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02x12 - Versus the Thirty

Posted: 09/24/21 17:18
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Mech-X ...

I've found your birth father!

Few people in your technopathy
trial... there were side effects.

He's allergic to technology.

There are more just like him,

and if you can't cure them, they'll die.

If this didn't work, tell Ryan...

- Violet!
- Hold her down!

Easy... easy...

rotate torso two degrees to the left.

On it.

- Two halves of robot are connected.
- You are welcome.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did... Did one of you
have a half-jaguar, half-dinosaur

fly the pieces of the robot
back to Bay City?

I am gonna go make sure
the junctures hold.

- Harp execute.
- Stop it.

- No.
- Never gonna be a thing.

Are you sure?
It sounds kind of like a thing.

I'm always amazed to see that power work.

You know what's cool about that fist?

The Harper punch will be three times
more powerful than your plasma punch.

We are not calling it the Harper punch.

It sounds like...
the worst juice drink ever.

And, dude,
you're not a member of this team.

- Because I dated your mom?
- No.

'Cause you tried to destroy world.

Ah, details.

Look, remember the deal?
You use your money and your tech

to upgrade the robot, I take down Traeger,

and it's game on between you and me.

Whoa! Look, who got all alpha on me.

Look out puberty, here comes Ryan.
Am I right?

Okay. I get it.

I get it, but we have a problem.

The control panel,
it's still a little glitchy.

None of us can figure it out.
Leo may be one who can fix it.

- So, where is he?
- No clue.

It's cool.
I'll take another look at the pad.

- Harp execute.
- That's not a thing.

Kind of feels like a thing.

- Who made that a thing?
- I think I just made it a thing!


Is he gone? Good.
He can't know where I am. It's dangerous.

I've programmed Mark's car
to fly you here.

Me, why? What's going on?

Ryan, I'm with your birth parents.

Your mother is... very sick.

You need to get here before it's too late.


I lost my signal.

- Hi, there!
- Aah!

Seriously, even here?

Yeah, even out here.

Where is here, anyway?

It's home.


I... I mean, Dad?

I mean...
Haven't really figured that out yet.

It's good to see you, Ryan.

Remember the mine?

This ore blocks
signals from the outside world.

But we still have to live away
from civilization.

I need you to put all your tech
in that well before you meet the others.

The others?

Thirty of the volunteers
I used in my technopathy experiments,

and it made them allergic to technology.

Leo, your experiment made people sick?
That's terrible.

Yeah. Yeah, but not everybody.
I mean, Randall's fine.

Ryan, you gotta remember,
I was testing on a lot of people,

so, statistically, it, um...

it's still pretty terrible.

But that's the reason
why I brought you out there.

There's a chance we can use
your technopathy to cure them.

You guys leavin'? Where you goin'?
You got plans? Are you free?

- I don't trust this.
- What do you mean?

You never just hang out with us.

But Harper's upgrading the robot,
we can't do anything until Ryan gets back.

Is it possible he just wants to hang out?

Or his girlfriend dumped him?

Aw, no. I did the thing, didn't I?

Where I accidentally guessed the truth?

Aw, dang. Mark Walker got dumped.

I ghosted on her in the Arctic.

It's not like I could tell her why.

And... honestly, we have so much to do,
I'm gonna have to keep on ghosting on her.

But... you're right.

I really don't wanna hang out.

I hate this.

Mark and Georgia were perfect together.

If they can't make it,
what hope do you and Veracity have?

- What?
- Are you insane?

Okay, whatever you need to believe.

- Spyder does have a point.
- Ew. No.

No, about Mark.

- Ah.
- He's always helping us.

We should pay back a favor.
We just have to be smart about this.

- I'll get the arm cannons.
- Yeah... What? No.

- Please don't.
- I'm gonna observe from a distance.

We grow our own food here,
we're totally self-sufficient.

I hate to be a wet blanket,
but the food is terrible.

That's the least of our concerns, though.

