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02x12 - What's My Grade Again?

Posted: 09/27/21 06:23
by bunniefuu
Here you go, my hardworking scholars.
Some lovely crudités I just made.

This is just cut-up vegetables.

No, it's French.

For cut-up vegetables.

Thanks, Dad. Your snacks have really
helped us get through th grade.

That's right. You're almost th graders.

Just a minute ago, you were in pre-school.
Where did the time go?

I'm gonna go look at baby pictures
under the glow of your old night light.

Eighth grade is gonna be the best.

We'll have the first lunch period.

We won't have to eat cold disgusting food.
Now, it'll be hot disgusting food.

And I'll actually get to lead
the fire drills.

Stop blocking the emergency exits, people.

I'm ready.

We won, we won!
The Possums are going to the championship.

-Go team!
-Oh, forget the team.

I get to go to Arizona for free.

Then go, free stuff!

I have to leave tonight,
so I got to do a face mask.

Just because I'm a possum
doesn't mean I can't look awesome.

Hey, Emmy.

Whoa, Grandma J. Love your pajamas.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, guys, what's up?

We were just talking about eighth grade.
What are you most psyched about?

I don't know,
I'm still really enjoying th grade.

I like to live in the present.

You've got your
"hiding something" face on.


The thing is, um...

I may not be going to th grade.

-What do you mean?

Well, I may be failing US history
because I maybe failed the last test

and maybe didn't hand in
a bunch of homework

and now I may be held back.

Seriously? Is that true?

Yes. except for all the maybes.

But how did this happen?

I just got really behind on my homework.

I haven't even told my parents yet.

They're gonna be so mad.

But Emmy, I don't want to go
to th grade without you.

You think I wanna be held back
and have different classes and lunches?

We'd barely see each other.

Pretty soon,
it'd be The Three Amigas and...

"Oh, she looks familiar."

That is not gonna happen.
We're gonna fix this.

No amiga left behind.

Both: Yeah!

Great, how?

I'll tell you how as
soon as I come up with it.

(theme music playing)

♪ Like father, like daughter
we don't always agree ♪

♪ But looking at you
is like looking at me ♪

♪ The more things change
the more they stay the same ♪

♪ Like father, like daughter
from different times ♪

♪ Taking all the best
from your decade and mine ♪

♪ The more things change ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ The more they stay the same ♪

Okay, Emmy, we just need to find
the missing homework assignments

get them to Mr. Tanaka,
and hopefully, he'll pass you.

-You did them, right?
-Yeah, most of them.

-Then this will be easy.

Bing bang...


Whoa, Emmy, it looks like someone
ate a room and then threw it up.

Where are your fire lanes?

This is a death trap.

I forgot how messy this place is.

I haven't. It haunts me.

I don't know how it happens.

I try to stay organized
but it's like my homework.

It just keeps piling up.

How are we ever gonna find anything
in this mess?

Suddenly, leaving the house every morning
with rubber gloves

isn't so crazy, is it?

Wait, I think I found some homework.

Wait, this is from first grade.

And a lovely drawing of a cow.

It's supposed to be a dog, but thanks.

Hey, guess what?

I found half a worksheet
from two weeks ago.

And here's page three
of last Friday's homework.

Hey, here's the other half
of my worksheet.

Guys, we might actually find
all of Emmy's homework.

I found page two.

Correction, I am stuck to page two.

Leo, my man.

Oh, look who's in a good mood.

You know it's Monday, right?

Oh, I know, but after today,

there's only three more Mondays
until summer.

Two if I can get a case of head lice.

You know what? You're right.

Pretty soon, we'll be in th grade.

And these will be the good old days.

I'm gonna take a mental picture.

-Hey, guys.
-Bucky, get out of the frame.

You're blocking my mental picture.

Guess what? I was in the computer lab
looking up famous Buckys.

Well, I'm not supposed to tell anyone,
but someone from the yearbook told me

who's up for this year's superlatives.

What are superlatives again?

As a rule, I stop listening
after three syllables.

It's those titles they give students.
Best dressed, most likely to succeed.

Personally, I don't care to be
reduced to a label.

You were nominated for most likable.

But tradition's tradition,
and why fight it?

Congrats, dude. So what am I getting?

You were nominated for space cadet.

