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02x07 - Born to Trouble

Posted: 09/23/21 05:36
by bunniefuu
Look who is down here again.

Previously on Greenleaf.

- Rough morning with your mama.
- Yeah.

- Anything I can do?
- No, she's off her meds.

- That church is going up like bamboo.
- Unless it's not.

My son Aaron has been doing a lot
of zoning law over in Nashville.

I could work remotely if it
would help for me to stay a while.

Jacob's room is sitting empty.

I really don't know
how all this is gonna end.

- How's what's gonna end?
- Triumph II and all the money

that Basie's putting into this.

JACOB: What about the law
or even God's law?

I'm giving all this back to the church.

So, I'm at a loss to see what's wrong.

CHARITY: Should happen naturally,

and it doesn't feel that way anymore.

It's over.

Once the smoke clears

and all this legal stuff is behind you,

if you ever need someone to talk to...

This is my birthday.

You're busy every other day with him.

Can't you just stick with me
for this one night?

- Excuse me.
- Can I help you?

- My name is Grace Greenleaf.
- Lorraine, go home!

- He's a child molester.
- Stop it!

Is he pressing charges or not?

If you continue to harass him,

I have a feeling he will.

What is it gonna take, Gigi,

to bring you back into the fold?

Put Mac in jail.

What did you do to her?

What did you do?


Good morning, dear.

- Morning, Mama, Daddy.
- Gigi.

All this preparation
for your sister's memorial

has your mama in a fragile state.

How can I help?

The scholarship fund.

What about it?

Were there any other programs like that?

Awards or something else
that Mac might have used

to pay his victims off?

We told the police
everything we knew, Gigi,

gave them everything.

I have to find someone
who will come forward and talk

before this defer to judication ends.

If it ends with no new
evidence or testimony,

then he'll just be free.

That can't seem right to you.

Your uncle used his worldly power

to evade the worldly law.

Now, you can console yourself
if you must

with the prospect
that he'll suffer in hell

because of what he did to your sister

or you can pray every day as I do

that he'll be convicted
of his sin and repent.

You still haven't answered
my question, Mama.

Were there any
other programs, any awards?

Please, please, help me!

Oh, how sharper
than a serpent's tooth it is

to have a thankless child.

I'll wait for you in the car.

Do me a favor, Gigi,
for yourself, Sophia, Faith,

whoever it is that can
arouse pity in your heart.

Until your sister's memorial
is over tomorrow, be still.

♪ Amen ♪


♪ Amen ♪


♪ Well ♪


♪ Amen, amen ♪


If you're compelled to say
anything on that girl's behalf,

I encourage you to reconsider.

[cell phone rings]

- Hello?
- Hello, Mae?


I didn't expect you to answer.

I wish I hadn't.

What does that son of a bitch want?

Why are you calling?

I just wanted to reach out.

- I know tomorrow is the anniversary.
- Don't you say it.

Don't you let my child's name
pass your lips.

You really think you didn't do it.

I didn't. If I did, you think
I'd risk calling just to...

What'd he want?


[engine starts]

So, how did that work out for you?

She's gonna go to her grave
believing all of Gigi's lies.

I told you you were
asking for trouble calling.

Thank God you found me when you did.

We'll get you right
before it's all over.

Call me after your meeting today.

I want to be the first
to hear the good news.

I will.

Thank you.

You're a good man, Robert.

Don't believe what that old biddy says.

Getting better all the time.

[door opens, closes]

Why would a judge do it, though?

Most wouldn't.

But this judge has been known

to view cases such
as your uncle's with a jaundiced eye.

- A sexist, patriarchal eye.
- This is Memphis.

Most folks here
just call it / vision.

- When is he gonna rule?
- Could be as early as next week.

So, that's why you came
all the way over here,

to tell me this in person
on the eve of the anniversary

of my sister's su1c1de,
that Mac just wins?


I'm sorry, this is just...

this is bad news to get
on a day like this.

No need to be.

I actually came to say
you may have one last sh*t.

I'll take it.

It seems there was a girl

who lived in the building
that your uncle used to live in.

years old.

