something
in the middle?

Something between pâté and street meat?

I'm a little pressed for time.

Need you to do something for me.

You cancel our fancy lunch,

now you want me to do your laundry?

I want you to do a lab test.

Minister Bento's blood is on my blouse.

It's what I was wearing
when he died in front of me.

Don't happen to have a lab on me.

You have to know someone
in town, right?

Maybe, but what am I looking for?

What, you think the guy was m*rder*d?


I have no idea.

But something is up.

Bento was desperate to talk to me.

But his president claimed
not to know what it was about.

And then he suddenly
orders the body released,

sent it back home without an autopsy.

Now, I don't want to start
a whole diplomatic firestorm

without some valid evidence.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Because I think you're sublimating.

Don't. That's not even your field.

I did a rotation in psychiatry.

What am I sublimating about?

Guilt over not taking
Alison to college.

How do you even know about that?

I'm her cool uncle.

We Bitmoji.

That's not a verb.

She's just indulging you.

She says you're freaking out about

not taking her to a school
that's only an hour away.

Why do people keep saying that?
It is still away.

The point is you can't
invent a m*rder mystery

- to distract yourself from
missing her send-off. - Okay.

First of all, even if
I'm sublimating, I'm not insane.

These are two separate issues.

And secondly, it makes perfect sense

that sending my daughter
off to college alone...

- With Henry.
- ...would bring up all sorts of things...

for me, about driving myself
to college because

I was an orphan and because

Aunt Joan was away on...
on business, and...

I was the only student, you
know, dragging my belongings

by myself across the quad at UVA.

And that is why, when it was
your turn to go to college,

I moved heaven and Earth
so that I could bring you myself

and you wouldn't
have to go through that.

I thought Aunt Joan took me.

What? No, I took you.

I don't think so.

Of course I did. I...

I helped you put up
your anti-apartheid posters

and your Linda Ronstadt posters,

and... and then, remember,
we went and we had...

we had veggie burgers down at the...

How can you not remember that?

I remember Linda Ronstadt, but...

Hey, look, whatever happened,
we both turned out okay.


Except you. You're...
you're serious about this?

You're exhausting. Please, just do it.

(sighs) Okay.

Thanks for the hot dog.

I'm surprised you remember it.

Ma'am, I finally tracked
down Bento's family.

Turns out that hours after
news of his death broke,

his wife and two teenage sons
got on a plane for Australia

to seek political asylum.
I wasn't able to talk to...

- Political asylum?
- Yes, ma'am.

But I wasn't able to talk
to Mrs. Bento personally

because they're still with
the immigration authorities.

But another thing: we all
went back through our records,

and there are at least a
hundred messages from Bento

over the last few months, trying
to get a meeting with you.

How does that not make
its way up the chain?

Because they were all
to different departments

and he didn't say what
it was about and he was

- an assistant vice minister to
Timor-Leste. We didn't... - Never mind.

It doesn't, it doesn't matter.

Pull whatever strings you
can with the Australians.

I need to get Bento's
wife on the phone.

If she has any idea what her husband

wanted to talk to me
about, I need to hear it.

Yes, ma'am.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So, my friend at the lab
rushed the job for me.

Ran a few panels,

but couldn't tell me
the exact compound yet.

But the blood did test
positive for tetrasulfate.

What's that?

Highly toxic material.

Ingested in high doses,
it would k*ll someone

in less than an hour,
so the guy was poisoned.

So much for sublimating.

Yeah, sorry about that.

So where would... I don't know...

somebody find some tetrasulfate?

Depends on the kind.

She can test for more
specific markers, if you want.

- It'll take a while, but...
- Yes. No, it's great.

All right. I'll let you know.

Look, I know I still
owe you a fancy meal.


I just... I got to make some
classified calls. I'll...

All right.

ELIZABETH: From what we gather,
President Da Silva

and Bento were friends.

The relationship seemed to strain

after Bento fought the sale of
their atolls to Chinese buyers.

In fact, when Bento made those
protestations last year,

it was not as assistant vice minister

of foreign affairs, but as
the minister of commerce.

Looks like China finally got through

to Da Silva, who betrayed
his friend, demoted him,

and quietly sold off the
islands to a shadowy buyer.

