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06x03 - You Would Come Back Different

Posted: 09/23/21 05:25
by bunniefuu
- [MICAH] Previously on Queen Sugar...

[CELINE] I'm just afraid that he's
gonna be able to track us down here.

I've been where you've been.

We're not gonna be able
to hide away in a cabana.

Then maybe it's time we tell the family.

I'm Billie Denton, Prosper's daughter.

[VIOLET] She says
that I can't visit Prosper.

Not at the hospital or at the house.

[NOVA] Look, we may not be
Prosper's blood,

but we are family.

And you owe me.

You are having a little girl.


You're gonna love your baby
girl better than I loved mine.

[RALPH] It ain't over
till it's over, Mr. Prosper.

- [MAN] Oh.
- [CHARLEY] Hey, hey.


I can do it, it's just
making too much fuss.

[BILLIE] A few more weeks of physical

and you'll be good as new.

[HOLLYWOOD] No, better than new.

Gonna have to put up a fist
to keep the ladies away, right?

You gave us quite a scare, Prosper.

[HOLLYWOOD] Ah, that's just
the first round.

He'll come back like Ali, huh?

[CHARLEY] You look good.


[VIOLET] Welcome, baby.

Can I get you anything?

[PROSPER] No, I'm fine.

Unless you got some of
that pecan pie with you.


I told Hollywood that
you were gonna want some.

I got you.

Yeah, you know, I wish I could
see your face behind that mask.

I can feel the love, though.
Yeah, thank you.


[NOVA] Hey.

[PROSPER] How are you?

This can't be easy for either of you,

stepping into these new roles.

He's so open with your family.

[CHARLEY] Just give it some time.

When you're in Chicago,
all he talks about is you.

And when I'm here,
all he talks about is the Bordelons.

[CHARLEY] Then there's love
on both sides of the equation.

Just think about this as a do-over,

you know, a chance to make it
what you want it to be.


[NOVA] I'm so glad to see you
out of that hospital.

[PROSPER] Yeah. Me, too.

Yeah, counting my blessings.

Keep thinking about all those
people that couldn't come home.

Amen. Too much pain this year.

But you waking up was a ray of light.

Keep shining on us, okay?

I intend to. You know, I intend to.


♪ Dreams never die,
Take flight As the world turns ♪

♪ Dreams never die,
Take flight As the world turns ♪

♪ Keep the colors
In the lines, take flight ♪

♪ Dreams never die ♪

♪ Keep the colors In the lines ♪

♪ Keep the colors
In the lines, take flight ♪


- [VIOLET] Ooh.


- [HOLLYWOOD] Oh, baby.
- [VIOLET] Hey, baby.

[HOLLYWOOD] Oh, is this all
for my grand opening?

We're gonna need
more napkins for the ribs.

No, sir. Your supplies are
already boxed up in the back.

What's this big, old box? Who is it for?

My customers. Stop being so nosy.

You need to mind your own business.

Hey, can you pick up the rentals?

They're reserved under The Real Spot.

I'm on it.

I'm on it, I'm on it.


You sure? How low?

[WOMAN] Really low.

So basically you're saying
both cane hauls is a bust?

- Yeah.
- Damn.

All right.

If you could salvage anything,
I appreciate it.

Will do.

- [MAN] See you in a minute.
- [CHARLEY] Yep.

You okay, Ralph?

What's up with them arbitrations?

Some of us ain't gonna make it

if those remedy checks
don't come in soon.

Look, if you need anything, I...

- You know, right?
- It's a little deeper than that,


We wouldn't be in this mess
without the USDA.

They need to pay up.

[CHARLEY] Hopefully we'll get
some answers today.

- Oh, hi.
- [NOVA] Hey.

- What up, there?
- Hi.

- [MAN] Hey.
- [RALPH] What's up?

- [BILLIE] Hi.


Prosper asked her to stand in for him.

You know, she be doing her
little real-estate thing in Chicago.

Well, I'm just a paralegal,

but I've been helping with
redlining cases for years.

It's all legal mumbo-jumbo to me.

Good to have somebody who
speak their language on our side.

I just want my daddy's
paperwork to be right.

And if I can help anyone along the way,
I'm happy to do so.

I'll see you inside.

- Nova.
- [NOVA] Afternoon.

Don't let her fool you.

She talks a good game,
but you can't trust her.

What I'm not gonna do is
get between y'all little beef.

