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01x01 - Gray Matter/The House of the Head

Posted: 09/23/21 18:03
by bunniefuu






[raspy breathing]

[evil laughter]

[creaking] [chest closes]

[music intensifying]

[thunderclap] [evil laughter]

[creepy theme music]


[tense, creepy music]

[wind gusting]


RADIO ANNOUNCER: If you are unable to find shelter, you should contact the Red Cross for--


RADIO ANNOUNCER 2: The world population's reached a grand total of 3.8 billion, doubling its total over the last 30 years.

RADIO ANNOUNCER 3: Hurricane Charlie has been upgraded to a category 4.

Authorities are advising citizens to evacuate.

This has the potential to be a devastating storm, folks.

The last category 4 we had in the region was Hurricane Hazel in 1954, which left an estimated 1,000 people dead.

If you are unable to evacuate, we urge you to find immediate shelter.

And now for something new from the charts.


[wind gusting]

[doorbell ringing]

You alright, Chief?


Eight hundred seventy-six dollars and forty-three cents.

Every time there's a storm, there's a run on supplies.

[sighs twice]

[doorbell ringing] [wind gusting]

[upbeat pop music on radio]

Timmy Grenadine.

I thought we were the only ones thickheaded enough to be out here in this weather.

MRS. PARMALEE: I'm sorry, Timmy.

Alls we got left is... cat and dog food.

Do you have any Harrow's Supreme, Mrs. Parmalee?

For your daddy?

[wind gusting]

I'll go get it.

Ain't seen a storm like this one come through since... when was it? '58?

Maybe '59?

I remember it was right around the time the love of your life walked out on ya.

She said it wasn't you.

It was the weather. DOC: [chuckles]

Then you should be grateful that she did walk out on me

'cause you wouldn't have had nobody to hang out with the last 20 years.

And you got a point!

Every night you two egg each other on.

There's no point in going on about the past.

Better than the present. Yeah, that's right.

[wind gusting]

DOC: Times have come and gone.

This town is practically dead.

CHIEF: This storm just might be the last nail in the coffin.

Chief, I thought you were gonna get rid of my mold problem for me.

I tried.

Keeps comin' back.

RADIO ANNOUNCER: We're interrupting the program with breaking news.

Due to the weather conditions, the police have officially suspended the search for the missing Grady twins.

The twins, age 14, have been missing since--

Is everything okay?

My daddy... h-he's changed.

What's wrong?

I don't know.

I-I can't say. He's real sick.

I don't wanna go back.

Please. I never want to go back.

Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to go back.

You just stay right here.

RADIO ANNOUNCER: Authorities want citizens to evacuate immediately.

You need to go pay a visit to that boy's father.

Find out what's going on with Richie.

CHIEF: Tell you what, son.

You stay here with Ms. Parmalee, alright?

And, uh, me and Doc will take that case of beer.

We'll go over and, uh, see your daddy.


I-I mean... would you?

Would you really do that, Mr. Connors?

Of course I would, son.

Of course.

MRS. PARMALEE: Well, now, look at you.

He ain't been feeding you very much, has he?

You come on over here and sit down.

I'm gonna get you a nice warm meal.

[wind gusting]

[radio plays in background]

What do you think got that boy so spooked?

I don't know.


But I can tell you, I haven't seen a look like that since George Kelso. George who?

George Kelso.

Years ago, he saw something in the sewers that spooked the bejesus out of him.



CHIEF: sh*t!

MRS. PARMALEE: Must've made landfall.

CHIEF: I remember something that my daddy used to say to me.

He'd say, "Son, there are things in the corners of this world

"that if you look 'em right in the face, they'll drive you insane."

That poor boy.

It was a night just like this.

Momma and Poppa had a hell of a fight.

Martha ran out into that storm.

Richie's never been the same since.

Alright, let's do this.

Go on now so we don't get caught in the thick of it.

Dixie? We'll be back in a few minutes.

MRS. PARMALEE: You be careful, boys.

[bell ringing]

Damn storm.



[wind gusting]

Go on.

Now... why don't we start at the beginning?

Nothin' to tell, Mrs. Parmalee.