Space cadet? Why space cadet?

You know, 'cause you space out sometimes.

I don't space out. Besides, that's not
what I should be known for.

How about best skateboarder or best gamer?

My point is...

what was my point?

-You don't space out.
-Oh, exactly.

I deserve something much better.

I get it, a superlative says a lot
about what people think of you.

-What did you get, Bucky?
-Best secret-keeper.

Okay, so we've got most
of the missing assignments.

Now you just have to hand them
in to Mr. Tanaka.

-But I'm so nervous.
-What's the worst that can happen?

What if he gets mad at me?
What if he fails me even harder?

What if he sends me back to sixth grade?

Good morning, girls.

Mr. Tanaka, I know you said
I might fail your class

because I didn't turn in
some homework assignments.

But guess what? I found them.

Okay, let me take a look.

Um, what happened here? This one's burnt.

I tried to iron it.

She's very thorough.

Try the steam setting next time.

So, what do you say, Mr. Tanaka?

These look pretty good, Emmy.

I tell you what.
I'm gonna give you full credit.


All: Favorite teacher, favorite teacher!

Thank you so much
for passing me, Mr. Tanaka.

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean
it was enough to pass you.

But if you can get at least
a B on the final,

you'll pass the class.

Favorite teacher, favorite...

Oh, we're done? Okay.

We did it! This is great.

Great? I have to get a B on the final.
That's in like two days.

Well, don't worry.
We will help you get ready for the test.

Yeah, how much studying have you done?

Well, let's see.
It's the end of the semester

and we covered four units, so...

I haven't started yet.

Great idea studying in the girl cave, Syd.

And with Grandma out of town,
we'll have this whole place to ourselves.

This will be study central all weekend.

Okay, Emmy, first I thought
we'd start with chapter four.

Sure, but first, let's take selfies.

Emmy, we really need you to focus.

You're right, sometimes,
I get a little distract--

ooh, furry ball!

Ooh, doing th grade again.

Bye, furry ball.

Okay, I have a simple method
for acing tests.

We're gonna read the first three chapters,
take notes, re-write the notes,

and then do it again
for the next three chapters.

Best day ever? I think so.

Okay, Emmy. Ready to study?


Hey, everybody.

-Ooh, snacks.
-Not just any snacks.

History-themed snacks.
I call them "the bill of bites."

-Dad, we just got--
-Yum, that one looks good.

-And what's this?
-A Hamilton and cheese sandwich.

-And what about this one?
-Ooh, that is--

Dad, appreciate the snacks,

but we've got to focus
on the founding fathers.

And I'm finding this father
very distracting.

I hear you.

I don't wanna be a "Thomas Payne."

Well, I got it.

Mom, you're not gonna believe this.

You aced a class
and you're cooking me dinner.

I'd dial down those expectations
if I were you.

The students are voting on
superlatives in the year book,

and I got nominated for space cadet.

Hey, at least you got nominated
for something.

You know what I got in my day?
Most groovy.

I'm sorry, most what now?

Groovy. It's when everyone digs you
and thinks you're far out.

I don't know what those sounds are.

Don't be such a drag.
You're bringing me down, man.

What am I gonna do
about this whole space cadet thing?

Don't worry, Max.

Nothing's final until the school
votes on Friday.

Oh, good, that means I have
time to land a better one.

Ooh, how about greatest person
in school history.

(chuckles) Very funny, Max.

Wait, you're right. I am funny.

I'm hilarious.

Forget greatest person.
I'm going for class clown.

Well, if you're not the class clown,
nobody is.

You know, you really are likable.

Thanks, Max. I'm countin' on your vote.

Look, she's finally focusing.

-She's working so hard.
-I'm so proud.

Now I know how my parents feel.

-How's it going?

Wait, what do Chris Pratt and Chris Pine
have to do with US history?

Well, I was reading about
Christopher Columbus

and I wondered if anyone
ever called him Chris.

And that got me thinking
about Chris Pratt.

But then I realized
I was actually thinking about Chris Pine.

So I made a chart
of the differences between them

and that's when you came over.


I'm sorry, I started to read the chapter,
but it got so boring.

Okay, it might be boring,
but the test's on Monday

and you're falling way behind.

I made a color-coded study schedule
and we should be on turquoise by now.