Like a front for a Chinese
state-owned enterprise.

ELIZABETH: Yes, sir.

And I think that Bento was going to

blow the whistle to me, and then

Da Silva got wind of his
intentions and had him k*lled.

I realize that murdering
your own diplomats

is all the rage these days,

but they're not getting away
with it on American soil,

at the U.N. General Assembly, no less.

If Da Silva was involved in this,

I'll give him the Noriega treatment.

RUSSELL: FBI is into it,

but in the meantime, we need to
send a public message to China

and to Timor-Leste
that we're onto them.

Any ideas?

Tell the press that
American authorities suspect

Bento was the victim of foul play,

and are looking into
several leads and prospects.

Just need your
authorization to go public.

You've got it.


ALISON: Dad, we don't
have to unpack everything

right this second.
You have pairs of shoes.

You need to find a home for them.

I will, later.

Why would you put that off?

ALISON: Because I'm starving.

Can I go to the dining hall, please?

You can totally have the rest of this.

- I'm kind of making myself sick.
- Oh, no, thanks.

I don't know why he's being like this.

I'm a marine. You finish the job.

You were a marine.

No, there's no past tense to "marine."

Wait, you mean, like,
someone who trains dolphins?

Seriously, you should
hang your stuff up

so that the wrinkles fall out.

I'm looking for a Bayard freshman

- studying fashion and design.
- Ah, finally!

Thank goodness! Oh!

I thought he was having
some sort of mental breakdown.

(chuckles) Ali.


You left UNGA for this?

Well, you can thank the Chinese.

They pulled out of
our biggest negotiation.

You see, there's a silver
lining to everything.

- Mwah, mwah, mwah!
- Okay, okay, okay.

Uh, Mom, this is my roommate, Lucinda.

- Oh, nice to meet you, Mrs. Secretary.
- Lucinda.

I'd shake your hand,
but they're, like, all gross.

Oh, sure.

Oh, I guess I got
this stuff everywhere.

You know what would
clean that right up.

- Oh, here we go. Come on.
- We're gonna go eat.

Wow. It's incredible.

They have a sushi bar. Vegan station.

Did you see the vegan station?

Mac and cheese is solid...
that's the true

litmus test of a good cafeteria.

Okay, you guys do not
need to over-love it.

You can just like it.
I'm secure in my choice.

All right, well, I'm gonna
go to the dessert bar,

which looks totally
ordinary, by the way.

- Can I get an ordinary brownie?
- Yes.

Maybe give it a second.

There's some staring going on.

ELIZABETH: Oh, sweetheart,
we don't worry...

Mom, there's normal staring,
and then there's creepy staring.

- This feels like creepy staring.
- It does?

- Kinda.
- Sorry, uh, to interrupt,

but we should really
get on the road soon

if you want to have a safe cushion

- for the Marty Hawk interview.
- All right, here we go.

Just quick.

Okay, listen, you just FaceTime me

- or text or Skype or...
- Bye, babe.

I will.

You know, you could call,
you could dial...

I'm not crying. I'm not crying.

I'm just misting.
It's not the same thing.

- Yes, ma'am.
- (sniffles)

Did we really have to leave that early,

or are you just trying
to get me out of there

before I unravel and
humiliate my daughter?

Um, I am trying to get
you out of this setting.

Ma'am, there's a story
trending on Twitter.

God, what now?

It's about the
Assistant Vice Minister Bento.

It seems that you may have, um...

Oh, wow, I don't know how to say this.

- Just say it.
- You m*rder*d him.

(phones beeping, cameras clicking)

This way.

It began on a conspiracy-mongering
fringe website

called, hmm, "Champion of Facts."

It spread through social media
at an alarmingly fast rate.

It's retweeted and shared
through countless sources.

What's not helping are the
hundred-plus phone calls

that Mr. Bento made to our office.

The unanswered ones?

Yes, ma'am.

Uh, apparently, you were avoiding him

because he had something on you.

Then you became hysterical...
revealing choice of words...

and so you stabbed him in the
chest during an unscheduled,

closed-door meeting
with him at the U.N.