Weeks ago, they didn't like me
because they didn't know me.

Then they learned I'm the reason
they're all sick.

And now they like you less.

- Hate. The word is hate.
- Oh.

We're all dying, Leo.

Were we supposed to just let that slide?

Easy. Aaron.

So... you must be Ryan.

- This is Lincoln. She's our...
- She is our leader.

Aaron, all I did was create this place
when I realized there were others like me.

You... you are gonna make it possible
for us to rejoin society.

And you think I can cure all of you?

I'll try.

But can I see my birth mother first?

- What?
- This way.

She's resting now.

I wish you could've met her
under better circumstances.

Violet has so much she wants to tell you.

I tried to cure her,
but nothing I did worked.

- Her condition keeps deteriorating.
- What can I do to help?

Well, she's sick because her body
is producing technopathic energy,

which you have the ability to manipulate,

so, hopefully,
you'll be able to absorb it out of her.

I'm sorry about your mother, Ryan.

But we don't know what this procedure
will do to the patient.

We should try it on someone younger,
stronger, less sick.

- That does make sense, Ryan.
- Yeah, but...

This is Brandi.

They said you could make me feel better.

I'm gonna try.

Just do what you do
when you connect with the robot.

I don't feel sick anymore. I feel cured.

You did it, Ryan. She's gonna be okay.

Great. Who's... next?

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

His vitals are incredibly weak.

That procedure, whatever Ryan did,
takes a toll on him.

We have to let him rest.

He can't help anyone
if he doesn't get better.

- When will he be ready?
- We don't know yet.

If he pushes himself too hard,
we don't know what's gonna happen.

- He might get hurt.
- That's never stopped you before.

Okay, Judge-y McJudge-y Pants, really?

I forgot after the th time
you told me. Grudge much?

Really apologetic delivery
from Mark Walker!

- "Sorry for your loss"?
- Uh-oh.

Did you steal those from a funeral home?

They weren't using them!

- Georgia?
- "Sorry for your loss"?

"Deepest sympathies"?

A card for a grief counselor!

You think I need a grief counselor
just because I broke up with you?

Lose my number, you arrogant jerk!

How can a girl resist dozens of flowers?

Sit back, watch the master work.

Oh, no.

- What?
- The wind!

I didn't account for the wind!
It's changing the letters!

"I want your love to die"?

That's a little harsh, Harris.

It's supposed to say "today."

It's the wind!

Georgia. "I want your love to die"?

What are those idiots doing?


Ryan... Ryan, you have to stop

'cause I don't know
what it's doing to you!

No, I'm going to save her!



Yeah. And... there's someone
I really wanna introduce you to.


Randall told me about you.

You're so warm.

Um... hey.


Ryan? Ryan!


Wake up! Ryan!


He's awake. He's awake!

- How are you feeling?
- How do you feel?

I asked you first.

Randall told me what a brave kid you were,

but... how could I imagine this?

You saved me!

You saved me when you gave me to Leo.

I was just...

I was just returning the favor.

I didn't know Ryan had cured you already.

I thought you said he was too sick
to proceed.

He was. He did the procedure
before we could stop him.

It could be k*lling him for all we know.

I need to take him back to my lab
in Bay City to run some tests.

- Leo's right.
- I knew this would happen.

You cure your mother,
and you leave us behind.

You're not going anywhere

until you cure all of us.

That could k*ll him!

He's bounced back twice.
The procedure's safe.

- Please listen to reason!
- I am!

Ryan cures all of us...

or he'll never see
his birth parents again.

- What? No, you...
- Wait! What are you doing?

- No!
- No, let them go!

- Ryan!
- Wait a sec! What are you doing?


Lincoln, you have to stop this.

Ryan might die,
and if he does, no one else gets cured.

It's a terrible notion to learn
you have no control, isn't it, Leo?

Make sure he stays here
until we bring back the next patient.


Let's go.

I don't want you to get in any trouble
because of us.

You said you'd come back. I believe you.

