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05x06 - Love Is Here to Stay

Posted: 09/23/21 05:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Chesapeake Shores...

Give me your number, in case
I have to tap your phone.

- Fun.
- [JERRY] We should have dinner sometime.

- Dinner?
- Don't worry, it's not a date.

I had dinner with Jess, and David,

and Kevin, and Sarah.
I had a great time.

- It was like...
- Family?

Yeah. I never really had that.

I haven't painted or drawn
anything for years.

We'll be okay.

- We wanted a family.
- And we'll have one.

So they found these on
the hotel building site?

It could cause a work stoppage if
they find something significant.

This law firm spied
on a junior associate

to get intel on his family. I quit.

Thank you very much.



David, do you take Jess to be your wife?

Do you promise to honor, cherish,

- and protect her forevermore?
- I...

- David!



Hey, hon'.

You had that dream again, didn't you?

This time the earth opened
up under your feet.

Better than the time I was
carried off by seagulls.

I just can't wait for this
wedding to be over

so I can have a good
night's sleep again.

That's what every groom wants to hear.

♪ Plane ticket already paid ♪

♪ I'm gone, but it don't mean nothing ♪

♪ I'm close even though I'm far away ♪


♪ That's how I remember you ♪

♪ Stuck here on the red-eye special ♪

♪ I can't wait to see you again ♪


♪ So don't think of me
not being around ♪


♪ Just listen for the
sweet, sweet sound ♪

♪ Of the taxi pulling up the driveway ♪

♪ I'm coming home soon... ♪


♪ I'm coming home soon... ♪



So it turns out Jerry Trask
isn't so bad after all.

Well, people do change.

We're having dinner tonight.

Hmm, a date?

No, no, not a date. Just, um...

just discussing the
curriculum, over dinner.

Educator to educator.

Fine, just make sure
he picks up the check.

- Okay.

- Hi.
- Hey.

I know what you're all thinking...

the wedding is only a week away,

but please, don't get crazy.

Just carry on as if it was
just a normal week.

That's what David and I are going to do.

Because a week is plenty of time

to get everything done.

So just don't panic, okay?

Nobody panic!


- Ooh... she's panicking.
- So much panicking.


- Morning.
- Good morning.

So, Connor...

how long have you been wearing that...


I changed... my shirt. The other day.

That's good. Very good.

Well, he's just happy that he
doesn't have to get dressed

and go to the office, right?

And so he should be,

but it's been three weeks.

Two and a half.

Connor, I appreciate
what you did for me,

- but don't you think you ought to be...
- Planning for my future?

I'm all over that.

In fact, I lie awake at night,

staring at the ceiling,

thinking about nothing but that.

Conn, it's only natural
to feel a little down

at a time like this.

I guess.

I mean, what I thought was my dream job

turned out to be a...

conference room full of snakes.

You need a hug.

What? No, I'm not eight years old.

You don't want a hug?

I kind of want a hug.

I know.

Very good.

Good job.

Now bow to your partners.


Now, this is a little
advanced for this class,

but I want to see what you can do.

Very nice.

Very impressive.

You're late. Class, this is Evan.

He's thinking about joining our class.

What are you doing here?

I like to try new things.

Why don't you just observe for a while?

Oh, I'm a quick learner.
I'll jump right in.

Have you ever taken
any taekwondo before?

No, but I am familiar
with the martial arts.

I've studied Muay Thai,
Krav Maga, Savate.

So, you know, the basics.

Well, sounds like you could
teach us a thing or two.

No, I'm just a student.

Well, we were doing basic arm blocks.
Why don't you show him, Abby?


"You learn best by teaching."

Isn't that right, Master Amy?

You've read my book?

He has people who do research.

I do. I've also watched a lot
of videos on the Internet,

so I'm a leg up on this.

Well then, let's keep going.




Very nice.

Remember, we're not ready to spar yet.

Sorry, sorry. Instincts.

Okay, my turn.

- Bring it on.
- Are you ready?

I'm ready.



Evan, I'm so sorry.

I really, I thought you were gonna duck.