Come on.

[CHARLEY] Sheriff,

can I help you?

No, ma'am.

Let me be more specific.

What are you doing here?

Oh, we got a call
from a concerned citizen.

[NOVA] About what?

It's a meeting
for the farmers collective.

The Black farmers collective.

[RALPH] You're saying Black
folk can't have a meeting?

What are you saying,
I can't attend a public meeting

paid for by my tax dollars?

Of course you can.

Of course I can.

[RALPH] What is this, Charley?

Feel like a setup.



You want to tell me what's going on?



Hey, Celine. It's okay.

He knows. This is Hollywood, my husband.

He wanted to meet you.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Hollywood.

- [HOLLYWOOD] And who is this?
- Come on.

This is my son Gabriel,
named after the angel from the Bible.

Are you famous, Mr. Hollywood?

I'm famous at tic-tac-toe.
You know what that is?

No, sir.

Oh, we gonna have to fix that.


That is the first time I've
seen my baby smile in weeks.

I sure can't seem
to make him smile anymore.

He will smile again
when you can smile again.

You've got a lot
on your shoulders, baby.

But you're surviving.

Ma'am, I feel like I've been
barely surviving now for over a year.

It just won't let up.

We was all trapped in that house

when Greg lost his job because of COVID,

no work for either of us,
no school for Gabriel.

I thought, "That man has been
taken his frustrations out on me

since we got married.

I'm getting used to it."

But then,

them little pops in the mouth
turned into fists in my face.

I felt my soul slipping away.

I thought I could take it.

I've been taking it
all these years but...

Ooh, Ms. Vi,

the man started taking his
frustrations out on Gabriel

and I had to go.

Nobody is hurting my baby.

[VIOLET] You're right.

Nobody's hurting your baby and
nobody's hurting you, not anymore.

That's all because
you took a stand for yourself.

You got out of there.

You're smart. You came to a
parish where he don't know folks.

And, baby,

you connected
with the right people, baby.

You are here, you are safe.

And you are going to get through this

and have a beautiful testimony.

Believe that.



I understand your frustration

and I'll get to all of your questions.

There's only one question that matters.

When y'all gonna make
receipts for our claims

- and when y'all gonna cut our checks?
- [MAN] That's right.

We have to take every
allegation seriously.

- [RALPH] Mm-hmm.
- And that's caused

some unexpected delays.

[RALPH] Now we've been jacked
around long enough,

- y'all need to pay us.
- [ALL] Pay us.

Pay us! Pay us! Pay us!

First, you got to be Black to
get a vaccine and now this?

Where's our special fund?

[CHARLEY] Okay, this fund was set up

to cover generational discrimination.

Seems like it's about reparations to me.

[NOVA] This isn't reparations.

Reparations will be
paying back the $ . trillion

owed to our ancestors
and their descendants.

See, she admits it,
right out of her mouth.

[NOVA] Oh, yeah, thief.

You stole proceedings
from our vaccine drive!

You're stealing right now.

We're processing these claims
as fast as we can.

But the more claims,
the slower the process.

All claims have
to be fully investigated.

It can take time,
longer than you might expect.

[BILLIE] Sir, Pigford v. Glickman
already set the legal precedent.

The patterns of discrimination
are clear.

There's no point in dragging this out.

Pay these farmers what they are owed

or they'll be forced to take their
grievances to court for emergency relief.


That's the update we have.

We'll have another in about six weeks.

- [MAN] Six weeks?
- [WOMAN] Six weeks?

[RALPH] What do you mean six weeks, huh?

What am I supposed to do
for six weeks? Hey!

Six weeks!


Why you ain't tell me, Vi?

Now what if...
what if her husband showed up?

And I ain't even know where you were.

This is what I'm always
talking about, Vi.

And that's why I didn't tell you.

'Cause I knew this is exactly
how you would act,

telling me that I'm always
helping everybody else.

I just didn't want to fight
anymore about how I do me.

That's what you think about me,
just a broken record.

Look, you and me, we're the same.

The Real Spot is just you taking care
of everybody else instead of yourself.






- Yeah, what?
- [CHARLEY] Yeah, what?

[SCOFFS] I know I raised you better
than to answer the phone like that.

[MICAH] Sorry, I didn't see it was you.

I just want to remind you
about dinner tonight

with your dad
and the family at Aunt Vi's.

That's a sentence I never
thought I'd hear you say again.