Well, hysterical or not, if
I was gonna have someone k*lled,

I'd at least be
a little discreet about it.

I was in the CIA.

That's been mentioned
more than a few times.

You were trained to k*ll
with your bare hands.

Well, what was it?

A knife or my bare hands?

There's an open forum.

(knocks) Ma'am, they're ready for you.

I'd be remiss if I didn't
offer the possibility

of bowing out of this interview,
given the circumstances.

Well, I appreciate that, but
there is still a strong divide

between legitimate news sources
and fringe-based hooey.

This appearance is gonna
drive that point home.

Yes, ma'am.

We're very excited about
the policy initiatives

that we're working on at the
U.N. General Assembly this week.

- Global education standards.
- Mm-hmm.

Preserving marine biodiversity.

New research into
global food security...

What-What's going on with China
and the free speech resolution?

Yeah. We are disappointed by the
setback that we're having there.

- Yeah.
- I remain optim...

I'm sure that the, uh, recent death

of the assistant vice minister
of Timor-Leste, Rogério Bento,

was a complicating factor
on the first day of the UNGA?

I think Mr. Bento's death
is more a tragedy...

You were in the room with him
when this tragedy occurred.

- Is that right?
- Yes.

And so, of course,
now there's no avoiding

talking about this shocking rumor

that's taken hold of social media

and is being reported on
several Web-based news outlets

that you were somehow
responsible for his death.

Seriously, you're going there?

I'm just giving you a
chance to explain yourself.

These Web-based news outlets

to which you refer, as you know,
are little more than blogs

written by known perpetuators
of conspiracy theories...

Okay. Okay, even so,

this claim has gained more credence

just moments a ago when
Arizona Senator Carlos Morejon

spoke out about it
at a press conference.

Let's watch.

CARLOS: I, along with everyone else,

am shocked and alarmed
at these accusations

concerning Secretary McCord's

in Mr. Bento's death.

I can assure you congressional
inquiries will be made,

and if there's even a whiff of truth,

I will demand the immediate removal

of Secretary McCord from her post.

REPORTER: You think the
secretary is guilty of m*rder?

Those are your words, not mine.

I'm leaving it to the FBI

to see if charges should
be brought against her.

Care to comment?

I... I wouldn't know where to begin.

- Senator Morejon says it doesn't...
- But maybe with the fact

that this is obvious
crackpot theorizing,

which quite possibly is

the work of a disinformation
campaign by a foreign power.

You mean, say, China...

What Senator Morejon is doing

by legitimizing this baseless story...

it's not just immoral and unethical.

It undermines the stability
of democratic government.

That's an overstatement.

Reliable information is

the bedrock of any
institution, be it science,

government or private enterprise.

Of course.

If citizens can't tell the difference

between fact and fiction,

then the entire project of
civilization turns to dust.

Yeah, not to put
too fine a point on it.

You find this amusing, Marty?

Hey, no, not at all,
but it is no secret

that Senator Morejon
is no fan of yours,

or President Dalton,
so he is entirely...

So as an elected member of
Congress, he's within his right

to do whatever he can to
block the executive agenda.


But by bringing legitimacy

to a ridiculous m*rder
claim against me,

he's using the tactics
not just of dirty politics

- but of warfare.
- (scoffs)

- I don't think so.
- Because it's dictatorial.

It's autocratic.

And it's un-American.

I think the senator would say
he's just trying...

Furthermore, a mainstream media outlet

ought to have a better understanding

of its responsibility to the public,

and refuse to signal-boost
these kinds of outright lies.

- You are in no...
- Really.

You ought to know better.

Well, you guys are
gonna have a busy night.

Sorry about that.

It's the right thing to do.

Honor to clean up your mess, ma'am.

For the moment, we'll just
stand by your statement

and monitor the situation.

- (crowd murmuring)
- Oh. Ma'am, this doesn't look good.

CROWD (chanting): m*rder*r! m*rder*r!

(chanting continues)

m*rder*r! m*rder*r! m*rder*r!

(knock on door)

I believe that's Mr.
Jackson's knock, ma'am.

And his angry knock, at that.

What in the name of all that
is holy were you thinking?!

Good ear, ma'am.


Nothing. Coffee, Russell?