No worries, and I will from now on.

Can I see?

- Oh...
- Looks cool, huh?

I mean this as a compliment,

but you kick like an angry mule.

- I'm so sorry.
- You said that already.

It's okay, Abby, really.

I see your class was eventful, sir.

Ask her.

I really, I didn't mean to do it.


We had many similar incidents
during our Krav Maga training.

He heals quickly.

[ABBY] Bye.



- Jay, sorry.

Oh, whoa, no, no, it's my fault.

You look pretty dangerous there.

Oh, yes, right.

- A new hobby?
- Yeah, I just started.

- Wow, like daughters, like mother.
- Mm.

Must feel good to kick
something once in a while.

You know, I thought it would,

but turns out I don't
know my own strength.

Well, I sure wouldn't mess with you.

So, how you doing?

Still feeling stressed?



Evan Kincaid is driving me crazy,

and I might have just
given him a concussion.

That's an interesting business strategy.

Well, no, see, technically,
it was not my fault.

We were in class...

Wait, wait, wait,

Kincaid is taking taekwondo with you?

Yes, this is the other thing!
He just shows up in my class

and starts taking lessons.
Who does that?


I mean, he does stuff
like that all the time.

He's so impulsive.

He has no attention span.

- He's always interested in new things...
- Abby...

did you ever stop to think

that maybe the new thing that
he's interested in is you?

No. No, no, it is not like that.


I'm gonna stop talking.

No, don't stop.
I enjoy talking with you.

Well, I like talking to you, too.

We should do it again.

Over lunch, or dinner.

Like a date?

I mean, I don't like to put
labels on things, but...

I would like that.


Great, well, you know,
check your schedule,

have your people get in
touch with my people.

Okay, I'll do that.


Oh, and I'll be sure to call if
I ever need somebody kicked.

- All right.
- Okay.

[BREE] Hey, can I have a coffee, please?

Bree O'Brien. [CHUCKLING]

We have to stop meeting like this.

Luke! How are you doing?

Well, as you can see by
the broom in my hand,

I'm now top management.

Yeah, well, don't forget
us little people.

I won't.

Hey, I, uh, I read your
book this weekend.

You did?

Yeah, I got a library
card, checked it out,

and everything. It was terrific.

- Thank you.
- Of course, growing up here,

I could see who the thinly-veiled
characters were.

- Yeah.
- How'd the family take it?

Turned out it was... a
little too thinly veiled.

- Hmm.
- They came around.

I guess it helps that
it was a bestseller.

I still can't believe that.

Oh, I can believe it.

So how's the class coming along?

Oh, I haven't started yet.


I'm a bit nervous.

- Oh, yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, just... just act confident.
The rest will take care of itself.

You think so?

What do I know? I'm holding a broom.


- You okay?
- [WOMAN] I got it.

Okay, well, watch how confidently
I switch from a broom to a mop.

- Are you okay?
- See ya, Bree.

- Here... yeah.
- I'm good.


Yeah, I look forward to
working with you again, too.

Thanks so much. Bye-bye.

That's the fourth call today
about the mitigation.

That Dilpher pays for.

- Every dime.
- You deserve it, Dad.

Thank you.

You look nice.

Wearing hard pants, I see.

- Well, it was time.
- Mm.

Listen, I know that Denzer, Lewis
and Phelps was your dream job.

Well, I thought it was.

Would you have walked away
if it hadn't been about me?

I hope so.


it being about you made it a lot easier.

Well, I'm very proud
of you for doing it.

Thanks, Dad.

Oh, and, uh...

I think you're going to be a
great success on your own.

That is the intention.

First stop, office space.

Yes, and when it comes to
real estate, don't forget...

Location, location, location.

That's right.

What's your favorite novel?

Oh, it's a tie. "Anna Karenina"

and "All My Friends Are
Going To Be Strangers."

Good choices.

Um... if you could be alive
at any point in history,

when would it be?


Now. I like now.


Okay, um... What's your favorite band?

- Or favorite kind of music?
- Country.

- What? Really?
- Yeah, really.