Well, um, do you want to talk about it,

talk it through?

Your feelings about all of
this are important to us, Micah.

I hope you know that.

No, no.

I just want you to be happy.

I want him to be happy.

So if you two think that
you can be happy together,

then, by all means, go for it.

All right? Um,

I don't want you
to hurt like that again.

I don't think
either of us could take it.

Thank you, baby, for... for saying that.

I hear you.

I'll, um, I'll see you later tonight?

I'll see you tonight.

Bye, sweetheart.

Guess I thought he'd be happier

that we were back together.

He used to talk about it all the time.

He won't be alone in his reservations.


You know, some of your family might
not be too happy

seeing us together.

And no one in your family
is gonna hold back.

Well, I know some might be surprised,

but I don't think anyone
is gonna be opposed.


I am ready to plead my case
with the court of the Bordelons.


I have my opening remarks ready,
my rebuttals.

- Wow.
- Yeah,

and I just have to
withstand the cross-examination

so that I can get
to my closing argument.

They are indeed a handful.

May not be easy, but you're up to it.

Ain't no other way to be.



[WOMAN] I saw your talk with
Tarana Burke on your Live.

It was powerful.

Thank you. Thanks very much.

- Did you watch?
- Of course I did.

Excellent, as always.

You got me thinking about
our intersection with whiteness.

It's a lot to unpack. A lot to process.

What, am I being too dramatic?

No, you should just check out
my uncle's new space

The Real Spot one of these days.

It's a place for men to process.

I'm not sure what goes on in there,

but maybe you can give us ladies
a scoop on what happens inside.

[WOMAN] Yeah, we want the scoop.

Oh, no, ma'am. No, ma'am.

If The Real Spot is a spot just for men,

then what happens at The
Real Spot stays at The Real Spot.

Oh, you got slogans.

I've been writing them down.

Bye, y'all.



Never thought I'd see the day
Davis was back in this house.

Me neither,

but life is about change

- and Davis has changed.
- I heard that.

I've never met him before the change.
What was he like?

Well, some men don't know
what they have until it's gone.

We never have a chance to make mistakes.

Well, I for one, am excited
that the hook-up has come back.



Ernest used to be so proud.

"Yeah, my son-in-law Davis West."

Him and Prosper be on
the court looking like kings,

on that courtside,
ooh, those were the days.

Well, he might not be able
to get you front-row seats,

since those go to the players,

but if this coaching gig that
he's up for comes through,

second row ain't bad.

Hey, beggars can't be choosers.


If it ain't the man himself.

Mr. Davis West.

Hey, what's up, big brother?

- [DAVIS] It's good to see you, man.
- It's been a minute.

- How are you?
- I grew up a little bit.

Yeah, yeah. We all...

Look, congrats
on the wedding and the baby.

I'm happy for you, bruh.

- What's up, mama?
- Hey, baby.

- You good?
- [CHARLEY] Yeah.

- I appreciate you. Welcome back.
- [DAVIS] Thank you, bro.

- [RALPH] Yes, indeed.
- There he is.

- Hollywood.
- [HOLLYWOOD] Oh, big man.

- Good to see you.
- [DAVIS] Oh, man.

Come on, man. Come on, pull up a chair.


Hey, Nova.

- Nice to see you again, Davis.
- You too.

- Darla, hi.
- Hi. It's nice to see you.

- Hey, baby.
- How are you?

[VIOLET] I'm good.

[MICAH] Good to see you.


[DAVIS] Evening, Aunt Vi.

These are for you, and, um...

thanks for having me over.

Well, you're welcome. Thanks.

[DAVIS] Guys, before we get started,

if I could just say that it's
been on my heart for a long time

to apologize to all of you.

Breaking your trust in me.

I'd never really had much of a family,

but when I first came home with Charley,

you guys took me in like
I was one of yours.

So, uh,

thank you for the second chance.

Especially you.

I love you, Charley.

I love you, too, Micah.

- Let's eat, y'all.
- Yes, let's do it.

Micah West, I don't know,
we haven't done this in a while,

but we say grace around before we eat.

- [MICAH] I'm sorry.
- All right, now let's get into it.

- Let's get into it.
- Come on, come on, come on.


Now, we all know this has
been a hard year,

lost a lot of people, friends,



but this year has
also given us the opportunity

to put stock on what's important

and to let go of
what we need to let go of

and hold tight to things that we want,

and remember what matters the most.