Or a sedative of some kind?

An overnight snap poll indicates

that % of Americans believe
you're guilty of m*rder.

ELIZABETH: Well, that's not

so bad, considering.

Before your little outburst
on Marty Hawk's show,

that same poll was at %.

Because you seemed to forget

that when something crazy
hits the news cycle,

your job is to lie low
until it churns past!

But no, you thought

you'd try putting some
kerosene on the crazy,

and now it's a veritable
bonfire of what the hell!

I couldn't just sit there

and let fake news
control the narrative.

Oh, yeah?

Well, here's the problem with

our golden brainchild, free speech...

which I love as much as the next guy.

In the age of the Internet,

it means a lot of nutjobs
reach just as wide an audience

as the secretary of state.

And you throwing
patriotic temper tantrums

on live TV isn't doing you any favors.

Neither is sitting there mute
after she's been ambushed

by someone pretending to
represent legitimate journalism.

Instead of throwing your own tantrum

and blaming the victim for
this latest tool of terrorism,

why don't you grow a spine
and do something about it?!

Let's put a pin in that.

May I remind both of you

that the Washington press is well aware

of the secretary's crucial role
in the president's cabinet,

and they link her success
and credibility to his.

If America is even entertaining
the idea that she is a m*rder*r,

that means his legislative agenda,

his foreign policy agenda,
even his legacy are all at risk.

We will handle this

at the top.

In the meantime,

I am respectfully requesting
that you refrain from comment.

By which I mean, put a sock in it!

Forget about it, Nadine.
We're all upset.

I'm not apologizing, Russell!

(door slams)

I apologize, ma'am.

Well, thank you.

It's okay.

(sighs) Um...

(sighs) To quote Judge Louis Brandeis,

"Sunlight is said to be
the best of disinfectants."

The only way we can possibly fight

this rumor is with the truth.

I've had a text from Jay.

He's found Mrs. Bento,
and she's willing to talk.

TALIA: Dr. McCord,

I want to thank you for the opportunity

you have given my brother.

It's good to see him so happy.

HENRY: I'm glad we could

work it out.

So, you continue with your covers:

Alexander Mehranov, his sister Dina.

Alexander will continue to work in I.T.

If the Russians discover
you're working with

the Special Activities Division,

they will be even more motivated

to keep you from intelligence work.

And they will use every
covert means available to them

to stop it.

You need to be vigilant.

And keep a very low profile.

We know how to do that, Dr. McCord.

You have a lot to prove to the bosses.

And so do I.

I won't let you down.

ANA: I don't know much of anything,


Rogério kept me in the dark
regarding his work.

I do know he was under

a great deal of strain
after the islands

he fought so hard to protect

were sold off anyway
to anonymous buyers.

This only added
to the emotional distress

we both were feeling
after the loss of our daughter.

I don't know if you're aware.

She died of a cocaine overdose
six months ago.

President Da Silva told me
that it was a car accident.

Maybe he told you that to protect us.

He was always looking out for us.

After Rogério died,
he called me immediately

and told me I was no longer
safe in Timor-Leste.

He said he could use his connections

in the Australian government to ensure

our immigration process
was a smooth one.

W-Why weren't you safe there?

He didn't say, and I didn't ask.

I trust him.

He is such a good friend to us.


Thank you for speaking with me,
Mrs. Bento.

I really appreciate your time.

Again, my deepest sympathies.

Good-bye, ma'am.

Well, that's interesting.

Why would Da Silva lie to me?

Especially when he knows
you could k*ll him

with a cocktail glass.

That's the latest rumor.

So not funny yet.

BLAKE: Ma'am, Dr. Adams.


Hey, k*ller.


You all lawyered up?

That's hilarious.

Why's it funny when he does it?

It's not.

Something tells me you're not here

just to make orange jumpsuit jokes.

I, uh, have the final results
of Bento's blood test.

No, go ahead. Everybody's been read in.

All right.

The exact compound in his blood
was dimethyl tetrasulfide- .

Very rare, very toxic chemical.

According to my friend in the lab,

there are only two bad actors
known to use

this particular compound for homicide.

Only the Russians, as far as I know.