Neighbors said they were... friendly.

The detectives made
a note about it in the file,

but no one ever followed it up.

- So, what are you gonna do?
- Me? [scoffs]

Nothing. The case is closed.

And I've been advised by some friends
of your uncle to keep it that way.

It might be nothing.

It's more than I got. I'll check it out.

Let me know what happens.

I will.

Unless there's a swift infusion
of cash from somewhere soon, Pastor...

- Something's gonna give.
- Exactly.

And we can't have that. We won't.

- If we just let the crews go...
- We not gonna do that.

We got a week left on this thing.

We just gonna have
to scrounge up some scratch

- the way the saints do.
- How's that?

How do you think? Praying.

Oh, yeah.

I know how hard you both work.

I'm sorry to have to deliver
this bad news.

Don't be, Britney. As I always
say, the facts are friendly.

- Pastor Greenleaf.
- Britney.

Can you believe that girl?

What about her?

We're gonna have to run out
of some cash, brother, fast.

Pains me to see her suffering like that.

- Basie.
- Well, talk to me.

You ready to plunge Claire Jackson's

solid-gold money toilet?

No, but maybe...


Maybe we should just stop.

Stop what? Basie don't stop.

Triumph II. You wanted to make
a point to my father, you made it.

But I am...

I can just stay here
and work with you downtown.

Let the crews go. Call it a day.

Brother Greenleaf, how can I put this?
Never. Not ever. No.

Now, what if Moses went back to God

after his first tussle
with the pharaoh and said,

"I don't know, Lord, I mean,
he just so big and mean.

Can't we just continue
to be slaves? Please?"

You know what,
Moses wasn't out for revenge.

He was on a mission for God.

Who says it can't be both?

I'm not gonna have
this conversation with you.

I promised you a church, and that's just
want I'm gonna give you.

I just need a little bit of faith.

Well, I'm ready to pray whenever.

Then do. Do.

'Cause there's a game tonight,

and I hear Bass Reeves is in town,

and you know Bass Reeves
don't play to lose.

Bass wins.

And you can sign here, please.

All right.


So, you happy now?


- Hey.
- Hi Daddy.

Now, this just landed in the mail room,

and looks like it might be good news.

[laughs] It is. It's my CDs.

- Can I have a look?
- Please.

You and Mama paid for 'em.

Did we? I don't remember all that.

Oh, now, look at that.
That's a lovely picture.

I guess.

What's the matter?

The lake.

I never thought when
we were picking out the cover...

W... Faith?


Should we change it?

Lord knows this Earth
is the site of many sorrows.

I think it's a fitting resurrection.

- May I keep this?
- Of course. Take two.

- I think I'll do that.
- [chuckles]

Uh, Daddy?

Yes, child?

I'm divorced.

Come here.

Why does everything I do go wrong?

Don't you know?


The sparkle...

depends on the flaws in a diamond.

I look at you now...

and you've never been brighter.


Thank you.

- Good morning.
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Hi, can I help you?

Yes, please, I'm looking for a girl.

I believe she lives here,
Michaela Reese?

What's this about?

My name is Grace Greenleaf.

I'm a pastor at Calvary
Fellowship World Ministries.

- Does she live here?
- I'm sorry.

We're not allowed to discuss
residents with strangers.

Did you work here when a man by the name
of Robert McCready lived here?

So, you did.

So, you know the rest about him, too.

- I think you should go.
- Please.

Just let me explain.

The police made a note about Michaela,

that she lived in this building,

that she had a relationship with Mac,

maybe just a friendship,

but no one ever asked her about it.

Management has a policy...

He abused my sister,
and she k*lled herself.

I'm just trying to make sure
that it doesn't happen again.


It's the right thing to do.

I do know she spent time
in his apartment.

I didn't think anything of it.

She doesn't have the best home life,

and it just seemed like
he was being a good neighbor.

I just wanna talk to her.

She gets home from school at : .

Thank you.

- Deputy Mayor Leonard.
- Walk with me.

Thanks for meeting in person.

Yeah, always a pleasure to see you.