- What, have you ever listened to it?

Like, really listened to the good stuff?

- Is there good stuff?
- Oh... wow.

- Don't be a snob.

You know what, you should come
to Chesapeake Shores sometime.

Go to a little club called The Bridge.

They have great...

Well, they have all kinds of great
music... but really good Country.

Okay. I just might try that.

- How about next weekend?
- Oh, next weekend's bad.

My sister's getting married.

For real, or is that an excuse?

[LAUGHING] No, it's for real.

Who would make up an excuse like that?

Someone who wants a really
good excuse, I guess.

Well, I'm not really looking for one.

- No?
- No.

- Okay.
- In fact, I have a plus-one

in case you want to come check.

Is that an invite?

No, maybe it's just an excuse

for somebody that really wants to come.

Well, um...

- Allow me.
- Thank you.

Well, um... I would love to.



Of course.

- That's great.
- Good.

- Okay.
- Okay. [LAUGHS]


Um... okay then.

- I'll see you...
- Good.

- ... there, then.
- Yeah, okay.

- Just let me know.
- Uh-huh.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

- Bye!
- Um, drive safe.

Thank you so much, for the food.

Yeah, that was nice.


David, do you take Jess to be your wife?

Do you promise to love, honor, cherish,

and protect her forevermore?

I do.



I should have seen that coming.

[EVAN] Okay, I only have a few minutes.

I have to leave for a
meeting in Reykjavik.

Did you address my concerns

about the air conditioning
for the hotel?

Yes, all taken care of.

Your guests will be properly cool.


What is this? I said I wanted
to add three more floors.

I thought you were kidding.


Do you have any idea
how much that will cost?

And also, if you keep adding floors,

will it still be a "boutique" hotel?

It'll be whatever I say it is.

Corey Elevators? No,
I hate that company.

They've been attached to the
project since the beginning.

- You signed off on them.
- Well, their elevators are too slow,

and if there is one thing I hate,

it's a slow elevator.

Evan, are you crazy?

If you change elevator companies now,

the costs would be astronomical.

Abby, the cost of this
whole project is too high.

Wait, so now all of a sudden
you care about money?

Because you're always talking
about how rich you are.

I'm rich because I'm
careful with my money.

Oh, really?

Didn't I read that you flew in
the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

to sing you "Happy Birthday"?

And it was worth every penny.

Evan... why do I get the feeling

that this not actually
about slow elevators?

Why don't you tell me what's
actually bothering you?

Me? Not a thing.

You say that you like it
when I tell you the truth,

so be truthful with me. What's wrong?

All right, cards on the table?

Cards on the table.

You know when I said it didn't
bother me when you kicked me?

- Oh, boy.
- I guess it did bother me.


What bothers me most, though,
is that it was a sucker kick.

- What?
- I wasn't ready!

You literally said,
and I quote, "Ready."

I know, I know, but when I
think back on it, I wasn't,

and you should have known that.

You tried to kick me first.

That is not how I remember it.
You know what? Goodbye.


One of us has to leave,
and this is my building.

Yeah. Point taken.





Arthur? It's Nell O'Brien.

I'm calling to wish
you a happy birthday,

and many, many more.


No one's called to wish me a
happy birthday in a long time.

Well, as they say in the Old Country,

"May misfortune follow
you all of your life,

- and never catch up with ya."

- That's a good one, Nell.
- Go to your door.

- What?
- Go and open your front door.


Well, look at that.

It's me homemade Irish bread,

and two cards from me

And a balloon.

One is never too old for a balloon.

Happy Birthday, Arthur.




I understand,

but it's essential that we reach
Mr. Kincaid as soon as we...

All right, very good.

Thank you so much.

Hey, Dad, this is Peg Lucas.

She's the main archeologist

- from the site.
- How do you do?

- Nice to meet you.
- Well, why don't you fill me in?

Well, it turns out these items

that were first uncovered
were just the beginning.

Then these wooden planks were dug out,

and analysis of the wood

- dates it back to the th Century.
- Wow.