I have an idea.

Emmy, why don't we give you
a practice test?

That way, we'll see
what chapters you need to focus on.

I guess so, if you think it'll help.

Ooh, I'll administer the test.

Twenty questions, minutes,
no talking, no breaks.

Okay, one break. I'm tough but fair.

Okay, Leo, remember.

Laugh at everything I say
so I can land class clown.

-Got it.
-All right, here we go.

Hey, everyone, you know what
I was thinking on the way to school?

What's up with kids getting suspended?

It's like their punishment
is missing school.

(loud laughter)

Max, you crack me up.

Actually, Max, suspension reduces
bad behavior in class

and goes on the student's
permanent record.


What about this one?
So what's the deal with photosynthesis?

It's not like plants
are also cameras, am I right?

(loud laughter)

Oh, man, it's like he says
what we're all thinking.

I wasn't thinking that.

(class laughing)

Bucky, I'm trying to tell jokes here.

Oh, sorry, just let me know
when you start.


What's so funny, class?

Max. Max is the funniest guy I know.

Not as funny as Bucky.

-There's another Bucky in our class?

Hey, Dad.

Listen, I'm sorry about the history puns.

But can I interest you
in an Aaron Burr-ger?

You're better than that, Dad.

I wish I was.

I thought you guys
were all studying together.

Well, Emmy's taking
a practice test downstairs

and I wanted to give her space.

-She has a hard time focusing.

I always knew she was disorganized,
but... I didn't know it was this bad.

I'm really worried.
She might get held back.


Maybe there's a reason she can't focus.
Maybe there's something going on with her.

I don't think so. She would have told us.
We're her best friends.

There's some things
you can't even tell your besties.

Probably why she didn't tell me.

-And I'm back to making snacks.

Good idea, just stick to your
"hummus Jefferson."

Oh, no, I'm too young for dad jokes.

Time's up, pencils down.

I've always wanted to say that.
Wow, what a rush.

Okay, Emmy, let's see how you did.

Oh, the answers on the first page
look great.

Okay, second page,
there's not as many answers.

And last page...

you didn't answer any of the questions.

I guess I, um, ran out of time.

Come on, sometimes I feel like
you're not even trying.

Don't you want to go to th grade with us?

I am trying.

Well, is there something else going on
that we should know about?

What do you mean?
I told you I ran out of time.

Okay, I was just asking because, you know,

-you've been a little--

Not as smart as you guys?

-No, I would never--
-You know what?

Forget it. Forget about studying.

Forget about the test.
Forget about me going to th grade.

-No, don't give up.

This is pointless.

I'm getting held back and there's nothing
anyone can do about it.

Emmy, we're really sorry.

We put too much pressure on you.

We just love you and want you to succeed.

Who you talking to?

(all yell)

But it was... moving.

Yeah, that's my hamster.

Your hamster died two months ago.

Hmm, guess I had two.

I'm just gonna stay standing.

-I'm sorry about running out.
-No, we're sorry.

We shouldn't have pushed you so hard.

-It's not that.
-Then what is it?

I should have told you from the beginning.


I have an attention disorder.

-A what?
-It's a learning issue.

My parents took me to a doctor
and had me tested.

Here, this explains it.

"The student may have trouble focusing,

difficulty keeping track of assignments
and problems with time management."

That's totally you.

"Student may find it
particularly challenging

to study subjects
that don't interest them."

Why didn't you tell us?

I don't know. I guess...

I was too embarrassed.

It says here that you can get
special accommodations.

Extra time, a separate classroom
for taking tests.

I know.

My parents have been trying to get me
to ask for those things.

But I can't.

Everyone's gonna think that
there's something wrong with me.

There is nothing wrong with you.

You just see the world differently.

And that's what makes you Emmy,
and we love Emmy.

And she loves you, too.

But even if I asked for extra time,

how will it help
if I don't know the material?

There are study methods in here.

But first, it says we need to find you

an uncluttered space
where you're comfortable.

I'm comfortable here.


I mean, great.

Emmy, I think the time has come
to finally clean your room.

Well, if you really think it needs it.

Emmy, come on down.

What's all this?
I thought we were gonna study.

Oh, we are.

The pamphlet said the best way
for you to remember information

is to use something
that already interests you.