- (phone ringing)
- And the Colima Cartel.

(phone beeps)

Uh, an up-and-coming
Mexican drug organization.

- Excuse me.
- How are they connected to Timor-Leste?

NADINE: Mrs. Bento said

her daughter died of
a cocaine overdose.

It's possible to find that

in Maritime Southeast
Asia, but it's rare.

She's right. The coca plant
doesn't grow in that region.

It can only be produced
in the Western Hemisphere,

which means it's in high
demand in Asian markets.

W-What if the Colima Cartel
were looking to break in?

They'd want a small,
offshore sovereign nation

to use as a convenient port.

MATT: A country that was poor

and susceptible to corruption
would be ideal.

DAISY: They could have
muscled the president

of Timor-Leste into
selling them a small island,

using a dummy corporation
to hide their involvement.

ELIZABETH: If that's the case,
then the Colima Cartel

has become so powerful
that they could m*rder

a diplomatic official inside the U.N.

and silence President Da Silva.

Then they have infiltrated
the government

- at the highest level.
- (Elizabeth sighs)

Little Timor-Leste is at risk
of becoming a narco state.

And the cartel is driving
the fake news story

to discredit anything that
I might have heard from Bento.

You're in their crosshairs, ma'am.

We have to get on top of this before...

Before they get more creative?


It would be almost impossible

- for them to get past your detail.
- Ha.

I'm sure you're in no in
real danger. It's just...

That they k*lled a guy
right in front of me

at the U.N., and who knows

what else they could do?

Yes, ma'am.

Excuse me.

I know why Mr. Bento
was so eager to see me.

It was a last-ditch effort
to get the word out

that the Colima Cartel had
taken over the government

of Timor-Leste.

I assure you, this is not the case.

And that they had gone so far

as to purchase entire
islands to set up shop.

We've connected the dots,
Mr. President.

It's useless to deny it.

Rogério was a good man.

And you were his friend.

The way that you
took care of his family

when they were in danger
tells me who you are.

And I know that you want your country

to be a sovereign nation again.

Why don't you let us help you?

I resisted them for a long time.

But the cartels have become
too rich with money and g*ns

for us to even fight back.

They have taken our nation by force.

Threatening our lives and family.

Rogério was stronger than I.

He fought to the end.

That's why he was k*lled.

He was willing to die
for his country, and I was not.

It's not too late.

You can use his sacrifice
to turn this around.

You speak out publicly
against the cartel,

bring these K*llers to justice,

and you will have the full
backing of the United States.

You have my word on that.

Your government
has been trying to root out

the cartels in Mexico for decades,

and Colombia before that.

Yes, but in those cases,

we didn't have China on our side.

If we can get them on board,

I believe that we can
give you back your country.

And Ana and her sons can return home.

And you can watch
Rogério's sons grow up

and be a second father to them.

Remind them of who he was.

I would give anything for that.

Then work with me.

ELIZABETH: Thank you for

agreeing to meet with me.

I know we haven't been on
the best of terms lately.

What with you standing me up and all.

What with you pulling out of the
free speech resolution and all.

But fun as it is, we're gonna
have to skip this part.

The situation in Timor-Leste

requires your immediate attention.

Now, I know that China has no interest

in an expanded presence
of illegal dr*gs.

But I also think you turn a blind eye

when your chemical companies
sell MDMA and meth precursors

to countries abroad.

Does this have something to do
with your troubles in the news?

This has something to do with
everyone's troubles in the news.

Oh, now, look. See?

This is what I was hoping
wouldn't happen.

Now you're in my story.

How's that?

"Foreign Minister Chen
has secret meeting

with Elizabeth McCord following
the death of Rogério Bento."

You set me up.

No, I-I didn't need to.

This is what we're all facing

if we don't fight back
against bad actors

weaponizing the news.

The Colima Cartel is
manipulating this narrative.

Right now, they're focused on me.

Tomorrow, could be you.

As you know,

we have safeguards against
that kind of thing in China.

Perhaps you are seeing
the upside of it now.

Eh, we're kind of married to
the idea of free press, thanks.

But even your regulations
won't stop some guy in Macedonia

being paid to
manufacture clickbait. No.

