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02x08 - Versus Traeger

Posted: 09/24/21 16:54
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Mech-X4...

We can search
the city for Traeger.

We'll sh**t him with trackers

and hunt him down
with Ryan and Mech-X4.

You experimented on me as a baby?

I experimented on your birth parents.

Everyone involved was a volunteer.

It's me, Randall.
I know how to track Leo down.

Just go ahead with the plan.
Get Leo.

Why didn't you end them?

They're mosquitoes.
I can swat them whenever I want.



Flesh, and bone.

So, this is what little red ooze
we could salvage

from when Gray
was holding Harper.

We've been analyzing it
to help us create a w*apon to destroy it.

And bam!

Gohh... That looks explode-y.

Oh! Because it is explode-y.

Hey, hey, hey...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Easy, tiger.

We figured if we could hit it
with the right frequency,

we could turn it from red ooze...

Do-Do we need one of those?

- Nah, you'll be fine, you're young.
- Okay.

From red ooze...

Ahh. To no ooze.

Traeger's made of red ooze,
so that means no more Traeger.

Nice job.

- I want one.
- We all need one.

Oh... really?
Dang, son, that's too bad,

because, uh, bah-bam!

Since when did we have a wall
that could spin?

No... Spyder,
the impressive thing is...


I'm so just...

Yeah, okay.

Well, we did it, hey, it's, uh...

- S-S-Sci... Uh, we'll both do it later.
- Yeah, science.

What's important is you did a great job.

- Ow!
- Oh! Sorry.

I'm sure he's still banged up
from the airport fight.

- Oh.
- I'm fine.

Okay. Well, if that's the case,
I'm outta here!

We've been fighting way too many
flying monsters lately,

so I'm gonna go pick up
the last few things we need

to finish the robot's flight mode.

We didn't... We didn't already fly?

No, we sort of just, leap.

- Yeah.
- Leap?

I just... I just thought
we were flying.

No, that's why I...

Yeah. Anyways,
with Harper still out there,

I'm gonna need
to keep a very low profile.

So, if you need me,
my secret name

is Constantine Del Montevideo.

The Third.


Thank you.
Okay. Good luck. Goodbye.

Hello, my name is Constantine,
nice to meet you.

Guys, I was just checking
the sensors,

and it looks like Traeger
is just outside Bay City.

- Why would he be there?
- It doesn't matter.

We have an opportunity.

He's looking for a giant robot,
but with these babies,

we have the element of surprise.

We can take him down.

You guys ready?

- Ready.
- Yeah, give me one of those.

Well! Huh...

Hi, there, sir.
Like to sample a bogurt?

Bogurt! Huh, you know I invented
these things, right?

- Oh, really?
- Yeah, just before I was locked up.

Anyways, yogurt plus bagel
equals bogurt!

- It's genius.
- That's the idea.

Of course, I called it a yogel,
and I think that's a far superior name.

- Ehh.
- Yeah, well, we'll agree to disagree.

Anyways, I'll sample your wares,
you only live once, huh? Mm.

Oh! This isn't even toasted.

This is y-yogurt on a bagel.

Keep the yogel.
You never saw me.

Do I have anything on my face?


Bogurt, sir?


See? Leaping!

Just saying, if you read
the message boards, it says we can fly.

We have message boards?

Okay, we're getting closer
to Traeger's location.

But if these readings are right...

it says that he's 20 feet underground?

Which is why we have to go in on foot.

Are you sure you're okay
to go into battle?

- Because...
- Absolutely, son.

Even a one-armed Harris
is still a dangerous man.

Nerdo's got guts!

- Respect.
- Ow!

Where are we?

Don't know.

I think this is some kind
of secret government weapons facility.

I'm scanning high-tech smart weapons,
weird energy signals.

This place is filled with dangerous stuff.

We can't let him leave with any of it.

Yeah, no. But if we save the place,
we can take stuff, right?

Guys, let's take a couple few things.

Traeger! Let's move!

Sorry, unconscious dude.

He's fine.

He's out. But he'll live.

They're all still alive.
Now, where's Traeger?

The tracker says that he's right...

- Haah!
- Whoa!

It's me. Spyder?



Looks like the tracking dart fell off

when he was wiping
the floor with these guys.

No... No offense, beaten up guy.

All right. Let's get hunting.


Hey, man, why don't you just guard
the entrance while we look for him?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You are not going to chair me.

I think the term is "bench."

Oh. Am I too busy solving problems
to memorize sports terms?

We don't have time for this.

You do your job, I'll do mine.

Easy, Tiny Justice.
I'm tryin' to look out for you.

Don't "easy" me, Jocko!

- Ow.
- Hey...

I can handle this.

We can cover more space
if we split up.

I'll-I'll go with him.

Go, but, stealthy and quiet.

Those two mean
the exact same thing, but I gotcha.

- Oh-ow-ooh! I'm sorry.
- Stealthy and quiet!

Ssh! Ssh!

I'm being stealthy.

- Harris. Harris!
- Shh!

What are you doing
running off without thinking?

That's my thing!

- You okay?
- I'm fine.

No, you're acting crazy.
What's up with you?

Look. I need a win.

I'm the one that lost Grey
when we freed Harper.

If we'd stopped her,
Traeger never would've been born.