- That's real.
- [HOLLYWOOD] Is each one of us

to be the guiding force

and not to let our ego and
our pain and our past guide us,

but be guided by something
that is more mighty, wiser,

- and stronger forever, God.
- Yep.

And, Lord, we ask you to
bless each and every one of us

and bless this food
that we're about to receive.

- Amen.
- [ALL] Amen.

Amen. Dr. Reverend Hollywood.





Baby, I am so glad for you.

This is a dream you've been
holding a long time.

Thank you, cher.

Okay, so I got you set up
with food and spirits

and I'm gonna get out of here
and go to my ladies night.

- Baby, I am so happy.

- Oh.
- [VIOLET] That makes me happy.

- Wood.
- Yo, yo.

I want you to meet my people.

- [VIOLET] I'm done, I'm going.
- Bye, Aunt Vi.


- This my homie Theo.
- What's up, bruh?

- Everybody call me Theo, man.

So, this the new spot, huh?

Yeah, it's gonna be something, yeah.
How y'all boys meet?

- [RALPH] Oh, man.
- Prison, man.

Okay. Yeah, well,

you know, any friend of Ral
is welcome here.

- All right?
- All right, brother.

Hey, man, I want you
to meet homie Dale. Cardale.

It's my people from G.

Oh, yeah?

Nice to meet you, man.

- And your name?
- Theo.

- Theo.
- Yeah.

- Hey, Theo. Welcome to St. Jo.
- Yo.

Yeah, welcome.

Prosper wants to say what's up.

- Oh, no, that's Prosper.
- Hey!


Old friends, good to see you
in that old rickety chair of yours.

Right, watch it. After all the
damn painting I did down there,

I wouldn't miss this
for nothing in the world.

- Hey, get better soon.
- That's right.

You missed a couple
spots that I had to patch up.

[BILLIE] Come on, Dad. You need to eat.

I made you some steamed chicken.

I'm coming, I'm coming.

All right.

I invited all of you here because
you brothers are important to me.

You're important to the community.

And most of all,
you Negros got your vaccinations.


But seriously, this place,

it's just for us.

- That's right.
- [MAN] Yeah.

For us to convene, vibe, and work
out whatever's going on with us.

- Yeah.
- Just be.

So, who wants to go first?

Come on, maybe...

maybe we could talk about
whatever's on our minds,

whatever we're thinking about.

And you know your boy Wood
has come prepared, huh?

- Uh-huh.


you gets no yak
if you don't start yakking.



Well, he'll see how hard it is
to get men to open up.

Pulling teeth.

Everything okay with you and Wood?

[VIOLET] Just a little speed bump,

- but we all got 'em this year, right?
- Mmm.

Feels good to finally have
everything out in the open.



We're just happy for you, girl.

Do your political folks know
about you and Davis?

It's none of their business
how I feel about my man.

[DARLA] How do you feel about him?

Are you in love with him again?

I'm close.

Definitely in my feelings.

Well, the fact is you all
are public figures

and folks are gonna have their opinions.

[HOLLYWOOD] So, Micah,
maybe you want to start it off?

Why I got to go first?

'Cause you're Generation Emo.

You all share everything on
the Gram every day long, huh?

Man, I'll go first
if I get some of that yak.

Oh, no, no, you're gonna be real good

- with that cold drink right there.
- Mmm.


I feel like

I'm getting a second chance, you know?

I just...

I don't want to mess anything up.

You won't and nothing bad's
gonna happen.

I don't... I don't know if it's like,

um, the hormones or what,

but I just can't, um...

I cannot shake this feeling

like something's coming,

something I'm not gonna like.

Uh-uh. Nope.

Nope, we're not doing that.


That's how the world wants us.

Got us so messed up that
we not even trusting in joy.

Well, we need to.

Trust joy.

You know, I met this kid yesterday,

his name was Gabriel.

It's funny 'cause that's my mama's
favorite angel in the Bible, yeah.

He was living with his mommy in a motel

and the way that
he was clinging onto her just

reminded me so much of me at that age.

Vi's been sort of on me about
going through my mama's things, so,

the other day,

I did and I found this hat

that reminded me of a time

when my mama went hat shopping

and this white saleslady

wouldn't even let her try it on.

I was hugging up on my mother's hips,

'cause to me,
she was everything in the world.