Wow, indeed,

but the really exciting news

is that just this morning,

we recovered what appears
to be the bow of a ship.

Wow, look at that.

This could be a major historical find,

a British supply ship from the s,

but you need to stop work
while we excavate it.

What's Evan Kincaid going
to think about this?

It's hard to tell with him,

but if he's looking for an excuse

to back out of the project,

this could be it.

I have to get back to the site.
There's a lot of work to do.

- Thanks for coming.
- Thanks.

Well, I left two messages.
They can't reach him.

Oh, well, that's 'cause he's in Iceland.

What's he doing in Iceland?

Who knows?

Maybe he's a super villain, and
that's where his secret lair is.

Well, you've tried to reach him,

I've tried to reach him.

What else can we do?

I don't know,

but I do know we need this project.

We can't let him back out.

Well, you've done everything you can.

Yeah. [SIGHS]

I really wish I hadn't
kicked him in the head.

I never thought I'd hear you say that.

Say what?

That you have things under control.

Well, I do.

I mean, Abby's doing
great at the office.

Kevin and Sarah,
they've got it together.

Jess is getting married,
and Bree's teaching.

I actually feel as though
I could go away,

and everything would be all right.

Are you trying to tell me something?

Are you sick?


I just mean that,

after Jess's wedding,

I thought maybe we could...

I don't know, maybe we could
go somewhere for a while.

- Where?
- Anywhere.

How much of a while?

Any while.

Are you talking retirement, Mick?

No, I mean, just... a vacation.

Wow. When was the last
time you did that?

Hey, I've taken some vacations

in my -plus years in the
business, okay? All right?

Hmm. Okay, how many?




Oh, sorry, I've gotta take this.
I've been trading with this guy.



Yeah, great to hear you, too.

How interested might you be

in an Arthur Driscoll retrospective?

With at least a dozen
never-before-seen paintings?

No, Carter, I'm not talking New York.

The way to play it would be to
open here in Chesapeake Shores.

His home-base.


Okay. You bat it around a bit,

but, full disclosure,
I do have other players.

Great. Get back to me.

Other players?

Not that I've called yet.

- Megan O'Brien...

I learned everything
I know from you, baby.


- Hey.
- You're up early.

Yeah, well, the PTA
can't carb-load itself.

It's nice that you help out like this.

It is, isn't it? Yeah.

- Do you need a hand.
- Yeah, I sure could use the help,

because these pastries
are awfully heavy.

Yes, you're doing cross-fit there.

Well, actually, it's more
like "croissant-fit".


Hey, um...

This is kind of last-minute, but, uh...

Jess and David's wedding is tomorrow.

Would you want to be my plus-one?


Yeah, yeah, I'd be honored.

- For sure, yeah.
- Yeah?

- Yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.

Okay, I will, um...
I'll text you the details.

Great. Yeah, text me the deets.

- Sure.

- I will do that.
- Great. I look forward to it.

York! Unique New York! Unique...


Oh! Mr. Driscoll!

- Which one of you is Caitlyn?
- Me!

You made me that
beautiful birthday card.

Thank you so much, Caitlyn.

- You're welcome.
- Now, Carrie, a word, please.

Do you know Claude Monet?


You've got something going on.

That was a compliment.

I don't give them very often.

Maybe I'm out of practice.

- You decent with a brush?
- I guess.

I usually use colored pencils, but...

I like colored pencils,
too, but, uh, use this...

and these.

Wow. Are these all yours?

Nope. They're yours now.

I haven't painted or sketched for years.

Why not?

I don't want to.

Paint that... or that.

Heck, you can paint that.

Paint whatever you want.

The point is, paint it like you see it.

You don't want to? Fine.

No, it's just...

I'm nervous. What if it's no good?

What difference does that make?

The point is doing it.



- Hey!
- Hey.


Crawford's Pet Shop, huh?

Yeah. That's where he
kept that old parrot Tiki.

Oh, the one you tried
to teach dirty words to?

[LAUGHS] Yeah, but Mrs.
Crawford always caught us.


So you don't think it's too
expensive? Too big?