We are all going to lose this battle

if we don't stand
together and call it out.

Just as you're going to lose the battle

against an epidemic of
cocaine and heroin addiction

if you don't get ahead of it now.

Perhaps you'd rather talk
about this in another location?

I have nothing to hide.

Do you, Minister Chen?

Certainly not.

Well, then we're fine.

REPORTER: Madam Secretary,
what do you have to say about

the m*rder charges?

REPORTER : What is
the purpose of this meeting?

REPORTER : Minister Chen,
did you know the deceased?

(reporters continue clamoring,
cameras clicking)

Did you find any?

(speaking Russian) _

Talia, English!

Also, it was very expensive.

You know, there are other
ways to treat your injuries.

Dr. McCord found me a good doctor.

He could do the same for you.

I will be fine.

Didn't they ask you about
dr*gs on your polygraph test?

Russian military taught me

how to beat a polygraph
test since I was .

If you're like this without
your pills for one day,

what will happen when you're working

and you don't have them for a week?

(groans softly)

(speaks Russian) Dr. McCord
has done so much for us.

He's depending on you.

Don't lecture me!

I've taken care of everything
this far, haven't I?!

Look, you have to trust me.

I know what I'm doing!

NEWS ANCHOR: A dramatic scene

in the small Pacific nation
of Timor-Leste this evening,

as DEA agents took custody
of Enrique Villareal,

a high-ranking member of the
notorious Colima Cartel.

According to DEA officials,
the Mexico-based cartel

has been using Timor-Leste

as a staging point for
drug-smuggling operations...

- throughout the Asian-Pacific region.
- Welcome home.

This arrest comes as part of a major...

I want to be asleep.

- (mutes TV)
- DEA made quick work of the Colima Cartel.

What'd you do, thr*aten
them with a cocktail glass?



I threatened Minister Chen
with the nightmare

of what China would look like
if heroin and cocaine become

as much of an epidemic in
his country as it is in mine.

He likes when I play
into their superiority.

And as Kissinger said,

- it has the added benefit of being true.
- Ha.

So, here we are,

in a brand-new news cycle.

Uh, not so fast.

The latest snap poll
has % of Americans

thinking you're a m*rder*r.

Well, that's half what it was.

So we're moving in the right direction.

(chuckles softly)

Scary how fast everyone
jumped aboard that train.

Even scarier to think
that a drug syndicate

can use the power of fake
news to rattle a country,

convince them to lose faith
in their government officials.

The bad guys have
a powerful new w*apon.

And we don't know how to fight it.

Figure that out, okay?

I'm working on it.


- No, no, no.
- (moans)

No. Mm.

You still interested
in getting a hobby?

This is not a hobby.

It is if you're doing it right.

- (moans)

Ah. Madam Secretary.

- Chief Justice.
- (chuckles)

I don't think I've ever
seen you in here before.

No, I'm not much of a
power breakfast type.

- Mm.
- Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's just I'm more of
a muffin on the fly type.

Got it.

There's just somebody
I needed to bump into.

Uh, yes, there is.

And I wouldn't want to be

Senator Morejon right now.


Madam Secretary.

Senator Morejon.

What did you do,

have the NSA track my
whereabouts or something?

You Instagrammed your breakfast.

Those things have Geo-tracking on them.

Something to keep in mind.

I wanted to touch base now that

those responsible for
Bento's death have been found

and you look a little
foolish for buying into

an Internet conspiracy.

I was just repeating a news item

that one of my staffers read online.


You're playing a more
dangerous game than you know.

You played a pretty
dangerous game yourself,

pulling every democratic
lever that you could

to get Dalton a second term.

There are still some powerful
forces in American politics

who hate him for going rogue
and leaving the party.

And they hate you just as much

for convincing him to do it.

He made his own decision,
followed his conscience.

A novel approach you might
want to look into sometime.

Well, here's what I know already:

in this brave new world
of scattered partisan media,

where unscrupulous outlets
are desperate

for any juicy news story

and political plot twist
that they can find,

I believe I can chip away
at Dalton's approval ratings

quickly and efficiently.

% of the American public

thinks that you're a m*rder*r,
Madam Secretary.

I can work with that.