This is kinda all on me.

Nobody blames you.

I blame me.

Look, let's just focus
on finding Traeger, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Leo! Come on out.

Come on, I know you're in here.

I just wanna talk.


Woo! How do you like that?

So... you're one
of Harper's thugs, huh?

Well, I'm not goin' back
to that underwater prison.

Do you hear me?
Not that prison, not any prison.

You don't understand.

I don't have to.

All you need to understand,
is once this baby recharges,

you're going down
for the long sleep.

Well, that-that sounded
a lot worse than it actually is.

You're just going down for a long nap,

like, five hours,
more of a moderate slumber.

But either way, I'll be long gone.



Dang it! I was just gettin' used
to sunlight.

- Smoke. Still in the air.
- Yeah.

He was just here.

He still is.




You are more than human.

I sense power in you.

Why don't you use it to rule?

Why don't you go to a doctor?

You know veins are supposed
to be on the inside, right?

You look like the back
of my grandmother's knees.

Ha... humor.

It doesn't mask your fear.


How do you like me now?



What? How?


- Ahh... Ooh!
- Aah!

I think he went this way.
What's he doing in here?

Something bad?

- You think?
- Shh!

That must be what he's here for.

Then we can't let him leave with it.

It's over!

You know our weapons can hurt you,
and you're surrounded.

Just surrender.

You hurt me. I respect that.

I will never underestimate you again,

as you have underestimated me.

He can turn into a monster?

Run! Move! Get to the robot!

Come on!

Hugs, everybody!

Ooh, this is nice.
A little alone time?

Ah, we're good.

Guys, he just ripped out a w*apon.
He damaged the whole system.

It's overloading.

If it explodes,
it'll k*ll everybody in this facility.

All right, I can fix this.

There must be a way to shut down
all the power.

All right, while you figure that out,
we're gonna go fight this monster.

Couldn't just be
an off switch, could it?

Come on!

Is it me or does that look
like the beast Harper was piloting?

I don't know, I don't have
long-term memory.

Yes, Spyder, it does!

Aah! The new shields?

Re-routing power to where we need it.

That monster tore through
our regular shield,

but if I pinpoint all our energy
where he's hitting...

it's strong enough to protect us.

Way to bring your "A" game.

- That's a sports term?
- I know what an "A" is.

Mark, how's it going?

Did you find a way
to cut the power?

When in doubt, rip it out.

On my way!

Spyder, let's tear this thing apart!

On it.

Wait, it's protecting a w*apon?

- Spyder!
- Break it?

Break it!



- Incoming! Shields!
- I got this!

Come on! Come on!

I can't keep up!


Harris, what are you doing?




We're completely vulnerable!

I'm trying... I can't move!


Oh, man.


Dislocated shoulder.

Sprained wrist.


Aah! Ankle! Ankle.

Aw, dude. You gonna be okay?

No. We could've won this battle
if I had two good arms.

I'm sorry.

- I let you guys down.
- No, man!

You gave us a way
to track the bad guy,

you gave us weapons to stop him.

And I looted the armory.

Save that for later.

Harris, you gotta stop
beating yourself up.

I get that.

But the stakes are too high
for us to not be operating

at a hundred percent.

So, we'll wait for you to get better.

Yeah, and in the meantime,

we can see what that guy's
gonna do with the w*apon.

We can't wait, Ryan.

But I know what we can do.

What up, hairbear?

Wow! What kinda math
have you been doing?

Ha! Always hilarious. Got a sec?

Yeah, uh... I'll be out in a bit.

Not gonna invite me in?

Look... this is hard for me.

You and I, we've been rivals since...

Kindergarten. I know.

I still remember getting two more smiles
and a rainbow that you did.

I specifically remember
four unicorns and a star,

but that's not why I'm here.


Oh, no.

This is you askin' me out, isn't it?

- No!
- Really?

The nod to our past.

The big sighs.

The crutches, which is an excellent
sympathy move, by the way.

Doin' good...

Oh, jeez.
Oh, you're really hurt.

Yep. I just have a dislocated
shoulder, sprained wrist,

- twisted ankle, bruised...
- Yeah, I'm still not going out with you.

- I'm not asking you out!
- Mmm...

I knew I'd have to show you.

Do it.

Who are you talking to?


Wow. Speechless, that's a first.

Hey, just, uh, do me a favor?

Stand very still.

Why do I have
to stand really still?

Welcome to Mech-X4.

No way.


So... what are you gonna
do with me?

Underwater prison?

Bunker underneath
the corporate headquarters?


You really don't recognize me, do you?

Why would you?

You used us and threw us away.

Aaron! What's goin' on here?

Is this it? Is this the end?

I never got to meet Michelle Obama,
it's my greatest regret.

- You tied him up?
- He's lucky that's all I did.

I'm sorry about this, Leo.

Randall? Is that you?

Yes. And we need your help.

A few of the people
in your technopathy trial...

there were side effects.

Side effects?

Just... show him.

He's allergic to technology.

My experiments? They did this?

What... I didn't know...
I didn't mean to...

Nobody cares what you meant.

I'm sick. We all are.

Wait, what?

There are 30 more just like him,
and if you can't cure them, they'll die.

And if that happens...
I promise... so will you.