- Skip.
- What?

I'll see this gets into the right hands.

- I gotta get back.
- I wanna ask you something.

I've already stuck my neck out
enough for you with this judge.

- What now?
- I need a job.

Great idea. Get one.

[chuckles] Good advice.
Maybe I'll try the FEC.

I reckon they might be hiring.

'Cause, see, if they don't already have

an investigation open
into how you and your boy

raised the finances
for his first campaign,

I imagine they will
after I talk to them.

What kind of job we talking about?

Nothing fancy, don't worry,
just a chance to get paid

doing good for the good folks
of Memphis.

That's the last of my savings.

After I'm clear, why not?

I'll see what I can do.

[sighs] Okay.

Yeah, no, no, no, no, makes sense.

Thanks anyway.


- Hey, got a second?
- For what?

Kevin, we're still
gonna have to work together.

Don't be that way.

Sorry, I'm living in a hotel again,

and every time I find a good place,

it's rented by the time I call.

- I'm sorry.
- I don't know if that's true anyway.

- Don't know if what's true?
- Us having to work together.

We're in the same building.

After what you told
your parents, why would I stay?

Are you planning on quitting?

Not yet. What do you want?

[chuckles] I wanted to know if you
were coming to Faith's memorial.

Well, I hadn't planned on it.

But not out of disrespect
to her anything,

just... you know, all this.

I was hoping you would.

- Well, I'd rather not.
- Okay.


Just having a bad day. Sorry.

I know.

Would you at least want to come hang
with Nathan during the ceremony?

Yeah. I can do that. Thanks.

- Thank you.
- Gotta get back to the search.

Okay. See you tomorrow.


- Excuse me, Michaela?
- Yeah?

My name is Grace Greenleaf.

I'm a pastor at Calvary Fellowship.

- Where Mr. McCready worked?
- That's right. That's right.

So, you knew Mr. McCready.

A little. Yeah. Why?

- Am I in trouble?
- No, not at all.

I just wanna talk to you, ask you
a few questions. Would that be okay?

Yeah, okay.

What do you want to know?

Can we...


He gave me money, sometimes *** freack.

He was chill.

So, that's it? That's all?

- Yeah.
- He never...

tried anything, tried
to touch you, maybe more?

Why are you asking me this?
I thought you weren't a cop.

No, sweetheart, I am not.

- You do know he was arrested.
- Yeah.

- You know what for?
- Yeah, but he didn't get convicted.

Yes, he did. He just didn't do time.

So, why are you asking me this?

Because if he ever did do
anything like that to you...

we could put him in jail,
and he would stay there.

But... he didn't.

Would you tell me if he did?

I don't know 'cause I wouldn't
know what that was like.

But he didn't.

He was always really cool.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be.

I am glad that he didn't
do anything to you.

- That's good.
- Can I go now?

Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

[cell phone rings]


MICHAELA: Mr. McCready?

- Yeah.
- It's Michaela.

Yeah, I know. Everything okay?

I don't know.

A lady came by the building today
asking questions about you.

What kind of questions?

You don't have to tell me. I know.

- Yeah.
- And so what did you tell her?

Just that you've always been nice
and nothing else, and that was that.

Should I not have talked to her?

No, no, it's all right.

You did good.
I appreciate you telling me.

That means a lot.

So, um...

you know there's nothing
to these stories, I hope.

- I do, yeah.
- Good.

- How's your mom doing?
- Okay.

She's on new meds now,
so that's always a nightmare.

- Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that.
- [lock unlocking]

- I should, uh...
- She actually popped off on me

bad yesterday because I got
home late, like really bad.

- [door closes]
- LORRAINE: Robert?

Robert, you won't believe I...

I can't wait to graduate and go.

Well, that is a problem.

Yeah. It is.

I should probably get back
to you tomorrow on that, okay?

- Yeah, okay.
- All right, talk to you then.

Who was that?

- My lawyer.
- Everything all right?

It will be. Just these last-minute
hoops they want me to jump through.

It'll all be fine.

- You eaten yet?
- No, I didn't get a chance.

Well, let's go to Paulette's.