But to that woman,

she was nothin'.

Some people are just bad news.

Billie was one of those people.

Ralph Angel,

he always talked about Billie, like, um,

like she was a third
sister back in the day.

He was so young, he wouldn't know.

You two were almost inseparable,
what happened?

I'll just say when someone
shows you who they are,

- believe them the first time.
- [CHARLEY] Mmm.

She caused a lot of damage for me.

And for me.

There was a rumor that

Billie was messing around with
Jimmy Dale while we were married.


I mean, he was always disrespecting me,

chasing any and every skirt,

but that one,

it almost broke me.

I mean, the girl was like family.

Some things and some people
should remain in your past.

[RALPH] Hey, man.

It's good to see you, bruh.

- Good to see you, too, bruh.
- For real.

Look, you good?
You looked stressed back there.

Just got a lot on my mind.

I'm straight.

Man go for money problems
or woman problems.

Ain't no woman problems.
A lot with the baby coming.

I got you.

If you need me to, you know,

get you a little something while you
wait on that money, I can help, bruh.

In fact, I got a way
you can make some cash.

Nah, T.

I'm out that life now.

Me, too. That's why
I'm telling you about this.

It's easy, it's an inside job

where you ain't gotta
get out of the van.

We unload the truck,
you drive it off, it's that simple.

- What's in the truck?
- It's computer equipment.

They store it for, like,
an office or something,

which means ain't nobody gonna miss it.

It's a warehouse called,
um, Landry Industries.

- Landry?
- Yeah.

I know that family.

I ain't tryin' to get
mixed up with them.

Look, I appreciate you, though.

Ain't hurt to ask, man.

- All right, it was good to see you, boy.
- Bruh.

Too good. Good to see you, big homie.

- You stay up, brother.
- Man, drive safe.

I will.

I got a little something for you, man.

- Man, no.
- Yeah.


It's a gift for the baby, all right?



Sarah, I think that I speak
for both myself and my husband

when I say that we loved meeting you.

And we would really like for you

to help us bring our baby
girl into the world as our doula.

[SARAH] Oh, I would love that.

- You will be amazing parents.
- Thank you.

Have you decided on your midwife?

I thought you was the midwife.

[DARLA] Do we need both?

We work together, but the
midwife has more medical expertise.

And her focus is
on the health of the baby,

while I focus on the mom, on you.

[RALPH] Gotcha.

That sounds expensive.

Does sound expensive.

Well, if you have insurance,
generally they'll cover some of it.


Look, let me put together
some recommendations,

and send them over,
and we could keep talking.

[DARLA] Okay.

[RALPH] Thank you for coming.



Maybe we should just
have the baby at the hospital.

I want you to have the
birth experience you want,

not just the one we could afford.

I appreciate that but, I mean,

is the harvest really
gonna cover all of that?

I mean, the expenses are piling
up and that doula is not cheap.

The harvest is not really
booming like I want it to by now.

- But when the remedy checks come in...
- If they come in.

They will.

We already maxed out on payday loans,

I mean, maybe we need
to just like swallow our pride

- and ask for help.
- Darla,

don't give up on me.

I just need a little more time.

All right?

I know, we're in this together.

- Are you sure?
- We'll figure it out.

All right.

It's the mix of passion
and protest that gets me.

You know, but you can't
just watch the film.

You have to read Baldwin's words.

[MICAH] Holy shit!

All available reports...

[MAN] Scared the crap out of me.



[MAN] Micah.

Breathe, man.


Where is he?

- [MAN] Who?
- [MICAH] The cop, the cop.

Micah, I think you're
having a panic attack.

Have you had one before?

- No, no.
- Okay.

You're gonna be okay.

- Just, just take slow, deep breaths.
- I can't, I can't breathe.

- It's just a security guard.

No one's here.

Micah, look at me.



Should I call someone?

No, just stay right there
right there for sec.


Just breathe.

Hello, beautiful.


Oh, yeah.

[HOLLYWOOD] You know what?

I got one of those.

Only bigger.

How big?

Well, it's big enough for me to ride.


- That's cool, huh?
- Yeah.

- You want me to fix that for you?
- Okay.

- Magic.
- [CELINE] Look at that.

How'd you do that?

- What are you gonna say? Come on.
- Thank you.

Oh, you're welcome.




Is Prosper inside?

Promised I'd bring him
some of Vi's leftovers.

He's sleeping.