I think you should go for it.

Good, 'cause I already did.


Here's what I'm thinking for layout.

Uh, let's see, okay.

So entrance is here.

I'm thinking about taking
these two pillars out.

I want to add a divider right here,

and I was thinking about
taking this wall out,

and replacing it with glass,
add a little bit of depth.

This is good, Connor. This is a very
smart use of the space, I think.

- Thanks, Dad.
- Yeah.

So, uh, how long do you
think it would take?

Can you recommend anyone?

I could pull four guys,
and have them over here,

and have it done in a few days.

If you hire another company,
this could go on forever.


Connor, listen to me, I know you
want to do this on your own,

but part of growth is knowing

when to let people
who love you help you.

Ballpark, how much?

More than you care to spend
and less than it's worth.

If we have a deal,
I'll call my guys right now.

All right. We have a deal.

Jay to be your plus-one?

- [ABBY] I think so.
- Oh, you think?

Well, I don't know, it was just a blur.

Oh, I know that feeling.

I got kissed the other day.
By Jerry Trask.

- Okay, I cannot keep up with you.
- I know, I didn't expect it.

Did you like it?

I didn't not like it.

- That's a ringing endorsement.
- I know.


It's 'cause I met this other guy
that I might also kind of be into.

Okay, so now you sound like the
second act in of one of your plays.

- Really? Huh.
- Yes.

Well, the plot twist is
that I asked Jerry Trask

to be my plus-one at the wedding.

[LAUGHS] Okay.

So wait, was this before
or after he kissed you?

Uh, before.

Okay, well then, maybe
he thought that...

Maybe he thought...

- And did you want him to think?
- I don't... didn't think so.

Until I thought... "Huh."

You know, he's not the jerk
he was in high school.



I don't know. Do people
ever really change?


Well, David, we only have one
more night to chicken out

- before the wedding.
- No way.

To the wedding!

[EVERYONE] To the wedding!

Wow, thank you, guys.

Hey, when am I supposed to stop
seeing you before the wedding?

Uh, midnight, I think?

Oh, come on, you guys are going
be asleep way before that.

- Oh, no, I'm not sleeping tonight.
- Why not?

She's been having nightmares
about the wedding.

Last night, David was
carried off by a giant squid.

- "Release the Kraken!"
- Nobody said that!

I just don't want to
go through it again.

So you assume that once you're married,

the bad dreams are going to stop?

Sure. Won't they?

- No. Definitely not.
- Yeah. Definitely.

Yeah, I think so.

I'm going to grab another round.

Hey, can I get two more
pitchers? Thanks.

- Hey, Luke.
- Hey, Kevin.

Hey, thanks again, man,
for helping me get this job,

and I'm sorry.

When you first came into Kwik-Go,
I was kind of... you know.

Yeah, you were a little... you know.

What are you guys celebrating?

Oh, my little sister Jess, she's
getting married tomorrow.

- Oh.
- You know, you should come.

- Oh, no, no thanks.
- Yeah, no, it'll be fun.

I'm sure, but... you know.

Hey, don't get all "you know" on me.


Okay, you know what,
I'll think about it.

That's an RSVP?

- Sure.
- See?

Things are getting better all the time.



Here, I brought you a lopapeysa.

A what?

A traditional Icelandic sweater.

As a peace offering?

As a gift.

You wanted to talk to
me about something?

Yes, uh... there is an
issue with the hotel site.

Ah, isn't there always?

This one could cause a work stoppage.

- Take a look.
- Uh, no,

- just give me the gist of it.
- Okay.

Uh, well, the gist is,

those artifacts that they found
were just the beginning.

Uh, Peggy thinks that she's found

the bow of a ship dating
back to the s.

- A pirate ship?
- No.

Oh, I wish it were a pirate ship.

That would have been so cool.

Yes, it would have, but it's
more likely that it is a ship

that brought over or supplied
the early European colonists.

I guess that's cool, too.

Yeah, cool in the sense that
it's a major historic discovery,

and the Smithsonian would
like us to shut down the build

until they can fully excavate it.