- I won't say no to that.
- [both chuckling]

Oh, thank you.

Just let me get dressed, okay?

Oh, yes.


So, I'mma need you
to just be Zen tonight, got it?

- Trust in the spirit.
- You planning something crazy?

No, just making sense of the crazy
going my way. Feel me?

- Brother Lenny.
- Pastor Skanks.

You ready to lose some money?

Never short on confidence, this guy.

No, that is definitely his gift.

- Never tall on size.
- I heard that.

- Hey, Pastor Greenleaf.
- Yeah?

You all go on ahead.

Sup, fellas?

- Looks like you caught the bug.
- Well, I caught something.

What it is exactly,
I'm not sure, we'll see.

What's good?

I saw your uncle earlier today.

- Okay.
- Seems to working real hard

to put his life back in order.

This legal cloud looming
over his head's about to pass,

so he came and asked me for a job.

Now, I'm gonna see if I can't
put something together for him.

- Don't do that.
- Well, it won't be anything big,

just a way to pay the bills, you know.

Like I said, just... no, don't.

It's the Christian thing to do.

What'd I tell you, man? Don't!

Whoa. Whoa, easy.


Man, I gotta drive home tomorrow.

And drive right past the lake where
my little sister drowned herself

because of what that man did to her.

You give him a job, you so much
as piss on him if he's on fire,

I'll take your ass apart
six ways to Sunday.

You understand?

Yeah, I understand.


Oh, you just never really know, do you?

What's that, dear?

- When you're happy.
- Hmm?

When you really have it, you know?

I mean, and you stop to take a picture,

and then you're more intent
on taking the picture

than you are knowing
that you have it. -Mmm.

Finally, for one moment, you have it.

We did have it,

which is more than most folk can say.

- Well.
- And we'll have it again.

A form of it, anyway.

I'll be ready for heaven
when my time comes.

Guess that's some consolation.

- Hey.
- Evening.

Hey, Grace, come in and sit down.

Your mother and I are just
looking at some old pictures.

I'm good. Thanks, though.

Excuse me?

I'm sorry, I just...
I'd really rather not.

Oh, you can't bear it?

Well, your father and I are
just here mourning your sister,

and, oh, all the beauty
she took when she passed.


Grace Greenleaf, stay right there.

Don't you walk away from me when I'm
talking to you. Don't you dare do that.

Mama, please, I'm just...
I feel so powerless.

Would you just let me go?

- Powerless?
- Hey!

- Yes!
- What do you know from powerless?

When have you ever been prevented

- from anything until now?
- Mm-hmm.

Or restrained yourself one whit?

Every problem you have, you caused.

Every cross you bear,
you built it yourself.

You don't know about powerless,
what your sister endured,

what I endured,
what those girls you go around

showing off defending endured.

Mama... what have you ever endured?



Well, nothing compared to you, I guess.

[sighing] Oh, God.

Go on.

Go up to your little hidey-hole
and stew.

That's what you do.

Mama, I'm sorry.
I'll look at pictures, okay?

Oh, no, please. Just go.

There'll be enough
to fight about tomorrow.

I'm empty.

I didn't know they still made
easy money like this.

I should *** a suitcase.


Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible,

"Shut your gloating mouth"?

James : . "All boasting is evil."

But there ain't no boasting
going on here.

It's just a thankful heart
making holy exaltations

about the saving power of God.

And maybe a little boasting. [laughs]

Just deal the cards, please.

Cut those, please.

Ante up, gentlemen.

ROBERT: Yet they call it escargot,

but at the end of the day,
it's still a snail.

[both laughing]

I've never been to France,
but I can't imagine the food

being any better than that place.

She does such an amazing job
on everything.

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

- Have you ever been to France?
- Yeah, a few times.

- Well, you have to take me.
- Oh, done.


[cell phone chimes]

Who is this?

- What are you talking about?
- This here. Who is it?

You don't need to touch it to read it.

You're not blind, Mac. Who is it?

- It's my niece.
- Your niece?

Yeah, Grace's kid, Sophia.

You and she talk, text?