Nothin' to tell?

Timmy, when I was your tutor, what did I always tell you about math?

For every problem, there is a solution.

Well, life's just like that.

What's been eatin' at you?

All started a few years ago, after...

MRS. PARMALEE: Your momma d*ed.

TIMMY: We buried her on a Tuesday.

My daddy wouldn't talk to anyone but me.

[somber music]


Why don't you go back inside, Son?


TIMMY: Daddy always taught me that a real man don't cry.


And that's when he took up the bottle?

He always liked his Friday night beers, ain't gonna lie.

But after a while, every night was Friday to him.

As soon as he'd come home, he'd have to have his Harrow's.

He said it helped him put the long day behind him.

Otherwise, work would grind him down.

After a while, everything seemed to grind him down.

Argument on the factory floor.

Late on the rent.

Pick-up needs a new alternator.

And then it wasn't just nights.

They caught him drinkin' on the job.

They gave him his papers.

I don't want you to think I'm speakin' poorly of my daddy.

He was always good to me.

But all that seemed to...

I don't know... just kinda fade away.

[somber music]

♪ Is everything okay, Daddy?

I know I've been... no good.

And I'm sorry.

♪ I'm gonna quit.

I promise.

You gotta believe me.

I will be your daddy again, okay?

[crickets chirping]

But that didn't happen, did it?

Oh, Timmy, I am so sorry.

To see your daddy change like that--


Mrs. Parmalee... that--that was just the beginning.


[wind gusting]

MRS. PARMALEE: I think there's something more about your daddy you wanted to share.

He became good for only one thing.

What's that?

Drinkin' contests.

It's how we paid our bills, you see.

MRS. PARMALEE: [sighs] TIMMY: Until... one day in October, after winning big...

[tense music]

I'm gonna quit one day.

I promise.

[pshht, click]


RICHIE: Christ Jesus!


What--what's that, Daddy?


TIMMY: You okay, Daddy?

[creepy music]


[birds chirping]

[door creaking]

RICHIE: [heavy breathing]

[tense music]

[heavy breathing]

TIMMY: I swear, it smelled like something crawled in there and d*ed.


♪ RICHIE: [heavy breathing]

[music intensifies]

TIMMY: Two days later, I come home from school and I find my daddy doing something he never done... watching afternoon tearjerkers.

It's too darn bright in here.

Why don't you go ahead and close the shade for your daddy?

[indistinct voices from TV]

While you're at it, go fetch me another case of Harrow's.


[indistinct voices from TV]

[tense music]

[indistinct voices from TV]

TIMMY: And that's what it became.

Every day after school, I'd have to get him his Harrow's Supreme.

[tense music]

TIMMY: I wouldn't dare go home without it.

♪ TIMMY: It seemed like he'd never leave that chair of his.

He was always watchin' those soaps.

[creepy music]

RICHIE: Timmy!

Yeah, Daddy?

I need you to turn off that light.

I'm-I'm just trying to do my homework.

You questioning your daddy, are you?

You want a whippin'?

Go study at your good-for-nothin' friend's house.

Sure, Daddy.

Before you go, blanket up these windows.


you ever miss Momma?

'Cause I really miss her.

Go on, now.

Time's a-wastin'.

[somber music]

[music intensifies]

Timmy... you have to tell me what's happenin' with your daddy so we can get him help.


[wind gusting]

DOC: Yeah, this is it. CHIEF: Thank Christ.

Richie's on the second floor.

[wind gusting]


[knocking at door] [door creaking]

[wind gusting]

CHIEF: Hello?

Anybody here?

[door shuts]

CHIEF: It's hot in there. DOC: Damn.

[sizzling] Oh, damn!

g*dd*mn Gaiteau, son of a bitch landlord's got the radiator goin' in September.

[exhales] [knocking at door]

Hey, Richard, we got your beer!

[wind gusting]

Gaiteau did that?

[creepy music]

CHIEF: What do you think happened here?

[music intensifies]

DOC: Damned if I know.

Where did you get that?

CHIEF: Go on.

Oh, what the hell?


E-e-easy there, Chief.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Just take it slow.