And how long would that take?

Hard to say. Uh, six
months, maybe a year.


Of course, you could pull
out of the project...

I could.

And of course, we have contracts.

- And I have lawyers.
- Yes...

But I'm sure we could
come to an agreement,

if it came to that.

- Yes.
- Okay, I'll think about it.

Can I take this? I want to
have my people go over it.

Take it, let me know
what your people think.

Well, what matters is what I think.

I have to make the final decision.

You'll be hearing from me.

Oh! Um...

I hope you like the sweater...

and I guess I did try to kick you first.

You admit it!





You look very beautiful.


You should see me when
I've had some sleep.


- Ready?
- Mm-hmm.


- All right.
- All right.

Dearly beloved...

we are gathered here today to celebrate

the love of Jess and David.

It's only fitting that this family,

this community,

should be gathered here

to celebrate this joyous occasion
at this beautiful spot.

One of the most memorable
moments of your life

is when you realize

that you've met the person
who completes you.

So I've been told...


... the person who makes
your world more magical

and more colorful.

It's been an absolute honor

to watch the two of you
find that in each other.

Uh, do we have the rings?


- David...
- Mm-hmm.


... do you take Jess to be your wife?

Do you promise to love, honor,

cherish, and protect her forevermore?

I do.


do you take David to be your husband?

Do you promise to love, honor,

cherish, and protect him forevermore?

- I do.

Then it is my absolute honor and delight

to declare you married.

You may now kiss the groom.





[JESS] We did it, we did it!

[MEGAN] Come on, family photo.

Uh, actually, I should be in the back,

- because I'm a little bit taller.
- Oh, taller again?

You've got to remind
us every single time?

- Quit bickering...
- Yes, you're the tallest.

Hey, it's a day of joy.

You looked so beautiful
up there, and so happy.

You guys are being so nice to me today,

and I really appreciate it.

Hmm, tomorrow.

Yeah, we've got a backlog. Ah!

Don't hit your brother.

Okay, smile!




♪ I'm free as a bird now ♪

♪ Sailing the world now... ♪

Well, I have to admit, they were right.

About what?

Having the wedding here. It's beautiful.

Very... them.

It is very "them."

[CHOKING BACK TEARS] It's so them!


By the way...


... great officiating up there.

I was nervous.

- Oh, you couldn't tell.
- Really?

You speak in front of
people all the time.

Judges, juries,

the fate of someone's
future in their hands.

Is that what it felt like for you?

That's pretty much
what it felt like, yeah.

- Excuse me, are these seats taken?
- Mm.

- Not at all. Please.
- Thanks.



I'm sorry, I hope this
isn't too much to ask,

but we haven't danced in
ages. Would you mind?

Oh, yeah, uh, sure. Go ahead.

- Thanks!
- Hi!


Is this weird?

- No.
- No?

It's not.

- We'll get there.

And you are just a
little cutie, aren't you?

Well, thank you very much.


You wanna hold him?

- Yeah.
- There you go.

Hi. Hi, handsome.

You are so cute. What's that?

You're gonna be a great mom.

So... do you always cry at weddings?



Well, I will wait for you
to gain your composure.


That ceremony was beautiful.

Thank you for the invite.

My pleasure.

Listen, I know you've got a lot of
family stuff to take care of here,

um, so I'm gonna be fine,

but... check your phone.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Um, am I crazy, or did
I see Luke Tatum here?

Oh, yeah, I invited him.
He seemed kinda lonely.

- Jess and David said it was okay.
- Oh, boy.

- Is there a problem?
- No.

No, no, no problem, just, um...

I kind of invited somebody else,

and it could get a little... awkward.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

- Oh! Oh...
- "Oh?" Stop saying "Oh."

You know, this is actually starting
to sound like one of your plays.

Okay, why does everybody
keep saying that?


- I don't really see him anywhere.
- Who?

If you have to ask who,

- your life's getting a little complicated.
- Okay, that's...

- Luke, huh?
- Nope.

- Uh-uh.
- Mm-hm.

Well... was it the wedding
of your dreams?