Yeah, sometimes, she knows
her mother's not right,

and with Faith's thing
coming up tomorrow,

Grace is... It's Sophia.

Call her. Go on.

No. No. I just wanted to know.

Can I have it back now?


Did anyone ever tell you how beautiful
you are when you're jealous?

- No.
- Well, let me be the first.

$ , . Who wants to dance?

Can't follow you boys down this road,

and I can't say I'm sorry.

Too rich for my blood.

DEALER: Mr. Leonard?

I'm good. Well, I shouldn't say that.
Let's say I'm blessed.

You ain't saying nothing,
Mr. Preacher Man.

How about large on top of that?

And that puts you all in.

I ain't scared.

Let's see.

A nine plus a ten...

plus a jack, plus a queen...

plus a king.

What you call that?


- A losing hand.
- [all hooting and laughing]

Where's your Jesus now, brothers? Crazy.

He must be up on the mountain praying.

[all laughing and chattering]

You gonna be all right?

Oh, yeah, that's the game, right?

The Lord must have something
he's trying to teach me,

using them fools to spank me like that.

Well, I'm ready to learn.
See you tomorrow.

- Basie...
- Yeah, I know, I'll give it back to you.

No, no, no, it's not that.
I lost mine fair and square.

- That's on me.
- Well, I'm gonna cover it all the same.

It's just gonna take me
a few games to do it, that's all.

- Basie.
- Yeah? Well, come on now.

Tasha gonna be wondering
where a man's got to so late.

Is that the church's money
you lost in there tonight?

Most definitely.

Most definitely.

[Nathan fussing]

It's okay.

There you go.





There you go.

Mommy loves you.


I miss you, Faith.

And I love you.

Zora, go get your brother ready.

We're gonna be leaving in five.

I'm almost done.

Zora, if you don't get up
off that couch right now,

I promise you...

You try maintaining
a lifelike presence online.

I have a brand to support here, people.

Go get him dressed.

[sighs] I'm going, I'm going.

Can you buy me followers?

That's not how you do things.

- Grandma does it.
- Case in point. Go!

Come on.

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm all right.

Tell me something nice about Faith.

- Faith?
- Yeah, a good memory.

I ran into a brick wall
playing high school ball.

Couldn't quite put my bat
on a -mile-an-hour fastball.

And she saw me moping about it one day,

asked what the problem was.

I told her.

And she told me I could do it.

"My big brother can do anything."

She wasn't wrong.

Come on.

Let's not be late.

JAMES: We know we missed
the signs with Faith.

But what else did we miss?

What are we missing today

with each other, missing in ourselves?

Because those other secrets,
doubts, resentments,

sympathies unspoken, dreams unvoiced,

they're all still with us today.

If there's any...

good that can come
from the loss of our daughter,

sister, auntie, friend,
Faith Marie, it's this.

That we can be more open with each other

in the time that we have left,

more generous with our kindness,

more courageous when it comes to sharing

the secrets that shadow our hearts

because we know today
more sharply than most

after we're gone...

the time for saying is past.

And while the wordless truths
of heaven will be sweet,

there's a sweetness to be had here, too.

It is, after all...

God's world.

[football game playing on television]

[knock on door]

- Hey.
- Hey.

[chuckles] Dad duty?

Yeah, yeah. [chuckles]

Thought you might be here.

[chuckles] Hey.

- Who's that? Tar Heels?
- You wanna watch?

Yeah, yeah.
If it's not too much trouble.

None at all. Come on in.

[announcer chattering]


[chattering continues]

Hey, Z.


Sorry about my birthday.



What about it?

Trying to make you stay,

making you choose or trying to.

It's no big deal.

Seemed like it at the time.

I forgot about it. It's cool.

Thank you.

- [sighs]
- Just what you wanted, huh?


Maricel, this is heavenly, just
like I wanted it. Thank you so much.

MARICEL: My pleasure, ma'am.

Oh, son.

Who are those from?

You know, probably Darlene and Vida.

She mentioned that they were...

What? Who are they from?

- You stay with the family.
- Wait, where are you going?