It's just so damn hot in here. Yeah, breathe.


[wind gusting]



You up here?



[wind gusting]

[tense music]

[music intensifies]

[door creaking]


He started demanding I heat up his Harrow's.

He wanted the radiators on at full blast.

One day...

I come home, and my daddy...

Turn on the lights, Son.

TIMMY: He's all wrapped up in my blanket from head to toe.

[deep, labored breathing]

Daddy, what's happened to you?

I don't know.

It don't hurt.

It feels...kinda nice.

I'm gonna call the doc.

Don't you dare, or I'll touch you, and you'll look-- [gurgles]

--like this.

[slimy, gelatinous sounds]

[door creaking]


[wind gusting]


Hey, Richie, it's Doc here.

[banging] You alright?


[wind gusting]

Ooh. CHIEF: [coughs]

Oh, man, it smells bad in here.

[creepy music]

DOC: goin' on?

CHIEF: Oh my god. Oh.

It's 100 degrees in here.

[tense music]

[music sting] CHIEF: Richie?

Richie, where are you?

No, I can't! I can't, please!

Please, Mrs. Parmalee, don't make me!

He's in pain.

Your momma would want you to tell me.

You know she would.

[tense music]

His thirst-- [slimy, gelatinous sounds]

--it--it grew.


[wind gusting]

TIMMY: He wanted... more.

More than just beer.

[music intensifies]


♪ You don't understand.

It's not what he's gone and done.

It's what he's going to do!

What he's going to do?



Oh god!

There were no more supplies.

His appetite's grown. First it was the animals.

And then...

I didn't know what to do, you see?

Everyone left town because of the storm.

I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

You have to understand.

Chief! Doc?

TIMMY: Nothing could stop him.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

TIMMY: I brought them to him.

No, no, no, no.

We gotta get out of here. Chief, we gotta go.

CHIEF: Let's get out of here.

He was so hungry.

[tense music]

Timothy... what is he going to do?

[slimy, gelatinous sounds]

[wind gusting]

Richie! Get out here.

You're under arrest.


Get out here now.

[door creaking]

[wind gusting]







Doc! Doc, help!


[slimy, gelatinous sounds]





[tense music]

He promised me he was gonna quit.

He's my daddy.

I love him.

[music intensifies] [doorbell ringing]

DOC: We have to get out of here!

MRS. PARMALEE: They're multiplying!

DOC: We have to get out of town!

MRS. PARMALEE: How long do we have?

TIMMY: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

MRS. PARMALEE: It can't be right!

It can't be! DOC: It wasn't stopping.

It just kept growing!

Time! Time! We have no time!

We need to go!

Oh god, please!

God, no, no!

Dixie, what in the good lord's name are you doing?

We can't stop them!

TIMMY: We can't stop them! No! 3.8 billion!

At this rate, in six days.

Six days? Six days to what?!

The end! The end of everything!


[slimy, gelatinous sound]



[raspy breathing]

[evil laughter]



[tense music]


[creepy music]

[music box music]

♪ MARSHA: All of this house for just three people?

EVIE: Yup.

Father, mother.

And then over here in the den, Ethan.

And down here in the kitchen, we have Dane.

RANDY: And a repaired fireplace for all.

Dad! RANDY: Hey!

I love it!

So you have all these rooms to choose from.

You made Ethan's bedroom the den.


So he can stay up all night and watch TV.

Ahh. Oh, well.

Now imagine her as a teenager.

This is really great, Evie, but I've gotta get you to school.

Goodbye, the "Smithsmiths."

RANDY: The "Smithsmiths," huh?

That's their name. Okay.

Sounds more like a-- like a stutter than a name.

[laughs] Okay, okay, the Smithsmiths it is.

EVIE: Wait! I have to feed Dane!

MARSHA: Honey, come on!

You don't want to be late for school.

[homey piano music]

Like that! [laughs] Dad! No!

No, here! RANDY: [laughs]

[door creaking]

[birds chirping]

[dog barking]

[wrench clicking]

[car horn honks]

Hi, Daddy!



How was school, kiddo?


Don't forget, we have our mommy/daughter date.