So Emmy, you're tonight's contestant
on "Chris, Chris, or This!"

Wow, I've never heard of it,
but I've always wanted to play it.

Tonight's contestants
will be asked questions

and will have to decide whether
the answer is Chris Pratt,

Chris Pine, or someone from history.

Ooh, a game show. Are there any prizes?

Sophia, tell her what she can win.

Tonight's winner will receive
an all-expense paid trip to...

eighth grade.


So Olive, what is our first question?

Thank you, Sydney.

Okay, he was a representative
from New York

and co-wrote the Federalist Papers.

Well, Chris Pine does spend
a lot of time in New York.

But I'm gonna have to go with
Alexander Hamilton.

That is... correct!

And the crowd goes wild!
(imitates cheering)

Emmy, here is your next question
on "Chris, Chris or This!"

This founding father
spent a lot of time in Paris,

-invented bifocals--
-I know this one.

And was not the captain
of an intergalactic starship.

Never mind.

Um, um...

Come on, you know this.

Let's see. Paris, France.

There's that cartoon with the singing pig
who speaks French

and his name is Ben.

Ben... Benjamin Franklin!

You are... correct!

Emmy, you're doing great.

I never thought I'd say this,
but let's keep studying.

But first, let's learn a little
more about our contestant--

-And now back to the game.

So how'd it go? Did you land class clown?

No. They gave it to Bucky.


And I'm still stuck with space cadet.

Max, why do you hate
that nickname so much?

I don't know. 'Cause it makes me sound...

not smart.

Like all I ever do
is stare off into space.

Well, I mean, your mind does wander,
but it doesn't mean you're not thinking.

It just means you're thinking
about something else.

That's true. Like, just now,

I was thinking, what if I blew
a bubblegum bubble

so big it could take you around the world?

See, I bet nobody's ever thought of that.


You know what, Mom? You're right.

I just think differently
than other people.

I just know that one day,
all of your original ideas

are gonna lead to something truly great.

What? Oh, sorry, I wasn't listening.

But you were using your nice voice

so thanks.

-Two parts of Congress.
-The House and the Senate.

-Primary author of the Constitution?
-James Madison.

-Fights dinosaurs?
-Chris Pratt.

You have totally got this.

All because of you guys.
You're the best friends ever.

Now don't forget, before the test starts,
you have to ask for extra time.

I will. I've got the form in my backpack.

Okay, class, take your seats.

The test will begin shortly.

Okay, Emmy, time to raise your hand.

Uh... I can't.

Okay, students, you can flip
your tests over in four...

-Come on.

-This is your chance.

-We believe in you.


Mr. Tanaka,
I need extra time for the test.

Here's the form.

Of course, no problem.

Uh, Mr. Tanaka.

I do, too.

-Thanks, Emmy. I always chicken out.
-Me, too.

Thank you both for speaking up.

Why don't you take your forms
down to the office

and they'll be happy to set you up.


I mean, test! Let's take it.

I wonder how Emmy's doing.

Yeah, when is she coming out?

This extra time might be good for her,
but it's k*lling me.

She's gonna pass, right? She has to.

If she doesn't she'll be held back

and before I know it,
she'll have a new best friend named Ophia!

That's not gonna happen.

Yeah, no one is named "Ophia."

Emmy, how do you think it went?

Well, I know how it went.
Mr. Tanaka graded it for me on the spot.

He's a really nice guy.
Did you know he's a Scorpio?

All: Emmy!

I know, it explains so much.

Did you get a B or not?



I got a B-plus!
We're all going to th grade!


(bright music playing)

Okay, say th grade!

Dad, shouldn't we be saying th grade?

We've still got three and a half weeks
and a full summer left.

Let me have this.

All: Seventh grade!


Oh, you know, I am so glad
everything worked out with Emmy.

Me too, and it turns out you were right.

There actually was something
else going on with her.

-How did you know?
-I once knew a boy

about your age who had
a little trouble focusing.

His mind kind of drifted off
into its own world.


I'm sorry, I was just, I was wondering.

What do you think about bicycles for dogs?

You know, people love dogs,
they love bikes. Seems like a no-brainer.

We'll call it "bicyclaws."

Well, I got it.

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

♪ Do do, do do do do ♪

♪ Do do ♪

Man: Oh, yeah.