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05x01 - Panic

Posted: 09/21/21 17:34
by bunniefuu



Just keep moving. Nice and easy.

[squawking continues]

[squawking echoes]

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.


[bellowing continues]

[monkeys screeching]




I really thought this year
was going to be different.


[alarm clock beeping]

♪ Willabee, wallabee, wee ♪

♪ An elephant sat on me ♪

♪ Willabee, wallabee... ♪

- I'm so sorry. I overslept.
- It's okay.

Me and Jee-Yun were just
having some breakfast together.

Pureed pears. You missed out.

I'm sure I will get to see
it in a couple of hours.

I can't believe I slept
through your alarm.

Yeah, I figured that was a
sign I should let you sleep in.

♪ An elephant sat on you... ♪

When's your next
appointment with Dr. Bolsaro?

This afternoon.

Then Jee and I are gonna
have lunch with Josh.

All of which you already knew.

I also know you've been
really tired lately,

ever since they switched
you to the duloxetine.

Thought it might be a side effect.

- Maybe you should...
- Please don't.

Look, I know that you
really want to fix this.

But it's not your job.

You don't need to spend
your time worrying about me.

Making sure you and Jee-Yun
are happy and healthy

is my most important job. So
you can tell me not to worry,

but I'm not sure I know how to do that.

I'll... I'll talk to
the doctor. I promise.

Good. Okay. I should get to work.

You guys have a good day, huh? Love you.

Love you.

Love you, too.

[whispers]: Hi.

Hey. You know, it won't
be like this forever.

- It's gonna get better.
- Yeah.

Of course it is.

BUCK: So it's pretty serious, then.

I don't know what you mean.

Well, you're meeting her parents.

We're meeting everybody. Her parents,

her tíos, her tías, her primos.

Her whole family's going to be there.

[exhales] It's a baby christening.

Which sounds pretty serious.

It's not like it's Ana
and Eddie's baby, Buck.

CHIMNEY: That's right, Baby Buck.

What are we talking about?

Ana's sister's having a baby.

Chris and I got invited to
the christening next Sunday.

You and Chris at the christening?

- That sounds serious.
- It's not.

Not the way you guys
are making it sound.

It's the next step. You know,

she's showing you off
to the entire family.

It's like the opening
scene of The Godfather.

Pretty sure the christening is
the last scene of The Godfather.

You guys'll have a great time.

EDDIE: He's really looking forward to it.

He even agreed to let
me buy him a new suit.

We tried on the old one last night...

- Barely made it past his elbows.
- [chuckling]

I swear that kid's shot up like a weed.

- They'll do that.
- Last time he wore it,

it still fit him.

That was at his mother's funeral.

[balls clatter]

[phone buzzes]

Earthquake alert. That's
weird. You guys feel anything?

[phone buzzes]

Uh, m-mine's a tsunami alert.

- [phone buzzing]
- Mudslide warning.

It's like our greatest hits.

- Why isn't the bell going off?
- [phone buzzes]

Don't tell us, the bombs
are landing in five minutes.


- Evidently I'm dialing .
- [line ringing]


- Who is this?
- This is emergency services.

Well, I didn't call you.

. What's your emergency?

- WOMAN: I didn't dial .
- . What's your emergency?

So you don't have an emergency?

People! Do not panic.

I'm being told we have not been hacked.

The trouble appears to be
with the cell phone providers.

Unfortunately our system has

no way of weeding out
the automated calls.

So if you don't have
an actual emergency,

clear the line so that people
who need us can get through.

- . Do you have an emergency?
- WOMAN: Come on.

- GPS VOICE: Recalculating...
- Are you kidding me?

Oh, just shut up already!

- Recalculating.
- LINDA: Ma'am?

Are you in need of emergency assistance?

Wait, w-who's there?

This is dispatcher

Linda Bates and you called me.

Or at least your phone did.
Are you in need of any help?

Not unless you can give me directions.

- My car's GPS is going insane.
- GPS VOICE: Proceed to the route.

- Not really our purview.
- WOMAN: Didn't think so.