- Go!
- Not without Randall and Violet safe.

Do you know
where they took Ryan's parents?

The farmhouse cellar. Over there.

Okay, you, stay here with Ryan.

I'll help them escape
before they realize we're gone.

-Wait, Leo...
-No. Ryan! You're exhausted.

Okay. You're only gonna slow me down.

And this is where you learn that
Leo Mendel isn't just some crazy scientist

- or former male model.
- What?

Yeah. I'm also a lunatic man of action.

We could slip subliminal
"I miss Mark Walker" messages

into her video stream.

As amusing as it has been
watching the two of you...

How long have you been watching?

Long enough to realize
that you will both die alone.

- Ha.
- Excuse me. I'm gonna go use words.

Don't skywrite them.

Dang, son.

- What's she saying?
- How would I know? I don't lip-read.

Wait... I do lip-read!

Whoa. Oh, my.

Oh! This is escalating quickly.

- Oh.
- Oh, uh...

Uh, we should go, and we should go now,
before the police show up.

Or worse.

Your girlfriend's nice.

Sucker punch from nowhere!

Can't believe that worked.

Okay. Sorry, sir.
Please, stay winded, sir.


Come on!
I sucker punched this guy from nowhere.

It's a move I just invented,
I can't believe it worked.

We better get out of here... Oh!

Please, Leo, you had to know
we'd never let you leave here alive.

It's over!

Even if you escape,
we will track you down eventually.

Is this what we're doin' now?



She took my parents hostage
so I'd keep curing everyone!

And it may be k*lling him.

I thought you were supposed
to take care of each other!

Enough! Everyone here has a choice.

You can continue to live with the pain
that Leo inflicted on us,

or you can take them to the barn
and wait to be cured!

We can have our lives back.

See our families.

- If anyone touches my son, I'll...
- Don't do this!

We're better than this.

Randall is family!

He goes into the outside world
and risks his life for us.

And I volunteered for the trials
to help people,

not hurt kids who saved my life.


What are you doing?
What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!

You will regret this! Let me go!

Thank you.

Don't thank me.

Thank him.

Get lost.

Wait. Just hear me out?

All the weird stuff that's been happening,
it wasn't me.

Somebody... decided to "help."

Okay. It's just, the way you said help,

makes it sound like
you don't think we did.

- Because you didn't.
- Okay.

Look, I know you don't wanna see me again,
and you won't.

But I just wanna say, I'm sorry.

For these guys annoying you, and...

especially for ghosting on you.

Then why did you?

I have... responsibilities

to my brother, to my family...

and to these guys, I guess.

Oh, you! Okay!

It won't happen again.

I didn't break up with you
because you're busy.

I'm busy, too.

I broke up with you
because you didn't tell me you were busy.

You just... disappeared.

It's called communication.

Actually, that'd be called "multitasking,"

but... maybe I'll just stay out of this,
for now.

At least your friends tried to talk to me,
even if it was in that... insane way.

Again, I am so sorry.
I didn't even know that I knew that word.

- Do you get what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

Well, then, I guess...

I can give you another chance.

- This is your cue to leave.
- Oh! Okay.

- Um...
- Thank you.

- Bye, Georgia!
- Have fun, you crazy kids!

Can't you just stay a little bit longer?

It would be nice to get to know you more.

But there's still a threat out there.

And I'm needed back in Bay City.

You know, you guys could come with me.

Soon, hopefully.

Now that we expelled Lincoln,
this place is gonna need leadership.

They took care of me
when I needed it, son.

We need to help them now.

People that need you... I get it.

Now that I know how you can be cured,
I should be able to develop a better way,

a faster one, uh,
one that doesn't, you know, make Ryan die.

That'd be great,
because dead would be a bummer.


Come back soon.

Cure or no cure,
we've lost too many years already.

Randall was right about you.
You are one special kid.

Goodbye, Ryan.

For now.


Please, don't take that.
You don't know what it can do.

I know exactly what it does.

Do you know what I can do?