It was better than the
wedding of my dreams.

- David lived through it.
- I did.

Well, what more could you want?

I don't believe it.

- Evan actually crashed your wedding.
- No, he didn't.

- We invited him.
- What?

We like him.

He's nice.

You are lucky this is your wedding.

I'm going to let it slide.



- Hey!
- Hi, Jerry.

Look at you, performing
wedding ceremonies.

What else can you do,
pilot a ship? [LAUGHS]

- Maybe I got that backwards.
- Just call me "Captain O'Brien."


May I have this dance, Captain?

- Sure.
- Okay.

- You look beautiful, by the way.
- Oh, thank you.

Um, so...

I just wanted to apologize.

Oh, what for?

For the kiss the other night.

I don't know what came over me.

Can we just... pretend
that didn't happen?

- What kiss?


Okay, well, I will take
that as a victory.

Unfortunately, I have
to make my departure.

Oh, okay.

Yeah, but, um, thank you
so much for the invite.

Of course. My pleasure.

Okay. Well, have a
good evening, Captain.

[LAUGHS] You too.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Can you believe it?

Your youngest granddaughter
is now married.

You know... all those old clichés...

well, they're all true.

It all goes by so fast.

I agree.

- Hi.
- Hey, Bree.

Wow, you really married
them good up there.

- I did, didn't I?
- You did.

Do you want to dance?

Oh, you know, it's not really my thing.

Well, that's fine. We can just sit.

You having fun?

Oh, sure, yeah.

Just haven't been to a party
like this in... years.

It's a little overwhelming.

[LAUGHS] Okay.

Why? Where have they been keeping you?

Nowhere. [CHUCKLES]

Do you want to dance?


Let's go.


You're not a bad dancer.

Oh, yeah, I'm just a regular Bruno Mars.

- I think so.
- You do?

[BREE] You and I should
practice or something.



- Abby...
- Hi.

This is the best wedding I have been
to since Harry and Meghan's.

Okay, you went to the Royal Wedding,

we're all so impressed.

Hmm? No, I meant Harry and
Meghan McCrea from Long Island.

Sweet couple.

I never know when
you're messing with me.

I don't really either.

Would you like to dance?

We don't have to dance.

I know, but it's a wedding,
and there's music...

And let me guess, you're a
champion ballroom dancer.

Far from it. I was born
with two left feet.

An odd medical condition, but I cope.

All right, I'll dance with
you on one condition,

- no more bad jokes.
- It's a deal.



All right, so you are a good dancer.

I'm getting better.

I guess everyone has
to have one weak spot.

Oh, only one?

I'm also not very good at martial arts.

You kicked me fair and square.

I'm sorry I was so weird about it.

- I shouldn't have kicked you.
- Mm...

I would've kicked me if I were you.

That's nice of you to say, I guess.

I've been thinking a lot about
the build, and the ship.

That ship is really an
amazing discovery.

Yeah, I'm glad you think so.

- Yeah, it's just too bad.
- What?

I shouldn't talk about it now.

It's a beautiful wedding. Never mind.

No. No, you can't do that.

Do what?

You can't hint that you're
going to pull out of the build,

and then talk about what
a beautiful wedding it is.

Well, it is a beautiful wedding.

Are you pulling out of the build?

I always do this.

I break bad news at the
worst possible times.

Maybe this is why I'm still single.

So that's your final decision?

I'm afraid it is,

but I'm sure we can come to a settlement

that will be fair for everyone.

Mm-hmm, yeah.


- I guess I should go.
- Mm-hmm.

Tell Jess and David I said goodbye.

What did Kincaid have to say?

Just that it was a beautiful wedding.

Yes, it was.

Well... we did it.

We did it.

How do you feel?

You know, I didn't think
this was possible,

but I feel more in love
with you than I ever have.

Thank you, husband.

You're welcome, wife.

Shall we dance again?

[GASPS] We shall.

What about your shoes?

Oh, I can't. They're giving me blisters.

Don't tell anybody.



Let's dance, everyone!

- Come on!
- Hey!