- Sorry!
- [phone clicks off]

GPS VOICE: Proceed to the
route. Proceed to the route.

Proceed to the route.

I thought this was the route, damn it!

- Recalculating. Recalculating.
- Enough!

You are on the fastest route.

- Finally.
- [line ringing]

- . What's your emergency?
- Turn left now.

- Oh, no! Not again.
- Turn left now.

- Turn left now.
- Wait, now?

- Turn left now.
- [tires screeching]





Yeah, I-I went off the road.

Into some... I-I don't know. Canal maybe?

Are you there?

Please tell me you're there!

I'm here. Tell me your name.

- Kirby.
- Hi Kirby. I'm May.

Have you tried to open the windows?

Nothing is working.

I tried the door too, but it's stuck!

Do you have anything you
could use to break the windows?

- I'm not seeing anything.
- It's okay.

Do you remember where you were
before you went off the road?

I was on Willoughby.
It told me to turn left.

It sent me straight into the water!

I found you. Help is on the way.

The water's getting higher!

Are they gonna get here in time?

Fire and rescue are plan B.

- What's plan A?
- Can you swim?

- What?
- Kirby. Can you swim?

Yes, but I'm still sinking
and the door won't open!

You can't open the door because
the pressure of the water

outside is greater than
the pressure inside.

But it will equalize.

When that happens,
you're gonna open the door

and swim to surface.

[scoffs] I have to let myself sink?

I'm-I'm going to drown in here!

- I don't want to die!
- Kirby, stop.

- I'm not ready!
- Do not panic.

- I don't wanna die!
- You're gonna listen to me

and we're gonna get you
out of that car. Okay?

Okay, okay.

First, take off your seat belt.

Then, kick off your shoes. Jacket, too.

Anything that's gonna weigh you down

needs to go. Keep your mouth and nose

above the water for as long as you can.

When the water starts
to cover your face,

that's when you'll take a big

breath of air, as much as you can.

And then I open the door?

- Just enough to slip out.
- Okay.

The car will fall away from you.

Then, you kick-kick-kick
your way to the surface.

As hard as you can.

You're going to make it to the surface,

Kirby. Say it.

[sobbing]: I'm gonna make it.

I'm gonna make it! [inhales deeply]

[horn blaring]

We got her! We got her!


What the hell is happening?

I have no idea.

[helicopter blades whirring]

CHIMNEY: Here. Give me your hand.

[grunts] I got you.

GPS VOICE: Turn left now.

- Turn left now.
- Recalculating.

- Turn left now.
- [man shouts]

Turn left now.

[echoes]: Turn left now.

REPORTER: Representatives
from GoGo Anywhere

suggested a bug in the
most recent update might be

what caused the navigation
app to malfunction.


There were accidents all over the city.

But if I could figure out
what caused it to happen...

Okay. [grunts]

Hey, I'm still working.

Working or grasping at straws?

It was a bug.

Okay? They'll-they'll
put out an update tomorrow

and it'll be over with.

Not worth wasting your night on.

Oh, is there something I should
be wasting my night on instead?


- I got a few ideas.
- Mm.

I have an idea, too.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.


- [phone clicks]
- Uh, okay...

Thank you.

You said you have the app.

I want to see when the last update was.

Two weeks ago?

Uh, no, t-that can't be right.

All the accidents happened today.

They lied.

Whatever happened wasn't
a bug in their software.

So what was it?

It was a ransomware attack.

Now, where'd you hear that?

- She knows a guy.
- You know a guy?

I'm an engineer, Michael.
I know a lot of guys.


Anyway, this one works
at GoGo Anywhere, and, uh,

he wanted to know if I knew of
anyone else who had been hit.


A defense contractor
in Texas. Last week.

And another one in Michigan,
the week before that.

And this is the first time
we're hearing about this?

You also didn't hear about
the other , cyberattacks

- that happen every day.
- Yeah, but there's backups, right?

You know, redundancies, firewalls.

Systems designed to-to

help protect us from being
kicked back into the dark ages

by faceless guys on the Internet.

- Sort of.
- What?

Look, there is no way to
perfectly protect any system.