Okay, well, could you give
him this and tell him I came by?


You know it's childish that
we don't talk about things.

How would you like to start?

You could try an apology.

We were kids.

It was an accident.

An accident?

What you said to my father
damaged my relationship with him

for the rest of his life.

He never looked at me the same.

We were ,
we both did things back then.

No, you don't get to get off that easy.

You knew exactly what you were doing,
that's what made it worse.

You did it on purpose.

Nova, I don't remember all the details.

All I remember is that I was hurting.

And you hurt me, too.

You told my father you were worried
about my soul because I might be gay.

You outed me, Billie.

I came home to questions
I wasn't prepared to answer,

for me or for myself.

And for you to sit here and
say that it happened accidentally

is vile.


No, I'll tell you what's vile.

Abandoning your best friend
when she needed you the most.

When did I abandon you, Billie?

Me and Jimmy Dale.

Oh, so the rumor is true.

Ah, you...

You are so high and mighty on TV

and in your books and in your articles,

crusading for justice
and women's rights,

but you couldn't see then or now

what is really happening.

I was years old, Nova.

He was over .
There was no me and Jimmy Dale.

There was a -something-year-old
man going around town

telling people that an
-year-old senior in high school

was good in bed.

And not one of you,

not my best friend,
or anyone in her family

thought to inquire
about the circumstances.

What are you saying, Billie?

I'm saying

the same thing that
I wanted to tell you then.

I tried to tell Violet and my father

and everybody back then.

It wasn't my choice.

But nobody would listen.

[CRYING] Nobody.

So, as soon as I graduated, I left.

And on my way out, I stepped by the farm

to speak with your father
to see if he would listen.

And he did.

And he was so kind, Nova.

I think he might have even believed me.

I saw in him

a good person.

A father who listened,

and mine didn't,

and that made me so, so sad,

and mad.

And I didn't want you to have
what I didn't have.

So I told him you liked girls.

Just to fight back
what was happening to me.

I left this town
and I never looked back.


To you, for picking up the pieces,

making amends, humbling yourself,

studying, networking,

stepping out on faith,
and nailing the job,

Mr. New Head Coach
of the Los Angeles Dynasty.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And to you,

for not letting
my mistakes take you down,

for rising above the mess,

for coming here and helping your family,

finding a greater cause,

for running and winning an election,

and grabbing the attention of the party.

Baby, you are the hottest
emerging Black woman political figure

in the country right now.

- The sky's the limit.
- For both of us.

- Mm-hmm.

[DAVIS] Mmm.


- Hmm.

- You don't get stars like this everywhere.
- Mmm.

This is something special

I only see in places
where there's no smog,

- or city lights.
- Hmm.

Would you give this all up for politics?

I'm not giving up anything anymore.

- I want it all.
- Mm-hmm.

See, that's what I love about you.


I got to admit,
I'm a little scared about

what the feedback will be once
my announcement goes up.

I hate that it's something you got to
think about while dealing with the party.

We'll get out ahead of it and
control what they're saying.

The party, the sports press will
think what we want them to think.


we set the tone and this,


we're a feel-good story.

Golden couple

who lost themselves in the fame,


found themselves separately,

and reunited to be stronger than ever.


I swear, Charley, you...

you have such a gift
with this kind of stuff

'cause you make it sound so easy.

But I don't want to lean on you,

to rehabilitate my image.

I don't even want an image.

I just want to go about my work quietly,

contribute to a good team,

enjoy the games, and come home to you.

I don't need the other stuff.

I want people to see you

the way I see you.

I only care how you see me.

I want you to be proud of me.

You know, go back to California,
excel at this job,

fix up our house,
and make it a home again.

Would you ever consider moving back?

My life is in St. Jo now.

I have a calling, a community here.

But long weekends in LA
with you sound magnificent.

They do.

In the meantime,

we're gonna have some bumps
in the road to smooth over

for both of us.

- Leave the image stuff to me.
- Yep.

No time like the present, right?

Come on.


Oh, we're doing this?

- We're doing this.
- Oh.


Okay, what's the caption?

Hashtag BlackLoveNeverDies
with a black heart emoji.


Wow. It's working.

Pick me up.

- It's all gonna be okay.
- Mmm.

♪ Another day to try ♪

♪ Don't be cold ♪

♪ You'll be going ♪

♪ Another day to try ♪

♪ Another day to try ♪