[creepy music]

[music intensifies]

Who are you?

Who are you?

I didn't put you there.

How did you get there?


Weren't you two laying down?

Are you guys worried about something?


♪ EVIE: Are you okay?

Who moved you guys?

[music intensifies]


MARSHA: Evie! Let's get a move on!


MARSHA: Don't wanna miss the previews.

Nobody move again.

[tense music]

[crickets chirping] Hi, Dad.


How was the movie?

The movie was great.

I gotta go. Good night!

Uh... good night to you too. Good night, Mom!

MARSHA: Good night, darling.

[tense music]


[music intensifies]

♪ Who let you out?

[music intensifies]

♪ EVIE: What are you doing in this house?

You don't belong here.

Smithsmiths, I think you're haunted.

[tense music]

[music intensifies]

[music box music in background]

[birds chirping]

I know, we spoil her.

That's our favorite kind of parent.

She loves your dollhouse.

MAN: She should.

It's one of a kind.

Yeah. Randy thinks it's a good idea for her to play with dolls.

Says it's good for building her identity.

MAN: He's right.

They still haven't come up with a better way for a child to figure out who they really are.

I guess that's why they call them figurines.

And they don't typically like to tell you about it, either.

Tell you about what?

What they're figuring out.

[music box music in background]

Really? That one?

[tense music]

♪ Here, guys.

♪ He'll get to the bottom of this, Ethan.

♪ Where are you?

MARSHA: Evie! Time for dinner!

♪ I have to go eat dinner too.

Don't move.

And be careful.

[music sting]

EVIE: I thought I told you guys not to move.

You're looking for the head.

Find it.

[music intensifies]

What's going on in here?

Hm. He's investigating.

Investigating what?

Looks like he's-- he's searching for rats.

Yeah. Rats.

Well--ah, well, Dane would've eaten them by now.

Try to wrap it up soon, okay, baby?



What's this for?

I love you, Daddy.

And I love you, Evie.

Good night.

[gentle music]

And good night to the Smithsmiths too.

[music turns sinister]

[music intensifies]

♪ Oh my god.

[music sting]

[creepy music box music]

[tense music]

♪ Stay away from the Smithsmiths!

And stay away from me too!

[music intensifies]

I have to help them.

A priest or a rabbi?

I don't have either.

I don't think I've ever stocked those.

They might have one at a church or a temple.

One of those places use toys to explain the testaments and whatnot. Uh...

[birds chirping]

What do you need them for?

I need something spiritual.

We do have some Native American toys.

They're a very spiritual people, Evie.

Probably more spiritual than any priest or rabbi you'll ever meet.

[music box music in background]


[tense music]

EVIE: Do something!


Come watch a movie with us.

There's something that--

I'm sure your toys can take care of themselves.

♪ EVIE: He'll protect us.

Good luck.


[echoing, disconnected laughter]

[creepy music]

EVIE: You're looking for it.

[music intensifies]

♪ EVIE: Do you think the head is out of the dollhouse?

♪ No!

[music sting]

♪ EVIE: Look out!


Evie? Did you have a bad dream?

What? No, I'm okay.

You screamed, honey. I did?

Yes, you woke us up.

Do you wanna come sleep with us tonight?


[creepy music]

You know it's okay to be scared, right?


And if you have another bad dream, all you have to do is come crawl into bed with us.

I love you. I love you too.


[creepy music]

♪ Oh, no.

♪ EVIE: Ethan?

Where are you?

[distant shaking]

[music sting]

EVIE: Ethan!

[music intensifies]

♪ I can't leave that thing in my room.

♪ EVIE: [gasps]


[music intensifies]

♪ You don't belong out here!

Get back in there!


No more.

No more of the head.

[peaceful music]

You're absolutely sure?

Maybe she's just growing up.


♪ Oh, this is one of a kind.

RANDY: Our daughter says she's over it.

You know how kids are.

One minute, the houses are everything.

The next, you're supposed to throw it away.

WOMAN: That would be a shame.

Thank you.

[van starts]

[tense music]

[music intensifies]


[evil laughter]


[evil laughter]


[creepy theme music]