Right? And most things
in our lives are run on

some sort of automated system.

Banking, supply chains,
the lights in your house,

the water in your faucet.

Someone screws with enough
of those systems and...

people realize that society

isn't as resilient as we think it is.

- [clicks tongue]
- [Hen sighs]

My wife. The apocalyptic doomsayer.


Always a big hit at the parties, babe.

Oh, you love it.

Okay, I'm gonna need something
a little stronger than coffee.

Anybody up for a whiskey?


Something's wrong with our game.

Yeah. It froze and now
it won't even load at all.

[scoffs] So now cell phone carriers,

GPS navigation and now video games?

W-What's next?

The end of the world as we know it.

Well, if it's gonna end,

I would appreciate it if it would do so

before : tomorrow morning.

Why? What's happening tomorrow?

CLERK: Next case before the court,

The State of California
v. Jeffery Connor Hudson.

Pretrial motions. Honorable
Judge Priya Atkins presiding.

- Bring in the defendant.
- [lock buzzes]

[women giggling]

Oh, look. His fan club's here.

- [gavel bangs]
- ATKINS: We're on the record.

All right, whom do we have present?

Your Honor, Ken Decker for the state.

- [quietly]: You need me to...
- Does the defense need a moment?

Your Honor, the
defendant has informed me

that my services will
no longer be required.

He just fired me.

He intends to represent himself.

- Objection...
- What do you mean, objection?

- ATKINS: Settle down. Order!
- This is me trying to get

- a fair trial.
- [gavel banging]

Settle down. Mr. Hudson,

if I do allow you to represent yourself,

you'll do so with decorum
and you'll follow the rules.

Mr. Decker, I'll hear
what you have to say.

Everyone else, please sit down.

Ms. Risco, for the time
being, that includes you.

Your Honor, this defendant

is charged with six counts of r*pe.

Heinous crimes that involved
him stalking his victims,

lying in wait inside their homes,

and then viciously
attacking them. In addition,

he brutally assaulted an LAPD sergeant,

beating her nearly to death.

All of these women will be
key witnesses in this trial.

To subject them to being
questioned by their attacker

would be tantamount to allowing
him to as*ault them again.

I'd like to see counsel in chambers.

[gavel bangs]

Here you are.


Is he really gonna get to do this?

Be the one firing questions at us?

Because I don't think I can take that.

Which is what he wants. But you
all are stronger than he thinks.

Damn right. You've already proven it.

So let's just wait and
see what the judge says.

Oh, God, look at them.

So disgusting.

Have you seen their "Free
Jeffery Hudson" Facebook group?

Women like that have
something broken inside of them

that makes them fall for psychopaths.

Don't look at them. They
don't deserve your attention.

Hey, Athena.

I'm sorry. The judge
is going to allow Hudson

- to represent himself.
- ATHENA: All right.

Remember what we said.
He can't hurt you.

Just stay strong.

DECKER: Glad to hear you feel that way.

He also just filed a motion
to suppress all evidence

found at Studio Self Storage.

[scoffs] Those trophies
are all that we have

- linking Hudson back to his victims.
- I'm aware of that. Believe me.

Sergeant Grant nearly gave her
life to get us that evidence.

I'm aware of that, too.
And so is the judge.

She's going to hear
arguments next session.

She's actually considering this motion?

DECKER: She is. And
she's allowing Hudson

to call his first witness: you.

ANA: This looks


I'm not the one that's supposed

to be getting a new
suit today, you know.

- Oh, but you look so good, though.
- [laughs]

Let's just try it with a tie?


You really love getting
me dressed up, don't you?

And the other thing.

EDDIE: How you doing in there, pal?


- Do you need any help?
- I got it!

Let's see.

[Eddie wolf whistles]

There's a handsome young man.

EDDIE: Looking good.

As my Tía Pepa would
say... Te queda pintado.

I think I look funny.

Come on, Chris. It's the third one.

I look terrible.

Why don't we see what Mom thinks?

Oh. Uh,

I'm not his mother.

I'm... just a friend.


Hey, I found this one.

Ah, yeah. Let's see.

She's the godmother.

Her niece is getting baptized.


SALESMAN [muffled]: Oh.
Now it all makes sense.

[Ana speaking indistinctly]

[high-pitched ringing]


[heart pounding]

- Eddie?

- Are you okay?
- Dad!

Eddie, Eddie. Call !

[gasping loudly]

Well, it wasn't a heart attack.

- ANA: Thank God.
- Are you sure?

You sound disappointed.

No. I'm just... surprised.

It... it sure felt like one.

Panic att*cks can often
present as heart att*cks.

EDDIE: That's not what this was.

It's not possible. I-I don't panic.

Because you're a guy?

And a firefighter.

Now that's a stressful job.

This didn't happen on the job.

Panic att*cks aren't rational, Mr. Diaz.

But they can be an indicator
of some underlying anxiety.

Have you experienced any
lifestyle changes lately?

Any new stressors?

No. Nothing. It's been great.


CHRISTOPHER: He got shot.

[Ana clears throat]

Eddie was shot four months ago on duty.

He almost died.

The sn*per.

EDDIE: He's dead, and I'm not.

I don't even think about him anymore.

That could be called repression.

Or just moving forward.

Maybe, but I would like
to give you this delightful

and informative pamphlet
outlining what to do

if you start experiencing
symptoms again.

I won't be needing that.


[laughs softly] I don't panic.

[siren wailing]

- [loud thud]
- [dog barking]


[crickets chirping]

[lock clicks]

- [whimpers]
- [grunts]


[Athena groans]


- [gasping]
- [Jeffery grunts]




♪ Oh, well, I'm ♪


- ♪ Sitting here in La-La... ♪
- HARRY: She's up!

Oh. Harry.

What is my little man doing here?

Uh, Michael dropped him off
last night after you went to bed.

He was missing his mom.

Oh, well, I missed you, too.

So am I gonna get some
of your special waffles?

No, even better. We made
pancakes with cheese in 'em.

- Ricotta.
- Ah.

- Makes 'em fluffier.
- Oh.

[laughs] I can't wait to try them.

HARRY: Cream and sugar's on the table.

You sit, we serve.

Just like a restaurant.

[laughs] Come here, you.

♪ It may sound funny,
but I don't believe ♪

♪ She's coming, oh, oh... ♪

Sergeant Grant, are you familiar

with a facility known
as "Studio Self Storage"?


And on the evening of May , ,

did you have occasion
to enter this facility?

I did.

And who granted you
access to this business?

No one did. I just walked in.

JEFFERY: You just walked in?

With a warrant?

No warrant was necessary.

Really? How's that?

I observed

that an outside door had
been suspiciously wedged open,

so I conducted a business check.

Right, right. "Business check."

That's, uh, one of
those phrases cops deploy

when they want to get around
pesky things like warrants.

Prejudicial, Your Honor.

Mr. Hudson, let's keep it in check.

Did anyone else see this
suspiciously wedged open door,

- Sergeant Grant?
- No.

No. Just you.

And did you turn on your
body camera when you entered?

I didn't get a chance to.
I was att*cked... by you.

That's your version.

I remember it the other way around.

As I recall, a lot of people
heard it over the radio.

Oh. Then I'm sure they heard you

identify yourself as police, hmm?

I followed procedure.

Of course.

Sergeant Grant, how many times

have you been put on
restricted duty for misconduct?

A few.

How about five times?

- I'm good police.
- No. My, uh...

my personal favorite is the time

that you threatened a teenage girl

you felt was bullying your daughter.

I felt?

That girl drove my
daughter to attempt su1c1de.

So you arrested this minor,
and you threw her in jail.

You know, some people might
consider that an abuse of power.

- She had dr*gs on her person.
- She said they weren't hers.

- They usually do.
- And sometimes police plant evidence.

- Your Honor!
- Mr. Hudson, are we approaching a point?

Given that the state's
entire case against me rests

on this so-called evidence
obtained by an illegal search

by a rogue cop with a history
of misconduct, I would move

that all items claimed
to have been found

at Studio Self Storage
be suppressed and not

considered evidence in this trial.